MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 117 throbbing (1)

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#SGS徐珠珠social status in love#

#Xu Heran Xinnuo is in love#

#Xu Heran Xinnuo Kiss#

A series of popular searches in the entertainment section cannot be separated from the two names from the beginning to the end. The series of "explosive" words made many goosebumps and hairs stand on end with excitement, shouting that they have never seen such a battle.

"...I don't know the five words Xu Heran and Xin Nuo soon."

"Furthermore, if it was a man and a woman who announced their relationship today, they probably wouldn't have such a posture!"

"I don't know why, I'm just a simple melon eater, but I'm inexplicably excited with my fans at this moment! This is too exciting!"

"I'm a fan...but I don't know how to feel good, how should I describe it?"

"Please discuss in detail!"

"That's right - the cp of my be three years ago actually told me that they were together! This kind of mood! Who knows!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah-"

"Another crazy one, pull it down!"

"Even if I die and my body decays, I still have to cry out with my soul—Grandma! The cp you knocked on is real!!"

"Grandma is sitting in a rocking chair knitting a sweater. She sees through the vicissitudes of the world under the reading glasses and turns to you. She shakes her index finger in front of you and warns you: 'Granddaughter, don't believe in rumors and don't spread rumors'."

"Hahahahaha what's the matter with you! It's your excitement! Why are passers-by and group fans more excited?"

"You're all stupid, hahaha, group fans and people who eat melons are blessing, only cp fans are crazy to post question marks under Xu Zhenzhu's Weibo."

"Fortunately, I took a look and asked if I didn't understand. Is this a sea of ​​question marks?"

"Thank you, what is the question mark, I don't know it, help me!!"

Xu Heran Xin Nuo's Weibo is surrounded by fans, they switch back and forth, looking at Xin Nuo's state of love, immediately switch to Xu Heran's side, seeing the exact same love, giggle twice, then click on the entertainment account from the blue country A staff member picked up a video from a social platform and watched it for the 110th time. After watching it, he felt mixed feelings and sighed. His fingers hesitated for a while on the keyboard, and then turned into an octopus.

"I'm not mistaken! It's Zhuzhu and Nuonuo, isn't it!"

"That's her! I remember both of them turned into ashes! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhateds!

"Your adjective is not only long, but also has a hint of terror..."

"Hahahahahaha, in short, I am so happy! Ten years of daughter-in-law became a mother-in-law. Hahahaha! Finally together, fortunately, I did not give up! Here, I am grateful for the continuous output that has made me throbbing in these three years Mama Wan who survived the rare real interaction! Thanks to Universal Entertainment for letting Ping Xindong make a movie together! Thanks to Grandma Diana! Thank you—does this mean that you have met your parents?"

"Crazy! Don't stop me! I'm crazy!"

"How about Mama Wan? Announcing the announcement, what's Mama Wan doing?"

"Hahaha Wan Ma just uploaded a wedding photo! It's a wedding photo of a big white and round pearl with a real photo of Xin Nuo! Hahaha Wan Ma is so good!"

"News—Wan Ma posted another series of photos just now. In the video, where Xin Nuo Nuo flitted toward the pearl, Wan Ma made Xu Heran into big pearls. Nuo Nuo's legs were crossed with big pearls. Bobo with the big pearl! Hahaha, it’s fun! You are worthy of being Wanma!"

"As expected of Mama Wan! Mama Wan has mastered more and more skills since she started working hard. I have no doubt that she will edit videos in the future!"

"Speaking of which, I really didn't expect that Nuonuo in love... is so clingy, so delicate~"

"Still hugging and not letting go, rubbing back and forth, are you a kitten?"

"Break my filter on Nuonuo! Isn't Nuonuo cold, gentle and gentle, who can only be seen from a distance but not played with? I thought Zhuzhu would be the clingier one!"

"It can only be played with pearls~"

"Cheap old beads!"

"that is!"

On Xu Heran's Xinnuo Weibo, they unscrupulously discussed the relationship status of the two, using the comment area as a square, and soon filled the sea of ​​question marks.

