MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 164 The End of the World - The Zombie Era (3)

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On the first day of the last days, many people were unprepared, and those who converted were turned into zombies in the morning when they got up, and most of them were attacked by family members who became zombies in their dreams.

This is not a terrorist attack, nor is it an earthquake or flood. It is a natural disaster that occurs worldwide. Even if the government wants to rescue, it must first dispose of those who have turned into zombies in the army. Therefore, this day is almost a zombie. feast.

When I didn't know from which direction I came from, I was screaming. Ji Jiaqiu was pushing the living room's dining table to the entrance to the door, because there was a zombie in the door.

The house she was renting was kind of old-fashioned. When she rented it, the door was not very strong, because it was a girl who lived alone. After discussing with the landlord, she had a thick and strong front in front of the old-fashioned door. The security door, this was not allowed to let the zombies break into the door.

After the table topped the door, Ji Jiaqi turned around and leaned against the table. When she heard the door knock, she looked at the cat's eyes. Outside was her neighbor, and she was alone. Old lady.

It may be older, her character is somewhat isolated, and Ji Jiaqi met her several times and she greeted her. She did not ignore her. She walked all her heads, but she just looked through the cat's eyes, and the old lady's pupils were white. The mouth was wide open, and it seemed as if I could not feel the pain and slammed the door.

Ji Jiaqi once watched the zombie movie with Ji Hang. At that time, although she felt terrible, she never thought that this kind of thing would happen in reality, but now it really happened.

What should I do now?

Is it trapped in the house?

Ji Jiaqi’s panic is about to bite his fingers, and the cat boy who sits quietly on the coffee table and hangs on the apple is dissatisfied and screams at her.

She just woke up like a dream, turned and put her eyes on Lin Shiheng.

The teenager sitting on the coffee table looks like a fourteen-and-five-year-old, with a light brown hair and fair skin. The facial features are exquisite but will not let people ignore his gender, especially the round eyes, blue like a clear gem. On top of his head, there is a pair of black triangle cat ears shaking slightly, which eliminates the possibility that people who see the cat ears think this is a prop.

Even from the first sight of the boy until now, he still can't believe that he is Hengheng, but his ears, long tail, and blue eyes have always reminded Ji Jiaqi.

The end of the world came, and after the man became a zombie, the cat became a human.


Hengheng cat screamed again, while calling, but also reached out and touched the little belly.

"Are you hungry"

Lin Shiheng raised his head proudly, and his voice was "hungry."

Ji Jiaqi ""

So, her cat has not only become a human, but also speaks?

It may be that there are too many blows, and Ji Jiaqi even has no strength to shock.

She looked up with her soft legs and took a can of cans in the cupboard.

The cat boy was very interested in following her. He walked the same way as humans, but he didn't know if it was because of a long tail that was balanced and looked very light and elegant.

This is quite similar to Hengheng.

Ji Jiaqi thought about it, and opened the can on his hand and handed it over.

The cat boy did not pick up, but directly put his face together, as if he had not adapted himself to the hand that had been turned from his paw.

He sniffed, shrugged his nose, and opened his face in disgust.

This is the meaning of not eating.

Ji Jia chess set a little bit of God at the same time, Heng Heng does not like to eat canned.

She carefully looked at the cat-eared teenager in front of her, and tempted her voice "Hengheng"

Cat ear boy "嗷"

Yes, this is Heng Heng. Although he is picky eaters and does not care for people, he is not a zombie and will not hurt himself.

After thinking about it, Ji Jiaqiu held Lin Shiheng’s hand and cried a little.

Lin Shiheng was crying with a blank expression.

The fourth time.

This girl is too much to cry too much.

At the beginning, Lin Shiheng thought that Ji Jiaqi was a courageous crying bag.

Until he found out that Ji Jiaqi began to grind his kitchen knife after crying.

Before the end of the world, Ji Jiaqi was a home-style woman. She once bought a sharpening stone. When the knife was not sharp, she grind herself, and she still had a lot of things left.

Now, when I stood on the window and observed that the zombies were indeed played in the movie, Ji Jiaqi, who had cried for four games in just two days, began to make his own weapons, except that the other places were useless.

She also knows that even if there is a room with food, it can't last a lifetime, and she has food, but the water has no food. Since she is still starving to death in the house, it is better to go out and fight.


Ji Jia, who worked hard to sharpen the knife, looked back and saw the cat-ear boy looking at himself with his head, and smiled at him subconsciously.

Heng Heng is asked by Yun Jie to her, even if it is the end of the world, she will certainly take care of him.

Heng Heng is not a human being. He will not betray like a human being. As long as she takes care of him, he will not leave her.

