MTL - Grasping Evil-Chapter 1194 possibility

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Shi Bing was detained in the Hell Research Office.

The word **** is naturally the name of some of the omniscient old people in the second, so that Ning Fan is unable to vomit.

"The so-called Hell Research Office is the place to conduct the most confidential research. Little girl, your stone sergeant is indeed locked up here by me, is conducting a confidential study, but unfortunately, this research is not smooth, Therefore, your current physical status is not particularly good, you may have to be mentally prepared..."

Under the leadership of the omniscient old man, Ning Fan and Bei Xiaoman came to an underground research room and found Shi Bing.

Shi Bing is still alive, but he still has a breath of breath, but his appearance, but let Bei Xiaoman out of tears on the spot.

At this moment, the stone soldiers have been completely dismembered by the omniscient old people. The extremities and the body's limbs have been completely destroyed. They seem to be burnt and broken. They seem to have experienced any inhuman research. After the study, it seems to be garbage. In the corner, it became a waste. He had only one skull left in a huge closed container and was unconscious; the container was filled with light green, unidentified liquid, shining brightly.

"What did you do to my stone prince grandfather! I want to kill! You!" Bei Xiao Manmei was **** red, and the suffocating suffocation swept the entire underground laboratory.

That is how she looks like a grandfather, but she has been ruined like this, how can it be calm!

The omniscient old man bends a little, points out the invisible suffocation, how he exists, how could it be scared by the murderous murder of Bei Xiaoman, shrugging his face very thickly, "Little girl, what fire you messed up, your stone sergeant is not Still good to live!"

"This can also be alive! Do you want this girl to cut your adult sticks in the water and let you live a good life!"

"Oh, this kind of thing, as long as the crystal nucleus is not destroyed, even if other parts of the body are completely destroyed, there will be no danger to your life. Your stone prince is in the head of the skull, and now the head is intact, naturally it is alive. If not research Not finished yet, the old man can always give him a new drive, limbs, and create a new stone soldier. His former strength is too weak! As long as the old man gives him more powerful materials, your stone grandfather is absolutely You can go back to your strength with great strength. Only he can be protected by the gods, and you can’t protect you from the immortality..."

"Smelly old man! You don't understand! You don't know anything! I don't need the stone prince to protect me! I don't need him to be stronger! I just need him to live well! He is grandfather! Grandpa!"

"Oh, actually, as a grandfather, you are very similar to the old man. The old man and his brother have worshipped the son and matched the brothers. It turns out that we are a class of people. This is really a coincidence."

"Ghosts are like you!"

Ning Fan frowned, patted the head of Bei Xiaoman, and stopped the old and the less meaningful quarrel.

It is imperative not to argue here who is right and who is wrong, but to save the soldiers.

At that time, Ning Fan had lived to catch the stone soldiers. During that time, Shi Bing once served as a subordinate and served for Ning Fan.

Seeing that the subordinates were tortured into such a shape by the omniscient old man, Ning Fan was also uncomfortable in his heart. He calmly looked at the omniscient old man, but his tone was cold and terrible. "I’m just asking the seniors, how long it takes to give Shi Bing Put on a new body?"

As long as you put on a new drive, limbs, and stone soldiers, you can get a new life.

"How long does it take to see which grade of the corpse is replaced? His original corpse is only a material of the gods, too weak. The old man can spend ten days to transform him into a body of the real material, if If it is converted into a blank, it will take at least 20 days. If it is broken, it will take one and a half months. If you change it, then it will be worth it. It’s expensive to rebuild ten ancient scorpions. It’s not appropriate, or it’s a good translation.” The omniscient old man hurts.

"Expensive a fart? You didn't transform all the other scorpions of this girl to the level of Xianzun and Xianwang. At that time, why don't you say that it is expensive! You have already made my grandfather's grandfather look like this. I have to compensate! I want to You use the best materials to transform him to the highest level!" Bei Xiaoman naturally wants to give the best interests to Shi Bing.

