MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1153 Pretend to cross robbery

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  Chapter 1153 Crossing the Tribulation's Pretending to Be Criminal

   "Tubo was defeated."

   Rhodes and the generals were discussing how to suppress a rebellion that had just occurred, and the messenger came.


   Rhodes suddenly became excited.

  The messenger said: "Lu Dongzan assembled an army of 300,000 troops and went straight to Shule City. They couldn't go down for several days, and then the Tang army came..."


   Rhodes raised his hand to stop the messenger, and frowned, "Shule City is extremely far away from Longyou Road and Chang'an. How could the Tang army arrive in a few days? No, they are..."

  A general said: "Is the Tang army just about to attack Tubo? But if they want to attack Tubo, they won't go this way? Could it be..."

   "Are they trying to attack us?"

   Rhodes said: "Not necessarily, but it is a good thing that the two sides collided."

   Someone said: "Could it be that they knew about the attack of the Tibetans?"

   Rhodes nodded, "It's possible."

  He nodded to the messenger.

  The messenger continued: "There are more than 100,000 Tang troops. The two sides fought near Shule City. Tubo was defeated. It is said that Lu Dongzan fled with only a few hundred horses..."

   "Three hundred thousand..."

   Rhodes was silent for a long time, "Lu Dongzan is a huge threat. Even if he goes back this time, he will be a homeless dog. Tubo... is nothing to worry about. But what about Datang?"

  He raised his head, "Datang has no opponent since then... this emperor!"

Rhode's eyes became more dignified, "I have collected a lot of information in the past one or two years. When the emperor ascended the throne, he was surrounded by powerful ministers. I thought this was another story about Tubo powerful ministers and Zanpu. I didn't expect this The emperor counterattacked the powerful officials, and then went on a campaign to wipe out all the threats to the Tang Dynasty. This is an ambitious emperor, and I think we are in trouble."

  A general asked: "Lord, you are talking about trouble, but Datang will keep an eye on us?"

   Rhodes nodded, "Datang has no opponents anymore, where is the huge army going? I asked, the other side of Datang is the sea, and the only way they can go is to the west, which is our side."

   "Rods, the last time our envoy went to Datang, the Zhao Guogong said that there should be a buffer between Datang and Dashi, and Persia is where Datang decided to be a buffer between the two countries, implying that we should withdraw from Persia."

  A general said indignantly: "This man is domineering. If we meet on the battlefield, I will tell him what a Dashi warrior is."

   Rhodes looked at him with cold eyes.

  The messenger said: "The crown prince is leading the Tang army in this battle, and that Zhao Guogong is the deputy commander. But the prince is young, and we estimate that this Zhao Guogong is in command."

  The general was stunned.

   Rhodes said lightly: "This person is not something you can underestimate. He can defeat Lu Dongzan, and he can easily defeat you."

  The general bowed his head and pleaded guilty.

Rhodes said: "Send messengers back and tell them that the giant Tang Dynasty opened his eyes towards the west. How should we choose? Retreat... They will definitely ask us to withdraw from Persia. The so-called Persian governor Perus It is said that they are on their way to Chang'an to ask for help, this is the best excuse for Datang... So, ask them, should Dashi retreat or advance!"

  He looked at the east, as if there were flames burning in his eyes.

   "I hope to fight him!"


  Chang'an in early summer is a bit hot, but Qin Sha's heart is as cold as ice.

   "Dalang, live well."

  Ms. Zhang held his hand, with countless nostalgia in her eyes.


  Qin Sha fought back tears.

  Last year, the medical officer said that if Zhang's condition can survive the winter, there is still half a year left.

   It's not half a year now, but Zhang's life has come to an end.

  Ms Zhang glanced at her daughter-in-law Yang, "You have to take care of him."

  Yang nodded tearfully, "Yes."

  The children stood on the side, Zhang looked at them one by one with kind eyes, and finally looked at Qin Sha, "I am most worried about Li Yifu... Dalang, promise me that you will stay away from him for the rest of your life."

  Qin Sha nodded vigorously, "Yes."

  Ms. Zhang sighed, and there was a sound in her throat.


  Ms. Zhang held her son's hand, "I should have left a long time ago... The gods blamed me... But I can't bear to leave you alone in this world... Dalang, you have to... have a good life... live a good life."

   That hand squeezed Qin Sha's hand hard, and then he couldn't let go.


  Qin Sha looked down at his mother.

  Ms. Zhang glanced at him for the last time, and slowly closed her eyes with infinite nostalgia.


  Qin Sha called softly.

  A tear fell on Zhang's thin cheek.

   Then another drop, and it never stopped.


  Qin Sha asked for leave.

  Li Yifu ordered his son to go to Qin's house to deliver a memorial ceremony.

   He hasn't had an easy time lately.

