MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1142 brothers, strike

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  Chapter 1142 Brothers, attack

  The encounter was an accident for both armies.

  When encountering such an accident, the general has to make a quick judgment after being stunned.

  How many enemy troops?

  Is the enemy strong or weak?

  Can we do it?

  In an instant, the general will have to make a judgment.

   Then based on this judgment, an order to attack or defend is issued.

  Of course, if the first two are not possible, then there are thirty-six strategies...

   Going is the best strategy!

   Just run away!

  Liu Renyuan's first reaction when he saw the enemy was to be taken aback.

  This is a natural human reaction.

   If you want to call me stupid, I will order an attack as soon as I see the enemy.

   That's not a bullpen.

   That's Saby!

   If you attack without knowing the specific situation of the enemy and yourself, you will die if you hit the iron plate.

  So Liu Renyuan, after the veteran stared for a moment, turned his eyes and judged the opponent's general strength within ten breaths.

   "The enemy army is 20,000, and our army will surely win!"

   "Twenty thousand enemy troops!"

   Someone shouted.

   "Our army will win!"

  Everyone in the Tang army began to trot with the confidence of winning, as if one hit two should naturally win the Tang Dynasty.

   Tang Jun attacked.

  The Tubo general on the opposite side was also taken aback.

  A sense of absurdity welled up in my heart.

   "The Prime Minister and Jia Ping'an have the same arrangement?"

  As for Li Hong, no one would regard the young prince of the Tang Dynasty as the main general. In the eyes of the Tubo people, it was just a spiritual symbol.

   "Dare, the Tang army is ten thousand!"

  The subordinates gave the number.

  The general said: "Twenty thousand against ten thousand, our army will surely win."

  The Tibetans attacked with great confidence.

  The two sides are constantly approaching.

   "That's a veteran!"

  The general stared at Liu Renyuan, and said ecstatically, "Kill the enemy general!"

  The so-called capture the thief first to capture the king...

  As soon as the two sides came into contact, the Tibetans broke out in fighting power, and for a while the two sides were stalemate.

   "Get out of the way!"

  Liu Renyuan is here.

   His beard and hair were all grizzled, but he rushed into the middle of the enemy army with a horse.

"kill him!"

  The enemy general is shouting.

   Kill Liu Renyuan, Tang Jun will naturally be confused. Immediately, he commanded his subordinates to take advantage of the situation to kill...

   "The first credit is mine!"

  The general beside him said ecstatically, "Dare, look..."

  Liu Renyuan just performed a block, and his body was crooked.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  The enemy general was ecstatic, "The whole army is attacking."

  Over there, Liu Renyuan sat still, Ma Qian lightened, and his opponent fell off the horse.

  He scolded: "What kind of hot pot does Zhao Guogong make on a hot day? The old man's **** is so hot that he can't even sit still!"

   Once settled down, Jia Ping'an was very hungry, and the supplies in Shule City are still abundant. There is no need to make it complicated during the war. The simplest thing is hot pot.

  The delicious food he ate made the generals salivate, so Li Jingye asked Jia Pingan to make a hot pot, and then everyone ate it.

  Liu Renyuan lost his temper.

   This fierce man who can fight wild beasts with his bare hands rushed forward with a horse spear in his hand.

  The enemy general was stunned.


   At the beginning, Liu Renyuan's body was crooked, and everyone felt that the veteran was not strong enough.

  Of course, fighting in the battlefield requires skills, but in the final analysis, strength is the core advantage. Look at those fierce generals, which one is not fierce?

  Look at Li Ji, who is famous for his wisdom. He has the elegance of a literati, but I'm sorry, his force value is at the bottom.

   "Siege and kill him!"

  The enemy general just froze for a moment, and said with a sneer: "It's really cunning to show the enemy weakness, but he is a bit petty, which shows that the situation is not big."

  The two sides rushed forward frantically.

  Liu Renyuan led a team of cavalry straight to the enemy.


  The enemy general who had just paid attention to the situation of the battle was surprised, and said: "Do you still have power? Kill him!"

   A group of cavalry behind him attacked immediately.

   This is the elite force of the enemy general, specially used to launch an assault when the battle situation is stalemate, or when the enemy has an advantage.

  The enemy general glanced at Liu Renyuan and observed the battle situation again.

  He has 20,000 people under his command, and Liu Renyuan has 10,000 people under his command, so he can command calmly, while Liu Renyuan can only rush to kill himself.

  The group of cavalry rushed over.

   "Boss, the enemy army is coming."

   Liu Renyuan has already seen it.

  The Tubo people rushed over with a grinning grin.

   "Well done!"

  Liu Renyuan laughed wildly, "I haven't killed the enemy so heartily for many years, refreshing! Refreshing!"

