MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 95 Big Devil in Hologram Game (5)

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Huo Jingzhou is well-known in the school. There are many students who love to play games. Although there are more people playing games on the school in Xiantu, not all college students can't afford the game bins. Those who play the game port. Most of the students know the singer.

After all, whether it is the old man or the newcomer, they all want to join the Xianmeng. They just eat a melon. They didn’t expect to eat it on their own heads. Some students felt that eating melons was more enjoyable, and some students looked at the full screen. The similar remarks of **** University felt that the school was dragged down by Huo Jingzhou.

Under the efforts of these two people, Huo Jingzhou's various private information appeared in the game forum.

The news that "Huo Jingzhou just entered school is a poor man" is indeed unquestionable.

There are more and more people leaving Xianmeng, but some people think that playing a game is no need to be so real, and Xianmeng is the first big gang of the Xianzu. Although the character is not good, he is good at playing. The game is amazing.

The knife didn't cut on himself. It didn't hurt. Although all kinds of substantial evidence prove that Huo Jingzhou is a guy who occupies the nest, but the people who are occupied by the nest are not them. In all fairness, Huo Jingzhou is the gang, indeed it is brought to them. The benefits.

Usually the next copy, go to a plot or something, get the helper with that, but with half the effort, and occasionally win a reward, in the way, the system rewards can be resold, the game port is mostly not bad The owner of money, selling one by one, even if you can't make big money, the little money is also very good.

The people who hold such an idea are not a minority together, plus some people who have not been online for a long time, the number of Xianmeng is also quite a lot.

This made Huo Jingzhou, who finally slowed down and bought the game warehouse, landed.

Yes, even if something else can be taken away by Lin Shiheng, his technique of playing games is that Lin Shiheng can't take it.

As long as he is still on the road, he can still assemble people. There are a lot of players on the road, and there are more places to make money. When he has enough money, he can still open the second holographic game plan.

Even if Lin Shiheng is the heir to the Tianyou Group, after all, it is the industry that the parents have hit, a rich second generation.

Huo Jingzhou was so brainwashed for a night before he stood in front of everyone.

He vowed to be ashamed of the snow, with these left, loyal to his Xianmeng teammates, go down together.

Then I received a non-stop player to withdraw from the Xianmeng information.

Demon star, ordered the Mozu army, to block the players of the first Xianmeng.

One of the first Xianmeng players who were doing ordinary tasks or strolling around like usual were blocked.

This incident suddenly occurred, plus the devil's wit is teamed up, one by one is like a hurry, the words are not directly said, those single-handed Xianmeng players have not responded until they die. come.

World Channel First Xianmeng Month, you have problems, kill me, I don’t know you.

The world channel Wanmo League waking up to apologize, sorry, the girl, the devil orders, see you in the Xianmeng people to kill, we are also ordered to act.

The world's first channel, Xianmeng, is poisonous. You play a game and you are acting on orders. What do you say when you say something?

The world channel **** slag yellow I know that I know that the star is self-sufficient, killing a Xianmeng player, he gives three hundred Lingshi, think about it, kill ten is three thousand, one hundred can be 30,000, Hey, sister, can I interview you about what was going on when you were killed?

I have withdrawn from the world of the World Channel. I am now going to the Magic League. Now, what are the conditions for joining you? I am applying now, wake up, you just killed me, you have to take me with me. Go to block people, otherwise I will remember you forever.

The fans of the onlookers are too unfashioned.

But don't say it's a sister, even some of the players who are distracting are starting to move.

Killing a Xianmeng player, that is three hundred pieces. In reality, three hundred pieces are not many, but since there is an opportunity for unexpected wealth, why not?

There are more and more players of the Immortal Devils, and the number of Wanmo League is also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the players of the First Xianmeng are withdrawing.

Whether it is not to be killed or to withdraw from joining the Magic League to earn extra money, it is exiting.

Some Xianmeng players who have not quit are subject to containment as long as they are online. Most of these are not playing forums or watching the world channel, until they are killed.

What do you do to kill me, have we seen it? This is a fascinating face all the time.

Hey, you can kill me, you can do it with equipment, and leave the grass that I just picked. I have been holding it for half a month. I told you to remember your name and dare to take my fairy. Grass, I am chasing you for a lifetime. This is a black and white state and insists on keeping things.

What Jingzhou, what is the demon statue of the demon, is not the last system that the camp battle began, this is a half-baked.