  The emperor gradually handed over the tasks that needed to be done by his confidantes to Xu Jingzong and Shangguanyi.

   This is a red flag.

  But he is still in charge of the coveted Yamen of the Ministry of Officials.

When Xia Ya returned home, Li Lu said: "It is said that Qin Sha's mother is as skinny as a hemp stick, but she is just thinking about him and suffering. Hey! Poor parents all over the world. By the way, Qin Sha asked me to thank Aye... If it wasn't for this sacrifice... Yi, Mother Qin's funeral is a bit simple."

Li Yifu said: "The old man gave him a lot of money. At first I thought he was spending it, but later I realized that this man is a filial son, and he spent all of it on his mother. This kind of people... Dalang must remember, a filial person Only then can we make a deal."

   "Yes." Li Lu smiled and said, "Qin Sha is pitiful even if he thinks about it. If it weren't for Aye's help, he might have fallen by now."

   Li Yifu's complexion changed, and Li Lu quickly shut up.


  Li Yifu thought of his current situation.

  After losing the respect of the emperor, he felt that the officials in the court were watching his jokes, and some people were even ready to move.

   "This matter is troublesome."

   "What's the trouble?" Li Lu asked.

   "Your Majesty has been dissatisfied with this old man recently, and has left most of the work to Xu Jingzong and Shangguanyi." Li Yifu looked at his son, "Your Majesty said that you waited to betray the official, and even hired criminals for others, and ordered this old man to be in control..."

  Li Lu said: "It's just a sale. Aye serves His Majesty. Isn't there such a benefit? If so, who is willing to serve him?"

"Shut up!"

  Li Yifu stopped him, and then said with a cold face: "Your Majesty has always relied heavily on this old man, why did he suddenly change? This old man feels... I'm afraid there is something wrong at home..."

  He rushed out suddenly, ran to the door of the house, and still retreated...



  The whole family felt that Li Yifu might be confused.

  Li Yifu stood in the distance and looked at the sky above his house, and came back after a long time.

   "I'm afraid there is something wrong with our house, and tomorrow the old man invites someone to take a look."

   On the second day, Li Yifu sent people to find the warlock Du Yuanji.

  Du Yuanji looked at the immortal demeanor, his eyes were calm and breezy, and he looked like a master of the world.

   "Meet Li Xiang."

  Li Yifu nodded, "There is something going on in the old man's house recently. I heard that you are very hopeful. Let's take a look."

  Du Yuanji saluted freely, "It's a small matter."

   Immediately, he checked around Li's house, and said firmly, "I see resentment."

  Li Yifu's heart shuddered, and he couldn't help thinking of those people he had killed over the years.

   "Where does the resentment come from?"

  Du Yuanji said: "I saw the resentment in the prison."

  Li Yifu clenched his fists, "Maybe it was suppressed?"

  In the past few years, while he has handled some matters for the emperor, he has cleaned up a lot of enemies for himself by the way, and his grievances... I guess it can fill the Li family.

  Du Yuanji smiled and said: "This matter cannot be suppressed, otherwise no one can stop the backlash of resentment."

  Li Yifu panicked, "What should I do?"

  Du Yuanji frowned, and slowly circled with his hands behind his back.

  During this time, Li Yifu thought of many things.

  How many people have been imprisoned because of the old man these years?

   It seems to be countless.

  Many of these people died in prison, how strong is the resentment?

  Reminiscent of the emperor's recent sudden change in attitude, Li Yifu subconsciously felt that resentment was at work.

  Du Yuanji twirled around with his hands behind his back, muttering words, and casually glanced at Li Yifu's expression.

  When he saw Li Yifu's expression changed drastically, Du Yuanji stopped and sighed.


   Li Yifu asked.

  Du Yuanji said: "There is only one way."

"you say!"

   "This kind of grievance reaches the gods. It can only be appeased, not suppressed, otherwise I will be destroyed." Du Yuanji sighed and shook his head, "I have been thinking for a long time, and the only way is money!"


   "Yes." Du Yuanji narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Yifu slightly, "If they can hoard 20 million yuan at home, those grievances can absorb wealth, and then they can be detached... After they are detached, their grievances will disappear, and they will be grateful to Mr. Li..."

  Li Yifu was silent for a long time.

   "Money... easy to talk about!"


   "Your Majesty, there are more and more Li Yifu selling officials."

   Baiqi has already set his sights on Li Yifu.


   Li Zhi responded lightly.

  Empress Wu said: "What's the use of being greedy for money? Could it be brought underground?"

  Li Zhi picked up the memorial and glanced at it, "The benefit makes the mind faint."


  Taiping was supported under the armpit by a court lady, hehehe went up the steps, and rushed in immediately.


