MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 972 Uncontrolled

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After Gandalf wearing "Golden Holy Battle Armor" was hit by Wan Mo Ding, the hard confrontation with Wan Mo Ding was enough to prove that Gandalf had absolute confidence in himself. Holding the cross in one hand, the cross made by the Light God alone is brighter under the influence of the "Golden Holy Battle Armor" and is more powerful than the previous divine power.

It is also the cross, and it is the "golden holy armor". At this moment, Gandalf is like the incarnation of the **** of light. The divine power on his body is so dazzling, how can he not associate him with the goddess.

Under the sacred power of Gandalf, Han Shuo felt great pressure and had to release some of his power to infuse him in the magic to help the sacred power from Gandalf.

Han Shuo always thought that Dhaka was the strongest fighter in the Hunter League. However, after seeing the sacred power of Gandalf, Han Shuo knew that the betrayer of this bright **** was even more terrible than Dhaka. He was hunting. The most powerful of the Gods Alliance is deserved.

The seventeen-sword flying sword formed the A Nasal Demon sword array, and it was a kind of "destroyed gods" gathering and forming, keeping an eye on Daka. He forced to cope with the threat from the seventeen flying swords.

On the other hand, Han Shuo used a part of the power to use it on the top of the Wan Mo Ding. Under the watering of Han Shuo’s magic Yuan Li, the magic and the thousands of demons escaped the shock of the people’s heart and slammed into the “gold”. Gandalf, the sacred armor, stunned Gandalf and stared at Venus.

"Haha, it's even worse!" Gandalf laughed and looked even more excited.

Gandalf, who is covered in golden light, is covered by golden armor. The "Golden Holy Battle Armor" which is condensed by the power of the faith of one billion believers is indeed extraordinary. The two bombardments of Wan Mo Ding have failed to crush the armor. The divine light of the condensed power of the sun is generally dazzling, as if it can really resist the erosion of evil.

"Han Hao, not my opponent!" Ossie sneered, the power from the earth rushed in his body as if it had become a sturdy mountain, each shot down to give people a very heavy sense of oppression.

Under the power of Soe, Xiao Han Han Hao resisted quite hard, but he still sat in the center of the white bone throne from Dagma. His whole person seemed to be integrated with the white bone throne, and the bones became Part of his body, the rich death force in the white bone throne is unimpeded, making the white bone throne a very powerful and magical monster.

in a moment. The Throne of the White Bone can sneak into Ossau. It was able to shrink into a group in an instant and Han Han was firmly wrapped. Help him resist the attack from the power of Oso.

This white bone throne can be attacked and defended. In the hands of Hao, the magic is endless. A bone spur in his hand flashed from time to time. Every time Ossau was frightened and retreated. Only a white bone throne. Otaru seems to have made Ossau have nothing to do. There is no way to really hurt him.

but. It is like Ossau can't really hurt him. There is no way for Otaru to drop Ossau down. After all, Ossau is not cultivating the death force and is not affected by the fragmentation of his god. Earth power was also known for its defense. Layers of earthly power flow through Ossau. The formation of the earth covered the whole body. Let Xiao Xiao also have something to do.

If it wasn't for Osoi's cultivation to defend against the earth's strength. In the face of Han Shuo's surging attack, it should not fall to the ground. Not just a slight injury.

"You can't kill me too!" Xiao Han Han Hao has a cold face. There is no emotional fluctuation at all because of Osso.

Osoee had some injuries at the time. The power of the earth cannot be fully exploited to face the powerful defensive power of the white bone throne. His Ossau also seemed to be unable to really hurt the young man in the middle of the throne.

Han Shuo, who has dealt with Dhaka and Gandalf by himself, took a look at Ossau and Han Hao, and saw that Han Hao would not have something in a short time, and he felt a little relieved in his heart and used all his energy. In Gandalf and Dhaka, he laughed: "You really think you can control the whole situation!"

When the words came out, Han Shuo shouted.

Suddenly, the thousands of magic dragons flew out of the other two Han Shuo, the two Han Shuo left and right dragged the death and destruction power of Wan Mo Ding, and the two quickly merged together. The field of the gods.

At this time, these two incarnations all reached the peak stage of the upper end of the gods, and they were able to reach the peak of the main **** in only one step. The two incarnations absorbed several gods and souls that destroyed and destroyed the upper gods. Their divine power and soul memory have reached an incredible realm.

The spirit of the Lord has changed, and the three souls have reached a consensus with each other. The soul fluctuations have gradually merged together.

Depression, the field of death and destruction of the two great gods has changed, forming a field of strange gods that has never been seen before, with the center of Wan Mo Ding, covering this area at once.

Centered on Wan Mo Ding, the forces of death and destruction are intertwined. The new field of God is extremely overbearing. As soon as it appears, it begins to reject all the elements of power, and the face of Daka, who cultivates the power of destruction, suddenly changes. Suddenly discovering that he is the main god, he has some difficulty in mastering the true meaning of the law of destruction in this new field of God.

The element of death rushes in from all directions, and a strange destructive sac is like a fruit on a towering tree, hanging in the void without branches and leaves, and constantly rolling, releasing a strong destructive power.

When Dhaka looked up, he suddenly found that not only the ruin of the ruined ruins had the power of death, but the trajectory of the destruction of the sacred beads implied the true meaning of the law of destruction.

A little **** who cultivates the power of destruction, looking up at the emptiness of the ruins of the ruins of the sacred scrolls, may be able to create new forces of destruction in the field, and further strengthen their own strength and realm.

Gandalf, who is in the new realm of the gods, immediately noticed that the light of the "golden holy armor" of his body suddenly dimmed, in the field of the new god, which was formed by the fusion of two evil forces of death and destruction. Among them, his power to dispel all evil armor and cross, and the power of unity is somewhat unstoppable.

The two incarnations of the two strengths are not in the realm of the Lord God. After the integration of death and destruction, this is another kind of horror. It even covers all the gods here and affects their power.

Among them, there is only one exception.

Han Hao, who has the shard of death power, is extremely uncomfortable in the field of this new god. Those elements of death that are combined with the power of destruction are faintly unfettered by the fragments of his gods, which makes Xiao Yan very surprised.

Suddenly, some of the controlled, Xiao Han Han Hao violently lit up, one by one run out of him. A huge incomparable illusion of the soul of the dead, the emptiness behind the small scorpion faintly revealed, the death of the soul of the monument, seems to affect the new field of God, the two forces impact each other together, this area is a flash of lightning , frenzied power spurs everywhere.

The soul of the dead is a little out of control, and the impact of the two forces is beyond his accident. All this happened too quickly, and he did not react.

Han is also a glimpse. He did not expect the new field of God, which was formed by the integration of his two incarnations. Because of the power of death, there is a faint conflict with the shards of death power of Han Hao. That caused this abnormality.

Hey! Hey!

After the collapse of the new field of the gods, which supported the change of the death elements in the new field, it involuntarily flocked to Xiaohan Han Hao, and the remaining destructive forces were difficult to use and could no longer maintain new ones. The realm of God.

"Ha ha ha, interesting and interesting! Father and son!" Ossou was hit by a force, and when the two forces spread, he suddenly laughed.

"Shenzhen fragments, this is the gods fragments!" Gandalf looked solemn, his eyes slammed into some awkward little Han Han, screaming out loud.

Ke Moore and Ossau heard Gandalf’s saying that they were all stunned and looked at Han Hao unbelievably.

The melee was temporarily stopped by the forces of Han Shuo's new gods and the shards of Han Hao's gods. The gods who did not know Han Hao had the fragments of the gods, all looked at him with surprise. The two men, including Salas and Vassis, were shocked. Until this time, Ossoe and Vassis knew why the dead god, Nestor, would go to the deep valley and ask Rogge to ask something. It is.

It turns out that the original **** of death, Nestor, is actually a fragment of the godhead. It is no wonder that it is no wonder that Nestor, the unique **** of death, will come to the small place of chaos.

Everything is the fault of Han Hao’s shards.

"It is necessary to end the battle early. If it is not long, the death **** God Nest will return to this place. If we can't leave before Nestor returns, maybe it will be taken by Nestor!" Dhaka face in vain Change, hurry.

Everyone understands that the main **** of death has a wonderful sense of the shards of the gods. The owner does not use the power of the shards of the gods, and the shards of the gods are directly morphed like Han Hao, and will surely come to the death god, Nestor personally. .

Their so-called hunter-hunters can be arrogant in front of the average person, but once Nestor appears, they know that no one will be Nest's opponent. As long as Nestor is willing, he alone can destroy all the false gods in the chaotic land.

"Hurry up!" Gandalf nodded and suddenly smiled: "Oh, Regis, Sai Yalu, Miller, they are all coming, um, the battle can be over!"

Sure enough, in the distance, five figures gradually appeared. (To be continued