MTL - Grasping Evil-Chapter 1261 Fishing reincarnation in the Miluo River

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The battle of Dao-Nian, often wins and loses in an instant, but at this instant, it is really just the perception of outsiders.

For those involved, a battle between Taoism and thought may even last for thousands of years-like a dream in a yellow beam, but a dream for a hundred years, but in fact it is only a short dream.

But the battle of Dao-Nian is different from the dream.

The war of Dao Nian is even more dangerous than the real battle. One carelessness is the end of Dao Beng's death, and the soul cannot escape.

At the moment when he was hit by Qu Ping's Dao Nian, Ning Fan felt a ray of mind involved, faintly feeling away from the body, pulling towards the direction of Qu Ping's mind and mind world a little bit.

"Don't fight with this humanity!" It was the Ant Lord who issued a warning.

With Ning Fan's strength, if he resisted this incident, he would definitely be able to prevent his mind from leaving his body and avoid this battle; but if he accepts the Dao-Nian War, his life and death will be unpredictable.

The Ant Lord is connected to Ning Fan's life, and he doesn't want Ning Fan to take this risk for nothing. You have a pile of trump cards on your body, an overhaul puppet, an umbrella of merit, and a newly-understood master-recognition technique. Even in the face of multiple ancient overhauls, you can protect yourself-the big deal is to be beaten. You have to flee, but the chance of losing your life is minimal. Why do you play a Dao-Nian War with people? Isn't true (for) a knife (for cheating) really (for shooting) shooting (hanging) not fragrant?

"Sorry, I don't plan to refuse this battle."

Ning Fan shook his head.

Others might choose to refuse this Nian Zhan, but he didn't intend to do so. Because of his own way, it is paranoid, it is to use strength to overcome strength. He has been cultivating all the way to this day, and he has encountered people who cannot be defeated, and he has fled and avoided. However, his Dao Heart has never conceded, nor succumbed, nor bowed his head.

The cultivator can be defeated and retreated, but he can't be shy.

If he chooses to show weakness at this moment and choose to avoid Dao Nian Zhan, a crack will appear in his Dao Heart-this crack is not irreparable, but it will be very difficult.

And in this way, his aura will fall into a disadvantage from the beginning, and it will be the result of being timid before fighting. Perhaps all this is the real motivation for Qu Ping's ancestor Daonian's invitation to fight.

I want to give Ning Fan a start before the real fight!

"No matter what your purpose is to start the Dao Nian War, I will not avoid this war!"

Ning Fan didn't restrain his mind, but sneered slightly, releasing all his mind and invading the inner world of the ancestor Qu Ping!

However, after Qu Ping's ancestor sent out the Dao Nian Zhan invitation, he parked the dragon boat a million miles away from the Fengnv clan, watching everything about the Fengnv clan with dignity and did not move on.

"Unbelievable, this Zhao Jian actually has a way to recognize the land and clan formation of the master Fengnv clan, and bless him with the power of the Ziwei Doushu of the Fengnv clan..."

"It's not just the power of Ziwei Doushu, but I don't know why the terrain and the fortune of the sky are under his control. Even the time and space are also under his control..."

"It's no wonder that he can refine and kill True Monarch Beihai in a short period of time. It turns out that he is so capable. Being able to control one of time, space, terrain, and the fortune of heaven is enough to be included in the peak of the fantasy world, but this person can do all four of them. . In common sense, the only person who can do this is often only a saint. Will this son be a saint? If it is not a saint, why do this, and why can he freely control a mountain of saints; if it is a saint, why There are only twenty thousand calamities of mana-two thousand calories of which are not his own."

"I don't know why, I even felt a few dangerous auras from him. Any one is enough to threaten me, but he still has a few of these cards..."

"This person seems to have many secrets..."

"It is not wise to go to war with this person without knowing the details of this person..."

"Also use Dao-nian war to test the details of this person. If he does not dare to fight, he can reduce his aura; if he does, then in this Dao-nian war, I will be the other person, and I will also have an advantage and take this advantage. It's not difficult to find out the details!"

In a short while, the ancestor Qu Ping analyzed all the pros and cons, and was waiting for what Ning Fan would do. Suddenly, when Ning Fan's mind was coming, he was shocked.

