MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 106 Xu Jiamu x Cheng Siying (including Overlord ticket plus update)

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In Xu Jiamu's eyes, Ji Yichen looked polite, indifferent and reserved, but in fact he had a deep scheming and insidious means, and what was even worse was that he wanted to use Xu Heran, and once wanted to get close to Xin Nuo.

As long as he used Xu Heran, Xu Jiamu couldn't stand him. As long as she was the president of Universal for a day, Universal would have no chance of cooperating with Peak, even if Peak had the best material in hand.

She told the company's senior leaders at the meeting that for the mature artificial intelligence service robots and other high-tech products in Universal's hands, the most important and core thing is still the chips and technology in their hands. Not the best, still able to occupy a strong position in the market.

Xu Jiamu has never been afraid of challenges and threats, not to mention that she has found a better way now.

"If there is nothing else, Miss Cheng and I still have something to discuss." Xu Jiamu said to everyone.

The people surrounding Cheng Siying were all business figures, how could they not know Xu Jiamu, and quickly smiled and said, "Please."

"Thank you."

Xu Jiamu nodded to everyone, especially Ji Yichen, and took Cheng Siying to the direction behind Ji Yichen. The two passed by, and Ji Yichen suddenly shouted: "Siying."

"Your things are still in the company, shall I send them to your home or to the company?" His voice was unhurried, and he sounded quite close to Cheng Siying.

Cheng Siying turned her head and glanced at Xu Jiamu's snow-white skin again. Her gaze, which was about to look at Ji Yichen, suddenly stopped in Xu Jiamu's hair. Under the loose hair, Xu Jiamu's equally fair ears were adorned with earrings, which were black pearls. Exquisite jewelry made in combination with diamonds, but only four words flashed in Cheng Siying's mind.

Sesame glutinous rice balls.

"No need." She looked at Xu Jiamu's profile, and said slowly, "It's not something important, just let someone dispose of it."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly saw a satisfied expression on Xu Jiamu's face.

Xu Jiamu: Very well, it seems that Teacher Cheng's feelings for Ji Yichen are no longer as deep as before.

Cheng Siying: Xu is always a beautiful woman, but it is difficult to understand.

The two people's different thoughts suddenly approached.

But if you communicate more, maybe you can become friends.

The two walked forward side by side. Behind them, Ji Yichen's expression became more and more pale, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"Everyone." He said to others, "Global's strength is obvious to all. Seeing that Universal and Lu's cooperation is imminent, and the establishment of the Science and Technology Park is really a huge threat to us."

The businessmen looked at each other in blank dismay, and someone whispered, "I think it may be an opportunity? If we can settle in the new technology park and communicate more with the world's two leading technology companies, we may be able to improve our company's technology."

Ji Yichen shook his head: "You think too simply."

"Lu's and Universal's technology has allowed them to stand where they are today. How can they be generous?" Ji Yichen said in a low voice, "The conditions for the new technology park to settle in are not yet clear. When the two major groups unite, it will be difficult for our technologies. As far as the company is concerned, it is a blessing or a curse... If it is a disaster, it is a disaster."

Everyone looked hesitant. Among them, a man and Ji Yichen looked at each other and said, "I heard the news that Universal and Lu's Science and Technology Park has a limited number of companies that can enter the Science and Technology Park. Top technology, think about it, can ordinary people accept this condition?"

"Besides, if you enter the park, it will be difficult to figure it out. At that time, you will be manipulated by the two major groups, and you can't help but say it..." Another person frowned, "It will also be a blow to other companies that have not entered the science and technology park."

"In the end, only Lu's and Universal won a lot of money. The technology keeps surpassing the current level, but we are constantly being hit."

The person who spoke first said: "This is all speculation. I still retain my previous opinion. The market share of Lu's and Universal is already large. From a technical perspective... I don't know what is worth coveting."

"Old Sun, you have been immersed in the business world for many years, why is your idea so simple?"

"Hahaha, then look, what should we do? If we guess here and there, can we still prevent the two big groups from uniting?"

That's what Ji Yichen was waiting for, he smiled slightly: "We might not be able to stop it."

All eyes fell on his face.

"The two major groups can jointly build a science and technology park, and we can also jointly build a science and technology park before them, or..." Ji Yichen's smile deepened, and the words disappeared from his mouth.

"Would you like to dance?"

Xu Jiamu asked Cheng Siying seriously.

Cheng Siying: "I can't dance."


"Is it hot?" Xu Jiamu asked again.

Cheng Siying's overcoat was handed over to Secretary Xu Jiamu. She was wearing a sweater and trousers, and she was out of place among the crowd in suits and leather shoes.

"It's okay." Cheng Siying said.

"Okay." Xu Jiamu picked up a glass of champagne and said softly, "I'll show you a few people, and then we'll leave."

Xu Jiamu took Cheng Siying to meet, except for the organizer of the reception, they were all big shots with achievements and strength in scientific research.

"I remember specifically telling the secretary to send you an invitation letter. I thought you didn't come. I'm very happy to see you now." The gray-haired and energetic old man smiled and said to Cheng Siying, "Your research must be To continue, I and many others are waiting for your new results, you must inherit your father's behest and bring better materials to this world."

"I will." Cheng Siying said respectfully.

"Miss Xu, thank you for your support of our research." The old man said to Xu Jiamu with a smile, "I see that you came here with Miss Cheng. Cheng's biology is worthy of your attention. Everyone and I are waiting for the establishment of the new science and technology park."


Xu Jiamu clinked glasses with everyone.

Cheng Siying watched Xu Jiamu drinking with everyone without changing his face. When she first met Xu Jiamu, the woman had the smell of alcohol lingering on her body. As one of the most attention-grabbing people at the reception, she didn't know how much she had drunk before. .

"Let's go back." Cheng Siying whispered to Xu Jiamu.

"Okay." Xu Jiamu remained expressionless, and asked her three seconds later, "Where are you going?"

Cheng Siying: "..."

"go back."

Xu Jiamu: "Okay."

I won't be drunk.

Cheng Siying thought to herself, turned around, and looked for Xu Jiamu's secretary, who was two steps behind them immediately stepped forward.

"President Xu's room is on the top floor."

The three of them walked through the crowd, and the secretary with a smile on his face blocked other people who wanted to talk to Xu Jiamu, and quickly led the two into the elevator.

Xu Jiamu stood up straight and held his forehead.

Seeing her like this, Cheng Siying's words "I'll go back first" stopped on his lips.

"How are you?"

"Okay." Xu Jiamu responded.

Cheng Siying wondered if Xu Jiamu, who had been drinking too much, could only speak one word.

Adhering to the principle of seeking knowledge, she said: "I think you need to reconsider your sponsorship of Cheng."

Xu Jiamu didn't speak, lowered his head, and raised his eyebrows at Cheng Siying, as if asking, "Why?"

Cheng Siying: "..."


The top floor was very quiet. After entering the door, Cheng Siying saw her clothes hanging on the hanger at the door. She hurriedly fumbled in her pockets, and after touching the black card, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to take a shower, wait for me for a while." Xu Jiamu said.

Cheng Siying nodded and saw her walking into the bedroom. After she entered the door, the secretary suddenly grabbed Cheng Siying.

"Miss Cheng, please take care of Mr. Xu for me. I have to go over to the reception." The secretary smiled at Cheng Siying.


Cheng Siying blinked.

Take care, Mr. Xu?

She walked cautiously into the unlocked bedroom and heard the sound of water.

The bedroom was very clean, the size of Cheng Siying's entire house, and there were traces of living there. Cheng Siying stood awkwardly, wondering how to take care of her, when she heard a woman's cold voice calling from the bathroom, "Anna, please help me get my pajamas."


Cheng Siying searched quickly. She opened the closet, looked at the clothes full of clothes, thought for a while, and pulled out a black lace nightgown.


Cheng Siying walked into the bathroom, looking at the woman soaking in the bathtub, her skin flushed from alcohol, her face turned red.

"Huh?" Xu Jiamu opened his eyes and asked in doubt, "Miss Cheng?"

"Well... Miss Anna has something to do." Cheng Siying hung up the clothes for Xu Jiamu, not daring to look at her snow-white skin.

"President Xu, do you want to soak for a long time?" Cheng Siying whispered, "Otherwise, I'll go back first."

Behind her, the sound of water fluctuated, Xu Jiamu leaned against the white wall pool and smiled.

"Mr. Cheng, it seems that you didn't give me any underwear."

Cheng Siying: "..."

But you didn't say it.

"Mr. Cheng, it's already getting late. Let's rest here tonight. I'll take you back tomorrow." Xu Jiamu gently closed his eyes and invited, "The water temperature is just right. Teacher Cheng, do you want to take a bath together?"

Cheng Siying's hands and feet were stiff, and she left the bathroom as if fleeing.

Xu Jiamu raised his eyelashes slightly, looking at her back with hands and feet, a smile flashed in his eyes.

Cheng Siying woke up from the dream, she looked at the strange room and blinked.

There was a good smell on the bed, Cheng Siying slowly got up and looked at the sleeping woman next to her.

She didn't know what she was thinking last night, she didn't refuse Xu Jiamu's invitation, stayed in the hotel, waited for the two of them to wash up, and chatted together, philosophy, economy, technology... chatting and chatting, I don't know who fell asleep first.

Cheng Siying thought to herself, from this point of view, they should be considered friends.

As a very good friend, it seems like a good idea to accept Mr. Xu—Jia Mu's funding.

She thought slowly, got out of bed, put on some clothes, opened the door and went to the restaurant to find water.

It was dark outside the window, and the winter nights were long. Cheng Siying looked at the capital city in the morning light, and suddenly heard a knock at the door.

Maybe Xu Jiamu's secretary.

Cheng Siying went to open the door. When the door opened, the first thing she saw was the pattern on the clothes on the chest of the visitor. She raised her head subconsciously, and met a pair of beautiful blue-purple eyes.


Xu Heran looked at the woman standing there with a delicate appearance and clean temperament, and then looked behind her. The door of Xu Jiamu's bedroom was ajar, and the other bedroom on the opposite side was closed, and it didn't look like anyone was using it.

The blue-purple eyes of the little pearl exploded like fireworks.




Xu Heran snapped his fingers, and the light bulb on his head was shining brightly.


"Hi sister-in-law!"

Xu Heran said loudly, stepped forward without seeing anyone else, and walked in with his arms around Cheng Siying's shoulders, "You woke up so early, I brought you some breakfast...Why didn't Xu Jiamu tell me about this!"

Cheng Siying: "...No."

"Please sit down, sister-in-law." Xu Heran opened the stool, actively and enthusiastically invited Cheng Siying to sit down, and put the breakfast box brought from the hotel restaurant on the table. The breakfast is for two people. Xu Heran planned to have breakfast with Xu Jiamu, but unexpectedly And this surprise.

Xu Heran quickly picked up the coffee pot hanging on his body and poured coffee for Cheng Siying.

"My sister is not used to drinking coffee in the hotel. I made this myself in the dormitory. Sister-in-law, try it."

"I'm not-"


The sound of the door interrupted Cheng Siying's words again. Cheng Siying's pale face was slightly reddish. She blinked her eyes and watched Xu Jiamu walking over with a low expression. She was wearing that black lace nightgown and her beautiful face expressionless. Last night's black rose looked more and more unapproachable in the twilight of the morning, and the drooping eyelashes carried a hint of impatience.

"Xu Jiamu!" Xu Heran sneered, raised his hand, and poked the woman on the shoulder without fear of death, "You're fine."

"What?" Xu Jiamu asked in a foreign language, her voice was a little hoarse, she moved her hand to put the coffee on the table, Xu Heran slapped the coffee away just as her fingers touched the teacup. Her own sister picked up the coffee and placed it respectfully in front of Cheng Siying.

"What are you drinking? This is sister-in-law's."

Both of them communicated in a foreign language, and Cheng Siying, who could hear clearly, was stiff.

Xu Jiamu's fingers stopped in mid-air, her eyes slowly fell on Cheng Siying, she raised her eyebrows, the memory of last night flooded her mind, Xu Jiamu withdrew her fingers, squeezed her forehead, and apologized to Cheng Siying.

"Sorry, I'll ask the driver to take you back later."

"It's okay." Cheng Siying said,

Xu Heran rolled his eyes, and sneered at Xu Jiamu with a "hehe".

"What do you want to say?" Xu Jiamu was confused, "I don't understand."

She sat down at the small table by the window, with Xu Heran on the left and Cheng Siying on the right. Xu Jiamu leaned back in the spacious seat, pinching the white gold-rimmed coffee cup with her slender fingers.

