MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 942 Hand over!

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The ninth and forty-two chapters of the Great Devil are handed over. 【

Han Shuo appeared at the bottom with two identical babies. The five elements of Lanz and others were shocked and inexplicable. They have released their souls to peer into the life fluctuations of Xiaoyan. It turned out that the two lives are similar. It’s just a little bit of strange death power in Xiao’s body soul.

"There is a certain power in his body soul. So the two souls are still somewhat different. But you don't have to worry. The death **** can't see Han Hao's body. The semi-finished body is standing in front of him. He absolutely Can not be separated." Han Shuo from the channel.

"Father. Then I left first?" The two little sisters answered together. The sound level and tone are exactly the same. He is not very comfortable with the two bodies for the time being. It is impossible to do their own affairs like Han Shuo. So the words that are spoken are exactly the same.

"Well. Go. Let the body leave the chaos. The other one goes to the deep valley. Remember. Take your hand. The guys like Polo must follow. Go to the deep valley, don't rush to leave. It's best to sway through the city. Time. Wait until the Lord of Death comes to you." Han Shuo said with a smile.

"I know." Xiao Yan nodded. I indicated that I understood Han Shuo’s statement. Immediately on Wenman, there are five lines of a corpse. Leave from the road of the Magic Valley. Start the day of the sea.

Han Shuo did not go to the deep valley with Xiao Yan. On the one hand, because I don't want to meet the death **** so early. After all, he killed the Hill of the Dead City in the Death Valley. In any case, there is a festival with the Lord of Death. When you meet, you may have more things to come out.

The other side is because |骷髅The body that goes to the deep valley is just a semi-finished product of an incarnation. Even if it was destroyed by the death god, there is no problem. There is no slight impact on his body. therefore. Han Shuo is very relieved. Let Xiao Xiao act alone.

After Otaru left from the bottom. Bolanz Ling Gilbert was very excited about Han Shuo’s inquisition about the incarnation of the body. It seems very curious to see them. I also intend to refine my own body.

However, Han Shuo is not able to satisfy their hopes, whether it is Boland or blood. The cultivation is not the authenticity of the devil. Not to be a soul. In this regard, Gilbert can be achieved. Because when his soul was greeted by Han Shuo. In order to prevent the power of his soul from fading, Han Shuo taught several methods of forging soul power.

only. Gilbert's physical body is equivalent to the body's incarnation. Both strength and the fit of his soul have reached a very good step. There is no need to waste energy and refine an incarnation.

therefore. For several people, Han Shuo was vetoed one by one. Then, let them practice themselves and not be affected by this matter.

After the fire of hope in the heart is extinguished, it will be extinguished. They are not too depressed. Gilbert continues to concentrate on cultivating his own strength. He got a lot of inspiration from Xiaoyan. He has been quite aware of the two forces in recent times. At this time, it is the time when the hot iron is tight.

I don't know if it was stimulated by Xiao Yan's powerful. Xueling and Bolandz retired from the enthusiasm of several times. Nor was it affected by the avatar outside the body.

The five elements of a corpse from the hands of Han Shuo to a **** of the gods. The life form is as special as the number of the gods in their upper gods. The amount far exceeds Stastom. As a special life of a series of forces. Their progress is also very exaggerated.

Because of the big battle with the Hunter Alliance, it has reached a step. Han Shuo did not dare to care. After Otaru left, he often called for surprises. Commanded him a detailed arrangement about the battle. In addition, Han Shuo will quietly disappear and disappear after leaving for a few days. It seems that some special things are being quietly arranged.

Time flies in half a month. Han Shuo counted the days. The body of Xiaoxiao should have left the chaos. And the incarnation of the semi-finished product should have reached the deep valley at this time. At this time, he was a little worried in his heart. I don't know what happened to the deep valley.

Confused. Deep valley.

Xiao Han Han Hao officially stepped into the hands of some of the hunters. The big swing wandered around the shops in the deep valley. Shop for some special items.

As early as five days ago, Han Hao’s body had already reached the deep valley. Just because the ontology has not left the chaos. So he has not entered the deep valley. Until today, this body of soul feels that the ontology has reached the destiny. He is not in a hurry to enter the valley.

The arrival of Han Hao attracted the attention of major forces. In particular, Tyre, who knows his fragments of the gods. It was the first time that Han Hao was locked in the dark. Send people to closely observe Han Hao's every move. And let Feng Ling spread the news of his coming out.

Today's Han Hao's reputation in chaos is second only to Han Shuoer Luo Ge. The heads of the various forces saw him in chaos. It is very curious. Also in the silent observation of Xiao Yan's every move.

Ossur found Han Hao.

"How come you are in the deep valley?" Ossie frowned. Bring Han Hao to his king store. Make sure the perimeter has been locked by layers. Asked about it.

Ossau knew that the relationship between Otaru and Han Shuo had spent so much energy on Han Shuo. Naturally, we must do what we have done.

When the main **** of death, Nestor, was at the Tyre King store. Osoe heard Rogge in person

Several names. One of the five masters of chaos. These days, my own way of knowing that several of the reported names have been killed. And he also sent the news to Zoqi through secret channels. He believes that Han Shuo should already know the seriousness of the matter. So I don't understand why Xiaoyan will appear in the deep valley.

"I'll do something. The guy who is looking for someone is not me. I won't have anything to do." When Xiao Xiao came, he and Han Shuo carefully passed. His intelligence is a bit sullen except for his feelings. Everything else is enough to make him and the characters like Ossau imaginary.

"Not you? Are you sure?" Ossau did not know how to return. But he passed some clues on these days. Affirmed who the death **** is looking for or something. Sinked a bit. Only have doubts.

"Not me." Xiao Yan affirmed.

"That's good." He nodded and asked for a turn. Q: "How is Brian doing recently? I have sent several messages in the past to let him talk about the matter. How can he respond without it?"

"Retreat and practice. Is at the moment. Don't worry. The layout has been arranged. If the Hunter League is really over. There will be no problem on our side." Han Hao did not hesitate to immediately and Han Shuo Let's talk about good things.

Ossoe has several problems with Han Shuo. Han Hao was very refreshed and answered that he did not reveal any hidden secrets about Magic Valley. It does not show the intention to avoid Oso.

From the small mouth, Ossau did not have the answer he wanted. Seeing Han Hao does not seem to be afraid of the death of the Lord God to come to the door. O'Neill, who had to pay attention to the confusion, did not say much. In order to be afraid of death, the Lord came to the door because of Xiaoyan. Osoe did not retain a small donkey. Let him be more careful. Do not take tough measures when dealing with the Lord of Death.

Xiao Yan thanked Ossur for a few words. A face deserted from the king store of Oso. Then continue to wander around the streets. Just waiting for the appearance of the dead **** Nestor.

After three days. Otaru took Polo and others in a shop selling special bones. From time to time, he let the owner take out a strange bone with strange energy and show it to him.

The cultivation of the death force has a special preference for various kinds of white bones. What he had most hoped for in the past was to collect bones and try to refine their weapons. He is very clear about the quality of the bones. A root bone passed through his hand. I know what kind of weapon the white bone is suitable for forging.

The owner of this shop knows the identity of Xiao Yan. When he treated him, he showed the best bones in the shop and he showed his most sincere smile. Han Hao was very surprised by the good attitude.

After half a day, Han Hao wrapped up a dozen bones in front of him. I said to the owner of the shop that he has been a fart, "I am going to do this. How many crystal coins?"

"How dare you accept your crystal coins. Hehe. I am giving it to you." The owner smiled flatteringly. Shake hands again and again.

Han Hao is awkward. Wrinkled. Indifferent road: "Why don't you accept the coin? Is it because others come over?

"How can others be with you? Hehe. As long as you will be merciful in the future. The store will feel it. After the bone products in the store. You can pick it up at will." The owner smiled. It seems to be a little nervous.

Han Hao is a bit stunned. I was surprised to see the owner of this gesture. Some don't quite understand what he means. Just at this time. The Baltic man next to him laughed. Going to Han Hao's ear and whispering: "Several - you told me. Take the shop to and from. This one. Oh. It's my hand." Han Hao immediately understood. In the past time, Tel Rogge wanted to prevent Han Shuo from entering the deep valley. So deliberately blame Han Shuo. Let the owners of the major shops in the deep valley unite to refuse Han Shuo to enter the valley. Some things that Han Shuo did not do well naturally fell on their heads. The shops and materials that came and went were looted by them. The shop owner in the deep valley has been caught in a big panic.

"Oh. Then thank you." Han Shuo understood. Not to be polite with this person. Indifferently nodded. Shake the big bones and put away those bones. I left the store with Boluo and others.

Just walked out of the store door. Han Hao suddenly \ 'one move. There is a feeling of being locked. His body is a semi-finished product of Han Shuo's refining. Although the body is far from the body. But the sense of the soul is still there. Wonderful feeling together. Han Hao’s heart was moving. Suddenly realized what.

as predicted. A smog of death power wrapped a light shadow. Quietly escaped from the corner of the commercial street. Ghosts generally wandered toward him. The speed is faster than the general imagination. With the shadow of the smog coming over. Several thunder and lightning destroyed the dark forces. Blocked all the directions around the small body.

finally come. Han Hao shouted. Standing still in the original. Silently waiting for the death force to come. He has long been fixed in his heart. I intend to let the peep of the soul of the dead god.

Just when the shadow of the smog came to him. Han Hao is expected. Suddenly stopped. At the same time, a cold and light drink came from it: "Give me the lock."

"Dagma." Han Hao fiercely screamed. Desperate back. In the shop where the white bones were shot in the air, I screamed in the air: "Polo. Spread out. Shout."

Han Hao was very surprised. What he expected to come was not the death **** Nestor. It is the leader of the Hunting Gods League Dagma. .

Here is the heart of the chaos. For example, the four people of Terrogo Osoevis are in the deep valley. The heads of some of the forces also dared to dare to go deep. This is too crazy.

Gema's cultivation of death power is much more profound than the average person. It is indeed possible for him to deliberately hide his power and to pass through Tell and others.

Waiting for many days. Have not waited for the arrival of the death **** Nestor. Instead, I waited for a madman who was crazy about the shards of the gods. Once you enter the shop, evacuate immediately and don't forget to tell Polo.

"The people of the Hunter League are coming. The people of the Hunter League are killed." Polo naturally knows Dagma's identity. He has already relied on Han Hao, and he understands what should happen at this time. Yelling and yelling. While quickly retreating with those few people.

"Han Hao. Where to escape." Dama Yinsen's fierce. A group of people came out from the dark and came to Han from all directions. And Dagma himself. However, he did not personally deal with Han Hao. Instead, waved and released a bone bond to temporarily trap the Baltic people. Have the last experience. Dagma has already had a heart for the strange power of Xiao Yan’s death. I am afraid that once I take the shot, it will be affected by the power of the soul. Dagma had just noticed that Han Hao did not immediately start to move but suddenly stopped.

He naturally does not know that there is no shard in the body of Han Hao. Therefore, it is hard not to dare to Han Hao, but to give all of these small shackles to the temporary imprisonment. Let those who have not cultivated the power of death to attack Han Hao. Kill him as fast as he can.

"You still can't kill me." Han Hao jumped out of the back window of the dealer. I sighed coldly. Immediately took out a burst of beads and threw it in all directions.

Booming. Booming. Booming.

Violent blasting occurred in various areas of the commercial street. The loyalty of the few Dagma brought by the horrible explosion of the blasting bead was blocked. An unfortunate guy is the first to rush. The first one suffered. The blood that was blown out flew out.

Before coming over. Han Shuo’s plot to prevent Xiaotun’s people from being misguided by other forces. He took half of his own refining beads and gave him. Xiaoyan’s fake body simply cannot exert too strong a death force. But because the soul inherits the memory of magic. Release the bursting beads without any problems.

The violent explosion destroyed nearly a dozen shops in an instant. The rusting stone fly ash wood iron column is violent everywhere. The clerk of the shops in this area and the murderous evils of the purchase of goods all fell ill. Almost no one near the Otaru. They were all blown out by the blasting beads.

"Catch him. Give me a hand. I don't have much time." Dagma rushed to Han Hao from the sky. A fierce face. He opened his hand. A glimpse of the death force flutters. Falling into the captivity of the Baltic people. The sharp bone spurs continue to shrink. The deep bones are inserted into the gods of Polo and others.

After all, Gema is the strongest with the main god. He will not have any accidents when he will deal with the Baltic people. This is because the Dagma energy is mainly placed on Han Hao. Otherwise, Dagma will do his best. The Baltic people will be even worse. Maybe it has been stabbed to death by the bones at this time. Under the madness of Dagma. His loyal men have ignored the impact of the explosion. I am not afraid of death and continue to rush to Han. It seems that Han Hao will be killed in the fastest time.

These Dagma's men almost all have the power of the last god. The explosion of the blasting beads was not able to kill him seriously. They are desperate to rush up. This semi-finished body avatar is absolutely unbearable. There is only one dead road.

but. Han Hao is not worried. Because he knows that even this body is destroyed. It also does not affect the ontology. If this body died in the hands of Dagma. It seems that the suspicion of the death **** can also be lifted. Although the process is somewhat unsatisfactory. The purpose of this line can also be realized indirectly.

Five shadows swarmed. Instantly blocked the road to Xiaoyan. The five forces were also locked in Han Hao. Let Han Hao be physically unfit.

"Commander. Hold it." A Dagma, who cultivated the dark power, shouted with surprise.

Gema is overjoyed by the excitement of the excitement. Seeing that Boro, who is about to be killed by the bones, no longer continues to exert death power and is wasted on Borrow. Instantly fell to Han Hao. The big hand attacked the attack to Han Hao's mouth.

"Here. It should be here..." Dagma muttered to himself with a crazy face. Five finger nails white and white. It's like a sharp knife.


One hand inserted Han Hao, the prosthesis chest. Dagma is excited to give up the shards of the gods that make him crazy and desperate.

suddenly. Dagma stopped. His face is terrible. Dead and dying | Crazy shouting: "No. Why not? Where are you hiding it? Give it to me. Hand it over..."

Ps: Five thousand words have been more. Xiaorui begged the support of the brothers' monthly pass. Thank you.

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