MTL - Gourmet Food Supplier-v3 Chapter 259 People in groups

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"It is shaped like a half moon like silver, with thin skin and crispy vegetables as the heart. Fried and steamed are delicious, and the original quality is delicious."

Rice dumplings are available in many places, but Kongcheng in Anhui Province is the most famous. The reason is only because of the taste.

Only the taste that can be passed down through the ages is a dish that can be passed down for a long time. Either the taste is not good or the difficulty is too high.

Yuanzhou has always known that Mr. Zhang's rice dumplings taste very good. Now it is the first time that he admires a person's craftsmanship when he eats it. It is not to be underestimated to be able to study rice dumplings for decades.

Mr. Zhang is no longer in charge. It may be due to his old age and strength, or other reasons, but Yuanzhou’s rice dumplings are worth 0.8 Yuan. It is conceivable that he is probably at his best age. It can reach 0.9 Yuan, which is the highest-scoring dish that Yuanzhou has eaten so far.

"It's really good, Mr. Lei has worked hard." Yuan Zhou thanked him.

"Hahaha, it's okay, every time I bring something to Boss Yuan, Boss Yuan will send me a gift in return. I think I earned it." Lei Ti said bluntly.

He didn't think much. Although he brought rare ingredients to Yuanzhou at the beginning, Yuanzhou asked him to do so, but then he slowly mines the problem and feels that if he goes to a place and doesn't bring something to Yuanzhou, he always feels uncomfortable. , So it has become a habit to bring special food without ingredients.

Every time Yuan Zhou would not let him go back empty-handed, it should be motivation.

"How long will Mr. Lei stay in Chengdu this time? New Anhui cuisine will be served in the shop tomorrow. Breakfast is rice dumplings. If you have time, you can come for breakfast."

Yuanzhou thought about such delicious rice dumplings. Lei Ti shouldn’t have enough. So in order to thank him for bringing local specialties to him as always, he was planning to serve new Anhui cuisine recently, so it’s better to hit the sun instead. Tomorrow is ready.

"What! New Anhui cuisine? Rice dumplings, I will definitely come tomorrow morning." Lei Ti was really surprised.

But it was a month after I was not in Rongcheng, why did I change so quickly? Yuanzhou is going to serve new Anhui cuisine here, and I feel like I missed a lot of things.

Holding a bag of candies given to him by Yuanzhou, Lei Ti walked out of the shop dazedly, not for a while from the shock that Yuanzhou told him that he was going to serve new Anhui dishes.

You should know that in the past, Yuanzhou’s food served mostly by surprise attacks. If you don’t hear a new food one day, you will only encounter it when you come to eat. But as a lottery for two pieces, you can get a bar of soap. Fortunately, I have never encountered it once, so I can only prepare in advance.

But today Yuanzhou told him generously that he was going to serve new dishes, and the Anhui dishes he had just tasted before were really amazing.

After leaving Lei Ti, who was a little silly with joy, Yuanzhou continued to make lard candy. As for the new things in Anhui cuisine, he had already prepared for it, so naturally he didn't need to do anything else.

Yuanzhou was making wedding candy here, and the thunder title that was blown back by the cold wind over there finally came to his senses, and then he took out the phone and called Guo Penghao.

In order to fulfill Guo Penghao's wish, he explained the recipes passed down by his family. Lei Ti introduced Guo Penghao to Yuanzhou. It was Yuanzhou who realized the obsession of Guo Penghao when he was young.

Since then, Guo Penghao has been a loyal fan of Yuanzhou. Even if the company is busy, he still spends most of a month in Rongcheng. As for work matters, can't the video be solved?

In order to be able to eat the dishes made in Yuanzhou at any time or at more time, Guo Penghao also tried it.

"Hey, Haozi, let me tell you that Boss Yuan just told me that he is going to serve the new Anhui cuisine tomorrow. How surprised is it? I'm not surprised, I can eat the new dishes cooked by Boss Yuan tomorrow."

Lei Ti had a triumphant look, with accents added to several words, and he thought it was a big deal if he didn't know it. It's estimated that winning the big prize is the situation.

"Anhui cuisine? That's a destiny. I said Boss Yuan and I are the most destined. Otherwise, it is impossible to help me solve the problem that has troubled me for many years. It is also just right now. I just found an ancestral recipe, although It's badly damaged, but you can vaguely see some records of Anhui cuisine. I think Boss Yuan would definitely like it." Guo Penghao over there was directly hard.

Although it was Guo Penghao introduced by Lei Ti who knew Yuanzhou, Guo Penghao felt that he and Yuan Zhou would know each other sooner or later. Lei Ti was just a tool man. In order to argue over who Yuanzhou has a better relationship with, that’s true. There have been a lot of wars of words.

If it’s not for decades of friendship, it’s not impossible to do it. I don’t know what the situation is. Maybe this is the friendly interaction between Yuan fans?

Based on the principle of truthfulness, and of course to help Yuanzhou do some small things, Guo Penghao has been determined to collect some lost or damaged recipes for Yuanzhou since Yuanzhou had helped Yuanzhou to research the family dishes. the study.

Don’t say that you can actually buy some good things occasionally. For example, last time, I bought a summary of tableware. Yuanzhou found a very special ceramic tableware. According to the description, the dishes were placed in it. In the future, it can not only keep warm and keep fresh, but also increase the flavor of dishes to a certain extent.

It looks like an ancient version of the thermal insulation lunch box, but it is made of ceramics. Yuanzhou is very interested and has studied it with several ceramic masters. Although the research has fewer functions, it is just a prototype, but it can be proved The ancient books describe the facts, but the craftsmanship at that time has been lost, and the pieced together is a simplified version, from which we can see what level of craftsmanship has reached at that time.

Because Yuanzhou himself stood on the shoulders of countless giants, most of whom were famous ancient chefs, he never underestimated the wisdom of the ancients. From time to time, he would exchange some recipes and ancient books described in the menu from the Ancient Books Research Association for research.

It can be said that he is a more diligent person than most formal researchers. He is often used as a typical example to educate those researchers who do not know how to make progress. He is definitely a magnified version of other people’s children. Yuanzhou did not catch up when he was young, and he became an adult. It's caught up.

"I don't know if your recipe is useful, anyway, I can eat authentic Anhui cuisine tomorrow."

People with Guo Penghao are divided into groups, and things are gathered together. Lei Ti's mouth is not a good bird, on the contrary, it is like poisoning, which is very annoying.

"Then I will disappoint you. I'm already at the airport. Today I will be in Fei Rong City, and I will arrive at night. I can still eat Anhui cuisine tomorrow, and I brought a gift to Boss Yuan. It is very precious, not only the same, but better than you. "Guo Penghao is also a poke, so he has to poke at the pain.

Knowing where the thunder point of the thunder question is, that is to jab at the opportunity, and there is no trace of the usual good relationship.

After running the thunder test, Guo Penghao hung up the phone refreshedly, and said to a gray-haired old man next to him: "I'm sorry to make you laugh, Mr. Fang."

"Hahaha, young people, just have to be vigorous, okay, okay." The old man called Fang Lao was very kind.

He seems to be older, but his face is rosy and shiny, and he looks healthy.


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