  Li Zhi threw the memorabilia on the table, with a smile on his face, "Come here from Taiping."


   "Your Highness, Li Yifu has been quite bold in selling his officials to raise money recently, even collecting money in advance..."

  Li Hong was quite shocked when he heard the words, "How about Aye?"

  Dai Zhide shook his head, "Your Majesty learned that he did not deal with it."

   Li Hong immediately went to see him.

   "Aye, Li Yifu..."

   "I have my own opinion on this matter!"


   "Li Yifu is going crazy?"

  Wang Bo was also quite surprised.

   "He's not crazy, someone thinks he's crazy."

  Jia Pingan felt that he was sitting and watching a good show.

  He tapped on the table with his fingers, "You are also sixteen years old, what are your plans for the future?"

  Wang Bo subconsciously said: "I am an official through the imperial examination."

   Jia Pingan frowned, "If you don't become an official, you will die?"

  He can't understand the ethos of rushing to become an official after studying. It is under this ethos that countless knowledge has been distorted, the relationship between classmates has changed, and the relationship between teachers and students has also changed...

  Every child is studying with their hair tied up. Parents and teachers open their mouths to become officials, and shut their mouths to become officials. In a word, if you do not study and become an official, you will fail your parents and teachers.

  Subsequently, what happened in the same year, what Fang Shi, scholars from all over the world joined together in this way, and this huge interest group immediately began to gnaw at the country.

   "Not to be an official..." Wang Bo was a little at a loss, "What can I do?"

   "Even if you are a gentleman."

   This is Jia Pingan's suggestion, "Go home and discuss with your family."

  Wang Bo was a little confused.

  Out of the study, DouDou and Ah Fu are looking for the old turtle.

   "Brother Wang, have you seen the old turtle?"

  Wang Bo shook his head, "It's too hot this day, Lao Gui probably went to the shade."

  Patting Ah Fu around, "Ah Fu, let's go!"

   O happy little lady!

  Wang Bo is very envious of Doudou's happiness, and even more envious of her carefree.

  Wang Family, Wang Fuchou has returned and is tossing in the kitchen.


  Wang Bo yelled as soon as he entered the house.

  Wang Fuchou poked his head out from the kitchen, sweating profusely and said, "Sanlang is back? Sit down, it will be ready soon."

  The dinner continued Wang Fuchou's demeanor and was very sumptuous.

  Wang Bo was listless after eating, so Wang Fuchou hurriedly brought him some food, "Sanlang has no appetite?"

  Wang Bo nodded, "Aye, what do you want me to do in the future?"

  Wang Fuchou picked up the wine glass, squeaked, and his cheeks twitched, "Of course I will take the imperial examination, and then I will be an official."

  This is the purpose of be a master!

  Wang Bo was in a daze, "Aye, can you succeed without being an official?"

   "What is this kid talking about?" Wang Fuchou poured himself a drink, then took a sip, and said comfortably, "Why not be an official? Do you want to do business?"

   Merchants belonged to the lower class in Datang, at least in the official tone.

   "Aye, do you want to teach?"

Wang Fuchou shook his head, "Look at the years when my father taught you brothers how to count people. It was just a matter of counting people. If you go to teach and have dozens of students, how can you be overwhelmed? Besides, teaching can teach What's coming?"

  Wang Bo frowned slightly: "If I went to teach, how could I be so devastated?"

   In order to pretend to be a young man who disrespected his master, you said that he would have a hard time teaching, is it possible?

   "If you like to study, you will become an official after passing the imperial examination."

  Wang Fuchou took a sip of wine happily, "When the time comes, I will completely relax as a father, and I should enjoy it."

  Historically, that’s what he thought. As a result, Wang Bo became an official...First he was kicked out of the palace by the emperor, and then he killed someone...

  The next day Wang Bo went back and told his father's opinion.

   "Aye said that it is better to get an official through the imperial examination."

   Jia Ping'an had a headache.

  Other people gain both fame and fortune by being an official, and can they realize their personal ambitions?

  But this baby becomes an official and also survives the robbery.

   If you cross the calamity, you can cross the calamity, everyone stay away, so as not to be struck by lightning.

   But I can't stand the thunderstorm this day!

  Wang Fuchou was caught.

  A lightning strike left him scorched on the outside and tender on the inside.

  But Wang Bo still failed to overcome the tribulation.

   "You are an official..."

  Jia Pingan was thinking about what words to persuade Wang Bo so that he would not feel ashamed.

   "Look at me, I hang out at home all day, what's so good about being an official..."

  Wang Bo looked like I was listening, but the left ear went in and the right ear went out.

   Jia Pingan was angry, "I'll let you try it."

  Wang Bo's eyes lit up, "Okay."

  Military Department is the territory of Mr., wouldn't it be like a fish in water if I go there?

   Then I have a good reputation in the Ministry of War, and I will have an advantage in the selection of the Ministry of Officials in the future.

   Jia Pingan said: "There is no need to go to the Ministry of War."

  Wang Bo: "..."

   "Go to the household department."

   "I can calculate far more than my peers."

  Wang Bo left the study confidently.

   "Don't run away, old turtle."

   A gust of wind rushed past.

   "Go around!"

   "Brother Wang!"

  DuDou waved his hand, "I'm very busy."

   ran away in a circle.

  According to her statement, she is the busiest in the entire Jia family, but Jia Pingan said that she is busy with nothing.

  Wang Fuchou was very happy when he heard the news, and made another sumptuous dinner.

  The next day, Wang Bo went to the household department with Wang Fuchou's instructions.

   Naturally, Dou Dexuan is not free, nor is he in the mood to see such a boy.

   "Why did Xiao Jia throw the students here?"

  Dou Dexuan was very dissatisfied.

  Du He said: "Lang Jun said that he was sent to cross the catastrophe."

  Dou Dexuan: "..."

   "Go to Duzhi."

  Duzhi can be regarded as the core department of the Ministry of Household Affairs, responsible for treasury expenditure and national tax statistics.

  The biggest shortage in such places is computing talents.

  In the past few years, the Ministry of Household Affairs has introduced a group of mathematics talents, and the efficiency has improved a lot.

  Wang Bo was taken to Duzhi.

   "This is Mr. Xie."

  Xie Yun raised his eyes, put down his pen and asked with a smile, "Newcomer?"

  Because Jia Pingan said not to reveal his identity, the little official who sent Wang Bo came said: "He is a newcomer, his name is Wang Bo."

  Wang Bo cupped his hands, "I have met Mr. Xie."

   Xie Yun nodded, "It happens to be busy recently, how about arithmetic?"

  Wang Bo said indifferently: "It's average...but it's hard to find an opponent."

  The smile on Xie Yun's face dissipated a bit, "Jiang Huo, Chen Yudu, you two take Wang Bo with you."

  The two little officials got up and saluted.

  Wang Bo returned the gift.

   Immediately he was placed among the minor officials.

  In the duty room, the abacus crackled and the pages turned rustlingly.

  Tobe is really busy.

  Jiang Huo and Chen Yudu got some account books, "You do the math."

  Wang Bo took the account book, nodded, and said confidently: "Soon."

  Jiang Huo and Chen Yudu were also in this value room, and they sat down.


  The abacus never stopped.


  A account book has been calculated!

  The six small officials in the room all looked up at Wang Bo.

  Wang Bo put the abacus aside in high spirits, "Why do you need an abacus for such a simple number?"

   It happened that Xie Yun came to find them something...


  Wang Bo threw the account book on the table, raised his eyes and cupped his hands, "Thank you, sir, I'm done."

  This pretending...

   Xie Yun couldn't bear it anymore.

  He smiled and said: "So... I have a good hand in Duzhi."

   Immediately, Jiang Huo and Chen Yudu came over with dozens of account books, smiling very kindly, and Chen Yudu even praised: "Wang Bo, you are really good."

  Then the two flattered Wang Bo, "It's a small matter."

  He calculates quickly, but he can't stand the large number!

   Not long after, those colleagues finished, looked at each other, and laughed contemptuously.


  In future generations, this kind of people are easy to be targeted in the work unit.

   On the first day, Wang Bo felt very fulfilled. When he got home, Wang Fuchou asked, and he said, "They all admire me!"


   As expected, his son was promising, and Wang Fuchou felt very happy.

  The second day is still the same.

   On the third day, when Dou Dexuan was free, he asked, "Where did Xiao Jia's disciple go?"

  The little official said, "Go to Duzhi."

   "Look and go."

  Dou Dexuan went all the way to Duzhi, and the clerk pointed to a guard room, "Sir, it's inside."

   Dou Dexuan walked over, stood outside the window and looked inside.


  Wang Bo threw away the pen, stood up gracefully, "I've finished the calculation, you wait..."

  He looked left and right, that smile full of superiority!

   It's too much to ask for a fight.

  Dou Dexuan gave a dry cough, and was going to go in instead of Jia Pingan to teach this ignorant kid.

  As soon as he entered, everyone quickly stood up and saluted.

  Wang Bo clasped his hands and said with a smile: "I have seen Mr. Gong, these are just trivial matters, and I can finish daily tasks in half a day."

  The petty officials looked ugly.

  You finish your day's work in half a day, but we need a whole day... Does that mean we have been slacking off?

  Xie Yundui, who came over after hearing the news, came in with a smile, and casually glanced at Wang Bo.

   This glance seemed appreciative.

  Wang Bo couldn't help smiling.


   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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