MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 100 she and her

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When the professor on the podium announced that the get out of class was over, Xu Heran packed his schoolbag as quickly as possible, jumped up from his seat, landed on the ground, and rushed out excitedly.

Before the students in the classroom realized what happened, they saw a shadow flying past in the corridor.

"Xu Zhenzhu, it is forbidden to run and fight in the corridor!" Jiang Qiong shouted and caught up.

"What's going on?" Xu Heran grabbed Xin Nuo's hand, and the two talked while running.

Xin Nuo smiled and said, "Just run."


Xu Heran got it instantly, and when he went down the stairs, he met Jian Yueyin who was standing on the platform on the next floor with his head up.

"Of course!" Jian Yueyin shouted excitedly.

Xu Heran's legs changed direction instantly.


Xu Heran felt that the target of these people was himself, and hurriedly led Xin Nuo out of the side building of the teaching building.

"We have to find the podium," Shino gasped.

"The one on the playground?" Xu Heran asked.

Xin Nuo shook his head, "I don't know, it was arranged by Sister Liu in advance."


Xu Heran was not in a hurry, and walked forward with Xin Nuo, she said with a smile: "Let the others look for it first, and I will take you to the podium last, how about it?"

"Then you have to make sure that we will stand on the stage in the end." Xin Nuo said with a smile, "Haya is also there."

That's a bit dangerous indeed.

The two put their hands in their pockets and walked along the school path. This time "As You Want" and Jinghua University jointly organized the program, the winner will jointly donate 1 million scholarships to poor children with Jinghua University.

The sky is clear and dry in winter, and the shadows of the trees are dancing on the path. Although there are photographers behind him to shoot, Xu Heran feels inexplicably happy. She lowered her head, looked at Xin Nuo with a reddish nose, and asked with a smile, "Is it cold?"

Xin Nuo raised his head, his dark eyes were cleaner than the sky.

"It's running hot."


They walked quietly for a while along the bluestone road full of phoenix trees. When they passed the corner, several people folded their arms and looked at them with squinted eyes for an unknown period of time.

Xu Heran paused and raised his hand: "Hi~"

"Xu Zhenzhu! You philandering bead, I've heard that people in the school send you flowers every day, and they're all as long as a street!" Jiang Qiong shouted, "There are still people checking in there every day to take pictures!"

Xu Heran immediately raised his hand: "What! I don't even know, don't wrong Pearl!"

"I saw it." Song Fenghua proved, "I took a photo."

Xu Heran walked over with Xin Nuo, and a group of people bowed their heads.

In the photo, bouquets of roses of various colors are placed along the railing of the school, extending out to two meters. The flowers in the front bouquet can be seen to have withered.

"Each bouquet of flowers has its own time, three bouquets a day." Song Fenghua said, "The cards say good morning, good afternoon, and good night."

Xu Heran said blankly: "Fans?"

"Didn't I say not to send things to school?" Xu Heran immediately turned his head and raised his hands to the camera, "Don't do this kind of thing, I don't accept gifts, and if you really want to release your love, Please pay attention to children in impoverished mountainous areas, thank you."

Jiang Qiong grinned, then stretched out her fingers to make up her mind.

"Three bundles a day. I heard from students that they have been delivered for several months. How much does it cost?"

"You don't know?" Jian Yueyin asked Xu Heran.

"I don't know at all." Xu Heran said innocently, "No one told me."

"Then you are not popular." Haya put her arm on Xu Heran's shoulder, "How did you get along?"

"Who is not popular, all the students in our class like me, okay?" Xu Heran said, "But in the second half of the year, apart from going to class, I will go back to the dormitory to chat with the company about the album. I don't go to the library a few times. , is a very discreet little pearl."

The last sentence she said was to Xin Nuo. When she turned her head, she saw Xin Nuo quietly looking at Song Fenghua's cell phone.

Song Fenghua was still holding his mobile phone.

"It seems that the person who sent you flowers doesn't want to disturb you." Jian Yueyin said.

