MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1811 Steamed mushroom fish

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The bird left to disappear.

The life of the step has returned to its original state.

Sunrise and sunset.

Culinary natural cuisine and enjoy the delicacies of nature.

Simple but not artificial.

Xiaobai’s mechanical eyes are bleak and seem to have become a lot more clumsy.

Xiao Ba occasionally climbs to the white head, turns the smart chicken head, screams a few times, and occasionally shakes the chicken **** and ran into the field, chasing the insects.

The original very rare Bazhen chicken is like a wild pheasant on the mountain.

The steps are very pleasant, or enjoy the life of this salted fish.

When he is bored, he will study various foods.

The study of food has become the only fun of his time.

Outside the mountains, in a troubled world.

A variety of wars have occurred constantly, and the fierce slaughter has led to a raging fire.

There are no sun and moon in the mountains.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter continue to change.

He has not gone down for a long time, nor has he gone to the village to change rice.

The white snow flew down from the sky and landed on the ground in front of the wooden house. The earth was covered with a thick layer of cotton aphid.

Xiaobai sat in the yard and stayed in bed, as if he had been snowed up into a snowman.

On the small eight heads, there was a snow, running in the snow.

The step was wearing a thick cotton jacket and a white breath.


The flames are less, and the hot water in the pot is hot.

Take the teacup and sprinkle a few sautéed black tea leaves.

This tea is a specialty on the mountain, with very little production. It is discovered by chance.

Pour boiling water into the teacup.

The tea leaves are infiltrated, and the tea is full of scent.

The tea leaves in the cup and turns around.

The color of the tea changed from transparent to greenish.

It looks very comfortable.

Stepping with both hands, holding a cup, wearing a cotton jacket, sitting in a chair, looking at the white snow outside.

Day by day, the step does not know how long he has been in this mountain.


Drinking a cup of tea, warmth dispels the cold of the body.

Sitting in the chair for a long time.

The step is to go back to the house and take the donkey up the mountain. Although the ingredients in the winter mountain are much less, he does not care.

Finding ingredients is the edge.

Xiaobai quietly followed up.

One person went up the mountain.

The snowy mountains are covered with snow.

In a piece of white, it is really difficult to find delicious ingredients.

far away.

A snow rabbit is jumping.

The step saw it, but it didn't move.

He licked his head and quietly followed the snow rabbit, and the snow rabbit beat all the way.

Soon it was drilled into the nest, a few rabbits in the nest were crowded, and the cute little head dribbled.

The steps are a little smile.

Looking at it from afar, I took a **** and went to the snow.

On the snowy mountain, in addition to snow rabbits, there are many ingredients.

Mushrooms are a kind.

The little mushroom attached to the trunk, and the white snow shook down, as if it were a flower blooming in a white mans.

The step is happy to pick the mushrooms.

Put it in the dice.

Every winter, he will pick the mushrooms, and the mushrooms grow at the most.

After the step is picked, the mushrooms will be dried in the sun, and the shop will be opened and ready for use.

Of course, direct cooking of mushrooms is also very delicious.

Harvested mushrooms.

The step is not to leave directly.

He walked on the hill, and soon a hungry wild wolf stared at the steps.

Flying towards the step.

The wolf is hungry.

The pace is also hungry.

Although Xiaobai is awkward a lot.

But when the slap is going down, the wolf can't climb.

Step by step, the wolf was bundled and thrown into the back, because the back was a lot heavier, let Xiaobai carry it.

The harvest is quite fruitful, and the pace is not going back.

He came to the pond in the mountains.

The pond was covered with a thick layer of ice.

The fish in winter is the most time of beauty.

Step by step will naturally not let such a delicious.

He made a hole in the ice, and in a few moments, a few fleshy fat fish fell into the scorpion.

The footsteps of contentment, leaving the pond.

Stepping on the song, in the white snow, singing songs, leaving the mountains.

I have to say that the steps have been sung for so many years, and the level is still not very good.

Go back to the house.

The winter day is always very short.

The sky soon became dark and the temperature became colder.

The step burned the fire, cleaned the fish, and the fat fish was patted by the steps.

From the room, take out the dried mushrooms, which is the preparation he made in previous years.

The dried mushrooms have a unique aroma, and the mushrooms are placed on the treated fish.

Put them in the pot and cook together.

The steaming heat rises up in the mountains.


It’s okay!

White snow was crushed.

The sharp light is constantly bursting.

The white snow quickly fell from the trunk.

The terrible swords are in the jungle, and countless trees are broken by the shackles...

The violent gasping sounds loud.

A figure, wearing a blood-stained armor, a large mouth on the shoulder began from the back and spread to the waist.

The blood is constantly spilling from it.

Sprinkled on the snow, so that the snow is melting.

The hair was scattered and pale.

This man is climbing hard in the snow.

Looking back from time to time, there are chasing soldiers behind him to chase him.


A single arrow, the arrow exudes a cold, and in the dark like an arrow of death.

Followed by the seriously injured man who climbed quickly.


A single arrow was shot on the ground.

Snow fluttering.