  The two sides collided head-on.

  A horse lance danced dexterously. Liu Ren was willing to take advantage of the flexibility of the horse lance and use his strength to strike, making it easier and easier to see.

  The enemy soldiers shouted wildly, motivating each other.

   "Slay the enemy general and win the first victory!"

   This is the slogan of the Tibetans.

   "Defeat the enemy, and return with good wine!"

  Liu Ren is willing to use good wine to motivate his subordinates.

  The Tubo people kept flocking to them, trying to strangle Liu Renyuan who had come forward.

  A Tubo man using an iron rod roared, and the iron rod struck his head.


   This is when Liu Renyuan just killed a person, and Ma Qian has not yet drawn back, the timing is just right.

  Seeing that Liu Renyuan was about to be beaten to pieces with a stick, the Tubo people shouted wildly.

  The enemy general praised: "Ready to hunt down!"

  Liu Renyuan's body suddenly tilted, and the iron rod fell across the shoulder.

   But the opponent grinned grinningly.

  The enemy general is also grinning grinningly.

  The body is crooked, and the hands can't exert force, so naturally they can't use the horse to fight back.

   But the opponent was able to kill Liu Renyuan with a backhand.

  The opponent's iron rod stopped the charge and was just about to pull it away with a backhand.

  Liu Renyuan sat up straight, holding the horse spear in his left hand, leaving his right hand free, and punched the two sides just when they were about to miss each other.


   This punch hit the opponent's forehead, and the opponent fell back on the horse's back without saying a word, as if an iron bridge had come.

  The two sides passed by each other, and Liu Renyuan cut the opponent's Adam's apple with the edge of his palm.

  He rushed over, and the opponent behind him fell off the horse clutching his throat.

  The horse lance raised its head like a poisonous snake, and the enemy in front fell off the horse.

  Liu Renyuan went crazy.

  He is like a fast sailing ship, and the enemy is the river. The boat continued to sail forward, and the river was divided into two sides.


   "This person seems to be fifty or sixty years old, but he can still fight like this?"

  Datang has strong generals, but those strong generals have long since withered. Everyone in Tubo knows this.

  Lu Dongzan said that Datang is currently the most difficult time... The aging of Li Ji and others makes Datang no longer available generals.

  So this is why Lu Dongzan dared to raise an army to attack Anxi.

  If those generals were still able to fight back then, how could Datang use Xue Rengui to lead the army to a national war?

  That defeat directly shattered the morale of Datang's army, and Xue Rengui's morale was also shattered, so that there was no general in the follow-up court who could rival Qinling.

  At that time, the mentality of the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty probably collapsed, so that Liu Rengui took the opportunity to trick his political opponent Li Jingxuan.

  Liu Rengui knew that Li Jingxuan was a civil servant and had never gone to war, but he still praised him, saying that Li Jingxuan could not preside over the battle in Hexi.

   Li Jingxuan was not a mallet, knowing that he didn't have the ability, he tried his best to refuse, but Li Zhi nodded.

   This trip once again achieved Qinling's reputation as the invincible **** of war, and ruined countless elites of the Tang Dynasty.

  So politics is dirty a lot of the time, and politicians tend to treat everything as worthless in order to achieve their goals.

   Some black history, in order to discredit Empress Wu, blamed her as the main reason for the decline in the combat effectiveness of Datang's army. But looking at the history, we know that Su Dingfang is quite old, and he still wants to be stationed in Longyou to defend against Tubo. Li Ji is very old, and he still wants to preside over the attack on Liaodong...

   At this time, the generals of the Tang Dynasty were actually at the end of their battles.

   When they withered, Datang was embarrassed to find that no one was available.

  There are no generals in Shu, Liao Hua is the vanguard. So Xue Rengui, a fierce general who is only known for his bravery, led the army and was defeated.

  Who is there after Xue Rengui?


   Li Zhi looked at the generals in the court, and found that they were either crooked or too young to take on great responsibilities. He couldn't become a military general, so he turned his attention to the civil servants, and this was the reason why Liu Rengui recommended Li Jingxuan.

   This was the embarrassing situation of the Datang military at that time.

   Liu Ren is willing to cut through the waves all the way, but he is getting closer.

  The enemy general said angrily, "Block him!"

  He has already seen that this veteran is an out-and-out fierce man. Such a fierce person, he speculated for a while, and felt that it was possible, perhaps not his opponent.

   After more than ten riders went up, they could only stop Liu Renyuan for a moment. Seeing that the momentum was not good, the enemy turned around and prepared to run away.

  As soon as the main general moves, the banner will move. The big flag is the command core of the whole army, and when the big flag is moved, the whole army shakes.

  In an instant, the morale of the Tibetans plummeted.

