MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 74 SGS(1)

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"The college entrance examination has been over for a month. The college entrance examination results in all provinces have been released, and the volunteers have been filled out, but does anyone know how our little Pearl has reported?"

"The official blog is not fussy, and Little Pearl didn't promote it during the college entrance examination, which means that Universal didn't think about using this to hype it up. Don't get too deep into it."

"I remember Tuanzong Laurel said that Zhuzhu is good at studying, so she should be able to enter university smoothly, right?"

"Anyway, Little Pearl has never set up a Xueba character. At the beginning, everyone said that she was good at studying, and then she was ridiculed by fans. The official has never said that Little Pearl is a Xueba. If you see someone using this A little black pearl, don't bother."

"What, little pearl and black powder?"

"It's rare. I feel that apart from individual stars from a few companies, SGS gets along very well with the star teams I have come into contact with."

"This is to boast that the global team is serious and strict in the selection work, and the house is clean. Of course, I also like to play with clean friends~"

"Speaking of fun, the Star Sports Conference is about to begin! I don't know if our SGS friends will participate!"

"It should be. We just debuted last year, and we should prepare for next year, so we will only participate this year."

"Hahaha, I'm really looking forward to Xu Heran and Hayaya!"

"Look forward to adding one!"

At the end of August, freshmen from major colleges and universities began to register. Some colleges set up freshman pick-up services, and a row of awnings at the exit of the station and airport. The future seniors and sisters of all colleges and universities sat under the sheds, sweating profusely.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, at the exit of Beijing Airport, two summer girls wearing hats, masks, and sunglasses came out one after the other. The one in front was very tall, with short sleeves and shorts, white and straight legs, and a thin coat on the waist. With a button fastened, her abdomen is flat, her shoulders are straight, and she can tell at a glance that she has a figure that looks thin when she wears clothes and takes off her clothes.

The eyes of the college students who were in charge of picking up people lit up. They noticed that the girl was looking at this side, and the long-legged girl also showed signs of walking this way.

Just when the girl was about to step forward, an arm stretched out from behind the girl, and her index finger hooked the back of her short sleeve, pulling her in another direction.

"Wrong, this way."

Xu Heran, who was a little sleepy, blinked, backed up and followed Xin Nuo forward, said "oh", turned around, and wrapped his arms around Xin Nuo's shoulders.

"Thank you Nuonuo for sending me the report, and I'm so grateful to you, what should I use to repay your kindness?" Xu Heran walked out with Xin Nuo in his arms, "I'll be the host tonight, on the top floor of the Capital Hotel, double bed?"

As soon as Xu Heran finished speaking, he felt a cold gaze pierced directly into his face through Xin Nuo's black lenses.

"...Sister, what are we having for dinner?" Xu Heran lowered his head and rubbed Xin Nuo's face with his fingers, "I'll buy you whatever you want, okay?"

Xin Nuo's voice became even colder, "If you hadn't been pestering me, I should be spending the summer with everyone at the beach."

A certain pearl laughed immediately, "It's not surprising that we have been to the beach so many times."

"Shall I build you an artificial sea?"

"If your artificial sea," Xin Nuo said coldly, "is a hotel bathtub, don't think about me coming out with you in the future."

Xu Heran: "..."

"Ha, ha, ha... No way!" Xu Heran laughed dryly, and after getting into the car Sister Cui arranged to pick them up to report to school, he quickly lowered his head and searched for hot spring themed hotels in Beijing.

Xin Nuo glanced over from the corner of his eye and took a deep breath, "Xu Heran, in this weather, do you want to take a hot spring?"

"...Detoxification and beauty." Xu Heran said obediently.

Three seconds later, Xu Heran turned off his phone, tilted his head and smiled at Xin Nuo.

"Okay, I won't go."

Xin Nuo leaned back and snorted coldly.



"You are so difficult to coax~"



Capital University, a well-known university in Huaguo, is also a famous tourist attraction in Beijing.

