MTL - Grasping Evil-Chapter 1221 Candied gourd

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The true spirit is known for its difficulty in killing. Of course, it is not difficult to refine an ordinary spirit with Ningfan’s current mana.

What is really difficult to kill is the different kind of true spirit. This kind of true spirit often needs special means to be destroyed, and it is difficult to be entangled.

Ning Fan had encountered the different kind of true spirits of the Longma nationality. At that time, the 16 dragons and princes and brothers were connected to each other. They needed to be fully smashed before they could be smashed. The single dragon and the true spirit could not be destroyed even by the refining gods. .

In order to deal with the real spirit of Longma, Ning Fan had to buy a copy of "The Complex of the Real Spirit" from Tongtianjiao, and find out the countermeasures. Finally, the 16 Princes were refining into a medicinal herb and repaired as a great advance.

Heterogeneous spirits are too rare to see. Ning Fan has only seen it once since he was a monk. Today is the second time he has seen it.

Ning Fan saw the bottom of the Zhenwu old turtle from the beginning, and the Zhenwu old turtle repaired it, it is the different kind of true spirit, so the number of real spirits will be extremely large.

Mother is true!

According to the "Complete Proverbs", the true demon of this spirit must first be cultivated, and then the mother spirit will be used to divide the thousands of children. On the day of success, if the child spirit does not die, then the mother spirit will not be destroyed; if the mother spirit is not destroyed, then the child spirit will fall apart and will not really die, but can still return to the spirit, through the cultivation of a long time. resurrection.

The Zhenwu old turtle is a distraction, and the mother spirit has not arrived, only carrying thousands of sub-spirits with him. It’s not impossible to smelt these thousand spirits with Ningfan’s current mana, but it will never be easy. At least it will take hundreds of years to make it very difficult. And because these children will not really die. That is, all of them will die and they will not be able to refine a million blood.

It took hundreds of years to get nothing, and this kind of loss is naturally not going to be done. It’s better to put this turtle on a horse, and it’s more practical to change something useful.

Life is like a play, it depends on acting.

Ning Fan, in front of the giant tortoise, successively smashed the North Sea and flooded the distraction, but it was to scare the giant tortoise. In fact, there is no way to take the giant tortoise; the ridiculous giant tortoise does not know the bottom of the refining dragon. Hey, this scene is quite interesting for Ning Fan, and the evil feelings of the giant tortoise can not help but also decrease a lot.

"If it is possible to collect this old turtle as a pet, it would be a good match with the old man. Oh, forget it, this old turtle is too strong, and the deity is not here; it is the deity to come, now I can't do this either..." Ning Fan thought and flew, and looked at the giant turtle's eyes with a little smile.

The giant tortoise did not come from the turtle shell. I always felt that Ning Fan’s smile was not good. The heart was even more determined: as long as I can escape today, I will go around this little thief in the future. It’s terrible, non-water repair can be defeated...


After the giant tortoise paid a lot of price, Ning Fan finally opened the wooden cage and let the distraction of the giant tortoise.

Looking at the awkward look of the giant tortoise and running, Ning Fan smiled more in his eyes, and also smiled, and there were eight cold **** Buddhas.

If Ning Fan even kills the real Wu turtle, he really has to misunderstand that Ning Fan is a devil. Fortunately, Ning Fan finally found the conscience, let the old turtles go, the bitter sea is boundless, turn back to the shore, put down the butcher knife, set the place to become a Buddha... This Shangxian seems to be able to rescue it?

"This time, the disciples should also leave." The giant tortoe walked away, and the eight cold Buddhas and Ning Fan resigned. Of course, before leaving, the three treasures for Ning Fan must be returned to Ning Fan, who is also Do this.

Ning Fan can't smile. "What is the meaning of Daoyou? Ning has said in advance that except for the jade jug, the other two things are owned by the Taoist friends."

"The battle of today, the disciples have very little effort, they have already felt awkward; if they receive the gift of the fairy, the disciple is afraid that there is no face to return to the West. If the **** really feels guilty about the disciple, it is better to visit the West Heaven to the disciple. Tell me about the finest Dharma of the Holy Family."

The Eight-Winter Buddha suddenly turned around and made a request.

Wen Yan, Ning Fan slightly smiled, "mixed the finest Dharma? Really does not contradict, Dharma, this kind of thing, I am not at all, let alone the mixed Dharma..."