"Reconstruction? The old man has not modified those cockroaches. The old man only feeds those cockroaches [Sui Jing] and stimulates their maximum potential. 傀儡 Depending on the materials of manufacture, the maximum potential is different, even the best sorcerer, It is also impossible to convert all the energy of the enamel material into 傀儡 为. The thirteen enamel nucleus and building materials are all of the eternal materials, so the old man only needs a little means to let them reach their full potential. It’s evolved from the life of the immortal to the ancient times. But your grandfather of stone sergeant is different, the greatest potential of your grandfather of stone sergeant is only the level of the god...

"This girl has no culture. If you say something, this girl can't understand it. This girl has only one request! Use all your best materials for my grandfather! If you don't, he!" Also took out the tattered and named disciple orders and lifted them high.

The omniscient old man suddenly changed his face, and after he retired, he hurriedly said, "The little girl has something to say! It’s all right, you can’t do it! The best material! The old man promises to use the best materials to give you the stone lord to modify your body! You Receive the token quickly!"

"I don't have to listen to this early, I have to force my grandmother to use tricks!"

"Hey, the name of the world is sweeping the ground, why do the old husbands have to fear that this token can't be... right, little girl! If you use advanced materials, the old man still needs to collect some data in order to make a perfect modification for your grandfather."

"What is it collected?"


"what is that?"

"The so-called data is to look up and interpret the essence of the Tao from a low-level perspective."

"speak English!"

"Simply say, use the best materials to modify your grandfather Shih, you can! But I need your husband to be an assistant, I need to do some research on him to assist the modification..."

"Impossible! No discussion!"

Bei Xiao Man protects the scorpion and protects Ning Fan behind him.

Her stone prince has been studied by the omniscient old man with only one head left. She does not allow Ning Fan to be studied as this horrible.

Ning Fan looked at the closed container of Shi Bing, and was silent for a long time. Suddenly, he said, "The research of the predecessors on me really helped the stone soldiers to make perfect modifications?"

"Yes!" The omniscient old man was very happy when he heard the play.

"Well, I agree with the requirements of my predecessors and I am willing to cooperate with my predecessors to conduct a certain degree of research."

"What!" Bei Xiaoman heard Ning Fan say so, anxious to cry.

She doesn't want to be a human stick, don't!


The reason why Ning Fan agrees with the research requirements of the omniscient old man is on the one hand for the stone soldiers and the other for himself.

Along the way, he can see it. The omniscient old man has many deviant research behaviors, but this person seems to be really capable. It was only the theory about "potential potential" that was deeply impressed by Ning Fan.

That is the theory that Bei Xiaoran can't understand, but Ning Fan understands it!

The omniscient old man has the means to provoke the greatest potential of cockroaches! He also seems to have the means to motivate the greatest potential of other creatures! The powerful worms and monsters he cultivated are a proof.

Being studied by this person may have great risks, but if the research is successful, the strength may be greatly improved...

Ning Fan wants to try this possibility. He wants to see it. It is useful for the research of the omniscient old man to improve himself.

Of course, he understands that the omniscient old man is a research madman. Even if he studies this person, he can't cooperate with the adult stick. He decides to wait and see first or foremost. It is good or bad.

So, in the next ten days, Ning Fan stayed in the underground research room, which made Bei Xiaoman very worried. No matter how comforting Ning Fan was, she was worried that Ning Fan was being researched by adult sticks. Her heart is already studying the word. With a shadow...

In the past ten days, the omniscient old man did not conduct any research on Ning Fan, and only Ning Fan was soaked in the research pool and could not leave.

As for the omniscient old man, he is busy refining his limbs and squatting, and these things will be installed on Shi Bing...

The research pool was not big, so it was a square. The pool was filled with black and viscous viscous liquid. It smelled a bit stinking. Bei Xiaoman only smelled once and went straight to nausea. Ning Fan was soaked in it for ten days...

This makes Bei Xiao Man very distressed. She feels that the omniscient old man is changing his temperament to Ning Fan. In the view of Ning Fan, who has the soul of nine-turn gold medicine, this pool of research liquid is simply invaluable!

"Mohai Ganoderma lucidum, this pool of research liquid, is actually based on the medicinal liquid of Mohai Ganoderma lucidum! Mohai Ganoderma lucidum is a congenital elixir, but even if it is a congenital elixir, there are actually grades! The innate elixir in the fantasy world, Basically, it is a congenital medicine. Because of lack of aura, there are very few inferior products... The liquid in this pool is actually from the innate Chinese product of Mohai Ganoderma lucidum! The same one is Mohai Ganoderma lucidum, congenital middle-aged products and congenital products. The quality, the efficacy is simply the difference between heaven and earth!"

"The next product, Mohai Ganoderma lucidum, can improve the refining of the ancient monks for thousands of years... This pool of liquid medicine is different! It is completely two grades! If I can absorb all these liquids, the ancient magic repair is at least a hundred more than!"

"It's not so simple for this pool of liquid medicine. There are other ingredients in it. Together, the effect of the medicine has been purified... This pool of liquid medicine can purify the nourishing food in my mana!"

Ning Fan was a little surprised.

The omniscient old man not only knows the hidden dangers of the sinister wood in the dreamland, but also has the means to drive away the ration of the grain!

And just at the beginning of the study, it is good intentions to use his means to help him drive out the nourishment of the road, or is it possible for the subsequent research to proceed smoothly? With the character of this omnis old man, probably the latter...

This is a different method than multiple sorcerer, and it can also dispel the nourishment of the law in the mana. If used in conjunction with multiple sorcerer, the effect seems to be superimposed...

Before Ning Fan escaped all the repairs in order to escape. At this moment, he is soaked in the liquid medicine, and he re-runs the method of multiple soul-removing, and will be repaired as a seal.

The speed of multiple sorcerer screening to remove the grain of the sacred grain was originally very slow, but with the help of this pool of liquid medicine, the screening speed increased by several thousand times!

Ten days!

In the past ten days, Ning Fan absorbed all the power of a pool of liquid medicine, and the ancient magic repair directly increased the 110 robbery!

The total mana has exceeded 14,300, and there is a fraction!

Of course, because the multiple sorcerer re-seal the repair, Ning Fan can not use the full amount of mana at this moment, only use about three thousand robbers.

With the help of a pool of liquid medicine, Ning Fan only spent ten days, and then screened out three thousand robberies. If there were a few more such liquids, Ning Fan had the confidence to remove all the body in a very short time. Raising the road to the grain!

"I don't know the omniscience of the predecessors, there is no innate Chinese product of the ink sea Lingzhi, if there is just fine..."

It is a pity that after the inquiry of Ning Fan, the answer is that the only one in the congenital ink, Ganoderma lucidum, has been used on him.

Ning Fan also asked about the cultivation method of the innate Chinese product Mohai Ganoderma lucidum. However, the omniscient old man seems to be in a bad mood. He did not talk more about the topic of Mohai Ganoderma lucidum. Instead, he was crazy and wrote on paper, not long after. Suddenly mad, shred all the recorded things.

"Unreasonable, too unreasonable! This is not the same as the old man's calculation at the beginning! According to the calculation of the old man, this kid needs at least three months to adapt to the violent medicinal power of the murmur of Ginger, and it takes another four months to fully absorb the medicinal power. After that, there will be several months of side effects... However, this kid has only used it for ten days, and it has absorbed all the liquids perfectly. This ability to perfectly match the heresy can not be explained by his own identity! The reason for this kid's yin and yang has actually been repaired to such a realm! It has already won the essence of both yin and yang!"

"Try again! The old man does not believe that his body compatibility is so perfect, this time, the old man wants to increase the potency!"

Therefore, the omniscient old man prepared a pool of liquid medicine, this time the liquid medicine, the drug weight increased by 30%.

As a result, Ning Fan absorbed all the medicine in only nine days!

The ancient demon repairs for the skyrocketing 140 robbery!

The number of mana screens that have been screened by multiple sorcerers has risen to seven thousand!

"Unbelievable, it's incredible! This time, the old man not only aggravated the power of Mohai Ganoderma lucidum, but also changed the composition of other excipients. But as a result, the body of this kid not only perfectly adapted to these forces, but also adapted to the speed! Mingming accessories They are all different, as long as the main ingredients are the same..."

"Try again! This time, the old man wants to use all the ink on the hand, the drug is almost three times more than the first time! And the old man will increase the strength of the accessories, it is the ordinary quasi-san, not dare directly to the flesh Absorbing this concentration of liquid. This sub-refining of the body limits the possibility of directly absorbing the liquid. If he can still do this, then he really has the possibility of physical promotion! The world only The end point of Zhiwu Wuxing is the Big Five, but I don’t know that the Big Five is extending out, dividing the yin and yang, and there is an infinite possibility of promotion. Yin and Yang are invisible, so this possibility must be shaped by ourselves, and everyone’s possibilities are not The same...The Great Five-Line Body of the Master, the promotion became [Yuan Magnetic Extreme Destruction]; my big five-line body was promoted to [Yin and Yang Illusion]; what is the possibility of this son..."

The omniscient old man with expectations, prepared the liquid medicine for the third time.

This time, the concentration of the liquid medicine gave Ning Fan a very dangerous feeling. In the liquid medicine, his **** body had a feeling of being slowly corroded.

However, when his body runs on its own, the compatibility of the body becomes better and better. Gradually, the corrosion disappears without a shadow. Instead, it is the crazy absorption of the drug!

This time, the liquid was absorbed and it lasted for a month!

When Ning Fan absorbed all the liquid medicine, the ancient magic repaired to skyrocketing 350!

Three studies, Ning Fan has raised a total of 600 robbery! The simple ancient magic repair is even more up to the level of the four robbers!

The total mana has risen to 14800!

What makes Ning Fan happy is that the food in his body is finally excreted, and he will no longer need to seal the mana in the future!

This kind of feeling of eliminating all hidden dangers, can't tell the pain!

"Thank you for your predecessors. The mana after the looting is extremely difficult, but I can skyrocket six hundred mana in a short period of time. I have to say that this is the credit of the predecessors. It’s just... I immerse these liquids, it seems that there is no such thing as the modified stone soldiers. What is the relationship... The seniors are not talking about studying me, can they help to transform Shi Bing?"

"Yeah, it doesn't matter, there is no relationship at all. Haha! Finally got the first data of your body! Perfect data! Hahaha! I am very sure now, my previous guesses are all wrong, you have unlimited The possibility, your possibility is at least higher than me!"

", all the research that the predecessors did to me was a deception?" Ning Fan was speechless.

"Hey, young people don't care so much. I get the data. If you get it, you are happy. What's wrong? The ridiculous thing is that everyone in the world is shunning the old man, worried that he is being studied by the old man, but they don't know. The study of the old man is a great creation. As long as the research is successful, they will be able to increase their strength..."

"If the research fails, it will pay a heavy price..." Ning Fan did not take it for granted. He naturally knew that his cultivation was soaring. In fact, there was a great risk. If his body could not adapt to the drug, it would most likely be a violent body. Dead. Even if it is quasi-holy, it only dares to soak the first concentration of liquid medicine. The second time is hesitating. The third concentration is definitely to shake the head and refuse, and the risk is too great.

"Hey, you didn't pay the price, as long as the results are good, the young people don't care too much. Well! During the time when you soaked the liquid, the old man has refining the body parts of the stone soldiers. The assembly process is about to start, and the assembly process is time consuming, at least for a few months, and there must be no interruptions. Once the assembly is interrupted, the screaming grandfather, may be directly killed.

"In the past few months, you don't have to soak the liquid. The old man doesn't have such a high-grade liquid to give you a bubble. You can go to the training grounds in the underground research room to improve your body and fully realize your body's potential. Developed, the old man will send someone to follow you, guide you to practice, and record your various cultivation data. The old man is very interested in the possibility of you, but there is something to do now, and I can't continue to study for a while... Of course, if you still Willing to cooperate with the old man to study, the old man is confident to inspire your greatest potential!"

"Where is the brother!"

The voice of the omniscient old man just fell, and the underground laboratory suddenly became black and smoke, and then the black smoke condensed and fell on the ground, turning into a red-haired man with an ivory mouth.

The red-haired big man is a seven-robbery emperor, not a beggar, but a demon.

The red-haired man looked to the eyes of the omniscient old man with fear and obedience, but looked at Ning Fan’s eyes, but he was full of arrogance and disdain.

"14,800 robbery mana... This mana is fine, but other aspects are simply rubbish! Master, during your retreat, do you really want the villain to guide this kid? The villain is afraid of punching himself. Do not force, kill this kid!"

"The old man also knows that this kid is inferior in all aspects. In short, you should guide it, at least let him improve in one aspect, remember to record his data, the old man is very interested in his data."

"Follow! Kid, go with me! The master has to work, please don't stay here to disturb the master!"

In the district, a seven-robbery emperor, actually arrogant to Ning Fan, arrogance, if other Dou Fa Xian did this thing, will definitely take their own shame.

I don't know why, Ning Fan actually felt a little dangerous feeling from this elephant demon...

This is not the last law seven robbery emperor!

This is a seven-royed emperor at the level of the ancient emperor!

Not only that, but like the demon, there seems to be a means to make Ning Fan feel dangerous...

"This brother, I don't know where we are going at the moment." Ning Fan asked politely, with his heart, not to be angry because the other party was a little rude.

"Like brother? Hey! What are you counting, and what is the king brother? When the king is king in the real world, your starting point for reincarnation has not yet begun! It is like a predecessor! This basic etiquette does not understand. !"

"..." Ning Fan frowned, still not angry with this elephant, after all, this is the site of the omniscient old man, he has to give some face to the omniscient old man.

But he did not call this person's predecessor, he is also arrogant, so he chose silence.

In the dim underground laboratory, the transmission array is interlaced.

After more than a dozen transmissions, Ning Fan came to an extremely open campus. The training equipment on the school ground was strange, and there were many powerful and sturdy ancient existences.

At first sight, the demon took Ning Fan to come, everyone was a glimpse, but they all confessed their identity, did not make any expression, and turned a blind eye to the arrival of Ning Fan.

There was only one cute ooze, looking at Meng Meng's big eyes, and ran to Ning Fan to welcome the arrival of Ning Fan.

"Welcome to you, newcomer! As a gift to welcome you, Mud allows you to touch the muddy head."

Actually still a female mud demon!

Selling a cute tone is a little loli, asking for a touch!

Ning Fan was not confused by the cute attack of the ooze, but did not reach out and touch her head.

This ooze looks very weak and weak. It seems that there is no advantage except for being cute, but how sharp it is, how sharp it is for the perception of danger!

As the ooze is getting closer, Ning Fan actually feels like a man on his back. Obviously, there is something strange about this ooze, and he naturally won't touch it.

Seeing that Ning Fan did not touch himself, the ooze continued to sell and sprout.

Like the demon seeing the ooze, it seems very impatient, cold channel, "Feng Yu, put away your set! This is not the fall of the real world! This kid is weak like a garbage, but it is not As for being confused by you in a few words."

"Cut, it's really boring."

The ooze squeaked, moving the soft body and climbing to the side, but looking at Ning Fan's eyes, but a bit dignified.

The research materials that the owner found this time seem to be a bit of a skill. This is not good. If this child really has the ability to stay here forever, wouldn’t there be another person who scrapes the resources for repairing the truth? It seems necessary to take some effort to squeeze this person away...