MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1126 Transactions between monarchs and ministers (thanks to "Broken Bridge and Remnant Snow"

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  Chapter 1126 The transaction between the monarch and his ministers (Thanks to "Broken Bridge and Remnant Snow" for becoming the new leader of this book)

   "The great trouble in the world lies in the nobles!"

  In Qujiang Pond, Shangguanyi was laughing wildly after drinking too much.


  DouDou and Wang Qiang are in a villa outside the city.

   Today's hosts are handkerchiefs, and the place to receive them is a waterside pavilion, and there are all young girls sitting in it.

  Doudou and Wang Qiang sat together, and the two tasted the side dishes first, which was very refreshing.

   "The cook is very nice."

  DouDou looked confident.

  The girl next to him asked, "Doudou, are you a gourmet?"

  Wang Qiang said: "Think about who made the fried vegetables."

  The girl suddenly said, "By the way, I think the cooking skills of Jia's chef can stand alone in Chang'an City. Doudou, when will you invite us to your house?"


   Doudou frowned and thought, "I really want it! It's just that you don't have classes?"

"Attend class?"

   "Yes! I have to go to class every day, and today is the Si Festival, so I have a day off. But..." Doudou thought for a while, "How about I take a day off and invite you to visit?"


  Everyone agreed with joy.

   "It is said that Zhao Guogong's house looks inconspicuous, but there is quite a mystery inside. I have always wanted to go and see it. By the way, may I see Zhao Guogong?"

  Doudou nodded, "Aye can see you at home. But why do you see Aye?"

  The girl smiled, "It is rumored that Duke Zhao is both civil and military. He kills people without blinking an eye, and he can also write the most touching poems for his daughter. I want to see him."

   "Then tomorrow."

   Doudou agreed generously, but was worried that Aye would not give a fake.

   "I will definitely give it." Wang Qiang analyzed to her, "You haven't had a treat at home for a long time. If Zhao Guogong has any reason not to agree, just say it."


   Then tomorrow.

  Doudou thought about it clearly, so he let go of eating and drinking.

   "Do you want a drink for Doudou?"

  The host, Li Yu, came, blushing, "I was so busy just now, I was caught and questioned by those women, how old I am, what books I read, can I know how to sew, can I arrange meals... I really can't stand it."

"I do not drink."

  Doudou said firmly: "Aye said that I am not allowed to drink alcohol before the age of eighteen, and after that I can drink some light wine and fruit wine, but I must not get drunk."

   "Qujiang Pond is very lively."

  A maid came in, "Just now Zhao Guogong said something, what did you say... because of the rise and fall of the dynasty, many people are scolding!"

  Doudou was taken aback.

  Wang Qiang said: "Mr. Zhao is certainly right."

  Li Yu stood up, "I'll ask."

   Doudou puffed his face, "It must be bad people who are talking bad about Aye."

  Li Yu went away for a long time before coming back.

  "Zhao Guogong said that the reason for the rise and fall of a dynasty lies in where the ruler sits. Sitting on the side of the nobles, the decline and fall of the dynasty is inevitable. Sitting on the side of the world, the prosperity of the dynasty continues..."


  How can a group of young girls understand this.

   "I mean, we can be regarded as noble people. In this way, Zhao Guogong hopes that the court will take care of the people more when doing things? What about us?"

   Someone raised doubts.

  Doudou got annoyed, "We don't lack food or clothing, so can't we restrain ourselves?"

  The girl looked at her, "Why do you want to restrain yourself? Why can't you use your own money freely!"

  DouDou said: "But did you earn all that money?"

  The girl nodded, "Of course!"

   "Is everything clean?"

  DouDou asked firmly: "Is there any people's fat?"

  The girl nodded, "It's all earned by skills."

  A young girl whispered: "Your family has cultivated a lot of fields!"

  The girl stared at her angrily, "What are you talking about? Those fields were earned by Ah Weng and the others."

  Doudou rested his chin on one hand and lost interest in arguing with her.

  The young girl was irritated by her attitude, and asked, "Isn't the Jia family not adorned by the people?"

  Doudou straightened up when he heard the words, and said earnestly: "The Jia family has two farms, one in Xinfeng and one outside the city. All the grain produced every year is donated to the nursing home except for the family's food."

  Everyone: "..."

   "Aye said that people can be rich, but they can't be delicate, and the Jia family can't do things like enslaving people. Therefore, even servants have dignity at home. Aye forbids anyone to insult servants without reason, and is not allowed to humiliate them..."

  The girl couldn't help being stunned, "This is a good person!"

  Doudou sighed, "Not being a good person, Aye said that real people don't need to bully their peers to gain a sense of superiority. When people grow hands, they are used to do things, and washing clothes by themselves will not be exhausted."

   "You do your own laundry?"

  The girl couldn't believe it.

  Doudou nodded, "They wash the big ones, but the small ones are washed by themselves. I still have to...well! I have to go to the kitchen to cook for my family every once in a while and learn how to cook."

   A group of ladies were dumbfounded.

   "This...isn't this white wealth?"

  Doudou shook his head, "I can spend money! I have a lot of money. No one bullies me. That's enough, what else?"

  The days of Jia's family... are in dire straits!

  The ladies shook their heads.

"I still have to run and study every day. I'm too busy. What do you mean by being rich? Let people serve me respectfully and don't have to do things? But Aye said that people who don't do things are rice bugs! I don't know. Make rice worms."

  The girl said angrily, "Jia Doudou, you are talking nonsense!"

   "I'm not talking nonsense!" Doudou said seriously, "No, you'll know when you visit my house tomorrow."


  Doudou returned home and told the story.

   "Yes, but you need to arrange and plan how to receive those guests yourself."

   Wei Wushuang said.


  Doudou happily went to find Yunzhang, planning how to receive his friends.

   "Little lady, the first thing to do is to decide on a place, and the second is to prepare to play. What do they like to play, so prepare at home..."

   "Well... it must be in the backyard. If the eldest brother goes to study, he will lose his man, so don't be afraid."

   Am I not a man?

  Jia Ping angrily drifted past the window.

   "Where is your husband?"

   "Aye is Aye!"

   Jia Ping'an instantly calmed down.

   "Many people said that they want to see Aye tomorrow!"

   A group of little lolitas, what do you see?

   Jia Pingan strolled to the front yard.

   "Lang Jun."

  Since Wang's second son got married, his whole person has changed. From the original unrestrained and unrestrained to the current steady.

  Marriage is indeed a second evolution for men.

   "What is it?"

   "There is an uproar outside, saying that Mr. Lang's remarks are rebellious."

   "Great rebellion... They know who the gravediggers of Tang Dynasty are. They are annoyed when I revealed the identity of the gravediggers."

   Wang Laoer said: "Lang Jun, will His Majesty be annoyed?"

  "Unless they are idiots, the opponents of the emperor will always be the nobles. They know what the root cause of the dynasty is, but they dare not move."


   "Just because the nobles are entangled with the dynasty, if the nobles are touched, the emperor will be in pain. It can be said that a strong man cuts his wrist, and the risk is extremely high. Few emperors have such courage."


   "Jia Ping'an said?"

   Li Zhi still couldn't see people clearly, but his headache got better today.

  "The harm of the dynasty is that the ruler sits crookedly?"

   Li Zhi had a sarcastic smile on his face.

  Wu Mei and the prince are both there.

   "Your Majesty."

  Wu Mei said: "Ping'an was born in a peasant family, and was poor since childhood. And those nobles are arrogant and lustful..."

  Li Zhi waved his hand, "Do you think I will call him ridiculous?"

Is not it?

  Wang Zhongliang thought it was really ridiculous.

  Although Li Zhi couldn't see clearly, he seemed to see his expression, "Wang Zhongliang, tell me."

  Wang Zhongliang trembled, "Your Majesty, this servant thinks... a nobleman is born a nobleman, so he should naturally enjoy the blessings."

   Li Zhi asked: "Why is it born?"

  Wang Zhongliang froze for a moment, "Aren't nobles born? When I was at home, there were nobles passing by. Looking at those nobles, I felt that they were gods."

  Li Hong squinted his eyes, knowing that this was class antagonism.

  Li Zhi frowned, "You have been in the palace for many years, do you still think so?"

  Wang Zhongliang nodded, "The servant girl looks at the nobleman in the palace and feels that this is a natural thing."

   Li Zhi stared blankly at the right, "Goro."


  Li Hong walked over.

   "Let's talk about it."

  Li Hong said: "Aye, the common people have known since childhood that they are grass and the nobles are gods. The nobles hold the power to decide their life and death, and they are in awe."

  Li Zhi nodded, "I know, but power is still at work."


   You have to say respect the nobleman, wool!

  Everyone is human, why should we bow our heads to noble people?

  Just because the nobleman has a network of connections and power in his hands, he can easily crush you to death!

  That's why the people had to bow their heads.

  When they feel that they can't support themselves by pretending to be grandchildren, they will show a hideous face...

  At the end of the Ming Dynasty, those nobles who took life and death from the common people were killed like dogs.

  The emperor looked at the figure with blurred vision, and said, "Goro, remember, my family will always sit on the side of the common people."

  Wu Mei looked at Li Hong in a daze, seeing him nodding vigorously, she couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

   "How does Goro feel?"

  Li Hong said: "Uncle's words are very true. If you can't find out this, the Tang Dynasty will decline after its prosperity."

  This is the space for the empress, so I can talk about unscrupulous topics.

  Li Zhi nodded, indicating that he could continue to speak unscrupulously.

   "Aye, what is the rise and fall of the dynasty? What did those so-called great Confucians and important ministers say... They said that the emperor was incompetent, or that treacherous ministers were in power..."

   "It just mentioned people." Li Zhi has been an emperor for many years and is no stranger to these arguments.

"Yes." Li Hong felt that this analysis was wrong, "But if you read the history books carefully, you will find that the dynasty's decline has long been a sign. If you look carefully, you will find that this sign becomes clearer with the unscrupulousness of the upper class. "

   "The people are in dire straits." Li Zhi smiled slightly. He was all too familiar with this.

   "Goro, tell me, if land annexation is stopped, it may be eased?"

  Li Hong shook his head, "Aye, I can't."


"Land is just one of them. The greed of the superior people, even if it is temporarily stopped, still can't suppress their greed. They will look for money and power everywhere. When the things that can make money within the law are swallowed up by them, They will turn their eyes to the people..."

   Li Zhi asked lightly: "Can't the emperor stop it?"

  Li Hong said: "It's difficult. More often than not, emperors will bow their heads in front of them. If they turn against them, the emperor may fall even more."

Li Zhi nodded, "This is the difficulty of the emperor. Jia Ping'an is right. The emperor should sit on the side of the world, not on the side of the superiors. But the emperor is surrounded by superiors. For example, You, for example, the courtiers, for example, those relatives... those families, they are all high-class people. Whenever the emperor proposes to sit on the side of the people of the world, they will object, and when the objection is fruitless..."

Wu Mei said calmly: "They will put aside the emperor, this is the best possibility. More often they will kill the emperor and replace the emperor until the emperor can satisfy their greed and let them rule the world .”

   "Human nature is evil!"

  Li Hong has never thought through the human heart and human nature so thoroughly. "Uncle said that even if ordinary people become officials through the imperial examination, if there is no strong supervision, they will soon become corrupt officials."

   "This is human nature, so it is not easy to be an emperor."

Li Zhi sighed: "Jia Ping'an can say these words, and I can rest assured. At least he can let you see the world clearly, including those so-called loyal courtiers. Wulang, you have to remember, there is no such thing as loyalty." , and some are just exchanges.”

Wu Mei nodded, "Look at Li Yi's mansion, outsiders say that this man is the emperor's loyal dog, but that's because you, Aye, gave him honor, glory and wealth, and he used to bite the emperor's opponent as an excuse." In return, this is the exchange between the monarch and his ministers."

   "What about Shangguanyi?"

   "It's still an exchange."

  “Give him glory and wealth, and he will repay it with loyalty.”

   So this is loyalty?

  Emperor and Empress jointly taught Li Hong a lesson.

  Li Hong felt bored.

  He felt that the palace was like a cage, imprisoning himself.

   "Aye, I want to leave the palace."

   "Where to?"

  Li Zhi envied his son for being able to do whatever he wanted, while he could only squat in the palace and count the stars.

   "I want to go to my uncle's house."


   Jia Ping'an drank too much and lay dead at home.

   The happy sleep this time can be called dreamless.


   Jia Pingan moved a bit, then continued to sleep.



  The continuous shouting made Jia Pingan angry, and he opened his eyes and was ready to deal with people.

  He vowed to clean up even if he was walking around.

   But when he saw that it was Jia Hong, the second child, his mood improved, "What's the matter with Erlang?"

  Jia Hong said happily: "The prince has come and brought a lot of food, Aye, I want to eat meatloaf, and I also want to eat candy."

   "Erlang, you are getting fat, you should eat less sugar."

  Jia Hong's cheeks were fleshy, and he trembled when he laughed.

   "But...but is it good to be fat?"

   "If you are fat, you will get sick."

   Jia Pingan yawned and got up.

  Jia Hong said unconvinced: "Aye, last time that King Teng was fatter than me, he said he ate a lot of delicious food and it was worth it."

   "Don't listen to him."

  The scumbag Teng is now proud, especially after Datang turned his attention to Tubo.


  In the study, uncle and nephew meet.

   "Prince! Ah..."

   Jia Pingan yawned and vowed again that he would not drink during the day.

   "Uncle, Aye said that between monarchs and ministers are transactions..."

   Poor baby, he still has illusions about the world, and feels that human beings should have their own persistence, not a transaction.

   "Trades naturally exist, and they are mainstream. But there are also loyal ones, which is not uncommon."

Jia Pingan does not like to teach the young man in front of him to be a cold animal, and opposes this kind of education of the empress, "Some people think about prosperity and wealth, but some people think about their family, country and world. The rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty are linked together, and these people may be outspoken, and may not treat the emperor very well, but they are loyal courtiers."

   Whenever China falls into the abyss, there is always a group of people throwing their heads, pouring blood and pulling it up, and pulling it all the way to the peak of the world.

   "They are loyal to Datang!"


  Who would be loyal to one person if he had nothing to do?

   Jia Ping'an said: "Don't expect others to be loyal to you. They are either loyal to the glory and wealth, or loyal to the world. The emperor's responsibility is to control everything."

"I see."

  Li Hong felt a little lost.

   "This world is like this, Prince, you have to adapt. Excessive expectations will make you sad."

   This baby is very kind.

"You are very kind. A kind prince is fine, but a kind emperor is dangerous. Do you understand? When facing an unruly courtier, you must take him down decisively. No matter how much you admired him in the past, you have to kill him." Killing, this is decisiveness in killing, one of the essential qualities of an emperor."

  Li Hong sat there and said for a long time, "Is there no second way?"

   "Yes, the country is in turmoil, and the emperor died for the country."

   Jia Pingan looked at him and said seriously: "A kind person is a good person to those around him, but a kind emperor is a disaster to the world. Do you understand?"

  Li Hong understood.

  He left Jia's house in a daze.


  There are people ahead.

   "King Teng."

   "Meet the prince."

  Li Yuanying was surrounded by a Tibetan.

   "Who is this person?"

   Li Hong lost his troubles.

   "The Tubo merchant, Wang Yuanyuan."

   "Your Highness is mighty."

  Wang Yuanyuan, who was getting fatter and fatter, gave Rainbow Fart without hesitation.

  Li Hong nodded, and Wang Yuanyuan said excitedly: "Your Highness, I have already asked King Teng to settle in Chang'an in the future, and my descendants will all be from the Tang Dynasty."


  Li Hong nodded and left.

  He's thinking about...

   "Datang let him make money, and Datang is strong enough to protect him and allow him to continue to make money, so he is loyal to Datang. This is the deal."

  They rode their horses slowly on Suzaku Street.

  A horse suddenly appeared in front of it without warning, and rushed over frantically.

   "Protect Your Highness!"

  Li Hong was a little stunned.

   Crazy Horse was going very fast, and it was about to hit Li Hong's horse. At this moment, a guard rushed over on horseback.


   The two horses collided together, and Crazy Horse was fast, occupying an absolute advantage.

  The guard fell off his horse and fell to the ground.

   "Huang Wu!"

   After the crazy horse was stopped from charging, it charged again.

   "It's a crazy horse, Your Highness... stay away!"

  Li Hong has no experience in fighting, so his reaction is too slow.

  He was just about to ride his horse to avoid it, when Crazy Horse rushed.

   It's over!

   Li Hong's mind went blank, watching the crazy horse galloping towards him.

  Those eyes were full of madness.

   It's over!

  A figure stood abruptly in front of him.

  It's Huang Wu!

  He was injured by the collision. He could have done nothing wrong if he could just lie there, but he staggered and stood in front of Li Hong.


  Waving the horizontal knife.

   Crazy Horse neighed.

   immediately fell to the ground.

  But Huang Wu was bumped.

   Li Hong saw him flying over.

  Blood splattered in the air.

   Those eyes lost their luster.

  In an instant, all the entanglements disappeared.


  Thanks to "Broken Bridge and Remnant Snow"

Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

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