MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 77 SGS(1)

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Xin Nuo successfully won the sports dance championship with the waltz of "Broken Alice". Song Fenghua and Laurel got good rankings in gymnastics and swimming in the afternoon respectively. This year's Star Sports Conference ended with the final champion of SGS.

Many artists looked at the eight beautiful girls on the podium, and sighed in their hearts. How can some people, even if they are good-looking and popular, perform so well in a sport? Give everyone a chance!

Compared with artists, many entertainment companies saw the excellent performance of SGS in the sports meeting. They couldn't help but think of their debut, the sales of each album, the ranking of each single, and the programs they participated in. Breakthrough ratings.

For a whole year from last summer to today, all the boys and girls groups in the entertainment industry have been suppressed by SGS, and it looks like they will be suppressed for another year.

"Fortunately, there is still one year..." Many entertainment companies comforted themselves, as long as in one year, when SGS is disbanded, their company's group can finally see the light!

Only one year!

The comforted artists raised their fighting spirit! As long as one year, there is no need to hide under the light of SGS! After disbanding, one person fighting alone is better than eight people working together, right?

At the end of the sports conference, the eight members of SGS stayed in the capital, waiting for the album signing event. At this time, Xin Nuo’s film was coming to an end. With its excellent script and perfect performance of the actors, "Wind Forest Xiaosheng" directed by Li You became the best choice for this summer's vacation. The file harvests the biggest winner.

"Just tell me, how many blocks away from King Mu?" Everyone asked Xin Nuo.

Sitting on the table, Xin Nuo propped his cheeks, heard the words, and said in surprise: "Hey, is there a film about Best Actor Mu this summer?"

The people who heard her words were silent for three seconds and laughed.

"Wow, those who are close to the pearl are red, those who are close to the promise are black, and you still say that the little pearl is bad, do you listen to what you say?" Jiang Qiong said loudly.

Xin Nuo showed an elegant smile.

Xu Heran held his face in both hands and looked at Xin Nuo with a smile.

In the first ten days of September, SGS held a signing event in Yinfu Impression City, Beijing. Only 1,000 people could get the chance to sign the sale. However, the fans who came to support were blocked by the officials, and the outside of the venue was still packed. Fortunately, Universal Entertainment did it in advance. Good plan, on-site order was maintained, and the signing session ended smoothly.

"I didn't know these four words when I signed, so my brain hurts." Xu Heran rubbed her wrist, her expression was disgusted, but everyone could see the pride flowing from the end of her eyes.

These fans seem to have agreed in advance, so that Xu Heran's signature is stunned, and Xin Nuo's signature is Xindong,

Jiang Qiong rolled her eyes, "Don't let Sister Cui hear what you say!"

Jian Yueyin smiled: "I seem to see that someone asked Nuonuo to sign Xindong, and then asked her to sign other cp names?"

Is there such a thing?

Xu Heran immediately looked at Xin Nuo. Xin Nuo was a little tired. He leaned back in the seat and smiled slightly after hearing Jian Yueyin's voice, "Zhuzhu has to order a lot of dishes when eating hot pot. People like to knock CP, and two more, it should be Is it the same?"

Where is the same!

Xu Heran shook his head, his eyes were deep.

Not in a hurry.

After they participated in the signing event, they immediately played songs on the Beijing TV station the next day. This is the first stage of this album. The theme of this album is "Freedom", and the song of the same name is the main title of this album.

The curtain opened at night, and the clean and clear voices of the girls rushed into the eardrums. The stage lights were bright, and they wore black and silver stage costumes, with confident expressions and bright smiles.

"Everything in the world, no one can imprison me. I am a free flower blooming in the mountains and fields. I should be like the wind. I yearn for freedom. My heart belongs to freedom. Freedom is—"

The camera turned to the center of the stage in an instant, and the girl holding a blue-purple microphone sang after Laurel rapped and brought the scene upsurge.

"I never gave up, never stopped!"

"I am free, and what is free is that I have never been willing to say no to this point!"