At around 2:30 in the afternoon, a tall and handsome boy came out and politely declined the girls...and boys who came to ask for their contact information. He lowered his head expressionlessly and glanced at his watch.

Pulling a suitcase and following the freshmen passing by their parents, they would always glance at the boy, and then excitedly say to their parents: "Ah, it's him, the senior in the Beijing University admissions brochure!"

"Yeah, yes, if you can bring us back such an object in the future, we will be satisfied."

"...The probability is as mysterious as my baby Zhuzhu."

"Hiss, you child, why do you always want to be the mother of a little girl, is she willing?" The new mother scolded, "Even if you go to college, you have to study hard, hear you?"

"Yeah, I got it!"

People around him came and went, and after a while, the boy lowered his head and looked at the watch again.

Three black cars pulled over slowly, and the car in the middle was parked next to the boy, with the windows slowly falling down.

"Xu Junran, you look very impatient." Xu Heran raised his hand to push down his sunglasses.

Xu Junran said indifferently: "I am already very patient to pick you up."


Xu Heran got out of the car, opened the door, put his hands on the door frame, and waited for Xin Nuo to get out of the car before closing the door. Seeing Xin Nuo, Xu Junran stood up slightly.

"Call someone." Xu Heran said.

"Good afternoon, sister Xin." Xu Junran said politely.

Xin Nuo chuckled, "Good afternoon."

"Sister Nuonuo, Sister Xin doesn't sound like we can express our strong feelings." Xu Heran held Xin Nuo with his right hand and Xu Junran's arm with his left, and the three of them walked inside side by side.

Assistants and bodyguards disguised as parents followed.

"Where it is strong, the truth is plain and light." Xin Nuo said, "You talk nonsense, I will let you experience more simple feelings than plain."

Xu Heran's eyes under the sunglasses widened slightly, and he heard Xin Nuo say, "I don't know each other when we meet."

Xu Junran turned his head away, and quickly touched the corner of his mouth in case Xu Heran would find him giggling. Xu Heran, who heard Xin Nuo's words, immediately threw off Xu Junran, holding Xin Nuo tightly with both hands.

"I was wrong, I will take you to the beach when I get back, okay?"

"Hmph." Xin Nuo patted her hand, "It's very hot."

"It is my heart that warms you! My heart burns for you!"

Amidst Xin Nuo's mocking voice of "not allowed in the soil", Xu Junran took a step to the side.

Is this... love?

Forget it, it's better for him not to understand.

The campus forum of Peking University has been extremely active in the past two days. Among the many welcome and answering posts, one is "I saw the school grass at the school gate! I haven't seen the school grass in the summer vacation and I am so handsome!"

Two minutes later.


"The school grass is willing to come out to pick up someone after leaving the library! It's still a girl! Two girls!!"


Countless Peking University students who were longing for the school came out, some were excited, some were skeptical, some were excited. Everyone held the melons in their arms, waiting for the host to appear.

"Are the girls pretty?"

"They all wear hats and masks, so you can't see your face, but you only look at your figure! It's the kind of beauty! Sure enough, good-looking people only hang out with good-looking people!"

"Candid shots are not good, let me describe them to you. They are thin and white, can't see the face clearly, but standing next to the school grass is not inferior at all!"

"Ah, ah, the tallest girl hugged the schoolgirl's arm as soon as she got out of the car. She never likes to be in contact with people, and the schoolgirl who never adds contact information to strangers will never hide! There is no reluctance on her face, obediently Take it!"

"Ah... so the reason why the school girl doesn't fall in love is because he already has a partner?"

"I thought the school grass was for textbooks, and the library was his mother-in-law's house hahaha."

"Freshmen have registered in the past few days, so the target of the school girl is this year's freshman? I heard someone picked it up. Is the school girl 17 this year, so he is a puppy crush in high school? The partner is now admitted to Beijing University?"

"It's pretty inspiring."

After a while, the host appeared again.

"Report—hahaha, it's so strange, that tall girl suddenly threw the school grass away, and then kept hugging the girl next to her. That girl was also tall and thin, and she kept pushing the tall girl, but not with force. If I want to refuse, I want to welcome... Hehe, I suddenly have the feeling that these two girls are a couple, and the school girl is just a stranger, hehehe!"

"Lord, where are they going? It has no other meaning. I just want to take a breath of the handsome face of the school grass and provide spiritual support for this year's research work."

"The school grass is from the Department of Computer Science, but I think their direction is from the Department of Economics, Management and Finance."

"Finance... It's a hot major. It's the ace major of Peking University just like computer science. The school girl's girlfriend is also a top student!"

"Is it really a girlfriend?"

"Speaking of finance, is it said that there is someone named Xu Heran in the finance department this year, who has the same name as that star. A few days ago, some people in the post forum guessed whether it was the same person, but they didn't build a building."

"How could it be possible for a person to be alone? Stars are filming and singing all day long, so they don't have time to study hard. This is Beijing University, and it's not something you can get into just by taking an exam. Besides, there are many people with the same name and surname in this world. "

"As soon as you say the same name and surname—wait, our school grass is called Xu Junran, Xu Junran, Xu Heran... Then Xu Junran came out to pick up people, and walked in the direction of the financial professional report, hiss... suddenly got goosebumps!"



"Five minutes have passed, where's the man?"

"Report! You people, don't disturb the normal freshman registration! Why are there so many people rushing out of the registration office all of a sudden!"

The official start date is September 1st, and Beijing University reports from August 25th to August 31st.

Xu Heran deliberately picked an earlier time to avoid crowds and returning students. When she came to the financial professional reporting point, there were not many people here, and there were more students welcoming new students than reporting students.

"Here." Xu Junran beckoned to Xu Heran, he turned his head and said to the girl with round eyes in the shed, "Hello, new students report."

The girl stuffed the pancake fruit she held in her hand into the hole on the table, took out a tissue and wiped her mouth as if she could not cover her ears and steal the bell, a warm smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Hello, please fill in the form, have you brought your admission notice and ID card?"

"En." Xu Junran nodded, and a shadow fell beside him.

"Here, thank you."

The clear voice echoed in the shed, and the few people in the shed with pricked ears licked their lips, feeling that the voice was somewhat familiar.

Everyone slowly approached, and got behind the girl who held her shoulders straight and took the report materials from her hands.

Xu Heran raised his eyes under the sunglasses. Her mask was pulled down to her chin when she was talking to others, revealing a tall nose bridge and delicate lips. The girl smiled at the students who couldn't stop looking at her.

Everyone: I'm sorry, but I really want to take another look, woo woo woo.

"Xu...Xu Heran?" The girl in charge of filling out the materials squeezed Xu Heran's name out of her throat. She looked at the ID card that Xu Heran handed over, the girl's beautiful eyebrows and unique blue-purple eyes, and stood up abruptly.

The students behind were startled by her.

"Hush..." Behind Xu Heran, the black-haired girl put her finger up and put it on her lips, "Excuse me, we are in a hurry here."

The girl's head was blank and she kept nodding. She covered Xu Heran's ID card, sat down blithely, quickly filled out the documents and returned the things to Xu Heran, and stuffed Xu Heran's identity information in a secret place before exhaling.

"thank you."

"You probably don't live in school..." The girl's voice followed her eyes.

"Yes, I have discussed it with the school teachers in advance." Xu Heran said, "Thank you again."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." The girl blinked her eyes, then suddenly leaned forward, her voice was very low, "Woooo pearls, Mama loves you!"

And she has been guarding the registration point for the past few days just to see who this Xu Heran is, is it possible that it is Zhuzhu! Although she held ninety-nine percent impossible in her heart, she thought to herself, what if!

Why there are always miracles in the world!

Why is her female goose so good!

Pearl oysters in the world! Our daughter is so upbeat! Don't let Ma Ma bask in the sun for nothing!

"...Thank you." Xu Heran raised his hand and patted the girl's head that only reached his chest, "Goodbye."