Xu Heran smiled lightly.

I don't want to disturb you, what are you sending flowers for?

"Don't think about it. After filming the show, let's go eat hot pot. There is a hot pot in the city that is very delicious. We haven't eaten together for a long time."

Haya smiled and said, "Correction, you haven't had dinner with us for a long time, so—"

She grabbed Xu Heran's hand, turned her head and dragged her to run.

"Hurry up and get off work!"

"Ha Daya!"

"You are too cunning!"



Xu Heran raised his head and shouted, "Help!"

"Are you okay?" Song Fenghua put away his phone and asked Xin Nuo in a low voice.

"It's okay." Xin Nuo smiled, "Let's catch up quickly."


It was Xu Heran who wanted Xin Nuo to win, but he was dragged onto the stage by Haya who had already discovered the position of the podium. The moment the fireworks erupted, everyone rushed over.

"Aren't you going to resist?"

Xu Heran opened his eyes and said nonsense, "I resisted fiercely and lost to Hadaya!"

Haya laughed loudly and patted Xu Heran on the shoulder.

For resistance or something, it is more important to get off work quickly and post with Nuonuo.

Xu Heran thought happily.

Xin Nuo looked at Xu Heran who was smiling at him on the stage, and curled his mouth, but a dark cloud floated over his heart, covering his heart.

Ji Yichen, did he actually attack Zhuzhu this time?

Strong anger spread in her heart, overwhelming all emotions in her heart. She has not been so irritable for a long time, as if someone poured a hundred catties of ink into her body. Her limbs were cold and heavy, and countless dark thoughts drifted past.

Why didn't Ji Yichen get into a car accident?

Xin Nuo thought to himself.

Why can't a meteorite fall from the sky and hit Ji Yichen on the head?

There are so many people in the world, why does he want to keep an eye on them?

Xin Nuo's fingers curled up slowly, she lowered her head and smiled softly.

How disgusting, Ji Yichen.

How are you a human being?


She was wrapped in darkness, a pair of warm arms suddenly embraced her, and her whole body was buried in the warm embrace.

"What's the matter, are you tired?" Xu Heran lowered his head and rubbed her head with concern, "Are you still unhappy that you didn't win?"

"Shall we watch a movie together tonight?"

Xin Nuo was stunned, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became real. She raised her hand and patted Xu Heran's back.

"Idiot, who told you to open your clothes?"

Xu Heran was wearing a heavy brown coat that hung down to her knees. Inside was a black wool sweater. Before she hugged Xin Nuo, she unbuttoned the coat because she was afraid that the coat would be cold to Xin Nuo's face.

"If I'm angry because of winning or losing a program, I'm not going to live well?" Xin Nuo buttoned her up in dissatisfaction, and said, "You should reflect on yourself."

"I was wrong." Xu Heran said with a smile, "Then don't be angry, okay?"

She lowered her head and whispered: "I have been asking people to clean up the bouquets, and I also asked Sister Cui to watch the public opinion on the Internet. I will never let the dog get away with it."

Xin Nuo paused the hand that was buttoning her button, she raised her head and said in astonishment, "You know?"

Xu Heran smiled, raised his hand to touch her face with the palm of his hand, and said without answering: "Let's go, let's go eat."

SGS fans talk too much.

"Report—fairies! The latest news, Nuo Nuoyin, Fenghua Qiong'er, and Haya are coming to Beijing to film a variety show! It's at Capital University, and there are Reuters pictures uploaded by Beijing students~!"

"I saw it earlier! I also saw Zhuzhu running around the campus holding Nuonuo~"

"Catch a top student!"

"I'm so happy! It's so rare to see them shooting a variety show together. Every time there are only one or two people, but this time there are six of them!"

"I met Qiong Er on campus. She is a social cow. When we chatted with us, she said that it was because she had won a variety show before, so she made this request. She wanted to fight again with her former teammates and wanted to prove to the team members , she is no longer that weak Wang Wang, even if she has the strength to fight against Ha Daya and Xu Zhenzhu!"

