MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 64 SGS

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In just two hours, the guests of "Crazy Interpretation" took turns to enter the hot search in the entertainment sector. Princess Xinnuo took the lead in modeling, attracting the attention of many passers-by, and the ratings of the show rose steadily.

The turning point occurs at the end of the first and second episodes.

When the girl with dreamy pupils who is not real is hugging the princess in the white dress and said with a chuckle, "Who am I?" The lamp crowned her like a crown.

The audience watching the TV was stunned, and a thought floated in their hearts, could it be...

The audience with their mobile phones looked excited and immediately clicked into the next episode.

When the silver-haired Miss Long stepped down the steps indifferently, using her god-given face to look down at the human beings who should have been kneeling on the ground, begging for her mercy, the barrage exploded instantly.

"Who is this!"

"Is this a little bit like that little kitten talking about you stupid humans??"

"She's good at acting!"

"Oh my god, this silver hair is really beautiful~"

At the same time, the hot searches for the SGS Christmas concert followed the hot searches on the entertainment sector. Xu Heran’s image of a silver dragon in "Crazy Interpretation", holding a blue-purple wheat on the stage, complements each other like an elf in the snow. Under the white dress, the princess of the evil angel changed suddenly, and the red dress became hot.

The audience was dazzled, as if they had discovered a treasure, they shuttled like fish among the hot searches on the screen until midnight, and the audience who stayed up late chasing the variety show saw the girl in the dark purple robe and the silver dragon holding hands across the cage, looking at each other and saying a secret signal At that time, he screamed excitedly.

The fans went crazy with excitement, Xin Dong went crazy, Sister Cui... Sister Cui went crazy.

"Xu Heran!"

Sister Cui pointed to the screen shown on the TV, and asked Xu Heran in shock: "If you don't stick so closely with Nuonuo, you can't make a variety show, can you?"

Xu Heran was barefoot, lying on the sofa, holding potato chips, and said "huh" to Sister Cui.

Seeing her expression of "I'm not working hard, you still say I'm making trouble for no reason", Cui Qi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and she looked at the black-haired girl who had been reassuring her all the time.

"Nonuo, are you still letting her go?"

Xin Nuo looked at the TV and hesitated for a moment, "So... I didn't feel it when I was filming."

The cage in the picture is a bit high, but the silver dragon wearing long boots is already tall. Xu Heran is standing in the cage, while she is standing outside the cage.

Not to mention, it looks a little harmonious.

"The picture is not bad." Jian Yueyin said.

Sitting on the carpet, Jiang Qiong raised her hand and patted Xu Heran's leg vigorously, "Friend, good friend, you still said to let Fenghua act in a play, so go yourself! You are an actor!"

"Fortunately, we were arguing over whether it was Sister Chacha or Qiangwei who did it. It turned out to be the two of you!"

Jian Yueyin shook her head, "The world is going downhill."

Laurel answered, "People's hearts are not old."

Song Fenghua looked at the two people who had been holding hands on TV, but didn't speak.

Xu Heran smiled and said: "I will answer this sentence, the ancient road is windy and thin, the sun is setting, Qiong'er's heart is broken at the end of the world~"

"Shut up!" Jiang Qiong roared.

Cui Qi's cell phone kept ringing, and she knew it without looking at it. It must be that the data of several people in the group had increased again, and the increase was very good, especially the two girls who were shining.

She had thought that Xu Heran and Xin Nuo had a good image and personality, so they should perform well in "Crazy Interpretation", but she didn't expect them to be so good!

In addition to tonight's concert, the water is really lifting the boat. This wave is simply a huge wave carrying the two of them up.

"Okay, it's New Year's Day soon. After New Year's Day, you all have to go back to school, right? Hurry up and take the exam. After the exam, wait for you to participate in the end-of-year awards. I'll see if I can get you some more endorsements." Sister Cui stood up pressing her temples. , it is a good thing that her artists are popular, why is she so heartbroken!

