MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1804 Think about it, have you asked me?

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Damn it!

The lazy soul of the Lord never imagined that the strong man of the wilderness universe would actually be at this moment, the Thunder attacked.

Is the Tongtian teacher always waiting for this opportunity?

Waiting for him to leave the seven hourly hourglass hour?

Their purpose is to stop the birth of the soul god.

Before the Tongtian teacher regarded the death of the Lord and the step-by-step two people came, it was completely an illusion. In fact, many strong people have been prepared to give the prepared soul **** Thunder a blow!

This blow, to completely crush the hope of the soul!

The lazy soul is angry!

He wants to pull away from his body and return to the seven time-space hourglasses.

However, this time... he was stopped.

Stepping on a handful of dishes, suspended in front of him, slowly swaying his head, faintly stunned the lazy soul.

At that glance, let the lazy soul be in the heart!

"You... stay, play with me."

The steps are faint.


The lazy soul is suddenly furious.

He is going to stop a group of strong people in the wild, and he can be stopped by the steps.

In fact, the wilderness universe is indeed stronger than the Soul Universe in high-end combat power.

However, the heavens of the wilderness universe will bind those who are strong.

And, if they give them enough time, in the wild universe, they can definitely grow to a very powerful level.

In the wild universe, they have no restrictions.

This is the main reason why they are flooding the universe.

The strongest of the wilderness universe makes the heavens and the roads intact, so that the souls can grow unscrupulously. This is the best paradise for their souls.

As long as the soul is coming, gather the flesh and return.

The soul **** will lead them to conquer the wild universe!

The eyes of the lazy soul master suddenly became red!

He didn't want to pay attention to the steps.

At this moment.

The importance of killing the steps is not as good as stopping the floods!


The power of sin of the lazy soul is spread, and a palm is wrapped, and you want to fly.

Even if the repair of the step is to break through to the chaos saint.

However, compared to the big perfection, it is still worse.

Therefore, he is not afraid.

Step by step holding the fake kitchen **** dishes, Shanhe Society.

A faint look at the lazy soul master.

The hand is raised at the front end of the dish.

As if holding the aroma, the aroma is entangled in the palm of his hand, as the tornado swept up.

"I said, play with me."

Step by step licked his mouth.

You don't want to be with you.

Don't try to get together when you are with you.

Who are you when I step?

One palm and the palm of the lazy soul are together.

The aroma and the power of sin are entangled and blasted.

The body of the lazy soul is not moving.

The shape of the step is also rock solid.

The two hits are actually comparable...

Xiaobai is still sucking indefinitely, and countless fallen souls are absorbed into the belly by Xiaobai.

Purple eyes are getting deeper and deeper, more and more horrible...

far away.

Tongtian teaches the head of the head to marry the sword, holding the Qingping sword and waving thousands of swords.

A big clock, shocked, and thundered.

The chaotic gas hangs down from the big clock.

The Buddha supporting the big clock is a peaceful face, and the mouth is mourning the Sanskrit.

A palm swings out, as if the Wanfo Chaozong, a palm attracts the light of the heavens and the earth!

Wrapped in the bell, the suppression of the half body rushed out of the soul of the universe barrier.

The niece pinched the colorful stone and pushed it forward.

The **** stone flew out like a piece of heaven and earth to suppress.

Yuan Shi Tian Zun picked up the sleeves of the robes and grabbed the huge axe with both hands.

Between the thoughts, it is like having the meaning of heaven.

Outburst in the eyes.


An axe slashed toward the soul of the soul with the tens of thousands of waves.

The soul **** is like a beast, and is bound to the heavens and the earth, and it is difficult to break free.

He is roaring, he growls...

No facial features are clearly visible...

On one arm, entangle the power of sin!

He seems to be the will of the Soul and the universe, and has come to this place...

To break through the will of the wild universe.

Letter Valley Tianguan.

Many gods of the gods, sitting on the ancient and mottled big city.

