MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 88 she and her

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The photos and videos of Ji Songyu's wedding have been floating around in the entertainment sections of major websites for a long time. Every photo of the two beautiful women is filled with happy smiles, which made many people sigh.

It's beautiful, I want to fall in love, but I'm lonely.

A certain little pearl who is not lonely is also envious, but envy is useless. Before standing upright in front of everyone, holding Xin Nuo's hand and saying that this is my girlfriend and my lover, there are only two things she needs to do. thing.

Work, and, study.

The recording of the last three episodes of "The King of Songs at the Next Stop" ended, and Jian Yueyin flew back to Haicheng, while she stayed in the capital to continue her classes.

Beijing University is not open to the public except for the winter and summer vacations. The security of the school is very good, and the learning atmosphere is strong. Except for Xu Heran's appearance in the classroom at the beginning, which caused some fluctuations, but after a long time, the students gradually got used to it, except for the occasional suffering Beauty crit.

It's not that no one wants to take the opportunity to get close to Xu Heran, for the sake of fame or profit, but Xu Heran doesn't even give him a look. These people are making fun of themselves, and only dare to complain in private without naming names, without any splash.

In the afternoon, Xu Heran had no class, so he came out of the dormitory with his schoolbag on his back, and went to the library with Xu Junran who came to look for her.

Her status is a bit special, and the school arranged her in a single room for a doctoral dormitory out of various considerations.

The winter solstice has just passed, and the capital is getting colder and colder. You can see handsome men and women wrapped in thick down jackets everywhere, and pretending that they are not cold, but their shoulders are shaking a little. Xu Heran did not stop training every day, and his physical fitness was very good, like a vigorous and beautiful deer, walking lightly on the path in the forest.

The sky is clear and bright in winter, and the sun deceives people's vision with its brilliant light. People shiver when they step outside in a beautiful and moving outfit that people think is not cold today.

Xu Heran raised his head, glanced at the sky through the bare branches, subconsciously took out his phone from his pocket, took a picture, and sent it.

Her hands were not idle, her mouth was not idle, and she sighed.

"Hey, at this time, you should hold your girlfriend's hand, or hold your girlfriend in your arms, and walk slowly along the campus path with her, enjoying the winter scenery." , "It's a great time, I just have to read books with you, tsk."

Xu Junran sneered, "It's really hard for you."

"As long as you know."

The siblings looked at each other, glared at each other, and turned their heads away.

When they arrived at the library, the two came to their usual seats, took out their books, Xu Heran glanced at his phone, and smiled slightly. Xu Junran on the opposite side immediately showed a "here it is again" expression.

A certain pearl wearing the earphones clicked the video button, and the person on the other end quickly picked it up.

On the screen, the black-haired girl squinted her eyes.

Xu Heran laughed, pointed at the textbook, and pursed his lips.

"Study hard." Xin Nuo said softly, "This way the exam will not be strenuous."

Xin Nuo and Song Fenghua had filmed more than half of the movie. Apart from the movie, the two of them spent the rest of their time preparing for their graduation thesis and next year's dance performance. The two girls of the same major talked more about their professional knowledge than Xu Heran.

For this, Xu Heran pretended to be pitiful, acted like a baby, and resorted to all means, and finally got Xin Nuo to agree to come to her as soon as the filming was over.

It was inconvenient to talk in the library. The two people who were reading and reading the script put their mobile phones in front of them, lowered their heads, and their expressions gradually became serious. Opposite Xu Heran, Xu Junran raised his head and took a look, thinking that this is dating, it looks okay, and he won't waste time studying.

As soon as the thoughts in his mind drifted away, he saw that he was wearing a plane mirror, and the serious-looking old lady suddenly pouted, raised her hand, made a "boo", and blew a kiss to the **** the screen.

Xu Junran: "..."

Forget it, no need.

The new year is fleeting, and when Xin Nuo's filming is over, Xu Heran follows the exam and flies directly back to Haicheng.

"All the folks, come and see, our wanderer is back!" Jiang Qiong stood at the door, holding a cymbal in her hand, knocking "clang, bang, bang".

Xu Heran's ears hurt from the shock, and he taunted her, "You look very much like that toy, have you ever seen a monkey playing hi-hat?"

It's been a long time, but the dog who was ridiculed as soon as we met, can bear it?

The forest villa fought instantly, it was very intense! Very cruel! Terrible!

According to Ha Daya, a passer-by, "It looks like the real thing."

Everyone in the living room immediately showed expressions of "Oh my god, this is too tragic".

"Sister Yueyin, Xu Zhenzhu bullied me! You don't care!" Jian Yueyin was watching TV with a smile, when she heard Jiang Qiong's cry for help, she immediately replied loudly, "Don't worry, you crawl over here by yourself."

Not long after, Jiang Qiong crawled into the living room, lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

Xu Heran drove a small car into the door leisurely from the outside, with a proud expression on her face, she patrolled around and asked doubtfully, "Hey, why are you the only ones?"

"How many?" Jian Yueyin raised her eyebrows.

She, Song Fenghua, Haya, and Jiang Qiong were all there, and even the candidate Laurel came out of the study room to welcome Pearl, preparing to give Xu Heran a reception banquet with her aunt.

"The fairy is still running the schedule." Haya explained to Xu Heran.

Jiang Qiong, who was still lying on the ground pretending to be dead, moved her lips, "Do you think Xu Pearl wants to ask Lin Xianxian?"

Jian Yueyin leaned back, tuned the TV to the children's channel, and said deliberately: "Don't tell her, she will be anxious to death."

"Hey." Before Jiang Qiong finished laughing, she felt the vibration from the floor. She opened her eyes and saw Xu Heran driving a car towards her from behind the sofa. The dog jumped up and shouted: "Police uncle!"

"Be honest." Xu Heran looked at them distrustingly, "It's not that you guys secretly hid my beloved Nuo on purpose, right?"

Jiang Qiong patted her clothes and sneered: "You have an IQ, how did you get into Beijing University—help! Uncle policeman!"

Xu Heran chased Jiang Qiong in a small car, and the two circled around the sofa.

Jian Yueyin, who couldn't be quiet even if she wanted to watch a cartoon, sighed deeply.

"Qiong'er, don't hug these props at home from now on."

"That can't be done, whoever hugs it will own it!" Jiang Qiong said proudly, "I drive to exercise!"

The expressions of a group of people are indescribable.

Song Fenghua watched Xu Heran start to roll up his sleeves, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

"Nonuo went grocery shopping with auntie."

Xu Heran immediately got up from the car, squeezed onto the sofa, and said with complacent tone, "I said, how could Nuonuo give up the chance to meet me, alas, you don't understand the relationship between us at all."

The people who were squeezed to one side and another by her sighed.

Just swear.

Xu Heran held her chin, her eyes were on the TV, and her mind was on the door. When the door sounded, she got up and rushed out.


In the corridor, a girl's gentle voice came.

"You're back."

"Say you miss me!"

The aunt who came back from grocery shopping smiled and directed Qiuqiu to the kitchen. When she saw a group of people in the living room with their heads outstretched, the aunt smiled deeper and pointed to the door. "These two children are like young lovers. Tired and crooked!"

"Yes, hahaha." Jian Yueyin smiled in agreement.

Behind her, a group of people laughed "hahaha".

"Is it cold?" Xu Heran touched Xin Nuo's face. He hadn't seen him for a few months. Xin Nuo's face was much thinner and whiter than before. His whole body was like a fragile vase, with a sense of fragility.

"What's going on?" Xu Heran asked distressedly.

Xin Nuo took off his gloves and deliberately stuffed his hands into Xu Heran's clothes. Xu Heran chuckled and hugged her.

"I needed it for the movie. I lost a few pounds in the middle, and I haven't gained any weight back." Xin Nuo said softly.

"Tsk." Xu Heran frowned, and picked up Xin Nuodian, "Wearing such thick clothes, yet so light."

"It's because you are too strong, okay?" Xin Nuo deliberately pushed her away, took off the down jacket and hung it up, and then walked to the living room. Xu Heran stood behind and took a look. With a grasp, it is really Chu Yaowei Temple, swaying and graceful.

Xu Heran rubbed his chin, suddenly wanting to watch Xin Nuo's new movie.

"Of course, how long are you staying at home?" Jian Yueyin asked.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and Xu Heran is going back to Languo to spend time with his family.

The winter vacation was less than a month old, Xu Heran thought about it and said, "It depends on whether Sister Cui has any arrangements."

Regarding Xu Heran's arrangements in recent years, Cui Qi has adjusted Xu Heran's focus to his studies. This is also the meaning of the elders of Xu Heran's family. There are still two and a half years before Xu Heran graduates. In the past two and a half years, in terms of her career, she will have one album a year and during the holidays To participate in variety shows, Xu Heran agreed.

"Nonuo, Fenghua, when will your movie be released?" Xu Heran asked.

"The filming has just finished." Xin Nuo sat down to drink water and said with a smile, "Why are you more anxious than the director."

Song Fenghua thought for a while, "It should be the summer vacation."

Standing behind the sofa, Xu Heran counted with his fingers, "That is to say, I have to send Laurel to the college entrance examination first, and I'm watching the graduation performance of the two of you, and then watch a movie. Is this the process?"

Jiang Qiong, who was sitting next to Jian Yueyin, immediately asked Xu Heran, "Have you bought Sister Yueyin's album! Have you listened to Laurel's single!"

Jian Yueyin released a new album in winter. The style of music is not the same as that of Xu Heran who is in love. Xu Heran calmly said: "Of course I bought it. Sister Yueyin is Sister Yueyin!"

"Can I interview you, how did you write so many sad love songs in the context of being single?"

Jian Yueyin smiled slightly, "I was just thinking about the scene of Ranran being abandoned..."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Xu Heran immediately raised his hand to cross in front of him, "I misread you! Sister Yueyin!"

Jian Yueyin laughed loudly, "I'm just kidding."

In the living room, only Jian Yueyin's laughter echoed.

Three seconds later, Jian Yueyin's laughter stopped abruptly, and the usually calm girl picked up the water glass and drank in a guilty conscience, avoiding the shocked eyes of others.

Laurel, Haya: "???"

"being abandoned?"

"Abandoned by whom?"

"Little Pearl is in a relationship?" Laurel asked in shock.

"With whom?" Haya was even more shocked than Laurel, turned her head to look at Xu Heran, suddenly thought of something, and her eyes fell on Xin Nuo.

Xin Nuo was watching the cartoon with great interest, as if he didn't care about their chat at all, let alone the appearance of his love partner in Xu Heran's mouth, and his expression was very peaceful, calm, and he didn't blush with embarrassment.


Haya pointed her finger at Xin Nuo, then at Xu Heran, and took another breath.

"Did I hit cpdie?"

"It's not you or you, huh?"

"Calm down." Song Fenghua grabbed Haya's wrist and put it in the direction of the calm girl, so that Haya's index finger pointed at Xin Nuo to poke.

She nodded to Haya's horrified gaze.

"believe in yourself."

Haya: "...huh?"

Laurel pressed his forehead, shocked, "When?"

Everyone shrugged.

Jian Yueyin whispered: "It should have happened at the end of September and the beginning of October when I recorded the comprehensive sound of "The King of Songs" with her."

"I thought you were the only one who had a rotten peach blossom at that time, but I didn't expect Little Pearl to pick the peach directly?" Haya suddenly fell back on the sofa, lost her strength, and sighed.

"After all, I lost."

Damn it!

And Jiang Qiong suddenly laughed, "Wrong! You are all wrong!"

"Earlier than that!"

Jian Yueyin raised her eyebrows, Haya turned her head in a daze, Laurel's neck "creaked" and Song Fenghua frowned suspiciously.

"When?" Jian Yueyin asked.

Jiang Qiong laughed triumphantly, and was about to laugh at their ignorance, when the black-haired girl sitting far away from them cleared her throat.

Xin Nuo's expression was very calm, she bent down, held the transparent water glass with her snow-white fingers and put it on her lips. The water was a little hot, and she drank it slowly.

Jiang Qiong: ""

Others: "That..."

"Anyway, you can guess for yourself." Gou Wang Wang shrank behind Jian Yueyin.

Haya was even more sad, "So, except me and Laurel, you all know?"

"There are also immortals." Jiang Qiong comforted her, "I just thought I knew, I don't know if you don't know, only the two of them know!"

Haya: "?"

What dog barking speech!

Jian Yue said: "I thought only Fenghua and I knew."

After all, a certain little pearl was not hiding anything from her.

Song Fenghua lowered his eyelashes, "Pearl kissed Nuonuo in front of me and the captain, and Nuonuo didn't refuse."

At that moment, she understood.

"Xu Heran!" Laurel shouted.

Haya then shouted: "Xu Heran!"

"Your welcome banquet is gone!"

"Why are you faster than me!"

The two shouted at the same time.

laurel: "?"

She narrowed her eyes and looked at Haya.

"What's the matter, Your Majesty, I've knocked it all over, why didn't I find the eyes of 'beautiful'!" Jiang Qiong mocked Laurel.

"Heh." Laurel shook his head, grabbed the pillow and stuffed it into his arms, sighing.

Xu Heran opened his hands, majestic and majestic, with a hint of arrogance in his calm tone.

"Because this bead is suave and charming!"

Everyone looked disgusted, Laurel turned his head, pointed at Xu Heran and asked Xin Nuo, "What do you like about her?"

Xin Nuo held the cup in his hand, looked at his reflection in the water, and chuckled.

"Look at her, she's adorable."

laurel: "..."

Xu Heran: "Hahaha! Hahahaha!"

Haya got up, turned her head and left, "I want to calm down."

Jiang Qiong immediately got up, knelt on the sofa, and shouted to her back, "Don't tell Xianxian! Make sure Xianxian finds out by himself!"

The purpose of her trip was seen through, Haya stopped, thought for a while, and suddenly loosened her brows.

Hmm, that seems more interesting.

Haya immediately turned around and gave Jiang Qiong a thumbs up.

The relationship between Xu Heran and Xin Nuo was officially put on the table within SGS. Although everyone knew that the two were ambiguous, they did not expect to confirm the relationship so quickly. Shocked, Laurel went to the kitchen to cook, and others rushed to help.

Meals for seven people were not easy to prepare. Fortunately, my aunt had prepared a lot of meat in advance until it was half-cooked, and it was much faster to serve it. Everyone worked together to quickly pack up a sumptuous dinner.

"Respect for love!" Xu Heran raised his wine glass and said loudly.

At the table, seven people and five single nobles turned their heads and sneered and rolled their eyes, but they still raised their hands and clinked glasses with her.

With a "ding", the pink fruit wine was shaking in the glass, and Xin Nuo whispered: "To love."

"There are three chapters of agreement, please don't hurt the single dog's barking heart in public, thank you." During the meal, Jiang Qiong said to Xu Heran, "I didn't expect to keep the other two chapters first."

Xu Heran smiled and said: "No problem, Xu Zhenzhu is a tolerant and caring little pearl."

"Really, Nuonuo." She turned to Xin Nuo.

"Look at her!" Jiang Qiong immediately complained to Xin Nuo.

"Aren't you tired from flying after eating your food?" Xin Nuo said to Xu Heran.

Xu Heran just wanted to say that she was not tired, but she still had a lot of strength. But she suddenly thought of something, smiled and said nothing.

Everyone chatted and laughed, and made a special video show to Lin Weining. After drinking and eating, they went back to their respective rooms to wash up.

Xu Heran returned to the familiar room, and the familiar fragrance wrapped her around her. The feeling of home immediately made her feel relaxed. She packed her clothes and went to the bathroom to wash up. After she left, a light shadow walked in slowly and put the card on her bed.

When Xu Heran came out in his pajamas, he saw the card on the quilt, which read in familiar characters: "In your room, there is a sleeping treasure."

Xu Heran's eyes fell on the quilt for the first time, and after noticing the flat, untouched quilt, he raised his eyebrows in disappointment.

"I hope that this treasure can be hugged by me."

Of course, no one in the room answered her. The tall girl searched the room, lifted the quilt, pillow, looked at the desk, and when it fell on the small wardrobe in the room, a white card was leaning against it.

"Not in here."

So who's in there?

Xu Heran laughed for a moment, she shook her head, it was rare to see such a cute side of Xin Nuo, her heart felt soft and itchy.

The girl's eyes obediently bypassed the closet and landed on the bedside table. She opened the drawer and saw a pink box.

The box is not big, looking at the shape, it is easy to think of what is inside the box.

Xu Heran's eyes lit up instantly, her heart was pounding, she picked up the box with excited and trembling fingers, and gently opened it.

The other silver ring that Xin Nuo took over in a few words lay quietly in the box.

Xu Heran took a deep breath, turned around, strode forward, and opened the closet.

Xu Heran, who thought he would see Xin Nuo, looked at his clothes and was stunned.

Behind the door of the cloakroom, there was a chuckle.

Xu Heran lowered his head, followed with a smile, walked over slowly, and opened the door.

The girl in white pajamas folded her arms and leaned against the door frame, her black eyes fell on her.

"Stupid." The girl's voice was low.

"I love you." Xu Heran said suddenly, she lowered her head and kissed the corner of Xin Nuo's mouth.

"That's also stupid." Xin Nuo lowered his eyes and said softly.

Xu Heran opened his arms, picked her up, walked to the open wardrobe, and let Xin Nuo sit on a horizontal board more than one meter above the ground. The girl leaned back and pressed her hanging clothes, her white feet lightly Lightly stepped on Xu Heran's thigh.

"What does the little idiot want to do?"

Xu Heran bent down, put his hands on her side, and lowered his head to catch Xin Nuo's breath. The tip of their noses touched, and Xin Nuo heard Xu Heran's deep voice.

"Of course it's my sister."

What do you want to do?

elder sister.

Xin Nuo's mind vibrated with a "boom", and his body softened uncontrollably, and the foot that was on Xu Heran's body fell and fell to the sides of her body.

"Messy words." She tilted her head slightly, avoiding Xu Heran's warm breathing.

Xu Heran reached out and pinched her chin, forcing the girl to face him.

"Sister, why did you suddenly give me a ring?" Xu Heran asked in a low voice, slowly pressing Xin Nuo down.

Xin Nuo's hand subconsciously pressed against her chest, where her collarbone was.

The villa is very hot, and it is not cold to wear a thin unlined garment in winter. Under her palm, the girl's body is hot, with the familiar scent of shower gel, which Xin Nuo can't resist.

"Because a certain person sees others with envious eyes."

Xin Nuo was talking about Xu Heran at Ji Songyu's wedding, when the couple exchanged rings, she saw Xu Heran's envious, sparkling eyes. She originally wanted Xu Heran to change her mind about finding the gift by herself. On the first day Xu Heran came back, she couldn't help but come to the door in person to provide clues.

"That's right." Xu Heran put the ring box on the half-lying Xin Nuo's chest, and stretched out his hand with a low smile, "I want my sister to wear it for me."

Xin Nuo raised his eyes, his eyes wandering, mocking like a joke, but in the end he just sighed, opened the box, pulled Xu Heran's finger, and put it on her middle finger.

"It looks good." Xu Heran raised his hand and said happily.

Xin Nuo showed a slight smile, and his eyes gradually became gentle, like melting ice, which was warmed by the warm spring sun, making people happy.


The girl who was admiring her fingers suddenly inhaled.

"What's wrong?"

"The ring is a bit cold." Xu Heran looked at his finger and smiled, "But it's okay, it can be warmed up."

She put her hands down and leaned in again.

The closet was not big and a bit deep. The upper bodies of the two people were almost leaning against each other, and the soft fabric hanging in the closet was close to their bodies. In the dark, Xin Nuo could only see Xu Heran's face, which was a little blurry, and only her eyes were bright, like immortal stars.

The girl smiled brightly, and her voice was gentle and bright. She calmly raised her ring-wearing hand and pressed it on her lower abdomen.

"Then trouble sister."

The author has something to say:

Read The Duke's Passion