This time, the event of the large-scale encirclement of the Xianmeng player was completely placed in front of everyone in the way that Huo Jingzhou had been trying to hide.

If there is any concern in the previous game, then now, almost no one knows about it.

Just like the previous star was blocked, a large number of Mozu players stayed in the novice village, and resurrected one to kill one.

The Mozu does not have the rules that the group warfare equipment must be turned over like the Xianmeng, and whoever kills it, so this group of Mozu players are inspiring and do not feel that this kind of behavior of blocking the killing is wrong.

Just like the previous star was chased, is there any suggestion by Xianmeng that this is not very benevolent, does the Jingzhou gang not say it?

The game is nothing but a real kill.

This is just playing games. According to the system settings, the fairy magic is originally a rival camp. Why can't they see a fairy killing one?

Moreover, they did not see a kill one. The devil and the first Xianmeng have hatred. Everyone is only going to the people of Xianmeng. They are not willing to be killed. It is not good to leave the Xianmeng.

Huo Jingzhou did not expect that these people would actually give themselves such a move.

Even if some people don't care about his past, they can't stand it because of this blockage. Together with the murder of the Mozu while screaming at the World Channel, they only kill the players of the First Xianmeng. Many players are also crisp and neat. drop out.

Before that, because of the troubles of squatting and swindling the swindlers, the Xianmeng went halfway. Now that the enchanted star has ordered the war, Xianmeng has gone a lot of people. Huo Jingzhou has nothing, now the only thing The game that made him come back again was directed by Lin Shiheng, who completely lost his mind.

The world channel Xianmeng helps the main Jingzhou star, you dare not be with me 1v1, with his men to contain the innocent people

The world channel Xianmeng, the main Jingzhou man, is fighting in the right way, only hiding behind the money to deal with people, you only have this point?

He said that this sentence is also a matter of heart. On the one hand, he can show how loyal he is, and on the other hand, he can accuse Lin Shiheng of being a self-inflicted ignorant innocent person.

In addition, Huo Jingzhou admits that he is the first person in the whole service. Even if Lin Shiheng has a strong learning ability, he really said to him that Lin Shiheng is not good, even if he has the heart and energy, he can’t keep up. He observed. Lin Shiheng’s time on the line is indeed only one hour per day, and the rest is gray.

This shows that he can fight a long-term battle, even if he can't beat it, as long as he can drag it to Lin Shiheng's energy to run out.

As long as he is playing for the flag of the Xianmeng, he will be able to retain some people for him.

In reality, after he finished this sentence, the young man who was sitting in the office reading the information put down his book and picked up a ringing mobile phone.

His character is not too much to communicate with outsiders, but as the only leader of the Mozu, he has established a gang of the Mozu, and of course he has to get a large group.

Lin Shiheng generally does not speak inside, but if something happens in the game, these Mozu players will immediately tell him.

On the other side of the sofa, sitting on the sofa to read the information, the big brother heard the movement and looked up, just to see his brother picked up the phone, do not know what to see, pale face showed a smile.

That smile is not like joy, but it is like laughing when the prey is in the trap.

"Time is constant, what are you looking at"

He curiously asked, Lin Shiheng raised his eyes and smiled at his brother. "The worm is dead, not dead, so I want to try it. If it burns a gray, what will happen."

Lin, who didn’t understand it, after a few seconds of squatting, also showed a smile. “It’s just fine if you want to do it. If you can’t take it, there’s a home.”

Lin Shiheng nodded and logged in from the computer to the Fairy Game.

The world's channel, the stellar stellar stellar, at least I use my own money, but not like you, take other people's money and do good people.

Huo Jingzhou had a meal and his face immediately turned green.

How could this be, according to Lin Shiheng's character, he should not respond.

Lin Shiheng not only responded, but also invited him.

The world's channel, the main star of the squad, will come to the desert at 8 o'clock this evening.

Huo Jingzhou, who was still secretly gnawing his teeth, saw this article recovered.

Lin Shiheng really began to learn skills for a long time, he has confidence, absolutely can.


Huo Jingzhou withdrew from the game warehouse and looked at the rental house that was rushed to rent. His expression was dark and unclear.

Zhen Zhen once said to him, Lin Shiheng is a strong desire to win, not to mention that he still likes the truth, as a man, the most unacceptable is to be wearing a green hat, Lin Shiheng has long been sick, psychological may have long been distorted .

Then, he will certainly win himself by any means.

This battle, if he wins, it’s a big joy, if he loses

Huo Jingzhou slightly narrowed his eyes and felt that this was also a good opportunity.

