MTL - Grasping Evil-Chapter 1271 In this unspeakable world

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[Does anyone want to join the barbaric? 】

【who is it? 】

[I heard that it was an eternal immortal named Chi Yi. 】

【incredible! This female entering the barbaric ceremony was actually presided over by the barbaric **** himself, and she could enter the barbaric without surrendering the soul order. 】

[Could this woman be a disciple of the saint? Otherwise, how could there be such a special experience! 】

[No, this female identity is even more special. 】

[She is from Yunmengze, a disciple of the Holy Spirit. The repair is... the title of a master craftsman! 】

【terrible! The Taibai sage of the scorpion clan was defeated by Lord Chi Yi's organ formation! 】

[Have you heard? Master Chiyi was only a little short of making the Heaven-Opening Artifact! 】

【what a pity…】

[I heard that Chi Yi-sama chose to give up, and he doesn't want this heaven-opening tool to appear. Why did she do this...]

In Chiyi's ear, it seemed that someone was talking; but in fact there was no sound. It was just a mutilated memory, which caused an illusion in her damaged sea of ​​consciousness.

So far.

Those voices are so far away.

Inaudible, inaudible... I just think it's noisy.

"Don't be noisy, I'm about to refine the treasure for the master, your voice disturbed me..." Chi Yi muttered to himself as he stared at the watered bottle.

Fortunately, the sound in my ears quickly disappeared.

Chi Yi felt a moment of relief in Zhihai.

So her eyes became focused and pure again. A ray of cyan flame began to burn in her eyes. Under her gaze, everything in the flooded bottle was invisible.

"I can see it, I can see it all..."

"The past, and the future of this treasure bottle..."

Chiyi saw through everything in the flooded bottle with just one glance!

[Fear, fear...] The flooded bottle showed a sense of fear. It doesn't know Chi Yi, but from Chi Yi, it can feel the oppression of the superior.

It is the breath of the title of the master craftsman that makes it feel suppressed!

"Don't be afraid, she's here to help you." Ning Fan calmed the mood of the water bottle, and at the same time made a gesture, and once again used the power of the water bottle to take away the countless waves raised by the beasts.

Seeing that Ning Fan couldn't be dealt with by turning the river into the sea, the Beasts finally changed their attacking methods.

They stopped making trouble and decided to attack with brute force.

Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-

Countless giant shadows directly rammed the ancient bronze ship!

"Have you changed the offensive..." Upon seeing this, Ning Fan immediately pinched the tactics, and the whole body, together with the ancient bronze ship, disappeared into place in an instant, flashing onto countless distant seas.

Avoided the encirclement and impact of the beasts.

Then he took the watered bottle back, handed it to Chi Yi's hand, and begged, "I hope the girl will help me with the promotion of the watered bottle, and Ning must be thankful afterwards."

The tone is very polite.

It was not because Chi Yi called him "Master" indiscriminately, he really regarded Chi Yi as a servant of the district, but chose to treat each other with courtesy.

"Chi Yi don't want to thank you very much. It's Chi Yi's honor to be able to serve the master." Chi Yi shook his head, but still accepted the watered bottle obediently.

She is willing to do anything for her master, but she does not want her master to talk to her in such a virtuous tone.

After waking up in a strange world, she lost all her memories. Ning Fan is her only support, the master she recognizes. If this only reliance treats her like a stranger, it will make her more and more afraid of this strange world.

Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-

Seeing the flickering of the ancient bronze ship and escaping extremely far, the beasts roared and chased them.

Time was in a hurry, so Ning Fan naturally didn't have time to talk to Chi Yi.

In a flash, Ning Fan's figure flew out.

Almost at the same time, an island-like beast chased from behind and slammed into the ancient bronze ship.

But before reaching the side of the ancient bronze ship, the beast was blown away by Ning Fan with a punch.

Ancient Demon Breaks the Mountain!

"It's a hard body!" With a punch, Ning Fan only felt his fists tingle--the island-shaped Azure beast had a weight of almost fifty stars.

It is no easy task to knock such a beast into the air. It is difficult to do it by brute force alone. It is even more necessary to mobilize a mana. What's more terrifying is that the physical defense of this beast is too strong, and Ning Fan has a punch. The illusion of hitting the ant main road mountain!