Confidence is full of confidence, ready to be good, full of courage, Qi to burn himself, continue to sharpen the knife.

Looking at her, she didn't know what the brain had made, and suddenly she changed her face. Lin Shiheng took a sip of apple and looked at the window.

In summary, the situation is very bad.

The zombie variability was in the early morning, many people were killed when they fell asleep, and the zombies were infected without being killed. They joined the zombie army.

That is, there are fewer and fewer human beings, and more and more zombies.

Very bad for humans.

The cat-eared boy finished the apple and threw the apple core into the trash bin. He looked at the man who was being chased and screamed. The next second, the zombie in front of him was thrown to the ground by the vines. After the human being stayed for less than a second, he climbed up and fled into the opposite residential building.

He nodded thoughtfully.


It seems that it can still be raised.

Ji Jiaqi finished the knife and crossed the length of the kitchen knife. He turned to the kitchen and took the mop. After making a few slots on it, he reached out and rubbed his hand. After feeling the shackles, he could find out with the wire and the house. The rope fixed the kitchen knife on top.

When it was determined that it was tied, she waved with new weapons and tried to test whether it would fall off because of the swing. This would be the props she used to survive, so be careful and careful.

After that, Ji Jiaqi pushed the long dining table back and forth, leaving a narrow gap between the door and the door, and then found the debris in the bedroom to pile under the table, ensuring that the zombies could not be drilled from inside. Then I turned to find Lin Shiheng.

"Heng Heng."

She screamed, but did not see the cat ear boy, waited until some flustered to find it, only to find that the boy has disappeared, there is only one beautiful puppet cat in the balcony.

Actually changed back.

After Ji Jiaqi was stunned, he was relieved.

According to her observations, those zombies only started with humans, but they all looked like a disregard for animals. Hengheng became a human being. He likes to see people want to touch his head, but he does not seem to have any lethality.

Still become a cat, will not be harmed by zombies, even if she really died under the zombies, Heng Heng can survive.

To take a step back, even if she is really dead, at least the door is open, Hengheng does not have to be kept in the house to die, it is a cat, the zombies will not bite him.

Thinking, Ji Jiaqi has strengthened his decision.

She rarely picked up the puppet cat and touched its supple hair. It was like whispering to a child. "Heng Heng, you can understand the aunt and talk to you. Aunt knows that you can become a human, but now there are monsters outside. If you become a person, they will bite you. If a monster comes in, and the aunt is gone, you can use the cat to go out from the door. Do you know?"

Said, Ji Jiaqi still has some concerns that the puppet cat can't understand, hold it to the entrance, and point to the door to demonstrate it several times.

Demonstrate the demonstration, she cried.

No one wants to take risks, but she observes that the zombies will be attracted by the sound. There are so many people living in the residential building. The voice of the old lady outside the zombie is so big. If I go on, I will attract more zombies sooner or later.

The floor where she lives is high, it is impossible to jump down. Instead of sitting on the mountain and outside, surrounded by zombies, it is better to take advantage of the strength and kill a living path for myself.

After crying, Ji Jiaqi wiped his tears and first hugged the puppet cat into the house before he bit his teeth and slowly opened the door.

After the inside door is opened, there is another layer.

The zombies outside seemed to feel a layer of obstacles in front of them, and the door hit harder.


With the sound of the door knocking, Ji Jiaqi took a look at the cat's eye and determined that there was only one zombie outside, and the last door was opened.

When the door opened, the old lady was excited to rush in, but because of the obstacles in the table, no matter how hard she tried to squeeze inside, she could only squeeze in one head and one hand.

The white eyes were invisible, but her eyes were looking straight at the direction of Ji Jiaqi, who was not far away, while making an animal-like snoring in her mouth. The mutated paws wave toward her.

Ji Jiaqi had tears in his eyes and did not hesitate. When he was screaming at the old lady's zombies, he picked up his own weapons.

The hand fell off the knife.

Oh, no, no.

The human bones are too hard, and the neck is not broken.

Ji Jiaqi also chopped his teeth and chopped several times.


The old lady’s head fell on the ground inside the house, and the sharp screaming did not move, and the outside body crashed down.

Lin Shiheng had already taken a light step after Ji Jiaqi opened the door and went to the bedroom door to look at the outside.

I saw a beautiful girl who was crying and became a tearful person. When I cried and chopped the head on the ground, I decided to die. Then I dared to go forward and pick up the old lady’s hair with a gloved hand. , throwing the whole head out.

She is really crying very hard, the whole body is shaking, watching people feel that this is a particularly good bully girl.

Then Ji Jiaqi, who was especially bullied, cried and went to the door.

Pick up the old lady's head, throw it out, close the door, use the mop to wipe the blood, in one go.

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