MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 115 Thumping (2 in 1)

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In mid-July, the film "The Voice of the Cloud" starring Xu Heran and Xin Nuo and starring Ms. Diana will be released worldwide.

Huaguo, Haicheng, late at night.

A group of armed people walked towards the cinema along the lighted road. The movie theater they were going to was in the business circle of the Universal Entertainment Building. There were only a few people on the street at this time. Seeing this group of girls wearing hats, sunglasses and masks at night, they cast puzzled looks.

"I said I can see the road clearly without wearing sunglasses?" Xu Heran said lazily with his hands in his pockets.

Jiang Qiong retorted: "There are two international superstars here, if something goes wrong, can you bear it?"

Xu Heran hooked his sunglasses down, then brushed his right arm with his left hand, patted his left arm with his right hand, then pushed his right hand down, bent over, and made a gesture like an **** in a costume drama, "Eunuch Wang said so."

"How can I hear a sour smell?" Haya held Lin Weining with one hand, and waved the other hand at the end of her nose, "Someone is jealous of international superstars!"

"To be precise, Wang is jealous." Laurel said.

Jiang Qiong sneered, "It's ridiculous. Ben Wang, who is under one person and above ten thousand people, would be jealous of a mere star?"

The others said in unison, "Who is on top?"

Jiang Qiong: "..."

"You guys are so strange." The dog Wangwang shook his head.

Song Fenghua took the lead to take a step outside, drawing a clear line, "It's not me."

Jian Yueyin immediately said: "It's not me either."

Laurel crossed his hands in front of his chest, "nome."

"There are eight of us, two young couples. The odds are terrible." The dog barked in a deep voice, "You three, who is secretly in love with me, tell me quickly and let me refuse!"

The remaining three sneered at the same time.

"Eunuch Wang, you are already twenty-eight and still not in love. Are you hooking up with others behind our backs?" Xu Heran turned his head and asked in a suspicious tone, scanning Jiang Qiong up and down as he spoke.

Jiang Qiong lifted her foot and kicked her from the air, "Fart, Laoyin is two years older than me! Why don't you talk about her!"

Boss Yin narrowed his eyes.

Xu Heran immediately said: "That's because the captain dedicated her life's love to music, and she was the first among us to find love! She loves music and music loves her, and the two of them are entwined and locked up forever!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Heran showed Jian Yueyin an expression of "Are you satisfied with what I said, captain?"

Xin Nuo raised his hand, squeezed Xu Heran's chin and twisted it forward, letting her watch the way.

"Doglegs," she whispered.

Jiang Qiong laughed loudly: "Xin Xiaonuo, take care of your woman."

Xu Heran rested his hands on Xin Nuo's shoulders and waved at Jiang Qiong without looking back. Xin Nuo hummed softly, and moved aside, not to let Xu Heran lean on him. Xu Heran, who stumbled in the air, stretched out his long hands with a smile, and pulled Xin Nuo into his arms, holding them with open arms, and the two figures were like two penguins clinging tightly together, shaking and moving forward .

"Go away, it's so hot!" Xin Nuo pulled Xu Heran's arm, but Xu Heran held it down. She could only hold Xu Heran's finger with one hand, and walked forward with Xin Nuo Nuo carrying Xu Pearl on her back.

"See it." Jiang Qiong pointed to the backs of the two of them, and said to her teammates, "A real couple."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xin Nuo threw off Xu Heran and ran forward, while Xu Heran chased after him slowly, and the people behind who were eating dog food immediately showed disgusted expressions.

Jiang Qiong turned her head and wanted to talk to Qingliu Haya and Lin Weining, but she saw Qingliu Haya and Lin Weining walking in the innermost place holding hands, Haya lowered her head to listen to Lin Weining, Lin Weining whispered in her ear, and she didn't know what Lin Weining said. Haya laughed, raised her hand to stroke Lin Weining's head, got up and pressed her head into her arms.

