MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 983 Undercurrent

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The valley is shrouded in an unprecedented haze, the cold wind blowing cold, all feel cold, this cold, not from the body, but from the depths of the soul.

Outside the deep valley, there are often strange shadows wandering, those strangers who look sinister and cold, obviously are hunting gods. In the chaotic land, the major monarchs retreat, and everyone in the deep valley is deeply worried about their own destiny. In their view, once the hunting gods alliance reaches the deep valley, there will be no living in the valley.

The war in the valley continues, the hunting gods are everywhere, and now they are leaving the valley again, it seems that they will only die sooner and faster.

For the people in the deep valley, they are in a dead end, and they can only passively wait for the final judgment. There is no other way. This kind of emotion has spread to the entire deep valley without knowing it. They are all looking at it, and there is no more life on the body.

The only exception is the Scorpio Pharmacy, and the poison pharmacists who were swearing into the Scorpio Pharmacy by Ackley, still have a hope in his heart. It is under the support of this hope that they have just stepped into the Scorpio Pharmacy and have handed over their years of hard work in various fields to Scorpio Pharmacy. (]

These people, for their own years of technical expertise, are more important than their own lives. Although Ackley vowed to guarantee that they would not have something, but they did not dare to believe 100%, they would choose to hand over the final results of their own research to Akeley and hand it over to Tianzhuo.

For them, they can die, and the results of their hard work will definitely not disappear with them. If they change another time, they will never take those things out and hand them over to Han, and they will hand them over to Akley. Now the shadow of death is lingering. After a day, they will feel that they are close to death.

Under such unbearable pressure, they eventually compromised to death.

Akeley is very happy, and with so many technical crystallizations in various fields, even if these poisonous pharmacists, these various talents are really dead, Han family can also make Tianzhu Pharmacy unique on the basis of their gods. The pharmacists, so very high, they will accept their results one by one, and send people to protect them closely. (]

Time rushed, blink of an eye, and slipped through half a month.

Gradually, the people in the deep valley are now more and more frequented by the hunting gods outside the deep valley. They suddenly realize that it is not good, one by one fear, helpless and desperate to wait for the trial.

Indeed, the Great Forces of the Hunting Alliance finally came outside the deep valley.

As the leader of this action, Dhaka constantly instilled the wealth of the deep valleys to those commanders. Those hunting gods did not suspect him, and they gathered outside the deep valley with the idea of ​​making a fortune before leaving.

Under the arrangement of Dhaka, the hunting gods are ready to attack the deep valley and rob all the wealth of the deep valley.

On this day, Xiao Han Han Hao received the message from Polo and knew the hiding places of Rogge and Tell.

Han Hao is not in a hurry to find Tyre and Rogge, because the deep valley crisis is heavier. Of course, he knows that the current deep valley has Korean families, and he knows that there are still many poison pharmacists in the valley. The poison pharmacists, according to Ackley’s news, also knew that they had been brought to the Han family. (]

"Adults, we should not go to the deep valley at this time. The major commanders of the Hunting Alliance are already in the valley. At this time, we enter the deep valley, and it is necessary to be in line with all the hunting gods. With our strength, we are afraid that we cannot stop those hunting. God's commanding attack!" Polo squatted and respectfully dismissed.

If Han Hao’s decision did not really have a chance to win, Polo would never dare to question, but now Han Hao’s approach is obviously not likely to win, and with their strength to resist the entire hunting gods alliance, this is undoubtedly the egg hitting the stone, the arm is the car, There is only one dead road.

"Nothing will happen." Han Hao did not explain, and he fell down and said: "Not all of them go, so you follow me. This time we went to the deep valley, not a desperate fight with the hunting gods. Instead, the people who belong to the Korean family will be brought up. (]

After listening to it, it was not all out. Polo’s face was even bitter. The heart’s move to Han Hao was secretive, but he did not dare to confide in his mouth. He nodded his head and nodded. “Well, what the adults said.” "Polo no longer said anything more, busy gathering his own elite, ready to cooperate with Han Hao's actions."

On the other side, Tyre and Rogge are all excited.