It was almost four o'clock in the morning, but Weibo was more active than it was at the peak of the weekend. Not long after, some fans came back excitedly carrying small baskets on their backs after inquiring about information from the Internet.

"Report—sisters! I asked my friend's friend. Her friend's friend's sister works in the crew of Universal Entertainment Blue Country. She only revealed the news after she learned that Xu Heran and Xin Nuo had announced the news. This video was shot between Xin Nuo and Xin Nuo. When the art film starring Grandma Diana was filmed, Xu Heran was holding a concert. As you all remember, Xu Heran only held nine concerts in China! At that time, five concerts were originally scheduled, but fans at the time The wailing directly rushed to the hot search, Universal Entertainment added more games, and Lan Guo added three games to five, during that time Zhuzhu ran back and forth, tired and thin!"

"At that time, Xu Heran and Xin Nuo hadn't seen each other for a whole year. After the work was over, Zhu Zhu immediately went to the crew to meet Nuo Nuo. This video is the scene when they first met. The sister said that they would never be separated after that, and Nuo Nuo was filming. Zhuzhu was standing next to her with arms folded and smiling, ouch~"

"The corners of my mouth are grinning to the sky! Do you have any more details to share?"

"Sister, why do your speeches always have a terrifying aura..."

Thousands of comments were discussing fiercely. Until now, the cp fans who were once aboveboard or secretly came back to their senses, and there was only one thought in their minds.

Xu Heran and Xin Nuo are really together!

Thumping hard, really, really!


The CP fan who returned to his senses turned into a huge wave, rolled towards the comment area, shouted "Pounding Xindong" in a more violent and passionate voice than before, and asked them when they will get married and how many tables will be held for the wedding. Really, then they can also sit at Jiang Qiong's table, right?

No matter how noisy the Internet is, turning off your mobile phone has nothing to do with reality.

Xu Heran got up from the seat, her expression was indifferent, and she did not look like the "culprit" who caused a huge wave on the Internet. She stretched out her hand, gently held Xin Nuo, and walked out of the viewing room with her companions.

The movie theater was extremely quiet. When they walked to the lobby, they saw the autographed version that the staff had said before, with a pen underneath it. Write down your name, then pass the pen to the next person...

Eight beautiful cursive characters formed a chubby circle, deliberately signed like this. The last one put down their pens and followed the big troops. When they stepped out of the cinema, the flashlights lit up, and countless people appeared like a flash, surrounded come over.

"Sorry, I won't accept interviews for now." Jian Yueyin said with a smile.

These eight people are all top stars in Huaguo, and two of them have international names. Each of them has a strong aura. The reporters dare not act rashly, and consciously keep half a meter away from them, holding up the microphone to ask.

"Are there really two people in the video?"

"When did Teacher Xu and Xin start falling in love?"

"May I ask if Mr. Xin was with Mr. Xu when he announced his relationship at the awards ceremony three years ago?"


The reporters chattered and asked, even though the eight of them kept laughing and saying "sorry for not being interviewed", they still did not give up. At this time, the bodyguard assistants sent by Universal Entertainment rushed over and separated the reporters and the eight girls.

The reporters looked at their backs reluctantly. At this time, some of the reporters couldn't help but shouted: "Xu Heran Xin Nuo wishes you happiness!"

Jiang Qiong laughed "puchi" and shook her head.

And Xu Heran next to her suddenly stretched out her hand and put her arms around Xin Nuo's shoulders. The tall girl raised her left hand to the sky without turning her head, and raised her index finger and middle finger.


Jian Yueyin, Song Fenghua, Jiang Qiong stood on the left of Xu Heran, Laurel Lin Weining and Haya stood on the right of Xin Nuo, the eight girls stood side by side, their shadows were elongated by the street lights, and they were printed in the camera lens together with the early morning night.

This photo appeared in the top search the next day. At the same time, news of the SGS 10-year concert released by Universal Entertainment spread across the country. The SGS fans who were stunned by the news of Xu Heran Xin Nuo's love affair and the concert, drifted like a dream for a week. In dreams, Xu Heran stood in front of him and told himself that I was in love with Xin Nuo.