Lin Shiheng is absolutely impossible to win him. After all, even if he is the same level, he started playing this game from the freshman year. He is familiar with the skills, but Lin Shiheng, from his contact with the game skills, does not know There are no forty-eight hours.

Huo Jingzhou even suspected that the star that was superimposed on the four-layer spell in the forum was simply the practice that Lin Shiheng was looking for.

As long as he lost, questioned, and then bought a wave of water, perhaps you can take the opportunity to let the reputation of Xiantu damage, take the opportunity to launch their own games.

Huo Jingzhou thought very well, and he was not sure if he wanted to win or lose.

At his expectations, eight o'clock finally arrived.

There have been a lot of players around the desert. After all, this is the first time of the whole service and the first full fight of today's service. It is still such a big melon. Of course, they want to watch the whole process.

In the heart of being resurrected even if it is unfortunately involved in being killed, more and more players are sent to the desert to watch.

In reality, Huo Jingzhou lay in the game bin and sent it to the desert.

In the next moment he entered, Lin Shiheng watched the live broadcast of the forum, chuckled, did not enter the game bin, but opened the computer.

In the desert, a lot of players are surrounded by a circle looking inside, there are rich flying beasts, flying into the air, and some business-minded, take the opportunity to push the car to start selling.

Everyone has a taste, so the sales of snacks in the game is also very good, after all, the weight loss reality can not eat high calories, the game can not be so reluctant.

Just under the eyes of a group of people, Huo Jingzhou took advantage of his long sword and kept a position and motionless. If you look at the shape, you really can't see that he is the kind of villain who squats in the nest.

In the channel of 500 meters, if you know, you don’t know, the players will chat together.

Why didn’t the star come still not to say eight?

It’s silly, it’s only 7:50, I don’t know what happened to Jingzhou. I actually came twenty minutes in advance. He still has this position for ten minutes. Isn’t it tired?

Who knows him, is not wearing a gorgeous point, playing handsome, who does not know that he is relying on stars to get money to buy.

Yes, but I really have to thank him. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't take the opportunity to make a fortune.

A group of players were bored and simply chatted about gossip. Just as they were impatient, a beautiful girl wearing a goose-yellow shirt suddenly came over the desert portal.


At the same time, Huo Jingzhou, who was still in the concave shape, looked at the girl who was coming in.

"Where have you been going for so long, I can't find you everywhere."

He said that there was a dim sum, except that Ai Wei said that he saw Lin Shiheng’s disappearance. He called a few phone calls and went to look for her. In the next few days, he was angry that the group of guys in the school looked down on themselves and was busy thinking about it. In the future, I would like to hear the news to find the confidantes who questioned him. Under the busy schedule, I simply forgot the Ai Wei.

Ai Zhen really did not doubt, her eyes were red, and with a crying voice, "My parents shut me up at home, Jingzhou, come and save me, they actually said that they gave me another Married, the man is a divorced man with more than 50 children."

"I just convinced the person who guarded me to board the game and ask for your help. Jingzhou, you must come to save me, otherwise I will be finished for the rest of my life."

As she spoke, she remembered the grievances of these days, and she shed tears and slammed it down.

That day, Lin’s family was wronged. Ai Zhen really went home and wanted to cry with her parents. But she didn’t want to go home and greet her father’s slap.

It is because she arrogantly angered the Lin family, Lin family withdrew all the cooperation with Aijia, and now the family is badly hurt, the family is questioning whether Aizhen’s father can be the head of the family, and all this. They are all blamed on Ai Zhenzhen.

Ai Wei did not expect to become like this. In her heart, Lin’s uncle and aunt loved her very much. Even if she broke the marriage contract, she would be a prostitute who loved her uncle and aunt, and when Heng Ge liked her so much, she would certainly be like I took care of her as well as before.

Unexpectedly, they are so unrequited, she just wants to dissolve the marriage contract, Lin home directly turned to her family.

At the beginning, when her parents forced her to apologize to Lin Shiheng, Ai was really reluctant. After she was swollen with her father's face, she could only go to the Lin family with tears.

In the past, no matter what time period of Ai Wei appeared at the entrance of Linjia, the security guard would smile and open the door for her, but this time, the door of Lin’s house was closed, and the security guard who had always smiled and smiled coldly. “Sorry Miss Ai, our family commanded, not allowed. Anyone from the Ai family goes to the Lin family."

Ai Wei, who had been wronged, really cried again.

She used to cry, always a group of people holding her distressedly. This time she cried, but she didn’t care about her at all. Even the father who used to talk to her always had a face. Let her look at her fearful sight.

Ai Zhen always knew that his father didn't like other sisters at home, but because she was favored, she didn't think too much. Until now, she was looked at by such sight, and her back was a chill.

Father, really no longer as inclusive as she was before.

When I got home, she was innocent and didn't like to inquire about the company's affairs. She first inquired about it.

She only knows that although Lin did not retaliate, she withdrew the privileges she had given her family. Now everyone in the circle knows that Lin’s family has broken away from Ai’s family because of Ai’s real retreat.

Some people who had hatred with Ai’s family did not dare to start because of Ai’s family’s shelter. Now Lin’s family has taken back the asylum, and those people naturally have no scruples.

Ai's family is like a big fat. I was bitten by a group of people and I took a bite. It was already bruised and bruised in a short time.

Ai Zhen really didn't think there was anything. Although the family is now in a downturn, her life is still the same as before. Although she can't touch the electronic equipment at home, but look at the TV inserts and occasionally draw pictures, except for occasional misses. Jingzhou is also okay.

Until she knew that her father had decided to send her in order to please a good business person.

Although she was only allowed to make a marriage contract because she was not old enough, Ai Wei really saw the person’s information.

Bald, greasy, but also fancy, how she would marry.

How can a father marry a good daughter for such a person?

Ai Wei’s father did not force her to marry as in the TV series. It was just calm. If you don’t arrange to marry at home, don’t enjoy the family resources.

Ai Zhen has always used the father's deputy card, which is not the case of other cousins ​​in the family, so she has always been envied.

But now, the father actually said that she would stop her deputy card.

Ai Wei really thought that this was a nightmare. She asked me in tears. "Because I lifted the marriage contract with Lin, do you hurt me? Is it just because I am Lin’s future daughter-in-law? Am I not your daughter? ”

The father who once spoiled her is very cold. "Yes, I hurt you. It was just because you are the daughter-in-law of Lin's future."

"Ai Weizhen, you are already an adult. I am not obligated to raise you anymore, whether it is legal or reasonable. What you want before you are just what Lin’s second master likes you, now we are Home is like this, I didn’t directly put you on the bed, it’s already worthy of you.”

He said and said, his face also showed anger. "You really think that everyone is holding you, but you are only because you are Lin Shiheng's fiancee, they will please Lin Jia, they will please you."

"I knew that you are such a mud that can't help the wall. At the beginning, I should let your cousin go now. Lin family wants to break with our family. You are satisfied. If you are not my biological daughter, I will kill you." "

Ai Wei really pouted, crying and crying "Dad, I know that you hurt me, I don't want to marry, that person is so many years older than me, I have a favorite person, he is Huo Jingzhou, he is very powerful, You give him a chance, he will be able soon"


Ai father directly pushes the daughter who wants to hug her arm. "Do you think that I didn't check the information? Huo Jingzhou is a man who hasn't done anything yet, and he has a lot of confidantes. You dare not to say that he is offended by Lin, Lin Jia. It is absolutely impossible for him to have a chance to get up."

"You don't want to marry, I won't force you. As long as you tell me now that you don't want to make up for the mistakes you made, go immediately. Don't go back to Ai's home again. Aijia has raised you for so many years, letting you suffer. Rong Chong, is not to let you this white-eyed wolf dragging his legs"

Ai Wei almost fainted in the past, but until she fainted, she did not dare to say that.

Even if she was spoiled, she knew clearly what kind of days she would have if she really lost her family support.

In desperation, she thought of Huo Jingzhou.

Huo Jingzhou is so powerful that she will be able to save her.

Today, Ai Wei really can't easily convince the person who cares for himself. When I entered the forum, I knew that Lin Shiheng had to hurry with Huo Jingzhou 1v1. In addition to wanting to save her boyfriend, I also wanted to meet Lin Shiheng.

When Heng Ge hurts her so much, maybe she will not blame her if she hears so much suffering.

Huo Jingzhou did not know what the lover was thinking. He heard that Ai was really locked up for his own disobedience. The man’s vanity immediately rose.

"Really, don't worry, don't bully the boy, give me some time, I will be able to stand on the heights, and then come to your house to pick you up."


Ai Wei’s eyes are bright and crystal-clear, and she has a big boyfriend, and her eyes are full of trust and love for him.

Watched by such a line of sight, Huo Jingzhou's eyes softened and reached out and held her in her arms.

They have a sweet voice here, and the onlookers there are still gossip.

That’s true, the fiancee in the real life of the star, and the one who is holding him with Jingzhou.

It’s her, saying, I’ve seen a lot of **** men, like this one, when the green fiance is helping the little three to lie to the fiancé’s money, it’s really the first time I’ve seen

They don’t want Bilian’s. It’s a big crowd, and it’s still hugs.

It’s all three, what kind of face, distressed star, good young master, actually met these two monks

Plus one, although the ability to play games in Jingzhou is strong, but this kind of character is really awkward

What are you doing to me?

Sorry, sorry brother, I think you are the first Xianmeng. This is not three hundred. Otherwise, we add a friend, I will divide you half.

By the way, my invisibility cloak has gone, and I have done it. I don’t want your money. I will withdraw from Xianmeng and come back to see the drama.

At eight o'clock, the desert transmission line came out of a man.

Although wearing a black body, but the handsome face still let many onlookers could not help but cut a picture.

It is finally here.

The star is pretty punctual, it is eight o'clock, it is really a second.

The **** yellow is squeezed in the front, let one let, let one let, sorry, everyone, I have a live broadcast, 嘿嘿嘿

Lin Shiheng did not go to see the onlookers, but went straight to the center and slowly pulled the sword.

"come on."

Ai Wei, who didn’t get a sight at all, really bite her lip and watched him carefully.

Lin Shiheng seems to have noticed that Ai Wei is still there, turning around and making a set of three strokes with no expression.

The player is really killed by the player star, please wait for thirty seconds of black and white soul state before going to Huangquan to resurrect

Ai Wei, who is in black and white, is standing on his own body and his face is unbelievable.

The onlookers suddenly smashed up.

Beautiful work

Ok, it’s so good for this monk.

Stellar good

Ai Wei really listened to the players around me, and the eyes were red.

"You guys"

Huo Jingzhou also slammed his face and slammed his sword out. "Lin Shiheng, what do you mean by angering a woman?"

"Do you only say this?"

The man in black is cold and calm. "Agreement 1v1, what do you bring her to do when the cheerleaders cheer for you?"


Huo Jingzhou was blocked and there was nothing to say. The onlookers took another lap and even whistled.

"Don't talk nonsense, just hit it and hurry."

Lin Shiheng pointed the sword at the opposite man, and his voice was still calm.


Although the tempered person can't wait to kill the opposite person, Huo Jingzhou has not forgotten his plan.

"Add a condition, if I win, you have to guarantee that you will not be targeting the first Xianmen players in the future."

"This is the kind of grievance between the two of us. They are innocent players. You don't have to start with them."

When this is said, the Mozu players have no feelings, but they have not yet withdrawn from the hearts of the first Xianmeng but they are warm.

After all, this is protected, and it is more or less comfortable.

"is it"

Lin Shiheng’s face did not change at all. “When the Mozu people were few, it’s not that you ordered the Xianmeng players to see a Mozu kill one.”

"When you ordered it, I didn't think they were innocent players. It seems that your double-standard syndrome is very serious."

Yes, when the Mozu was weak, the Xianmeng people saw the Mozu kill once. Later, if the system was out of the invisibility cloak, those Mozu players had already been killed and did not play. At that time, Jingzhou did not say innocent players.

Double-labeled shit, he has no reason to kill others, and others kill him, that is, regardless of the overall situation, this kind of person sees more, hey, disgusting

Just two sentences, let those Xianmeng players who had some nostalgia for Xianmeng in their hearts react.

Yes, at the time, Xianmeng didn’t have to kill other innocent players in order to equip them. At that time, Jingzhou was convinced that it was just a game.

It’s now a decent picture.

The touched Xianmeng player has a feeling of being cheated, so there is more system for the player to withdraw from Xianmeng.

He ironed his face and wanted to say something, but Lin Shiheng did not give him this opportunity.

"Okay, I promise you, if you win, let the Xianmeng people go, but if you lose, what can you gamble?"

Huo Jingzhou glimpsed, apparently did not think that Lin Shiheng would actually mention to himself what to do if he lost.

But when he thought of his foolproof plan, he blinked a little and said frankly, "If you lose, let it go."

"What is the meaning of the disposal in the game." Lin Shiheng whispered "This way, if you lose, this number can no longer play games, how?"

Huo Jingzhou promised "good"

Player star challenges you, please choose 1 rejection, 2 accept

Huo Jingzhou gritted his teeth and endured the feeling of grievance in his heart. He accepted it.

In this battle, the layman looks at the excitement, and the insider sees it more clearly.

How do I look at Jingzhou as if I was dragging my time?

Yeah, when the star kills him, he uses the props to block, and always uses the long-lasting props.

Speaking of it, the Fairy effect is really gorgeous, and the two of them are very good-looking.

Yellow slag, according to your experience, who do you think will win

The **** yellow is recording the picture of the fight. He heard a few seconds of thinking and replied that it is hard to say. Anyway, it seems that the two are evenly matched.

Some players guessed it right, Huo Jingzhou is delaying the time. In his plan, it is best to defeat Lin Shiheng directly. Unfortunately, Lin Shiheng really doesn’t know how to make so much strength. For a while, he I couldn’t help each other.

The remaining plan is to delay the time and delay for two hours. I really told him that Lin Shiheng had time to play the game, as long as it was enough for two hours. If Lin Shiheng himself, he would definitely force the line, if not I, he will deliberately lose to the other side, when the time, 1v1 about the battle, but looking for a substitute to practice, then his shackled predecessor to practice, more or less will also save some reputation.

Huo Jingzhou’s plan was good, but he did not expect that Lin Shiheng could play so hard. He almost defeated him several times, but fortunately he could save his life every time.

At the end of the day, his spirit has been extremely exhausted, and he has already seen more than ten o'clock.

The onlookers yawned for a long time, they are still finished, I have never seen such a long time, and the camp battle has not been so hard.

I went out to eat the night, you went to see it, and I told you the result.

Don't go there, there is a result.

It is indeed a result.

At ten o'clock, Lin Shiheng suddenly increased the offensive. Huo Jingzhou did not respond, and he was swayed by a sword.

He grabbed the **** heart and turned it into a black and white state of the soul. He looked at the person who beat himself opposite, but his face smiled.

"You are not Lin Shiheng at all."

“Lin Shiheng suffers from ko, and it is impossible to go online for more than two hours in the game bin.”

"1v1 challenge, actually please practice"

Lin Shiheng had no expression on his face and received a sword. "If I said that I am Lin Shiheng?"

Huo Jingzhou quickly bought the time props to increase the soul's stay, pointing to the opposite person, the eyes are full of disdain. "Your employer is just a liar, you still help him."

"You guys can see clearly, this is not a star at all, he has found another one."

"If you don't believe it, you can check it out. The game manual is clearly written. The ko patient can't be online for more than two hours. He is online at eight, now it's more than ten."

"Although I have some bad reputations, I have always been fighting for myself. He is the one who is guilty of fraud."

Lin Shiheng turned and looked at Huo Jingzhou in a black and white soul state with no expression.

"You are right, your reputation is stinking."

"But there is still one person, and the reputation is not bad enough."

Huo Jingzhou sharply tightened the pupil, "What do you mean?"

At this moment, Ai Wei, who was sent after the resurrection, stood up. The crisp voice was full of support for Huo Jingzhou. "I can prove that the star is sick in reality. He can only go online for two hours a day."

"He is not a star at all"

Lin Shiheng stepped back and smiled at Huo Jingzhou. "Look, she came to accompany you."

Huo Jingzhou stared at this laugh.

The standard smile of the machine, the game bin players will not laugh like this.

Lin Shiheng, he actually used the game on the computer.

How is this possible, as we all know, computer-side operations are at least three times more difficult than game bins.

The buddy who had eaten the nightingale off the line also ran back.

The trough star actually used the computer to fight, and also recorded the whole process with the system. You see, you recorded, the recording has just been put on the website, this operation is almost

At the same time, new posts appeared in the forum.

Shocking stellar fiancée combined with Jingzhou sickle fiance

Scum male prostitute, born a pair

I thought that Jingzhou was awkward, but I didn’t expect it to be more embarrassing.

The former fiancee found a small three and also stepped on the fiance. This is a distortion of human nature, or a moral sorrow. Welcome to watch, today's fairy path.

Online reporter **** yellow reports for you

Huo Jingzhou was staring at the people in front of him.

"What do you want to do?"


Lin Shiheng ordered the line. "Just want you to know that your arrogance is what you are relying on."

Looking at his body gradually becoming transparent, Ai Zhen suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart, she could not help but screamed.

"Time Heng brother"

The figure disappeared.

From beginning to end, I didn't look at her again. Something went wrong, please refresh and try again

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