"Hahahahaha, so who wins?"

"I don't know hahaha, but I don't think Qiong'er can win!"

"Can't win plus one!"

"I hope Gou Wang Wang wins again and bring back His Majesty Hua and Xian Xian! I want to see the SGS fusion!"

"Fit together!"

"I feel that it is getting more and more difficult for them to fit together. Fenghua is about to join the group. Qiong'er has taken over another variety show host—she has passed the host certificate test and seems to like hosting this job. There is news from Nuonuo that there is a very I want to make an important movie, and I need closed training. Haya will release an album next year, and I will go abroad to work with Sui Yuechang Dance Studio. Your Majesty Hua will be a mentor in a rap show during the winter vacation. Zhu Zhu will release a new album. Everyone They're all so busy."

"Yinyin is what I eat and responds to you."

"Hahaha, Yinyin, a woman lying on the sofa living off royalties."

"It's a bit tiring to do variety shows, but it's more comfortable to write songs, by Jian Yueyin."

"Yinyin: I don't want to be too comfortable, but there's no way to write a song that will become popular."

"Haha, Yinyin wouldn't talk like that."

"Jian Yueyin! Hurry up and start the concert!"

"By the way, it's still me. Today besides Qiong'er, I also met Fenghua. Fenghua is really beautiful. She is thin and cold. She is different from Nuonuo. Nuonuo looks gentle but is alienated, just right for indifference. , Fenghua is really cold."

"In fact, I found that Fenghua is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, he is a good boy, and he always says something that makes people laugh."

"Yes! When I saw Fenghua, this silly kid hugged the railing, put his head on the railing, tiptoed to look out, and took out his mobile phone to take pictures. When he finished taking pictures, there were still two red marks on his forehead. I laughed so hard. Yes. Today, doesn’t she feel cold-headed?”

"Hahaha, there is a picture!"

"so cute!"

"What did Fenghua take?"

"Uh... that is, the school gate, the row in the corner."

"Ah, I understand." Someone said with a chuckle, "Is that the psychopath who sends flowers to Zhuzhu all day long?"

"what? What?"

"Don't you make pollen? For several months, someone sent flowers to Zhuzhu every day, morning, noon and night. This incident was first reported from the confession wall inside the school. At first, the bouquet didn't have a name written on it, and someone Ask who is so romantic, dare not confess? Then a bouquet of flowers appeared, with a card inside saying 'I like your blue-purple eyes like I like violet summer', and everyone instantly decoded that it was confession to Zhuzhu."

"At first we thought we were fans, and we even teased Zhuzhu, but Universal doesn't allow celebrities to accept gifts from fans, no matter how small a gift is. Zhuzhu said in the live broadcast that if it was a flower for her, it would Stop this kind of behavior, she doesn't like it. But the man keeps giving it away, and Zhuzhu said that it's not for her, so don't worry about it."

"Anyway, Zhuzhu's tone is not very good. I think someone is entangled with Zhuzhu?"

"Zhuzhu said that the person who really likes her will not force her. This person is just satisfying himself. In addition, it will increase the burden on the sanitation workers. The only benefit is to generate income for the flower shop hahaha."

"At first I thought it was a romantic thing, so it is."

"Yeah, anyway, our Beijing University students know about it, so we don't mention it to Zhuzhu. I have a friend who is in the same class as Zhuzhu, and she said she is doing well, and at the end of the semester, I will upload the notes I compiled for everyone to see. , Usually everyone will answer questions when they ask her, and her tone is very gentle, but everyone is afraid of disturbing her, so they dare not ask her questions."


"Hey, who's shell has fallen and you haven't picked it up yet!"

"Slightly slightly slightly, I don't listen, Zhuzhu is my daughter goose! All those who have ulterior motives for Zhuzhu all retreat!"

"Back off!"