Singles: "…"

When eight people with clear distinctions walked into the theater and lined up to check the tickets, the ticket inspector smiled and asked, "Are you a star?"

"Ah?" Eight people pretended to be stupid.

"A lot of celebrities live here. The dormitory building of Universal Entertainment is in the residential building behind. I often see celebrities." The ticket inspector returned the tickets to them. Can I sign my name on the signboard at the door?"

Jian Yueyin, who often lives in Haicheng, asked: "I never noticed the signature board at the door before?"

"The boss just set it up this year, in April." The ticket inspector said.

Eight people said in unison: "Thank you."

A group of people carrying drinks and popcorn walked into the empty theater. Sure enough, there were no other audiences at this time. They bought tickets for the last row of couple seats, because Jiang Qiong's speech before, except for Xu Heran Xin Nuo and Hayalin Weining , each of the others has a position.

"As for it?" Xu Heran said deliberately, "Do you know what it means to have three hundred taels of silver here?"

"I spit on you." Laurel held up the drink and said.

Xu Heran took out his mobile phone, "You throw up, I'll immediately post online to accuse you of bullying your teammates."

Laurel rolled his eyes.

"If you post it, other people on the Internet will know that you and Xin Nuo are sitting in a couple's seat." Jian Yue said.

"I'll drop it." Xu Heran said.

Song Fenghua leaned in the seat, only heard her voice but could not see her, her voice was faint, "So you want everyone to know about your love affair?"

Xu Heran smiled slightly, "It's not impossible."

She and Xin Nuo have won the awards they should have won in the past few years, and they are not afraid of what others will say.

"Sit down." Xin Nuo pinched the corner of her clothes.

Xu Heran sat down obediently.

Two minutes later, the lights were turned off, and only the movie screen was shining brightly. In the cheerful music, the edges of silver wings streaked across the clouds, and the blue sky was far away. The names of the director, screenwriter and others were hung in the clouds.

Starring: Pearl Aston.

Several people in the seat "oh~" at the same time.

Xin Nuo chuckled, "Who is this?"

Song Fenghua raised his eyebrows: "Who is this?"

Xu Heran crossed his arms, tilted his head and smiled.

The next moment, the cloud with "Peer Aston" swirled around.

The long English name was crossed out by lead marks, and the three Chinese characters of "Xu Heran" were neatly formed.

In the sky, silver flashed past, the clouds were blown away, and the wind blew a round, white cloud with another name hanging on it.

Starring: Xin Nuo.

Suddenly, the word Xin Nuo fell from the sky to the earth like a star, the camera followed, and the first perspective fell to the ground, the picture-like land slowly unfolded, the endless green land as far as the eye could see, the winding blue sea water and the earth At the handover, the silver river flows in the earth, and all the scenery is close at hand, getting closer.

The name fell faster and faster, falling towards a bustling city, and the moment the name was about to fall on the top of a high tower, the black name turned into green smoke and drifted away leisurely.

The soldiers on the city wall pointed to the smoke in the distance and shouted: "It's coming again!"

The soldiers guarding the city suddenly panicked, some rushed to the clock on the other side of the city wall, some turned around and shouted at the city residents: "Enemy attack—"

The bustling city just now was full of chaos, and chickens were flying like dogs, while on the highest mountain in the distance, the sun was shining across the body of the monster squatting on the top of the mountain. Its glistening scales were like waves on the sea, and its slender tail curled up into the shape of a bow with great interest. , lightly lifted up, against the lower jaw.


"Looks like they're ready."

The deep and **** foreign language flashed across the eardrums. In the theater, the members who had been with Xu Heran day and night for eight years sighed at the same time.

sounds so good.

The silver dragon shook its long neck, hummed a happy song, spread its wings, and flew towards the city leisurely.

When the silver dragon landed at the gate of the city, it faced vigilant soldiers holding shields and spears to protect the gate tightly.

"Good day, everyone." The dragon said hello very politely.

"Why are you here again!" A frightened head popped out from among the soldiers, "We don't have anyone you're looking for here!"