"I only invite you to fight with a ray of mind, but you let all your mind come! Are you planning to turn away from the guest?" The ancestor Qu Ping was a little unexpected.

"It does mean this!" Ning Fan smiled, his expression scared of Dao Nian Zhan.

"Hey, it's really a mistake. The old man counts, but he didn't count as the true moral monarch of the famous Beitian. He was actually a demon cultivator." Qu Ping said with a wry smile.

Why did you say this?

Most monks will be cautious when facing unknown risks, or choose to avoid them for a while, or choose to be safe and prudent. Very few people will choose to fight hard and fight hard.

Only a true demon can choose this way, and only a person with this personality can defeat the heavy heart demon on the path of the demon, and finally cultivate the demon to the top.

Before coming here, the ancestor Qu Ping had already figured out. He calculated that Ning Fan was famous in the northern sky, and he was a well-known moral monarch and a model monk, and because of this, he had a wrong perception of Ning Fan.

He didn't know that these were just illusions on the surface, but rumors passed by word of mouth from the Beitian monks.

He didn't even understand Ning Fan's authenticity and nature, and he couldn't figure it out anyway, so the ancestor Qu Ping never assumed from the beginning that Ning Fan might be a demon.

In the end, there was an omission in the first round of the clash.

"When I was careless, I was turned away by this person. In this way, the old man can't control how this Dao-Nian war unfolds, hey."

Ning Fan walked in the white and white world, unable to see the way forward or the way back.

He didn't remember that he was engaged in a Dao-nian war. After all, this Dao-nian war was confronting an ancient major repairer, and the opponent was also in a state of confusion at this moment. There was no reason but Ning Fan remained awake.

The opponent is by no means weak. The cultivation base is above Ning Fan, and this is the opponent's invitation to fight. The place of battle is the opponent's mind and mind world, and the opponent has occupied the time, place, and people from the beginning.

Ning Fan was on the absolutely unfavorable side from the beginning.

Fortunately, Ning Fan went on a dangerous move, and unexpectedly released all his mind and invaded the mind and mind world of the ancestor Qu Ping. The opponent was careless, and Ning Fan invaded most of the world of mind on the spot.

In this way, Ning Fan forcibly seized the right of time and place, but there were only people making up, still slightly inferior to each other.

After all, the other party was a genuine overhaul, but what about Ning Fan? I don’t want to talk about mana alone. After being blessed by Ziwei Doushu, he is still inferior to the opponent; the biggest gap is Ning Fan’s true realm. Even if Ning Fan transforms the ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons into the gods, they still Did not break through to the immortal emperor and quasi saint on the spot.

On the realm alone, he is still a fairy king.

To break through the immortal emperor and the quasi-sage, obviously still needs a lot of insight and long years of cultivation.

In general, after Ning Fan's reversal of this Dao-Nian War, it was considered to be in a relatively fair state.

"who am I…"

"It must be remembered, it must be remembered..."

"Yes, I am Ning Fan, and I seem to be Zhao Jian, or I am Lu Bei, Zhou Ming, or something else... I seem to be doing something very dangerous, but it's hard to remember what it is..."

Ning Fan was born well, and after only a few moments, he roughly remembered who he was.

You must know that at this point in time, the ancestor Qu Ping hadn't remembered who he was from the Dao Nian War, and he was still lost in the white world.

Perhaps, being able to think of himself so quickly has nothing to do with his previous confession of himself.

When Ning Fan remembered himself, he gradually saw the surrounding scenery clearly.

At the entrance, there was surging water, and he was sailing on the river at the moment.

The boat was an old man with a gray beard with a harmless chrysanthemum smile on his face. Ning Fan felt that the old man was familiar, but he couldn't remember who this person was.

"Dare to ask Lao Zhang, who are you and where are you?" Ning Fan asked.

As soon as he spoke, he realized that he was actually a boy.

"Weird thing, I know that I have a bone age of hundreds of thousands of years, why have I become a stubborn child? Speaking of which, what is the dangerous thing I have to do. I always feel that this matter must be remembered quickly, otherwise it will Lost the first opportunity..." Ning Fan was groaning to himself, and suddenly felt a pain in his head, but he suffered a violent shudder, and his head magically grew a big bag.

"Well, you kid Ning, it's really unruly, who do you call me!" It was the old man punting that gave Ning Fan a horror.

"I..." Ning Fan tried to distinguish something.

The result was another violent shudder, and the head became two bags.

"Don't talk to the teacher! The teacher knows that your kid has studied for several years, and he is used to love and talk about the teacher. Unfortunately, it's useless! The teacher won't give you the opportunity to speak! Don't even think about what to say to the teacher The great principles of teacher kindness and filial piety! The great principles of the teacher do not understand, the world is great, and the teacher has the biggest fist!"

"I'm not…"


Ning Fan was punched with a third bag on his head, and he finally learned to shut up obediently.

I don't know the situation for now, so let's just wait and see what happens.

Seeing that Ning Fan stopped talking, the old punter nodded with satisfaction, "You can teach you!"

Then the old man ferryed the boat to the center of the river and let the boat drift along the water.

I took two fishing rods, one for his own use and one to Ning Fan.

"Why are you giving this to me?" Ning Fan wanted to ask, but in the end he didn't speak.

Because he saw the old man punting raised his fist, he seemed extremely reluctant to speak.

So in the end, he didn't say anything, but glanced at the fishing rod with his eyes to show inquiries.

"Give you a fishing rod, of course it is for you to fish! It's stupid! You Wu Yue people are so stupid, or we Chu people are smart!" The old man suddenly felt superior in IQ, and his face bloomed again. Looking directly at the wretched chrysanthemum with a smile.

"So I am from Wu Yue, and this old man is from Chu..." Ning Fan said in his heart.

Looking at the fishing rod in his hand again, Ning Fan was speechless.

"This fishing rod has no hooks!" Even if he gets another punch, Ning Fan has to slander him!

The strange thing is that after Ning Fan asked this question, the old punting man did not give him another bag, but was equally stunned, looking at the fishing rod in his hand in a puzzled face.

"I really don't have a fishing rod. Could it be that the old man's cultivation has reached this point, and he has touched the threshold of Dao Nian Nian..." The old punting man said to himself.

The old man in the boat smiled happily when he thought that he was about to turn his mind into rebellion, and even looked at Ning Fan in his dreams and felt very kind.

At this moment, Ning Fan suddenly entered the cabin and retrieved a few fishing hooks from the cabin, "Old Zhang, there are fishing hooks in the cabin."

His grandma's! I know that Dao Nian Cheng Ni is not that simple, it really is far from it!

The old man punting was in a bad mood for a moment, and he blinked when he looked at Ning Fan, and took the fish hook from Ning Fan angrily, and then smoothly made up two violent chestnuts for Ning Fan.

"Why hit twice..." Isn't it just one sentence? I just gave you the fish hook and said, okay, Ning Fan slandered.

"There was one more time before. I'm in a good mood and didn't hit you. I'll make up for it!" The old man punting angrily.

Ning Fan felt speechless. Who on earth is this old man? Not only is he grotesque, he is very stingy, and he is very long and wretched. The most hateful thing is that he actually avenged his revenge...

I kindly found him a fish hook, but he actually hit me with his fist!

But it’s weird...

"I vaguely remember my name, and even more vaguely my personality. It's definitely not a personality that was bullied. Why is this person not getting angry even after being beaten four times..."

Yes, Ning Fan didn't get angry even after being beaten four times by the old punting man. Instead, he felt very kind, as if he hadn't seen this old man for many years.

"In other words, this old man claims to be a'teacher' in his words. Could it be that he has a relationship with me? Have I really worshipped such a bad master?"

Hey, following this direction, Ning Fan vaguely felt that he could remember more things.

I always feel that I was once asked by this old man, "You must die or live"...

Yup! Just to remember in this direction!

Almost, Almost!

I almost remember who I am!

It's almost, only a little too close.

Ning Fan faintly grasped the clues of the memories, and he couldn't help but blurt out a sentence that he could not understand.

"Master, I don't know if Madam Shi has recovered?" Hey, who is Madam? Why should I ask this question.

"Boy Ning, you have a good question about this question!" The old man in the boat didn't know which nerve was being ignited, and suddenly became beard and stare, and gave Ning Fan the fifth tremor on the spot.

"You know that your teacher is an old widower on the Miluo River. You ferry here at the age of 17, and now you've passed the sixtieth birthday, but no woman ever liked me marrying me. You want to ask! Very good, so good! , I've learned how to salt the wound! You, yes!" Bang, it's the sixth thriller again.

"In other words, you have been a bachelor for 43 years, Master?" Ning Fan was slightly surprised, sixty six, minus 17, isn't it 43. I always feel very sensitive to the number 43, somehow...

"You dare to say, oh, the old man actually underestimated you before, I don't know that you are a hero who is not afraid of iron fists!" Bang, the seventh shudder.

"Sure it is 43 years?" Ning Fan really cared about 43, and would rather ask if he was punched.

Now it was the turn of the punting old man to feel horrified.

Even though he was enlightening Dao in a dream at this moment, his punches and kicks were really hurting Dao Fa. In other words, his punches could really hurt others through endless dreams.

Where did this kid named Ning Fan come from?

After suffering seven punches in his dream, he dared to challenge him so much, let alone, he really likes this kid's stubborn temper! To appetite!

"Good question! Ask a few more times, and the old lady will tell you if it is 43 years old!" Bang, the eighth, the ninth, the tenth...

This old beast man just thumped Ning Fan 43 thrillers!

Are you very interested in 43! Come, let you always remember the feeling of 43 big bags on your head!




Ning Fan was convinced, and looked at the old man with a look of "I'm afraid this old man is not a lunatic".

The old man saw that Ning Fan hadn't uttered a single 43 punches, he was shocked, and stared at Ning Fan with a look of "this kid is a good seedling and can cultivate one or two."

"Can I speak?" Ning Fan asked.

He is no longer afraid of being beaten again.

Because after receiving 43 punches, he had already seen that the old man was cherishing his talent and couldn't bear to bully him anymore.

"Yes, yes, but I suggest you don't talk too much. This is actually for your good." The old punting man explained.

"Why is this..."

"I thought you were a citizen of this place, but it turns out that you are not. I also found out after beating you 29 times..."

"Then why do you have to hit all 43 punches?"

"Stupid, this is the old man's test for you! Your boy can still face without changing his face, complaining or resenting, not hurting or itching even after hitting 43 punches. This has been recognized by the old man! I thought you were a passerby in your dreams, but now you are true to you. With the idea of ​​accepting disciples! You know who the old man is! The old man is a new saint in the real world, the Sovereign of Liangyi Han... Forget it, you don’t need to know the old man’s name, you only need to know the old man’s surname Han."

"Oh..." Ning Fan said blankly.

"That's it?" Old man Han seemed to be very unhappy with Ning Fan's reaction, wondering if this kid didn't know what a true saint meant? Does this kid come from a remote fantasy world where birds don't shit? Or, this kid is just an ordinary mortal at all. He accidentally enters his dream, but he doesn't understand how good it is to be truly accepted as a disciple by a saint?


"You don't want to be an old man's apprentice?" Old man Han subconsciously regarded Ning Fan's indifference as a decline.

Under normal circumstances, a saint has shown interest in accepting disciples for you, shouldn't you bow down and put on a pleasant smile.

How can this kid not be surprised at all, doesn't he really understand how powerful a saint is?

"Thinking or not, what can I do, am I not your disciple?" Ning Fan smiled.

"Uh, that's right. In the old man's dream, you played as the apprentice the old man adopted when he realized the life of the boatman, so naturally you can be regarded as my apprentice. But the old man looks like..." Old man Han sighed, as if sighing. Fan's stupid person can't see the difference between dream and reality.

How can the teacher-student relationship in the dream be taken seriously?

As soon as I wake up from the dream, I will return to the bridge again and return to the road. What a silly boy! In this way, he missed the opportunity to become a disciple of the saint.

Old man Han was sighing Ning Fan's foolishness, and suddenly heard the sound of breaking water on the surface.

But Ning Fan had already caught a fish.

"You kid, you can! I caught a carp just a while ago. Huh? This fish is not simple. It seems to have a trace of carp blood. It's a pity that after too many generations, the blood is already indifferent. But this It also shows that your boy Fukuze is not light, and he can even catch a carp. It is indeed an apprentice that the old man once fancyed, and was not included in the door wall!" Old man Han gave Ning Fan a thumbs up.

What I really thought was, "This kid actually caught such a big fish. If the old man didn't catch a bigger fish, wouldn't he lose to him".

Ever since, the old man Han, known as a dignified saint, finally entered the mode of serious fishing.

At this moment, Old Man Han's eyes were as bright as the starry sky, and the starry sky in his eyes was moving along a unique trajectory of reincarnation, unspeakably mysterious.

His eyes seemed to be able to see through all reincarnation cause and effect.

He seemed to be able to see through how many fish and shrimps there were in the Miluo River, killing more toads and mud.

He gently waved the fishing rod, as if it was not a fishing rod, but a whole piece of reincarnation.

He captures the causal line of every fish here, and he predicts the life and death of all fish. Most of the dying fish are fish that are about to be caught. This kind of fish is the easiest to catch and the easiest...

Ok? Why is there a sound of water again.

"Master, I caught the second one." Ning Fan caught another fish.

It's a fish that is fatter and bigger than the previous one!

"Hehe, not bad, keep working hard and catch a few more fish, and you will be able to catch up with the horse hooves running wild for the teacher."

Old man Han praised Ning Fan's fishing skills, but secretly slandered, "This kid stepped on shit", "Don't care if you are blinded" and went on.

Not long afterwards.

Ning Fan caught the third one.

Article 4.

The fifth.

Article 6.

Catch 43 carps in one go!

"Russ can teach!"

"Ok, Ok!"

"Not bad!"

"make persistent efforts!"

Old man Han was already feeling sour about Ning Fan's fishing skills, and on the surface he wanted to praise Ning Fan seriously, in order to show his magnanimity, really damnable!

It's good for me, I can't catch a fish if I try my best, don't these Dao carps feel that they don't dare to approach their holy breath, right, yes, it must be so! This group of silly fish is really **** foresight, if you have more foresight and know how many bait to make Lao Tzu happy, and don't let the kid next to you bait another one, that would be even better!

After consoling himself, Old Man Han felt much better. After seeing Ning Fan caught 43 fish, he couldn't catch more and he couldn't help but feel even more joyful.

The fish that this kid had caught before were all foolish!

Look, doesn't it mean you can't catch Article 44?

People, you can have good luck for a while, but you can't have good luck. When things come, it really depends on your own strength.

Old man Han who was in a good mood even took the initiative to pat Ning Fan's shoulder, and said with earnest consolation, "Ning boy, don't be discouraged! The most important thing about my demonic cultivators is the word state of mind. Can go up and down, can be valuable and cheap. , Can bend and stretch, be able to have or not, and there is a real magic. Fishing is cool for a while, and fishing has been cool, but if one day you can’t catch a fish anymore? That is the moment of the biggest blow and the key to the cultivation of magic. You If you can’t catch the 44th fish, the old man will never underestimate you, but if you underestimate yourself, then this magic way will no longer be repairable."

"Thank you, Master, for the point." After Ning Fan thanked Old Man Han, he pulled the fishing rod and instantly caught the 44th fish, but after catching it, he released the fish into the river.

"But in fact, I can catch more fish, but I have been thinking about the true meaning of 43 in my heart, and I don't want to catch more."

I bake!

Old man Han really wants to scold his mother!

I have seen someone who pretends to be forced, and I have never seen one who can pretend to be so!

You dare to catch 43 fish, because I only want to fish 43, I fish 0, that is, I only have 0 skills!

"Even if you don't want to catch more, you will eventually catch the 44th fish, and you will never be able to return to the state of mind of 43. Look at that fish, after it bit your hook, the lips will have The wound, even if you put it back into the river, its scar will not be erased, and its cause and effect will not disappear..."

"Master, you are wrong. If you look at the fish carefully, it doesn't have any wounds in its mouth, because I broke the hook straight long ago."

"You mean, you have been fishing with a straight hook?"


"Use bait?"


"So you can catch as much as you want?"


"Your kid is really... really a genius in fishing skills." Old man Han was hit hard, and for the first time in his life he wondered if he was a fool.

"But the magic is just a trail, don't be too obsessed with it. Remember, the important thing is not how many fish you catch, but the mood when fishing. You see as a teacher, have you ever caught any fish? You know, if For the teacher’s willingness, the 18,000 fish in the Miluo River will all be caught by me, but what about it? If the teacher can catch all the carp in this river, how can he catch all the fish in the world, let alone catch it. Common people. Manpower is sometimes exhausted, but reincarnation is infinite, so the old man is here to understand reincarnation by fishing and ferrying, and is diligent in Taoism. Do you understand?" Old man Han said unpredictably.

"Oh..." The answer was still casual.

Obviously Ning Fan didn't take Old Man Han's bragging seriously.

Obviously he really understands the temperament of the old man Han, knowing that these two old men will only kill people and overwhelm them, and will not do anything beside them.

As soon as you make alchemy, you fry the stove, and as soon as you go fishing, you go home empty-handed. Well, that's the real master.

"Weird thing, why do I know so much about this person's temperament..."

"Speaking of which, the reason why I can catch so many fish is because I have a strange understanding of the fish in the river..."

"Man fishing today, does he fish me every day..."

"Not only that, but Master just said that there are 18,000 fish in the river. I also feel a little concerned about this number..."

Ning Fan was thinking about it, and suddenly a flying dragon flew from afar.

The weird thing was that only Ning Fan could see the arrival of the flying dragon.

There are also many Chu people around the Miluo River, but these people seem to be unable to see the flying dragon, and they are not aware of the great momentum of the flying dragon.

"Did this flying dragon cover up its deeds with supernatural powers..." Ning Fan secretly said.

The flying dragon flew closer and closer, and as it approached, Ning Fan felt the breath of this dragon more thrilling.

Very strong, terribly strong, this feeling is definitely not the second step, this is a flying dragon comparable to a saint, but I don't know which stage it is.

"You kid, why do you have my clan luck!" The flying dragon hovered over the Miluo River and asked angrily.

Seeing Ning Fan fishing for 43 carps from the Miluo River again, his anger suddenly grew even worse.

"Thief! Er'an dare to catch my Dao carp line!" The flying dragon of feeling is the product of the carp of the Dao carp clan after leaping over the dragon gate.

This is really a saint flying dragon!

And the purpose of its arrival is for the clan luck of the Dao carp clan.

"I remembered a little... I seem to have killed some Taoist masters for some reason, and by some means, I won 1,500 colors from the clan..."

"Trouble, the opposing saint is calling for revenge, how can this be good..."

Ning Fan finally got a little nervous.

These nervous expressions were all caught by the old man Han beside him, and his heart burst into joy.

Hehe! The old man thought that your kid didn't know how to be afraid. How could it be that he was afraid when he met an enemy of the First Saint in his dream? If this is the case, there will be more places to be afraid of in the future. Just the first sage makes a mark along the dream you have, and you will always look for it in the future. You may not even dare to sleep. Hahaha, the old man finally found one. It's better than you.

Huh? Strange thing, why is there no trace of dreams on this kid? Could it be that this kid doesn't have the ability to dream? Or is there some supreme being that has blocked this person's dreaming ability? Keke, it shouldn't be enough, those supreme beings are so idle, to seal a junior's dream? Sure enough, it was this kid's own reason, or, he came to the old man's dream by accident, instead of relying on a dream, but using methods such as Dao Nian Zhan, Soul War, so there is no trace of the dream?

Old man Han was puzzled, but saw that Flying Dragon suddenly moved his hands, as if he wanted to kill Ning Fan on the spot.

But seeing this dragon's mouth spit out an aqua-blue dragon ball, in a short time, all the waterways between heaven and earth gathered in the mouth of the flying dragon, and condensed into a big circle of reincarnation in its mouth.

The larger the circle became more and more solid, it instantly turned into a sphere of Dao Fa light.

In that ball of light, there was unimaginable power. Once hit by it, few second cultivators could survive--except for leapfrog masters such as Luan Gu and Mo Zhong.

"No, it seems that only the sacrifice of the Umbrella can block this blow. Huh? I finally remembered the Umbrella, but I still can't remember more..."

Ning Fan was about to sacrifice his merits to the enemy, but the old man Han on the side took the first step.

But at this moment, old man Han looked cold and terrible! Although he was happy to see Ning Fan squat, but squat is one thing, and death is another!

He is a saint, who can make his debut method really hurt and kill people across dreams. The flying dragon saint in the sky is afraid that he is also good at this. If this blow is really hit, Ning boy is afraid that he will die.

Although I don't know what this kid has to do with the Dao Lei clan, but this kid... anyway, he is also an undisciplined disciple! He was once a fancy apprentice, but a small difference in the door wall!

The first sage of the trivial carp clan, dare to take action on his own apprentice, good, very good!

"Little thief, you seem to be very confident in your water method. The old man used fire to break you, how!" Old man Han sneered, and opened his mouth to spout a flame. The flame was first as cold as ice and snow, and then turned again. A group of purple and gold flames were created, and in the end, all the purple and gold fires turned into black fires.

"This is the art of the third fire origin!"

As the old man Han spoke coldly, his black fire went straight to the sky, and his murderous intention was locked on the flying dragon.

Feilong was startled, and then snorted disdainfully, "Who am I, it turns out that your Excellency is the new meritorious saint of Liangyizong. How stupid and arrogant! How dare to fight my Dao carp water with fire and Taoism, I really don’t know. Life and death!"

With contempt on Feilong's face, he spouted the blue Daofa light ball in his mouth.

The ball of light exploded and turned into a hundred thousand rivers, vowing to drown everything in front of him.

However, it was a pity that before the river flooded anyone, it was burned into steam by the black fire of Old Man Han.

Just burn it to dry!

"Impossible! Water overcomes fire, I do not attack you, and my cultivation is better than you, and because of the corpse cut, the status is higher than you, why should this be so!" Feilong's expression changed greatly.

"You know I caught 43 fish because I only wanted to catch this number!"

"You know that the old man's merits and virtues become holy, because I just want to be so holy!"

"Who told you that the merit saint is weaker than the corpse saint! The old man doesn't believe it!"

"Who told you that fire can't overcome water! The old man doesn't believe it!"

"The old man doesn't believe anyone, the only thing the old man believes is his heart! After all, this is a world that can exist by believing!"

Old man Han sneered and rose into the air to chase the dragon.

Raising his hand, ignorantly grabbing, the sky black fire suddenly turned into a black giant cauldron, smashed down at the flying dragon.


The black tripod hit Feilong's head.


The flying dragon broke a dragon horn on the spot, and fell from the sky while spurting blood. After finally stabilizing the fall, Feilong was surprised to find that he was only hit by the fire cauldron once, and his cultivation was sealed for many years of reincarnation!

What kind of magic is this, how can it be so powerful!

He has only a few disciplines in total! If you get hit a few more times, wouldn't it be hard to hit here!

The thieves are too strong! The wind screams!

"Huh! This saint has something to do today, don't care about you. Goodbye!"

"Shit! What kind of thing are you worthy to care about with the old man! Do you want to escape? The old man allows you to escape!"

Boom boom boom!

Old man Han chased after him, and smashed several tripods again and again, until the flying dragon escaped his dreams, and then he returned to the boat cursingly.

Seeing Ning Fan staring at him in shock, the old man Han suddenly felt an endless pretense. He took the fire cauldron and said calmly, "The small scene is not worth mentioning. You haven't seen the bigger scene yet. Don't be too surprised."

"Master, you are so good, do you know..." Ning Fan said in shock.

"Good boy! Do you dare to mention this!" The old man Han was ignited again, and he raised his hand in anger and gave Ning Fan another violent shudder.

Then he looked at Ning Fan with an expression of "I can't help it, I really didn't hold it! I'm sorry! I'm not convinced you call back!"

"Haha..." Ning Fan laughed silly.

I always feel that I haven't seen Master for many years, and it's nostalgic to get beaten like this occasionally.

"Forget it, don't beat you, I'll be stupid. By the way, how did you provoke the Dao-carp saint? He said that you won the Dao-cari clan luck. Is it true? You are not afraid of being caught by the mountain. Thousands of people convicted?"

"I don't remember anything..." Ning Fan said helplessly.

"Then what do you remember?"

"Vaguely remember that I came here to do a very important thing."

"Very important thing? What exactly is it, maybe remember some clues..." Old man Han frowned.

He also vaguely saw that Ning Fan was engaged in a Dao-Nian war with someone, so he strayed into his dream.

It is not surprising that this child can enter his dreamland. There is no password in his dreamland. Who can enter if he wants to? When the two meet here, it can only be attributed to predestination, after all, this is a world where predestined meets thousands of miles away.

"The old man is destined to you..." The old man Han said suddenly, headlessly.

"??" Ning Fan was startled, wondering what Old Man Han wanted to express.

"You should be fighting a daoist war with someone." Old man Han said again.

"It turned out to be a battle between Dao and Nian. Seniors told me about this. Am I cheating?" After this reminder, Ning Fan remembered something again, and remembered the Dao-Nian Zhi with the ancestor Qu Ping. The war, the specific cause, process, many details, and the past, but still unable to remember.

"Cheating? Hahaha! You should also be a demon repairer, why did you say such ridiculous words? My generation of demon repairers, you can only grab the things you can't get, and you can only grab the ones you can't grab. Only by cheating can a demon survive in the world. , As long as there is no violation of Taoism and deceive the world, it does not matter, as for cheating, it is really ridiculous! In this world, apart from what is held in the heart, there is only life and death. There is neither righteousness nor evil. Deception itself is actually It’s not cheating, but the enemy is stupid, so how can you cheat?"

"and so…"

"So don't be afraid! Regarding who is the ball and your Dao-Nian fight, come one, the old man will kill one for you, come two, the old man will kill one pair for you!"

"This, if you don’t have to take the matter of Master, I will deal with it by myself. Although I don’t remember the specifics of this battle, I know myself. If I dare to take over the Dao-Nian fight with the other party, I must have some certainty; and at this moment, I am also A master reminded him from the side that he remembered too many things. This Dao-Nian battle is already considered to be tenable and impossible to win. The only thing that needs to wait is the appearance of that opponent..."

Ning Fan rejected Old Man Han's help.

This made Old Man Han a little disappointed. He still wanted to help Ning Fan a few more times to get more chances to pretend.

Forget it, let the juniors handle the matters of the juniors.

But if the older generation came to take action against Ning, he wouldn’t sit idly by...

"Sure enough, it is better to encrypt the dreams, lest this son provoke the cause and effect too much, and attracts some terrible opponents, but if even I can't deal with it, wouldn't it be a waste of this son's life..."

"However, based on what I have learned about this son in a short period of time, this son has encountered some supreme beings in this dream, and should be able to retreat all over... somehow, I have such confidence in him. I seem to I have a deep understanding of this son’s personality, but the reason is unknown..."

In the next few days, there was no such big trouble as the Flying Dragon Saint.

Old man Han was also very happy, and continued to practice fishing every day. After seven days of practice, Old Man Han finally got a...Tellyfish at Ning Fan's order.

Immediately, Old Man Han's face was not calm.

Turtles, turtles, bastards...

It doesn't seem to be a good sign to catch this thing.

Forget it, at least this stuff is very good for stew.

"Take it for stew!" Old man Han handed the turtle to Ning Fan for cooking.

Ning Fan was slanderous in his heart, but still cooked the turtle soup according to orders.

Old man Han took a sip, and he was shocked, "You kid hides deep enough! Even the cooking skills are so good, there is nothing you can't do?"

"Samsara is like a circle. The bigger the circle, the more unknowns, and my unknowns are many, many..."

"So you are boasting that you are a **** in disguise, don't you?" Old man Han is so angry and sour.

Just about to give Ning Fan a violent shudder again, he suddenly saw someone coming to the bank of the Miluo River, looking at the endless river with desperate eyes.

"He is the ancestor of Qu Ping!" Ning Fan recognized the person at a glance.

"You didn't tell me a few days ago, don't you remember who the enemy is?" Old man Han was upset, feeling deceived.

"I really don't remember."

"Then how do you know who this person's name is?"

"I have asked about the water of the Miluo River, about the oars, about the fish I caught, and about everything that might be contaminated by this person..."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Old man Han couldn't understand.

"In short, I used special methods and learned some useful information. For the next thing, Master should not interfere, I can deal with it by myself. Master, let the ship dock, and I will meet the person."

Read The Duke's Passion