MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1786 Half body!

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If you can swear!

A faceless man will definitely give you a thousand times!

Neuropathy, this is!

A faceless man can't stand this kind of grievance. His fingers almost touch the dish. As a result, the appearance of the step-by-step gods will take the dish away.

Very fun?

Can you maintain trust between people? !


The faceless man who is close to the pressure, at this moment, only feels that the blood in the body is flowing backwards.

With a bang, it flew out and crashed into the distance...

Step by step, grab the dish, a slight glimpse.

Looking at the faceless man who came out of the air, he licked his mouth.

"I will take a look... I will pay you back after reading it. I have no patience."

The step shook his head.

The eyes fell on the dish in his hand.

From a distance, I can't see what the dishes on the plate are.


Close observation, the steps are clear.

This dish is a simple egg fried rice.

Egg fried rice?

Step by step, is it that the cursing queen loves to eat fried rice? Otherwise, why is there such a plate of fried rice on your own cockroach?

Very ordinary dish, no aura of heaven, no gorgeous brilliance.

It seems that the rice used is ordinary rice, and the eggs used are ordinary eggs.

When the step is in the breeze empire, the egg fried rice cooked is better than the egg fried rice.

It seems to be back to the truth.

The steps are slightly frowning.

The egg fried rice that can be placed on the cursed queen is definitely not ordinary.

Step by step is very clear, he blinked and glanced at it.

A move in my heart.

A blue and white porcelain spoon appeared in the hand, and I plan to take a spoonful to eat.

People around are shocked!

When did the step appear there?

Why don't they know?

Why is he appearing there? The terrible pressure between heaven and earth, does he not feel it?

far away.

The faceless man who climbed out of the ruins seemed to be groaning, and the blood on his body dried up and recovered.

Dogs and Pluto are not allowed to smile.

There was a dish before the step, it must be the food of the step.

Distressed, the faceless man for a second, the dish that I got to the hand... The hard-boiled quilt was taken away.

A small smirk looked at the steps, she stood on the ship of the Nether.

She supported the big array. In the array, all kinds of energy were flowing, and it seemed to be the center of the heavens and the earth.

The pace is very calm, egg fried rice... He ate no more than 10,000 and nine thousand bowls.

He would like to see, this bowl is placed in the egg on the fried rice, what is the strange place.


Just when he was preparing for the spoon.

Step by step, as if feeling a pair of eyes staring at him.

The line of sight turned and fell on the small opening that opened.

In the dark little mouth, it is like a sight sweeping out.

Step by step, put the egg fried rice back on the shackles.

"I will smell..."

Step by step.

far away.

A roar!

A loud bang.

The faceless man gave a silent voice.

His arm was shot horizontally, and countless forces of great sin gathered together and turned into a palm.

The small secluded face is indifferent and supports the formation.


The face of the faceless man fell on the formation, causing the formation to tremble!

The small body is shaking.

However, the formation was not broken, and the one-faced man’s move made the formation shaken.


The faceless man seems to have lost heart and madness, constantly attacking the formation, making the formation crumbling.

It’s like using a sledgehammer to beat the tortoise shell!

This time...

Everyone can clearly feel that the goal of this faceless man is no longer the dish...

But... step!

Obviously, the success of the step has attracted hatred!

The little brooding brows.

With a hand flipping, the horrible power of nothingness rises to the sky, as if it had turned into a blooming mandala flower, twisted and rotated.

Hey, once again...

A terrible pressure and breath, come to heaven and earth!

Step by step put the egg fried rice back to the original place, it is the feeling that the sharp eyes disappeared.

Above the sky.

The lazy master of the soul also shot.

Follow the will of the faceless man.

One palm, falling from the sky.

It fell outside the support of the small secluded support.


The whole city of nothingness is violently shaking, as if to completely collapse!

Countless dense, fine cracks... From the ground of the imaginary city, the cracks are scattered!

Faceless man, plus lazy soul master, two great perfect chaos sages, so that the pressure of Xiaoyou increased greatly...

Even some can't support it!

The faceless man is violent, and the palm of his hand is thrown out, even if the palm of his hand is already bloody.

Xiaoyou fluttered, fell on the edge of the squat, gasping slightly, looking at the steps.

Step by step gaze.

"Steps... I am hungry."

Xiao You turned to look at the step, the road.

Step by step, nodded.

A heart-warming, basaltic pot, keel kitchen knife and other kitchen **** suits appear, starting cooking in the void.

The fire is shining, and the cooking of the steps is methodical.

In a short while, the golden light is skyrocketing! Blood gas spread!

A bowl of Xiaoyou's favorite dragon blood rice is finished.

Xiaoyue took over the meal, sitting cross-legged on the ship of the Nether, and then... began to eat and eat.

In addition to the law, lazy souls and faceless men are constantly attacking!

The mighty of the city of nothingness looks at each other.

Many people are inexplicably sad, and they feel that Xiao You may not be able to withstand it...

However, the calmness of eating and drinking has made many people feel weird.

Xiaoyou eats very quickly, and a bowl of rice is under the belly.

A lot of spirit.

"Remember this smell."

Small secluded road.

The words fell.

Xiao You looked at the step, raised his hand, and cursed the force, instantly...

The step feels that the body has uploaded a huge impact...

