MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 13 star girl

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On the stage, only Haya laughed the loudest, showing no face.

Xu Heran grabbed Xin Nuo's hand and clasped it in his palm, and quickly acted out his previous surprise, and said to others: "I really, I thought that audiences would have to bring their own mics to watch performances these days!"

"Xu Heran! Don't allow it—" she imitated her throat.

At the front of the auditorium, a girl with a round face and round eyes blushed, holding a support card with photos of Xu Heran and Xin Nuo, covering her face, and waving her hands repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, give our mother some face, look at you." Xu Heran pointed and couldn't help laughing.

"It can be seen that Team Ten is very satisfied with their stage." Ning Yunfei said while winking at Xin Nuo and Jian Yueyin.

"Okay, thank you all soon." Jian Yueyin pressed Haya's head and asked her to bow.

Haya didn't raise the mic, "Didn't you tell me?"

"Say it again." Laurel said bluntly.

"Daodaodao, reversing, please pay attention to reversing, please—oooo." Xu Heran's mouth was covered by Xin Nuo, and she subconsciously raised her arms to wrap around Xin Nuo's waist.

The round-eyed woman who was blushing just now took a deep breath and stamped her feet excitedly.

"Agree, agree, Mama agree!"

Ning Yunfei was sweating profusely, and hurriedly asked them to step down, thinking to herself, please, these people must not be in the same team in the future, it's so noisy!

"Huh, it's so hot." Xu Heran exhaled, her heart was pounding, and the soaring adrenaline hadn't fallen yet. The **** who controlled everything on the stage took off the crown and immediately turned into a noisy little princess.

"A lot of people are calling my name, and there are a lot of lights flashing."

"I still see my own light board! I don't even know myself anymore!"

She chased after Xin Nuo and chirped, and the others got a headache from the quarrel, and all cast their eyes on Xin Nuo.

Take care of her!

Xin Nuo put down the mic, found his coat, and fumbled in the pockets. Not long after, the sound of plastic rubbing against each other sounded, and Xin Nuo turned around.

"Stand still."

Xu Heran immediately stood up straight and looked at her with wide and beautiful eyes.

"Stop talking, open your mouth."


The snow-white fingertips pinched the candy and put it on the tip of her pink tongue. The hard fruit candy collided with the snow-white teeth, making a soft "ding" sound. Xu Heran's mouth was instantly filled with the aroma of grapes.

"Sit here and wait for me to change first, and then we go back to eat?" Xin Nuo said.

Xu Heran nodded immediately.

Jian Yueyin was removing the mic, when she saw Xu Heran sitting obediently on the stool, her cheeks with candy in her mouth bulged from time to time, waiting for the makeup artist to remove the makeup.

"It has to be you." Jian Yueyin joked, "I suggest that fan make way."

Xin Nuo couldn't help thinking of the fan who claimed to be Xu Heran's Mama, and the sign in her hand, and smiled mysteriously at Jian Yueyin, "She doesn't just want to be Heran's Mama."

Jian Yueyin was confused.

Why, who else does she want to be like? How many good daughters do you want to have?

With the end of the competition, the SMS voting channel was closed, and the staff counted the on-site votes. Seventy trainees took the bus back to the training camp, waiting for tomorrow's recording.

Both sides of the wide road were brightly lit, and the warm atmosphere of the stage gradually dissipated. Many people began to worry about their votes. Only seven people sitting in the corner of the bus held their arms.

"I want to eat hot pot."

"Do you think the director will agree?"

"Sauerkraut fish boiled fish spicy fish I want to eat fish fish fish!"

"To be more practical, is there any steamed buns in the cafeteria today?" Jian Yueyin asked.

Xu Heran kicked his long legs, "I don't, I want to eat hot pot, I don't want pot buns!"

Xin Nuo, who was resting with his eyes closed, was shaken uncomfortably by her, and patted her leg, "Don't act like a baby."

"Wouldn't it be good to have a good meal after breaking up?" Xu Heran muttered.

The trainees in front had subtle expressions, and secretly turned to look at Xu Heran and the others. Hearing the word disband, the other people remained motionless.

Their hearts have already been practiced. When practicing dance every day, what they often say is that everyone is leaving, leaving the best stage for the audience before leaving.

Jian Yueyin asked everyone: "Do you think we can win?"

Laurel shrugged.

"I guess Xin Nuo and Fenghua will stay in the next ranking. If we can win, wouldn't we have 20,000 votes?" Jian Yueyin rubbed her hands, "We're going to leave, let's order takeaway secretly? Divide the votes between Xin Nuo and Feng Hua, positive or negative?"

Xin Nuo shook his head, "That can't be counted."

Xu Heran sat up "shua", his eyes sparkled, "I have asked before, 10,000 votes will be deducted for violating discipline, but the director himself said that luck is also a part of strength, if we steal food without being discovered, it is not considered a discipline violation !"

From another point of view, the director is also a strange person.

Xin Nuo felt the atmosphere ready to move, and said in a low voice: "Who ordered."

Who can touch the mobile phone, or whose manager can't control the trainees?

Xu Heran immediately gave a thumbs up and poked himself.

Several people showed tacit expressions.

Ten buses carried the trainees and staff into the training camp. After two weeks of busy work, most of them decided to go to the cafeteria to eat something and rest.

Xu Heran took a banana casually, sat at the table and gnawed it slowly. After someone left, she held up the banana peel, threw it into the trash can, and walked out with her hands in her pockets.

Cui Qi, manager of Universal Entertainment, stood by the side of the road and waved at her.

"Sister Cui, Sister Cui, Sister Cui!"

Xu Heran jumped up and down, grabbed her arm, and looked around vigilantly as if meeting a spy.

"How are things going?"

The corner of Cui Qi's mouth twitched, and he said OK.

"As expected of Sister Cui!" Xu Heran pulled Cui Qi, and the two walked around the training camp.

Cui Qi was exhausted, she was out of breath, "Is it necessary?"

Xu Heran was very immersive, "I have to do a full set of acting!"

"The bottom of the pot is boiling dry."

"What! Let's go!"

In the dark warehouse, a few girls gathered together, holding up the aid lamp that was dug out of the box to light it up, looking at the red oil boiling at the bottom of the pot with bright eyes.

"Where's Little Pearl?"

"I'm coming~"

"Haya, aren't you losing weight! Don't touch my hairy belly!"

"Loose weight after eating, how to lose weight if you don't have the strength!"

Cui Qi stood with arms folded to watch them, feeling a little headache. This is no idol, this is a group of piggies.

The heat from the hot pot slowly fluttered in the rough light, and the smiles on everyone's faces were so real, Cui Qi looked at it for a while, then shook his head helplessly.

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from a distance, her face changed, and before she could speak, a familiar male voice shouted from a distance: "Listen to the people inside! You are surrounded!"

"Hurry up and put down your weapons, you still have a chance to surrender yourself!"

Xu Heran: "..."

She quickly picked up the fat cow and stuffed it into her mouth.

The other girls who were frightened looked at each other and immediately lowered their heads and stretched out their chopsticks.

They were all caught, so hurry up and eat!

"Crack." The lights in the warehouse came on suddenly, and the director came in aggressively with the assistant director camera and others, but the scene where the trainees panicked and begged for mercy did not happen at all. The seven heroes who pushed to the top sat calmly on the ground, their chopsticks were flying like flying, and the battle was fiercely grabbing meatballs!

The plastic bag next to it was filled with meat, vegetables and drinks. Cui Qi followed Xu Heran's instructions very faithfully, "A lot, you must buy a lot!"

Xin Nuo took out a tissue, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said gently to the director, "Have some?"

The flesh on the director's angry face twitched, he pulled a stool, put it under his buttocks, and began to lecture, "Look at you, the rules of the training camp are written in black and white, and you are not allowed to steal food from outside!"

"Yeah." The seven people stared at a pot and nodded honestly.


"10,000 votes will be deducted for violating discipline!"

"Butt buckle."

Director: "... hiss"

"Hey, can you turn on the air conditioner for me?" Xu Heran said earnestly to the director with his mouth flushed, "I'm here, turn on the air conditioner, it's so hot. I'll pay for the electricity!"

The others said in unison, "Please—"

In the end, the director left angrily, leaving only the photographer in the warehouse, and was asked by the director to severely film their violations of discipline.

As soon as the director left, several heads stuck out from behind the door.

"Come!" Xu Heran waved.

"Hehehe, I sneaked up behind the director's ass, and I can smell it from a long way away." Sun Lingxi sat down on the ground and quickly took off the chopsticks.

The people behind her were a little cautious at first, but when the meat touched their mouths, all the cautiousness flew away immediately.


Eat a big bowl!

"Hehehe, I'm full, let's go for a stroll with Nuonuo." Xu Heran stood up and waved to Xin Nuo.

When the backs of the two disappeared behind the door, Sun Lingxi couldn't help sighing, "The little princess is really a different person, and her relationship with Xin Nuo will be improved immediately."

"Beautiful people like to be friends with beautiful people." Haya said.

"Sister Haya, am I not good-looking?" Sun Lingxi imitated Xu Heran's tone and asked.

"My sister is very pretty." Haya boasted.


Others shouted in dissatisfaction: "You two are disgusting!"

"Hey, but Xin Nuo is usually cold and indifferent. He looks very gentle but is not close to anyone." Someone said, "I also want to be called Nuo Nuo, and I also want to stick to Nuo Nuo."

"Damn you, do you have Mama fans! Mamas don't agree with this marriage!"

"Woo woo woo..."

"Hiss, my ears are itchy." Xu Heran said suddenly, pinching her earlobe, she affirmed, "Someone is speaking ill of me behind my back!"

Xin Nuo leaned on her, "Is it just itching now?"

"Slightly." Xu Heran stuck out his tongue and followed her.

"Nonuo, come see me off when I leave." Xu Heran said suddenly, "I still want to take pictures with you."

Xin Nuo asked her, "Just taking pictures?"

Xu Heran smiled "hehe" and said coyly, "I still want Nuonuo's WeChat account and Nuonuo's mobile phone number—but don't worry, I won't harass you!"

"In this case, what's the use of asking for it, see?" Xin Nuo was puzzled.

"You don't understand, I just look at it, and I'm happy!" Xu Heran looked serious, "I want to treat the mobile phone with Nuonuo's contact information as a family heirloom, and pass it on to my children and grandchildren from generation to generation!"

Xin Nuo: "..."

"Well... I wanted to give it, but after hearing what you said, I don't want to give it anymore." Xin Nuo smiled.

"No! Give it to me! Give it to me!" Xu Heran began to act coquettishly again.

Xin Nuo was dangling by her arm, she smiled, and suddenly realized that the current self no longer hates Xu Heran's approach.

"If you give it, it's fine." Xin Nuo chuckled, raised his hand, and squeezed Xu Heran's chin.

"Sing me a song, like the day you 'confessed' to me, until I'm happy."

Xin Nuo patted Xu Heran's cheek with his fingertips, his eyes were deep and his red lips were slightly raised.

"My sister will give you whatever you want, huh?"

The author has something to say:

Xu Heran, if you steal today, you will regret it another day.

Xin Nuo: Favor +2

Xin Nuo: Favor -2

Xin Nuo: Favorability +5

Because she found that Xu Heran's touch would not make Xin Nuo uncomfortable, she was a little happy and also a little scared

But Xu Heran sings beautifully, she likes it very much