MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 1021 One thousand magic

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Han said that he did not know the secrets of Silas in the past, nor did he know what Silas thought at this time, but the gods wandered around. He understood the excitement in their hearts from the look of the gods.

He did not say much in the underground of Xuantu Jiuyin. After he told the instructions, he continued to reconcile his body with Xuanyin.

For Han Shuo, the battle of the gods is important. But the most important thing is to maximize the strength of your own. The city of the sky will have a broken day of enchantment. At that time, his value will be over. The **** of destiny, the **** of light, the goddess of water, Mango, these gods, now tolerate all his requirements, once he loses the value of use, I will definitely take him to the knife immediately.

From the three populations of Nestor, Darkmont, and Gulado, Han Shuo has faintly guessed the intentions of the gods and gods, knowing that they originally planned to break the enchantment of the sky, before they enter the city of the sky. I will start with myself.

For them, the threat of the devil's ancient evil spirits is no less threatening than the creation goddess!

Although according to the agreement Nestor, the dark, Gulado said that he would help him at that time, but the agreement is the most important thing, the three insidious guys can not be trusted to be a problem, Han Shuo naturally impossible Gambling on their own destiny

Therefore, the only thing Han Shuo can do is to try to improve his strength and do whatever it takes to do whatever it takes!

This is also the reason why Han Shuo would rather risk the offense of all the gods and gods, but also share the soul of the soul from the **** of destiny.

A glimpse of the naked eye is not in the body of Han Shuo, in Han Shuo's skin, pores, bones and muscles. The brain is constantly beating, Han Shuo's body is like a bottomless black hole, sucking all the sinister air into it.

The huge Xuanyin's qi comes from the energy of the gods on the mainland. I don't know how many years of energy gathered. With the help of the thrilling nine-story Xuanyin gathering, Han Shuo can maximize the scent of Xuanyin!

With the ignorance of Xuanyin, Han Shuo calmed down, and the truth was generally quiet again.

The body is always away from the magic sound valley. Han Shuo's body incarnation is swaying in the three realms of the bright life water. As long as there is a place where the war broke out, Han Shuo will appear in this body, and the gods will absorb the souls of death.

Time hastily, the battles on the mainland of the gods have intensified, and Han Shuo is happy in it, using Wan Mo Ding in the major gods.

The light, the life, the water, the three gods attack on the destiny of the gods, because their own is not broken temporarily return, the master of the bright gods led by Jar, rushed back before destroying the destiny.

Jal, they did not have a cross-border space magic array available, this time obviously lost, and when they returned to the bright gods together, the light **** domain has suffered heavy losses.

The master of the dark death and destruction of the land, led by Yalez Bolandz and others, opened the battle in the land of the earth, destroying several cities in the land of the gods, and pushing the central shrine of the earth gods!

Because of his identity, Xiaohun’s hunting gods did not formally participate in the war, but they did the job of hitting the dog. In the fierce battlefields of the earth gods, his hunting gods are like fish, and they are cheaper.

Attacking the light of the gods, the wind and the thunder and lightning, the four great gods masters see the return of the master led by Jal, and the earth gods in Yaros, Expoz their terrible killings are terrible. I had to temporarily abandon the attack on the Guangming Divine, while letting the power of the wind and thunder and lightning stay behind the earth, and retreating from the Guangming God.

This battle swept the entire continent of the gods. One of the forces is extremely dazzling, --- Han Jiaweiwei!

The number of Hanjia magic guards that came out of the eight-waste separation and purgatory array was only about one thousand, but it was the magic guards of this thousand or so that they played an odd number in battles. The Han family's thousand magic guards are like a sharp sharp knife, which is directly inserted into the heart of the earth **** domain.

Regardless of the position of the **** of the earth, as long as the encounter with the Han family, the thousands of magic guards, only the fate of being completely disabled!

There are a thousand magic guards in the district, but the cooperation is incomparable. Under the cooperation of various small magic arrays, the Hanjia one thousand magic guards will maximize the strength of the group, and it is simply invincible.

It is because of the existence of the Han family's thousand magic guards that Yaros can only rush all the way. In the land of the gods, there is no one to open the killing.

For a time, the reputation of Han Jiaweiwei spread throughout the mainland of the gods, all the gods of the war, we all know this team of sharp as a butcher knife, the masters of the wind and thunder and lightning gods are trembled, hurry Gathering the power of the hands, secretly sending people to observe the Han family's one thousand magic guards, in order to find a solution in the next battle.

Because the Han family has a thousand magic guards, the gods on the entire continent have realized the importance of cooperation and began to actively work hard in this respect, hoping to shorten the gap with the Han family.

The war is still going on. There are more than 10,000 gods who have died on the entire gods' continent. Among them, about 7,000 souls have been collected by the goddess of fate, Orsaya. Han Shuo, who has slowed down some hands, has the help of Fernando. Only collected more than 3,000 souls.

However, even if there are only more than 3,000 souls, Han Shuo feels that the power of Wan Mo Ding is getting stronger. After more than half of the souls re-refine into the devil in Wan Mo Ding, the connection between Han Shuo's body and Wan Mo Ding has been uninterrupted throughout the entire gods.

Han Shuo's body is deep in the bottom of the magic hidden valley. However, with the connection with Wan Mo Ding, he knows the situation on the whole continent well. Here, the mind is moving, and Wan Mo Ding can make corresponding actions to collect the large pieces of the soul.

At this time, the soul of Han Shuo's incarnation is not very useful. The incarnation of the world's powers is still unable to be completely integrated. Although the two souls come from the devil inside the magic, but they are not able to control the magic, they also need Han Shuo's body to mobilize the command.

On this day, Han Shuo, who was doing nothing, returned to the Magic Valley, and it was just settled. The silk suddenly greeted him and looked at Han’s body incarnation. “Brian, I have something to say to you.” pa: Cold The headache is splitting.