"Oh, Shang Xian is really modest."

The Eight-Chen Buddha is no matter whether Ning Fan really does not understand Dharma.

It doesn't matter if Ning Fan doesn't understand, he knows! When Ning Fan went to Xitian next time, he would have to rescue Ning Fan, and he would turn Ning Fan into the right path.

In any case, he can't sit and watch a sneak peek into the abyss!

Without the opportunity for Ning Fan to refuse, after the Eight-Chen Buddha retired again, he tore away from the void and left the world of Tiantu.


When things got to this point, Ning Fan was also a big headache. He would rather give away two thanksgivings from the Eight Cold Buddhas, and he didn't want to go to Xitian to talk about Dharma.

He is a good demon, what is the Dharma? When the Dharma is not finished, it will damage the magic, and it will be a big loss.

However, the opportunity of the Eight-Chen Buddha’s refusal is not given to him. Isn’t this difficult for a strong man?

The left and right are the unilateral agreement of the Eight Cold Buddhas, and Ning Fan has not promised anything, but it is not impossible to do so.

"But, if you have the opportunity to go to the West, find something else to send to this person, and conclude that today's cause and effect are good. What is the Dharma, don't talk about it..."

Ning Fan sighed, and then re-evaluated the world of the sky.

Everyone is divided into death and death, and there is only one person left in this world.

Three babies have already arrived, and it is reasonable to say that Ning Fan’s stay here is no longer meaningful.

But he did not rush to leave, but he did not hesitate to kneel between the heavens and the earth and cultivated.

A few days later.

In the right eye of Ning Fan, there is an illusory star point. With the power of the water palm swallowed from the flooded emperor, Ning Fan officially opened the cultivation of water yin and yang.

Water yin and yang, is classified into the right genital yin and yang.

Since this is not a conventional method of cultivation, the condensation of water, yin and yang is not complete, and it requires a large amount of cultivating rituals to form a yin and yang.

Another few days.

In the left eye of Ning Fan, there is another illusion star point. By the small number of Zhenwu seals that have been swallowed up, Ning Fan has cultivated Zhenwu Yinyang, which is also incomplete and requires a lot of cultivation afterwards to be truly solid.

Another ten days passed.

Ning Fan thoroughly absorbed the power of the little rainer engulfed, and drank all the wine in the jade jug.

After doing all this, the strength of Ning Fan’s palms has almost skyrocketed by more than 50%. It is not like the power of a person who has just built a rain!

Rain Dragon is in front of Ning Fan, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe! Ning Fan’s rain is too strong. From Ning Fan’s body, the rain faucet feels the pressure of being the master of Beihai Zhenjun!

This unfortunate rain dragon is the one that Ning Fan grabbed. In order to truly conquer the rain dragon, Ning Fan put the dragon out.

Because of this, on the side of Ning Fan, Yulong can clearly feel the strong rain of Ning Fan's climbing!

It instinctively wants to succumb to the power of Ning Fan, but can be loyal to Beihai Zhenjun, but does not allow it to do so!

"You, can you follow me?"

One day, Ning Fan spoke and asked the rain dragon.

The rain dragon is shaking and hesitating. It knows that as long as it nods, it can live, but this head, it can't go anyway.


That kind of thing is actually not important to it. It is not a living thing. It is only part of the magical power of the North Sea. It is never important to live or die in it.

The only important thing is the owner, only the owner!


Rain Dragon answered Ning Fan with action!

It is topped with the dragon's horn of rain, and the magical power is fully open, and it hits Ning Fan!

Raise a sneak attack!

When Yan Ningfan asked for distraction, it finally took up courage and launched an attack on Ning Fan, hoping to kill Ning Fan.

"This is your answer..."

Ning Fan’s eyes were not angered by sneak attacks, only regret and sympathy.

In the end, all the regrets and sympathy were all ruthless.

He easily blocked the rain dragon's sneak attack, and once again tied the rain dragon with the **** of the wood.

This time, he no longer succumbed to his mercy, but launched the power of the gods to completely devour and kill the rain dragon.

The entire killing process lasted for three days. Three days later, Ning Fan spread his palms, and the rain was a reminder. The rain of heaven and earth suddenly converge on the palm of his hand, transforming a illusory rain dragon.

This is not the rain dragon of Beihai Zhenjun, but the self-raining dragon that Ning Fan devours the other dragon. Not a living thing, but a magical power.

