MTL - Grasping Evil-Chapter 1213 Taijisheng two instruments!

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When all the body's self-protection restrictions were lifted, Ning Fan at this moment felt stronger than ever and felt strongly uncomfortable.

At the moment, the upper limit of power, the upper limit of the mind, and the upper limit of the mana flow rate have all skyrocketed by a dozen times!

The face of the blue sky has soared, making Ning Fan look at it, some are too fierce!

The heart of the ancient gods violently beats at a frequency of sixty-seven times, as if they would burst open at any time!

The blood in the body, under the influence of yin and yang, became the river that broke the dyke, collided in the blood vessels, and lost control!

"Predecessors have lifted the restrictions on the protection of the younger generation. Are they using these yin and yang? The younger generations never know that yin and yang can also be used like this..." Ning Fan unexpectedly said.

"Hey, you don't know much about it. How, how does it feel to limit the whole opening?" asked the old man laughing.

"It's very strong! My repairs have not changed, but the strength has risen to the limit that can be spurred now."

"I don't ask if you are strong or not. That kind of thing, the old man can judge with his eyes. I don't know how much your breath has soared. The old man asked if the side effects of your body are strong."


Ning Fan feels himself at the moment, like a constantly smashing croquet. His god's physical strength is extremely high, so the croquet can accommodate more gas without being easily blasted.

"Did you see that native?"

The omniscient old man suddenly pointed to a loess giant in the distance.

The place where Ning Fan is at the moment is the treasure space of the omniscience refining of the old man. This area is specially used for cultivation and trials. The loess giants with a height of one million feet can be seen everywhere.

These loess giants are not living creatures, and their appearance is similar to that of mud, which is similar to the target. That loess is not a thing, but a real thing called hard clay. The hardness of this hard nail mud is unusually high, but because the material can't flow mana, it can't be used in refining and refining. The real monk often takes this kind of hard clay mud loess as a training target.

"See it." Ning Fan replied.

"This native is made of hard clay. Although it is lifeless, its solidity is famous in the real world. Moreover, due to the unique fusion properties of hard clay, the more people are piled up, the more their defenses become. Hard. A million-foot-old native, almost hard to get acquainted with the holy magical and unscathed. You try, with your strength now, you may smash a million-footed natives." The omniscient old man.

Can you do it? Ning Fan is also not sure. After all, he is the first to open the limits of his body. In this state, how much power his body can explode is not clear to him.

Cross aura, open!

Wan Guzhen, open!

Ning Fan turned into the body of Jin Yan, turned into a golden rainbow, the loess giant rushed, and then a punch.

This fist does not use any magical power, so resounding, the bursting power is still more than ten times the strength of the past!

This ordinary punch is almost equivalent to the usual ancient devil's broken mountain!

Such an amazing punch in the loess giant, but only hit the giant violently shake, after a while, the giant swayed to stop, its body surface was not even traced by Ning Fan.

On the contrary, after Ning Fan’s fist was shocked by this giant, it shattered the tiger’s mouth and his heart was bloody.

Do not! The shouting of the tiger's mouth is not only as simple as the giant force's anti-earthquake. If it is casually shocked, it will hurt itself. Ning Fan used to play the ancient devil's mountain combo, and he has already lost many times.

This is not an earthquake, this is... counter!

This counter-attack is not brought by the outside, but Ning Fan has damage inside the body! He usually punches in a normal way, and the power is comparable to the usual ancient devils. The strength of such a large increase is naturally at a price. The price is that the body can not withstand the power that broke out at this moment. !

This is the meaning of the self-protection restrictions in the monk!

Lifting the restriction is a kind of behavior that kills one thousand and damages one hundred hundred. It is a means of fighting for life!

"No! No! You still have some scruples in this boxing, and you can't help yourself. Your physical limitations are open, but the psychological restrictions have not yet been opened! Are you afraid of being hurt? Although the old man is letting you stay, But it didn't make you completely useless. You just got this punch, is it your full strength? The old man can help you limit your body, but the inner constraints, you need to release yourself. In your life, what time can you not lose? Don't lose, don't bow!" asked the old man frowning.


"There are any big enemies, not killing! There are people who are willing to take care of their lives!"


"Recalling the moment when you are the weakest and most desperate, treat this loess giant as the enemy who makes you desperate and kill it!"

"The predecessors just let the younger generations work..."

"Come on! Killing Hongjun! He is hooking my finger and killing him!" The whole knowledge was crazy, pointing to the loess giant in the distance, forcing Ning Fan to kill him.


In the face of a loess giant in the district, Ning Fan is a little crazy, but in order not to let omniscience continue to go mad, he decided to satisfy the omniscient desire to smash the loess giant.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and then open it, Ning Fan's eyes are ruthless, look at the natives, such as watching the enemy.

Then, he once again punched the loess giant, this time is not the ordinary boxing power, but... the ancient devil broke the mountain!

At the moment of his limit, his ordinary punch is equivalent to the old demon-breaking mountain strike; using the ancient devil to break the mountain, the power is even more horrible, almost equivalent to the previous eight hundred combos!

When the boxing power is opened, the magic mountain of the heavens and the earth is transformed into a illusion, and then, the landslide!

It is not an ordinary landslide, but an eruption of the volcano from the inside out!


Ning Fan’s fist finally hit a crack in the shape of a spider web on the loess giant.

This attack is too strong, and the anti-phasing is naturally heavier than the previous one. Ning Fan’s entire boxing bones are shattered!

"Even if it is to prevent the ignorant predecessors from going crazy, the cost is too great..." Ning Fan smiled and was planning to treat the boxing bones by self-healing. The omniscient old man took the first step and treated him.

"Four images are now! Daffodil is out!"

With the words of the omniscient old population, there are a lot of yin and yang floating in the whole body.

The yin and yang are rising and sometimes falling. In the end, the yin and yang are fascinated by the endless lake, and the omniscient old man walks on the lake. At this moment, his appearance suddenly changes under the influence of yin and yang, and turns into a six. Seven-year-old boy.

The boy is tied with a nursery rhyme, and his appearance is very similar to that of an omniscient old man. It is like a miniature version of the omnis old man, a young version.

The only difference is that when the old man knows the old age, it is just a median baby monk. After becoming a boy, the cultivation is so deep that Ning Fan does not see the depth!


Ning Fan's face changed, although he could not see the depth of the boy's omniscience, but he perceived that the boy's omniscient atmosphere is definitely bigger and more vast than the dreamy ants in the dream!

Stronger than the saint, not a saint!

"Wrong, the old man said again, the old man is not a saint, just a little Yuan Ying. But the old man is different from the general Yuan Ying monk. The old man has completely repaired the 40-year reincarnation of the Yuan Ying period. In Yuan Ying, I look forward to being older than the old man. If this is not the case, I don’t dare to claim that it is the first person in the ancient Yuan Ying.” Tong Ziquan explained.

Forty-four, only one less than forty-three...

Suddenly speaking, Ning Fan’s first reaction was not to shock the ignorant old man’s cultivation, but he was paying attention to some inconspicuous places.

If the average person says a forty-four, he won't care. The number is too unusual and there is no good idea.

It is true that the omniscient body has his causality. As a result, Ning Fan sees the forty-fourth reincarnation of omniscience, just as he saw the 42 volcanoes of the Dark Devils.

He seems to have the realization of the blessing of the soul, just the kind of enlightenment, he seems to understand and understand, but can not speak in words.

He was even more stunned, remembering the first time when he went to the wilderness. He remembers that when he first arrived in the wild, there were forty-two domains, and the wilderness of the heavenly spirits, and his own causality.

At that time, he would not think deeply about why it was just forty-two brutal domains.

But now he will think more about one layer, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four. Among these similar figures, there seems to be a causal presence...

Ever since, seeing the cause and effect of Ning Fan, gorgeously gone, so that the omniscient old man said something next, he actually did not hear clearly.

"...Ning Xiaoyou! Did you hear what the old man had just said? If you heard it, would you give me a response?" The boy was completely dissatisfied.

"Sorry, please ask the seniors again."

"The old man just said that the old man's image of the daffodil is extremely good at treatment. As long as the yin and yang between the heavens and the earth are endless, the old man will be able to keep you from dying! So don't be afraid of Hongjun, kill the scorpion, break the fracture, and cripple! There is a veteran who will treat you in the rear! You are afraid of a bird, afraid to give a crane ball!"

See you, the boy knows all the way, the yin and yang between the heavens and the earth suddenly turned into stars.

Like astrology, it is not like astrology. The only thing Ning Fan knows is that after the yin and yang have fallen, his crushed boxing bones have healed in an instant!

Ning Fan thought that the black star of the Emperor of Heaven was already very powerful, but the boy’s omnipotent yin and yang treatment seems to be completely weaker than the Emperor!

There is a boy who knows all the way to the side, Ning Fan naturally no longer has to worry about the back injury. He played more ancient devils, the loess giant's body, more and more cracks, the spider web is getting denser.

The more the ancient devil breaks the mountain, the stronger the power, but because there is no limit to the power of Ningfan at the moment, the counter-attack is naturally a punch that is heavier than a punch.

When a thousand combos, Ning Fan will ruin an arm every time he punches out!

When three thousand combos, the counter-attack of each punch will make him lose half of the body!

When six thousand combos, every punch will destroy his entire body, leaving only the gods!

When the nine thousand combos, every punch will make his gods dissipate more than half!

It is too dangerous to confront people in the limit state! If there is no boy's omniscience treatment, Ning Fan will not hit nine thousand combos, he may not be able to withstand a wound of one or two hundred combos, and he will die!

When Ning Fan hit nine thousand combos, even he himself was shocked by the punching power of the moment!

This is a blow to destroy the earth!

This is the power that many second-order quasi-sacred can't beat!

Hard as a million-foot loess giant, it was finally blown by Ning Fan.

Upon seeing it, the boy knows that he laughs all over the world. It seems that he really saw Ning Fan killing Hongjun. After laughing, his eyes are back to stunned, and he touches the nursery rhymes on his head. Some don’t understand what he is just laughing at.

Then he noticed that the loess giant who was broken by Ning Fan was shocked. "Are you crazy? Good end, why do you want to fight with a native in the district! The old man is not saying that you will take you to fight! Can break the natives The attack, what kind of horrible counter-attacks, if you are directly destroyed by the counter-attack, you are not dead!"

"..." Ning Fan is speechless, obviously you forced me to break the natives, why do you want to find me back every time you remember, we have hatred?

"Speaking of it, why do I even show up the four elephants, I don't even remember it at all..." The boy knows everything.

"I have already understood, the predecessors have said two times four times, what are these four images?" Ning Fan lifted the true body of the ancients, the cross aura, and returned to the boy's omniscience to ask.

"Four elephants are... What are the four elephants, don't remember..." The omniscient memory is not reliable.

After a while, the omniscience suddenly shouted, "Wait! And slow! Rong Laofu slowly! What have you just said! You broke the natives in a short period of time, then they realized what the old man said." Isn't this a fragrance?"


"You talk about it, what is the very old man's mouth! The old man used to learn from the extreme to understand the extreme, but it took 500 years, so this is already the qualification of the two ceremonies." If you can really understand the scent, you are not qualified more than a hundred times more than the old man? This is impossible!"

Ning Fan did not answer, only smiled slightly, and pointed to the sword, in the surface of the lake where the omniscience changed, wrote two giant characters, rippled open, but the words did not disappear.


Taijisheng Taiji, Taijisheng two instruments, two instruments and four images. This mantra often appears in the comprehension of the classics.

The omniscient old man inherits the two rituals, and utterly mentions the genre, and mentions the four elephants. Ning Fan will naturally be associated with the concepts of Taoism such as Taiji and Promise.

This is not how amazing his understanding is. It is really ulterior to the mad state of the elderly, giving too many tips.

In the past, Ning Fan saw this sentence in the classics. He was equally puzzled by what Taiji and Wuji are, but today he seems to understand something.

Tai Chi, refers to the ultimate in comprehension!

Promise, it is the ultimate Tai Chi!

And there is no end to the Promise, so there is no limit to the road of comprehension, and there is no end.

If someone really cultivates the end of the Promise, so that the Promise has a beginning, and the end, then most of the people have the strength of the saints in the world, but the sword refers to the fourth step against the Holy Day.

Perhaps the two ancestors of the two ancestors can do this, perhaps not, Ning Fan has not seen the two rituals, he is not sure about this, and too lazy to inquire about this secret.

"You actually understand, really understand..." The omniscience was greatly affected. Ning Fan had a time to do it, and he did what he had done in five hundred years. For the first time in his life, he wondered if he was a bit stupid.

"No, actually I don't quite understand..."

"Ning Xiaoyou, you should not be modest, there is no need to worry about the feelings of the old man. The old man knows that you are smarter than the old man, and his head is better than the old man, so Master will only value you more than me, oh..." The omniscient old man is breaking I’m talking about nonsense, saying a little, forgetting a little, waiting for a lot of words, he doesn’t even remember what he said.

"We just...what's where we are. Wait! And it's slow! Rong Laofu is slow! You actually broke the aborigines! Do you want to be so crazy, do you want to be so desperate, this is just a cultivation, not life and death! You have to The old man is worried about you? Is it necessary to kill yourself?"

"..." Ning Fan was silent, and sure enough, he and the omnis old man could not chat happily.

"Right, you just asked the old man what is the four elephants? Really want to know?" The topic subtly returned to the formal, jumping very big.


"Have you heard such a sentence, Wujisheng Taiji, Taijisheng two instruments, two instruments and four images..."

"Have heard."

"Hey, who wrote this Taiji word on the surface of the water, the writing is ugly! It is written like a dog!"


"When it comes to Tai Chi, you have to talk about two instruments. The so-called Tai Chi is what the old man wants to teach you. The old man has lifted all your physical restrictions before you reach the limit. This is absolutely true, but It is far from Taiji. Taiji has two directions of birth and death. Non-yin and yang can not be called Taiji. There is a life in the middle, there is a life in the middle, and there is a life in the middle. It is the ultimate in repairing. What you just experienced is the taiji of yin and yang. Habitat is a pure habitat, without any extinction restrictions. Next, the old man will let you experience the destruction of the environment." So magical, the topic is back.

The boy knows everything, and there are a lot of yin and yang floating in the body.

"Four images are now! Fire Devil B is out!"

Under the influence of yin and yang, the appearance of the boy's omniscience has changed, and the surrounding terrain has also changed.

The lake and the sea disappeared and became a sea of ​​fire. The boy became a middle-aged monk and stood in the sea of ​​fire.

The middle-aged omniscience is surrounded by flames, and it is completely a fire person; his appearance is still similar to omniscience, and it is equally shocking to give Ningfan a sense of saint.

However, the omniscient claimed that he is not a saint, but Yuan Ying. Considering that this person has a memory disorder, Ning Fan can’t believe that a Yuan Ying can be more powerful than a saint.

"You, who is it! The old man, who is it!" The omniscience is even more mad. This time he forgot who Ning Fan was and even forgot who he was.

"..." Ning Fan is really powerless to vomit.

"Hey, the old man is joking with you. In fact, the old man recognizes you, you are the old man."

"..." Just kidding, your old man is really at ease.

"You are the old man, the old man is Han... What is Han coming? It doesn't matter, we will talk about Taiji. You can't enter Taiji again, so the old man will help you as before. Forced to enter the state of extinction. Destruction is well understood, that is, the opposite of habitat. Habitat can make all your potentials motivate, but the opposite is true, and your strength will return to nothingness..."

With the sensation of the omniscient old man, a yin and yang sighed in the face, and the habitat of Ningfan was reversed and transformed into extinction.

Ning Fan, who is out of the country, is completely opposite to the situation in Habitat!

The upper limit of power, the upper limit of the mind, and the upper limit of the mana flow rate at this moment, all shrink to less than one in ten thousand!

The face is dead and boring, as if it had not slept for 80,000 years!

The heart of the ancient gods has become a bit of a beating, and the atmosphere of Ning Fan has become very long, even near the turtle!

Under the influence of yin and yang, the blood in the body seems to be solidified, and it is not flowing!

weak! too weak!

Under the circumstance, Ning Fan can feel his weakness. Habitat can make him have the strength to smash the loess giant, and the extinction will make him weak enough to beat the real monks.

Under the circumstance of unprecedented destruction, Ning Fan felt that some aspects that he could not detect became stronger. Life and death are just the opposite of each other. Although he is strong in the habitat, he can fight every punch and fight against it. If the situation is reversed, is it...

Not waiting for Ning Fan to make a guess, the fire omniscience has already sacrificed the sword, and Chao Ning Fan smashed down!

Congenital Shangpin sword, two instruments protect Zongyang sword!

Actually it is a top-grade magic weapon, why all the seniors killed me!

Wait, this sword is not broken, when is it fixed? After the ruin of the inferior top quality, it is so easy to repair? Whether this matter is related to the low durability of this sword...

Ning Fan instinctively wants to evade the omniscient attack, but he only knows one sentence, let him hold down the idea of ​​dodge.

"trust me!"

Ning Fan believes in the omniscience of the old man, that kind of trust goes deep into the bone marrow, and I don’t know where to start, so even though he knows **** him, he still has not evaded.

This is a blow to the innate magic weapon. The person who uses the magic weapon is more ignorant than the fireman of the ant.

Such a sword fell, afraid that it is enough to kill the ancient overhaul, but what is weird is that this sword is on Ning Fan, but it seems to be on the black hole, all the power is swallowed up in general, to nothing, disappeared trace.

Ning Fan is unscathed!

He did not move in place, hard to pick up the saints and innately a sword, even unscathed! This is so terrible that it has gone so far!

Habitat strength has skyrocketed!

Destruction does not die forever!

If there is a life in the middle, if there is a life in the middle, then there will be a surge in strength, or it will not last forever. That is the ultimate in repairing... Taijisheng!

All knowing to pass on him is actually... so terrible school!

"Who is it! Who killed you with a sword! I killed him and killed him!" All of a second lost his memory and went crazy.

"Hey, Ning Xiaoyou, are you actually entering Taiji to destroy the country? This is unreasonable. Your yin and yang in the body are obviously not enough to do this. Why can you do this... Could it be that you are tempted to use the yin and yang? Can you do this?" The omniscience continues to be stupid.

"...predecessors, you are me."

"Ha ha ha! Ning Xiaoyou, you just love to laugh, good end, I am jealous of you, you are not my father enemies." The omniscient old man did not remember.

"...Forget it, the things that the predecessors want to pass to me, I have already understood. Understand and understand, I can't get into Taiji life by my own skills. The amount of yin and yang that is needed is too large. I want I have cultivated this amount of yin and yang, but I don’t know how many years it will take." Ning Fan sighed.

"Afraid of a crane ball! Brothers take you to kick the sect, according to the truth, the master took you to kick the sect, but who is the master, oh, can't think of it..."

"Kicking?" Ning Fan's soul is slightly shocked. This simple word has evoked some kind of emotion that he is deeply in his heart.

"Yes, it’s a kick! This is the tradition of my two ceremonies! Go, let's leave the land and go to the north!"

"Can the predecessors not have to do things to suppress the ants? Listen to the predecessors before the tone, it seems that they can not leave the land, otherwise it will cause the ants to wake up."

"Oh, accidentally forgot about this, how can this be good? Brothers can't personally bring you to kick the sect, then they can only send people to lead you. Who is going to send it? The brother is an important part of the Yang seal, My brother has not been repaired yet, and the carving brother is too weak. The pineapple brother was eaten by me a few days ago. The puffer brother is at the crucial moment of drug rehabilitation. The mud niece recently cursed and solved the problem. Going out... Sure enough, you can still take a trip with the younger brother. Give, this list is taken, the sects on the top are all kicked! The listed sensations are all robbed once! One less will not work! Come, let the brothers here According to a **** handprint on the list, do you know what fingerprints are this? This is called the blood pledge. If you don’t finish these sects, the brothers will violate the blood oath and suffocate themselves! In order not to let the brothers die, You must kick one of the squad gates and take all the treasures on the list..."

Ning Fan is unable to spit!

Which brother in this world, in order to force the younger brother to grab things, threaten their own lives!

He has seen all kinds of devils and has rich experience in dealing with all kinds of goods. He can only do nothing for the omniscient old people. He does not know how to deal with these two goods, but he faces this person. He can’t get up, many means are also No use.

What a joke!

He is very good at why, in order to save the life of a strange old man, he ran to the northern Tianzongmen and looted!

Why did he succumb to the entire northern day on the eve of the start of the second round of the Northern Heavens!

he! Have! disease! !

"What! Who took my hand and pressed the name of the blood on this list? Is it Hongjun! You are a despicable thief, the first person in the hall, so I count this. Waiting for the Yuan Ying junior! I don’t care about the friendship of the incense! Hongjun, you are a rebellious teacher!"

"..." Ning Fan helped the forehead and sighed, so this time it was the turn of the Hongxi ancestor.

Why is he a bit gloating and laughing?

"Teacher, save me! Hongjun wants to count the brothers to die, you can't look at it anyway! Go to the looting, to save the life of the brothers!" All the tears screamed.

"you win…"

Ning Fan sighed heavily, took the list, and his body shape flew away.

There is absolutely no problem with his orientation, so this is the first time he has gone through a fire for a man... It’s embarrassing.

At the moment when he flew out of the earth, there were dozens of light monks who came around, and when he saw the appearance of Ning Fan coincided with the portrait on a certain Tong Tong order, he suddenly looked bad!

"Take him! This person is the person who Shui Zong wants to catch!"

Ning Fan’s eyes are cold.

There are many female monks who surround him. The thief opened his knives and read some information directly from these women.

However, it turned out that when he was stupid to stay in the land to do research for the omniscient old man, Shui Zongdao Fu Suchen actually made a reward for him throughout the entire northern sky!

[Killing the painter, you can get Shuizhong Sannuo! 】

Fu Suchen did not tell the outside world what identity is Ning Fan, it is not important!

He did not promise extra bounty, just give the bait of Shuizhong Sannuo, but it is more attractive than any bounty!

What does Shuizong Sannuo mean?

Those who are not immortals, can ask for the ancestors of Shui Shui to help them achieve the throne!

Those who are not quasi-sacred can ask for help to understand the bottleneck!

It is a first-order quasi-holy, and it can also be demanded by Shuizong. After all, the ancestors of Shuizong, but the second-order quasi-holy, are still the most powerful of the second order!

As long as you kill Ning Fan and other unnamed pawns, you can get Shui Shui Sanno, so rewarded, and your own courage is willing to encircle Ning Fan.

Ning Fan’s eyes swept the list given by omniscience. It’s a coincidence that the Guangzu is actually looting!

If Ning Fan had been in conflict with the unprovoked robbery, there would be no worries at the moment!

Why do you just want others to bully me, don't allow me to fight back!

If the light family provoke me first, then you must pay the price! Of course, looking at the Guangzu for the sake of the survival of the northern heavens, the Ningfan can give a little love to the Guangzu, to the full hero face; but the necessary deterrence, still have it! Otherwise, the whole northern sky is not everyone's way, he is rather weak and deceive!

It is a pity that his way is to take Gangke Gang, hard to hit, the other side wants to kill him, he will retaliate with the same **** means! If you are savvy, you must report it!

"Ningmou is stepping on the light family today, taking one thing! Let's wait for the road, roll!"

Ning Fan, a konjac, those who originally intended to take him, were suddenly shocked and vomited, and the flesh of each one collapsed under the madness. Only the gods did not kill.

This is the mercy of the people. If you are willing to do so, this singularity can directly kill half of the low-level monks of the Guangzu!

This is a glimpse of the 17,000 robbery!

As the snoring spread, the landslides began to break in the Guangzu domain, and countless retreats of the Guangzuo grotesque broke out and looked angry.

Of course, those old geeks come out with a sense that the enemy is the quorum of the 17,000 robbing, but how about this!

The secret family is to be able to challenge any of the last law.

"The old man is going to look at the dream ants who don't know how to live and die. Come to me for trouble!"

In the depths of the Guangzuo underground, a coffin flew out, and then a thin and thin old man walked out of the coffin.

This is a quasi-holy of 11,000 robbers. Although it is the highest of the non-Guang nationality, its qualifications are extremely old. It is a existence from the purple bucket fairy to live today.

Because of hiding in the shackles, this Guangzuo sacred sacred can not go to the boundary river battlefield, only to stay behind.

He thought that the so-called staying is to shut down and repair, I can't think of a fool in this world to provoke the majesty of the Guangzu, hehe, I really don't know how to live!

"The old man does not ask who you are, just ask you a sentence, you are shackled, or let the old man hit you can not move and catch you!" This radiant old man arrogantly.

He, but the secret of the privilege of the secret!

He, why do you have to be ignorant of the name of the last law!

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