After everyone chatted, they dispersed with the mentality of "my baby goose is the best in the world". Until Christmas Day, "As You Like" was broadcast. In the program, in order to keep the scenes of Song Fenghua, this part of the content was not completely deleted in the later stage. It's just that Xu Heran only kept Xu Heran's "I don't know" about the bouquet, and quickly passed by.

The fans who knew about it laughed it off, and told everyone not to pay attention to this matter in Chaohua. They thought it was over like this, but the next day, the news of "mysterious person sent flowers to Xu Heran in love" became a hot search.

SGS fans have always been united. Except for a certain person in the group, they are basically fairy fans. When they saw this trending search, they clicked in one after another.

Fairy powder: "???"

Let this fairy see who is doing things!

The news with 10,000 comments has described the flower-giving incident from beginning to end, and even the very beginning is clearly written, but it does not mention Xu Heran's attitude towards this matter. Concentrated, looks both elegant and rich, I don't know which nobleman is spending a lot of money to buy a thousand dollars with a smile.

In the comments, everyone shouted, "It's a little sweet, give it a good shot", "Who gave it to you", "Get together soon" and other comments. The fairies have been on the Internet for many years, how can they not smell the smell of the navy, and quickly refuted the rumors, telling everyone that this is the behavior of the flower sender himself, and has nothing to do with Xu Heran. Xu Heran just wants to study hard, please stop the flower sender. .

But soon they were suppressed by Shui Jun's comments. These people said, "But I think the flower giver didn't disturb Xu Heran's normal life and study. He just expressed his love silently. Of course Xu Heran can't accept it." .”

"You fans care about a lot. Maybe they have been together for a long time. You see, one of them is good-looking, the other is rich, and they are a good match. But the behavior of you fans looks sour. Is it because Xu Heran You dare not make it public?"

"That's right, and I think this is an act of young couples showing their love. Hahaha, it's because they are together that they send flowers every day."


They took out screenshots from Xu Heran's live broadcast and the show, and refuted the rumor that Xu Heran was definitely not with the sender of flowers, and they couldn't be together. Little Pearl didn't think the sender of flowers was polite at all!

There are also fans who are angry from it, and sneered: "Is there anyone who compares with us for wealth? And even if you are rich, so what, you only dare to send flowers secretly, and you are so handsome in private that you dare not see people!"

This kind of remarks was mentioned more and more frequently under the confrontation between angry fans and trolls, and it expanded at an inexplicable speed. The heart of the big fan who kept telling the fairy fans to be calm felt that something was wrong.

Half an hour later, another trending search hit the top of the entertainment sector's trending search list.

#secret lovexu heran man has found a transcendence#

The insider knows everything: "Shocked! He is the one who confesses his love to Miss Global Group every day and sends flowers! He graduated from a world-renowned university, inherited hundreds of millions of fortunes, is handsome, courteous, and a new star in the technology world—Peak Tech Ji Yichen!"

There is also a photo under the marketing account. In the photo, the man is wearing a neat suit and silver glasses, concentrating on looking at the financial report in his hand. When the photo appeared, many passers-by couldn't help but wow, thinking that this man looks really good.

Fairy powder: "???"

It's easy to understand in the circle: "The circle has sharp eyes, and found in the comments on Xu Heran's Weibo that Ji Yichen, the vice president of Peak Technology, often likes and comments on Xu Heran's Weibo, using his own private account~ Could it be that the golden couple , handsome men and beautiful women with matching family backgrounds, have they really been together a long time ago?"

Many screenshots he released.

Ji Yichen: "The weather is fine today, I miss you very much."

Ji Yichen: "I want to say hello to you every morning, and the moment I see your eyes open, my world lights up."

Ji Yichen: "Good morning, today is a daisy, I hope love is like a daisy, ordinary and simple, but everywhere and every moment."

Ji Yichen: ...

All kinds of remarks, the timing of the comments matched the flowers he sent, and why they matched, because the insiders sorted out the evidence in great detail, and everyone was confused.

It's easy to understand in the circle: "And this noble young man in Beijing not only gave Xu Heran a thumbs-up, but also cheered on the comments of other people in SGS, using the tone of his own family~"

Fairy powder: "???"