"You all stay at home. You are not allowed to speak on the Internet casually, you are not allowed to express opinions indiscriminately, and you are not allowed to broadcast live broadcasts, especially the two of you." Cui Qi pointed to Xu Heran, then pointed to Xin Nuo, "Be obedient, do you know Know."


Everyone raise their voices.

Xu Heran shook his head, "Smart artists should seize the hot spots at this time and catch up."

"Smart entertainers can only catch up at the age of eighteen!" Cui Qi said loudly, "Do you know how many people say you have a puppy love!"

Xu Heran muttered: "Having the ability really makes me fall in love early."

"It's not that someone doesn't cooperate."

She was talking to herself, but no one heard her.

Cui Qi asked her, "Soprano, what did you say?"

"It's nothing!" Xu Heran shouted, "Sister Cui, why don't you go so late, stay and rest."

"Then who do I want to thank?" Cui Qi said sadly, "I'll go back to the company to have a look, have you sent your exam forms to the assistants, there will be bodyguards and assistants following you to the exams, you must pay attention to safety. "

Now that they are famous, Cui Qi is afraid that some fanatical fans will do something impolite.

"Yueyin, I will leave the family to you." Cui Qi said to Jian Yueyin.

Jian Yueyin raised her hand and said "ok".

When the sound of the door closing sounded, Xu Heran immediately turned his head and made two "tsk tsk".

"Have you noticed that Sister Cui is getting more and more fierce?"

"Who is that gift from?" Haya rubbed her chin, "Is it a certain little pearl?"

"Leak!" Xu Heran resolutely refused to take credit for himself, "Everyone has credit for this matter, we will work together regardless of each other."

Xin Nuo yawned, and she got up, stretching her shoulders with her hands behind her back.

"I feel that Sister Cui's trust in me has decreased." Xin Nuo said with a smile.

"Remove the word feeling." Jiang Qiong said.

The most obedient Lin Weining hesitated and said, "I think it might be even lower in the future..."

She turned her head and glanced at Xu Heran.

Xu Heran's eyes widened, showing a shocked expression of "even you".

Lin Weining smiled, "I didn't say anything~"

"The trust between fairy and fairy is gone!" Xu Heran said loudly, "I will let Haya steal your clothes while you are taking a shower!"

Haya raised her eyebrows, and when Lin Weining glared at her, she immediately raised her hand and crossed her chest.

"Stop your hooliganism," Haya said.

"And talk." Xin Nuo answered, picked up his water glass, and was about to go upstairs to fetch water, and everyone got up one after another.

"Are you going to rest?" Xu Heran glanced at the time, "It's really getting late."

Jiang Qiong sighed, "Take a break... you can't take a break, and you have to memorize the exercises."

At the end of the term, the students looked heavy and nodded.

Xu Heran was shocked and watched them go upstairs.

"Your Majesty Hua, anyway, we can afford to support ourselves, why don't we..." She winked at Laurel.

There is no limit to the sea of ​​learning, and it is right to turn back!

Laurel's eyes light up slowly, very excited.

Jian Yueyin came over, "You two don't even think about it."

"Go to bed."

"I'll lie down for a while longer." Xu Heran said, she thought for a while, then got up again, "Forget it, I'd better watch everyone do the questions."

After she left, Laurel looked up, "Does the word everyone have an alias, Xin Nuo?"

Jian Yueyin laughed and nodded repeatedly.

"I think it is."

In the kitchen, Song Fenghua came out after receiving the water, looked at Xu Heran's figure jumping up and down the stairs, and said in a low voice: "Is it their tacit understanding that hurts the crush?"

The girl lowered her eyelashes, thought about it, and shook her head slightly.

"No, it's the end of term."

She turned around, went back to the kitchen, and added coffee powder to the water glass.

"This is the suffering of life."

SGS began an unofficial vacation. This vacation was mainly to coincide with the end of the term for the girls. After Christmas passed and New Year’s Day officially approached, Xu Heran changed his fitness location to his home.