The fans woke up suddenly, thinking that it was indeed a dream, turned on the phone, and were shocked by the photos stored in the album, and their scalps became numb. While being happy, they wondered if this was still a dream, right?

Just when everyone was immersed in this emptiness and confusion, as if they were about to fall down and lost in the next moment, Universal Entertainment officially announced that the time for the 10-year concert will be September 15th of the year when Xu Heran was 26 years old.

That day is less than two years away.

At the same time, in order to prepare for the 10-year concert, SGS will reorganize its activities for one year and re-organize variety show activities as a girl group.

Including Xu Heran and Xin Nuo.

After hearing the news, all the fans were shocked and speechless, **** in the air for a long while, Xu Zhenzhu, Xin Nuo—the young couple to participate in a variety show together?

Ah, what else can I say?

Go! !

"As a manager, you should have the psychological quality to deal with emergencies." Sister Cui's voice was cold, "But if you announce your relationship, can you tell me first?"

Xu Heran sat upright, serving tea and milk tea to Sister Cui.

"Sister, didn't I respond positively?" Xu Heran scratched his face and said with a smile, "I didn't directly say on Weibo that I'm in a relationship, and my girlfriend is Xin Nuo, thank you everyone!"

Sister Cui: "..."

She raised the milk tea cup.

Xu Heran immediately admitted: "I was wrong."

"Thank you, Sister Cui." Xin Nuo said with a light smile.

After the hot search exploded, Universal Entertainment immediately announced the news of SGS's return, which attracted some attention to the news of their relationship. This matter was originally planned to be announced next summer. The company used the news of their comeback to express their acquiescence and support for their relationship.

Sister Cui sneered, "From the day the two of you confirmed your relationship, I knew that this day would come, but I didn't expect to persist for so long, it was beyond my expectation."

She looked at Xin Nuo, and said with a smile, "You surprised me when you announced your relationship three years ago."

Xin Nuo lowered his eyelashes and touched the tip of his nose with his fingers.

Her action reminded Cui Qi of Xu Heran.

Sure enough, lovers who have been together for a long time will become more and more alike. If you count carefully, Xu Heran and Xin Nuo have known each other for more than eight years, and they have been in love for six years, which is not a short time.

In the impetuous circle of the entertainment circle, it is really a remarkable thing for them to be firm in each other's hearts at a young age. Cui Qi thought to himself, and couldn't help but soften his voice, "Currently the company's attitude is neither admitting nor denying, nor explaining nor concealing, you two should also be careful in the show."

"Okay." Xu Heran nodded and assured Cui Qi, "I will never directly say that I have a girlfriend. Xin Nuo thanked everyone, so when filming the show, can I sleep with Nuo Nuo?"

Xin Nuo held his chin and smiled as Sister Cui held up the cup of milk tea.

"Be careful that Sister Cui throws us on a fantasy journey." When leaving, Xin Nuo held Xu Heran's hand and said in a low voice.

"It's okay, don't be afraid to go on a fantasy trip, I will protect you."

Xu Heran held Xin Nuo's fingers tightly.

Fortunately, Sister Cui loves her children. In the past two years, Xu Heran and Xin Nuo have been traveling at home and abroad, and they haven't made up for the lean meat before. After careful consideration, they packed up eight people and threw them into a slow variety show for vacation.

"Only the eight of us?" Jian Yueyin asked and took the picture.

The accompanying director smiled and said, "Teacher Jian has any guests you want to invite, you can tell us, and we will actively invite them."

Jian Yueyin shook her head immediately: "No, eight are enough."

In another car, the accompanying director asked: "What is the biggest feeling when you are with the members?"

The cold girl with a black eyepatch on her head was expressionless: "Noisy."

"Xu Zhenzhu, put down the weapon in your hand and surrender quickly!"

A loud voice came from the beautiful small farmyard, and Song Fenghua, who had just got out of the car, gave the accompanying director a look, "Look."

She pulled the suitcase and walked into the yard.