Jian Yueyin, the second soprano of SGS, appeared, "I never admit defeat, never stop my steps! I am freedom, freedom is my willingness to become the wind, and no one will stop my steps!"

"La la la la la la la la!"

Eight people jumped up and down on the stage, raising their hands to lead the audience to applaud. Behind the eight girls, the roadside band from Haicheng swayed along, playing guitar and bass, and brilliant techniques were born at the fingertips.

"La la la la la la la la!"

Xu Heran: "I never admit defeat—"

"I never admit defeat!" Jian Yueyin immediately connected.

"Never stop walking"

"Never stop walking!"

"What is free is my soul chasing wantonly in youth!"

"La la la la la la la la!"

"Report—" After returning to the hotel, Jiang Qiong said loudly, "Report to Her Royal Highness, the double treble is up again! In front of you~"

Xin Nuo was unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt, when he heard this, he aimed his eyes at a certain Zhu who was drinking water with her on his back.

"When cut."

Xu Heran paused his shoulders, turned around, and blinked his eyes, "When you eat hot pot, you have to order a lot of dishes. People like to kowtow cp, two more knacks, it should be the same?"

It is exactly the same as what Xin Nuo said, without changing a single word.

"Oh." Jiang Qiong immediately "whispered" to Xin Nuo in a voice that everyone could hear: "Your Highness, Xu Zhenzhu ignores your majesty, deceives others, and doesn't know anything about you. Can do it but she can't!"

Xin Nuo sneered at Xu Heran.

Jian Yueyin sat on the sofa, shrunk in and pretended not to exist.

"Are you bold?"

Xu Heran took a breath, "Don't dare!"

Jiang Qiong: "Your Highness, she dares to do many things!"

"Jiang Xiaoqiong! I haven't provoked you recently!"

"Hey, I've seen the video of you laughing at me for jumping a pole like a little frog looking for my mother!" Jiang Qiong said loudly.

"Who's little frog is looking for its mother? It's called a tadpole! What I said at the time was that you were a little kangaroo that fell out of mother kangaroo's pouch!" Xu Heran immediately argued.

"Look!" Jiang Qiong said, "You are just slandering me!"

"Yes, that's right, I did it, how can I say it!"

Jiang Qiong rolled up her sleeves, "Come on!"

"Come on!" Xu Heran rolled up his sleeves.

Haya walked behind Jiang Qiong and began to push Jiang Qiong in Xu Heran's direction, saying, "Forget it, it's not a big deal, don't keep it in mind, if you fight, just fight, ah."

"I'll fight spicy with you!" Jiang Qiong shouted loudly, raised her head and pointed at Xu Heran, "I'll give you two packs of spicy sticks!"

"I'm afraid of you, I'm with San Bao!"

Onlookers: "..."

World peace needs you, go ahead.

"What kind of spicy strips, who eats spicy strips?" Cui Qi said immediately after entering the door, "I see who dares to eat messy things behind my back, and is playing songs now! How dare you eat spicy strips! I made her into spicy noodles." strip!"

Xu Heran and Jiang Qiong looked at each other.

"You heard wrong, Sister Cui, no one talks about spicy strips." Xu Heran immediately stood behind Xin Nuo, "I'm not Jiang Xiaoqiong, I never eat spicy strips, right, Nuonuo?"

A certain bead stretched out its hand boldly, pressed its palm on Xin Nuo's neck, pressed three fingers on the upper part of her neck, and pressed forward.

Xin Nuo nodded his oversized head.

Xin Nuo: "..."

"Xu Heran!" Xin Nuo hit Zhu with his backhand. The unfinished business of Xu Heran and Jiang Qiong was inherited by Xin Nuo.

"It deserves it!" Jiang Qiong tui pulled her barking teammate into the water.

Cui Qi pressed his forehead, always felt that after forming a group, everyone became more and more lively, even the three children, Xin Nuo, Jian Yueyin and Song Fenghua, who were always calm and quiet, were more relaxed than one another.

It's a good thing.