Looking at the many magnificent figures in the distant air battle.

They are all peaceful and incomparable.


On the Zen sound.

A variety of miracles broke out.


On the big city of the valley of Tiangu, there were thousands of clouds coming in.

The clouds in the sky, where purple thunders are beating.

The purple thunder is rolling, with a heavenly atmosphere, and instantly filled.

Flying away from the distant battle.

The soul **** is suppressed, step by step, it seems to really return to the soul magic universe.

The lazy soul is anxious in the heart, but never imagined that this step actually stopped him with a dish.

The scent of the dish, the suppression of him is too strong.


The lazy master of the soul roared.

The figure suddenly exploded.

His speed is really too fast, and he is completely incompatible with his lazy name.

Even if you master the steps of the space law, it is a slight surprise.


The body of the small skin became larger and turned into a giant pimp shrimp, carrying the step.

Turned into a golden light, suddenly approached the lazy soul master.


Both are the speed of the universe.

One black and one gold, two lights collide in the void...

Every collision caused a natural earthquake.

But... more intense battles are still in the distance.

The shots of the strong and strong, forcibly suppressed the soul to go back...


Heaven is sweeping away.

A thundercloud is rolling.

The face of the Master of Heaven has changed dramatically.

This is the will of heaven.

How come so fast!

Heavenly will, it is not the soul of the soul, but they use the strong beyond the power of the universe.


Tongtian teaches the main blast.

They must speed up, otherwise the will of heaven will fall.

They may get hurt.

After that, there is no chance to suppress this great devil!

The step is also a condensation.

Holding the dishes in your hand.

The lazy soul is the main body.

Long screamed.

The six great souls of the Great Five Spirits battled their eyes.

They forced the retreat of the five great spirits and quickly rushed to the mighty of the wild universe.


Tongtian teaches the master to shout.

The swordsmanship of Zhenxian was suppressed.

As long as he drags these big soul masters, let Yuan Shi Tianzun and others complete the suppression, it is a great robbery!


The face of the Master of Heaven has changed!

The Lord of the Great Sorrow roared, his eyes full of madness.

The sinful power that haunts him, extreme instability, and violent beating.

It collided with the Jianxian sword array.

Blast up!

Hey! ! ! ! !

Like the most terrifying explosion between the universe!

The Heavenly Master was bombed and flew a few steps.

His face is ugly.

The 诛 剑 sword squad was washed away and suspended behind him.


The self-destruction of the level of the Great Soul Lord is not the kind of self-destructive flesh, but the kind of self-destruction of the body of the Soul.

Once blew up, the fly will disappear, and the life and death will disappear!

So decided? !

Throughout the sky, the teacher suddenly shook.

The self-destruction of the great soul master opened a hole.

The other great souls are flying by.

Tongtian teaches the Lord to tremble.

The greedy soul is roaring, and the eyes are full of madness...

"Soul God! Come on!"

He growled and rushed to the Buddha with a chaotic clock on his head.

The palm of the Buddha suppressed the soul.

The greedy soul is close to the Lord, and with a bang, the flesh begins to swell and swell, and then the blast breaks open...

a bang...

It is like a silent explosion.

The big clock was shaken by the impact, and the Buddha’s face was also slightly changed.

Gluttony, the main soul, squatting, body swelling...

Rushed to Yuan Shi Tian Zun.

The fleshy body has no hesitation and the open axe cut by Yuan Shi Tianzun has collided together!

Hey! ! !

Yuan Shi Tian Zun eyes condensed.

The open axe was bounced off!

A soul is not enough, and there is a big soul main shock...

Self-destructing the body and the soul of the body...

The self-destruction of the top chaos saints is very powerful.

Actually, it’s hard to block the powerful blow of the great perfection...

The arrogant soul rushed to the son-in-law.


The colorful **** stone was bombed and fell back into the hands of the son-in-law.

The name of the son-in-law suddenly changed.

The means of the wilderness of the universe have arranged for so long, at this moment...

It was actually stopped by the hard life!

There are still two great souls left, and they have blew themselves.

The fluctuations formed by self-explosion...

As if to blow the universe into nothingness.

Time and space hourglass is constantly shaking... constant shaking...

The soul **** took advantage of this opportunity and slammed it.

Going a step further.

I took one leg, leaving only one leg, and I was still stuck in the Soul Universe.

Only one step away, you can enter the wild universe.

Yuan Shi Tian Zun, Nüwa, and Buddha are all face-changing.

next moment.

I want to organize repression again.

However, it is slow...

The purple thundercloud will roll in.

With the roar, the suppression of the three lives.

The three great scorpions were forced back by hard.

They dare not continue to use the top artifacts of the wild.

If it is hard to use, the wild universe will completely collapse... This is not what they want to see!

Yuan Shitian respected a sigh.

There was a hint of helplessness and unwillingness in his eyes.

After all, it is still a little worse.

They rushed to suppress the demon head before the arrival of the heavenly will.

But... after all, it’s worse.

No one thought that the great soul of the Soul and the Universe was actually so determined.

The lazy soul master is very excited and laughs!

The smile is a little crazy!

"It's too late! You can't stop it, you can't stop it!"

The lazy soul master laughed.

Letter Valley Tianguan.

Purple gas is pervasive.

Countless strong people are silent and look at the ending on the Scorpio.

Taishang Laojun holds the dust, the face is ugly to the extreme...

He closed his eyes and sighed.

Heaven is ruthless...not quite.

A glimpse of the dust.

He sighed in the sky: "Prepare for the battle of life and death."


The brows of the steps are crumpled.

This situation is what he never expected.

The six great soul masters actually chose to blew themselves.

That is the Lord of the Great Soul, how difficult it is to be born.

However, this blew is not ineffective, and it has given the soul a chance.

Now the soul of God... almost ready to break free!

Once in the flood, it is a disaster.

The soul **** belongs to the creatures of other universes, and passes through the barriers of the universe. In short, it is beyond the heavens and is not in the control of the will.

Therefore, Heaven will not threaten him.

It’s a pity!

The lazy soul is excited.

Respectful and crazy looking at only half of the feet of the soul of the soul of the universe.

He crouched in the void and bowed to the position where the soul **** was.

For the first time, the soul **** breaks out of the cosmic bondage...

The power of great sin is spreading...

Tongtian teaches the main face to be pale.

Other strong people are also not very good-looking.

Cheng also Tiandao, defeat also heaven...

The ridiculous heavens have given birth to a number of powerful people in the wild universe, enough to suppress the Soul Universe.

But... the shackles of the will of heaven, but they have missed the opportunity to suppress the soul of God...

Is it really going to be lost?

The voice of the lazy Lord's dagger is constantly roaring in their hearts.

Let their hearts tremble.

Desperate emotions, diffuse...


Step by step sighed.

This sigh makes many people a glimpse.


Step by step with one hand and the other hand holding the fake kitchen dish.

Step out.

The sky is shaking.

"Go back."

Steps are expressionless.

The words fell.

In the distance, the kitchen **** suits suddenly bloomed.

Dragon owl, tiger scream, gar, turtle, cockroach...

Turned into five streams of light, they all shot to the side of the step.

The bird feather robe is added.

The keel kitchen knife and the enamel spoon are suspended on both sides.

Xuanwu pot hangs overhead.

White Tiger Tianzu stepped on his feet.

The step-by-step shape walks toward the soul of the soul who has never climbed out of the foot.

The lazy soul is stunned.

Tongtian teaches the Lord, Yuan Shi Tianzun and so on are also squatting, watching the step.

Suspended in front of the huge faceless god.

The corners of the steps are slightly twisted.

"Think out... Have you asked me?"

"It’s so good... I’m not bound by the wilderness.”

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