MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-Chapter 2 this bad luck

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  Chapter 2 This unlucky guy

The villagers in Yangjiawu were panicked earlier, because they were worried that they would be overwhelmed by Jia Pingan, the broomstick; secondly, they were worried that the prince in Chang'an City would send soldiers to hack Jia Pingan to death, and they would also be unlucky. .

  When people panic, they lose their minds, so they become extreme and forget the consequences of Jia Ping'an's death.

   "Jia Pingan can't die! If he dies, God knows who will be killed!"

  Hundreds of people panicked and rushed forward. After a while of panic, Jia Pingan was pulled out.

  Jia Ping'an was sent home and rested for half a day. After listening to his cousin Yang Deli muttering for a long time, he learned something about the situation.

  What the villagers said was right. Yuan himself was an unlucky guy. From his grandfather to his maternal grandfather, and then to his own parents, everything was wiped out.

  When the grandfather’s family was completely destroyed, only Yang Deli was left. Jia Ping’an’s mother took pity on him and took him to take care of him at home.

   But four years ago, the old Jia’s family was completely wiped out, leaving only Jia Ping’an, so the pair of cousins ​​depended on each other for life.

   Jia Pingan sighed and said, "Poor! Poor!"

  When I was young, my grandfather and maternal grandfather died, then the teacher from the hometown died, and then my parents died...

  The key is that Li Yuan passed away at the time of birth, and Li Shimin passed away at the time of illness. This is no luck.

Yang Deli looked at him, and said with tears in his eyes: "Ping An, when you were young, you fell down when you went out, hit a tree when you walked, choked while eating, and when you were five years old, you rode a bull, and when you fell down, you were almost trampled to death by a cow... When you were studying, the Mr. The first time you came home, they said you didn’t learn anything. My uncle and aunt were worried that you would starve to death in the future, so they asked you to learn how to farm, but you almost broke your own foot with a hoe, and you lay on the bed for a month!”

   This is a downright unlucky guy!

  Reading makes husbands despair, and farming makes parents despair.

  It’s unlucky to go out by yourself, no, it’s also unlucky to be at home.

   In a word, the original Jia Ping'an couldn't do anything, he was unlucky. In addition, there were many unlucky things in the village, all of which were blamed on him.

   These are nothing, the key is... the two emperors of Lao Li's family were rumored to have been killed by him.

  The original body like this is still alive, Jia Pingan couldn't help expressing his deep admiration.

  You are so powerful!

   Such a bastard, which girl would dare to marry?

   "We are poor..." Yang Deli looked around, he could be said to be destitute.

   "The remaining rice grain is only enough for three days. After three days, we have to go up the mountain to find wild vegetables and hunt."

  Yang Deli saw Jia Ping'an in a daze, and asked, "Ping'an, didn't you get buried stupid?"

  Jia Pingan shook his head, "I was just thinking... what we call this appearance now."

   "What's it called?" Yang Deli felt that his cousin was a little different, but he couldn't tell.

   "The poor eat dirt!"

   Jia Pingan got up and went outside.

  Yangjiawu is very quiet under the protection of the wall. In the dock, the houses are staggered, and occasionally there is smoke from the kitchen, which makes a few birds chirping.

   Two dogs were biting in front of them. Jia Pingan thought it was interesting, so he got closer. As a result, the two dogs whimpered and ran away with their tails between their legs.

   Even dogs dislike me?

   Jia Ping'an was really speechless.

  Further forward, several young girls came with baskets on their backs. The baskets were full of pig vegetables, and they wanted to feed the fat pigs at home to eat later.

  The innocence of the girl, although not very outstanding, makes people feel alive.

  Several girls were muttering, one of them looked up and saw Jia Pingan, and exclaimed: "Broom star!"

   In an instant, several girls ran away.

  That light figure is like a deer, but a little flustered.

   "It's really light!" Jia Ping'an praised.

   "The broom star has come out!" Amidst the terrified shouts, several villagers carrying burdens in front ran quickly, shouting as they ran, "My lady, hurry up! Go home!"