Every time Jiang Qiong gets confused and regards going down the stairs as the only fitness activity, seeing Xu Heran practicing "bang bang" with the fitness trainer in the gym with boxing gloves on, she always thinks in her heart, "Should I treat Xu Zhenzhu better?" "I should If you don’t have any crimes against Xu Zhenzhu.” “Forget it, offend Xu Zhenzhu, it’s better than the end of the term, right?” Various thoughts.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, Xu Heran accompanied Xin Nuo to the nursing home to see Xin Nuo's mother.

"Do you want to bring your mother to the park?" Xu Heran asked Xin Nuo, "Didn't Sister Cui contact the company and leave us eight suites? You can clean them up first and bring my mother to live here."

Xin Nuo thought about it for a moment, then thought about the money in his hand, and shook his head after hesitation, "My mother is quite happy living in the nursing home. She knows a lot of friends, chats with her on weekdays, and even goes shopping with her. The spirit is much better than before.”

Xu Heran smiled and said: "I think my mother is in good spirits because she is happy to see you so successful now."

"And I don't think Mom would want to be with you more?"

What she said made Xin Nuo stunned for a moment. She felt that what Xu Heran said made sense, and was pleasantly surprised because Xu Heran said it. It feels like your own child has grown up.

"I'll discuss it with my mother, Zhuzhu, thank you." Xin Nuo said seriously to Xu Heran, bending his eyes.

"You're welcome." Xu Heran said with a serious expression, "But you can give me a kiss."

Xin Nuo's smile froze, he raised his hand and pinched Xu Heran's nose, "Talk nonsense."

The car drove into the nursing home and stopped in the parking lot.

In the car, Xu Heran watched Xin Nuo get out of the car before he let go of his seat belt, and said softly, "What nonsense, I'm serious."

The girl who was closing the car door lowered her head and paused.

The door closed slowly, covering her expression.

Xu Heran got out of the car, took flowers from the trunk, saw Xin Nuo wearing a hat, and asked in surprise, "Do you feel cold?"

Xin Nuo said blankly, "Cold, go away, I'm bothering you."

"Okay." Xu Heran said tolerantly, holding Xin Nuo's hand.

The slender fingertips clasped together, Xin Nuo lowered his head, glanced at the intersecting fingers of the two, and then raised his head to look at the girl who was humming and walking forward. The girl who was already taller than her was tall and straight, beautiful, like a bamboo full of vitality, tough and climbing towards the sun.

Xin Nuo looked at the fingers of the two in silence. After a while, she raised her hand and pulled down the hat string.



Xin Nuo's mother was very happy because of the arrival of Xu Heran and Xin Nuo. She recently started to learn baking from her friends, and quickly took out the prepared biscuits for them to taste.

The sanitarium Xin Nuo chose has a good environment and a relatively good price, but because she is developing well now, she can naturally provide a good living environment for her mother.

"Nonuo, are you hot?" Xin Nuo's mother looked at Xin Nuo's face with his hat off, and asked suspiciously.

Xin Nuo's expression was very calm, and he raised his hand to touch his cheek, "Maybe I just got over it."

"I'm going to wash the fruit." She carried the fruit bag and walked to the kitchen.

Xin Nuo's mother murmured to herself suspiciously, "This child, why are you still shy to see your mother?"

"What repair?" Xu Heran came over, holding a biscuit in his hand, and asked with a smile, "Auntie, something is broken, do you want someone to fix it?"

"No, you sit down. Is there anything you want to eat? Auntie will make it for you." Xin Nuo's mother liked Xu Heran more and more. She was surprised that Xu Heran hadn't grown so tall for a while, and said she wanted to make soup for Xu Heran.

"No need, Auntie, I'm here to ask you to eat dumplings. We brought wrapped dumplings." Xu Heran said, "Don't bother me, or I won't come next time."

"Okay~" Xin Nuo's mother spoke softly, "Auntie will cook dumplings for you soon."

