MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 109 Xu Jiamu x Cheng Siying [End] (including Overlord ticket plus update)

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Xin Nuo remembers that in his last life, because of the geographical location of Cheng's Institute of Biology, the right and wrong technology and the peak technology have been fighting for a long time, and the new science and technology park has not been established for a long time. How long to entangle.

Different from her previous life, in this life Xu Jiamu did not buy technology, but established a global technology branch in China. She also actively cooperates with the Lu Group for the cooperation of the new technology park and often travels in China.

Xin Nuo has always felt that her rebirth is God's compensation for her, to set aside everything in her past and give her a chance to start again. In her previous life, Xing Yujin and Mu Yiye, who caused huge waves in her short life, were severely suppressed by her lover. She just had to stand by and watch. These people would go on the same path as in her previous life. Another fell from a high place and fell to the ground, being resisted by everyone.

As for Ji Yichen, the most difficult person to deal with, after her debut, when her relationship with Xu Heran became better and better, she began to plan to deal with Ji Yichen. The land of Cheng's biology was given to Ji Yi by her. Chen prepared a big gift.

She will live with Xu Heran for the rest of her life, and Xu Heran's relatives are her relatives. In order to make the science and technology park build smoothly, she has to handle Ji Yichen's joints before the most important node starts.

Xin Nuo told Xu Heran in the message: "I bought it for investment, but I didn't expect to be able to help my sister. I am very happy."

"Okay." Xu Heran said to Xin Nuo with a smile, "Thank you Nuonuo."

"By the way, has Ms. Cheng returned to the research institute to continue working? Her research is very important, and the research institute is so far away from the capital. They are a group of researchers who are helpless, so they must pay attention to security." Xin Nuo said.

Xu Heran asked with a smile: "Okay, but I didn't expect, Nuonuo, you still care about these things?"

"It was just that I wanted to manage money before, and after a casual study, I saw a lot of strange news, such as a certain company deliberately setting fire to another company's factory building for competition, and commercial espionage, and even more ridiculous, stealing the official seal and personal identity Hand-to-hand combat..." Xin Nuo chuckled, "I can't imagine it."

"Well, but my sister has already arranged these." Xu Heran told Xin Nuo in a gossip tone, "My sister has stayed in the capital longer than in Languo, and I chat with Xu Jiamu's life assistant, my sister From time to time, I go to the research institute to find Siying, hehe..."

Hearing Xu Heran's smile, Xin Nuo couldn't help but said, "Didn't you say that the hotel had a misunderstanding before and my sister wasn't with Teacher Cheng?"

Xu Heran rubbed his chin, "No, but this posture...the iron tree is blooming?"

"Cough." Xin Nuo chuckled, "My sister is an iron tree, what are you, little iron tree?"

"I, the king of love, the only pillar of the third generation of the Xu family who has a partner, the whole family hopes!" Xu Heran said proudly. Xu Jiamu is one step ahead!"

Xin Nuo asked calmly, "How early do you want?"

Xu Heran touched his chin, "Look again."

She looked at it again and again. After watching it for a year, Xu Jia ran around in Huaguo and Languo, looking busy and fulfilled. Apart from work, she went to Cheng's Institute of Biological Sciences to go to the park with Cheng Siying, and look at the water by the way.

The construction of the new science and technology park has already started, and Huaguo's infrastructure level can be called the best in the world. The Cheng's Institute of Biology has also been included in the territory. Xu Jiamu communicated with Cheng Siying that the new research institute should be built first, and then Cheng Siying should be moved.

"The New Science and Technology Park occupies Tangqiu Science and Technology Park, which is Mr. Lu's decision." Xu Jiamu said to Cheng Siying in a low voice, "But many people in the conference room feel that this name is not very formal, and want to give the Science and Technology Park another name. Mr. Lu Still hesitating."

And he was severely reprimanded by Mr. Tang.

Xu Jiamu hid the scene of himself quietly drinking tea in Lu Manxin's office and listening to the unilateral scolding of two CEOs who played an important role in China's economy.

"Sugar ball?" Cheng Siying raised her eyes in surprise.

Xu Jiamu nodded, "President Lu's lover is surnamed Tang, and his nickname is Tangtang."

Cheng Siying couldn't help laughing and said, "Very sweet name."

The two of them walked side by side along the path in the park. Xu Jiamu glanced at Cheng Siying and added, "President Lu's lover is the president of the Tang Group, and she is an excellent woman."

"Yeah." Cheng Siying looked at the blooming roses by the roadside, squinting her eyes, "I've heard of it."

"The wedding of the century."

The discussions that occupied the economic and entertainment sectors of Huaguo for more than half a year even appeared in the newspapers and magazines determined by the research. Cheng Siying carefully read them at that time.

"You were also present." Cheng Siying said.

Xu Jiamu's eyes widened in surprise.

The woman next to her didn't look at her, and said softly: "I saw your photo in the report at that time."

"Well, I just took over Universal at the time, and I hit it off with Mr. Lu, and we cooperated a lot later, and I attended their wedding as friends." Xu Jiamu said.

"Now that many years have passed, the two of them are still happy and happy. As friends, I am very happy."

Cheng Siying raised her head and looked at Xu Jiamu's face, Xu Jiamu looked back slightly puzzled.

Well, you do look happy.

"It's not bad to have a successful career and a happy marriage." Cheng Siying said, "Are you envious?"

Xu Jiamu tidied up his clothes and said softly, "Maybe."

The two of them stopped at the old place, by the lake.

In summer, the park is full of greenery, and the lake is covered with a layer of green aquatic plants, covering the entire lake. Perhaps in this season, even the water in the park should be green.

Cheng Siying touched the soft petals in the flowerbed with her fingers, and whispered: "Our research has reached a very important point. At the end of this year, I will go to the Blue Country with my team."

"Yeah." Xu Jiamu knew about this. The research in Cheng Siying's hands was branched out from her father's previous research. It was a new research started from her own argument, but she had previous experience, and Cheng Siying had just entered the research institute. Until now, we have been in-depth research and pursuit, and the research progress of new materials has advanced by leaps and bounds this year.

The research institute went to Languo because it has a heavy and extremely precious equipment, there are only two in the world. When Xu Jiamu and Cheng Siying were walking, they heard her say that they were crying recently, and immediately contacted a certain research institute in Languo. Get a chance.

When Cheng Siying heard Xu Jiamu say this in a flat tone, she was silent for ten seconds, then spread her arms and hugged her gently. That day, Xu Jiamu tasted Mr. Cheng's handicrafts again. It was the second time she ate something made by Cheng Siying after the noodle meal, and it was a big meal.

"Teacher Cheng, since you're going to Languo..." Xu Jiamu still had a cold expression and a flat tone, "Why don't you come home with me?"

Cheng Siying's shoulders slowly stiffened, and she looked at her with wide eyes.

Xu Jiamu's voice was even weaker: "That research institute is in the city center, not far from my home. I said before that I would invite you to try my aunt's handicrafts. Why don't you just take advantage of this time?"

Cheng Siying whispered: "There is still half a year..."

"Half a year." Xu Jiamu imitated Cheng Siying, put his hands in his pockets, and chuckled, "It's still so long, Mr. Cheng, think about it carefully?"

Cheng Siying's straight shoulders slowly lowered, and her clear eyes looked at the swan jewelry on Xu Jiamu's chest.


It is half a year before Cheng's Institute of Biology goes to Languo. Before the team leaves, the expert team they want to borrow equipment will come to Huaguo on their own initiative. A scientific research conference, drop by to meet Cheng Siying and exchange ideas.

The leading expert from Languo read Cheng Siying's paper in a science magazine, and after chatting face-to-face with her, he greatly appreciated Cheng Siying, actively invited Cheng Siying to come to Languo, and hoped to cooperate with Cheng Siying.

Cheng Siying didn't refuse, didn't agree, but after the team of experts returned to Languo, they saw in the new issue of the magazine the paper published by that famous expert about the experience of the meeting and the research they conducted. Cheng's Institute of Biology and Cheng Siying, they said that in three years at most, new materials from Cheng's Institute of Biology will appear in front of the world, and this will be the best material he has ever seen.

"Praise! This is definitely praise!" Cheng Siying's assistant shouted that this was pressure, while holding the science magazine and grinning from ear to ear.

"Three years..." Others felt sympathetic, "If we don't get out in three years, wouldn't we be ashamed?"

Cheng Siying closed the magazine and curled the corners of her mouth.

"Then let's work hard and make the best materials today within three years."

"it is good!"

Huaguo, the other material companies who saw the magazine sighed, but now they are still being beaten by the materials of Peak Technology, and it doesn’t matter if there is one more. is the material.

There are also people who want to be like Zenith, merge with Cheng's Biotech before better materials appear, or find other ways to obtain patents for new materials. The Institute of Biology had never received investment news, and before it reached Cheng Siying's ears, it was sent back by the manager in charge of external affairs.

After a long time, Cheng Siying received Ji Yichen's call again, but this time, she didn't answer it again, and directly pulled Ji Yichen into the blacklist - this function was given to her by Xu Jiamu, and it was the first time Teacher Cheng used it. very satisfied.

Peak technology.

"Three years." Ji Yichen squeezed the report in his hand tightly.

Sitting behind the desk, Ji Yichen's father, Fengfeng's CEO, slapped the desk hard, "If the new materials are successfully launched, then everything we have now will be gone!"

"How long has it been better?" He got up angrily and walked back and forth, "Cheng Siying is so cowardly now, he doesn't even answer my phone!"

Ji Yichen didn't speak, but frowned tightly, "How did you research the new material so quickly? Didn't it take 25 years?"

Ji Zong frowned even tighter, "Could it be possible that there were actually two formulas back then, and Cheng Siying took out one? That one didn't study well, so it's only now coming out?"

"Oh! It's all about you. I know you don't like her, but you can't break off the engagement with her so easily! After marriage, who do you like and who do you want to hang out with? Can she control you?" Ji The boss patted the table and said to Ji Yichen, "What should we do now, if we really ask her to come up with new materials, we're done!"

Ji Yichen threw down the report, "I don't like the woman next to you, but..."

Just like what his father said, the launch of new materials will deal a fatal blow to Peak.

Ji and his son were discussing in the office, and after a while, the manager of the marketing department knocked on the door and came in.

"It's not good. All in all, this week, our orders have dropped by 30% from the previous month! Many customers with large orders are very hesitant and don't want to place large orders." The manager of the marketing department was sweating profusely.

"They said that better materials will come out soon, and they said three years, if it is two years... In short, they use this excuse to lower our price." The marketing manager whispered.

Because only they have good materials, it is very easy for business to go out and knock on orders, and there is no need to ask for help. Only others beg them to produce quickly, so his business is more ambitious than the other, but since the news that better materials are coming out Appeared, the attitudes of those customers suddenly changed, and many people who had communicated with Cheng Siying at the ball before released the news that if she develops new materials, she will supply them to the market at a cheap price, but she will give priority to supplying them to official units.

Oh, now there are more companies from Universal and Science Park.

"Damn it, if the price is really lowered now, isn't that what they want? If you use this excuse to drop it today, will it drop again tomorrow?" Mr. Ji sneered, "The price will never drop, there are still three years left, from research and development to It will take longer to go public, they are willing to procrastinate, procrastinate!"

Ji Yichen also said: "The price must not be lowered."

The land he bought in the suburbs cost a lot of money, and it will be developed later. At the peak, only new materials are the most profitable, enough to feed the whole company. If the price of new materials drops, it will also send a signal to the outside world.

At the pinnacle, you must not be subdued.

Mr. Ji behind the desk looked at Ji Yichen, he turned the prayer beads in his hand, and said in a low voice, "It would be best for us if new materials can't be produced."

Ji Yichen's heart skipped a beat, and he said in a low voice, "I will contact Cheng Siying."

Not long after, Ji Yichen visited Cheng Siying in person, but the person who received him was the company's executive, and Cheng Siying didn't even see him after he stayed for a whole day.

"Please help me tell Siying that I can satisfy whatever she wants, as long as she is willing to hand over the new materials to Fengfeng." Ji Yichen smiled at the administrator.

Or stop working on new materials.

The administrator was also smiling and sent him out. When a group of people walked to the door, they suddenly heard the excited laughter of the girl at the front desk.

"Oh my god! New roads and subways are going to be built in the capital! Direct access to the Science and Technology Park!"


A group of people at the door suddenly turned their heads and looked at her.

The front desk was stared at by so many people, and suddenly stiffened. He held up his mobile phone and said dryly: "Really... it's official news. In order to cooperate with the construction of the science and technology park, support the birth of the new science and technology park, and promote The development of science and technology in the country will facilitate the future work and life of the science and technology park. The official teamed up with Lushi Group Manshi Group Global Technology to invest 20 billion in the construction of the subway. The construction period is expected to be five years..."

The front desk read the announcement, and her tone became more and more excited. She read it to the end, and said happily to the administrator: "Sister! When the science and technology park is built and the subway is added, the land price of the science and technology park will have to double!"

"The science and technology park is so big, don't we need to build schools and residential areas! My God!" Employees will provide free accommodation, and if they work in the research institute for a long time, they will have a very big discount to buy a house!

This is a house in the capital!

Although it is far away from the capital, if a science and technology park is really built, it will be the second economic zone!

The receptionist clenched his fists excitedly.

She wants to work in the research institute for the rest of her life!

The administrator also wanted to watch the news, but there was an unlucky thing next to her. Thinking of this, the administrator immediately smiled brightly at Ji Yichen and the people behind him.