  More than a dozen village women were taking care of their children at the door of their homes, or doing some work. When they heard the shouts, they quickly got up, picked up the children, picked up those things, and rushed into the house.

   Bah bah bah!

  There were countless sounds of closing doors, and the Wubao, which was very lively just now, was completely silent.

   Jia Pingan looked at this scene dumbfounded, and felt that he had become a street tiger, and ghosts were worried.


  He turned around slowly, and a duck stood there, looking up at him.

  Jia Pingan smiled, "After all, there is still a duck who understands that I am not a broom star, which is great."

   Before the words fell, the duck quacked, flapped its wings, and ran away as if flying.

   When Jia Ping'an returned home, Yang Deli asked, "Ping'an, did the people in the village murder you?"

   "No, it's just that people hate dogs."

  Jia Pingan asked: "Cousin, do you still have money at home?"

  Yang Deli shook his head, "I've been poor for a long time."

   Really poor eat dirt!

   Jia Ping'an frowned and said, "Maybe the one next to you can be exchanged for money?"

  He only needs a start-up capital now, which is not much, but the poor old Jia family can only think of other ways.

   "The most valuable things at home are the sets of books you bought when you were studying. Back then, your uncle and aunt had gray hair and sold a lot of things, so you copied them."


  In this era, the printing industry was very underdeveloped, and most scholars obtained books by copying.

   "It's done." Jia Ping'an was very bold, which made Yang Deli happy.

  You can sell anything these days, but you can’t sell books. But Jia Ping'an's reading made his husband desperate, so why keep those books? You want to say leave it to your children and grandchildren... In Yang Deli's eyes, Jia Pingan, a **** like Jia Pingan, will never marry a wife, and children are even more castles in the air, so there is no way!

  This is Huazhou, 180 miles away from Chang'an City. The government of Huazhou is located in Zheng County, and Yangjiawu is five miles outside Zheng County.

  Yang Deli walked out with the bookcase on his shoulders, and he couldn't help being surprised to see that no one in Wubao could see it. Then I met a villager outside Wubao, who asked, "Yang Deli, isn't this Jia Ping'an's bookcase? It looks like something precious in the past. What are you doing?"

  Yang Deli is not a broom star, and the villagers don't have that taboo, so he whispered: "Ping An doesn't study anymore, why keep it? Be it."

  Seeing that he was happy, the villager also nodded and said: "He used to read his husband to death. He wasted the family's money and food, and it was useless at all. It's good to be a good man. From now on, you can farm with peace of mind."

  The villager thought of the days when Jia Ping'an would farm the land with peace of mind in the future, and he couldn't help sighing: "It's just that he is a broom star farming... I'm afraid that the crops in the field will not grow!"

  Yang Deli was speechless, but somehow felt that his words made sense.

  He went to the city to **** the book, and when he got home, he explained the money clearly.

   "Peace, our life will be much better this year."

  With this money, plus the harvest in the field, this year is considered a good year.

   "Cousin, buy ten catties of beans." Jia Pingan said the request very calmly.

  He is now a broom star, and it is impossible for people in the village to sell him anything, so Yang Deli has to do it.

   "Buy beans?" Yang Deli said, "Peace, our family doesn't grow beans."

   "Someone wants to get something." Jia Ping'an couldn't live a day like this in the old Jia's house. He had to improve his life before he could think about other things.

  Yang Deli hesitated to speak, feeling that his cousin had changed since he was buried alive.

buy it.

  He went to the village to find someone and bought ten catties of beans. People in the village asked him why he bought them, but he just smiled wryly.

   "The broom star is acting like a demon again." Someone sighed, and then said: "Whenever he kills himself, the village will hold a banquet to celebrate."

  The news reached the village official Yang Zhongshun. His wife was sick and lying on the bed, so he said angrily, "This is trampling on my own money! Don't worry about him."

  His wife, Mrs. Zhao, panted and said: "Husband, my concubine is probably seriously ill. Hearing that broom star... I am a little scared!"

  Yang Zhongshun said: "Don't be afraid, if he dares to come, I will kill him for my husband. Just let those people not hide from ghosts, and go home and hide when they see him going out."