"It's a pity... you, wrong with the owner."

Looking at the rain dragon in his hand, Ning Fan sighs slightly. This dragon is not the dragon before. The loyalty of the dragon makes him appreciate it, but he can't use it for him.

The palms are combined, the rain dragon turns into rain, and flows away from the fingers.

Another shot storage bag, a turtle and a snake two virtual shadows, suddenly flew out of the storage bag, coiled around Ning Fan's body.

Then the turtle snake shadow changed and turned into two bone flying swords that exude the breath of the river!

These two bone swords are the superb swords in the innate magic weapon. The two swords come together, and they can fight with the innate magic weapon. It is extremely powerful!

This is the turtle and snake swords that have been robbed from the giant tortoises. No, the turtles and swords are actually inaccurate. This pair of swords is actually the seal of the Zhenwu seal monk [Zhenwu residual sword]!

Ning Fan does not value the magic weapon, but if it is the magic weapon to achieve the innate power, the exception is.

This level of magic weapon can greatly enhance Ning Fan's combat effectiveness. With this treasure, it is the face of the second-order quasi-holy deity, Ning Fan has a sigh of relief!

"Good sword! It is a character smashed, slippery, and your former master is too similar, this is not good, very bad..." Ning Fan praised the Zhenwu remnant sword and criticized one sentence.

Turtle Sword: [The master criticized the right! 】

Snake Sword: [Master's criticism is reasonable! 】

Turtle Sword: [Master Xianfu forever! 】

Snake Sword: [Master Shou and Tian Qi! 】

When all things are communicated, Ning Fan easily hears the voice of the aunt of the real sword. This pair of swords is really interesting. It will shoot the master's flattering, and the spirit is really high...

"From today on, you are my sword. The magic weapon is the ordinary thing in the real world. Follow me, you will forget the former master." Ning Fan said again.

Turtle Sword: [Previous Master? That old turtle is not the owner of the blind! 】

Snake Sword: [From today, the scorpion only recognizes a master of Ning Fan! 】

Turtle Sword: [Master is handsome! The title of the martial art is the first handsome! 】

Snake Sword: [Ah, the master looks at me, he is watching me! He definitely likes me! 】

Turtle sword: [nonsense! The owner likes me! 】

Snake Sword: [Bold! You dare to rob me of the owner! 】

Turtle sword; [Cut you! 】

Snake Sword: [Cut you! 】

Oh, Dangdang!

In order to compete for Ning Fan, the Turtle Sword and the Snake sword actually fought.

"..." I went to the silent Ning Fan.

Was he being admired by two female flying swords, and he was admired to the point where the sisters and the two swords were jealous and turned against each other?

Cough and cough...

How no one told him that these two swords are female swords, normal double swords, not all male and female...

Ning Fan waved his hand and stopped the fight of the double sword. Before, he still felt that the two swords were more spiritual and interesting, but at the moment they felt a little headache.

If the two swords suddenly slammed the enemy in the future, and they fought themselves, Ning Fan would be in danger.

It seems that these two swords still need to be tempered to make a big difference...

Ning Fan put away the double sword and retrieved two other heavenly rewards.

Among the three heavenly rewards, the fairy wine of the jade jug has been drunk by him, and the remaining Tiandao box and the drawing bag have not been opened.

Ning Fan first opened the drawing bag.

A piece of animal skin was stored in the drawing bag. The paper was yellow, I don’t know how many years existed, but there was a faint scent of nose.

Between the inks, there is a third step of the demon spread, obviously this drawing is drawn by an unknown demon saint.

The words on the drawings, Ning Fan, are ancient demon words, and the words are depicted below, depicting the skeleton of a big fish. Above the fish bones, a myriad of heavenly earth treasures have been cast, and the weak fish bones have been refined into a powerful magic weapon. Each fishbone seems to be a congenital sword.

"It turned out to be the bone sword of the Flying Spurs. The fisherman likes to build his own fish bones into a congenital flying sword. When it comes to the enemy, the bone sword is exhausted and the end is very powerful. Unfortunately, you are not a fish demon. This map is useless to you." When I saw Ning Fan opened a useless thing, the ant was too happy.

"..." Ning Fan was speechless, an oversight, forgot to shield the squeaky noise of the ant, and the goods began to scream again, which is really annoying.

As the picture is useless, Ning Fan immediately took the drawings and opened the Tiandao box. As soon as the party opened, the radiance of Fukuzawa in the box shook him and he couldn't open his eyes.

For a long time, the light of Fuze was scattered. Ning Fan saw the purple ore engraved with the heavenly lines. The shape of the ore was like a baby sitting cross-legged.

"What kind of ore is this?" Ning Fan asked the ant, who called the ant is a saint, and has extensive knowledge?

"It is actually [the beginning of the fusion stone]! You are a little lucky ants." The ant is not willing to bite the silver teeth, the tone should be sour and acid. Ning Fan was lucky, she was not happy.

“In the beginning, fusion stone?”

Ning Fan brows a pick, but does not ask the ant who is this thing.

He was connected to the ant Lord's mind, and when he thought of this thing in the ant's heart, he saw all the information from the ant's heart.

In the beginning, fusion stone! Among the ore in the real world, the 39th dissimilar mineral ore! It is the key material for synthesizing the innate magic weapon!

In the real world, it is difficult to refine a congenital magic weapon. Even those third-level refiners, the success rate of the refiner is less than one thousandth.

In other words, the innate magic weapon needs to be refining more than a thousand times to be lucky, and this is the success rate of the top refiner!

Refining a congenital magic weapon requires a lot of fairy tales and infinite years. When these consumptions are expanded to a thousand times, the saints are not willing to try it easily.

This is the reason why the magic weapon is rare on earth.

Through refining, it is too difficult to get the innate magic weapon. So, the real monk has found another way to find this way.

That is synthesis!

With a special synthetic array method, supplemented by a number of fairy materials such as the fusion stone of the beginning, the real monk can synthesize several innate magic weapons into a congenital magic weapon. Of course, this kind of thing is synthesized, with a low failure rate. !

In the same way, if you hold more than one innate magic weapon, you can also try to synthesize the extremely innate magic weapon, but the failure rate is even more terrifying, and it takes more time to fuse the fusion stone.

"This stone can help me to synthesize a great innate magic weapon?" Ning Fan is very interested in moving. If he holds a very innate magic weapon, he even dares to directly challenge ancient overhaul!

"Daydreaming! You only have one fusion stone, can't you be a good congenital one! A fusion stone is only enough to synthesize innate." The ant clan.

"It’s not bad to combine the innate magic weapon. I already have a real sword that is comparable to the innate one. It’s two pieces. When it’s against the enemy, the two pieces come together in an innate manner. Deity, the odds are great!" Ning Fan is very optimistic.

"It’s not that this palace is going to strike you. You think it’s too simple to synthesize things. Not to mention the high rate of failure in synthesis, the weather, the location, the air and the manpower are indispensable. Just say that [innate synthesis] you It is impossible to get it, but it is the secret of the ancient sacred sect of the ancient world! It is in the ancient sages, and not everyone is qualified to know this. You don’t even know the synthetic method, but you also want to synthesize the magic weapon. It’s really crazy!”

"I don't know the formation, but you know, this is not enough. You are the saint of the Hong Sheng Shengzong, you must know this array." Ning Fan laughed.

"This palace knows, but what can be told by this palace... hateful!" The ant had to bite his teeth, and she really hated this kind of heart.

Does she tell the Ning Fan formation what is the relationship?

Everything in her heart, Ning Fan can know directly, why should she tell me!

"Very good, I have already recorded the array." Only a dozen breaths, Ning Fan will remember the complex innate synthesis, it is not bad.

This made the ant master a big surprise, such a complicated array, she spent a whole day to write down, Ning Fan remembers it is too fast!

"Even if you know the formation method, you can't get together with synthetic materials. Although you are fortunate enough to get the synthetic main material too early fusion stone, you can still lack other kinds of accessories. Those accessories are not rare things, only the real world has ..." The ant is still reluctant to dig.

"No, you can buy it."

"With whom!"

"Follow the heavens."

"Damn! If the three brothers know that I am being bullied by you, I will not sell you anything!" The teacher of Tongtianjiao, isn’t her three brothers...

"Oh, then let him know."

Ning Fan is no longer talking nonsense with the ant, and he has set up the trading platform of the ancient country in the world of the sky.

This time, he wants to buy a lot of things, in addition to the materials needed to synthesize the innate magic, and a few things mentioned by the giant turtle...

Thinking of the secrets of the giant turtles, Ning Fan could not help but look up and look at the world of the sky.

This kind of eye is not like watching the world itself, but it seems to be looking at what is delicious.

The ant, who was connected with the mind of Ning Fan, suddenly began to feel uneasy. She and Ning Fan were connected with each other and naturally knew what Ning Fan wanted to do.

Ning Fan is clearly listening to the gibberish of the giant tortoise, and has an appetite for the world of this day...

"Hey! Ning Xiaoyu ants! You must not believe that turtle demon! This palace hall sage, have not heard of the world of the sky map can eat, the turtle demon can not believe it! If you are obsessed, carefully play yourself Dead, but the soul of the palace is dead with you..."

"Oh, you haven't heard of it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You also saw that the old turtle had eaten a large piece of the world of the sky, and his words still have some credibility..."

Ning Fan naturally will not listen to the ants, he has his own judgment.

After opening the trading arbitrage, Ning Fan did not have the first time to buy things, but thought of a move, and sent several contact signals to Miss Ling in the hills.

Unfortunately, the other party did not open the trading platform of the ancient country at the moment, so they did not receive a contact request from Ning Fan.

Ning Fan smiled and shook his head, trying to contact the other party with the trading platform of the ancient country, they need to open the old country trading array at the same time.

This chance is too low, so Ning Fan just tried it and was psychologically prepared for the failure of the contact.

"I don't know what she lost before, but I haven't got it..."

Ning Fan shook his head and swept away the misunderstandings in his heart. He connected the trading platform of the ancient country to Tongtianjiao and quickly bought what he needed.

I have to say that Ning Fan is very fortunate. In the accessories of the innate magic weapon, the number of fusion stones in the beginning is the most precious. Only this thing is listed in the banned list by Tongtian. If Ningfan lacks the fusion stone, it is Can't buy it anyway.

The materials have been prepared, but Ning Fan did not immediately start synthesizing the innate magic weapon.

First of all, the synthesis of the innate magic weapon, you need to prepare a number of innate magic weapons, these Chinese magic weapons have the main and the second, and finally what type of magic weapon, and as the main material of the Sino-French treasure.

Ning Fan hasn't thought of using any magic weapon as the main material, and the success of the magic weapon, the success rate is too low, only the perfect time, geography, air transport, and manpower can achieve the highest success rate.

At this moment, it is obviously not the best place for synthesis. It is not right at the same time. It needs to be rehearsed and counted as a good time.

Ever since, Ning Fan put the synthetic magic weapon on the side, but took out a few pieces of fairy and medicinal herbs mentioned by the giant tortoise.

In my mind, I think back to the words of the giant turtle one by one, for fear of missing something.

[Little friends ask a powerful secret of qi and blood? Hey, this is actually the same thing as devouring the sky. The reason is that because I have eaten the sky map, I am very mad. 】

[You said that the sky map can not eat? nonsense! I have eaten the map of the sky, and I will not live well! 】

[诀窍? Of course, you have to eat the sky map, in addition to the need to use the power of the real Wu, but also need other preparations! Hey, not a birth, has such a huge amount of blood. At first, the blood of the cockroaches was still very weak, and the strength of the title was also very weak. At that time, swallowing the sky map required multiple preparations, but it was not dare to eat raw...

[You ask why you want to eat the sky map? Hey, this is a dream that matters, I don’t want to tell you, don’t ask. You just have to remember that you are a secret turtle, and that secret is more important than life...]

Ning Fan does not care what the dream of Zhenwu Laogui is.

He only cares about whether the method that Zhenwu Laogui said is true.

Although the Zhenwu old turtle swears that he swears, his method is absolutely effective, but Ning Fan has not tried it, and there is some drumming in his heart.

[In the palm of the sky, there is something like the blood of the avenue, it is delicious, you eat, you are addicted! Oh, but the honest tortoise in the world, never lie! Don't blame me for not reminding you! Although the blood of the avenue is delicious, you can't eat more. When you eat this thing, the air transport will be dirty, and it will not be cleaned. The endless reincarnation will suffer bad luck, so even if it is the real world, it does not dare. It is strictly forbidden to spread this matter. I am not afraid! Even if the world is catastrophic, it will not care! In this world, you must crush this sky and **** the blood! Only in this way can we get rid of this world and travel back home to return to the big water tank of the Veyiao Temple...]

A turtle with a dream...

A turtle that wants to go home...

In the meantime, Ning Fan had an inexplicable familiarity with the Zhenwu old turtle. After being familiar with it, it was strange.

I always feel that this place is a big battle, and there is something that is familiar and familiar.

Yes, yes...

There is indeed a place where there is a deja vu, and the unfortunate flooded emperor has been bullied twice by the turtle.

As early as the first time when Wu Lao Ba repaired the water and flooded the bottle, he killed a flood of water.

This time, the Zhenwu old turtle squirted a water jail and imprisoned a flood of water.

This flooded emperor is really guilty of fighting with the turtle...

Ning Fan suddenly looked at his eyes and then let go. He seemed to think of something, and it seemed to be just thinking.

"Is it coincidence... or maybe, not... If this is the case, then I have an explanation for the softness of the old turtle. Otherwise, even if he kills him and distracts, I will count him a little to teach... If everything is true, then the hometown of this old turtle is in my future, or in my...the past..."

Ning Fan talked to himself, and his words seemed to be somewhat inexplicable.

In a short time, Ning Fan’s thoughts were collected, but he borrowed the method taught by the Zhenwu Laogu, and cooked the hot pot with many elixir.

The iron pot was temporarily refining with a special Xian mine.

The elixir, the soup, steaming, strange incense.

When the soup was boiled, Ning Fan carefully peeled off a piece of the world of the sky and threw it into the pot.

It is strange to say.

The world debris was thrown into the pot, and suddenly it became a blood clot and was cooked a little bit by the soup.

Cooking like this destroys the blood component of the avenue in the blood clot and damages the nutrition of the blood clot.

But there is no way, without special treatment, Ning Fan is not a **** monster, eating the blood of this avenue will directly die.

Strong as a real old turtle, it was so carefully taken at the beginning.

Although the nutrients have been severely damaged, such a blood clot into the abdomen, Ning Fan still feels that he wants to burn!

Fortunately, this kind of anti-phagosis is still within the control of Ning Fan. It didn't take long for him to digest this blood clot, and there was a lot of refined blood!

"The palm of the hand can actually eat!" The ant was so shocked that the matter was completely inconsistent with her experience. Did she know that she was wrong?

"Well? This is..."

A blood clot into the abdomen, Ning Fan suddenly appeared to be black and white!

That black gas is not a thing, it is a black luck!

Eat the palm of the sky map, the blood of the refining avenue, this matter is too much, it will of course lead to endless black transport.

Don't ask, the true Wu Laogu, who has eaten the sky map for so many years, must have been a black turtle.

Then the problem is coming. Ning Fan also eats the sky map at the same time. Will he become a black monk...

Oh, he is not a black monk, but he is not black, black to the depths, but like a normal gas.

But it is not.

He is a helper, the most filthy family of gas transport!

No matter how many colors his umbrella increases, the essence is still the ultimate black.

Then the problem is coming.

The increase in black transport is so terrible for Ning Fan’s help from the demon ancestors?

What a fear! The more black transport, the stronger the gas transport, and you can't ask for it!

Originally, Ning Fan was the seventh color of Xian Yun. At this moment, the air transportation increased greatly. The eighth color gradually had the appearance of the outcrop, but it was only a sign. Just want to completely condense the eighth color of Xian Yun, still far away.

Not enough, not enough...

If you want to break through the eighth color of Xianyun, the amount of gas transportation required is too large.

"I don't know if I have eaten up the world of this sky, can my air transport increase to the eighth color of Xianyun... If it can, it is a windfall."

"Just a little, I can't agree. The old tortoise said that the world is delicious, and you can eat it in your mouth. The taste is actually no different from the blood of the ducks in the world... very general."

Of course, compared with the scent-like ant soup, this blood clot is definitely a delicious dish.

Ning Fan and even the ant seed soup can drink in a large bowl, can you eat a duck blood?


In the nibble of Ning Fan, the world of Tiantu finally ushered in a collapse...


Beitian, Beibei Star Field.

There is a star sea in the northern part of the starry sky that runs through the starry sky. Because it contains the power of boundlessness, it is called the sea of ​​the moon by the Northern Heaven monk.

The Palace of the World is built in the depths of the years.

There is also a fairy island with a legacy tower floating above the sea.

As the second ** of the Palace of Life is closer than one day, more and more monks come to the sea. On this day, there was a young man in white, who took a little dragon in the rain and sneaked away.

The rain dragon is too small, only three feet long, looks plain.

The young man seems to be a rain repairer, but the rain seems to be equally unpredictable. It seems that he is not a master.

Young people have looming clouds, perhaps because of the cover of the clouds, which makes the youth look unremarkable.

The young man sat on the rain dragon and flew over the sea of ​​the sea. He looked at a dilapidated ancient book and looked very serious. He seemed to be deeply attracted by the content.

"The Tao, the palm, the source of the Tao, the Tao... The original my god, even more advanced than the Tao, it is no wonder that it is easy to crush those water repairs...natural five spirits, gods and demon ghosts; God is the beginning of the five spirits Second, the fairy spirit, the devil, the demon spirit, the ghost spirit and the second..."

This young man is Ning Fan. The old book he read is the false road that the oozes handed over to him.

Although it is only a false passage, it can cover almost the entire structure of the truth, and it is a theoretical book. Ning Fan walked all the way, repairing for speed is too fast, his road repair is too rough, and many times he is crossing the river by feeling the stones, step by step.

Until I read this book, Ning Fan knew how many detours he had gone.

I thought that at the beginning, his heart was a paper crane. When he was in Dan, he didn’t swear, and even made a scene of life and death...

[Stupid girl, how can I hurt you, even if you are my devil, even if I waved gently, you will be able to get rid of Dan, but I can’t bear it...]

[Just this demon, after all, you can understand, you can understand...]

[In order to change your ten-year innocence, I would like to cover the sky, you can understand...]

[In order to keep your heart from dust, I am willing to sweep the dust of the heavens and the earth, you can understand...]

[In order to change your heart and not die, I would like to sigh, feel guilty, give up my heart, and read it... I am willing to go against the sky! Learn the ancient retrograde, and be enemies with the sky! Hundreds of deaths are retreating, and enemies are invading! You can understand! 】

[I, I don't understand... Did I see you...]

[You, don't need to understand...because, you are the demon that I can't get rid of...]

Cough and cough...

Thinking about the savage words of a teenager, Ning Fan suddenly got a red face and coughed up.

It turned out that I was in the middle of that year...

You must know that in this false passage, there are more than one thousand methods recorded, which can preserve the devil and ease the knot.

If I have read this book in the past, where do I need to make so many anti-sky moves, will I be married in three or five years...

After the end, Ning Fan suddenly shook his head and smiled.

In fact, no need to be embarrassed.

People are not ridiculous, and they look ridiculous at the moment. In the past, they really moved and decided. Even so, how can we deny the juvenile determination with the old eyes...

Ning Fan sweeps away the distracting thoughts, puts away the false roads, and takes out another old jade slip. God read it and read it carefully.

This is what he told the old man when he left the land. In the jade, all the records are the two masters of the school...

The omniscient old man wanted to help Ningfan to cultivate these scholastics at first, but whoever called Ning Fan had something to leave the land, and the omniscient old man simply picked up the child and let Ning Fan explore and cultivate himself.

I am looking at my concentration. In the distant sea, there is a wave of fire and waves.

The fire is not a thing, it is a fire gourd of the day after tomorrow.

Everyone knows that Ning Fan is very fond of the gourd magic weapon. When he sees this treasure is the gourd magic weapon, he also took a look.

Immediately regained his gaze.

This treasure is not the blood and blood gourd he is looking for...

It is also interesting to say that the fire gourd saw Ning Fan lick it, and felt uncomfortable when he arrived. He turned a corner and called Ning Fan to come over. He seemed to give Ning Fan a lesson.

It turns out that this is a fire-breeding gourd, and the temper of the spirit is quite bad. Most hate others to look at it with a squint.

Behind the fire gourd, there is a panting scholar and a monk who is desperately chasing the gourd, but he can't catch up.

When I saw the gourd hit Ning Fan, the scholar of the book suddenly became anxious. "Grandpa Hulu, I beg you, don't hurt anyone anymore! I can't afford the money!"

"Hey!" The gourd was very arrogant and snorted, and completely read the words of the scholar.

Then, the gourd ignited a raging fire, and the bull banged to Ning Fan.

And then…

It was caught in the hands of Ning Fan, and all the flames went out in an instant.

"Hey! So strong!" The scholar’s ​​face changed, and it seemed to be shocked by Ning Fan’s cultivation.

To know that this fire gourd is not a common magic weapon, it is the old grotesque in the early days of the vacant, and does not dare to hit the hoist with an empty hand, and it is even more impossible to extinguish the sage of the gourd.

Ning Fan can do this, there is only one reason, he is stronger than the beginning of the empty, at least it must be late!

"Well? This gourd..." Ning Fan suddenly frowned, and it is reasonable to say that a piece of the day after tomorrow, Nie Fabao, is not worthy of his care.

But there is a hint of breath in the gourd, which makes him unhappy, making him extremely familiar!

Actually it is the breath of the Emperor, this atmosphere, Ning Fan can not forget!

Ning Fan took a deep look at the gourd in his hand, and glanced at the scholar who flew to the front, and understood.

It turned out that this scholar was actually calculated by the Emperor of the Palm, so the body will have a slight incomprehensible breath...

In the four days, there are countless people in the hands of the Emperor, and it is not surprising that there will be people in the North.

Ning Fan is not a person who cares about nostalgia, nor does he have the good intentions to save a scholar who meets with each other. What is curious to him is that it is only a coincidence that the person who was counted by the Emperor of the Great Movement appeared on the ancestral palace.

Or is it true that in the southern days of the Emperor of the Games, in fact, there is concern about the ratio of the Palace of the World, and even some layout?

"The younger generation Sun Liang, I have seen the predecessors. I am not afraid of the seniors' jokes. The younger gourds are somewhat disobedient. They always like to run around and hurt people. Fortunately, the seniors are fine, otherwise the younger generations will have no place to be self-sufficient. Offended, I also hope that the predecessors Haihan." Dao, he was only repaired in the early days of the crossing. In the face of Ning Fan’s 'fair ancestor', he needed to be careful, not to mention the danger of hurting Ning Fan, but he was afraid to find him.

"Don't obey the gourd? Oh, interesting, so, remember to be optimistic about your magic weapon next time, so as not to ‘injury’ others again.”

Ning Fan looked at the scholar like a smile and smiled. The word hurts a bit, and it seems to mean something.

As soon as this statement came out, the scholar suddenly changed his face and was about to defend. Ning Fan suddenly became nervous. He talked to the gourd and talked to himself. After he talked to himself, he threw the gourd back to the scholar.

"What is Sun Liang? I am so self-sufficient."

In the gloomy eyes of the scholar, Ning Fan warned with a sigh of relief and drove away.

"Is my heart, if this person has broken my calculations, it should not let me go, it is even more impossible to return the gourd..."

The scholar secretly drummed inside, suddenly thought of something, sneered, determined that after Ning Fan went away, he replied to the gourd. "You know this person is very powerful, right? I clearly said that you are only allowed to attack the following Passing the monk, but you are attacking this person, almost causing me trouble! I should tell you, don't worry, be patient with appetite!"

"Hey!" The gourd seems to be only cold, temperamental, and ignores the scholar.

When I saw it, the scholars also felt a big headache, and they advised the gourd. "Grandpa, I know that you are hungry, want to eat some monks, but you have to be patient, patience? If you don't obey, I can't. Help you to recover to a higher level. Do you want to be a law-abiding weapon forever? Don't you want to change back to the original cannibalism? Listen to me, first eat some low-ranking monks, silently Eat, wait to restore some grades, and then eat those empty, broken old monsters, step by step, must not worry."

"...good." The gourd was silent for a long time, and finally it was sighed. It seemed to be convinced by the scholar.

Seeing to persuade the gourd, the scholar breathed a sigh of relief, and took the gourd to find the next single prey...


"Can you eat a gourd? It turns out that the gourd is not trying to attack me, but wants to eat me, huh, huh, it is not small."

On the rain dragon that went away, Ning Fan’s eyes could not be checked for a cold, and the chill was recovered in a blink of an eye.

If you are not concerned about the breath of the Emperor, but also want to see the follow-up development, he said that he must not raise his hand to get rid of Sun Liang.

Of course, even if he doesn't shoot, Sun Liang can't live for long.

It is not difficult to see the number of life of a monk who is a martyr in Ning Fan. He can see at a glance that Sun Liang faces the death phase and must be violent in January.

Sun Liang, this is the rhythm of being killed by the Emperor...

I just don’t know what the benefits of the Emperor’s ability to get from this matter; whether this matter will be related to the legacy of the palace...

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy