MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 980 Gathering people

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It is the most famous poison pharmacist in Deep Valley. Some of the poisonous pharmacy he refines, in the dissolution and toxic acid leader Jock, is extraordinary and well-known.

When he was young, Jock was still a young master of the big family of water, but he was never diligent in the water system, but he was indulged in the preparation of various potions. The family's one-time rights change made Joke's parents a victim, and Jock was also chased, and finally escaped from the family.

The hateful Jock finally survived and secretly moved back to the family, using a sour cloud that he personally refining, and poisoning the entire family of more than 600 people overnight, all of them turned into blood. Do not leave a living mouth.

Prior to this, Jock was not known, but when he shot, he shocked the entire water god.

After a while, the whole water gods of the gods were fully dispatched, and it was necessary to arrest Jock or kill them on the spot. Jock, who is not good at his own strength, is only good at refining poisonous drugs. He has to hide his name, disguise himself, and come to the chaos from the water gods.

Along the way, Jock did not show his own refining poison, killing many of the gods who chased his waters, and became the public enemy of the entire water **** domain. And himself, in the pursuit of those gods, was accidentally affected by his own poison, a left arm rotted into a white bone, if not his response in time, decisively cut off his left arm, maybe he has already Into a pile of bones.

Jock is the number one wanted criminal in the water **** domain. The city gods of the water gods also released their words. As long as Joke dared to leave the chaotic land, they would kill Jock at all costs.

In the chaos, Ke can study the poisons intensively, and his achievements in those two fields have been unmatched over the years. Unfortunately, Jock is not good at fighting and applying poison. He needs to be sneaky. Once he is close to him, he will not be given the opportunity to use poison. He will be killed.

Many people who have escaped from the road have already left the chaotic land, but Jock knows that once he leaves the chaotic land, there is only one dead road, so he can only defend the chaotic land, and he can only survive in the deep valley. A robbery.

No one wants to die, and Jock is also an exception. When he found out that the whole store in the deep valley was only natural when the scorpion pharmacy was not closed, Jock used Scorpio as a safe haven, and also whether the scorpion medicinal agent and his poison When the pharmacy has a holiday, come over and ask for some news, and want to know what the current chaos is.

Except for Jock. There are many poisons. Some professionals who are not strong enough in every field. these people. Because you can't contribute in battle. Plus the body is weak. Still others have disabilities. The great monarchs simply did not see them. So let them kill themselves.

"What should Joe do?" Another pharmacist, Kohler, who specializes in adding toxins to weapons. I asked him irritably in an empty courtyard outside the Scorpio Pharmacy.

Jock mustache to the chest. The hair is scattered. It’s obvious that it’s a middle-aged uncle. however. Jock likes others to call him Master Joe. I feel that my identity is superior to others.

"How do I know?" Jock looked calm. Glanced at Kohler. I looked at the dozens of gatherings here and were as ragged as he was. Talents with unique talents in various fields of partiality. It’s faint: “The few monarchs are hard to protect themselves. There is no leisure to take care of us. It’s not enough to shut down the pharmacy. I hope they can give us security.” Hey, the hunters of the hunter’s alliance have a wolf ambition. Killing people is like eating as casually. It is said that those guys will be uncomfortable if they don’t kill people in a day. If they are in the deep valley, they will take care of them. We are afraid that no one can live.”

"How can this be good..." The other person sighed. The face is desolate.

"Wait a minute. I hope that Scorpio Pharmacy can provide us with a safe place to live. Anyway, I can't stay in the deep valley." Jock leaned on a railing lazily. I am equally worried in my heart. But the big winds and waves have experienced him. But than some of them, they should be more stable.

At the time of their speech, Ackley stretched out and walked out of the back room without hesitation. When Ackley came, the geeks of all walks of life in these deep valleys were all shocked, and they hurried around and rushed to ask Ackley about the future prospects of deep valleys and chaotic places.

Akley enjoyed this kind of star-like treatment, and looked at those eager faces with a smile. When they were all eager to do it, they squinted at Joker. "Joe, you. Also come? Oh, I remember that some time ago, you were not the most fierce, and said that we are abducted by the scorpion pharmacy, there is no real thing."

Jock's face was awkward, and he didn't talk because he didn't talk, and the situation was not as good as people. This is no way. When the deep valley was safe, Jock was stunned by the scorpion medicinal drugs, and they felt that the refining of the remedies they often dared to sell.

It is simply a scam, no real power.

Seeing Jock's look, Ackley's heart was dark and cold, and he snorted and looked around: "Tyre does not fight and retreats. So far, no one has ever seen anyone. Rogge was defeated, his men were killed and wounded, and he fled from the buried cave. Ossur Egypt betrayed the chaotic land, and together with Sai Yalu, Vassis and my family together, formed the last line of defense, and reinvented the Alliance of Hunters. Oh, the chaos is big, but only our Han family can give you shelter. !"

When the words came out, these people were all full of stunned faces.

A series of news in front of Ackley was too shocking for them. The two most powerful monarchs, Tyre and Rogge, who claimed to be in the chaos, were completely unbeatable.

Oso's betrayal was an unbearable blow to them. The news came out of Arkley's mouth and they almost despaired.

At this time, Ake threw a blockbuster, saying that Han Shuo and Vassis had joined forces to reinvent the Hunter League. The news is like a fierce fire, burning up the despair in their hearts, although there are still some feelings in the heart, but they would rather believe that this exciting news is indeed true.

"Akley, what do you want to say?" Le heard out what he meant in his words, and asked him.

A chuckle, Ackley simply said: "Several monarchs did not put you in the eye, but our Han family knows that your skills are extraordinary, and they are extremely high in some special fields. I can accept you to join the day on behalf of the family.玑 玑 ,, as long as you become a part of our Scorpio Pharmacy, our Han family guarantees your life safety, and will never let the Hunter Alliance move you!"

What this means, they are clear in their hearts. Once you join the Scorpio Pharmacy, you will be bound by the Han family. After that, they will completely lose their freedom. Their own directors must serve the Han family. They can't do what they want.

In today's situation, his life safety is not guaranteed. The condition of the Han family is harsh and demanding, but as long as it can survive, sometimes the harsh conditions are recognized.

Ackley was not in a hurry, smiling and looking at the elites who were hesitant, waiting for their decision.

I didn’t let Ackley wait a lot. After a few seconds of silence, someone took the lead and agreed to it: “I am willing to be a part of Scorpio Pharmacy. I’ve heard that Scorpio Pharmacy is very caring for myself. To become a Korean family member, we are asking for it."

Anything that happens when someone opens it will become very easy. After him, more and more people expressed their willingness to join the Scorpio Pharmacy and become part of the Korean family. Even after Kohler hesitated for a while, he nodded and agreed to Akeley’s proposal to benefit himself and the Han family. Tied together.

Only Jok, the former young master, was hesitant. In the deep valley, several monarchs have long recognized that the poisons developed by Jock are very useful, and they have sent people to hope that Joke follows himself, but they have all been rejected by Jock. Perhaps it was because of the fact that Jock had offended the great monarchs, so when this crisis of chaos came, they did not let Jock leave with them, regardless of Jock's life and death.

Jock had his own glory, let him give up his identity and become a slave to others. It was not as easy for him as Kohler, so Jock was hesitant.

"Qiao Shao, our family owner told me. He appreciates your accomplishments in poisons and also talks about discussing with you. Well, as long as you are willing to come to Scorpio Pharmacy, in the future, Scorpio Pharmacy The affairs of you are taken care of by you. In addition, our family owners can guarantee that you can recover your broken arm!" After everyone agreed, Arkley finally looked at Jock and said with a smile.

As soon as I heard that I could recover my broken arm, Jock immediately lost his mind and immediately exclaimed: "What? The reincarnation of this kind of thing can only be realized by some legendary gods who are good at the ultimate power of life. You can have a family leader." This kind of power?” Jock is only good at making some poisons, and he is very powerful, but the doctor is not good at him.

"Of course, our family chief is rumored in the field of pharmacists, far beyond your understanding. Hey, as long as you become a member of the Korean family, our family said, it is absolutely not difficult for you to break your arms. How about, Jock, meaning How about?" Ackley said with a smile, he caught Joke this is the key, not afraid of Jock does not agree.

Sure enough, Jock hesitated for a while and finally nodded. "Well, I will see what power Brian has made me break my arms!"

When Jock agreed to it, it means that the most lonely and strange geeks in the deep valley of the chaotic land will serve the Han family. With these people joining, the Korean family's Scorpio Pharmacy can achieve the peak of the gods even without Han Shuo to guide the support!

[Small calls for the next month's ticket, hey, the last month of c9, I hope that everyone will continue to support Xiaorui. . 】

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