There were already five people in the yard, each holding different weapons in their hands, cattail fan, feather duster, broom and dustpan... Laurel picked up the **** placed by the wall, Song Fenghua stood at the door and looked at it, although he didn't know what happened, but after many years Her experience made her raise her hand, touch the door panel, and tug again.

The door panel was shaking, Song Fenghua's eyes lit up, and the accompanying director immediately shouted in fright: "The door cannot be opened!"

"Oh." Song Fenghua put down his hand.

Accompanying director: "...What's the matter with your disappointed face?"

"Fenghua, hurry up and pack your luggage." Jian Yueyin shouted.

Song Fenghua hastened to enter the door. Although the yard is in the style of a farmhouse, the interior of the house is very modern and comfortable. When Song Fenghua came out with the clothes he found in the house, everyone had already finished fighting and was lying on a rocking chair bask in the sun.

Song Fenghua: "..."

She hung the clothes support on Jiang Qiong's head.

Jiang Qiong: "?"

"Fenghua is very disappointed, there was no fight." Jian Yueyin said with a smile.

Xu Heran immediately turned to Jiang Qiong and said, "Quick, make trouble!"

"That's your unique skill, I won't steal it!" Jiang Qiong refused.

The six of them lay in a row on the porch. The yard is very large, with a flat concrete floor in the center, and further ahead, there is a garden on the left, and a cultivated vegetable field on the right, waiting for them to toss. A black nanny car drove up, and Xu Heran's eyes lit up.

The nanny car stopped in front of the door, and the girl who got out of the car first was wearing a pink dress. Haya trotted over immediately to help Lin Weining with her luggage.

Xin Nuo got out of the car behind Lin Weining, saw the people waving in the hallway, and responded with a smile.

Jiang Qiong: "Look at Ha Daya, a certain person can't do it, why don't you go and serve him?"

Others: "Yes."

Not only did Xu Heran not get up, but he stretched his waist and asked paralyzedly, "What are you talking about?"

Jiang Qiong immediately shook her head: "I don't understand how this kind of person has a partner!"

"There are so many things you don't understand." Xu Heran bickered with Jiang Qiong. At this time, Xin Nuo was standing in the back of the latest intelligent robot and driving in front of them.

"Are you there? I packed your luggage, are you tired?"

"Not tired." Xin Nuo's voice was equally gentle, he touched Qiuqiu's head, and distributed the milk tea bought on the road to everyone.

Lin Weining held the other four cups in his hand, and the gathered SGS lay flat, looking at the distant mountains and blue sky, couldn't help shaking their feet.

"I went around when I came here. The scenery here is very beautiful, and there is a lake with endless green lotus leaves in the sky." Jiang Qiong gave a thumbs up.

Everyone: "...a strange description."

Haya said: "Then we can go hiking and swimming in the lake."

After she finished speaking, everyone except Xu Heran lay down one after another, pretending not to hear.

Xin Nuo pulled Xu Heran's clothes, and Xu Zhenzhu lay down. Haya gave Xu Heran a look of "My friend, you have betrayed".

"Divide the work first, and then we will live here for a month." The captain said, "There is no aunt, and there is no takeaway."

"But we have Your Majesty Hua." Xu Heran said immediately, "You can cook together."

"Washing machines for clothes, dishwashers for bowls, mopping robots for sweeping floors, perfect, technology changes life." Haya said.

The director reminded: "What about vegetables and fruits?"

Her eyes looked at the open space in front of the eight people.

The eight followed suit.

"I think, when I grow vegetables, Qiong'er will turn into day lilies, right?" Xu Heran sighed.

Jiang Qiong: "???"

"Please cherish Jiang Xiaoqiong, thank you."

"It seems that there is also a mission." Jian Yueyin said, she turned around, looked at the neat and flat people, couldn't help laughing, and then said, "Don't forget that we also came with missions."

"What about the concert?"

Many of the on-site staff are SGS fans, and they couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice.

"Since we are fighting with the company for the design of the 10-year concert, we must do it well." Jian Yueyin said.