"No." The dragon stretched its tail forward and shook it, "The book says that human beings are cunning animals, so don't believe it."

The humans present wailed inwardly.

What book are you reading!

"So, hand over the princess." The giant dragon flicked its tail on the ground, and a long crack appeared in the ground. "The book says that every brave dragon should have its own princess."

"Compared to my companions, I am very merciful and didn't rush into the city directly. Thank you, humans." The dragon said proudly.

The soldier commander wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead, and said loudly: "First of all, thank you for your kindness and generosity, once again I am shocked by your erudition, but—"

The officer wants to cry but has no tears.

"You are a female dragon!!"

What is the mother dragon doing to grab the princess!

As soon as the picture changed, the soldier chief hurried into the palace and whispered in the king's ear. The king had a serious face and looked extremely majestic. After hearing what the soldiers said, he raised his hand and pointed forward, with an even more majestic expression.

"Do as it says!"

Everyone in the palace moved anxiously. At noon, a soldier on a horse rushed out of the palace holding a parchment and pasted the parchment on the streets and alleys, and the crowd gathered immediately.

At this time, the girl who was wearing patched clothes, sweating profusely, and came back from washing clothes by the river with a basin stopped, and looked suspiciously at the gathered crowd.

"King Xuan ordered to find a beautiful girl in the kingdom, canonize her as a princess, and give her gold, silver, jewelry and beautiful clothes, but this princess will be sent outside the city to live with the dragon."

"This is horrible, a beautiful girl like me can't accept this terrible treatment!" A not-so-beautiful city resident screamed, clutching her handkerchief and running outside, she bumped into a girl holding a tub, Rolling his eyes at her, he reprimanded, "Go away, you ugly girl!"

"Bang." The wooden basin fell to the ground, and the wet clothes inside fell on the road full of gravel and mud. It seemed that the owner of the clothes needed to wash them again.

But the girl in the clothes didn't care about these clothes at the moment. She wiped her wet hands on the shabby but clean skirt, and walked towards the notice against the crowd who muttered "this must not go" and "must die". When she arrived at the announcement, she was the only one left here.

The eyes of the soldiers guarding the notice fell on her at the same time, lingering on her face covered in yellow mud, they couldn't help frowning.

But she had big eyes like black pearls, which made the soldiers couldn't help asking her: "Ugly duckling, are you literate?"

"Yes, sir." The girl wiped her hands again, and said awkwardly, "Excuse me, is it true? As long as you agree to live with the dragon, you can get jewelry?"

"Do you have gold coins?"

The soldier laughed, "And beautiful clothes."

"Yes, beautiful clothes." The girl blinked, "Do you have any gold coins?"


The two soldiers looked at each other, "Yes."

The girl's black eyes lit up all of a sudden, and that yellow face suddenly looked like a flowering earth, brilliant and beautiful. The soldiers staring at her were stunned, and looked at her excited back and patted their heads in doubt.

"Her clothes...forget it."

"Luoer, you saw the announcement... what are you doing?" The companion who came to find the girl looked at the messy cabin, and asked the girl who was packing up and saluting in surprise, "Where are you going, Luoer?"

"Judy! I saw the announcement, I'm going!" the girl with black eyes said excitedly, her gray skirt was like a gray butterfly, flying around in the dark house.

"Where are you going?" Judy was frightened, slurring her words, she stuttered for a long time, swallowed, and pointed to the distance, "Are you going to... the dragon?"

"En!" Luoer nodded heavily.

"You're crazy!"

Luo Er was holding all her belongings, big bags and small bags, and the most valuable iron pot in the house was hanging on her waist—of course she lost the wooden basin now, and walked happily to the palace.

"That's a lot of gold coins! And gold and silver jewels!"

Judy wanted to stop her and ran around her, but her good friend seemed to have made up her mind and walked straight to the palace. The residents living in the poor area were also dressed in shabby clothes, pointing fingers at them, never After Judy heard Luo Er's purpose, she laughed at her even more.

