MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1819 Extraordinary in the ordinary

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The forest lodge seems to be very worn, but, in fact, since it is the final test place for the kitchen **** to prepare for the step, many things are not ordinary.

The stepping hand holds the kitchen knife in his hand, as if he can feel the horror to the extreme fluctuations in the kitchen knife.

It is much stronger than the keel kitchen knife under full state.

Kitchen knives, pots, stoves... everything is very high quality, just like the top artifacts in the universe.

For this last test, the kitchen **** is also very concerned, he hopes that the step can be able to cook a top taste.

Because only in this way can you truly qualify to inherit the inheritance of his kitchen god.

Therefore, the chef God prepared for the step, whether it is the ingredients, or kitchen utensils, is the world's top.

Step by step, holding a kitchen knife, gradually became expressionless.

His eyes are a bit deep, as if thinking about something.

After a long time, the step shook his head and put the kitchen knife down again.

He did not use the kitchen utensils that the kitchen **** had prepared for him.

He looked at the ingredients that were piled up in the distance. These ingredients exude a rounded atmosphere and are the top ingredients in the universe.

Not weaker than the main ingredients of the Great Soul.

Use the best ingredients and kitchen utensils to cook the best food...

Step by step.

A step back.

He sat on the floor and did not cook.

Instead, I fell into meditation.

The kitchen god's dishes are a mixture of ruthless and affectionate, and the ruthless roads occupy more.

Perhaps it is because of this that it will make the kitchen gods pursue the successor.

The kitchen **** is going wrong, he may have been lost in the universe, and because of this, he will find the universal host.

The steps have been contemplative for a long time.

He looked at everything in front of him.


Those gorgeous kitchen utensils and ingredients began to change.

The fabulous ingredients that were originally flamboyant have become extremely common.

The original top-grade ingredients have become very mediocre.

Just like ordinary kitchen utensils used by rural villagers.

From the world's top kitchen utensils and ingredients, it has become the most common mortal ingredients and kitchen utensils between heaven and earth.

Maybe even the kitchen gods don't understand, the step is what you want to do at the moment.

Stepped up and stood up, he took the ordinary kitchen knife.

Start cooking without a slow start.

Cook with these simple ingredients.

A watery Chinese cabbage was washed clean with water, and he slowly peeled the cabbage, as if pouring emotion into it.

Pour the eggs into the bowl, use the chopsticks to slowly beat the eggs, and watch the egg whites and egg yolks in the agitation, mix together...

The reddish pork is pressed on the chopping board. The step is not to use the exquisite knife. Instead, the pork is pressed with the hand of the water droplets, and the pork is cut with one knife and one knife.

Slowly cut into pieces.

Everything is not urgent or slow, and the pace is not as impetuous as before cooking, and it is this ordinary knife that can better bring the taste of the ingredients to the extreme.

This is a knife worker who has poured emotions.

All in one fell swoop, spread out, are the care of the ingredients.


The flour of the white flower is poured out, the flying dust is floating, and the hands of the fluttering are white.

The hand of the step is clear and slender and white.

Stack the flour into a small packet.

Pull out a small hole in the middle of the flour.

Pour the white flower water into the hole, the flour suddenly collapsed, began to float up, the water flowed, and the flour was broken...

Just like the water that broke the levee, it was constantly flowing, but when it was halfway through, it was absorbed by the flour and rolled into a powder ball.

Step by step hand down.

Those water polo were suddenly pinched and the flour was smashed together.

No hurry, no rhythm.

There is no use of the Tai Chi method.

There is no power to use, the power of heaven...

The step is the kind of face that is not urgent or slow.

Gentle is like taking a bath for your child.

On the scorpio, it seems that there is an invisible eyelid, watching the steps.

Perhaps it is amazement at the cooking style of the step.

There are top-quality ingredients, no strong kitchen utensils...

It is cooking in the most ordinary way...

Do you think that cooking in an ordinary way can be compared with the best ingredients and kitchen utensils?

The steps are not moving.

His eyes are full of emotions.

The flour gradually became a mass, the arms were slightly pressed, and the porcelain pots were lightly rang.

What is the real kitchen dish?

Steps used to think that... with top-grade ingredients and top-quality kitchen utensils, you can cook the best food.

But that time, he was wrong.

Perhaps, that time, it was the reason for his lack of strength.

With the help of Xiaopi, he is just cooking a fake kitchen dish.

A pseudo-word, such as the cosmic light years, can not be made up.

The gap in that step, the step of using 500 years of time to think and pursue, can not exceed one point.

The inner despair, the steps are very clear.

And when he ate the dishes of the kitchen god.

The one that uses the best ingredients, the top kitchen utensils.

It is a gathering of the best people and the cooking of a dish.

No fake.

But... but there is no concession to feel amazing.

Even, let him be a little lost.

Is it true that the real kitchen dish can only reach this level?

The step began to question and he began to reflect.

He felt that his method might not be right.

Go glitz and use the most ordinary ingredients to cook with the simplest kitchen utensils.