Xu Heran raised his hand: "The concert, of course, come as happy as you want, don't engage in sensationalism, absolutely not!"

Her tone was firm.

"That's right, those who didn't know thought we had disbanded." Haya agreed.

Jian Yueyin supported her forehead and nodded.

"What's the theme of the concert?"

Xu Heran didn't even think about it: "See you later?"

Xin Nuo raised his hand and patted the back of her head.

"Think seriously."

Xu Heran said seriously: "Meet you again."

Xu Heran, who was hit again, fell to the ground clutching his head, deliberately rubbing against Xin Nuo, closing his eyes and pretending to be dead.

Jiang Qiong rubbed her chin, "Long time no see?"

Someone pretending to be dead: "It's not uncommon, who is rare in endorsement advertisements for variety shows, TV shows and movies?"

Jiang Qiong grabbed Xin Nuo's wrist and patted Xu Heran's face. Xin Nuo pinched Xu Heran's cheek with a smile.

Song Fenghua thought for a while, "Hello?"

Xin Nuo nodded, "Yes, hello, how are you?"

Xu Heran opened his eyes again, "Yes, to show respect, you can also add a heart, hello, I meet you again."

Before Xin Nuo could make a move, the others rushed up and beat Zhu.

"Hahaha, how can Zhuzhu be both likable and disgusting?"

"Eight years, the bead is still the same bead, the difference is that everyone dares to beat the bead."

"Then she was crushed by Zhuzhu's backhand."

"Hehehe, everyone is talking about the concert, and I'm the only one who is cracking candies. The atmosphere of the young couple is different from others. The real ones are different from the fake ones!"

"Universal Entertainment is so brave. They really let young couples go on a variety show together. Why is my face so red when they are just communicating with each other?"

"Me too! Zhuzhu and Nuonuo looked at each other, and I have already imagined the scene of them embracing and kissing each other!"

"Damn, you want to kiss, I have observed the environment inside and outside the house, and have unlocked different locations!"

"??? You are wrong!"

"So! Concert! Concert!"

The popularity of SGS variety shows is extremely high, and fans are increasingly calling for the concert. After the variety show ended, SGS scattered and began to participate in different programs to bring excitement to the concert.

In the second year of Xu Heran Xinnuo's love affair, everyone devoted themselves to the training of the concert. A group of people who have the habit of holding concerts are very adaptable to high-intensity training until the third year, September.

At that time, Xin Nuo had already gained international fame and had been on the podium with Ms. Diana. As a well-known international singer, Xu Heran has been a guest singer in various shows, and has also been a guest model, but Haya suddenly became interested in catwalks and participated in many shows. Song Fenghua is already a frequent visitor to movies and TV shows, Jian Yueyin is a resident contestant of the annual Golden Melody, Lin Weining has developed very well in music, after attending the acting training class, he has acted in two TV dramas, and the response has been good, Laurel releases albums every year, and Jiang Qiong is the host of variety shows around the world People, did not pull down to release a single.

Everyone in SGS can hold a concert alone, but on September 15th, in the twilight of early autumn with a gentle breeze, eight shining stars gathered to light up the night in Haicheng.

"It's really a familiar place." Xu Heran held up a blue-purple microphone and waved to the fans in the audience with a smile. The 100,000 fans at the scene shouted at the same time as the crowd gathered outside.

The concert was broadcast live on the large LED screen of the Universal Entertainment Building. This night was a night full of stars.

"Hello, friend." Xin Nuo chuckled, "It's a pleasure to meet you all."


Tears filled the eyes of the fans who have accompanied SGS for ten years. They have been with SGS for ten years since they were young. Now some of them have successful careers, and some have become mothers and fathers. Friends of SGS!

In the audience, the relatives and friends of the eight girls were also there. Ji Songyu struggled with the baby in his arms, pointed to Yu Wan who was next to him on the stage and said, "Auntie, beautiful sister."

Yu Wan pinched the baby's little paw, "I'm also a beautiful sister!"

"This night belongs to SGS and you too!" On the stage, the girls stretched out their index fingers, "Come with us—"


Fireworks soared into the sky, the roadside booth band slowly rose from the lifting platform, the drummer beat the drumsticks frantically, and Xu Heran shouted: "Welcome Sister Mei, welcome Zhang San Li Si Wang Wu, I am Xu Liu!"

The fans laughed.

Xu Heran cooperated with the roadside stand band for a while before, and the name he gave himself was Xu Liu.

Music and singing resounded in the sky of Haicheng, and the eight girls sang and danced on the stage, as happy as they were when they first debuted. Fireworks and sequin flowers rained over and over again tonight.

Five hours later, the sweaty girls stood on the stage, Xu Heran put down the water glass and raised the mic.

"Today there is a special link, the director of the concert suddenly told us before the concert."

"Yes, we don't know either." Jiang Qiong said, pointing her finger at the audience, "But I found that the smiles on the faces of Uncle Liu and Sister Liu are quite meaningful."

Xu Heran said vigilantly, "You won't start some games suddenly, will you?"

Director Liu waved his hand.

At this time, the entire stage suddenly went dark, and the familiar music engraved in everyone's minds came out from the large screens surrounding the field and the large screens hanging on the stage.

"Come together, run to the sun..."

Ten years ago, the theme song and opening dance of Xingyao Girls played on the screen.

I was caught off guard and saw my own SGS people ten years ago: "What?"

Jian Yueyin immediately said: "No way, didn't you say you want to be sensational?"

Xu Heran suddenly turned his head and looked at Xin Nuo, who shook his head.

"Hello, everyone." Xiao Liu, the assistant director of Xingyao Girls at the time and now the well-known director of Universal Entertainment, said to the 21 girls who were eliminated after many eliminations, "Please give me a gift for myself ten years from now." Write a letter, write anything."

"Ah!" Not only the fans, but the eight SGS people on the stage were so shocked that they looked at each other. In the memory of their minds, the immature self ten years ago suddenly appeared.

"What to do, I'm going to cry." Lin Weining said.

Just seeing myself ten years ago, I couldn't help crying.

"Don't cry." Xu Heran said, "Whoever cries loses."

Haya smiled and touched Lin Weining's head.

"Have you received it?" Laurel asked the audience, the members of Shu Guotang and FYU, the beautiful girls smiled and nodded, then raised their hands, clenched their fists on both sides of their cheeks to pretend to cry.

Song Fenghua repeated Xu Heran's words: "Whoever cries loses."

"Be careful." Xin Nuo chuckled.

Everyone immediately took a deep breath and adjusted their mood.

"Write a letter to myself ten years ago?" Jiang Qiong muttered.

The staff immediately reminded, "Later, later!"

"Oh!" A red-haired Jiang Qiong sat behind the table, picked up the brush in the posture of pinching the brush, twitched her wrist wildly, pretended to write on the pink paper, and said loudly, "Success and fame!"


The fans at the scene laughed together with the staff in the video.

"As expected of you." On the stage, the members joked one after another.

"This red hair is really fresh in my memory." Xu Heran said "tsk tsk", "At that time, I was superstitious about Qiong'er."

Jiang Qiong laughed.

"To Jiang Xiaoqiong ten years later, I don't know if you will receive this letter, and I don't know if you have already debuted, but I am very happy to be able to participate in Xingyao Girls and meet so many good friends. You have worked hard Lah, well done, it will be great if it goes smoothly in the future, Jiang Xiaoqiong, come on!"

"Of course, it would be unthinkable if I could debut with my friends." Jiang Xiaoqiong, who was writing a letter while reading it, suddenly raised her head and said embarrassedly to the camera, "Just writing it is incredible."

"There's nothing to talk about, friendship lasts forever! Qiong'er gets rich!"

On the stage, Jiang Qiong gave a thumbs up to herself ten years ago, pretending to be handsome.

"Cry." Song Fenghua poked her shoulder.

"Cry." Lin Weining poked her on the other side with reddish eyes.

"Hurry up." Haya urged.