"Go to bed early today, tomorrow I will be flying across the country, let's work happily, girls!"


Everyone raised their hands and responded.

As Cui Qi arranged, eight people from SGS started to run the itinerary until October, when the itinerary ended, Xin Nuo joined the filming group, Lin Weining led the group, others prepared albums and participated in variety shows, Xu Heran...Xu Heran began to make up lessons.

Capital University is well-known and has many famous teachers. Xu Heran was afraid that he would end up at the end of the semester like everyone else. Except for occasionally participating in "Whatever You Want", he only concentrated on his classes and did not worry about his future traffic.

Just when everyone was performing their duties, the news of the debut of SGS's new girl group went directly to the trending searches.

SGS's new girl group Shu Fructose, consisting of Sun Lingxi, Mu Yueyue, Youyou, Luoxi, and Sasa, debuted on Universal TV's "Voice of the Stars" with a refreshing, sweet and lovely image.

The pen in Xu Heran's hand landed on the notebook, "When did Sister Cui dig up Lingxi and the moon?"

"It's summer." Haya leaned on the table to dig ice cream, and said to Xu Heran, "Sprouting Girls' performance has not been good. Their company has many girl groups of the same type, and internal resources are not balanced. They are inclined to the popular senior group. Consonance Moon will Half of the reason for not being able to lead the team is on myself, the psychological pressure is great, and I have conflicts with the company, haven't you noticed that they haven't come out much this year?"

"Have you talked to them?" Xu Heran asked with a smile.

"FYU participated in the company's internal variety show a few days ago. I went to deliver food to them. I happened to meet Lingxi and chatted for a while." Haya laughed, "They also broke up with the company peacefully. Earn back the termination fee."

"Xingyao Girls endorsed fruity drinks, and it ended up in the hands of their girl group."

"Sasa finally debuted!" Xu Heran said with a smile, "Congratulations everyone, I haven't been on Weibo recently, so I don't know about these things at all."

Haya immediately looked down at her, "Is it because you don't have time, or because some people don't communicate with the outside world after joining the group, so you don't want to check your phone?"

"Why don't you contact me anymore." Xu Heran immediately looked at Haya with the eyes of "you don't understand", and his tone was a bit smug, "My Nuonuo and I have to say good night to each other every night."

Haya then showed a "that's it" expression.

The girl patted Xu Heran on the shoulder comfortingly, took out her phone from her pocket, turned on the screen, and showed it to Xu Heran.

In the camera, Lin Weining is wearing clothes from a recent stage, pure and clean, beautiful, smiling at the camera, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand, with a shy expression on her face.

At the side, the tall girl bent slightly, put her arms around Lin Weining's shoulders, lowered her head, and her lips fell on the side of Lin Weining's face.


Xu Heran: OOO

"You—" Xu Heran's voice dropped suddenly, "are you together?"

"Not yet." Haya picked up the phone, glanced at it admiringly, and said "Tsk", "It's not like she and I are idols, so it's not easy to speak."

"Oh~" Xu Heran immediately raised his eyebrows, and the envy in his heart dissipated immediately.

"Although you kissed her on the cheek, gave her roses, and took pictures as screensavers, you are just ordinary friends, aren't you?" Xu Heran suddenly felt complacent. Kissing her on the cheek is nothing, but she is... hehehe.

"We won't be idols in half a year, but Sister Xianxian will still do it." Xu Heran said "tsk tsk", "I thought you would be earlier than me, so it turns out...hehe."

"Hey what hey." Haya rubbed Xu Heran's head, "Little brat, first catch someone to laugh at me."

"Don't be complacent here, wait until Wei Ning and I are together in the end, you and Xin Nuo have nothing to say!"

Xu Heran patted her hand off, "Wait, it must be faster than you."

Haya shrugged her shoulders, didn't take it seriously, and went to throw out the trash. She raised her hand and waved it at Xu Heran, her tone not very sincere.

"come on."

Xu Heran licked his lower lip, and took out a calendar from the schoolbag next to him. This calendar was customized by her. From June 1st of this year to June 1st of next year, more than half of it has passed.