A small bowl can eat a big bowl: "Fart!"

SGS Jiang Qiong is not poor: "Fart!"

Their heads were blank, and the angry and anxious fans hadn't had time to sort out their words, and their trembling mobile phones could hardly hold their hands. They saw these two comments appearing in the circle under Yiddiaotong.

Fairy powder: "Huh?"

Ten seconds later, Jiang Qiong deleted her comment and liked Xiao Wan's comment.

A minute later, everyone in SGS except Xu Heran and Xin Nuo specially climbed up to give Xiaowan's comment a thumbs up.

SGS Xu Heran: "Pearl fart!"

SGS Xin Nuo: "Yes."

Pearl Shell and Fairy Powder, who were so angry that they sat up from their stools, sat down at the same time and waved their hands, "Calm down, small scene."

"Xu Heran!" Cui Qi yelled in the video, "You deleted it for me!"

"I won't delete it." Xu Heran sneered, "Not only will I not delete it, but I will scold him!"

"Heh, just wait here for me." Xu Heran crossed his legs.

Xin Nuo said softly, "It won't be that simple."

During the group meeting, Jian Yueyin asked Xin Nuo suspiciously: "Nonuo, what do you know?"

Xin Nuo smiled and said, "No, I just think that he gave Zhuzhu flowers for half a year and squatted in Zhuzhu's comment area for so long, so it's impossible for him to express his love."

"If so, why do you have to use hot searches to confess your love?"

Cui Qi said with a headache: "I also find it strange, and he is a vice president of a technology company, where does he have any intersection with you?"

Xu Heran and Xin Nuo looked at each other without speaking.

"I've already contacted the public relations." Cui Qi sneered, "Over the years, it's not that I haven't dealt with people who want to touch you to make CP, but before, I dealt with small stars, and this is the first time I dealt with a small president. "

little president.

Xu Heran was amused by Cui Qi's statement, and shook his foot.

"Then wait for Sister Cui to show off her might!"

Still wanting to say something, she opened her mouth and then suddenly closed it.

"Well, wait for Sister Cui." She murmured.

Xin Nuo raised her eyes and glanced at Xu Heran. She raised her finger and sent a message to Xu Heran.

"Be careful to make sister Cui angry."

"Hey, Sister Cui has a strong heart, how can a mere little pearl be so angry!" Xu Heran glanced at the time, "There is still an hour, let us bless Sister Cui!"

Xin Nuo: "You should bless yourself."

Xu Heran smiled and raised his finger to type.

"Love you!"

Ji Yichen broke out from the marketing account, netizens began to dig into the news of this person, Universal Entertainment actively suppressed the water, refuted the rumors, contacted the marketing account to delete Weibo, but this time, the marketing account was very stubborn, saying that he posted It's all true, not lies.

"Strange." The employees of the public relations department who dealt with marketing accounts all the year round frowned, feeling that things were not so simple.

"Dream Entertainment was acquired. It seems that the new owner's market is stable, so they are so unscrupulous." The public relations manager whispered, "It's okay, everyone follow the normal process, we have a clear conscience."

"Yes, manager."

On the Internet, Ji Yichen's interview news over the past few years has been found out. It is indeed as the marketing account said. After graduating from a prestigious university, he joined a company. Yuan Cheng's Bio, and completed the development of new materials, which will be sold this year.

After the listing of new materials, the financial statements of Peak Biotech in the first half of the year are very good.

Moreover, Universal Group seems to be cooperating with Dingfeng this year. Although the contract has not been signed yet, it is said that the order amount is too large, so it is still under discussion.

It seems to be a cooperative relationship. Peak wouldn't want to hype up with the daughter of Universal Entertainment, could it be that Ji Yichen really likes Xu Heran, that's why this series of things happened?

Just when everyone was puzzled, an insider broke the news.

Ji Yichen, he has a fiancée.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and countless people rushed in one after another.