The powder is broken into small balls.

Using a rolling pin, carefully pry the ball into pieces.

the other side.

In an ordinary pottery basin, the steps mix a variety of ingredients and stir them together.

Ingredients and ingredients are blended together.

It is a miraculous chemical reaction that is amazing.

Step by step is intoxicated.

Simple is true.

This may be the kitchen **** dish that the step is going to pursue.

Quietly take out a spoonful of stuffing and stuff the stuffing into the dough.

Step by step, wrap the dough carefully, and the layer of pleats is very serious.

The side of the step wrapped in dumplings, while looking at some of the travel.

In the chaotic eyes, five hundred years of time have come to his eyes.

For five hundred years, for the step, he spent most of his life in it.

Even in the earth, in the Qianlong continent, in the fairy kitchen world, in the chaotic universe ... the days spent are not as long as five hundred years.

And these five hundred years, for the step, is a precipitation of state of mind.

He sometimes misses old friends, and sometimes misses the positive mood and mentality when he just stepped into cooking.

At that time, he was small and fearless.

But it was this fearlessness that made him feel a little bit smirk.

There are more and more dumplings on the stove, and in a short while, they are full.

Step to stop.

There is no dumpling skin, and the dumpling stuffing is also finished.

However, he only felt that he had only spent a moment.

Stepped up his hand and rubbed his nose.

On the nose, it suddenly appeared a little white.

The dumplings are packed, the white gauze is laid underneath, and the dumplings are placed one by one.

Cover the step with a layer of steamer.

A lot of just-baked firewood was piled up behind the stove.

Just like when the initial party is in the mountains, the firewood is the same.

Put the firewood into the stove.

It was fired.


The fire suddenly rises to the sky, it is a simple fire.

Nothing is flashy, no energy is diffused.

The fire ignited and blew in the fire. The black smoke spread and the coughed coughed a few times.

The fire was born.

There are two pots in the cooktop, and the pots are ordinary pots.

One pot steamed dumplings, the other pot was cooking other food.


The oil was poured into the pot and began to splash.

Steps will pour the processed ingredients into it.


The white gas spurts out, it is the water vapor that is blown out by the oil juice.

Hold the ordinary pot spoon and start to stir fry.

The ingredients began to become golden, and the scent was like flowing water.

Stir fry in the pan and the ingredients are fluttering in the pot.

After that, take out the steaming dishes.

The rich aroma is refreshing.

Step by step took a deep breath.

I only feel that my heart is melting. He has been cooking for so many years. For the first time, he has dishes that make him so intoxicated.


Put a strip of bread into the pot.

The surface begins to soften and tumbling in boiling water.

The face of a strip is very slender.

This kind of noodle is the dragon's noodle that used to cook the pot.

Longshou noodles are also called longevity noodles, and the steps feel that they are inexplicably wanting to cook at the moment.

In a blue-and-white porcelain bowl, the steps poured the sauce into it, and the vinegar, soy sauce, chopped green onion, etc. were poured into it.

Wait until the dragon's face is boiling.

The dragon's noodles that are tumbling in the pot are thrown out and placed in a bowl.

The pace of the steps is a bit complicated.

He seems to think of the dragon's face that his parents cooked for him when he was a child.

There is no birthday cake, only one dragon must.

Simply a single bowl of noodles, but it contains the parents' care for him and hopes that he will grow up healthily.

Spit a sigh of relief.

The hands behind the steps are slightly shaking.


The dumplings in the steamer are cooked.

Step out the steamer from the pot.

Placed on the stove.

The white air is constantly emerging in the steamer.

The step opens the lid of the steamer and makes it look like a dragon.

The white and tender dumplings are exuding heat and placed in them.

Step by step, the dumplings are clipped one by one, as if they were put into a group of flowers.

At the center of the flower, he is a good sauce...

In this way, his dishes are cooked.

A steamed dumpling, a bowl of longevity noodles, an omelet, a small fried meat.

Four dishes, simple.

Step out of the blue and white porcelain bowl, smashed a bowl of rice with crystal clear fragrant white rice.

At this point...

His dishes are thoroughly cooked.

There are no gorgeous ingredients, no kitchen utensils.

Simply plain and ordinary, just a dish, just poured out the feelings and emotions of the five hundred years.

Ordinary reveals extraordinary.

This is the decision made by the final assessment of the kitchen god.

Forest hut.

The steps took the dishes out and placed them on the table.

On the table, there is also a dish cooked by the kitchen god, which is full of brilliance and dazzling.

When the steps were put on the dishes, the dishes that were radiant and radiant were suddenly dimmed...

"My cooking is over, please taste."

Step by step, put rice on the table, spoon, chopsticks, and faint.

The sound is lingering in the hut, so confident, so loud.

The final assessment.

A dish of small dishes, a plate of steamed dumplings, a bowl of dragon mustard, an omelette.

A bowl of white rice, nothing more. 8)

Read The Mage of Eternity