Although the beast was not knocked into the air, it did not suffer any damage.

Ning Fan couldn't help sighing: Is this the beast that a saint can hardly kill? This defense is really scary.

"I am responsible for dealing with the beast. You continue to sail and move towards the Dao Fruit Conference." Ning Fan said this to Shi Gandang.

Shi Gandang was taken aback when he heard the words, and secretly said: Senior had been talking to Air for a long time, and finally he was willing to say something to me.

He couldn't see Chi Yi, couldn't see the old demon Smelling, and couldn't hear the voice of Ant Lord. In this way, when Ning Fan talked to these people, Shi Gandang just thought that Ning Fan was talking to the air.


Three more beasts chased after him and slammed into it!

These three beasts are as big as islands, and the collision force is far more fierce than the previous beast.

Boom boom boom!

Ning Fan blasted three punches again, one punch after another, and his fist slowly rose.

The three beasts had just been knocked into flight by Ning Fan, but the nine beasts flicked their tails, bumped their heads, and waved their claws. They attacked the ancient bronze ship without giving Ning Fan a chance to breathe.

Kancan repelled the nine beasts, and another twelve beasts chased them. They opened their huge mouths and launched a roaring attack.

Circles of dark golden sound waves spread, shattering the space, and coming in an instant.

At the very moment, Ning Fan's body was full of light, and the gods and demons appeared in the world with a roar, fighting against the roars of the beasts with their own magic roar.

Although the roar of the Azure Beast is strong, it will collapse when it can beat the roar of the ancient gods and demons.

"It's a terrible roar..." Shi Gandang's legs were frightened.

What frightened him was not the roar of the beasts, but the roar of Ning Fan.

Even though Ning Fan’s roar impacted avoiding the ancient bronze ship, Shi Gandang was still slightly touched, and immediately felt the trembling and humbleness from the depths of the bloodline.

I also feel the blood trembling, and there is more smell.

The knowledgeable and well-informed people could vaguely identify the power of the gods and demons in Ning Fan. It is because of some understanding that I feel even more shocked!

"The Ziwei immortal emperor desires the immortal demon as a fellow practitioner. He has two spirits, but in the end he also fails miserably. He has no choice but to give up the devil for immortality, but has no choice but to give up... That's it!" Duo Wen was stunned.

The hundreds of beasts chasing from the rear were all startled by Ning Fan's roar and stunned.

It's a pity that these beasts are too low in spirit. Even though he was afraid of Ning Fan in his heart, it was driven by the bloodthirsty impulse in the recipient, so he pursued it again.

After flying dozens of other beasts, Ning Fan stopped using the ancient demon to break the mountain to meet the enemy-his fist was almost paralyzed and unconscious. The flesh of these beasts is too hard!

Facing the enemy in the flesh suffers a lot.

So Ning Fan waved his sleeve, and ten rays of light flew out of the sleeve, turning into ten rain dragons, and colliding head-on with hundreds of beasts.

He also summoned all treasures such as the Umbrella of Merit and Virtue, the Sword Against the Sea, and the Remnant Sword of Zhenwu, to resist the offensives of the Beasts with their power.

This battle was fought so dimly, and the sound shook the sky; but because the battle area was the sea area of ​​the beasts that the real monks dared not set foot in, no one knew of the battle that took place here.

Half a month later, the ancient bronze ship sailed out of the Beast Sea.

Seeing Ning Fan left the sea, the beasts roared angrily, but did not continue to pursue them and chose to give up.

"Huh, it's finally safe..." Until then, Shi Gandang dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

After that, he asked Ning Fan with great respect, "Junior asked boldly, Senior, are you really a saint?"

Use your own strength to fight against the Cang Zhan Clan! Such a demeanor, isn't it a saint?

"No." Ning Fan said casually.

"Even if the senior is not a saint, there will be no difference." Shi Gandang complimented.

"No, I'm far from the saint..." Ning Fan didn't forget how many catties he was just because of other people's flattery.

Although he can withstand the attacks of the beasts, he has no way to kill these beasts, let alone a tie with these beasts; if the true saints come, no matter how difficult it is, there will always be some way to kill them. Cangju is right...

"It's a pity, the abilities of these beasts are lower than I expected. Before they could trick some magical abilities from Duo Wen, the beasts have retreated..." Ning Fan secretly regretted.

However, considering that there are more important gains from this trip, it doesn't matter if you have a little regret.

"Is this the final form of the water-filled bottle..." Ning Fan stroked the warm body of the water-filled bottle and smiled with satisfaction.

After Chi Yi's efforts for half a month, the watered bottle finally broke through the innate realm of the best.

I still remember the moment when this bottle broke through the realm, Baoguang rushed straight into the sky, and the powerful top-grade innate might swept three thousand miles across the sea.

Fortunately, the sea of ​​beasts that had passed before was an uninhabited sea, so it did not attract any powerful existence to kill people and win treasures.

If Ning Fan chooses not the third route, but breaks through the realm of the water bottle in the first and second routes, it is not known what true saints will be attracted by the precious light that this treasure breaks through...

"No, it's not right. If you take the first and second route, you won't encounter a beast attacking and set off boundless waves; I also won't happen to take out a water-drenched bottle against the enemy, and accidentally hit the enemy. Advanced bottle..."

"Of course, if you choose the first and second route, perhaps there will be new opportunities..."

Different choices lead to different destinies.

The Trial of the Son is like this.

The same is true in life.

Ning Fan continued to look at the flooded bottle.

The pre-advanced water-filled bottle is the appearance of the suet jade clean bottle, with three water drop patterns on the bottle body.

After the advancement, the number of water drops on the bottle has increased to seven drops!

You know, these water drop patterns are not decorations, but a measure of the power of the water flooded bottle.

Pour mana into the water-drenched bottle to light up the water drop pattern on it: the first water drop is fully lit, and this bottle is powerful enough to repel the fairy king; the second water drop is fully lit, enough to severely damage most of the immortal emperors; The third drop is enough to severely damage the first-order quasi-sage.

So, what kind of power will the flooded bottle that light up the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh drops of water? Ning Fan was looking forward to it.

In addition to the change in the number of water droplets, there is also a somewhat mysterious and mysterious Dao Fa breath on the water-flooded bottle today.

This Dao Fa breath is somewhat like the Ziwei Dao Fa, and some is like the Barbarian Dao Fa. It seems to be combined with the breath of the sea unique to the sea of ​​dust, and there is a breath of blood that is similar to the breath of Chi Yi circulating in it.

In the end, under the guidance of the title of the master craftsman, all the breaths merged into one and perfectly harmonized.

"That's the case. The reason why this bottle is advanced is because it has swallowed a huge amount of crape myrtle water energy. As a result, even if this bottle is advanced, it will inevitably be left with the interference and influence of the crape myrtle Taoist law. In order to eliminate these influences, Chi Yi chose to use a variety of Dao Fa auras to harmonize with the Ziwei Dao Fa, making this bottle perfect in the end... It's a magical technique!" Ning Fan was full of praise for Chi Yi's technique.

Hearing this, Chi Yi, who rarely showed emotions, showed a sweet smile. Obviously, Ning Fan's approval made her very happy.

"Your face seems a little pale..." Ning Fan frowned suddenly, and he only noticed that Chi Yi's face seemed not very good, and he looked like he was not lightly exhausted.

"The master only brought me a ray of mind to refine the tool here, so I feel a little tired..." Chi Yi explained that he was afraid that Ning Fan was worried about him.

Refining the instrument with a strand of mind is too difficult; if you refine this bottle with all your mind in the outside world, Chi Yi won't feel tired.

"It happened suddenly and didn't consider your feelings. It was indeed my negligence. Sorry." Ning Fan apologized.

"The master doesn't need to blame himself, this level of mental exhaustion can be recovered after a sleep, which is not worth mentioning." Chi Yi said relievedly.

"Well, I will take your mind away from this monument and send you to rest." Ning Fan said seriously.

"Master doesn't need to be like this. Chi Yi still has more power. If you stay here, you can help Master more..." Chi Yi didn't want to leave Ning Fan's side.

She also wants to stay here to help more and get more praise.

It's a pity that his arms couldn't stretch his thighs. In the end, Chi Yi's opinion was rejected.

Ning Fan sent Chi Yi a strand of mind out of the Feng Mo Monument, and then manipulated his body to send Chi Yi to rest.

This scene happened to be seen by Emperor Wu Gu who came to look for the teacher.

"Ah...Why is Chiyi-teacher's face so pale?"

"Could it be that Senior Ning was tossing too hard?"

"Understandable. Senior must have held back for too long..."

"Only pity the teacher, how can I continue to teach in such a state?"

"Even if I continue to talk, I still can't understand it... and let the teacher take a few days off. I'm just waiting to review what the teacher said..."

As Ning Fan crossed the Beast Beast Sea, the information of the Saint Thunder Book in the Sea of ​​Knowledge was updated.

[Event Eight: Repelled the Cang Beast, and successfully passed through the Cang Beast sea area. Earn points, ten stars. Current score, twenty three stars. 】

"After half a month of hard work, I blocked the attacks of the beasts countless times. With such a record, I only gave ten stars? Sure enough, the trial of the crape myrtle son did not focus on strength..." Ning Fan analyzed.

In the following days, Ning Fan practiced using water to flood a bottle every day.

With his current cultivation base, under normal conditions, it is enough to light up three and a half water drops without damage; if he changes his real body, it is enough to activate the power of the four waters.

If even the Ancient Demon Returning to Ancestor is used, using a water-filled bottle in the state of two demon tails can light up five drops of water, but it will suffer a certain degree of backlash.

The power of the five waters is the limit of Ning Fan.

As for the power of the six waters and the seven waters, Ning Fan couldn't use it at all today, unless it was the price of a fall, that it was only a little possible to use it.

"A person studying this bottle can only roughly understand the limits of one's own use of this bottle; if you want to accurately understand the power of the four waters and the five waters, you still need an opponent to set off..." Ning Fan was a little helpless. Only use the water-flooded bottle against the deserted sea of ​​dust, and the specific power of this bottle can't be seen at all.

"It would be great if there were enemies like Cang Haijun..." Ning Fan muttered to himself.

Shi Gandang was speechless for a while: The brain circuit of the senior master is really not understandable by the juniors like him. Isn't it good to sail in calm seas? Actually looking forward to an enemy attack, this is really...

"It's a pity, Senior Zhang Dao will be disappointed. This place is only a few days away from the North Pole Dao Fruit Conference. Here, no matter how big the enemy is, I dare not blatantly launch an attack..." Shi Gan said secretly.

However, things often change unexpectedly.

Ning Fan looked forward to the enemy's attack on his front feet, and on his back feet, there were countless fighting spirits coming from the distant sea.

"Not good! I was really told by the predecessors! Another enemy is coming!" Shi Gan wanted to cry without tears. On his way, he met Canghai Jun and hundreds of beasts, and he really didn't want to encounter any more danger.

"Don't be afraid, the previous fighting method has nothing to do with you or me." Ning Fan comforted. His divine mind was far from Shi Gan, who could easily perceive everything that happened in the distance.

"That's all right. In that case, let the younger generation change their course and spare the fight ahead..." With the principle that more is worse than less, Shi Gandang decided to bypass the fighting law sea area ahead.

But Ning Fan disagreed.

"If you change the route, it will take a few more days to arrive at the Dao Fruit Conference. Just drive the ship over!" Ning Fan ordered.


Shi Gandang persuaded Ning Fan not to move, but had no choice but to proceed along the established route.

So the information of Shengzi Lei Shu was updated again.

[Event 9: The route was not changed, avoiding potential dangers. Reduce the score, one star. Current score, twenty-two stars. 】

Because of Ning Fan's choice, Ning Fan was deducted points!

This made Ning Fan a little displeased, and there was a faint feeling of being targeted by the Holy Child’s trial; or, others did not deliberately targeted, just because the two sides have different ideas and disagreements...

As the ancient bronze ship approached, in front, the two parties who had originally fought, temporarily suspended the fight, wanting to see who came.

Seeing that the visitor was just an inconspicuous copper ship, and seeing that there was only one empty ship on the ship, and one fairy king, the reactions of the two sides were different.

Wu Laoliu felt that he had lost the blood mold for eight lifetimes.

He has been a casual cultivator all his life. He ran out of savings a few days ago, and after a lot of relationships, he joined the third-rate holy sect-the Golden Bail Sect, and ended his casual cultivator career.

I thought it would be nice to enjoy the cool under the big tree, but it turns out that he thinks too much.

The days of Shengzong's disciples were not as good as they thought. The reason is that he is just a disciple of the outer sect, and he is still an influential existence in the outer sect. The status is too low to get too many sect resources.

Because of his low status, he was yelled at by the outside deacon for five and six all day, and his life was really frustrated.

What's even more exaggerated is that he has been busy breaking through the bottleneck of the cultivation technique recently, and closed halfway, but he was targeted by the deacon of the outer door: the other side forced him to accept a certain sect mission, and if he didn't follow it, he would be expelled directly from the holy sect.

In desperation, Wu Laoliu had to bow his head, gave up all his previous efforts, and accepted the task.

The content of the task is to protect a woman and go to the North Pole Fruit Conference.

It was not just Wu Laoliu alone who performed the task, but there were more than 60 outside disciples of the Golden Bail Sect, each with a tyrannical body, with a big sword on his waist, dressed up one by one, like a mortal world escort.

Yes, the golden dart sage of the golden dart sect, originally entered the Tao as a mortal dart master, and eventually cultivated all the way to the realm of the saint.

The holy sect he established is also based on the way of the **** master, and many sect missions are related to escorting heavy treasures and protecting nobles.

Okay, just accept the task if you accept it! Wu Lao Liu thought, isn't it just to protect a woman? It is escorted by the name of the Holy Sect of the Golden Bail Sect, and there is no danger on this road. At most, it is just a bit of hardship and a waste of several years on the road. It is not worth mentioning to the monks.

The idea was good, but unexpectedly, when he arrived at the Dao Fruit Conference, he would suddenly be attacked.

How about saying that Wu Laoliu is unlucky?

Most people don't dare to attack the disciples of the holy sect, even the third-rate holy sect, there are saints in charge. Sage karma, who dares to provoke?

The problem is that the person protected by the Jin Biaozong this time has some problems with his identity, so he has trouble.

"It's numb, these bird thieves don't have long eyes. They even dare to rob the darts of our Golden Dart Sect! Kill!" Among the group of Golden Dart Sect, the leader of the outer door brother has the most grumpy temper. He gave an order, and Jin Biaozong's sea ship immediately collided with the enemy ship.

After the battle, the disciples of the outer sects suddenly swung their swords and fought with the enemy, one by one was extremely brave. I don't know, they thought these talents were robbers.

Among the disciples, Wu Laoliu's cultivation level was low, and he didn't have to go forward to fight with the enemy, but his task was also very arduous, and he needed to personally protect the mission woman.

"Why do I have to protect this woman? I also want to go forward and fight with the seniors." Wu Laoliu held a big knife and wanted to fight together; but he also knew that his cultivation level was too shallow, so he rushed forward and would only drag the seniors. Our hind legs.

From a distance, he saw that there were about a hundred people in the enemy, all wearing ghost faces, cloaks, hiding their heads and revealing their tails, and could not see the specific aura.

When they started, these people were also very careful, using the magical powers common in the real world, and couldn't see where they belonged.

There is no doubt that this is a premeditated murder! The people who came to know that they were members of the Golden Dart Sect had no fear at all. There was only one reason: the other party had a bigger backing than the Golden Dart Sect!

Among the more than one hundred enemies, there are two immortal kings and four immortal deities; on his side, only the leader of the team is in the realm of immortal kings, and immortal deity has three.

Regardless of the number of people or the high-end combat power, one's own side is at a disadvantage...

Wu Laoliu sighed secretly and looked back at the mission woman.

The woman was wearing a cloak, and she couldn't see her face through the veil. Wu Laoliu only happened once on the road and saw a woman take off her veil to reveal her face: From the looks of it, she seemed to be a 13 or 14-year-old female doll, but the monk’s appearance was the most deceptive, so Wu Laoliu didn’t know. The specific age of this woman.

This woman's breath is very cold, not only the indifference that rejects others thousands of miles away, but also the literal meaning. This woman seems to have cultivated some ice and snow supernatural powers, and she has ten steps around her body, as cold as winter.

This woman still seems to be blind and mute. Because he is blind and inconvenient to travel, he needs the **** of Jin Biaozong, right? As for not being able to speak, or is this woman just simply not loving to talk to their brash men? So you didn't talk all the way? Wu Laoliu is also not sure about this point. After all, Jin Biaozong is most concerned about credibility and will not ask too much about the privacy of guests.

"The people here are by no means kind, I'm really curious about how this female doll provokes this group of people..." Wu Laoliu said to himself.

As if hearing Wu Laoliu's words, the task girl turned her gaze: What a clear and clear eyes, but she was blind and couldn't see anything.

can not see.

Her world, from the beginning of her birth, has been in darkness.

Because I have never seen light, I cannot understand what light is and what the world is.

There is only chess in her world.

On her lush and jade fingers, there is a chess cocoon left by years of wear and tear, which is a testament to the love she has for chess pieces throughout her life.

"Although I know that you won't speak to me, I still want to ask, it's okay, why do you have to squeeze your head to the North Pole Fruit Conference? You are a chess player, right? Could it be the result, this is the authentic fruit conference? The title of the chess player awarded?" Wu Laoliu asked.

"..." The woman did not answer.

She can't speak.

So Wu Laoliu secretly scolded himself as stupid, knowing that the other party would not answer, why he asked too much, it was really stupid.

After a fight.

Fifteen disciples of Jin Biaozong died, but the group of monks with ghost face cloaks also died.

"Damn it! It's just the outer disciple of the third-rate Saint Sect, how difficult it is to be so difficult! It has damaged the three disciples of the old man!" Among the monks in the ghost face cloak, the head of the Four Tribulations Immortal King coldly snorted.

"The old man also broke four disciples. It's really bad luck! If it weren't for the order of the honor, so that I can't reveal my identity, I can use all my destiny methods. These people are actually the enemy of you and me!" The ghost face immortal king of the Three Tribulations cultivation base complained.

"Shut up! Are you questioning the orders of your superior!" The Four Tribulations Ghost Face Immortal King was shocked, and stopped the Three Tribulations Immortal King's complaint.

Upon being reminded like this, the Immortal King of Three Tribulations knew he had made a mistake, and did not dare to criticize the orders from the venerable one, so he stopped talking, and continued to fight with his head sullenly.

Just now.

The ancient bronze ship where Ning Fan was on was approaching.

Killing and robbing darts is not a glorious thing. Suddenly seeing an outsider rushing in, the two ghost face fairy kings were shocked.

Fortunately, when I swept away my spiritual thoughts, I found that the people who came were just a broken ship, a fairy king, and a deserted person, so I felt a little relieved.

"You and I were hit by someone! Don't stay alive! You deal with the Immortal King of the Golden Batter Sect, and I will sink the bronze boat!" After the Four Tribulations Ghost Face Immortal King gave an order, he flew out and headed straight towards Ning Fan. Ancient bronze ship flew away.

"These thieves are so courageous, do they dare to kill people directly without even asking about the identity of the person who came! Is so unscrupulous, is it that there is a rebellious saint standing behind these people?" The leader of Jin Biaozong, the immortal king, was The fierce behavior of the ghost face immortal king was taken aback.

While frightened, he still did not forget the sound transmission towards Ning Fan's ancient bronze ship.

"My friend, go! Don't get involved in this place!"

It was not asking for help, but a reminder, reminding Ning Fan to escape from here.

This is the style of Jin Biao Zong's behavior. When he is betting on the dart, he does not like to involve innocent people. This article is even written into the rules of the Jin Biao Zong, which is very arrogant.

"Interesting, these people are obviously in danger, so they don't ask me for help, but persuade me to leave..." Ning Fan smiled.

Ignored the reminder of the King Jinbiaozong.

next moment.

A ghost-faced monk with the cultivation base of the Four Tribulations Immortal King attacked and landed on the ancient bronze ship.

"No matter who you are, today, you must die!"

The ghost-faced fairy king sneered, and turned his hand to offer an ancient sword engraved with the Big Dipper rune.

This is the magic weapon of his life, he didn't intend to use it, but in order to kill Ning Fan this "fairy king" in a short time, he couldn't take much care of it.

"Hey, this sword breath...and your ghost face..." Ning Fan was a little concerned about the opponent's ghost face and magic weapons.

But it's a pity that the other party didn't mean to talk more, and a move was a killer move.

So Ning Fan didn't intend to talk more.

The opponent's seven-star ancient sword that was eaten in one bite.

He swallowed the ghost face immortal king with another bite.

"Huh? This time devouring the enemy, isn't the mana's a pity." Ning Fan secretly shook his head.

I didn't realize how scary the scene of eating the fairy king by myself.

Rao Shi Gandang, who had seen this move too much, was still taken aback by Ning Fan's fierce behavior.

Also frightened were the ghost-faced monks and the guards.

"Hey! Isn't Laozi dizzy? An immortal king... was actually eaten alive!" Jin Biaozong immortal king was stunned.

"No! Brother Liuchen is not the enemy of this person! The plan has changed! Quick retreat!" The only remaining ghost face fairy king, I don't know where he kicked the iron plate.

He reacted quickly and immediately decided to abandon the mission and leave the place.

However, before the ghost-faced cultivators flee, they saw Ning Fan offering to drown the bottle with water.

The endless ocean current rushed out of the water-drenched bottle, and in a flash, the ghost face monks were flooded to the point that there was no bones left.

"It's too weak... to kill these people, you can't even use the power of one water, and you can't try the power of four waters or five waters..." Ning Fan was very sorry.

At the same time, Shengzi Lei Shu's information was updated.

[Event 10: Killing 108 people of Beidouxianxiu. Earn points, five stars. Current score, twenty-seven stars. 】

"Wait...I just killed the Big Dipper Immortal Xiu? A subordinate of the Big Dipper Immortal Emperor?"

Ning Fan's face suddenly became a little complicated.

For the Beidouxianxiu, his feelings are very complicated.

On the one hand, he is a disciple of the Emperor Zidou, and he must be considered from the standpoint of Xianxiu Zidou when he acts, and Xianxiu Beidou is the enemy of Xianxiu Zidou...

On the other hand, he is the Lord of the Slaughter Palace and the Eight Generations of Killing Emperors. The people of Beidou descent in the temple are all his subordinates...

"Never mind. Although I am the eighth generation of killing emperors, these people are not people of Beidou descent, so naturally they are not my subordinates, and this is the first hand of the other party, there is no need to entangle this matter." Ning Fan shook his head. , To suppress the sigh in my heart.

Then there was some doubts.

In the previous incidents, the Holy Son Lei Shu did not reveal the identity of the enemy, only this time...

It seems that not just him, the tester, was targeted by Lei Shu, even the Big Dipper Immortal Xiu who appeared in the trial was targeted...

"Perhaps it is my illusion, I always feel...The Ziwei Immortal Emperor doesn't seem to like these Beidou Immortals."

The disciples of Jin Biao Zong were stunned!

I thought I was in a catastrophe today, but unexpectedly, he suddenly broke into an immortal king, who had the ability to reach the sky and the earth. In a blink of an eye, he wiped out more than a hundred ghost-faced monks.

Seeing that after Ning Fan had finished killing people, he was not interested in the people of Jin Biao Sect, and the copper boat drove away directly.

Upon seeing this, the people of the Golden Dart Sect were in a hurry and immediately drove the boat to chase them. While chasing them, there were still many reckless guys shouting, "Gonggong stay step", "Let me wait until I thank you before leaving."

"It seems to be the ship of the Golden Dart Sect...I want to slow down a bit, wait for these people to catch up and thank you?" Shi Gandang asked for instructions.

"No need..." Ning Fan was taken aback as soon as he finished speaking.

It was the ship of the Golden Dart Sect that chased closer and closer, and then, from this ship, he noticed two very familiar and very strange auras.

"Stop the boat and wait for them." Ning Fan ordered.

So the ancient bronze ship stopped.

The Jinbiaozong sea boat behind finally came to the front.

The disciples of Jin Biaozong expressed their gratitude to Ning Fan, thanking them for saving their lives.

Ning Fan's gaze did not stop on most people.

His eyes fell on Wu Laoliu, and he stopped for a long, long time on this person.

Very familiar and strange...this kind of feeling, could this person be...

Ning Fan looked away, and finally, his gaze fell on the cloaked woman.

"This flaming red cloak is so familiar!" It was actually the same as the cloak on the woman holding the magic monument, and even the ornamentation was exactly the same!

"It's you! No, it's not right..." Ning Fan hesitated, and finally shook his head.

The woman in front of her looked very similar to the woman's cloak of Fengmobei, but her aura seemed different.

at the same time.

A stormy sea turned up in the heart of the woman in the cloak.

Her world has always been only dark.

But at this moment, a light, so dazzling, pierced her world.

"This is... the light? It's so warm..." The woman in the cloak was suddenly moved inexplicably, and deep in her heart, she exclaimed.

For the first time in her life, she felt... the light.

But perhaps, the light was just an illusion, because she was still blind and couldn't see everything in the world.

But only, I can see the blurred outline of the person in front of me that is full of light, imaginary, real, dreamy, and awake.

Who is this person...

Who is he…

"what did you just say?"

"You call me... light?"

Ning Fan, who is proficient in whispering, heard the woman's voice inadvertently.

That voice, so familiar, so strange, so near, now far away...

Many years ago, there was also a woman who called him that...

"He can hear me?" The cloaked woman was surprised.

"Yes, I can hear it." Ning Fan.

"It's impossible... in this unspeakable world, there can be no one, can hear... why you can..." The cloaked woman couldn't believe it, but the facts were in front of her, and she had to believe it.

Just at this time.

In the windless season, there is a ray of wind out of thin air in the sea of ​​dust.

Ning Fan's hands hidden in his sleeves never admit that this wind has something to do with him!

The wind blew off the cape's hood and her veil.

So Ning Fan saw the woman's face clearly.

Suddenly, he was surprised and shouted, "...Weily cool! It really is you!"

Yes, the cloaked woman in front of her looks exactly the same as Mu Weiliang, the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven!

Rao Ning Fan's heart is like a stone, and there are also fluctuations at this moment.

Why is there a woman who looks like A Liang in this trial of the Saint Son? Is this woman a trial illusion triggered by the obsession in his heart, or does it really exist in the history of the real world? Or, is this girl really A Liang? In the real world of this era, is there an ancient heaven, is there a heavenly emperor, is there a daughter of the heavenly emperor...


The cloak and veil were blown away by the wind, and the girl suddenly let out a cry of pain.

The sun against the dust, basking on her face, she actually melted like snow, with a tendency to melt away.

"Not good!" At this moment, Ning Fan realized that he might have made a serious mistake.

He is so reckless!

He lifted the wind and blew the girl's veil, only that the girl did not want to show her true tolerance; but he had never imagined that this girl covered herself in such a way that she was only afraid of the sun, to protect herself and not to be sunburned. .

Because of his recklessness, the girl in front of him was hurt by the sun! Unspeakable self-blame and heartache, came out of thin air, and instantly flooded the entire heart.

Apart from anything else, Ning Fan put on the cape and veil for the girl.

It is also magical.

As soon as the veil and cape were put on, the flesh and blood of the girl who had been exposed to the sun immediately re-solidified, like water turned into ice, and recovered as before.

"I'm sorry..." Ning Fan blamed himself.

"Why do you have to apologize? You are obviously my benefactor. If you can really hear my voice, I actually want to say thank you. Thank you for fighting back the bad guys and saving me for the first time; I put on my cloak and saved me a second time..." The girl thanked Ning Fan in her heart.

To this stranger who was full of warmth, she seemed...not repulsive.

Unlike the rough and nasty sunlight, the light on this person is really gentle, so gentle.

"By the way, I am not called Mu Weiliang. You must have admitted the wrong person... My name is Bai Ling, from Hongjun Snow Valley. You can call me A Ling or Xiao Bai. Speaking of which, you seem to have Hong on your body. As for the breath of Saint Sect Jun, you must be the senior brother of Saint Sect? Huh? Can I call you senior brother? If so, you can also call me junior sister!" The girl named Bai Ling said happily.

"Is Bai Ling... Bai Ling, Bai Ling... Qing Ling... Hongjun Snow Valley..." Ning Fan's eyes flickered and his eyes changed visually, as if he had figured out a lot of things in an instant, but there were many key points that could not be penetrated. .

"Unbelievable,'He who is obsessed with the devil's mind, every devil is in the destiny', the criticism that the Ziwei Immortal Emperor said when he erected the monument, is it true? It's just why the breath of this woman is so similar to that of her master, is it that she is... At the same time, Duowen Fragment was secretly alarmed, and faintly saw many things from the encounter between Ning Fan and Bai Ling.

"It's the power of destiny! Is the world of every magic monument so unpredictable..." The Ant Lord who also felt the power of this world was a little bit astonished.

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
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