"Look at her face, it's covered with mud every day, she can grow corn, but she still wants to be a princess?"

"Look at her rough hands covered with calluses, like an old man, the dragon will slap her to death with its tail the first time it sees her!"

"The ugly Luoer wants to be a princess, the ugly Luoer wants to be a dragon bride, the ugly Luoer is whimsical, and the ugly Luoer turns into mud~" A group of children sang and danced.

Luo Er stopped in her tracks, pulled out her iron pot from her waist, and said threateningly to the children, "I'll hit you!"

"Wow—" the children scattered with laughter.

At this moment, Judy saw her determination and sighed, "Are you really going?"

"Go!" Luo Er said earnestly, "Otherwise I will always be in the slums, living day after day without enough food and clothing, and die tragically like my abandoned mother."

"But you can read, and you still look good..." Judy opened her mouth suddenly, looked around, and approached Luoer, "You can definitely marry a nobleman in the city."

Contempt and disdain appeared in Luoer's eyes, she inserted the iron pan into her waist, and said coldly, "I'd rather be smashed into mud by the giant dragon!"

Accompanied by Judy, she made up her mind to go to the gate of the palace, but was stopped by soldiers.

"I'm pretty good-looking, but I have to hide my face because there are a lot of **** in the place where I live." Luoer said, "As long as you give me clear water, I will know."

The soldiers were dubious and took her to the palace hall. Luo Er looked at the resplendent palace and became more and more angry. At this time, the king walked in and saw Luo Er's face.

"Bastard! Who told you to bring the beggar!"

The soldiers hurriedly conveyed Luo Er's words just now, and the king showed the same expression as the soldiers before him. He sat on the throne and asked the servants to fetch water.

"If she dares to lie to me, I will throw you out of the city to feed the dragon!"

The king pointed at the soldiers and Luo Er, and Judy hid behind Luo Er in fear.

Not long after, the servant brought water, Luo'er hurriedly washed her face, using two large basins of water. When she washed off the stains on her face with clean warm water, she couldn't help but let out a low sigh of comfort, and when she raised her head, her unpainted face that overwhelmed the golden hall made everyone in the hall open their mouths.

The king couldn't help but walked down, his voice became very gentle: "A delicate and beautiful flower like you should not go to the terrible magic cave. If you are willing to stay in the palace, I can choose another girl."

"Thank you for your generosity, but I don't want other girls to suffer, I am willing to serve the dragon." Luoer raised her chin, the wet hair on the top of her head was still dripping, falling on her snow-white skin.

"I want to go. If I can't serve the dragon, I just want to go back to the slums and be a beggar for the rest of my life."

The king waved his hands with a sigh, full of pity, but he thought of the threat of the dragon, and there was only half a day before the deadline agreed by the dragon, so he had to make a decision.

"Well, since you are so determined."

Luo Er smiled happily, her eyes sparkling, "Then if I go, can you give me the gold, silver, jewelry and gold coins you promised?"

The king froze for a moment, nodded, and he ordered his servants to take her to change clothes.

"Also, you have to remember that you are the princess of this country, and you must not reveal your secrets to the dragon!" the king said, "For this reason, I am willing to give you double the gold coins!"

When Luo Er heard it, she immediately promised: "I will absolutely keep it a secret. If I can't do it, let me be a beggar for the rest of my life!"

"it is good!"

Luoer and Judy were taken down to change clothes.

"So many, are they all mine?" Luo Er said pleasantly, looking at the ten gold coins on the plate.

The servant serving her showed a subtle expression, but was glared at by the castle steward, and immediately said: "Yes, and these beautiful clothes."


Luo Er changed into clothes that didn't fit well but looked good, distributed one of the two pearl necklaces and five gold coins given by the king to Judy, and asked the "generous" housekeeper to change into good clothes that didn't fit well for Judy , they left with great gratitude.