Xu Heran followed her, and said positively: "It's the stuffing made by our family's Laurel, we made it together, Laurel, you know, Huahua, Your Majesty Hua."

Mother Xin Nuo immediately said: "I know, the little girl with long hair now, right?"

"um hum!"

Xin Nuo came out with fruit.

"Please, guest." She said to Xu Heran.

Xu Heran was polite, "You're welcome."

She turned her head solemnly, and said to Xin Nuo's mother who was sitting next to her, "Your girl is really nice, polite, and so pretty, you can do whatever you want at first sight."

Mother Xin Nuo laughed.

When it was time to eat at noon, Xin Nuo and his mother went into the kitchen to make dumplings. Xu Heran sat on the sofa and began to fall down while sitting. The mother and daughter in the kitchen talked softly. TV, tuned to 66 Universal TV.

The young girls of the girl group Fish Compatible danced enthusiastically on the stage.

"Hey, Lingxi Moon has released a new song." Xu Heran said, picked up his mobile phone to send them a message, and then went to Weibo to help them forward it.

In the kitchen, Xin Nuo whispered to his mother about moving.

"The medical conditions over there are very good, there is a private general hospital nearby, and it cooperates with Universal Entertainment, and the confidentiality is good." Xin Nuo said softly, "The only bad thing is that the park is very big, and there are few people staying there. "

Xin Nuo's mother hesitated, "How long have you been working?"

She was worried that Xin Nuo would not be able to pay.

"How about selling the old house and shop at home?"

Her old dance studio was rented out and was a steady source of income.

"No, I'm just telling you first." Xin Nuo said, "And the house needs to be renovated and tidied up. You can't live in it now if you want to live in it."

She smiled and said, "Just to tell you, I'm afraid you won't want to live with me."

Xin Nuo's mother smiled and said, "Is it because I don't want to live with you, or you don't want to live with me?"

"Nuo Nuo, mom knows you. I watch your show and you are much happier now." Xin Nuo's mother sighed with a sincere smile.

Xin Nuo took out the dishes, heard the words, raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that the money ability gives me happiness?"

"This kid, talk nonsense." Xin Nuo's mother said helplessly, "It's different from before."

"You've made a lot of good friends, Mom knows that."

She turned her head and looked outside through the kitchen door, "Of course he's a good boy, and he's getting more and more stable."

Xin Nuo raised his eyebrows.


After the New Year's Day, the end-of-term students officially embarked on the "journey".

In the mouth of Xin Nuo's mother, a certain pearl that became more and more stable got up from the bed in the early morning of a certain morning and hugged Xin Nuo's suitcase.

"No, you have to take me with you!" Xu Heran looked depressed.

"I want to go to the exam with you!"

Xu Heran said aggrievedly: "I haven't seen your alma mater yet."

Xin Nuo looked down at her indifferently: "Are you going to make trouble for me?"

"That said, can't I feel the atmosphere of the university?" Xu Heran sat on the ground with his legs crossed, "I'll go and cheer you up."

"My heart, thank you, but you don't have to." Xin Nuo said, "I'm going to take the imperial examination for three days, not three years."

She knelt down to put on her shoes, thinking that she should really let her mother see Chu Zhu's rascal appearance now.

"Hey, if you don't let me go, I will go too!" Xu Heran raised his chin proudly, "Sister Cui booked a ticket for me, let's fly together~"

In the living room, the girl who was packing up and flying to another city for the exam asked in surprise, "Are you really going?"

"Hmm!" Xu Heran nodded firmly, "Sister Cui told me, she told me last night that she wanted to book a plane ticket and let me get up early today!"

Xin Nuo looked at Xu Heran in surprise, how could Sister Cui arrange for her to take the exam with him?

"Of course it's impossible." Sister Cui got up early in the morning to send the girls to the car. She handed Xu Heran's passport to Xu Heran's assistant, and said with a smile, "They are flying out of the province, and you are flying abroad."

Xu Heran: "???"

"I heard that you are on vacation, Mr. Xu has been urging me to book tickets for you and let you go home. Student Xu Heran, you haven't been home for half a year. Your relatives miss you very much and want to see you."

Xu Heran: "...what?"

"It's not long since we finished the phone call!" Xu Heran felt that he had been deceived, "And the Chinese New Year will be at the end of the month, I must go back to celebrate the Chinese New Year!"

"It's so early to go back now, and I still have to attend the awards ceremony with everyone!"

"It's because you don't have to go back during the Chinese New Year, so Mr. Xu asked me to pack you up and take you home so that you can stay at home for a few more days." Cui Qi said, she bowed her head and replied to the message, saying, "Mr. It’s all there, just take yourself home.”

After finishing speaking, the vigorous manager raised his head and scanned Xu Heran up and down.

"Well, this suit is fine, let's go, Mr. Xu said that if you don't take this flight, she will let a private jet pick you up."

Jiang Qiong laughed loudly, "Our mother is so domineering."

Xu Heran said angrily: "She dares to tell you that, you let her tell me!"

Xin Nuo chuckled and stepped out of the way, "Let's go, student Zhuzhu."

The girl stretched out her hand to Xu Heran who was on the ground.

Xu Heran put his hand on Xin Nuo's unhappily, and was pulled up by Xin Nuo.

"I have met Xin Nuo's mother several times, but you haven't met my mother yet." She said unhappily, "I thought I would take you to play in Languo if I had the opportunity."

Hearing Xu Heran's words, Xin Nuo felt inexplicably nervous, she responded casually, and said with a light smile, "Okay, I got it, I'll definitely go if I have the chance."

Only then did Xu Heran nod in satisfaction. She stood at the door and sent Xin Nuo Jiangqiong away first. They had an exam this afternoon, and they landed until noon, and they took the exam after a meal.

Song Fenghua, Lin Weining, and Haya's flights were quite scattered, and it was Xu Heran who left first. She was wearing pajamas, holding a water glass, and carrying the bag she secretly packed with her assistant on her shoulder.

"You deceived me mercilessly." Xu Heran muttered, "My heart has been greatly hurt!"


The assistant said while escorting her into the car, "It will take more than ten hours to fly, I have prepared your favorite snacks for you, are you happy?"

Xu Heran: "Oh."

"You can't buy my heart like this!"

"I asked the crew of "The Wind, Forest and Xiaosheng" for a copy of the highlights of Xin Nuo's filming. It is stored on the tablet, and there are all the variety shows you participated in and various videos edited by fans."

Xu Heran's voice was calm, "Is it Nuonuo's?"

"Choked to death!" The assistant clapped his hands.

Xu Heran immediately said: "But you are my good friend!"

"Please buy my eyes as much as you want!" Xu Heran fastened his seat belt obediently, and said goodbye to Jian Yueyin and Song Fenghua who came to see him off, "I will bring you some souvenirs!"

"Just bring yourself back." Jian Yueyin said with a smile.

She looked at the back of the leaving car and asked Song Fenghua, "What are the local products of Languo?"

Song Fenghua pondered for a moment.


Jian Yueyin: "..."

It makes sense.

I hope Little Pearl is more sensible, and I still hope to see her under the free blue sky.

The two girls clasped their hands together, thinking silently.

Universal Entertainment has a lot of money and wealth, and they buy first-class tickets for the girls, and the itinerary is kept secret.

Xu Heran was sitting next to her assistant, and her bodyguards were all in other cabins, and they went back with her.

"Ten hours."

Xu Heran lay down with a numb expression, not knowing how she got here, obviously an hour ago, she was still holding hands with Xin Nuo.

"I thought you couldn't get up, so I was going to call you." The assistant was sorting out the files and said with a smile.

Xu Heran's expression became more numb. It turned out that she was the one who threw herself into the trap.

Pearl's tone was gloomy: "Everyone is obsessed with studying recently, and I don't like playing games alone. Even Laurel is working **** reading. I have no choice but to follow along."

I don’t know how other girl groups live in private without running schedules. SGS, which is enveloped by the end of the term, is very harmonious. Xu Heran exercises every day, studies hard, eats hard, sleeps when he is full, and raises himself to be white and tender, and his skin is white and rosy. , is a healthy and beautiful little pearl.

"Sister Yueyin is even more terrifying. Others are forced to stay up all night. Sister Yueyin likes to sit on the roof at night and watch the stars. She said that the darkness, quietness and loneliness give her infinite inspiration." Xu Heran murmured, "Don't write us a sad song. .”

The assistant said with a smile: "Our members are younger than each other, and we haven't experienced the hardships of love."

Love, is it bitter?

Little Pearl was studying the earphones, and she paused when she heard this. She was lying in the spacious seat in her pajamas, with a thick down jacket under her body. The girl's blue and purple eyes floated up, looking at the clean cabin roof.


In her mind, a figure inexplicably intruded into her mind. When she first met her, the indifferent expression of the girl in the crowd, the occasional smile of the girl when she was in a team, and after getting acquainted with her, the bright black eyes of the girl, and the smile that never disappeared when facing her.

A girl as gentle as Nuonuo, if you fall in love with her, it must be very sweet.

Xu Heran thought with certainty.

If it was Nuonuo, it would definitely not be bitter!

Hmm... If you have to endure hardship, try it with Nuonuo, she wants to try too.


Xu Heran bit his lip, holding the tablet filled with many Xinnuo, smiling happily. The assistant next to her heard Xu Heran's voice, not knowing what she was thinking, and laughed along with her.

Little Pearl pulled up her hat and covered her face.

She thought of that night, since that night, she dreamed of many scenes, Nuonuo of many appearances.

Nono like that...


Xu Heran curled up his legs and clenched his hands excitedly.

The assistant felt that Xu Heran's mood fluctuated a little bit today, and her tone was gentle: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Xu Heran said loudly, "I'm going to sleep! Good night!"

She buried herself in the blanket and closed her eyes.

Oh, love~

In the middle of the night in the blue country, a row of luxury cars parked at the Capital International Airport. The elongated luxury car in the center is particularly eye-catching, but the rows of bodyguards around make people afraid to approach.

At the airport, when the bodyguard in black was protecting the tall girl, the door of the luxury car opened slowly. Stepping on slender high heels, the woman in black sunglasses got out of the car. The dark shawl wrapped her bare shoulders in a delicate dress. The woman raised her hand, took off her sunglasses, and handed them to the assistant next to her.

Her exquisite eyes fell on the girl standing in front of her with an expressionless face and drooping eyelids.

Xu Menglan raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly: "Call someone."

Xu Heran pouted, "Mom..."

"Hey~" Xu Menglan laughed, raised her arms to hug Xu Heran, and touched her cheek, "Is it cold?"

"Are you tired?"

"A private jet should pick you up."

"Not tired, but you didn't even tell me!" Xu Heran said angrily, "I don't care, you have to do the same to Xu Junran!"

"Yeah, mom will tie him back after he finishes the exam, okay?" Xu Menglan was very happy to see her precious daughter, and took her into the car, and when the car door was closed, the woman heaved a sigh of relief.

She turned her head and looked at Xu Heran who was still crossing her arms with a very angry expression.

Xu Menglan smiled lightly, approached Xu Heran, and poked her cheek with her fingers.

"Zhuzhu, you are great."

Xu Heran immediately said: "That is!"

"I've been very popular since I debuted! Is our group's album sales the best!" Xu Heran said proudly, giving himself a thumbs up.

Xu Menglan waved her hand and said in disgust: "Who told you this!"

The woman's eyes were full of interest, and upon closer inspection, there was a hint of excitement.

"Baby, I heard that you have appointed a daughter-in-law for your mother?"

The author has something to say:

Such as the content summary.

There are only three children in the family, and the old mother, who has never touched the little hands of outsiders since childhood, is very excited.

Xu Jiamu and Xu Junran: Indifferent.