Ji Yichen has a fiancee?

There is a fiancee who sends flowers to the little girl?

Scumbag! shameless!

Someone else said.

This is what age, Ji Yichen's fiancée was married since childhood, he doesn't like that woman at all, they are child relatives.

Passers-by who eat melons are getting more and more excited, full of curiosity about life in the "upper class" in the capital.

Until Peak Technology made an announcement.

Pinnacle Technology: "As for the fact that our vice president of accounting confessed to Universal Entertainment star Xu Heran, our company immediately investigated after the hot search appeared, and learned that this was not the behavior of Mr. Ji himself.

Due to busy work, Ji Zong handed over the management of public social platforms to his assistant. After investigation, we learned that this was the personal behavior of Mr. Li, the assistant of Ji Zong. He used his identity to confess to Xu Heran, which caused great trouble to both parties. Technology is deeply sorry to Ms. Xu Heran, and we have sought help from the police for Li's inappropriate behavior.

Here, I want to clarify for Mr. Ji that he appreciates Ms. Xu Heran's works very much, but he has no other thoughts about Ms. Xu Heran. Mr. Ji has his own heart and is very affectionate. I hope the rumors will stop with the wise, so don't hurt her affection. "

As soon as this clarification Weibo from Pinnacle Technology was published, people who eat melons from all walks of life have different expressions. The brows of pearl oysters are tightly knit. They look back at their comments with the marketing account, and Xu Heran's previous behavior of stopping sending flowers. Compared with Ji Yichen's clarification by asking Peak Technology to come forward, there is always a feeling that they are the persistent one, persistent and self-confident.

With a breath held in his chest, someone asked, "Did no one find out for so long?"

Peak Technology replied: "Sorry, our company is a technology company, and Ji Zong and his friends don't care about the entertainment industry, so they don't know about the assistant's long-term comments and likes on Ms. Xu's Weibo."

In his answer, it seemed that the side being confessed was more self-indulgent.

Don't care about the entertainment industry, but still appreciate other people's works, no matter how false it sounds.

The melon-eating crowd didn't waste this good opportunity, and immediately asked: "So who is Ji Zong's favorite? Is it better than Xu Heran?"

Pearl Oyster: "???"

"Sorry, just ask if you ask, don't step on others, okay?"

Peak Technology replied to the questioner with a smile.

At this time, things seemed to be clear, the previous hot search news faded, and Peak Technology published Weibo again.

Peak Technology: "Because Peak Technology and Universal Group are about to cooperate, please don't believe the rumors, so as not to spoil the cooperation between the two. In addition, we have completed the acquisition of Dream Entertainment half a month ago, renamed Peak Entertainment, Peak Entertainment, and will A better work will be brought to everyone @峰峰娱乐.”

During the phone call, Ji Yichen's tone was calm.

"I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. It's because I'm not strict with my orders. Please forgive me, Mr. Xu."

Xu Jiamu didn't speak, but propped his jaw, browsing the news in the notebook.

"After the contract is signed, Peak can offer a 10% discount on the first batch of payment as an apology." Ji Yichen's tone was sincere.

"No need." Xu Jiamu said calmly.

Ji Yichen smiled and said, "Thank you Mr. Xu—"

"There is no need to sign the contract." After Xu Jiamu finished speaking, there was no movement on the phone.

"What does Mr. Xu mean?" Ji Yichen frowned.

Xu Jiamu's voice was calm, "The time has dragged on for too long. In five months, I don't see Peak's desire to cooperate."

Ji Yichen paused and explained: "Because the contract amount is too large, we have to consider the production capacity and whether we can provide the best service to Global."

Xu Jiamu's eyes were slightly cold.

To provide the best service is to wrestle with the contract for five months?

"500 million, too much?" Xu Jiamu clicked on the mouse and said casually, "I understand."

Ji Yichen suddenly felt ashamed of being underestimated. He sat up straight, took off his glasses, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, at present, in the whole world, only Zenith has the ability to produce new materials. The patent is in the hands of Zenith. We can Give Universal the best materials!"