When the three of them turned to leave, the people behind squeezed over and asked in a hurry, "Is it Xu Heran!"

"Is it really Xu Heran? I know you are a pearl shell, and you can't hide your reaction at all!"

"Ah, I saw a live little pearl, isn't that girl next to her Nuonuo? But neither of you dare to talk to me, ah, ah! I also want Zhuzhu to touch my head!"

"Have you washed your hair?"

"I washed it!!" The girl whose head was touched laughed loudly, "I washed it when I woke up in the morning! Just now Nuonuo booed me! Hehe~"

Several people reluctantly looked at the direction Xu Heran and Xin Nuo left. They were very rational and embarrassed to go there. Just when they were embarrassed, a group of people suddenly rushed over from the front of the shed.


Someone shouted.

"Ah, it's her! It's Little Pearl and Nuonuo!"

Startled, Xu Heran and Xin Nuo looked at each other and stepped up their pace.

The bodyguards and assistants behind him hurriedly surrounded the fans who wanted to go forward.

"Xu Heran! I like you Xu Heran so much!"


Seeing more and more people, Xu Heran and Xin Nuo took off their masks and hats, and greeted everyone with a smile.

"Hello, alumni!"


Xu Heran and Xin Nuo walked out with difficulty under the **** of bodyguards. Fortunately, everyone just took out their mobile phones to take pictures and did not act aggressively.

"Little Pearl, you are really admitted to Beijing University!" Someone said happily, "I thought it was the same name and surname!"

Xu Heran smiled and said, "That's still fake."

"Zhuzhu, how many points did you get in the test?"

"It's a secret~"

Everyone responded with "Huh~", and everyone laughed along with Xu Heran.

"Xu Heran, why did you choose to major in finance? I thought you would go to the Conservatory of Music to take classes." Someone asked.

Xu Heran reached out and pulled Xin Nuo into his arms, and the two walked forward like penguins.

The throbbing fans' eyes widened suddenly among the students, wanting to scream but embarrassed because the real person was right in front of them.

Hearing the student's question, Xu Heran first bent her eyes, looked at the road under her feet, and said with a light smile, "Why did you go to the Finance Department of Peking University... because I had enough points, I didn't have any other ideas."

The students who were facing her and Xin Nuo kept nodding and didn't listen to her words at all. The fact that they could talk to Xu Heran and Xin Nuo made them very excited.

"Nonuo, did you specially accompany Xu Heran to report?"

Xin Nuo nodded and chuckled, "Are you reporters?"

The students laughed sheepishly.

Xu Heran was glad that he chose the right time. Many college students had not returned to school on this day, and they walked out of the school gate very smoothly and got into the car.

"Alumni are in vain, everyone study hard, let's meet again at the end of the semester!"

The students regretfully apologized to her and waved to her.

When the car drove away slowly, some students who didn't see the real person sighed in disappointment.

"Ah!! Why do human beings have such miraculous eyes, they look really good, 10,000 times better than on TV! If Little Pearl looks at me with these eyes, I don't have any problem with how many pages of literature!" The student with glasses said excitedly to his companion.

"It's so beautiful. It's completely different from the real person when I look at it from the screen. Just now when she glanced at me, I feel like I'm going to melt... How did Nuonuo hold back!" Someone held his red face, showing a dreamlike expression. expression.

"I am tall and beautiful. Little Pearl is about to grow up. She is tall and full of energy. She looks heroic."

Someone else discussed Xin Nuo, "Nuo Nuo is so beautiful, like a handful of snow, clean and cool, I dare not speak loudly around her."

"That's when you lowered your voice, but Little Pearl hugged Nuonuo very tightly, as if she was afraid that we would **** her away." Her companion laughed.

"I guess they didn't expect us to recognize it..."

"By the way, where is the school girl? Did the school girl **** Little Pearl and Nuonuo into the car just now?" Someone turned to search for Xu Junran.

"The school grass sent Little Pearl and Nuonuo to the car and left. Oh, I was so excited to see Little Pearl and Nuonuo just now, I immediately forgot about the school grass!"

"But the three of them standing together are so eye-catching!"

Someone said with a smile: "The school grass is so handsome, don't you consider entering the entertainment industry?"

"I think too much. The school grass is only a sophomore, and he is going to enter the project with his tutor. His research seems to be in the direction of artificial intelligence. Look at the school grass, he works hard in the library except for studying from morning to night. Is it like entering the entertainment circle?"

"Yes, the school grass just wants to shine in the direction of scientific research."

"So... are Xu Heran and Xu Junran siblings or brother and sister? This name speaks volumes about their identities!"

Before Xu Heran and Xin Nuo's car arrived at the hotel, Sister Cui called.

"It's really promising. At that time, I said that I would contact the school and ask an assistant to report on your behalf. If you refused, you were surrounded?" Sister Cui snorted coldly, "Do you understand your current popularity?"

Xu Heran lay down in the seat and pretended to be dead, he groaned and said, "Then I don't want to be special."

"Your occupation is special enough, if you don't pay attention to it, it will affect the school instead." Cui Qi said, "Obey and listen to my arrangements from now on."

"Okay." Xu Heran said, imitating Laurel's usual dead fish eyes staring at the roof of the car.

Xin Nuo glanced at her, couldn't hold back, and pinched the tip of her nose.

"Sister, don't we go back directly?" Xin Nuo asked Cui Qi, "I see that the hotel room is booked until September 10th?"

Xu Heran blinked, but she didn't pay attention.

"Yes, the Star Sports Conference is about to start. This year's venue is at the Beijing Sports University. I have signed up for you."

Xin Nuo: "..."

Xu Heran raised his head, looked at Xin Nuo's silent expression, and complained loudly, "Sister Cui! Nuo Nuo doesn't want to exercise!"

"I'm here, Cui Papi, and I don't think about it!" Cui Qi said ruthlessly, "Your album will be released after the idol conference. Your autograph will be held in Yinfu Impression City in Beijing. Haicheng. It’s about the same as the previous itinerary.”

"When these things are over, it will probably be November, and there will be a mini album, and after that it will be Chinese New Year."

Sister Cui patted the table with a serious voice.

"Two, our time is very urgent and precious!"

"Listening to it gives me a headache!" Xu Heran immediately said, "No wonder you gave us two days off! You lied to us because you let us rest after recording the album, which is actually a meal!"

Xin Nuo said in a deep voice: "If I refuse your request, then I should be at the beach now, enjoying the only remaining vacation of this year with everyone."

Xu Heran looked at Xin Nuo in shock, and said aggrievedly, "Then you don't like me?"

A certain Pearl drooped the tails of her eyes, her blue-purple eyes were watery.

"You don't want to be with me?"

Sister Cui on the other end of the phone felt that this was wrong: "???"

Xin Nuo: "...Okay."

"Hey." Xu Heran blew a kiss to Xin Nuo, and immediately sat up straight, "Then the two-person wave in the bathroom tonight, are you coming?"

"Xu Heran!" Cui Qi stood up abruptly, "Speak well!"

"Now everyone knows that you and Xin Nuo are in the capital, be honest with me!"

"If you keep messing around, I'll separate you and Nuonuo!" Cui Qi threatened, "There are so many people out there, so don't talk nonsense! Verbs are forbidden!"

There is no more effective threat than this, Xu Heran immediately promised that he would be honest, absolutely abide by the law, love his job and work hard, and not take the initiative to make Pang Ran feel better.

After hanging up the phone, Sister Cui and Xin Nuo in the car wondered at the same time: "What do you mean by not taking the initiative?"

Xu Heran bit the tip of his tongue and shrugged his shoulders with an innocent expression.

Xin Nuo gave her a suspicious look, and sat down beside her.

Social platforms, entertainment news sections, and a bunch of trending searches.

#Xu Heran Capital University Report#

#Xu Heran Capital University Department of Finance#

#Xu Heran Xueba#



"Cheating?" Jiang Qiong turned her head with broccoli in her mouth, with the same shocked face as the hot search, "I still believe in coming out!"

"Little Pearl's rumored boyfriend, who is it?" Lin Weining was digging up jelly and eating it, holding a silver spoon in her hand. She had just finished asking, "Ah" and remembered Xu Junran in the capital, "Is it my brother?" ?”

Jiang Qiong nodded, her eyes fell on Lin Weining's jelly. The dog is not convinced.

"Why you can eat jelly!"

"Because I've been busy and lost a lot of weight." After Lin Weining finished speaking, she raised her hand and squeezed Jiang Qiong's arm. Jiang Qiong's skeleton is small and soft. I couldn't control my mouth and swollen a lot.

The dog who couldn't refute Lin Weining's words pursed his lips silently, "Then you quietly give me a bite."

"No." Lin Weining said, "After taking a bite, you will cry and run again."

"I don't cry!" Jiang Qiong tried to open her eyes wide, "I ran with a smile!"

Lin Weining turned her head and looked at Jiang Qiong seriously.

"Although I am easy to deceive, I can tell that you are lying to me!"

Lin Weining was very loud.

"There is no time for you to laugh and run!"

Jiang Qiong: "...I thought you said I couldn't go for a run! Damn, my expression is so innocent!"

The dog Wang Wang glanced at Lin Weining, "It's been upgraded, Lin Xianxian."

Lin Xianxian put the pulp into his mouth in front of the drooling dog, chewed it slowly, and said with a smile, "I can't be fooled by you all the time!"

"Really? Hey, Laurel, how can you eat chicken legs!" Jiang Qiong looked behind Lin Weining.

Lin Weining subconsciously turned around and met Haya's gaze.

"She lied to you." The girl sitting on the sofa smiled while holding her chin. She didn't know how long she looked at it.

Lin Weining: "...Jiang Xiaoqiong!"

"Hey, I can't be fooled by you all the time~" Jiang Qiong said imitating Lin Weining's proud tone.

Lin Weining angrily dug a large spoonful of jelly and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Can you really not give it to me?" Jiang Qiong whispered, "Just one bite, I promise to form a team with you to help you win the next recording show, I won't lie to you! I swear!"

"No!" Lin Weining strongly refused.

Haya laughed, she leaned back, and said with a smile: "Baby Xianxian, I won't lie to you, just give me a bite."

Lin Weining and Jiang Qiong turned their heads at the same time and looked at Haya.

The girl with the highest altitude in the team finished afternoon training, took a shower and came to the living room to watch TV. She lay on the sofa on her side and patted the empty seat in front of Lin Weining.


"I don't lose weight."

Lin Weining was dubious, holding the big jelly that she bought from the supermarket specially when she went out, and walked to Haya's side.

"What smell?" Haya asked her.

"It tastes like lychees." Lin Weining said, "I'll find a clean spoon."

"No, I don't dislike you." Haya said, raised her head, said "ah", and opened her mouth wide.

Lin Weining pursed her lips and dug a spoonful of jelly. The transparent jelly shook tremblingly on the silver spoon, and was carefully sent into Haya's mouth.

The tall girl raised her legs comfortably and narrowed her eyes.

"Well, it's delicious."

"Yes!" Lin Weining said happily.

"It's just that I didn't taste it." Haya said deliberately.

Lin Weining: "...?"

Jiang Qiong, who couldn't eat it, sneered from behind, "You know it's delicious even if you haven't tasted it!"

"Give me another bite." Haya ignored the barking dog and said to Lin Weining.


Lin Weining dug the jelly for her. This time she picked a large piece of fruit, but someone instructed, "Not this one, it should be a little to the left... No, it's right, no, let me do it myself."

Haya sat up all of a sudden and waved to Lin Weining. Lin Weining obediently put the jelly in her palm.

She only dug out two spoonfuls of this jelly, one spoonful was eaten by herself, and the other spoonful was just given to Haya.

"Yo, that's a lot." Haya whispered something, a smile flashed in her eyes, she didn't take the spoon from Lin Weining, she raised her head, opened her mouth, and raised her hand.

With a sound of "boo chirp", the soft transparent jelly fell into Haya's mouth.


Haya beat her chest and swallowed with difficulty.

She returned the empty jelly shell to Lin Weining and licked her lower lip.

"Tasted it, it's good, it's really delicious!"

Lin Weining: "..."

Jiang Qiong, who was watching: "Hahahahahaha!"

Lin Weining looked at the empty jelly shell in her hand, looked at Haya's smiling expression, and slowly opened her mouth wide.

"My jelly..."

"Hahaha, you have been deceived! Haya, you are such a dog! You actually bully the immortals like this!"

"My jelly..." Lin Weining was angry and wronged, "I ran to two supermarkets before I found this one in the corner! This is the only one left! It's a new product, so hard to find!"

Haya nodded approvingly, "No wonder it's so delicious!"

"You—" Lin Weining became even more angry!

"You didn't leave me a bite!"

Haya said regretfully, "Then what should I do?"

Jiang Qiong accused from the side: "You are so bad~"

"Woo, my jelly." Lin Weining held the jelly, squatted in front of Haya, and cried, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, she couldn't bear it, stretched out a hand, and hit Haya's leg "hardly" superior.

The hand touched the pajamas, making a soft slapping sound.

"How can you bully me like this!" Lin Weining said angrily, "I will never trust you again!"

"Don't, baby, I'll give it back to you, okay?" Haya smiled, raised her index finger to touch the end of Lin Weining's eyes, "Are you really crying?"

"I'm furious!"

Jiang Qiong immediately turned her head and complained super loudly.

"Sister Yueyin! Haya ate Xianxian's jelly and made Xianxian cry!"

"I didn't cry!" Lin Weining sniffed, looked at Haya pitifully, with a little hope, "How do you pay me back, if you give me this jelly, I will forgive you."

The kind fairy retreated for Haya.

Haya thought about it and pouted.

"Come on, the smell hasn't dissipated yet."

Lin Weining: "..."

Lin Weining: QAQ

"Sister Yueyin..." Lin Weining cried and wanted to get up, and asked Jian Yueyin to comment, "Haya is unreasonable!"

"It's really wrong, baby, don't complain." Haya sat up, put her arms around Lin Weining's waist, and led her to sit back, and the two of them fell on the sofa together.

"What's wrong?" Jian Yueyin came out of the kitchen with a vegetable leaf in her mouth.

Jiang Qiong said with a smile: "Haya grabs Lin Weining's jelly."

Jian Yueyin, who had eaten the weight-loss diet for five days, immediately said: "It's time to chop!"

She walked behind Jiang Qiong, supported the back of the stool and watched the two people fighting on the sofa.

It was mainly Lin Weining who did it.

For half a year, the girl who had lost a lot of weight after running around was thumping red-eyed in Haya's arms. No matter how much she thumped, she couldn't get out of Haya's embrace. In the end, Haya's legs were clamped between her legs, and her arms were imprisoned in her arms.

"Let go of me!" Lin Weining was angry and impatient, her ears were red, as soon as her eyes met Haya's sight, she immediately moved away and looked to the side, "If you let me go, I won't ask you to pay."

"I don't want to let you go." Haya said in a low voice, "So, if you cry for a while, show me, and I'll let you go, how about it?"

Lin Weining: "...!"

"You've already snatched my jelly, and you still want me to cry!" Lin Weining was about to cry angrily, "Why are you doing this, thanks to me, I still feel, feel..."

"What do you think?" Haya asked close to her ear.

Lin Weining's eyes were a little red, she twisted her head aggrievedly, and lowered her eyes.

I feel good about you.


Seeing her appearance, Haya smiled even more happily, her chest trembled, her plump **** were pressed against Lin Weining's back, Lin Weining's eyelashes were wet, and she felt a little embarrassed.

"I actually think...Baby Xianxian has such beautiful eyes, she must be even more beautiful when she cries."

Haya's tone was deep and deep.

"What will it look like, I really want to see."

Lin Weining bit her lip, feeling that Haya's words were not quite right, it's not that she has never seen her cry before, this person is simply bullying.

"I'm not good with you."

"If you want to say that you will only be nice to me in the future." Haya hugged her and shook her.

"Pressure wash you!"

Lin Weining deliberately went down, but unexpectedly, the people behind her hugged her even tighter.

"You know it's heavy!"

"Honey, this can't be suppressed randomly." Haya said in a low voice, "Something will happen."

A big liar has no reputation, so it's better to have an accident!

...Bah bah bah!

Lin Weining shook her head.

You can't think like that.

"Those who **** my jelly are unforgivable." Lin Weining whispered.

Haya smiled and asked, "I will compensate you."

Lin Weining thought that she just deliberately pouted for a kiss, blushed, shy, and angry.


Haya's toes hooked the bag next to the coffee table. The bag was white with the logo of a certain snack shop printed on it. Lin Weining knew this snack shop. It took about an hour to drive without traffic jams in a place far from the forest villa. , their family is the agent of this jelly brand she likes, but because it is too far away, and this store is very popular, she has never had the opportunity to go.

After hooking the bag over, Haya bent down and put the big white bag into Lin Weining's arms.

"So heavy..."

Lin Weining lowered her head in surprise and took a look.

The lychee-flavored jelly that Haya swallowed in one gulp, as well as other new flavors of jelly, as well as a variety of best-selling snacks at home and abroad... It’s full, except for snacks, there are also cute doll blind boxes, all packed together.

"Still angry?"

Lin Weining: "...huh."

The girl touched her head in embarrassment, feeling that she was ashamed and naive to be angry about a jelly, she whispered: "Forgive you."

"It took you a long time to buy it."

"It didn't take long, I went out for a walk at night, and dropped by." Haya said.

drop by...

Lin Weining blushed even more, and whispered: "Thank you."

"Small things, if you can cry to me for the sake of snacks, I will go out and buy them for you every day." Haya let go of Lin Weining, put her arms on the back of the sofa, and said with a smile.

"Cry for me if you have time~"

Lin Weining: "...Bah!"

The girl carrying the bag blushed and walked out. When she turned out of the living room, she saw two girls holding bowls and eating grass with forks.

"You two are sweet?" Jiang Qiong exaggeratedly chewed vegetables like a rabbit, and said in a rascal tone, "Thank you for the private space we gave you?"

Jian Yueyin picked up the broccoli and looked at it under her eyelids.

"Strange, when did the broccoli turn pink?"

"Hahaha, you misunderstood Sister Yueyin, there are some people whose faces are full of peach blossoms, and they are so red!" Jiang Qiong said in a false tone.

"Oh~ I see." Jian Yueyin stuffed the broccoli into her mouth, looked at Lin Weining, who was holding a snack bag, looking at them with a blushing face, and joked, "How about the chef invite Laurel?"

The usually dull girl suddenly realized the meaning of Jian Yueyin's words, her pink face became even redder, she took two steps back and pursed her lips.

"I wanted to share it with you, but now I don't have it!"

"Just eat grass!"

"Slightly slightly!"

Looking at someone's back in a panic, Jiang Qiong and Jian Yueyin looked at each other and laughed wildly.

Haya put her hands in her pockets and walked out slowly.


She looked at Jian Yueyin approvingly, "La Chef."

Jian Yue lowered her eyebrows and said in a melodious voice, "Youth is so good~"

"Beautiful youth, beating miracle! Young life is not afraid of sweating, and a strong physique is created in the stadium! Hello everyone, welcome to the 15th Star Sports Conference. Now star athletes are entering the arena. As you can see, many are on stage , the stars who have been warmly welcomed on the screen have come to this show one after another! They will use their enthusiasm and hard work to

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy