MTL - Grasping Evil-Chapter 1187 Reze ancestors

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Ning Fan killed hundreds of second-step masters in one fell swoop, and killed a eternal fairy. This was too much trouble and the regional war had to be temporarily suspended.

The people who are stupid at the moment are all seen. The Dark Lords have really gone out of their way, and they have recruited a superpower who can handle the ancient fairy!

Countless people secretly speculated that Ning Fan's true cultivation is: able to slap the ancient fairy, even if it is not the emperor, I am afraid it is also the top master among the immortals.

Some people think more deeply: How can I ask the king to shoot with the family of the Black Devils?

Not wrong!

Ning Fan is not a guest who has been recruited from outside!

The true identity of Ning Fan is the old black monk who sleeps in the sky! This time, I walked out of the coffin and asked for justice for the black demon who had been bullied!

"Despicable! But it is a regional war between the juniors. The Dark Lords actually let the sleeping kings of the predecessors play! This is a big bully! This is not fair!"

"Oh, how about bullying and being small? Is this prohibited in the rules? But the Dark Lords actually have old monsters to sleep, this is really anecdote, the old man has never heard of this..."

"Have you ever heard of it, did you mean it? The pure Yangzong was exposed to the quasi-sacred sleep some time ago. Before this incident, even Chunyangzong did not know that they had a quasi-holy existence. I see this time. The situation is similar. You didn't see it. At that time, the Dark Lords were all stunned. They obviously didn't know that they were sleeping like a fairy king..."

"But it is still very strange. If the Dark Lord has these old monsters to sleep, when the Black Devils were bullied, why didn't they shoot? Just let the world know that the Dark Lord is sleeping with a fairy king, who still Dare to bully the Dark Lord..."

"The Taoist friends do not know, inside the four ancestral sects, it is said that there are [Star Jun] level of blame and hatred of the Black Devils... If I guess correctly, the enemies of the Dark Devils are never really sensible forces. If not This time, the Dark Lord was crushed by the Purple Palace. The King is still dismissive of the shot. It is too much for the Purple Palace."

"What! Four sects of the Stars and Monarchs, only twenty-eight stars of the ancient emperor! Why do you want to hate the Dark Lord?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? I heard these news by chance, who knows the truth..."

"But it is still very strange. I just contacted my grandfather. He said that he has checked the history of the Dark Devils. In this history, there is no such thing as the old king of Ning Fan; and the four emperors seem to never give black. The devil sent a shun to the sky, how did this person sleep..."

"There is something strange! The name of Ning Fan is mostly a pseudonym. Or, the history of the Black Devils was not a real name. As for the escaping of the Scorpio, most of them were obtained from other sources..."

Countless people are secretly talking about it.

Countless people secretly informed the outposts of what happened in this place.

Ning Fan did not pay attention to those discussions. After he had troubled, he did not leave the purple clothes star, but took a group of black magic monks to go back to rest.

Such a big thing, the four ancestors can not ask, so he has to wait here, want to see how the four ancestors handled this matter.

Wan Gu Xian Zun was killed, and his teaching was killed. A group of 20 elite masters died in the ring, and the Purple Palace became a third-rate force.

When the monks of the Lacquer Palace entertained the Dark Lords, they still had a bit of arrogance, and they were careful not to offend the Dark Lord who was in the town.

Regarding his own cultivation and origins, Ning Fan did not explain more to the Dark Lords. Only in front of everyone, the practice of "Black Devils", which made the Dark Lord's head, was closed.

Retreat is to take the fruit. After refining the fruit, his cultivation will be a lot of improvement.


Outside the door of Ning Fan, Han Xie and others are happy and happy, and Ning Fan has actually become a "Black Devil"!

As the master of the Dark Lord, "Black Devil" is a special, he is not only a practice, but also a loyalty to the Dark Devil.

It is not difficult to cultivate a black konjac; but if you are not a black magic monk or a betrayal of the black magic, this attack will disperse yourself and cannot be truly possessed.

Ning Fan can use the black konjac, there is only one reason!

He used to be the head of the Dark Lord!

He has not betrayed the Dark Lord!

Really my own!

"Ning's predecessor's identity is correct! He is our black magical person, it is our sleeping monk who is unknown to us!"