The man's pupil suddenly collapsed.

A roll of body, a huge force, rushing from the snow, the body rotates.

An arrow whizzed past and flew past his face.

"Don't be can't escape! You are called the head of the Ten Great Swordsmen of the Empire, such as the escape of the funeral dog, which is insulting!"

A faint sound sounds up.

Later, in the jungle behind the man.

A black assassin, walking on the snow.

These assassins are infuriating.

Very fast.

The seriously injured man took a sip of blood.

Coldly snorted and continued to climb forward.

The sword in his hand slammed.

A sharp sword, blasted open, and went to the assassins in the distance...

Several of them reached out at the same time and dropped the sword into their hands.

The sword is raised, hehe!

The sword flower tore the snow.

Collided with the sword that came.

The blade is bent and the huge force pops open.

Caused several assassins to pull back a few steps...

There is no trace of the sword, and the repair of these assassins is also quite brilliant.

After all, the man was seriously injured, the more he was urging, the more suffocating the breath.

The assassins approached.

Fighting with him in the mountains, a battle is shocking.

The ground is full of blood marks, and countless trees are squandered by the sword for nothingness.

The mountains seem to be shaking!

The collision of the sword and the sword continued to make a loud noise.

After a long time.

The end of the war.

Only a few unidentified assassin bodies on the ground were left behind.

The footprints of different shades are deep in the jungle and gradually spread away.

The wind and snow are blowing.

Make the footprints submerged under the snow.



Step by step, shut the fire.

He opened the steamer and suddenly the hot air rushed from the steamer.

The heat was in the dark, like a rolling bomb, gradually dissipating.

"Good fragrance."

The stepper sniffs the smell of the air.

The dried aroma of the mushroom is mixed with the scent of the fish, and the soft fish is wrapped under the smooth skin, which is very delicious.

In addition to this steamed fish, the step also fry a mushroom piece.

The slightly thick succulent juice fell, and the mushroom slices seemed to flash.

Fresh mushrooms and dried mushrooms are completely different flavors.

The steps placed the dishes on the table.

Turned back to the wooden house.

Take a jar of wine from the made cellar.

This is the wine brewed by the step, which has been brewed for several years...

When you are comfortable, you will take a sip.

The taste of this wine is so intoxicating.

He has brewed a lot of wine, and he can say that he has a deep understanding of the wine.


In the point of view, the previous winemaking was made by a unique brewing technique.

In fact, winemaking requires emotional paving.

This strong emotion depends on the brewer.

In the previous steps, the emotions of winemaking are more on the surface.

Of course, even if it is just a technique, it is very amazing.

A jar of wine is not big.

Almost one fist size.

Step by step, the pats were opened.

The rich wine fragrance spreads from it...


It’s so tired that he is so tired, he feels that his blood is too much...

He almost fainted.

Looking for the fairy road, stepping on the song...

He is alone and has a time when he is dying.

With a sigh, he was helpless.

A generation of swords, is it going to die in this uninhabited mountain?

Solitary and unique.

Perhaps after many years, the descendants will name this mountain in the mountains... After all, on this mountain, he is lying with his sword.

far away.

A ignited light.

Slowly flow.

The flame gradually spread in his eyes, and he was a little dizzy.

The solitary unparalleled coughed up the blood, and a little bit of blood on the white snow surface, dyed the **** plum.


He crouched on the ground.

The whole face was buried in the snow.

The messy hair was scattered on his face, and he could only hear his own wheezing and heartbeat.

I am dying...

Solitary sighs.


A fat chicken flutters its wings and comes out of the snow.

The chicken seemed to be curious to observe him for a while.

He turned around his body.

The solitary can't move, but it can sense the fat chicken that is alive and kicking.


The fat chicken and a chicken claw stepped on his head, and actually jumped to his body...

Solitary unparalleled almost suffocated without a breath.

The eyes turned over.

Finally I couldn’t help it.

"Little eight... don't make trouble."

A thin figure walked out of the fire.

A faint sound.

The solitary and unambiguous consciousness was vague. In the end, I could only feel a cold iron palm falling, and smashed his body like a chicken.

Solitary and open-minded with a strong sense of openness.


A shovel with a metal valgus was enlarged in his eyes.

Solitary was shocked and fainted.


"White, you are scared."

Step by step.

At night, there were people running on this mountain.

I took a look at the person who was all wounded, but I didn’t see it.

Let Xiaobai bring the person back to the hut.

Throwed in the yard.

Sitting on the chair, he rubbed his hand and spit out a white gas.

Ready to start eating.

The steamed fish with mushrooms is absolutely delicious.

Step by step with a chopstick, the fish is soft and tender.

The entrance instantly turns into a juice-like...

A mouthful of fish, a fine wine.

The clear wine is in the abdomen, like a fire, and the concealed pores are all relaxing.

Xiao Ba swayed around the steps and asked for food.

After the step of throwing a piece of fish to Xiao Ba.

I poured a glass of wine.

Got to the man who was seriously injured and dying.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the latter, he sighed.

Pour the wine into the mouth of this person...

Read The Duke's Passion