His body exploded and fell below the palace...

Xiao You once again stood up and stood at the front of the Nether ship.

The black robe on the body flutters noblely...

The black hair that she had originally set off took off the crown.


The three thousand hairs that are full of waterfalls are scattered down and drifting in the wind.

The hair licked her face, making her cold and delicate face more and more cold...

boom! ! !

The starry sky ladder cracked on both sides...

The next moment, the throne is suspended.

Xiao You left the Nether boat and sat on the throne.

The moment she sat on the throne, it seemed as if there was any terrible will to wake up.

The world is changing and the situation is surging.

The stars fall down!


The crack of the sky ladder.

A huge white arm was taken from it.

The arm is as gentle as jade.

The moment of shooting, straight to the palm of the faceless man, and the palm of the lazy soul master...

In the void.

Lazy soul changes the main color.

I slammed my hand back, but it was still too slow.

At the moment of the collision, his hand blew directly!

The faceless man’s arm is also cracked, stepping back a few steps...

"Curse Queen?!"

The lazy master of the soul hidden in the crack made a fuss.

The next moment, the body of the soul of the three great souls, and the body of the soul, directly into the void.

As for the other sorcerer's army... it is under the white jade, bursting!

Numerous cursed powers have entangled the body of the Soul, so that the souls of the great armies are melting in the void.

Originally a huge army of souls.

Today, only the faceless man is left alone.

The faceless man has his arms lowered and has no facial features, as if he is staring at the little secluded sitting on the throne.

Xiao You lowered his head and sat on the throne.

High above, like the king above nine days.

The faceless man stared for a long time.

Finally, turn your head and look at the steps on the palace...

With an invisible sight of deep hatred and hatred, the corner of the mouth can not help.

Don't you pull your dish? As for the bitterness and hatred.


The faceless man left, suddenly between... it disappeared.

"Wait for me... return... cook... must die!"

Hoarse, sharp as if the sharpening of the knife's voice trembles throughout the city of nothingness.

Let everyone feel that the eardrum is uncomfortable.

However, the words fell.

The faceless man turned directly, broke open the void, and left.

The huge pressure suddenly disappeared...

In the void.

With his head lowered, the little secluded sitting on the throne is indifferent.

There seems to be no way for the absence of the faceless man.

The star ladder began to heal.

棺椁 Slowly fall down.

The dishes on the clams are still exuding heat.

And the steps... I don’t know if it’s an illusion. I just think that the eyes in the eyes seem to be staring at him and warning him.

Don't you have a bowl of fried rice? !

The steps are speechless.


The star ladder began to heal.

It’s falling.


What makes everyone shocked is...

Sitting in the throne of the small quiet, actually fell to the healing starry ladder.

Everyone in the city of nothingness is horrified.

Looking at the small shape of the eyes, completely falling into the starry ladder.

Step by step, the dog, the princess was surprised.

The figure flashed directly on the starry ladder, but there was a small figure.

The starry sky ladder was smooth and the throne disappeared, and the small secluded disappeared.

Only a secluded ship is suspended, giving off a strong atmosphere.

"What about the secluded head?"

Pluto was surprised.

"Is this buried?"

The dog and the step are frowning and don't understand.

The hand trembled, the keel chopper appeared in the hand, the golden light was torn, the dragon screamed, and the knife slammed on the starry ladder. However, one of the mouths did not collapse!

"This starry sky ladder is the place where the queen is buried. It can't be broken with brute force..."

Dogs said.

His claws were photographed on it, and you could feel the terrible power inside.

The three flew off the star ladder.

Xiao You is the heir to the City of Nothing, and the Cursed Queen should not do anything to her.

"Don't worry... I entered the star ladder, it was to inherit the inheritance of the queen..."

The little luoli curse excites the incomparable.

No one knows better than her, the benefits of a small secluded to the starry ladder.

That kind of benefit makes her envy and hate.

As the Queen's will, she does not have this treatment.

The city of nothingness, the wreckage of the soul of the earth, and the body of the powerless city...

This battle, until now, has completely fallen.

The strong people of the exile were also detained back to Dingcheng District.

The war is over.


Although it is over, everyone’s heart is shrouded in haze.


This battle is over, but... the real crisis is quietly approaching.

boom! ! !

The city of nothingness trembled and the explosion rang!

Everyone's eyes are shrinking and their faces are changing.

The city of nothingness is like an earthquake.

If you look at the distance from the universe, you can clearly see...

Below the city of nothingness.

The front of the inverted cone...

Faceless men are suspended here.

He raised his arm, seven big sin spears, slammed out and plunged into the inverted cones...

boom! ! !

The whole mountain collapsed...

Countless gravel collapsed and fell.

A huge suction broke out from it.

The gravel falls into the universe of nothingness.

The bottom of the city of nothingness was directly blown down for two...

After that.

The break is the center of the two sections.

A half body emerged.

Half of the body is entangled in the power of sin, with the horrible and suffocating atmosphere of the suppression of the universe, the icy chain of a curse.

Seven spears of great sin are on it.

As a result, the chain collapses.

That entangled half body...

Also rushing out.

In the void.

The faceless man is wrapped in a half body, tearing open the void and returning to the Soul Universe...

Read The Mage of Eternity