MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 4 The chest is as flat as the bread

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Early in the morning, the students of the Undead Department rushed to the dark school building. Jack was panicked and looked reluctant, but after waiting for Jack, after listening to Han Shuo’s plan, he thought that Han Shuo was avenging himself. Even he was so scared and cowardly, he was not as good as Brian, so Jack I finally agreed.

On a bluestone trail, there are many erected stone statues of high-class students from the Babylonian Motivation Academy. These stone statues are very tall and vivid, and the sculptures are vivid. These stone figures are the pride of the Babylonian School of Magic.

One of Brian's work is to clean the dust on these huge stone statues. When Brian was ten years old, he dragged his skinny body to do this. At that time, Brian was shorter and had to move a small ladder to complete the task. Otherwise, there would be no food every day.

Standing next to the big beard's big magician stone statue, wiping the chest of the big magister named Claire, brushing the dust out, Han Shuo said to Jack: "I said Jack, when are we two? The stone statue can also be placed here!"

"Brian, don't think about it, we are just chores. If you can eat enough, you won't be beaten every day. How can you become a magician? Hey... Brian, you are a little different, you I have never thought about it before, and I don’t even have such a bad idea!"

"Why not?"

"If you want to be a magician, you must not only have a good talent, but also need to enter a magic school. You need to pay a lot of gold coins in the magic school. You have to go through a layer of experience. Even a noble child needs a good talent. It may become a magician. We, civilians, don’t want to think about it. Oh, I forgot, you still have no free life, you are even worse, there is no hope at all!"

"We are at the School of Magic now, and we don't have to pay any tuition. Oh, this is really unique! If you don't learn magic, how can you go out and say that we are the Babylonian School of Babylon!"

"Brian, don't put on this very confident look. We are not magicians, we are just chores, oh... and I can leave the Magic Academy in the future, but you - I am afraid I can't leave!"

Jack, a little fat man, looked at Han Shuo’s absent-mindedly wiping the stone statue of Claire’s Magister, without the focus of his usual work, only his face was ambitious, and he felt that Han Shuo was somewhat inexplicable and honestly said his own thoughts.

"Hah, don't talk about this, look at the little witch Lisa, and finally come, let's start doing business!" Han Shuo saw the little witch Lisa, a little embarrassed, and paid Brian in Babylon The Magic Wu College has been working for six years, and it still has some effect. At least, it knows the laws of life of some people.

Lisa started late every time. Most of the time, she was slow to go to the School of Magic. Today, of course, it is no exception. Little witch Lisa, this time I wore a black mage robe, golden yellow long hair, lazy shawl scattered on the shoulders, did not seem to sleep well last night, yawning all the way.

Lisa is very beautiful, but because she is only sixteen years old, perhaps not fully developed, the chest is not full enough. It is said that Lisa is also very dissatisfied with her flat chest. Recently, she is still trying to find a solution for this. .

Han Shuo and Jack, watching Lisa come, a serious continuation of the dust on the stone statue of Claire, who seems to have no idea that Lisa is heading to the side, whispering in her mouth.

"How is it possible, Brian, you didn't get it wrong, how could Buck say Lisa?"

Suddenly, the whispering Jack, the voice slammed a little higher, and was very surprised to say such a sentence.

Lisa, who was absent-minded, and when she heard someone mentioning herself, she immediately concentrated her attention and looked forward in vigilance.

Every girl wants to know what other people are saying about themselves, and the little witch Lisa is no exception. And in order to prevent the two people from seeing themselves and not dare to speak, Lisa was still cleverly hiding behind another stone statue, squinting her little ears with her face, and her eyes sneaked at it.

It turned out to be this half-mad and half-silly Brian, Lisa was in a hurry, ready to look for him to settle accounts, but before that, I still have to listen to what Buck said about himself, Lisa thought.

Han Shuo smirked and said, "Nothing wrong, Buck was just on the road, and said to other students, Lisa's chest is as flat as a piece of bread!"

When this sentence was exported, Jack slammed his own laughter, and his fat face was flushed, and his body trembled.

On the other side, Lisa's ruddy complexion suddenly turned blue, the beautiful eyes shimmered with fierce light, the lovely jade lips slowly twitched, the small silver teeth biting the "嘎吱" rang, and shivered for a few seconds behind the stone statue. Then, murderously quickly walked to the teaching building, and even the things that were originally intended to find Brian’s account were forgotten.

Looking at the little witch Lisa, her face was murderous and escaping from another road, Jack finally couldn’t hold back anymore. “Wow, haha...” The laughter came out, and the heart couldn’t tell the fun, while laughing. Said: "Brian, you are really too bad, Buck likes Lisa's business. Even my servant knows that Lisa hates others and says that her chest is small. Seeing what she is now, Buck must be down. Big mold!"

Han Shuo sneered and laughed, and immediately put the brush in his hand away, urging Jack to say: "This Claire does not brush, let's go and see!"

Jack, a little fat man, was so stunned by Han Shuo. He was also a heroic bag that took the brush into his waist. Haha smiled and said, "Go, I want to see that Buck, how to be Lisa, damn, ask him this morning. Hit me!"

The two uncles of the small uncles, happily behind Lisa, quickly ran to the undead school building, along the way is to some of the undead students who are inexplicable, thinking of the two most timid The chores, how do you take the wrong medicine today?

The Undead belongs to the Babylonian School of Magic, the branch of the Dark Department, and the Diablo Department students share a teaching building, where teachers are instructed to teach the students every day.

I had to admire the speed of the little witch Lisa. When Han Shuo and Jack arrived, they found that Lisa had been worried and beat up with Buck.

"Lisa, I know your heart, even the murder of the undead, I know how can I say bad things about you, who are you listening to?"

Buck has been swollen in the left eye, escaped a "bone arrow" shot, and quickly took the time to scream and scream, and it seems that he has been wronged to the extreme.

This Buck, who was hit by Jack on the road, was a slap on Jack, and Brian was in his hands, and he suffered more.

Buck is a son of a small aristocrat. At the age of seventeen, he is now the lowest-level magic apprentice in the undead. In the face of Lisa, who has been trained in the junior magician of the undead, it is naturally not a good thing, and Buck also likes it. Lisa, the cautiousness between the shots, in the face of the angry Lisa, it is no wonder that it will be recruited in a while.

"Hey, don't worry about this, people still unintentionally say it, there will be no mistakes. Since you are so vicious, then take it!"

Han Shuo and Jack are indeed "unintentionally" said, and Han Shuo is still a half-mad and a silly person. According to the reason, this kind of person will definitely not make a lie, let alone a chores, he Do not dare to make up!

Because of the taboos involved in Lisa, there are still many people watching, and Lisa will not say it naturally, lest it be laughed at by others. This time it is enough to make Buck look good.

"The fallen undead warrior, show your presence by the call of the Dark Messenger!"

The little witch Lisa, the jade arm raised up in the air, and thought of a spell in her mouth, waiting for her voice to fall, two white-sounding warriors, holding the same white bone knife, appeared in front of her, used by her With a finger, he rushed to Buck with a knife.

Next to Han Shuo's stunned look, the first time I saw this mysterious undead magic, the curiosity and excitement in my heart was mentioned at the apex, and my eyes were concentrating on it.

"Lisa's mental strength is not weak, she can summon two warriors!"

"Hey, the undead is inherently weak, and his own people are still not united. It is no wonder that the undead is the weakest line in the Magic Academy, and it really loses the dark face!"


After Lisa summoned two warriors, some of the onlookers of the dark-skinned students were talking one by one. From their conversation, Han Shuo knows the same magic. Because the strength of the mental power is different, it is divided into five levels. This summoning undead magic can be summoned if summoned by a powerful spiritual undead master. More 骷髅 warriors.

Buck’s face was frustrated, and his sorcerer cursed the rumors hundreds of times. If Buck succumbed to the dark cursing technique and his mental power was strong enough, I am afraid that Han Shuo and Jack would not see jokes now.

In a hurry, he was chased by two warriors. In the end, Buck finally used the same spell to summon a small donkey, a man and a donkey, and Lisa's two little fights.

Some dark-skinned students next to him, seeing Buck so embarrassed, are laughing at them loudly, Buck is affected by these ridicules, and even more distracted, he is rushed by a Lisa warrior, with his ankles to the lower abdomen, all of a sudden pain The face was purple and slowly smashed.

Lisa saw Buck hit by a small beggar, watching the little cockroach lift the white bones of the bones, and quickly stopped, sending the two summoned scorpions to the time and space.

After all, it is not a life-and-death battle, and it is strictly forbidden for students to live and die within the School of Magic. Lisa certainly does not dare to poison her hands. When she sees that Buck is injured, the gas has already disappeared.

After Buck stood up, he sent the little singer he summoned back to the time and space. His eyes swept away and he saw Han Shuo and Jack in front of him, and laughed at himself with laughter. Buck was in a bad mood, and immediately ran over with anger, and walked and said: "You two humble servants, dare to make fun of me?"

Buck didn't dare to take Lisa out, but he didn't dare to be angry with some of the dark-skinned schoolmates. He was also a chores between Han Shuo and Jack, which allowed him to vent his anger, not to mention the two were still haha. Laugh, naturally it is stimulating to Buck.

Lisa saw Buck's arrogant run away from her own, and it was going to stop, but seeing Buck so ignoring himself, once again tempered, cold face and thought of the spell: "Endless darkness, give me the power to die Add the pain of the soul to his body, the pain of the soul!"

At the end of Lisa's spell, a black and faint air mass flew toward Buck. The black and faint air mass fluttered in the air, constantly twisting and changing, and eventually became a beating black faint flame.

When Buck heard Lisa read the spell, he turned and saw the magical flame of the soul hurt, and his face changed again. Then he suddenly remembered something and rushed to Han Shuo and Jack, in the soul. When he was about to shoot at him, he suddenly rolled on the ground.

Han Shuo, who was laughing and laughing, didn't have any precautions. He watched Buck suddenly roll away, and the soulless magic of the soul was on his own.

There was a sudden pain in the brain. Han Shuo turned his eyes and his face was still laughing and laughing.

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