MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 974 Change again

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The ninth and seventy-four chapters of the Great Devil are changing again.

The construction of Hidden Valley has exhausted Han Shuo's efforts. There are too many outsiders in the valley. During this period, Han Shuo used a lot of financial resources to almost use all kinds of rare materials that have been obtained for so many years.

Han Shuo, whose strength has reached the limit of extinction, has learned a lot from the violent squad, and has integrated his own understanding of the magical Tao, and has his own unique insights in the formation. The Magic Valley is the pinnacle of Han Shuo's ability to test his strength.

In the valley, some special places have not been used, and some areas have placed a ban on the five-line corpse. All the places have not played any role, and there has been no special performance. Everyone feels that those areas are really useless.

Only Han Shuo knew that he had left behind in the corners of the Magic Valley.

Together, the earth is torn in the valley, and the vast heavens and the earth are raging uncontrollably. The winds are blowing in the wind, and the sands are flying away. In a moment, the magic hidden valley is like a sign before the end of the world, and there are all kinds of incredible wonders.

Gandalf and Dhaka, the so-called hunter-hunters, are all extremely sensitive to the surrounding environment. They are aware of the strangeness of the situation from the strange changes in their surroundings, and they move to the torn land gully areas in an attempt. Several people stopped Han Shuo from fleeing from below.

For the actions of the Daka people, Han Shuo saw that the mouth of the mouth was unpredictable and deep smile. A shrill and screaming scream was made by Han Shuo’s mouth, and the magical valley where the sound passed was amazingly changed again.

The huge vitality is like a wave, and the thick suffocating air is gathered in the dark clouds. It falls from the sky in the sound of the sound of "the smashing slap", and it is pressed directly toward the bottom. The horrible fierceness rises to the sky, as if all the negative forces in the world are condensed for a moment to destroy all life.

At the same time, an earth-shattering energy wave was uploaded from Han Shuo's body and suspended in the air. The hundreds of thousands of devils roared and disappeared into the dark clouds that oppressed the top of the head. The terrible pressure of the squad is getting stronger.

"Brian, you don't want to play anything. As long as you say everything now, we can agree with Gandalf's proposal." I don't know if it was shocked by the change of Magic Valley, and I said that I want to kill all Han people. Saiya Lu, suddenly shouted.

Sai Yalu said this. Regis and Miller, two Han Shuo, were under the command of the injured hunter. I even nodded in agreement.

Dhaka and Arthur's eyes flashed over there. There is no rush to express their opinions. I don't know if it is secretly recognized by Saiyan Road.

Only Gandalf’s mouth was always hung with a smile and he said something in Sai Yalu. Gandalf is obviously somewhat disdainful. Quietly slanted the road to Sai Ya. The corner of the mouth evoked a trace of sarcasm.

Originally, I have already done a good job of Vasis and Salas. At first glance, Han Shuo seems to have triggered a sudden change in the valley of the Magic Valley. It’s all amazed. With the hope of living, the two men broke out with a strong sense of war. And Han Shuo stood up with one of the spirits and was desperate to fight for it.

Han Hao, the central part of the Bone Throne, has a happy look. The heart of the white bones of the throne was teleported to Han Shuo. With Vassis and Salas stood together and looked at the leaders of several hunting gods who stood in the gaps of the earth. Just wait for Han Shuo to do it. Just help him to hit one side.

Hey! Hey!

The change of the heavens and the earth, the dark clouds formed by the rushing of the sky, caused the seals of the hunters to command the sound of the enchantment, and under the violent oppression of the hidden forces of all the hidden valleys. The seal enchantments that the Hunting Hunters led together were obviously unable to support.


A wind barrier placed by Miller was torn apart.

This is just the beginning.

When the hunters are commanding to save, the dark clouds of the heavens and the earth and the dead, grievances, hatred, and violent negative forces in the valley are ruined, and the layers of defensive enchantments are broken. Seal, the two forces came directly.

The huge strength of the heavens and the earth has become a huge thrust, and when you enter it, everyone will be squeezed out.

The oppressed black cloud suffocated directly into the Wan Mo Ding. Suddenly, Wan Mo swelled innumerable times, staring at the Gandalf who was wearing the "Golden Holy Battle Armor".

Gandalf's face changed. It seems that he realized that the power of the magical power at this time was unmatched. He did not dare to hit hard as usual, but immediately chose to avoid.

"Salas, Vassis, you go first!" Han Shuo suddenly screamed, his left hand pointed.

The direction pointed by the finger was poured into it by the huge heaven and earth. The earth gully with Oshoy's defense suddenly burst to a greater extent, revealing a huge cave with a deep bottom. Under the push of the vast strength of the heavens and the earth, Ossau retreats like drunkenness and is pushed to the side by a hard life.

"Brian, what about you?" Salas exclaimed, not immediately as Han Shuo said.

"I and Han Hao naturally have a way to leave, you don't have to worry!" Han Shuo anxiously screamed and urged: "Hurry up, these two forces are the last resort of Magic Valley. Their power is scattered again." I can't get together. You go immediately, I can't support it for a long time!"

"Go!" Vasis looked at Han Shuo deeply and steadily rushed into the torn earth cave. Although he did not say much, Han Shuo saw trust in the eyes of Vassis.

Saras took a second and immediately groaned and said: "You take care, I will wait for you to honor my promise. As long as you can live out, in the chaos, I will take you to Saras. Mainly!"

As the words fell, Salas no longer hesitated, followed by Vassis and rushed into the torn gap of the earth.

"Block them!" Dhaka drank, near Balintan, Kao Ze is rushing to the other side.

Han Shuo has a combination of hands and eyes, and a dazzling mans blooms from the palm of his hand. The huge heaven and earth that will push Ossoo’s constantly out, suddenly form an insurmountable barrier, blocking all of Balintan and Kao Ze. The figure of Vassis and Salas disappeared.

"Kill him!" Card mad, the power of destruction broke out from the body, and suddenly formed a ruined bead of the size of the dark sun. This ruined bead is made up of hundreds of fist-sized ruined beads. The power of terror is not close enough to make people feel fearful.

At this point, Regis, Miller, Sainte, and Kemo are aware of the strange situation and will not stop.

Thunder and thunder, the thunder and lightning of the sky fall, the wind blows out, forming a tornado that destroys everything. The earthquake is constantly trembled. A piece of celestial stone that does not know where it came from is flying away from the sky. The power of ice cold becomes a white mist. Everything is frozen everywhere...

At this moment, the hunters of the hunters commanded all the departments to experience the best, and they released the field of God to maximize their power.

For a time, the entire magic hidden valley shines, and the power is almost destroyed immediately.

"Han Hao, you go back!" Han Shuo screamed, the three souls condensed into one moment, and the strength of the two incarnations formed a new field of God in an instant, not waiting for those who were hunting the gods. The power struck, and the new field of God expanded with a tough stance.

At this time, Xiao Han Han Hao did not retreat as Han Shuo said, but violently opened a distance with him. The power from the gods and fragments of the gods was cast to the extreme, and a huge soulless monument appeared out of thin air. Standing between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, strange changes have taken place.

The huge cloud of heaven and earth from the Valley of Magic and the dark clouds of the dead forces, resentment, temper, and so on, which are left by the dead, seem to be dragged by some strange power, all of which flooded into the field of Han Shuo’s new god. Among them, the field of this **** changed again in the meantime.

Unlike the last time, the field of God is now filled with the power of death and destruction, as well as the strength and negative power of the heavens and the earth from the Valley of Magic. This new field of gods seems to be no longer affected by the fragments of the scorpion, and it is difficult to maintain without collision.


A mad man shouted out from Han Shuo’s mouth. Suddenly, he felt that his magical power in his body was not controlled. He violently rushed out of his body and quickly poured into a new **** at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye. Within the domain, there are thousands of devils dancing in the new field of God.

At this moment, the forces of death, destruction, devil, and magic power gathered together, and there was a change that no one could understand. It is like a beast from the abyss of the ancient universe. It has a powerful evil power, such as a black hole that devours everything, and it bursts with incredible evil light and killing.

At this time, the powers of Reggies, Sai Yalu, Dhaka, Osohee, Ke Momo, and other hunter-hunters have come and fell, and they have fallen into the new realm of the three gods and all the forces of the body. .

Such as the landslide, such as destroying the earth, such as the destruction of the world...

A group of sun-exploding light swallowed the whole place, and everyone, all the characters, were covered by the glare of the group...


I don't know how long it took. It seems that one day, it seems that it is only a moment. Han Shuo, who lost all his strength, gradually recovered his consciousness and restored his consciousness...

The pain, the pain of unforgettable painsweighed from his body, this pain Han Shuo has not experienced for a long time.

Slowly, Han Shuo opened his eyes and suddenly found himself blood, and the arrogant "God does not destroy the body" seems to be unable to preserve his magic body, the deep visible bone fractures and blood flow, blood flow And did not heal immediately.

A little bit uncomfortable with his own situation, Han Shuo turned his head and looked around.

A shocking scene slowly reflected in Han Shuo’s eyes...

Ps:: The second chapter is still writing time, it will probably be transmitted around 8 o'clock.

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