"In this way, Peak will give up three points in profit, and we can sign the contract at any time." Ji Yichen said.

Xu Jiamu didn't speak.

Hearing the rhythmic knocking sound from the opposite side, Ji Yichen smiled slightly and increased his weight, "If Mr. Xu is willing to let the New Technology Park cooperate with Zenith, I am willing to give up five more points."

"Well, no need."

"Goodbye." Xu Jiamu hung up the phone and waved to the secretary.

The secretary nodded with a smile.

Universal Entertainment: "As for the fact that our artist Xu Heran was given flowers by strangers for a long time, our company has asked the police to investigate before the hot search appeared, and we will inform everyone of the consequences.

The flower delivery person may be busy with work, and the business is fully contracted to the flower shop. After the hot search appeared, we contacted Peak Technology to get a photo of Li, and asked the owner of the florist who made the bouquet to identify it, and got the news that this person had never appeared in the flower shop. Prior to this, the owner of the flower shop informed the police, and the police told us that the flower giver was generous and paid in advance every month, and the account of the payment was Zhou Moushan.

Because Mr. Zhou Moushan simply paid for the flowers and asked the florist to deliver them outside the school wall, which did not have a bad influence on our artistes, we had no choice but to let this matter go.

But today, our company is deeply puzzled by what Dingfeng explained. Why did the assistant surnamed Li use Zhou's account to send money to the flower shop? For this behavior, we have provided evidence to the police who sought help from Dingfeng Technology and learned that The Beijing police did not receive help from Peak Technology.

For this reason, we contacted Mr. Zhou Lishan, Deputy General Secretary of Summit Technology. He expressed that he was not clear and would give us an explanation later.

Therefore, please wait quietly before Secretary Zhou Lishan speaks to us. "


"Pfft ha ha ha ha!"


"Dian Feng, why didn't you speak anymore, Feng Feng, that high profile just now, is it gone?"

"Quickly explain why you, Assistant Li, have a crush on others and give flowers to others, and you have to pay with Zhou's money? Secretary Zhou Lishan, speak up, Secretary Zhou Lishan, explain quickly!"

"Don't ask, the question is that Assistant Li's mother's surname is Zhou, and he used his mother's money!"

"What, Ji Yichen's secretary is the assistant's mother? Isn't he a man? @凤峰周立山."

"Hey, Mr. Zhou Lishan, what is the relationship between this Zhou Moushan and you? Didn't you call the police?"

"Ji Zong, who is not interested in the entertainment industry at all, and Zhou Lishan, Ji Zong's secretary, and Zhou Moushan, an assistant named Li who is in charge of Ji Zong's private Weibo and has not been discovered for half a year, are really amazing!"

"Full of lies!"

"Things are suddenly getting weird~"

"So, Peak is the liar! This flower was sent by Ji Yichen!"

"I think so, three bouquets of flowers a day, carefully packaged, how much is it, an assistant, how much is the annual salary, can the wind and rain continue to send for half a year?"


In Beijing, Peak Technology, Ji Yichen got up and looked at the pale secretary.

"What's going on, I didn't tell you to clean up!"

"Yes, but..." The secretary took a deep breath.

But the money for buying flowers every month, tens of thousands of running water, is usually transferred to him by Ji Yichen's private account, and when he goes to send the money, he originally thought about whether to transfer it directly to the assistant and leave this matter to him Do it, but this matter was entrusted to him by Ji Yichen, and it must be kept secret, and there are tens of thousands of cash per month. He was afraid that his assistant would be tempted to delay Ji's work, so he did it himself.

Unexpectedly, I made a mistake!

Ji Yichen took a deep breath, sat down slowly, with a heavy expression on his face.

Universal Entertainment has already investigated this matter clearly. He thought that the praying mantis catching the cicada was actually the oriole!

He laid the groundwork for today for half a year, but he didn't expect it to be ruined by this small detail! Damn it!

He had three goals for this matter. First, he took the opportunity to hype up Zenith and himself. Second, he attracted Summit Entertainment. Third, he took the opportunity to suppress Universal's aura in terms of cooperation. Unexpectedly, none of these three things succeeded!

How could Universal give up on new materials?

Ji Yichen took a deep breath, "Wait a minute, don't panic, maybe Xu Jiamu is trying to show me off."

"My strength is new materials. This is the best material that can improve the performance of the global service robot. I don't believe she won't be tempted!" Ji Yichen put down his hand and smiled coldly, "Unless she can find better materials. "

is it possible?

Global Technology: "Dear friends in the industry, in the 325th issue of this year's "Global Technology" magazine, in the paper "Conceptions on Redevelopment of Biomaterials", ideas and hypotheses are put forward for new materials that have not yet been researched and published. Global Technology R & D After all the demonstrations, it is believed that this conjecture is feasible, and the performance of the developed material is twice that of the new material in the world. In this regard, we sincerely invite friends from the industry to come to participate in the first global research and development conference of Universal Technology, and sincerely invite friends from the industry to join Universal, creating technology.

We will provide the most favorable research and development environment and the most advanced equipment for those who are confident in the development of new materials. Universal Technology, welcome to join us. "

Photo: "Imagination on Redevelopment of Biomaterials" Author: Cheng Siying

"Sister Cheng, this is a great opportunity for us!" The boy on the phone said excitedly, "Also, Universal Technology has specially photographed the content of the magazine, with your name in the middle! They must be inviting you!"

"Yeah." Cheng Siying looked ahead with a calm face, "I'll think about it."

She hung up the phone, looked at the bunch of news that the boy forwarded to her, and frowned suspiciously.

Peak Technology: "We will continue to investigate this matter, please calm down, please believe that we will definitely tell you the truth."

"Hi." Cheng Siying used Weibo unfamiliarly, frowned, and politely asked Pinnacle Technology, "Who do you say is the girl Ji Yichen has a crush on?"

If Ji Yichen has someone he likes, then quickly break off the engagement. But Ji Yichen always gave her gifts on festivals, and he didn't force him to give them after she rejected him. If he had someone he liked, would he still give her gifts?

Cheng Siying didn't quite understand.

No one paid any attention to the string of garbled questions until Universal Entertainment asked her in a tuba.

"Who do you think it is?"

Cheng Siying replied: "I don't know."

The person who was followed by Universal Entertainment immediately got the attention of the fairies. Everyone chatted with her and asked her curiously, "Who are you?"

Why does Entertainment Ball reply to you alone?

Cheng Siying replied politely: "Me? I should be Ji Yichen's fiancée."

Fairies: "...huh?"

What is she doing out again!

Ji Yichen immediately called Cheng Siying, but Cheng Siying glanced at it, put the phone on silent and put it in the drawer.

After the rest time is over, she will continue to work.

When people were running left and right in the melon fields on the Internet, at 8 o'clock in the evening, Beijing TV, "Crazy Interpretation" was broadcast, and the number of people eating melons immediately decreased by half, and they ran to the TV.

In this issue of "Crazy Interpretation", there are Zhuzhu and Nuonuo!

After two years, they are finally here again!

Pavilions, terraces and pavilions, winding water cups, the universe is within easy reach, hiding the beauty of the garden.

Xu Heran, who was wearing a horse riding suit, and the woman who was wearing a white and pink cheongsam, walked up to the detective holding hands.

"This is the second young lady of our house. She's already in her twenties and hasn't married yet!" The housekeeper sighed.

"My name is Pearl." Xu Heran put the whip on the table, put his arms around the shoulders of the woman beside him, and smiled slightly, "The reason why I can't marry is—"

"I don't like men."

The author has something to say:

It’s late~babies~I want to write the main text first about Zhuzhu and Nuonuo’s career line, and then put the part about dealing with scumbags in the part about sisters, because dealing with scumbags is inseparable from sisters. So, do you mind if my side story is 100 million points long?

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