"My lord, if we let her know that the clothes and jewels were randomly picked up by the mistress of the king, then..." the servant said anxiously.

The housekeeper smiled and said, "Don't worry, she won't come back."

"That's a giant dragon. It's a pity that with such a beautiful face, I don't know how long he can live under the giant dragon's hands."

Perhaps it was because of lamenting the fate of the confidante, the king did not come out to see the beauty that he admired so much, but he regretted that there was such a beautiful girl in the city that he did not find, so he ordered someone to find a beauty for him.

And Luo Er, who was wearing some loose clothes, was led by the soldiers and walked towards the city gate.

In the town, the citizens hiding on both sides of the road looked in surprise at the girl with black hair and black eyes in a long yellow dress and a pearl necklace.

"My God, she is like the goddess of the night, her eyes are brighter than the diamonds in the hands of noble ladies in the city."

"Who is she?"

"In our city, there is such a beautiful girl?"

"She must be the princess of our kingdom. How could our proud king have such a beautiful daughter?"

Walking behind the soldiers, Judy, who was crying and saying goodbye to her best friend, heard people whispering and shouted angrily: "She's Loel! She's a slum girl! A slum princess you all look down upon!"

"You have to remember her name, she saved you! She went to appease the dragon's greed!"

Everyone who heard her voice showed astonishment, especially those who were disliked by everyone and hid in the innermost slums were even more shocked than ordinary people. They rushed out one after another, looked at Luoer's delicate and beautiful face, and remained silent for a long time .

I'm not for them, I'm for myself.

Luo Er thought to herself, she was holding five gold coins tightly in her hand, very tightly.

So I don't need their gratitude.


The gate opened, and the soldiers and Luo Er walked out of the kingdom, walked across the moat, and stopped on the flat ground.

A soldier blew his horn, and the muffled sound spread far away.

Luo Er raised her eyes, looking at the open field and the distant mountains and forests.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, the wilderness is very quiet, and there is no shadow of the dragon.

Just when Luoer was wondering if the dragon had gone back, and if she didn't go with the dragon today, would she return the gold coin to the king, a black shadow in the sky quickly passed through the shadow of the clouds and flew amidst the exclamation of everyone. Come.

The dragon was getting closer and closer, until its silver wings blew the wind, the soldiers around Luo Er squatted down in panic, hugged the head, and shouted.



The giant dragon circled above everyone's heads, Luo Er clasped her hands in front of her chest, she squinted her eyes slightly, slowly raised her head, and met the eyes of the giant dragon unexpectedly.

It was a pair of blue-purple eyes that were as beautiful as the rays of the Milky Way.

Luo Er froze for a moment.

Its silver body is more beautiful and huge than all the creatures Luo Er has ever seen, with its silver scales gleaming, but the most beautiful thing is her pair of clean and clear, brilliant and bright eyes.

No one has ever told Luo Er that the giant dragon has such beautiful eyes.

Until the dragon landed in front of her, Luo Er still hadn't recovered, it was the exclamation of others that woke her up.

Because the silver dragon folded its wings and walked towards her slowly.

"Look, a pretty girl."

The dragon's voice, like a pearl falling into the sea, was low and quiet, making Luo Er's body tense up suddenly, making him unable to speak.

When the giant dragon approached, the surrounding soldiers retreated one after another, forming a semicircle subconsciously. In the center of the circle stood a girl in a bright yellow dress. The silver dragon walked around her in circles, and stopped behind the girl amidst the stiff faces of the soldiers.

Luo Er took a deep breath nervously, pinching the hem of the skirt with both hands, her fingertips turned white, under the horrified gaze of countless people, the tail of the giant dragon raised up and wrapped around the girl's slender waist, it tilted its head, and gently touched it with its kiss Profile of a girl.

Luo Er's eyes suddenly widened, and there was only one thought in his mind.


The giant dragon was in a good mood. She put her head on the girl's shoulder, lowered her voice, and asked softly, "Are you my princess?"

The author has something to say:

love reading x little money fan