Rogge did not expect Tyre’s trick to work. He did not know that Tyre and Hunting’s current leader, Dhaka, was a brother, so he knew that the Hunting League was really as Dhaka said. After gathering from various regions towards the deep valley, I immediately realized that this was an important battle to defeat the chaos.


Your men are ready. Hey, once those hunting gods are all in

"Don't worry, I'm all ready. Hey, Tyre really has a set. I really don't know when you buried the energy spar on the ground. After this battle, the Hunting Alliance will have no threat to us, you In the position of chaos, five people will be able to!" Rogge smiled and greeted the sentence.

Tyre’s face is not obvious, and the mouth is still modest: “In the future, in the chaotic land, you and I will take care of each other and use the deep valley as the border, one person side. Oh, without your help, I can’t do many things. After you finish, you will need to pay more in the future."

"Where is it." Rogge responded more humbly, but his heart was sneer, and the darkness of the hunting gods was over. The situation in the chaotic land was stable. Would you probably shoot me immediately? Thinking this way, Rogge couldn't help but think more about how to save his own strength. If Hortel turned his face immediately, how should he deal with it? (]

Judging from the current situation, Tyre’s strength is obviously stronger than him. He also knows Tyre’s heart and has to prepare for himself earlier.

And Tyre really has this intention, and it is not that he plans to use Rogge to cook. He will not call Rogge to come and work with himself. To deal with those hunting gods, there are plans and arrangements for him and Dhaka. It is the same without Rogge.

The Hunting League is not deceived as Tyre thinks. No matter how Dhaka emphasizes the wealth and defense of the Deep Valley, they have been seriously cautious in the Han Dynasty. In particular, Athelt, who was once hit by the Korean family, when he said his experience, several other leaders were even more prepared.

Instead of Dhaka's expectation to enter the deep valley together, they intend to send some men to explore the road first, and then prepare to understand the situation in the deep valley, and ensure that there are no strong enemies in the deep valley to enter.

For this, Dhaka has no way to use only the magic mirror in the sleeve to communicate with Tell, and Terto has a snack.

Tyre had long thought about this possibility, and immediately sent a message to Tyre, letting him take the people to go to the kings shop to collect the scrape, in order to make the goddess to be fooled, Tyre has long been arranged to spare the blood, really Those monarch stores placed some black crystal coins that were quite eye-catching.

Over the years, Tyre has earned enough black crystal coins in the deep valley. In order to truly win the chaos, Tell has done its best.

The reason for this is to prevent those hunting gods from fully entering the deep valley. The people in front of the valley have nothing to do in the deep valley. They will not wait for others to come in and quit, and they will not achieve the goal of killing them all.

After receiving the news from Tell, Dhaka confidently filled people with him, knowing Daka in the valley, and the practice of taking the lead made the concerns of several leaders slightly weakened.

However, they still dare not believe in Dhaka all the time. They sent their own men to go to the deep valley to explore the situation. If it is rumored outside, there is a huge amount of wealth in the valley. They will go in and plunder faster than anyone else.

Dhaka sneered in his heart, and immediately took some of his own people, as well as the men of all major leaders to enter the deep valley.

At first sight, the hunting gods really entered the deep valley, and the gods who had nowhere to go in the valley to avoid them, Dakka certainly would not care about the lives and deaths of these people. Under his instructions, the hunting gods from all the major commanders took shots, as long as Seeing people who belong to their own strength, one does not let go.

These people who have nowhere to go are generally not particularly strong, or they will not stay in the deep valley. Under the killing of the **** of hunting, they are not spared.

Those who know that the only monarch shop scorpion pharmacy has not closed down, at this time are desperately fleeing to the scorpion pharmacy here, in their view, only today's scorpion pharmacy is a little safer.

Their actions quickly attracted the attention of the Hunting League. They didn't need Daka to order. Some of the hunting gods laughed and followed, and gradually approached the scorpion pharmacy.

The hunters who kill the chickens in the deep valley, no longer believe that there will be powerful enemies in the deep valley, and the screaming whistling sounds in all the neighborhoods, getting closer and closer to the scorpion medicinal herbs. . (read!)

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