"Xu Pei'er." She said in a steady voice.

Xu Heran raised his eyebrows and poured coffee for her. When the coffee cup approached Xu Jiamu's lips, a smirk appeared on the corner of Xu Heran's mouth.

"Sister, when did you find my sister-in-law for me? Don't tell me. Are you going to bring someone home this year? Mom must be very happy. Grandma will be excited for you."


A bubble came out of the black coffee.

Beside him, a certain Pearl who was fearless smiled and said, "Why don't you let people go back after sleeping? The weather is fine today. I suggest you go out shopping together and do some shopping."

Xu Jiamu got up, put the coffee cup on the table, and said "thump", before she could reach out, Cheng Siying spoke in time to prevent a tragedy between sisters.

"I'm Xu—Jiamu's partner."

Xu Heran hid to the side, with his right ankle resting on his left leg, shaking his foot.


on the bed?

Her sister did such a thing!

What is it called Xu Jiamu? My dear.

Xu Jiamu brought Xu Heran up since he was a child, and he saw her unstoppable bad water at a glance, and warned: "Put away your strange thoughts."

"That's not true."

Xu Heran didn't watch, and sighed in disappointment. She slumped on the chair and looked at Cheng Siying from the hot air.

This sister looks very young, with a medium build, black hair fluffy, and a pale face, but her lips are pink and her eyelashes are also very black.

A poem suddenly came to mind in her mind, "Lonely boat and hat man, fishing for snow in the cold river alone."

When she was a child, when her grandfather held her in his arms and told her stories, in the poetry book, black fonts were printed on a piece of blank ink, the world was vast, and only a small boat was silent in the white water.

Xu Heran felt that this elder sister was like the blank space in the painting, clean, far away, with a tranquil coolness.

It goes well with her sister's big ice cube.

Xu Zhenzhu raised her index finger and scratched her cheek.

Xu Jiamu peeled off the eggshell, put it on Xu Heran's plate, and said indifferently, "Eat."

Leave quickly after eating.

Xu Heran sat up lazily, and wanted to ask her "why didn't you give it to that sister first", when Xu Jiamu quickly put another egg that had been peeled off into the woman's plate opposite.

Cheng Siying was slightly stunned, and said softly, "Thank you."



Xu Heran stuffed a whole egg into his mouth with satisfaction, pushed the coffee pot to Xu Jiamu, and patted Xu Jiamu's shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Xu Jiamu asked her.

No no no no no.

Xu Heran pointed to the door, and waved his hand at Cheng Siying, "Mmmmmmm!"

Xu Jiamu: "..."

Cheng Siying: "Goodbye."

"Alas~" Xu Heran waved his hands enthusiastically.

As a very sensible, right and wrong sister, it is the most basic operation to give time and space to the two alone with a wink.

Xu Jiamu, don't thank me.

Just double the gift next year.

Xu Jiamu turned his head, seeing that Xu Heran really left without looking back, he thought for a moment. She picks up the phone.

"Xu Heran, if you talk to your mother indiscriminately, I will give Xu Junran your gift for next year."

Xu Heran, who had just secretly told Xin Nuo that her sister seemed to be in love, immediately said: "How is it possible, I am that kind of person!"

You are.

Xu Jiamu sneered,

Beside, Cheng Siying whispered: "Sorry."

"Huh?" Xu Jiamu looked at her suspiciously, and then said, "My sister, Xu Heran, has an outlier personality, please don't mind."

Xu Jiamu explained: "She just left because she was going to the airport. She has a job today. My sister is a star."

Her tone was a little proud, and the dark blue iceberg suddenly became vivid.

There was a smile in Cheng Siying's eyes, and he said softly: "I really wanted to meet your sister before, she has beautiful eyes."

Xu Jiamu said "um", looked sideways slightly, raised his eyelashes, and looked at Cheng Siying quietly.

Cheng Siying pursed her lower lip and looked away.

"Your eyes are equally beautiful."

Xu Jiamu smiled slightly, raised his coffee cup, and touched Cheng Siying's cup.


In front of the window, the air was quiet and comfortable. The two women looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

The author has something to say:

(both directions)

Is there a baby who can understand Zhuyu?