  Ms. Zhao nodded, "Jia Pingan has been in the village for more than ten years. If he wanted to kill someone, he would have done it long ago. How could he have waited until now?"

   Then the word spread, and the villagers thought about it, but the timid ones still said that if Jia Pingan went out, his family would not go out.


  After soaking the beans overnight, Jia Pingan, who got up early in the morning, yawned and treated Yang Deli like a donkey.

  While pushing the mill, Yang Deli watched his cousin pour the soaked beans into the mill, and the white slurry flowed out from the mouth.

   This is my first pot of gold!

  Jia Ping'an couldn't help being secretly happy.

  Some people say that tofu was invented by Liu An, king of Huainan in the Han Dynasty, but as a researcher of Tang and Song history, Jia Pingan did not find any records of tofu in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Then he cryptically asked his cousin Yang Deli, and when he learned that there was no magic weapon like tofu at this time, he couldn't help being excited.

   This is the right time for me, Jia, to get rich!

  Yang Deli felt that his cousin was a little baffled by his excitement, but it was hard to ask.

   Filter the soy milk and boil it. Seeing the excitement on his face, Yang Deli quietly backed out, squatting outside and crying.

   "Auntie! Ping An is still stupid."

   Jia Pingan inside is ordering oatmeal.

  Gypsum is a medicinal material in this era. It was used by him to make pulp, and it was poured into soybean milk after melting.

   Watching the bean curd gradually appear, Jia Pingan couldn't help but want to raise his head to the sky and scream.

  In his previous life, he had a neighbor who made tofu. He pressed tofu in the corridor every day, and there was a strong beany smell. He also occasionally helped out, and learned the craft of making tofu while talking and laughing.

   Spread a layer of cloth in the wooden box prepared in advance, then put the bean curd in, wrap it up, add a wooden cover, and finally press it down with stones.

   This is to squeeze the excess water to shape the tofu.

   Yang Deli cried for a while, then went to cook.

  The so-called rice is two bowls of barley rice with the same vegetables.

  Jia Pingan just took a bite of wheat rice and found it hard to swallow.

   This barley rice is made of wheat grains and skins that are made into small granules, so rough that Jia Pingan thinks it is gravel.

  Yang Deli was sweating from eating, very hearty, as if he was eating something delicious.

  Jia Pingan couldn't eat anymore, so he put down the rest, Yang Deli said in astonishment; "Ping An, you are... You used to eat two big bowls."

  Jia Pingan smiled dryly, "I have no appetite today."

  In his previous life, although he wasn’t considered a wealthy man, he was still considered a half-gourmet, so he didn’t want to eat such food.

  Yang Deli slapped his head, "I forgot to make soup, your favorite soup in the past, you wait."

  He went into the kitchen again, and later came out with a bowl of soup, with a look of offering treasures, "No wonder you don't have an appetite today, because you don't have this soup."

  This bowl of soup looks...grey black, without any oily smell, and there are some miscellaneous ingredients in it.

   What kind of soup is this?

   Jia Pingan frowned, Yang Deli said with a smile: "You used to refuse to eat without this soup. It must be because your nose was beaten so badly that you were dizzy and forgot. Eat it quickly."

  The original body didn't want to eat without this soup, so it tasted very good.

  There is no spoon, just drink directly from the bowl.

   Just one bite, Jia Ping'an almost threw up.

  It’s okay to be sour, but what does that sour smell mean?

  He retched, Yang Deli raised his head in concern and said, "But you don't even want to eat this? It must be sick."

   "I'm not sick." Jia Pingan looked at the strange soup hesitantly, and couldn't help but feel that it was really not easy for the cousins ​​to live to this day.

  He drank the soup with difficulty, hiccupped, and felt like ascending.

  Yang Deli proudly asked: "Is it delicious?"

  Jia Pingan endured the desire to vomit, forced a smile and said, "Delicious."

  He couldn't make it through this day!


   Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward!


  Thanks to Happy Girl, Zhao Dongping, Cong Lin, Fatty Niu who loves to eat chicks, Ku Xueo, Sir Dybala (it's a soil, not a scholar), and Boss! Thank you allies.

  (end of this chapter)

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