Jiang Qiong, who was still in tears just now, was forced to go back immediately. She turned around angrily, raised her wheat and complained, "How can you be like this!"

There was laughter on and off the stage.

The screen changed, and the blond-haired Laurel was writing with a cold expression on his face.

"World peace, fairness and eternal existence, rich and leisure, I hope Sister Mei can find her own happiness."

The staff asked in a low voice, "Who is Sister Mei?"

Laurel paused when he capped the pen, "My sister-in-law."

"Huh?" The staff member was puzzled, "Your brother..."

"Passed away." Laurel put down his pen expressionlessly, nodded to the staff, and left.

The screen was silent, and the stage was also silent. Everyone opened their hands and hugged Laurel who raised his head.

"Thank you, I am very happy now." Laurel took a deep breath, suppressed the tears in her eyes and smiled brightly off the stage. She suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of the band.

Sister Mei raised her hand, wiped away the tears on her face, smiled at her, and spoke silently.

"I'm very happy."

I am very happy to see your success for your brother.

When the audience was about to be reduced to a sea of ​​tears, the scene came to the part of Haya, the glamorous woman sat down with a big horse, and said blankly: "Write a letter to myself ten years later, what should I write?"

Staff: "You can write anything."

Haya said seriously: "Really?"

The staff nods.

Haya immediately grabbed the pen: "Hurry up and find someone!"

Staff: "No—"

"Aren't you free to say anything?"

"You want to be an idol!" The staff went crazy.

Haya thought about it, crossed out the previous sentence, and changed it.

"Haya, I hope that after ten years, you can find someone, and I wish you the best of luck."

Staff from ten years ago: “…”

Ten years later, everyone in SGS: "Hahahaha!"

The fans in the audience laughed with tears in their eyes, and someone shouted: "Ha Daya, have you achieved your goal?"

Haya raised her eyebrows suddenly, raised her index finger, and brought it close to her mouth.


Fan: "Huh?"



Lin Weining next to him immediately looked away, blushing and pretending to be looking at the screen seriously.

In the picture, the beautiful and indifferent girl sat down and wrote seriously: "Song Fenghua, if you don't have the sun, I hope you can be a star. It doesn't have to be very bright, as long as it can shine like the sun. You have very little, ten Years later, living better than now is enough.”

When Xu Heran put his hand on Song Fenghua's shoulder, Song Fenghua suddenly laughed, and burst into tears while laughing.

"I'm doing fine now."

Lin Weining Xin Nuo opened her arms and hugged Song Fenghua.

"Fenghua, don't cry! If you cry, you will lose!" The fans shouted, but her eyes were full of tears.

Song Fenghua wiped the tears off his face with a smile, and said in a low voice, "I didn't cry."

Xu Heran raised the wheat and said with a smile, "It's raining on the stars."

Jian Yueyin raised her hand gently, touched Song Fenghua's head, and heard her whisper: "Enough."

Being a star is enough.

"Hi Wei Ning, please write a letter to yourself ten years from now." The staff member said to the girl who smiled softly after entering the door.

"it is good."

Lin Weining sat obediently, with neat handwriting.

"Hello, Lin Weining in ten years' time. I hope that by then, you will already be a qualified artist. You have paid a lot for the stage. You firmly believe that the stage will not fail your efforts. I hope you will not be hit by thorns on the road. Advance towards the only goal. Of course, most importantly, I hope you are kind and brave, come on!"

"It's finished." In the camera, Lin Weining stood up from ten years ago, smiled and handed the letter to the camera.

Ten years later, Lin Weining raised her hand to catch a falling petal, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

"Jian Yueyin ten years later, I don't know if she is still making music, but I don't regret participating in Xingyao Girls. Seeing my songs appear on the stage, I am more determined in my persistence in music. Ten years later, if you The reason is that I gave up music. After reading this letter, I hope you still have the courage to start again. If you still persist, no matter whether you are in light or darkness, I will tell you, Jian Yueyin, you are awesome."

On the stage, Jian Yueyin raised the microphone, smiling confidently, "Ten years later, I want to tell myself ten years ago that you are also great."

"Until now, I'm still grateful to the Star Girls, thank you for everything back then, and the group of teammates around me who seem out of place but have always supported me. Every one of us is great."

She raised her hand, and the people around her stepped forward and clapped hands.

"It's fine if you don't care about it." Xu Heran smiled, she licked her lower lip, looked at the screen, her blue eyes were bright.

Ten years ago, Xin Nuo was like Hsinchu after the rain, fresh and beautiful, with dark and deep eyes, and the alienated breath on his body fell into the eyes of everyone through the screen.

"To Xinnuo, may your mother be in good health and have a bright future in the stars."

Xu Heran suddenly turned around and asked with a smile, "Is there not me?"

Xin Nuo tilted his head, "But, it's a letter to myself ten years from now."

After she finished speaking, Xin Nuo, who had already got up in the video, suddenly stopped, and added, "I hope we will still be friends with Xu Heran at that time."

Fans off stage and other people on stage said, "Oh~~"


Xu Heran didn't look back, just smiled lightly: "Hello, friend."

The "Whoah" from the fans was even louder.

Xin Nuo didn't look at Xu Heran either, his eyes were fixed on his former self tenderly.


After the black-haired girl in the video left, not long after, a pink-haired girl jumped in. At that moment, the audience, outside the stadium, and in front of the LED screen.

"Ah—pink pearl!"

"Ah, ah, it's pink beads!"

"Oh my god! Ten years ago, the pearls were so tender and tender! It is much smaller than now! I feel that I can get out of the water! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

On the stage, Xu Heran showed a disgusted expression. She opened her hands and shrugged, with an expression of "no way, I'm so lovable by nature".

"Write a letter to me in ten years' time." Sixteen-year-old Xu Heran sat down, fluently.

"The program group suddenly asked me to write a letter to myself ten years later, it's disgusting, but I'm so obedient, I must have cooperated, right?

Xu Heran, will you succeed ten years from now? Have you become a big singer, held a concert, and got along well with your sisters?

Is everyone all right, we all made our debut smoothly, right? Hehe, the most important thing, Xu Heran, have you taken good care of Nuonuo! Surely she's still your favourite, isn't she?

Hahaha, this is of course, how can I not understand you. "

"Writing to Xu Heran, it doesn't matter if you don't become a big star, it doesn't matter if you don't have a concert, I hope you can maintain your love for music, just sing happily, we can't starve to death (here I confess my sister Jiamu, how come There will be a good sister who loves my sister so much, woo woo woo

Xu Heran covered his forehead, he didn't expect his tone ten years ago to be so naive, and he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Off the stage, fans who already knew her relationship with Xin Nuo laughed.

On the stage, Xin Nuo, with reddish eyes, raised his hand to cover his lower lip, and stared closely at the little pearl in the video. Not far from her, Xu Heran stood upright, staring at the big screen with his head up, with a gentle smile on his lips.

"To Nuonuo ten years later." Little Pearl sat upright and wrote each word seriously.

"Nuo Nuo, Xu Heran will always like you, one ten years, two ten years, three ten years... many ten years!"

"If the 26-year-old Xu Heran didn't say that she likes it, it's because she's shy! It's definitely not that she doesn't like you! Then let me say something in advance for her."

Twenty-six Xu Heran raised the wheat, his mature voice mixed with the lively voice at sixteen, blending without distinction.

"Sino, I like you."

Amidst the lingering light on the stage and the screams of the fans, the grown-up girl smiled, her eyes passed through ten years, and stared at the once indifferent girl.

The soft sound of music sounded amidst the screams and the blank expressions of everyone on the stage.

"Surprise." Xu Heran said softly, opening his mouth to the music.

Xin Nuo's eyes were blank, and he looked around. Except for Xu Heran, everyone else looked equally surprised.

"Am I here for you?" the twenty-six-year-old Xu Heran asked.

The practice room in the afternoon appeared on the screen. Sixteen-year-old Xu Heran was sitting on the floor and playing the guitar strangely, following

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy