MTL - Grasping Evil-Chapter 1235 Not a week!

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The death of the quasi-holy is not the same as it is, let alone the people of Fuze Zhenjun.

In this battle, Ning Fan annihilated the infinite blessings of Fuze Zhenjun I. After the war, the mighty blessings scattered in the heavens and the earth, without the Lord, can be turned into a golden sky.

It is a pity that these blessings blend with the suffocating sorrow of the quasi-sacred, and the golden light is surrounded by blood. In this way, the leisurely generations dare to absorb and refine these blessings, simply ignore them.

Numerous monks rushed back to Shishishan, shouting words such as "Morality is invincible, Zhao predecessors and victors", and they are extremely sought after for the killing of Fuze Zhenjun.

Those fanatics, Ning Fan is too lazy to pay attention to, compared to the famous name, he is more interested in this blessing.

With his magic path, why not be afraid of the sacred sacredness, and letting these blessings be exhausted, it is better to swallow these blessings and use them for him.

What is blessing?

The concept of blessing seems to be very close to the air transport, which is actually very different.

People with good air transport can frequently get big chances. For example, if someone walks on the road, suddenly they will reach tens of billions of crystals. This is the air transport; when they return, they will encounter repairs and be killed by people. This is Fu thin, no blessings to suffer these windfalls.

People with good fortune are different, people with good luck can be blessed, and those with bad luck can also be blessed. The good or bad of air transport is enough to affect the gains and losses, and the blessings of this kind of thing, many times have nothing to do with gains and losses, the ancient sayings have clouds, and it is this reason that Sayong loses his horse and knows what is wrong.

Air transport can pave the way for you, but blessings can get you to the end of the road. The two are actually complementary, but together they happen to be a complete circle.

This name is called the beginning and the end.

Of course, it does not mean that if you have a blessing, you will be able to get a good end, but you will have more opportunities than ordinary people to go to the end. If you are self-proclaimed, you will have to provoke the cause and effect that you should not provoke, and you will die if you die. For this reason, the more blessed people in the past and the present, the more they like to avoid the evil and the good for others; like Fuze Zhenjun, who are in the blessings and prefer to cause trouble, they are very few aliens, and there are many embarrassing deaths.

"Air transport is like an umbrella, it can keep out the wind and rain, but it may not be able to stop the wind and rain. If I want to go in the rain, go against the sky, how much is still wet clothes; blessing is different, blessing is fire, drying is wet The fire of the gas, even if I accidentally wet the rain, as long as the fire is warm enough, after all, the rain can be dried..."

Ning Fan talked to himself and saw that there was no convergence in the blessings of the sky. He simply crossed his knees between the heavens and the earth, and absorbed the heavens and blessings.

Of course, the quasi-sacred suffocating scent in the blessings also did not leave all of them. Seeing that Ning Fan swallowed the quasi-sacred face, he was not red and not breathing. The Northern Heaven monk was shocked again!

Both shocked the high-level cultivation of Ning Fan, and also shocked Ning Fan's noble sentiment!

"The land of the Northern Heavens, there may be others who can kill Fuze Zhenjun, but dare to directly engulf the quasi-sacred people like Zhao's predecessors, I am afraid it is hard to find the second one. It hurts the human heart and pollutes people. Yun Fuze, that is, those second-order quasi-sacred sacred sacred to kill Fuze Zhenjun, fearing that it will take thousands of years of hard work, in order to carefully wipe away the suffocating suffocation. Even those who rely on suffocating and repairing The ancient demon, afraid to dare not face such a suffocating. Zhao predecessors can do this, praise the way to pass the sky really can not be too much!" This is the conclusion of a slightly more rational monk.

"The place where the quasi-sacred land is fallen, the suffocation must remain at least for a thousand years. If no one is arrogant, the heavens and the earth will be filthy for thousands of years. How can the monks in the palace still dare to succumb to cultivation? Hai Wanli clear sky, Zhao predecessors do not hesitate to contaminate the red dust, give up their body and raise their temper, absorb the temperament of the sky, this is a noble feeling! Too dazzling, the personality of the predecessors is really dazzling!" This is the brainwashed Zhao Jian believers in the second .

you are enough…

Ning Fan is too lazy to listen to the voices of the aunts around, simply shielding the vast majority of outside noises, shutting down the gods.

The monk's thoughts are either kept inside or sent outside. At this moment, Ning Fan will be able to recover the gods and minds scattered in the outside world. There are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the outside world’s aunts are successfully blocked. The downside is the sound of the ants in the heart. The volume is turned up innumerable times. Can no longer be ignored by Ning Fan.

Yes, most of the time, Ning Fan is shielding the inside, so as not to hear the noise of the ant and the dusty Yin Ji.

But this time, rather than listening to those flattering, he would rather listen to the boring quarrel between the two women.

Ant Master: "I solemnly remind you of the 10,750 times, my lord is the first monk from ancient times to the present!"

Xiao Dian Yin Ji: "I denied your opinion in the first thousand and seven hundred and fifty-three times. I will be the strongest monk in the world!"

Kitty Dark Lord: "I denied the views of the two of you in the 566th time. I don't know what Hongjun and tears brothers are. In my heart, my Lord Ning Fan is the strongest in the world!"

"Hey, how come a voice is arguing in my sea... it’s the sound of a kitten..."

Ning Fan is speechless.

Since he is shielding the inside of most of the time, he does not know when to start, the Dark Lord also joined the boring quarrel between the ant and the Yinji.

Although the Dark Man is waiting in the Xuanyin world, he can communicate with Ning Fan directly through the mind and heart. The Xuanyin boundary is in the body of Ning Fan, and it has a connection with Ning Fan. Therefore, it is not difficult for the Dark Devil to do this, and this is the acquiescence of Ning Fan.

When Ning Fan was weak in the past, he said that he would encounter a big enemy when he needed it. He needed the help of the Dark Devils. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a certain degree of contact with the Dark Lord.

Unexpectedly, one day, the Dark Devils would make a good idea, and through these hearts and minds, chat with the ants and Yin Ji of Ning Fanzhihai.

Ning Fan’s good knowledge of the sea has become a chat room for three women. It’s ridiculous to think about it...

"Every quiet for a while! I am absorbing the blessings of heaven and earth, your voice is too noisy, affecting me to cultivate!" Ning Fan is not pleased.

"Sorry, master! The black devil disturbed the master's cultivation, sinned to death, please the master to sin..." The black devil blamed himself, and he was guilty of a serious crime.

"It is not necessary to reduce sin. You are quiet for a while..." Ning Fan sighs, the kitten is good, it is too rigid, too respectful.

"The master has orders, the black magic is omnipotent!" The first woman was quiet.

"Sorry, master, Yin Ji, then shut up, wait for the master to finish, and then quarrel with the stinky ant." Although in the heart of Yin Ji, a drop of tears to her faceless talent is the most important person, but she is after all Like the Dark Lord, it is based on Ning Fan, so the order of Ning Fan is still very much obeyed.

So the second woman was quiet.

"Hey! The sage of this palace, why listen to your orders, you make this palace quiet, this palace is quiet, this palace is not like the ash scum, nine civet cats, become your slave! Of course, if you really want to be quiet After a while, this palace can also be full of compassion and give you a moment of silence. But this is not because the palace is afraid of you, but it is only the palace that pity that you are not easy to practice as an ant, so you do not want to disturb..."

The ant is proud of her, she is really a little fearful of the gods and gods, so deliberately said a long line of words, trying to cover up the inner awe. Unfortunately, she and Ning Fan's mind are connected, she thought carefully, how to get through Ning Fan.

"The sage of the church, I will be awed by me..." Ning Fan felt awkward. When he was a wizard, he felt that the ant had become more obedient to him. This time he was really convinced. The ant Lord was awed by him.

"Wait, Ning Xiaoyu ants, have you just said that you are absorbing the blessings of heaven and earth?" The ant Lord suddenly asked, she was somewhat concerned about the blessings of heaven and earth absorbed by Ning Fan.

"You are connected with my heart, whether I am absorbing the blessings of the heavens and the earth, you can not know, why should you ask more questions." Ning Fandao.

"Isn't this class just busy quarreling? I can't ignore you. Ok, let the palace flip through your memory and see what you just did... Hey! You actually killed another one. Quasi-holy, and killing is actually a great blessing. Unfortunately, through your vague memory, this palace can not judge the quality of the blessing of the other side scattered, but I also know that the Fukuzawa monk in the fantasy world can repair What level of blessings? At most, some of the last blessings. This kind of blessing is not worth mentioning, otherwise the palace can teach you how to condense the merits of the umbrella..."

“Gongde umbrella?”

Ning Fan and the ant master communicated with each other, only turning over the idea of ​​the ant master at the moment, they learned what the meritorious umbrella is.

The so-called merit umbrella is actually the final form of the air transport umbrella. The fairy tales are nine colors, and they are condensed into umbrellas. The nine are extremely rare. After the nine colors, there is no decath, but the air transport umbrella is advanced to become a big umbrella.

Gongde umbrellas can only be repaired by saints, but there are also some people who can make meritorious umbrellas in the second step, and take advantage of the merits and umbrellas to resist the annihilation.

As a meritorious saint, the ant master certainly knows how to condense the merits in advance.

The invincible robbery of the sacred umbrella can resist, and the strong defense can be seen. Ning Fan is the first to hear about this thing. If it can be repaired, it is also a beautiful thing.

The problem is that his relationship with the ant is not good. Even if the ant is awed by him, he can't take the initiative to help him to gather the merits.

The ant must have its purpose, either because it has a bad heart, or that it is equally profitable for her.

"You and I have the same connection, this palace does not marry you, help you to gather the merits of the umbrella, it is really good for this palace. If our generation of merits and saints help others to achieve merit, they can extract a certain amount of merits of the other party into their own. If you can gather the Gongde umbrella with the help of this palace, the palace can at least take away one-third of the merits of your umbrella and inject it into your own umbrella. This is a matter of mutual benefit, the palace of course I don't mind helping you, but unfortunately, the first premise of the secret umbrella technique known to the palace is that it must have a high quality and quantity of blessings. Listening to your words and absorbing the blessings of heaven and earth, this palace only thought of the merits of this umbrella. It’s a pity..."

The ant master feels a pity, but she wants to help Ning Fan to condense the merits of the umbrella, and thus draw from it, but unfortunately, the world where Ning Fan is located is a fantasy world, and it is so easy to find a blessing and meritorious umbrella.

Although she is awed by Ning Fan, she still hates Ning Fan. If you can draw the power of merit on Ningfan Umbrella, it is equivalent to taking advantage of Ningfan. She can't kill Ning Fan, she doesn't dare to insult Ning Fan, and now she can only find opportunities to take advantage of Ning Fan to comfort herself.

"It turned out to be."

Ning Fan does not mind being taken advantage of by the ant master. If the ant can really help him to gather the merits, even if he will be drawn by the ant, the one who earns the most is actually him.

He has the same mind as the ant, so he can see the method of condensing the umbrella in the heart of the ant.

This is the secret law of the sacred sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sacred sect. It was rumored that the first generation of Hong dynasty was transformed into a human being. It was seriously wounded in the wilderness world and was broken by the ridge foundation. Afterwards, it was hit by the destruction of the starry stream. Because the people of Bonn gave the bone umbrella, they avoided it. When the first generation of Hongjun was transformed into a human being, and then wanted to find the benefactor's woman, it was impossible to meet again in nine days. In addition to sentimentality, the first generation of Hongjun created a gift of secrets, not only to help the disciples to reduce the difficulty of sanctification, but also to hope that the disciples will walk in the endless cycle, you can meet the benefactor again, with an umbrella Mingzhi.

In the Hong Sheng Shengzong, the saints who have become sanctified can use the secret technique to “borrow” the merits of their own merits to the second step. If the other party can really converge with the help of his own help, then one-third of the strength of the opponent's meritorious umbrella will be forced to "repay" to himself.

Of course, if the qualifications of the other party are too bad, or the materials are insufficient, and eventually the colander fails, the person who borrows the merits of merits will not be able to return, and can only lose the power of merit on the umbrella.

In the sacred sacred sect, the sword holder can be listed as a superior disciple.

In the Hongzong Shengzong, the Kunlun swordsman can also be listed as a superior disciple.

Mixed with the main sea, Hongjun main mountain. The dynasties of the past are all from the sea, and correspondingly, the dynasties of the past are from the mountains.

Kunlun sword is the Taoist soldier passed down from the second generation of Hongjun. Legend has it that the second generation of Hongjun was the only one who swallowed Kunlun Mountain.

But in fact, within the Hong Sheng Shengzong, there is still a kind of weapon that can be used as a status symbol, and the identity represented by it is higher than that of the Kunlun sword. That is the special merits and umbrellas passed down by the first generation of Hongjun.

If you are not holding an umbrella, you can enter the ten steps in front of the Hongzu ancestor. The status is the same as that of the Zong Nei generation, and you are at the same level as the Yuanshi saints and Tongtian saints! You should know that when the fourth step is to reverse the teaching of the altar, the closer you get, the better the benefits you get. The ten-step lectures are even enough to make those saints who are trapped in the bottleneck break through the training and advance to the next age. The cycle of reincarnation!

As for the identity of the Hongyi generation of disciples, it is even more famous and much more noble than the average saint.

"Isn't it an umbrella? It's not a word on Tuesday. I haven't heard it for the first time. It's a coincidence..." Ning Fan was slightly addicted.

The first time I heard about it, I heard the name of the red dress.

The second time I heard that it was not a week. When I built the counter-sea sword, I got a lot of drawings of the ancient figure soldiers from Wu Lao Ba. One of them was mentioned.

The third time I heard that it was a bad time, it was a coincidence that Ning Fan had a small stone. After the dialogue, I knew that the material name of this small stone was a ridge that was extremely advanced.

As a result, Ning Fan integrated this small piece of ridge into the anti-sea sword of the Taoist army, making the structure of the counter-sea sword completely deviate from the original drawings, and the grade has improved a lot.

The fourth time I heard about it, it was in the strange nursery rhyme.

In the midst of it, Ning Fan seems to have great cause and effect, which is consistent with the word that is not Tuesday.

When he was weak, he could not detect the cause and effect, but now, the more he cultivated, the more he felt the great cause and effect.

"Not a week umbrella..." I read the name of the umbrella again. Ning Fan did not know why, and felt a bit of pain and strangeness.

That kind of strangeness is the discomfort caused by the wrong cycle of time and space.

The kind of sorrowful pain, like the rootless water, came out of nowhere, and did not come from the ground. Ning Fan’s thoughts were originally set off from the umbrella and thought of an irrelevant discourse.

That was the whisper that he couldn’t hear before the ruthless sect of the sword ancestors.

But now, he actually heard it, and recalled that sentence!

"She, once in my reincarnation, gave me an umbrella... If this umbrella experience is not in the past, then... in the future..."

Ning Fan seems to understand what it is, but it seems to be still unconscious.

Unable to come, he actually had a few urgent emotions, and wanted to quickly condense a special umbrella of special merits called the umbrella.

Unexpected, he suddenly became interested in the story of the ant and the Hongjun. He wanted to ask why this ridiculous ant would be so loyal to her master. The kind of loyalty that the meteor does not change is the few human highlights on the ant.

"How did you meet your master?"

Listening to Ning Fan and asking his own master, the ant master was so blushing that he was so ugly, "I have to meet with my family, why do you tell me! It is my secret!"

For the first time, she did not claim to be the palace...

Although she did not tell Ning Fan that she had met with this generation of Hongjun, Ning Fan still learned everything directly from the ant's heart through the advantage of the mind.

A long time ago, the ant was not an ant, but an ordinary ant on a fairy mountain.

On that day, this Xianshan suddenly encountered innumerable robbery, and the sky was bloodless and bloody.

The ant thought that he would die, but at this moment, the man in the sky suddenly came out with a red man with a bone umbrella. The man couldn’t see the face. The ant only remembered the man, condensed with the sadness that could not be resolved. Holding an umbrella, walking in the bloodless rain, the other hand, but carrying the head of an ancient country god.

"You hit my ridge, this hatred I can forget, but you hurt her fire and bones, even if the ancient king of God pleads for you, I can't spare you!"

"But her, where is it now..."

"She, who is it..."

"The nine hundred reincarnations, can not find all the way, but also find it is a stunned, suddenly look back, knowing is looking for flowers in the mirror..."

"If there is another hundred, it will be full of thousands. If I find you a thousand years of reincarnation, you still have not appeared, I will destroy this world, go to the next fourth ring of heaven to find you..."

It is impossible for an ant to understand the words of the people. What is strange is that she can hear the words of this person!

The ant Lord will never forget the thrilling scene. The man with the bone umbrella suddenly came to her, just as the whole world is approaching her, just like all the mountains and seas in the world are following this person. Move and move to match the pace of this person! The man may not have noticed her at all, just holding an umbrella and waiting for the rain to stop, and she was hiding under the umbrella, hiding, and avoiding the bloodless rain that should have been ordered.

After the rain stopped, the man left.

The ant master swears silently in the depths of her heart. If one day, she can be transformed into a human being, stepping into the road of comprehension, she must find the man who holds an umbrella for her, and repay her life!

Even if the man did not remember to save her little ant, she must climb into his life and smash his bones.

Promise this life, only respect one person!

"I can't think of it, you are so eager to repay the ants, only for others to save, they are willing to give up all life and death, but I used to be a small one. Unfortunately, you and I are enemies, otherwise I really like you. The personality, Qing Ben Jiaren, but from the thief..." Ning Fan exclaimed.

"Damn! You dare to peek at the memory of my first encounter with the master! It is no problem to peek at the memory, you actually dare to swear that my master is a thief! I want to kill you!" The ant was mad, and he was so angry that he was gnashing his teeth.

"You want to kill me? It's a pity. Now you and I know the sea, you can't play any repairs, but you can't kill me. Well, I don't talk nonsense with you anymore. I have to look at the heavens and the blessings here. Is it enough to cultivate a meritorious umbrella?"

Ning Fan pumped the gods, spread the minds, ignored the flattering of the aunts of Shishishan, and once again explored the blessings of the scattered world.

According to the knowledge obtained from the memory of the ant, in the real world, the blessing of the world is the last blessing; the inheritance of the first, the less than three, for the next blessing; the inheritance of the three, less than ten, for the medium blessing; inheritance ten The world, the ones who are less than one hundred, are the best blessings; the ones who are endless are the ones who open the heavens.

"I remember that before the death of Fukuzawa, the king seemed to mention the fifth world. Is it because his blessing is the middle level of the fifth generation? If this is the case, this blessing is enough to bring together the merits."

Ning Fan tried several times, but found that his level of God is far from enough to identify the level of blessing.

Since God did not perceive it, he simply talked directly to the blessing of the sky.

"Tell me, your level of Fukuzawa." Ning Fan said.

"Communication of nature! This is the communication of nature! Zhao's predecessors are actually communicating with the world itself, this is what extraordinary power!" More aunts sounded.

"This is another way! He used to chat with Chu and flowers in the Chu family. Now he is chatting with the blessings of the sky..." North poetry is a pretty face. When she was in Chu, she saw Ning Fan and Hua Cao Cao dialogue. I once thought that Ning Fan was guilty of madness; now I know that Ning Fan is an ancient overhaul with supreme cultivation. It is both an ancient overhaul and how it may be a madman. She misunderstood Ning Fan, she is really stupid.

This is a blessing answer, only Ning Fan can hear.

"Sure enough, the blessings here are enough to cultivate the merits. This is the case..."

Ning Fan was hesitant, and suddenly he raised his hand and gave birth to a violent wind with the supreme power. All the people around Shishishan were blown out of the area.

Including Yuan Yao mother and daughter, including Haisha Emperor and others, he did not want anyone to stay in the Shishishan range, only because the process of agglomerating the merits of the umbrella is full of great momentum, once it has spread, even Xiandi is enough to hit.

It is equivalent to sending a death to someone who is not enough to stay here.

"To condense the merits umbrella with the technique of not being umbrellad, it is necessary to prepare three pieces of airborne umbrellas with a minimum of the seventh color of Xianyun, a large amount of good fortune above medium quality, and a congenital level umbrella magic weapon that acts as a physical umbrella. My air transport Although the umbrella did not break through the eighth color, it was barely enough to practice the merits of the umbrella; the blessings were equally abundant; as for the physical umbrella, there was exactly one in my hand..."

Ning Fan took a storage bag and took out the Tiantian jade umbrella of the congenital middle class.

This is the sacred treasure that Shui Shui has been searching for for many years. It is the device of the Yushi’s title. Once the rumor has been repaired, it can be used to promote some kind of magical power.

However, if you have a powerful title, can you still have a good Umbrella?

Gongde Umbrella is used as a defense, enough to withstand the looting of sanctification! This is the treasure that can help people become sanctified. Once they are completed, the second step is to repair them. Basically no one can hurt Ning Fan by attack!

The second-order quasi-sacred, the ancient overhaul is not enough, unless it is the ancient overhaul of the ancient level of the ancient times, otherwise I would like to break the Ning Fan's merits and defenses!

Zhou Tiangong deka, the defense is not to talk about it, non-sacred attack can not be broken!

"Dou Tianyu Umbrella, you can be willing to become the umbrella of Ningmou's Umbrella, carrying me to be alive and meritorious?" Ning Fan actually chatted with Dou Tianyu umbrella.

Chat, of course, is worried that Doumu Yuyu is not willing to become an umbrella. If this magic weapon rejects this matter, the success rate of the Condensed Umbrella will drop a lot. Ning Fan can only find other umbrellas to act as umbrellas.

The tone of Dou Tianyu Umbrella is very cheerful. It seems to realize that it is a huge opportunity to become a meritorious person of Ning Fan. There is no reluctance for this matter, but it is very much expected.

Because this matter is not the same as destruction, but a sublimation of existence.

It will become a treasure that goes beyond the second step!

"That's the case... I am the order of the Ningfan, the heaven and earth Fuze, into my umbrella! The weather in the week, all into my umbrella!"


In the moment when Ning Fan started to refine the umbrella, within four days, if two people felt it, the complexion changed dramatically!

One of them is Beihai Zhenjun, the owner of Shuizong. He is visiting friends in Dachuan, a famous mountain in northern China. He wants to find a helper to deal with Ning Fan and recapture the umbrella of Dou Tianyu.

"Crazy! Crazy! You want to destroy the Dou Yuyu umbrella before I find you revenge! You want to ruin my Shuizong treasure! You are looking for death! Looking for death!"

Beihai Zhenjun was furious, and he could not tolerate Ning Fan’s behavior of destroying Dou Tianyu Umbrella. He must immediately shoot and stop Ning Fan at all costs!


Nantian, the Emperor of the Palm is retreating and repairing, and absorbs the weather of the week.

He faintly felt that he was nearing the breakthrough of the Taoist source and the last channel of the Tao. What was lacking was only the accumulation of time.

"As long as the total amount of air transport between the heavens and the earth does not fall sharply, I have the confidence to completely enter the realm of the Qiyun dynasty within a hundred years! The Taoist system can fight the saints. If I cultivate such a realm, the purple dream dream world Between the Great Purple Mountain, the Big Four Doosan, and the Four Devils, what other people are my opponents? How about the resurrection of the ancient times? In the middle of the bones, it will not last for a few years, and you can compete with my system! How can it be killed? For example, killing chickens! How can the ancestral kings of the rivers? I eat food! Niu Manshan, undead, demon, three immortals, destiny, black and white Respect three corpses, ancient painting spirit... and so on, can kill! The only thing I need to be jealous in this world, only the five major variables left by the Emperor of the Purple Emperor, will not be against the crane, the axe, the bell ghost, the river, the devil When the worms are completely destroyed, they can't really destroy the Zishandouhai! The last purple yin reincarnation that can't be ended in the past is because of this matter. Besides, I really got the five changes, I I will ask for help from the palm of my hand. I am sure that he is very happy to re-enter the Zishandouhai. Times, shameful! "

The Emperor of the Palm almost wants to scream in the sky to relieve the depression that has been lingering for many years.

At this time, the Emperor of the Palm suddenly changed his face.

However, he was surprised to discover that the total amount of the weather in the four days and nine circles was being cut at an alarming rate, and it seemed to be taken away by anything.

If this matter is not stopped, once the weather is seriously lost in the four days and nine circles, it is said that it has been cultivated for centuries, and it is impossible to repair him for more time, unless the total amount of gas in the heavens and the earth is restored!

"Who is it! Who is bad for me! I want to kill you! Kill you!"

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