MTL - Gourmet Food Supplier-v3 Chapter 210 Zhuang Ding Chuxiao

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  It’s definitely not just Paul alone. Almost everyone who eats his favorite dish wants to make a shop in a small shop, as long as he has this dish every day.

  甭 said that it’s summer now that you can sleep by spreading out a mat, that is, in winter, it is a matter of adding more air-conditioning quilts to the temperature of the shop as spring all year round.

  However, the small shop is so big. If everyone lives in the small shop, to be honest, it is not enough for the small shop to be as big as Taoxi Road. After all, the number of diners is too big.

  It can be said that God of Cookery is definitely not one of the shops with the largest customer base and the strongest stickiness.

  Of course, Yuan Zhou definitely couldn't agree with this kind of thing. It was a vain thought after thinking about it, so Paul was completely stationed in Rongcheng for the next time.

  Although it is not possible to talk to Yuanzhou every time he goes to dinner, Paul thinks that he can eat a meal cooked by Yuanzhou himself, which is also excellent.

And Sharma naturally stayed, and squeezed a suite with Paul, nicknamed he would sacrifice his life to accompany a gentleman. Since Paul wants to stay here, his safety must be a problem for being single. As a friend, he must stay. Helpful.

  So Sharma stayed for granted.

Day by day, when Paul’s hotel room expired, the two still didn’t want to leave, so Yue Dong finally found a chance to compete with Paul. As for who wins and who loses, there are only two participants. I know, even Shama doesn't know.

  Anyway, the final result was that Paul and Shama lived in the bed and breakfast that Yue Dong's house finally vacated, and received the benefits of a day trip to Qingshui Gallery.

  In the meantime, Chu Xiao, who lost his way, finally arrived in Chengdu. It was also when Chu Xiao was back. When he was transferring to Singapore, he planned to return to China the next day, but he was arrested by accident.

  Opelo also accidentally knew that Chu Xiao had come to Singapore, but Chu Xiao was actually very good when he showed it alone. The ability of a Chinese to make a fortune in a place like France is a good indicator of his strength.

  So even if the assistants are very diligent, Yu Qiao said that this can be tolerated, after all, geniuses always have some of these problems.

Therefore, Yu Qiao, who has only been in office for half a month, has already started looking for the next job based on his predecessor’s experience. Although as a well-known assistant, he still feels that he may not be able to break the three-month curse. Get ready early.

  Chu Xiao and Yuan Zhou are not eye-catching at all, but it is very attractive to put them out alone, so Aopelo directly arrested him and asked them to give lectures to their Singapore Association.

  High-end ones need to be learned, and mid-range ones need to be learned. The castles in the sky can't exist for a long time, right? It still needs to lay a solid foundation.

  So after finishing the lecture in Yuanzhou, Chu Xiao happened to meet him. It just filled the gap in the mid-range. Of course, not everyone was qualified. Chu Xiao was just right.

Originally, Chu Xiao was anxious to go to Rongcheng to meet Yuanzhou and talk about the situation. He didn't want to agree. His time was still very tight, but Aopeiro was so sophisticated, he directly told about the things Yuanzhou had made to give lectures before. Gave some specific details.

As Chu Xiao who regards Yuanzhou as the enemy of his life, he can change the theme of his individual competition because of Yuanzhou’s words. Now that Yuanzhou has started speaking, he naturally cannot fall behind as an opponent, so Opelo Naturally, Chu Xiao stayed and taught several lectures.

  When Chu Xiao finally came to Rongcheng, it was very close to the time of the Ankara meeting, but it was still before the meeting, so he gave some of the information he collected to Yuanzhou.

  Although Chu Xiao could not participate in the meeting, he still knew the people who attended the meeting, so he visited many masters and asked some things, hoping that Yuan Zhou could make adequate preparations.

Of course, the masters he visited did not include Auguste and Juman Li. After all, after they confirmed that Yuanzhou would attend the meeting, they had already personally talked to Yuanzhou about the situation, and it was Yuan that Chu Xiao visited. Several masters that the state has never seen, it can be seen that they have worked hard.

  "These are some of the materials I just got. I hope it will be helpful for you to participate in the meeting. You can take it and take a look."

  Chu Xiao didn’t mention that he had made a favor or how much energy and time he had spent doing it. The way he handed over the information was like handing out a piece of insignificant paper.

  But Yuanzhou still took it with his hands with a serious face and solemnly thanked him: "Thank you."

  Hello everyone, our public account will find red envelopes of gold and coins every day, and you can receive them as long as you pay attention. Please seize the opportunity for the last benefit at the end of the year. Public Account [Book Friends Base Camp]

  Chu Xiao tensed his face, tried to keep his facial paralysis set, and said directly and concisely: "No, just take the information at hand."

Of course, Yuan Zhou knows that Chu Xiao must be very careful when looking at the thickness of the information, but he doesn't want people to know that Yuan Zhou is also respectful, so he changed the topic in cooperation, and just the issue of the freezing use of broccoli juice that Chu Xiao said last time. Started the discussion.

  A little uncomfortable Chu Xiao, when Yuanzhou talked about professional issues, he immediately put aside his previous careful thoughts and began to express his own opinions on the issues, and the same data was presented to make sense.

  Of course, after he put it out, the same thick data that Yuanzhou put out is also very interesting. The two sides will not let you come and go, and there is no just harmonious atmosphere.

  Teaching and learning from each other, Yuanzhou likes to communicate with master chefs. Even though the gap is a little far away, everyone is an independent individual and can always find some ideas from others.

  Especially since receiving the main task, the frequency of Yuanzhou's communication with people has become higher. On the one hand, it is to prepare for the meeting, and on the other hand, it is to seek ideas for completing the main task.

  After all, the main mission has only one theme. There is nothing specific, no tasks, and no standards for completion. Everything depends on exploration, which is very interesting.

  It’s been a long time since Yuanzhou has encountered such a challenging thing, so Yuanzhou didn’t negotiate with the system friendly at the beginning, but thought about it by himself.

  In the days when Yuanzhou kept repeating this, time passed quietly, and soon the time for the Ankara meeting came.

  " Mutsu, I can't accompany you this time. Tomorrow I need to go to other provinces for a business trip."

It is a pity that Yin Ya can’t accompany Yuanzhou to the meeting this time. It was planned before. During the meeting, two people can enjoy the natural scenery in Turkey, but the temporary company's arrangement of business trips is really good. There is no way.

   "It's okay, we'll go together again when we have the opportunity."

   Yuan Zhou reached out and hugged Yin Ya, then turned around and walked towards the airport. When he left this time, the tavern time was not over yet, but he was very relieved by giving it to Mao Ye.

  Because it was still early, it was safe to go back alone, so there was no objection to Yin Ya coming to send him.

  Yin Ya watched Yuan Zhou strode into the airport lobby, and turned around and left until no one was visible. The car was the same one that had just arrived. Yuan Zhou had already agreed with the master to send her back to Taoxi Road.

  It can be said that Yuanzhou arranged everything in an orderly manner, and Yin Ya felt very comfortable.


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