"Ji Zong, I'll send it here, walk slowly."

Ji Yichen clenched his back molars, but at this moment he couldn't hold his expression any longer, turned his head and walked away.

"What's going on, didn't we have a good chat with Minister Liu at the beginning, and tried to let the subway be built from our land boundary, how to go around, or a science and technology park?" Someone paled, "We also want to build a science and technology park!"

The first thing Ji Yichen did when he got in the car was to take out his mobile phone to look at the subway planning map. The subway to be repaired runs from the direction of the capital to the science and technology park, and it is in the center of the science and technology park, far away from the land in his hand.

Science and technology park, build a **** science and technology park!

What to fix!

Ji Yichen, who originally wanted to grab the land and fight for the location of the subway construction, and then sold the land whose land price had skyrocketed, got angry and threw his phone to the ground. The secretary next to him had never seen him express such a big anger, and shrank like a quail.

"Contact Minister Liu to see if there is any room for change in this matter." Ji Yichen said coldly.

The secretary whispered: "But, this is a red head letter—yes, I know."

However, they failed to contact Minister Liu. Instead, the company was investigated for bribery, and Ji Yichen's father was taken away. Ji Yichen sat in the office and gritted his teeth, "Lu Manxin, Xu Jiamu!"

How did they know?

"As I said, it's strange that the subway doesn't go to the Science and Technology Park." Lu Manxin clinked glasses with Tang Niannian and Xu Jiamu, "The original plan was rejected as soon as it came out. I didn't expect some people to eat vegetarian meals for a long time. Treat everyone for fools."

Xu Jiamu said to Lu Manxin: "Sister Lu is awesome."

Lu Manxin was drinking and almost choked. She looked at Xu Jiamu suspiciously.

"You've been very lively recently?"

Xu Jiamu asked doubtfully, "Huh?"

"Who did you learn from?" Tang Niannian asked with a smile, "Little Pearl?"

Xu Jiamu's ears turned red.

They chatted and laughed, celebrating the good news of the Science and Technology Park. This was a dance party within the two groups. When Lu Manxin went to dance with Tang Niannian in his arms, Xu Jiamu put down his wine glass and sent a message to Cheng Siying.

There was no reply from the phone, so Xu Jiamu looked at the time and frowned.

At this point, Teacher Cheng should leave the research room and go back to the dormitory. Are you busy with work today?

Just when she was thinking about whether to bring supper to Cheng Siying, Xu Jiamu's secretary rushed over and whispered in Xu Jiamu's ear, "Boss Xu, something happened to the institute."

Xu Jiamu's heart fell into an ice cave.

"Someone tried to set fire and was caught by bodyguards. Everything is fine in the institute." The secretary whispered.

Xu Jiamu exhaled suddenly, "Prepare the car!"

Cheng Siying was at the police station, looking at the three people who were arrested with indifferent eyes.

It's insane to do something so insane in order to prevent new material from appearing.


The original cold voice was full of anxiety, Cheng Siying put down his hands, just turned around, and fell into a hug full of ice and snow.

"It's good that you're fine." Xu Jiamu lowered her eyes, as if she wanted to feel Cheng Siying's presence, she gently rubbed the tip of her nose against the soft side of the woman's face.

"I'm fine, thank you." Cheng Siying's voice was very soft, "You protected me."

The bodyguards sent by Xu Jiamu are very dedicated and patrol around the clock. Without them, what would happen tonight would be unimaginable.

After confirming that Cheng Siying was fine, Xu Jiamu's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"who is it?"

"They don't open their mouths." Cheng Siying said, "The police in the city have arrived, and they will be responsible for the trial."

Xu Jiamu patted Cheng Siying on the shoulder, "Can I go back?"

"Yes." Cheng Siying nodded, "They will contact me if necessary."

"it is good."

Xu Jiamu took Cheng Siying into the car. This time, she did not send Cheng Siying back to the research institute, but to the hotel where she was staying.

In the car, Xu Jiamu opened the group chat at home.

"At the end of this year, I'm going to take someone back with me."

Almost the second after she sent the message, Xu Menglan appeared screaming, and Xu Jiamu hung up her video call without hesitation.

Xu Junran: "?"

The Pearl of the Palm: "???????"

The Pearl of the Palm: "What?"

The Pearl of the Palm: "Then I will take someone back too!"

Xu Menglan: "Ah—"

Ms. Xu's screams lasted for ten minutes, mixed with the screams of her grandparents, Xu Jiamu and Xu Heran had no chance to speak at all.

After Ms. Xu rested for a while, Xu Jiamu immediately said: "So, I want to invite grandpa to China. I want to buy a company, but time is a little tight recently."

The most beautiful and wealthy mother in the world who will always be eighteen years old: "No problem! I will go back with your grandfather, you go to love, and leave the work to me! As long as you bring someone back at the end of the year, you can enjoy the vacation for half a year!"

Xu Jiamu: "Yes."

Xu Jiamu sent another message to Xu Heran who frantically sent her question marks in the private chat.

"You asked me to transfer Nuonuo's land into science and technology park shares, and I gave five points from my own hands to Nuonuo as a thank you."

Xu Heran: "Huh?"

"Thanks for the reminder."

Xu Heran: "!!"

"What! Someone actually does that kind of thing?"

"Well, but it didn't work. After Nuonuo reminded me, the institute doubled its manpower, and everything is safe now."

"That's good."

Xu Heran smiled and said: "So, it really is my sister-in-law~"

Xu Jiamu: "Yes."

"I wish you happiness~"

Xu Jiamu's expression was calm: "You too."

"Little Pearl Happy Going Around.jpg"

In a blink of an eye, Xu Jiamu, who had speeded up his love progress, took Cheng Siying's hand, "Have you considered it?"

Cheng Siying was stunned for a moment, but saw the person next to him looking straight ahead.

"I have already told my family that I will go back at the end of the year and take you with me."

Cheng Siying laughed and said, "So, I don't have the right to refuse?"

"Yeah." Xu Jiamu's expression was firm, "You didn't."

The woman with only one choice left followed Xu Jiamu and looked forward, her voice was very soft.


"I never thought of refusing."

A gentle smile slowly bloomed on Xu Jiamu's face.

"Mr. Cheng, please give me more advice in the future."

"President Xu, please give me your advice."

The biggest news of this year, everyone thought it was a peak bribery case, but they didn't expect that half a month later, the only head of the peak was taken away by the police. , finally the truth came to light, and the person who identified Ji Yichen as the tainted witness was Zhou Libin who caused a little splash on the Internet back then.

Now everyone on the Internet began to speculate how long Ji Yichen would stay in prison, whether he would step on the sewing machine or mine, and whether Ji and his son would meet again in the prison, everyone had a look of waiting and seeing.

The huge Pinnacle Technology suddenly had no leader. The new president who was hastily pushed to the stage looked at the orders that were withdrawn due to the pressure of public opinion, and looked at the amount in the report. He could only grit his teeth and hurriedly sold the land he bought before, taking back all the previous investment, and saving money. .

But he didn't know that not far from their company, at the headquarters of the Huaguo branch of the Universal Group, an old man with his hands behind his back was looking in the direction of Fengfeng through the floor-to-ceiling windows, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the plane crossed the night sky and landed at the airport.

Cheng Siying, who rushed to Languo in advance, was warmly welcomed by the Xu family. When Xu Jiamu saw Xu Heran sitting in the living room, he raised his eyebrows.

"It's better if I take a quick step." Xu Heran turned his head and kissed the girl next to her with a gentle smile.

Xu Jiamu sneered, and took Cheng Siying, who was full of bewilderment, to his room.

"I have prepared a gift."

Xu Jiamu said.

"What is it?" Cheng Siying smiled and pushed open the door, blooming roses and colored lights lit up in front of her.

"I think we should be one step ahead of my sister in this matter." Xu Jiamu said softly, leading the stunned woman forward.

Outside the window, beautiful fireworks bloom in the sky, the plane flies by, and countless petals fall on the manor. The colored lights are the stars on the earth, and it is raining flowers, and the beautiful girl kneels down on the land where she has lived since childhood, holding up ring.

"will you marry me?"

Among the bouquet beside her are photos, which were taken by Xu Jiamu when he was young, and in the works, there is a figure of a person.

The young Cheng Siying walks on campus, sometimes smiling at the camera.

"So, you still remember me." Cheng Siying's eyes suddenly turned red, she chuckled and said, "It's like me, always remembering you."

The approach that stopped abruptly in the past, met again after a short ambiguity, and they survived a long time. This time, they are close, close, and inseparable.

Cheng Siying pinched Xu Jiamu's fingers and bowed her head in the rain of fireworks and flowers.

"it is good."

The author has something to say:

Xu Heran: How angry!

Overlord tickets plus updates are completed~ boo chirp~ and today's double update... tomorrow will be sure! Tomorrow is Hadaya and Xianxian, it should be a happy game hahaha

And today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the old dream of eating instant noodles without moon cakes that was sealed by the epidemic sighed sadly, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! The mooncakes are delicious! Pop chirp!

Read The Duke's Passion