MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-~ Extra episode: A young man is like a tiger (8) Minister... no regrets

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  Extra: Young as a Tiger (8) regrets

  The sharp pain in the lower abdomen made Li Yuanqi startled for a moment, and then moaned softly, "You...uh! Jia Yu..."

  After Jia Ping'an became an official, Jia Yu was the one who walked outside the Jia family. He doesn't seem to have a high official position, but no one dares to underestimate the Zhao Guogong who claims that he is tired of officialdom. Fortunately, Jia Yu was very low-key and had a low sense of presence, which gradually made the Jia family out of the mainstream public opinion circle.

  But tonight's knife made Li Yuanqi re-examine Jia Yu.

  He felt that something was passing away from his lower abdomen, and his own vitality was taken away with him, but this did not prevent him from looking carefully at Jia Yu.

   "That's... that person is also surnamed Jia... old man... I hate it!"

  In an instant, Li Yuanqi figured everything out.

   The only possibility for Jia Hong, the head of the military department, who can make Jia Yu kill himself is Jia Yu's brother, Jia Ping'an's son.


  Li Yuanqi fell to the ground, smiling wryly, his body twitching.

   "Old man... I don't want to..."

  There was more regret in his eyes, and he murmured, his voice gradually became inaudible: "The emperor... can't... can't..."

  Jia Yu turned around, and gently shook the horizontal knife to shake off the blood. While slowly retracting the knife, he looked at the servants who had heard the sound.

  The servants stopped, and the porter screamed: "Killed! Killed!"

  Jia Yu nodded, "Tell the people of the Jinwu Guard that I will go and apologize tomorrow morning."

  He returned home with people.

  DouDou was waiting outside the room, when he saw Jia Yu approaching, he asked, "Brother, where have you been?"

   Jia Yu frowned slightly, not out of displeasure, but worried that Doudou could smell the **** smell on his body, "I went outside to find a doctor, who knew there was an injured person there, and the doctor couldn't leave."

  He glanced at the room, "Why doesn't Mr. Sun go to rest?"

Sun Simiao, who was sitting by the bed, turned his head and frowned, "When the old man was practicing medicine in the countryside, he often stayed up all night. And when you go out at night, you come back with a cold breath... Forget it, I can't take care of your affairs, but Jia If Dong is not at home, who will take care of him at home?"

  The words were cryptic, Jia Yu walked in, looked down at Jia Hong's face, and said in a low voice: "Aye once said that life is short, and many times you don't need to consider gains and losses. If you think it's right, then do it."

  Sun Simiao sighed, "You smell bloody... This old man has treated many trauma patients in his life, and only the blood spurted out by severe wounds smells so stench..."

   Jia Yu smiled, "What's the use of cursing at home? Something has to be done."

  Sun Simiao raised his eyes, "The palace probably should know about it."

  Jia Yu nodded, "I'll wait."

  Sun Simiao glanced at him and knew that this young man had no regrets at all, so he couldn't help sighing softly, thinking that Jia Ping's sons were really a headache. But... the old man also feels refreshed with such joyful enmity!

  He asked in a low voice: "Don't you regret it?"

  Tomorrow's incident will break out, and under the raging public opinion, Jia Yu will inevitably be blamed for the crime. Isn't he afraid?

  Jia Yu's eyes were calm, "Before I went, I thought about the outcome. I... have no regrets!"


  Li Zhi is doomed to live in peace today, and is currently listening to Shen Qiu's report.

"Wang Yuanyuan said that because of the civil strife in Tubo, the people are living in dire straits. Zanpu felt remorse in his heart. There were many rumors in the city, and the most common one was that Zanpu killed the man who killed Ludongzan... "

Li Zhi squinted at the candlelight, "This is a means to ease the relationship with Qinling. To this day, the Tubo civil war has been going on for many years, the army and the people are exhausted, and Qinling's life is not easy. If there is an opportunity, maybe the two sides will shake hands and make peace... and in the end A good opportunity is to send troops from Tang Dynasty."

  Shen Qiu felt a huge shock in his heart.

   "A piece of news that Wang Yuanyuan can inquire about, those ministers who make suggestions don't know about it? What happened to the secret spies of the Ministry of War? Did the Ministry of War refer to the news from Tubo when making suggestions? If not, it would be dereliction of duty. If there is..."

  If there is, those people can be called crazy... Shen Qiu felt chills down his spine.

The emperor coughed lightly, and there was some unknown indifference in his eyes, "What do those people want to do? The Tang Dynasty sent troops to stabilize the situation in Tubo, and Zanpu and Qinling joined hands to defend against the enemy. Since then, Datang has added a big enemy. They For what purpose?"

  Shen Qiu knew what it was.

   "I cut off most of the roots of the gentry, and the clan has long since declined. There is no second force in the world that can compete with me. So in the past few years, there has been a voice saying that I am cruel."

Li Zhi looked at the night sky and said contemptuously: "I am the emperor, and I am the Tang Dynasty. If I don't hold great power, who will be the master in this world? Rely on those courtiers? They will argue endlessly, and outsiders will still talk about it." They thought they were arguing for the future of Datang, but they didn't know that they were fighting for power and profit for the group of people represented behind them, their appearance is really disgusting."

   Neither Shen Qiu nor Wang Zhongliang dared to say anything about this topic.

Li Zhi said quietly: "When the Tang Dynasty is weakened, the emperor will be unlucky. When the Tang Dynasty declines, the courtiers will remain the same, and if the master is changed, he will still be a superior person. I have understood this truth since I was nine years old. Once there is a change in Tubo, the Tang Dynasty will be destroyed." With one more powerful opponent, Datang had to divide his troops to defend the direction of Tubo, so the opportunity of Dashi came. Once Dashi turned around and stared at Datang, the good situation would be gone... Datang would return to the previous In the national policy of foreign conquest, how can we talk about continuing to be strong?"

  Wang Zhongliang couldn't help it after all, "Your Majesty, those people are traitors and traitors, they should be killed!"

  Li Zhi raised his eyes slightly, looking at the servant who was coming.

   "Your Majesty." The servant's face changed a little, as if surprised, "Jin Wuwei came to report. Just before, Jia Yu took people to the home of Li Yuanqi, the servant of Zhongshu, and killed Li Yuanqi outside the study."

   Li Zhi was taken aback, then fell silent.

   After a long time, Wang Zhongliang heard the emperor's sigh.

   "I think of that knife outside the imperial city."


   early morning.

  Jia Hong lying on the bed suddenly moved.

  Jia Yu was sitting by the bed, his eyes moved slightly, and he called softly, "Da Hong!"

  Sun Simiao opened his eyes after closing his eyes and resting his mind, but he didn't know what to do, and there was an extra silver needle in his hand.

  Jia Hong slowly opened his eyes and saw a grizzled old man stabbing himself with a silver needle, subconsciously shouted: "Help!"

  Doudou who was outside was awakened from a doze, and stood up abruptly, "Erlang!"

  She rushed in, and saw Jia Hong leaning on the head of the bed, looking at Sun Simiao with a look of horror.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Amidst the loud laughter, the entire Jia family came alive.

  The gloom gradually dissipated, and Jia Hong lay on the bed, happily talking about his heroic deeds.

   "...I stabbed the horse's **** with a knife, and then got a stick, it hurts..."

  Jia Hong felt like he had a dream. When he woke up from the dream and saw his brother and sister, he was in a good mood. As for the danger, he had long forgotten it.

   "How about Chen Yuanwailang?" Jia Hong was a little ashamed, feeling that he had been showing off for a while, and then he thought of Chen Jinfa.

  Chen Jinfa was standing at the door, and there were people in front of him. He didn’t expect Jia Hong to think about his own safety at this moment, and he couldn’t help being moved for a moment, and tiptoed and said, “I’m here.”

  Jia Hong smiled joyfully, "It's good that you're fine."

  Chen Jinfa couldn't help but his eyes were red, and he choked up and said, "Okay, everything is fine."

  Sun Simiao made a diagnosis and treatment, and said with a smile: "Young people have a good foundation, and they will be fine after a while."

  Doudou covered his mouth and yawned, "I'm going to catch up on sleep, don't let anyone bother me, not even Ah Fu!"

  Ah Fu outside the door leaned against the wall, opened his mouth a few times, and continued to sleep.

  Jia Yu looked at Jia Hong carefully, and said with a smile, "It's all good. I'll go out now, and you should keep an eye on something at home."

  Jia Hong didn't know that his elder brother killed a servant last night because of him, so he said: "I've already slept enough, elder brother just go."

  Jia Yu raised his eyes and smiled.


   North Korea.

  There are a lot of memorials for impeachment today.

   "Your Majesty, Li Yuanqi, the Minister of Zhongshu, was killed last night, but the Baiqi people took the Li family..."

   There was a lot of noise in the morning. Zhongshu Shilang is an important minister, and further ahead is the prime minister. But someone broke into Li's house at night and killed Li Yuanqi with a single knife. This is really a shocking thing.

   But then the emperor's operation was a bit confusing. He actually ordered Baiqi to take down Li Yuanqi's family, so most people don't know who the murderer is.

  There are also those who know, for example, the team of Jinwu Guard soldiers who intercepted Jia Yu last night, but at this moment they have all been warned, and the person who came was Shao Peng who was next to the queen.

   "Live longer by shutting up."

  Shao Peng then floated to Jia's house, and felt relieved to see Jia Hong wake up.

   "The queen is very worried about your affairs, especially..." Shao Peng thought of the quarrel between the queen and the emperor last night, and couldn't help being speechless, "Take care of it well. Hey! Brothers are so...enviable!"

  Jia Hong was a little baffled, wondering why Shao Peng had mentioned his elder brother, and he even looked sad.


The prince stubbornly suppressed all the impeachments. This action made the prime ministers feel that this matter was unusual. Some people even speculated that the murderer might be the prince or the clan son, so the princes who happened to be in Chang'an became suspects. .

   While in the palace, Jia Yu was outside the emperor's bedroom at the moment.

  In the hall, the emperor said coldly: "How dare you kill people with your hands!"

  Outside the hall, Jia Yu bowed his head, "Yes."

  The emperor had a sullen face, "Why did you kill people?"

  Jia Yu believed that the emperor knew the reason why he killed Li Yuanqi, but he still asked...

   "When Chen Jinfa was intercepted, Li Yuanqi was the instigator behind the scenes. This is why the minister's younger brother almost died."

  The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Jia Hong is alright?"

  Jia Yu responded, "Yes."

  The emperor's eyes became more complex.

   "If you say that Jia Hong's life or death is still unknown, then I will deal with it lightly. You don't lack the means to cover up the news of Jia Hong's awakening for an hour, otherwise Jia Ping'an won't be at ease. Why?"

  If Jia Yu really wanted to pretend to be pitiful and reduce the crime of murder, he only needed to cover up the news of Jia Hong's waking up for an hour. It's only natural for an elder brother to avenge his brother!

  Jia Yu also thought about it, but he said: "I also think about it, if it's something else, that's fine. It's my brother. When he wakes up, I'm very happy."

  He didn't say he dared not lie to the emperor.

  The emperor said lightly: "His feelings are pitiful, and his crime is inevitable. Do you know?"

  Jia Yu took a deep breath, "Yes."

  The emperor looked at Jia Yu, "Heavy responsibility!"

  Heavy responsibility but not number, Jia Yu's life and death are in the emperor's mind.

  Jia Yu was taken out, and a bench was waiting for him.

   "Get down!"

  The two executioners held wooden sticks and looked indifferent.

  Even if the prime minister is lying there, as long as the emperor keeps silent, they have to continue beating until he is killed.

   Jia Yu got down on the ground, someone tied him up, and a servant handed him a wooden stick. The wooden stick was connected with a rope, and the rope was put behind Jia Hong's ear, "Bite, otherwise don't blame us if you bite off your tongue!"

  Wang Zhongliang stood on the steps and nodded slightly.

  Hold the staff high.


  Jia Yu's body trembled, and the cork in his mouth was bitten tightly.


  Jia Yu's body kept trembling and humming.

   "Ten sticks!"

  The prison servant shouted loudly.

   This is Zhao Guogong’s eldest son, if he is really beaten to death...


  The blame continues...

  Jia Yu's face was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were red. He felt that his thighs were rotten, and every time he went down, he hit his own flesh and blood, and the pain was unbearable.

   "Twenty sticks!"

  The prison servant's eyes are melancholy.

  Zhao Guogong is extremely defensive, and...

  As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw the queen standing there surrounded by people, and couldn't help trembling.

  Queen...the queen is here.

   "Queen!" Shao Peng became anxious when he saw this.

  Empress Wu's eyes were calm, "Wait!"

  In the hall, Wang Zhongliang came out and said loudly: "Your Majesty asked you, do you regret it?"

  Shaopeng secretly rejoiced, "Your Majesty is merciful."

  Even Zhou Shanxiang breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that as long as Jia Yu bowed his head, the emperor would let him go.

  Empress Wu smiled slightly.

  The two executioners held up their wooden sticks but did not lower them.

  Everyone is waiting for Jia Yu's answer.

   Jia Yu lowered his head, countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Acknowledge your mistake and regret it, and then the emperor can use the young impulsive reason to excuse him. But once he admits his mistake, what will Jia become? What happened to Erlang who almost died?

  He thought of Ayer's words...

   "If someone offends me, I will definitely offend!" Jia Yu tried to raise his head, his eyes were blurred with sweat, he panted, "I...don't regret it!"

  (end of this chapter)

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