The finger of a certain pearl counted the days on the calendar, and my heart inexplicably settled down.

There is still half a year.


Xu Heran, come on!

The end of the year is approaching again, and the wailing of final-term students resounded from the forest villa again. Xu Heran, who was waiting for this scene with gold-rimmed glasses in his eyes, put his hands in his pockets, and smiled evilly at everyone, turned around and got on the car heading for the capital. .

"What does she mean!" Jiang Qiong raised her fist in Xu Heran's direction, "She looks down on us! Nuonuo, can you bear it?"

Xin Nuo, who was looking at the back of the car, immediately said: "No."

"Wait until I teach her a lesson."

Jiang Qiong, who was satisfied with the answer, showed a bright smile, but when she thought of her miserable end of the semester, she immediately drooped her mouth, "No, I have to study hard in the future, it's too scary to rush to the end of the semester, let me graduate soon!"

The dog bark raised his hand to the sky.

Xin Nuo chuckled, took out his cell phone from his coat, and someone's WeChat appeared majestically.

"Am I cool?"

"Little Pearl with her arms akimbo."

Xin Nuo curled his lips.

"Very cool!"

In the car, Xu Heran smiled and touched Xin Nuo's head.


I don't know if I'm considering disbanding SGS in the middle of next year. At the end of the year, all the major TV stations sent invitations to the Spring Festival Gala.

As the main manager of SGS, Cui Qi showed a relieved smile, which shows that the eight girls are recognized by many people. This is the achievement of SGS and the achievement of the whole team.

Once the news of SGS’s appearance on the Spring Festival Gala was confirmed, it attracted heated discussions from countless people. Apart from celebrating, they were nostalgic for SGS. Thinking that there is still half a year to go, some loyal fans felt uncomfortable thinking about it.

"Whoa, why is it only two years, can't it be twenty years!"

"Don't disband, okay, my babies, they are so happy together, don't let them separate!"

"Universal, you guys have always taken care of your fans, I beg you, don't let SGS disband!"

"Hey, there's nothing I can do about it. They also mentioned their future plans in the variety show. It's impossible to be idols all the time. Many people still think that they are not good enough to be idols."

"Looking at every song, every stage, and every performance we perform at SGS, they tell us with their strength that even if they are idols, they must be the best, the best idols! Bring the most positive songs to us!"

"Ah... Yueyin lowered her head silently."

"Hahahaha, what's going on, the sad atmosphere suddenly becomes strange."

"Don't be sad, look at the smiling faces of the babies, we must support all their decisions! Because they have very clear plans for themselves! Believe in them! We will see them again!"


On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, SGS will cut out parts of all the passionate songs since their debut, such as "Take the Star" and "It's Free", and combine them into one song. On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, they will use their confident singing voice to express their desire to move forward The will to climb.

That night, twelve o'clock.

The bell in the early morning ushered in the countdown, and amidst the blessings of "Happy New Year" from thousands of households, Global Entertainment SGS issued a New Year's greeting.

Universal Entertainment: "Thank you to all the fans, cooperation platforms, partners, and teams for their encouragement and support to Universal. On behalf of all the artists and employees of Universal, I would like to extend my warm greetings to everyone. I wish you all a happy new year and a happy family. .Let’s say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. In the new year, Universal will bring you better works with a new attitude. On this beautiful day, I will convey the news of the SGS team. The group, SGS will hold an eight-star solo concert on September 15 this year. We, SGS, will never disband!"

SGS: "The sky is full of stars, we have the most shining eight stars. This summer, let's meet for the eight-star solo concert! SGS will not be disbanded, and there will be many summers in our future. Happy New Year to everyone, Let's meet again in the new year!"

After the announcement of the official blog, the fans of SGS were crying and laughing amidst the New Year's fireworks, and they didn't disband. Will there be more days to meet each other in the future? Can we look forward to the day when they will reunite and set off again!

Great, don't disband!

As long as the name of SGS is always there, so are they!

At the Beijing Hotel, the eight girls from SGS who were sitting together for the New Year’s Eve dinner chatted and laughed with the team, took pictures to greet fans, and saw this news.

"Hey, isn't it time for us to fly solo? The atmosphere is so strong that I feel like I'm going to fly today." Jiang Qiong said.

Song Fenghua put her face on her face. Today is the Chinese New Year, and she smiles more than usual.

"You fly one?"

"How can a dog fly in the sky?" Jiang Qiong immediately said, "Let the fairy fly!"

"Fairies must be able to fly!"

Lin Weining was tricked by Haya into drinking a glass of wine, her face was sour, and she was still a little red. After hearing Jiang Qiong's words, she opened her arms, "I'm flying~ I can't fly."

Haya buried her head in her arms and laughed.

The atmosphere at the table was very good, and everyone took out their mobile phones to video with their families. Whenever someone spoke their native dialect, a group of people next to them shouted "Parents, Grandpas, Grandmas".

Xu Heran touched the phone, "I'll call Xu Junran immediately."

"Cut!" Everyone despised her.

Xu Heran smiled and got through the video. The moment Xu Menglan's voice appeared, a group of people rushed over.


Each sound is sweeter than the other.

"Hey, hello babies, mom will give you red envelopes." Xu Menglan smiled very softly, and wished everyone a happy new year.

Jian Yueyin and Haya lifted Xin Nuo's stool and pushed it in the direction of Xu Heran, and the two leaned side by side.

"Hurry up, call mom!" Haya said.

"Our mother will give you a red envelope, big red envelope." Jian Yueyin followed up.

Xin Nuo's face slowly turned red. If it wasn't for Xu Menglan looking at her with a smile in the camera, she would have said Jian Yueyin and Haya, but the person next to her not only didn't help her, but raised her hand to poke her arm.

"Scream, I'm calling our mom now." Xu Heran said to Xin's mom in Xin Nuo's phone, "Right, mom~"

Mother Xin smiled and said, "Hey, it's Heran, are you videoing with your family?"

Xu Menglan immediately sat up straight, "Hey, it's my mother-in-law, come on, turn the camera around, I'll have a chat with my mother-in-law."

Mother Xin thought she had heard wrong, and looked at Xin Nuo suspiciously.

"...Auntie was joking." Xin Nuo bit his lower lip and said.

"Is it Auntie?" Xu Menglan joked with a smile.

The other people around the two of them immediately asked, "Are you called Auntie?"

Xin Nuo had no choice but to call out softly: "Mom."

Xu Menglan responded with a smile, and waved to the beautiful woman in another mobile phone, "It's settled like this!"

Mother Xin didn't know why, so she nodded with a smile.

Although I don't know what happened, I just nodded.

While laughing, Jian Yueyin raised her head and looked at Song Fenghua, only to see Song Fenghua standing behind the crowd, looking at them with a smile. Jian Yueyin also nodded, very good, it seems that Xiao Fenghua looked away, the team is not easy to lead, it is really difficult for two people to like the same teammate.

Thinking about it, Jian Yueyin raised her hand to stroke Xu Heran's head.

What do you like to do so much.

Xu Heran was proudly saying to her mother, "I'm so attractive!"

Xin Nuo slanted at her, pretending to be full of words.

After saying goodbye to her family, Sister Cui stood up and raised her glass.

"I'm here to say a few words - Xu Heran, you say."

Xu Heran put down his raised hand, and said with a smile: "Sister Cui, you don't need to talk about the scene, you just talk about it!"

"That's right, let's talk directly." Jiang Qiong, who was unpacking the shrimp, agreed.

Laurel is drinking, she can drink very well, and she doesn't show her face.

His Majesty Hua is His Majesty Hua.


Jian Yueyin sighed, "Just don't tell me that you have to work tomorrow."

"...I'm not that skinny." Sister Cui said with an expression of "since you can see it, I don't hide it". They are very busy, there are still two albums to be released, the concert tour will start in August, and finally the solo concert will be held in Haicheng in September."