"I don't think we have a strong black sleeper!"

"Our black magic will rise!"

"Right! Why don't we ask the predecessor to take the shot and save the sovereign from the lower bounds to the upper bound..."

"Well, this is definitely a matter of asking the seniors to take the shots, but the seniors are now in retreat. We don't want to bother. There are many side effects in avoiding the scorpio. The time for the seniors to go out is not short. I am afraid that I need to do more rest, don't bother... ”

The Dark Lord sent everyone back to the room to rest.

Outside the door of Ning Fan, there was only one person standing in the north, and the beauty was full of worry.

Those black magic monks, who believe in the identity of Ning Fan, believe that Ning Fan is a black magic old man who has been sleeping for many years.

But she doesn't believe it!

In the past, Ning Fan became a god, and she saw it with her own eyes. It has only passed hundreds of years. For hundreds of years, from the **** of the gods to the realm of the fairy king, even if there is a treasure of time to help, it is impossible!

"Don't you say that Ning Gongzi's cultivation is not from his own cultivation, but that he has obtained some kind of cultivation similar to the topping, and that he has risen to the king of the fairy king in one fell swoop? It can be so quickly pulled up and cultivated. I used to I heard that Master has said several kinds of methods. These methods are expensive, and some Xiandi can't bear it. And the Xianwang that is topped out in this way will not only destroy the roots, but also make it difficult to enter the country and lose the qualification of longevity. After the empowerment, the millennium will die..."

"There is still a possibility... Ning Gongzi has already died. He was killed by a certain old king, so he will show that Xian Wang Xiuwei, and because of this... he will not recognize me at first. I need to read through the memory to determine who I am..."

The more the North Glass wants to be chaotic, the situation is not what she wants.

She is outside the door of Ningfan, and it is one month.

A month later, Ning Fan went out and the mana rose to 142,000!

A total of five hundred robberies have been improved!

The mana increase after 10,000 robberies is extremely difficult.

For this level of mana enhancement, the effect of Xianzun and Xianwang Daoguo is very weak. More than 20 fruits have only improved the power of ten robberies.

On the contrary, the Emperor's Taoist fruit, one will enhance the Ninfan's five hundred robbery, and let Ning Fan be very surprised.

Unexpectedly, after the 10,000-year-old robbery, the Emperor's Taoist fruit actually had such a remarkable effect. It seems that he should definitely find some Xiandi Daojian upgrades in the future...

The cultivation of the fruit is improved, and after multiple necropsy tests, it is a repair without hidden danger.

In this way, Ning Fan's invisible mana that can be used in the body has risen to five hundred robberies in one fell swoop and reached the level of the new immortal.

"Well? Girl waiting for me here?"

When Ning Fan went out of the house door, he saw the north glass, and he sneaked a little and then laughed.

He forgot, he promised Beili before, to help the North Glass drive out the calculations in the body. It seems that Bei Li is here, for this matter...

Bei Liu’s words and stops, for a long time, finally bite his lips, and asked.

"Ning Gongzi, you tell me honestly, are you using the mystery of the empowerment, forcibly pulled up and repaired..."

"Are you worried about me?" Ning Fan stunned.

"Don't think too much about the son, I just... ask casually."

"Oh, you will be curious as well. Of course, in your opinion, it’s only been a few hundred years since I first met you. But in fact, I have practiced hundreds of thousands of years with some time secrets. ... With my qualifications, plus some encounters, it’s strange to be in the realm of more than 100,000 years?” Ning Fan laughed.

"The son's qualifications are absolutely superb. If there are some adventures, and it will be unacceptable to repair the realm of the fairy king in more than ten thousand years, the fairy king of ten thousand years old, if it is transmitted, it is enough to shock the era of the end of the law, the son is really Tianzi Wizards! So, the son is not being taken over by people? So it’s good...” Bei Li’s heart was happy and relieved.

"Being taken over? Girls are at home, how are all the strange things in their heads..."

Ning Fan was crying and laughing, and suddenly thought of the things of the **** of the gods, and some silence. It is really common to take such a thing in the realm of cultivation. It is no wonder that Bei Liu will ask more questions.

Ning Fan is very grateful for the care of Bei Li.

When he treated this woman, he was more serious. Ning Fan brought the north glass back to the house. After some treatment, a blue-colored aphid was extracted from the palm print of the north glass. The insects were fascinating and very strange.

The appearance of the locust is very sticky. When I think of this thing, I lurk in my body before, and the North Glass is disgusting.

"This is a water-worm that grows and multiplies by sucking water. From the insect pattern, the insect has been lurking in your body for several months, and it is nearing the breeding season. If it is found in the next few months, it will actually enter the breeding. In the period, spawning and breeding in your body. When you want to remove this worm, you need to abandon it and repair it, in order to get rid of all the eggs..." Ning Fan explained.

He has not studied a lot of locusts, but he has been to too many places. The rare worms that he has seen are naturally few, just recognizing the water worms.

After thinking about it for a few months, Bei Li thought that the worm would lay eggs in his own body and felt sick and uncomfortable.

It’s so vicious that the elders used to calculate her with such disgusting means!

"This time, I would like to thank the son of the help of the help of the son, North Glass has no thoughts, in the future, the place where the North Glass is used, the son only talks."

"Small things. After the insects are removed, there will be a period of weakness for the parasites. The girls will not go out for a few days."

"Well, I also feel a little dizzy and weak. I just want to go back to rest for a while. So, I won’t bother the son. Right, the son has to pay attention to it recently. I got the news. Because the things that happened before the son were too big, the four ancestors I have sent someone to handle this..."

Bei Li is getting the news from the channel of the Palace of the World. This kind of top secret news, she should not tell Ning Fan, but she still said.

Of course, she did not know much about the news. She only knew that the four monks would send people to deal with the matter. I don’t know who to send them specifically. I don’t know how to deal with this matter.

After sending away the North Glass, Ning Fan suddenly came to the courtyard and took a deep look at the no one in the courtyard. "You have come before the 27th, why not, don't you plan to show up?"

Ning Fan’s words fell, and somewhere in the courtyard outside the house, suddenly scorned.

Then, a breeze blew, the breeze turned into a thin monkey-like old man, now born, under a roll of sleeves, and the surrounding world suddenly changed in the wind.

Ning Fan only felt a flower in the eyes, the next moment, has been forcibly locked into a gray world by the skinny monkey old man.

This skinny monkey old man is a quasi-holy!

This piece of heaven and earth is full of huge winds!

"Here is... the palm of the hand of the wind is empty! No, no, it is similar to the palm of the hand, but different..." Ning Fan's eyes are slightly dignified.

Even if the mana is self-styled at the moment, it is not a uniform that can be uniformed. This thin monkey old man can force him into the world here, using nothing but leisure means, but a means similar to the palm of the hand!

"Funny little guy, obviously just a fairy king, but can see through the old man's wind and body, can better see the mystery of this void world. But unfortunately, you still read a bit wrong, this is not the palm of your hand. , but a title in the void!"

What is the title of the void?

"Why did you shoot me?" Ning Fan calmly said.

The reason for the calm is because I did not feel the killing from the skinny monkey old man. He can listen to the sound of all things, and can easily perceive others' kindness and malice.

"You are still very embarrassed to ask!"

The old man did not breathe a sigh of Ning Fan, and then said, "Little friends, little friends, you know how many violations of your behavior in the regional war? You kill the hundreds of contestants, is within the rules, this It’s a good thing, but you have killed the purple house and the ancestors of the Ziyi Palace. These two people did not participate in the battle of the Taiwanese. If this matter is really pursued, the younger friend must have committed at least 19 The felony. The old man has received the grace of the two ceremonies of the Nangong Emperor, knowing that the Dark Lord is the Orthodox incense of the two ceremonies. It’s hard that the Dark Lord sends out a fairy king like you, and the old man can’t bear to see you being scrapped. For the sake of, defeat the lower bounds, so come here to save you. Next, the old man will take you to the Purple, to apologize to the Purple people, the big things are small, the small things have changed..."


"It seems that you really don't know! Behind the Purple Palace is the Purple! You kill the Purple Emperor and the Emperor is a small matter. It is not a big deal for you to violate the rules of the day. The only thing that offends the Purples is too serious! If the Zi people take the sins and ask you, even the old man can't keep you! The secrets of the secrets are not what you can imagine, especially the secrets of the Northern Heavens. Strong, this is not the other three days of the secret family comparable..." The old man is very jealous.

"So..." Ning Fan frowned, when he killed, he did not know the back of the Purple Palace, there is actually a secret support. In this way, the person who killed the Purple Palace may have a hatred with the Purples. This is not his original intention.

"So the old man will take you to the Purples and apologize to the Purples."

"It turns out that... I would like to thank my predecessors for their kindness. But Ningmou thinks that he has not done anything wrong, so he does not want to apologize to anyone." Ning Fan was a little silent, after all, he still shook his head and refused the goodwill of the old man.

Ning Fan can be seen, this four-legged sacred sage came to him, just want to be a matter of peace, no evil.

When killing people before, Ning Fan did not know the back of the Purple Palace, standing with the behemoth of the Purple. No one wants to offend a secret group without reason, but Ning Fan does not think that he is wrong with maintaining the Dark Lord.

The people in the Purple Palace are wrong, and they often bully the Dark Lord. What Ning Fan did was just a counterattack. Even if you know that it is possible to offend the Purples in advance, he will not let go of the person who killed him. If the purple people are arguing, they will not blame him; if the purples are unreasonable, then there is no need for them to sin in a low voice.

"Funny little guy, listening to the name of the purple people, actually still can't move, I really don't know if you have a bone, or you should say that you are ignorant... Stop it! In order to save your life, give the Dark Lord Leave a precious Xianwang strongman, even if the old man is catching, he will catch you to the purple people to sin! The purple people's hegemony is not what you can imagine! Young people, remember, life in the world, when you bow I have to bow my head, too strong, and only be blown by the wind!"

The title of the device, now!

But seeing the old man's hands and hands together, the world is suddenly raging, and in the fierce wind, a blue wind bag like a mountain suddenly appears, a pocket, and it is rolling against the wind in the position of Ning Fan, the suction is endless, want to inhale Ning Fan In the bag!

"Innate Chinese magic weapon? No, this treasure is not an entity!"

The sense of crisis in the silk suddenly appeared in the heart of Ning Fan. Almost at the moment he saw the wind bag, the entire body turned into a streamer, flying innumerable distances in a flash, avoiding the scope of the wind bag attack.

Ning Fan's dodging speed is extremely fast, and the distance to dodge is also very far! But the magical power of the wind bag, it seems that you can ignore the space distance, no matter where Ning Fan fled, can capture the general, very strange!

But seeing the gray mans between the heavens and the earth, the next moment, Ning Fan, who has clearly escaped, is simply invaded by the wind bag and ignores the space distance.

He was actually taken care of by the skinny monkey old man! This thin monkey old man is clearly the top master in the first-order quasi-holy!

After catching Ning Fan, the wind bag flew back to the hands of the skinny monkey and changed back to the present. It was a gray-sized bag of palm-sized. In the bag, Ning Fan tried to break free. Unfortunately, it is useless!

With the mana that he can use at this moment, he can't get out of the wind bag without using special means.

"Good little guy, the ultimate speed of escape, the hard-wonness of the old man is almost not weak. Unfortunately, the old man's [wind pocket] is special, let you escape and then go far, as long as there is a place The wind can be sucked back into the pocket by the wind, and once you breathe in the pocket, you can't escape unless you have the right sanctification. Little guy, you still accept the fate, walk with the old man. The old man promises that as long as you and the Purples bow their heads and admit their mistakes, the old man will guarantee your life and will not let anyone hurt you...what!"

The skinny monkey old man is persuading the wind bag, suddenly his eyes change.

See you! A good end of a wind bag, suddenly pierced by numerous thorns, a large number of thorns pierced the wind bag, forcibly grow!

That is not an ordinary thorn!

With the experience of the old monkeys, I realized at a glance that these thorns are similar to the ones mentioned in the ancient book [The Ghost Flower]!

"Who is not! This is actually the contractor of the legendary ghost flower! Not good!"


There are more branches piercing the wind bag and forcibly growing!

That is the branch of the Soul Tree!

There are countless quasi-holy attacks, which are released arbitrarily in the wind bag. In the end, the wind bag was overwhelmed, and finally it was blown up by the sucking soul tree, broken into countless pieces of cloth, and then the piece of cloth became a breeze and dissipated.

Ning Fan stood on the shoulder of the soul-sucking tree, and struck out from the wind bag, getting out of trouble!

"It's incredible. You are a little fairy king, even the immortal ghost of the quasi-holy level!" The skinny monkey old man smiled bitterly.

"I know that the predecessor's trip is a good intention, but I am not interested in the affairs of the purple people." Ning Fan said.

The skinny monkey old man took a deep look at Ning Fan and suddenly laughed. "Good! The Nangong priest has succeeded! The two ancestors have succeeded! You, very good! You and the purple people, the old man does not care! As for You are in the battle of the regional war, the old man is helping you! But, the next is not an example! The sky is a day, before you really reach the level of the old man, you can not break it, and it will be less good in the future!"

Still the elders treat the juniors!

In fact, the thin monkey old man has to say, it is the registered disciple of the Nangong priest, the old figure of the two rituals; the two ancestors are the predecessors of the Dark Lord, and if you want to count, the skinny monkey is indeed It is the old man of Ning Fan.

The Dark Lord has a tradition of protecting the short. This tradition, as it was in the era of the two ceremonies, has been passed down to the era of the Dark Lord.

If there is no such relationship, this tradition, with the quasi-sacred taboo for the red dust, the skinny monkey old man will never ask for trouble, and ran to mix Ning Fan and the Purple.

"Predecessors open their own title to the void, let the younger go out, or wait for the younger generation to break the void and go out." Ning Fan's tone is very polite, but this kind of politeness, but with alienation.

Obviously, for this kind of old man who wants to catch people, Ning Fan doesn't have much affection and can't like it.

"Interesting kid, what is your tone? Is this in the old man's life? The strange old man will catch you when he comes to the door?"

The skinny monkey old man stunned and then laughed. "There is a character! The appetite for the old man! It is no wonder that you are not happy with the old man. Anyone who wants to catch you will catch you. You can’t have a good impression on him. If you I am grateful to the old man, but the old man will blame you for being hypocritical. The tradition of my two ceremonies, I have to compensate for the wrong things! Even as an elder, there is no exception! Anyway, the old man has shot you, compensation, etc. I will give it to you, but now the old man has something to talk to the old things of the ice, the compensation, let go first..."

During the talk, the old man of the skinny monkey was suddenly lazy and his eyes were sharp. When the big hand grasped it, the world was suddenly raging, and there were countless small ice slags, which were caught by the wind and shattered.

Ning Fan’s eyes are slightly stunned. It’s not the little ice slag. In fact, the existence of these small ice slags has long been noticed, and it is seen that this is a kind of perceptual secret technique similar to voyeurism. Anyone who even perceives is who is using these ice to monitor themselves.

It is the sleepy quasi-sacred white devil!

Since Ning Fan’s movement in the regional war, the white demon’s quasi-holy began to observe him secretly!

Ning Fan’s strangeness is that the skinny monkey old man will actually crush the ice slag. Isn’t this person afraid to confess with the White Devils?

"Ice ice! How do you calculate the black magic faction in the weekdays, the old man does not care! But this son is the inheritance of my two ceremonies orthodox, if you dare to be against him, it is an enemy with Lei! The consequences are conceited!"

Like a threat, like a warning!


At the same time, far away from the white ice of the white demon sleeping on the ice, suddenly a blood arrow.

"Leze old dog, you are so daring! Actually take care of my two ceremonies! I thought that I became a famous disciple of Nangong priest. I am a disciple of two ceremonies! You are an outsider, just an outsider! The two instruments of the tradition, the wheel to get you! I thought there is a [wind] title is invincible in the world! This account, this fairy remember! You wait! Wait!"

On the ice, the hate channel.


"Well, the annoying flies are driven away, go to a place with the old man, the old man gives you some gifts, as compensation!" Reze ancestors laughed.

"Don't go." Ning Fan shook his head, and he was not interested in the compensation of Reze's ancestors.

"Don't you go? There are a lot of materials in that place, can you make a ghost?"

"...what place?" Ning Fan’s eyes were obviously interested in the place that Reze’s ancestors said.

"The forbidden land of the light family! Go and go!"

"Don't go." Ning Fan is speechless, the forbidden land of a family, is this kind of outsider can go anywhere casually!

He killed the people in the Purple Palace, and it is already possible to offend the Purples. Then he ran to the Guangzu forbidden land. What if he sinned the Guangzu? He is not afraid of things, but he does not want to cause trouble!

"The old man knows what you are worried about. You can rest assured that the ban of the Guangzu has changed a little. There are many things that can kill the murderous creatures. How much is the material for making the eternal ghosts. After you go, you can do whatever you want. Killing the fierce things there will not only offend the Guangzu, but will get the good feelings of the Guangzu. Those fierce things make the Guangzu a headache..."

"Don't go."

Ning Fan does not trust Lei Ze's ancestors.

In case I ran to the Forbidden City, I was counted by Reze's ancestors, and how to do it with the Guangzu...

He is not familiar with Beitian, and he cannot but think of the human heart in the ugly direction.

"...well, since you don't want to go, the old man doesn't force you. You don't want to compensate yourself, don't blame the old man for violating the tradition of the two ceremonies. Hey, the old man was also going to help you kill the fierce things, making the first Two quasi-sacred ghosts..." Reze's ancestors deliberately increased their tone on the words of the quasi-sacred ghosts.

"..." Unfortunately, Ning Fan is still unmoved. If he wants other quasi-sacred ghosts, he can do it himself, instead of doing it with one person.

"Forget it, you won. The policeman is so strong, the old man is so trustworthy! Love can't go!"

Lei Ze's ancestors were too lazy to pay attention to Ning Fan, and untied the title of the void, the two returned to the outside world and appeared in the courtyard.

The ancestors of Reze are planning to leave this place and return to the headquarters of the four ancestors. Suddenly, the sound of the alarm is heard in the storage bag.


"It’s a headache, and something is wrong..."

The old ancestors of Lei Ze took out the imitation of the starry sky crystals that they carried with them, and glanced at them at random, and then snorted.

Things are so smart!

He had just mentioned Ning Fan’s forbidden land in the moment before, and the latter’s forbidden land had an accident.


There is another voice jade ringing.

Lei Ze's ancestors felt a headache. He didn't need to look at it. He knew who was contacting his voice.

This sounding jade order, only the four sects of the governor Tongtian Gudi know.

Lei Ze's ancestors lazily opened the sound of jade, and did not avoid Ning Fan. Therefore, Ning Fan heard the sound of the ancient heavenly emperor in the jade order.

"Ray old, I have had some trouble. Fire and old stone are defending in the boundary river. This is only something you can handle..."

"Don't go! The old man is not the descendant of the Guangzu, their forbidden land has an accident, why should I go!" Lei Ze's ancestors were very capricious, and did not sell the face of the ancient emperor.

"Hey, the quasi-sacred people of the Guangzu are fighting in the boundary river. There are only a few emperors in the tribe... The bottom of the ancestral ancestors is not the ordinary fairy emperor... Lei Lao, this is only you can do. If you don't go, the people trapped in the earth's land, the trouble can be big. The only little girl who has resonated with Shi Bing's eight battles is there. "Tongtian Gudi is the way."

"What! The four ladies of the Palace of the World are also there! This is really a headache. The stone squad is the foundation of my northern sky. The importance of this woman is self-evident, if she is in the Guangzuo sect... Oh, it seems that the old man really has to take a trip..."

"Oh, there are old people coming out, I am relieved about this."

Hanging the sound of jade, Lei Ze's ancestors showed a serious expression of hard work, and planned to take a trip to the Guangzu.

The identity of the four ladies in the Palace of the World is a bit special. In the past, he often encountered help. In the same way, some of the same special northern Heavenly arrogance, if something happened, he was basically rescued.

If there is no such thing as Ning Fan, this time, it will only be an ordinary rescue event that has happened countless times.

But because this matter is related to the Miss Four Palace, Ning Fan does not mix a foot, it is impossible.

Miss Four Palace, but it is Bei Xiaoman!

"Predecessors, do you have a star map of the light family, give me a copy, I will take you to the light family." Ning Fan asked.

"Hey, have you figured it out? Are you planning to go to the Guangzu to make a ghost?" Unfortunately, the Guangzu has a problem with the forbidden land. It is very dangerous. It is not suitable for you to enter the ghosts for the time being..."

"My speed is faster than you, I will take you to the Guangzu, save time! It doesn't matter if you don't make ghosts, let's save people first!" Ning Fan explained.

"What! You said that your speed is faster than me! That is impossible! The best thing about wind repair is speed! How can you be faster than this generation? The old man does not believe!"

Therefore, the ancestors of Reze, who did not believe in evil, told Ning Fan the location of the Guangzu.

Therefore, almost only used ten interest, Ning Fan took the ancestors of Lei Ze, crossed the billions of stars, and came to the Guangzu!

Six portals! Ning Fan's original! The fastest delivery!

"What! This is the ancient devil's cavity! No, no! This is your own transmission! It's too fast! Even if it is the ancient devil, it is impossible to walk so far, at least it has to be a bit of Kid, is it really a fairy king!" Lei Ze's ancestors were deeply shocked.

"..." Ning Fan did not explain more with Lei Ze's ancestors.

He didn't even bother to ask the name of Reze's ancestors.

In the case of Ning Fan’s increasingly deep Bu Dao Xiu, if Bei Xiao Man is really dangerous, he will make a whim and even reincarnate directly.

Since there is no such reaction, it proves that there will be no life and death crisis in this trip. There is also the sage of Lei Ze’s ancestors. It is reasonable to say that even if he does not care about Bei Xiao Man, it does not matter. Bei Xiao Man will always be saved.

However, I have heard that Bei Xiao is in trouble, and how can Ning Fan sit back and ignore it.

He didn't know what happened to the Guangzu forbidden place, but if the fierceness there was dare to hurt the North, he wouldn't mind smashing the fierce things inside!

"Hey! Little guy, murder is exposed! Here is the light family, you broke out such a strong murderous, is it to lie to the old man, bring you to the Tuguang! Yes, you must have listened to the conversation between the old man and Tongtian boy, know The light family does not have a quasi-sacred seat now! I can warn you that the boy is fighting for the war in the northern boundary river. Even if you are a descendant of the old man, it is the inheritor of the two ceremonies. The old man will never allow you. Let's start with the light family!"

" think too much." Although Ning Fan was too lazy to pay attention to Reze's ancest, but did not want to cause too many misunderstandings, a rare explanation.

Almost at the moment when the two appeared in this place, dozens of high-ranking monks gathered here. When they saw the ancestors of Lei Ze, they were overjoyed.

"It’s Ray! He is here to help us keep the ground! It’s great!”

"Hey! Less nonsense! Let's take the road! This time, which place has a problem with the entrance?" Reze's ancestors snorted in a cold, but asked with concern.

Until this moment, I saw the external heat of Lei Ze's ancestors, and Ning Fan had a good impression on this person.

"It’s an accident in the direction of the earth!"

Not waiting for the people of the Guangzu, Ning Fan has already answered it first.

His rain perception was too strong, and at the moment he arrived, the rain curtain had already been released.

There have been more than ten places in this place, so many times, enough to find out a lot of things.

"Kids! Don't talk nonsense! The seal of the entrance to the earth is very powerful. From the outside, I can't perceive what is happening inside! Even the old man can't perceive this kind of thing, how can you perceive it!"

Lei Ze's ancestors blamed Ning Fan for a sigh of relief.

But in the next moment, the light monks will face.

"Ray is wrong with this Taoist friend. This Taoist friend said that it is correct. It is indeed a problem in this direction. Oh! This Taoist friend is actually summoning the ancient devil! Where did he go! What is his identity! The seal came to the induction! Someone ignored the seal and went directly into the interior of the earth. Is it the friend of the road..."

Ignore these light monks!

Once the accident was determined, Ning Fan directly opened the six-way portal, ignoring the seal of the earth and directly transmitting it to the interior of the earth.

He did not know that his behavior once again shocked the ancestors of Reze!

"The seal of Guangzu Diyuan, even the old man who stepped into the second-order quasi-sacred can not ignore, this child can actually ignore the seal! What kind of transfer he invented! It is terrible!"

Not too late, after the ancestors of Lei Ze followed Ning Fan, with the help of the Guangzu monks, they crossed the layers of seals and entered the land...

When he successfully crossed hundreds of layers of land seals, it was half a time since Ning Fan entered the land. Ning Fan had already taken him one step earlier, and he did not know where he went to the earth.