  The enemy will be chased and despaired.

  The sound of horseshoes came from the side and rear.

  A dark group of people appeared.

   "It's our people!"

  The Tubo people who were fleeing were ecstatic, turned around and prepared to counterattack.

   Tang Jun was stunned.

  Liu Renyuan glanced back, "There are more than ten thousand people, such a cunning Lu Dongzan, stick to it!"

  At this moment, the enemy turned around and counterattacked. If they chased again, the enemy behind would attack with a flank, and the Tang army would be in danger.

  Liu Renyuan made a judgment in an instant.

   Tang Jun is just about to line up...

   "What about people?"

  Back to the side, Li Jingye bit the root of the grass in every possible way bored, "Brother told me to follow Liu Renyuan and beware of the enemy's rear, but now that the enemy has no rear, should I attack? At least kill a few people!"

  Li Jingye has two major hobbies, the first is the unshakeable **** dumping, and the second is killing people.

   Before the words fell, smoke and dust rose in the distance.

  The scouts in front rushed back like flying horses, "Chang Shi, the enemy army is coming."

   Marching Commander Shi leads the attack, this doesn't make sense anywhere!

  The cheeks of several generals twitched, but they were ecstatic.

   "I was expected by the Duke!"

  Li Jingye stuffed the grass roots into his mouth and chewed, shouting: "Brothers, attack!"

  He ran all the way with his subordinates.

  When he saw those ecstatic Tibetans, Li Jingye beamed with joy, "The opportunity to kill the enemy is at hand, and the reward for meritorious service is now!"

  The enemy general was ecstatically commanding the counterattack, and proudly said: "The Prime Minister really has a clever plan, and he even made people ambush here, hahahaha!"

  The 10,000 ambush soldiers were running wildly beaming.

  Under attack from both sides, how can the Tang army be undefeated?

  For the first time, Liu Renyuan looked solemn, "Steady..."

   Tang Jun quickly lined up.

  The crossbowmen form an array, wind up...

   "Crossbow arrows..."

   The general shouted.


  Liu Renyuan didn't hear the follow-up instructions, so he looked up.

  The sky is blue and there are no arrows!

   "Where are the crossbow arrows!"

  Liu Renyuan was furious.


   After a loud cry, everyone looked to the rear left.

  Thousands of people are rushing forward, and the first rider is holding a Mo Dao, and he looks beaming.

   Damn it!

  Liu Ren wished to cover his forehead, "Lu Dongzan is cunning, I thought today would be difficult, but I didn't expect the Duke to be prepared for it. If anyone speaks ill of Duke Zhao in the future, I will kill him."

  Li Jingye rushed into the enemy's reinforcements, brandishing a Modao, and immediately there was blood and rain all around.

   "Can't stop!"

   This fierce man is more fierce than Liu Renyuan!

   "Shoot his horse!"

   This method is good!

  Li Jingye's war horse neighed, and then fell down.

   Fortunately, the speed was not fast, Li Jingye took advantage of the trend and rolled forward, and the surrounding Tubo people came up and hacked in ecstasy.

   Mo Dao turned around on the ground.

   Immediately, the ground was covered with human legs.

  Li Jingye jumped up, and someone behind him shouted: "Changshi changed horses!"

   Li Jingye shouted: "Change another bird!"

  He actually rushed in just like that on foot.

  There are piles of corpses and pools of blood behind this road.

   His people could no longer be seen on the periphery, only something was rushing towards the middle of the enemy army. Wherever he went, blood kept shooting out, and stumps and broken legs could be seen flying from time to time.

   Li Jingye, a fierce man, rushed to the enemy general with a single brain, slashed his head with a knife, and then cheered with his head in his hand.

  He looked around for a week, and those Tibetans retreated one after another.


  Looking at the **** Li Jingye, no one dared to face him.

  Li Jingye got on the enemy general's horse and waved his head.


   All cheers!

  The enemy army is defeated.

  Liu Renyuan took advantage of the situation to hide and kill, and the two routs merged.

  Li Jingye happily charged forward, Liu Renyuan gasped and said, "Wait, old man!"

  The deputy general next to him said: "Unless the Duke of the State is here in person, we can't touch him."


   "Rest today, test tomorrow..."

   Said it was a rest, but Ke Ludongzan was still restless, and was discussing the matter of the war with his subordinates at the moment.

   "In a battle of hundreds of thousands of people, don't think about defeating the enemy in one battle."

  Lu Dongzan warned his subordinates calmly.

  Da Ma Ben Bujin said: "Prince Li Hong is in charge of the Tang army, it can be seen that after Li Ji, there is no famous commander in the Tang Dynasty. Jia Ping'an is quite famous, but he has been working under the command of Li Ji and Su Dingfang..."

   "Don't underestimate this person."

An official said: "Last time Dasai led an army of 100,000 to attack Tuyuhun, and was finally defeated and captured. During this period, this Zhao Guogong made a lot of contributions. Moreover, this man likes to kill people. After killing people, he even likes to use corpses to build Beijing. Ferocious like a wild beast. Such people must not be underestimated."

   There is no first in literature, and there is no second in martial arts.

   It's the mentality!

  Countless industries have the same urgency: Even if they are at the bottom of the industry, they still look down on those big bosses.

  What's so good about your pen? You are just lucky, wait for brother to work hard, sooner or later you will be crushed.

  Under those scenes of talking and laughing at Yan Yan, countless undercurrents surged.

   There is also some kind of heartfelt convincing, but that is after the person concerned feels that everything is indifferent.

  Bu Jin is a general of Tubo, and even a general that Lu Dongzan relied heavily on after Da Sai was captured, so his posture is not surprising.

   Lu Dongzan took a look at his subordinates and knew these mentalities well.

"The last time I went to Chang'an as an envoy, I ordered the Tuyuhun rebels to attack and harass the Diezhou area to create momentum for the envoy. Army corpses!"

   "This is the first time I know Jia Ping'an's name, and I forgot it afterwards."

  A prime minister naturally disdains to remember an unknown person.

   "Later, I heard about this name one after another, but I didn't care about it until the Liaodong War."

   That was the first battle in which Jia Pingan truly entered the ranks of high-ranking generals.

   "Li Ji also intended to help him, so Jia Pingan led the army across Liaodong."

   Bu Jin hesitated to speak.

   "I don't value this person's ability to lead an army, but what I value is this person's wrist."

Lu Dongzan said: "After several actions, he even got Silla involved. You know, if Silla is not involved, what if the Tang Dynasty wiped out Goryeo? It's just a wedding dress for Silla. .This is a technique that makes this old man applaud!"

"Remember, the best battle of the Liaodong War was without gunpowder." Lu Dongzan taught his subordinates, "The conquest is just for ruling, why did the Tang Dynasty conquer Liaodong? It was for ruling. And destroying Silla is the biggest gain .This is handsome talent."

  Bu Jin was still unconvinced, "But Jia Ping'an continued to encourage the conquest of the Japanese country, and it would be unwise to wait for such a small country to go to the conquest."

   Lu Dong praised and sighed, "You don't know, Jia Ping'an's all-out effort to attack the Japanese country was because the Japanese country discovered the silver mountain. It is because of this silver mountain that the Tang Dynasty now uses silver coins."

  Lu Dongzan took out a silver coin and put it on the table.

  A beautiful silver coin.

  Lu Dongzan said: "The foundation of a country lies in money and food. The Tang Dynasty has always been short of money. The discovery of Yinshan is to send energy to the Tang Dynasty. It is a great contribution."

   Someone said: "Why does the Prime Minister praise the opponent?"

  You are imposing on others!

  Lu Dongzan said flatly: "Only by facing the opponent squarely can we defeat the opponent."

  Bu Jin was extremely dissatisfied, "Can Jia Ping'an be able to resist the Prime Minister's methods? After this battle, the best of the Tang army was wiped out, and our army immediately swept Anxi, and even Longyou Dao."

  Lu Dongzan frowned slightly, "I sent people to harass the Tang army, it was just a test, let's see Jia Ping'an's response...This kind of battle cannot be taken lightly, and temptation is inevitable. If Jia Pingan is not prepared..."

  His eyes flashed fiercely.

  This is Ludongzan who is in Tubo!

  At this moment, a large group of cavalry has assembled outside, and they are waiting for orders in every possible way.

   "It is said that it is preparing to raid the Tang army camp, but how is this raid?"

  The sound of horseshoes came in a hurry.

   "It's the big camp ahead."

   Dozens of rides appear.

   "Where is the prime minister?"

   led by Dare shouted.

  Lu Dongzan in the tent got up and led everyone out.

  He saw Dare's embarrassment, and his heart was slightly cold.


  Tala got off his horse and knelt down, "Master!"

  Lu Dongzan said lightly: "Why did you lose?"

   Dare said: "Our army encountered 10,000 Tang troops on the way. When the two sides were fighting, our reinforcements rushed..."

   This is Lu Dongzan's meticulous preparation.

   "Just when our army counterattacked and the Tang army was uneasy, they even came for reinforcements..."

  Lu Dongzan was taken aback, "Jia Pingan..."

   "Our army is invincible..."

  Lu Dongzan smiled and said, "Is Jia Pingan also arranged like this?"

  The two old foxes seem to be looking at each other across the air.


  Lu Dongzan laughed out loud.

"Ha ha ha ha!"


Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

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