"Girls, if you persevere, victory is just ahead!" Cui Qi painted cakes for everyone.

"Liar." Xin Nuo said softly.

Even Lin Weining said, "I think after September, Sister Cui will say that since she is flying solo, in order to ensure the current achievements, everyone should do this..."

Everyone sighed in unison.


Sister Cui patted the table, "Don't sigh in the New Year, cheer me up! Tell me loudly, is it good to work part-time!"

The eight girls stood up and raised their glasses, laughing and saying, "It's great!"

"come on!"

Xu Heran took a sip of the juice with a smile, looked sideways, and looked at Xin Nuo. Their eyes met, and they touched the glasses together tacitly.

"Dear sister Nuonuo, please take care of me in the new year."

Xin Nuo chuckled, "Happy New Year."

The happy time is always short, the new year is over, as Sister Cui said, the eight girls are spinning around, the variety show ends here, the interview continues there, there are commercials, posters, various public welfare activities, commercial activities, music shows …

From January to May, from down jackets to short sleeves, almost in the blink of an eye.

One day, Xu Heran glanced at his calendar, and excitedly patted the table.

"It's almost my birthday!"

Xin Nuo passed by slowly, "Come on, haven't you arrived yet?"

"Yeah, but I'm going to be eighteen this year." Jian Yueyin exclaimed, "I'm only eighteen years old, youth is so good."

"...Don't be old-fashioned like you are old." Cui Jie stared at people from behind the computer.

Jian Yueyin smiled and said, "I was wrong, Sister Cui."

Xu Heran immediately looked at Cui Qi, "You won't let me participate in the event on my birthday, will you? You think Little Pearl is cute, so let her have a good birthday, right?"

Sister Cui showed a mysterious smile, "Of course."

Xu Heran was a little skeptical, but she felt that Sister Cui would not lie to her, so she leaned towards the slow Xin Nuo, "Nuo Nuo, I am eighteen this year."

"Hmm." Xin Nuo nodded, stood in the coffee room, and received water.

The steaming jet of water rushed towards the disposable paper cup. The girl lowered her head, unable to tell her expression, only her ears were slightly red.

"I remember a letter someone wrote to me. Wait until I'm eighteen. What will I do when I'm eighteen?" Xu Heran pretended to understand.

Xin Nuo said slowly, "When you are eighteen, I wish you a happy birthday."

Xu Heran paused, lowered his eyes funny, pressed the hot water button, and the hot water stopped immediately. A certain pearl propped his arm on the wall, blocking someone's way, "In this weather, only hot water?"

Xin Nuo said in a calm tone, "Drink more hot water, it's good for your health."

Xu Heran looked at her, but he didn't look at his own face, and bent his eyes.

"I won't bully you." She stretched out her hand and pinched Xin Nuo's ear, "I'm waiting for your gift, dear Nuo Nuo."

After Xu Heran left, Xin Nuo slowly raised his head and blinked his eyes.


SGS has been busy until the end of May. On the night of the 27th, I heard Cui Qi say that they will be given a holiday, let them have a good rest at night, and will have a group vacation tomorrow. Xu Heran breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Sister Cui was preparing for her birthday.

"Why do I feel something is wrong, what day is it today?" Xin Nuo said.

"Friday." Jian Yueyin looked at the time, "You mean..."

"Friday's Game Workshop and Freedom will not be recorded!" Jiang Qiong said immediately.

The eight girls looked at each other, probably.

It shouldn't be.

They thought silently when they were awakened by the familiar singing.

The only happy thing was that it was ten o'clock in the morning, and Director Liu kindly let them sleep late.

"Uncle, you've been using this trick for so long, aren't you tired?" Xu Heran leaned on the railing, "Each time, Sister Cui has to tell us that we're going on vacation."

"After Zhuzhu's birthday is over, you can't lie to children anymore." Xin Nuo's voice was hoarse.

Xu Heran smiled on his stomach.

"Then let's follow the old rules, ten minutes?" Director Liu said with a smile while holding the horn.

Ten minutes later, eight people in sportswear and sneakers took the small panniers from the staff and carried them on their backs in a daze.

"Let's welcome our guests for this issue, FYU and Shu Fructose."

Seven girls with baskets on their backs jumped up and down.

Xu Heran immediately said to the camera: "Let me explain to everyone, the meaning of Shu Fructose is to lie comfortably on the sofa, drink fruit juice and eat candy~"

Sun Lingxi, captain of Shu Fructose, scratched his hair: "Stop cueing memes, people really believe it!"

"Hey, is it fake?" Jian Yueyin asked doubtfully.

Others followed, "Isn't that so?"

Sun Lingxi licked her shoulder, "It's provocative, woo woo woo."

I don't want to explain anymore.

Because she also thinks this is easier to remember than its own meaning!

Director Liu waited for everyone to finish greetings, then raised the horn, "Everyone knows that Xu Heran, the youngest member of our SGS, will have her birthday coming soon, and she strongly requested to set aside a day for her birthday, but, life is impermanent, not what you want That's all there is to it, isn't it?"

Except for Xu Heran, Xin Nuo, Song Fenghua, and the smiling Jian Yueyin, the others: "Yes!"

And yelling too loudly.

Xu Heran began to point people.

The girls who felt the power of pearls in many face-to-face confrontations laughed out loud.

Mu Yueyue said to Xu Heran: "Please don't do this, we are members of the Pearl family!"

The Pearl Family is a nickname given to the Universal girl group by online fans. Someone discovered that all the trainees of the pearl pendants that Xu Heran sent out in the "Star Shining Girls" program signed with Universal Entertainment in the end! Netizens were amazed and called it the mysterious power of pearls.

"Be nice to me." Xu Heran said with his arms crossed.

Her height finally stopped growing this year, and Haya was very disappointed about it. She thought Xu Heran would surpass her, but she didn't expect to be tied in the end.

The tall girl stood there, and when her face swept across the people around her, she received many amazed glances.

"So, our theme for this issue is not to go to work - the hot pot battle." Director Liu said slowly, "The team that wins this issue will get a ten-day vacation."

"Ten days?" Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

So generous?

"Of course, the two losing teams must make up for the work of the other teams for the ten days. I have already communicated with your agent and discussed the invitation to the wonderful adventure. The losing teams will go to participate in the wonderful journey recording." Director Liu smiled gently.

Seventeen members of three girl groups: "..."

If I'm not mistaken, Wonderful Journey is the variety show that sends people into the mountains or uninhabited islands or various weird places to survive in the wild...

"I'm afraid of bugs!" Sang Shiyi whispered.

"... who is not afraid, big spider!"

Jiang Qiong immediately said: "Big cockroaches, big mice with thieves' eyebrows and mouse eyes, in this weather, big caterpillars are popping up on the trees!"

Laurel covered Jiang Qiong's mouth.

"Shut up."

Bugs caused Laurel bad memories. The place she lived in was not very good, and there were often rats.

In order not to arouse His Majesty Hua's anger, everyone showed gentle smiles.

"Director, since there are three teams fighting, there are eight of the Seven Fairies!" Mu Yue raised his hand.

Lin Ran immediately pulled Lin Weining into his team, "Xianxian is ours."

Haya glanced at Lin Weining, but said nothing.

"That's seven."

Director Liu said: "Since it is a hot pot battle, first of all, there will be two people from SGS as the bottom of the pot, and the rest will be the ingredients."

"As the bottom of the pot, you will enjoy special treatment in this competition. In this competition, in addition to the bottom of the pot, other people draw cards to determine their identities. Their identities are all ingredients, but no one knows your identities except yourself. "

"In addition to the fifteen identity cards prepared by the program group, there are other ingredients and base ingredients hidden everywhere in the mission location, as well as everyone's identity reminder. Everyone in the team must gather all five kinds of ingredients to find the last hot pot table. Put the ingredients on the table and win!"

"Please note that each person in the team can't get more than three duplicate ingredients, and the duplicates must be discarded." Director Liu said, "It can't be more than three, but it can be three."

Everyone nods.

Xu Heran raised his hand: "What are the benefits at the bottom of the pot?"

"As a pot base, if you collect ten non-repeating ingredients and find a hot pot table, you can win alone, and you can send everyone except yourself to a wonderful adventure! The two pot bases can cooperate, but they must be collected Fifteen non-repetitive ingredients."

"In addition, at the end, we will provide you with food according to the non-repetition rule according to the ingredients you have gathered together. You must eat them all!"

Xu Heran's eyes lit up, and she looked at Xin Nuo under the vigilant eyes of everyone, and she made a gesture.

"You and I?"

"Report! Xu Heran wants to join forces with Xin Nuo!" Jiang Qiong immediately complained.

"Two people, think carefully." Everyone advised Xin Nuo not to rely on the nasty little pearl, who made this pearl difficult to deal with, except for her, it was Haya, and these two people had more victories.

Xin Nuo said distressedly, "But in that case, Zhuzhu and Haya will be united."

Jian Yueyin blinked her eyes and held back her laughter.

"Yes, then you go." Jiang Qiong said quickly, but only after pushing Xin Nuo out did she realize that it wasn't Xin Nuo, it could be someone else! Besides Haya, there are several other people in the team!

"..." Jiang Qiong, who would look stupid if she said it, was silent, and everyone laughed and patted her head.

"Forget it, but it's almost birthday, let her." Jian Yueyin smiled.

"Okay." Jiang Qiong sighed, fulfilling Wang Wang's love.

The variety show recording this time is not in this park. Everyone got on the sightseeing bus and drove to the other side of the park in the early summer sunshine.

"It's so beautiful..."

Everyone said while admiring the scenery of the park.

"Please Luoxi get off the bus." The staff member said.

Luoxi got off the car, waved to everyone, and waited for the sightseeing car to leave. The staff asked her to turn around and put three round colored **** in her back basket, "This is the ingredients you have now."

Luoxi picked up a ball and whispered to the camera, "I'm Coriander."

The tour bus put seventeen people in different places. The further they walked in, the closer they got to the edge of the park. There was a downhill **** at the back gate of the park, leading to the sea. The sea was blue and vast during the day.

"It's the sea! It's so beautiful!" Everyone shouted.

"I want to go on a yacht." Song Fenghua looked at the sea and said.

"Come on, as long as we win, we will have a ten-day holiday!" Xu Heran raised his hand and was disgusted by everyone.

"Go away, you are the bottom of the pot, you are not on the same team as us!"

"I'll cook you~" Xu Heran laughed.

Ten minutes later, following the sound of "the game starts", seventeen girls acted at the same time, looking for their companions first.

Xu Heran was the last one to be put down. She remembered Xin Nuo's position and hurriedly ran towards her. Halfway through, she suddenly saw colorful **** hidden in the grass.

"I feel that this game is not difficult." Xu Heran happily put the ball into his back basket, "By the way, I am the bottom of the butter pot."

On the other road, Xin Nuo walked leisurely, looking at the roads on both sides while looking for hints and hidden food balls.

"Don't worry, it's just the beginning. When everyone finds it later, it's our team's chance to make a move." The beautiful girl smiled gently at the camera, "Our team has Xu Heran."

The photographer pursed his lips in silence. scary!

The cameraman and the accompanying director followed Xin Nuo for a while, and suddenly saw a man squatting on the ground in the grass not far away, burying something. smile.

Sino: "...what are you doing?"

Xu Heran paused, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief when she heard someone's voice. She raised her head and said with a smile, "I found the ball at the bottom of the pot. Isn't it just the two of us at the bottom of the pot? I hid the ball so that everyone can't find it." Come on, can't make it all up."

"I can only eat a pot of clear water if I gather them together."

Xin Nuo blinked and patted Xu Heran's head, "That's great."

Xu Heran raised his hand, held Xin Nuo's wrist, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

After two people gather, go shopping with them

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes