MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1155 I'm still the farm boy

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  Chapter 1155 I’m still that peasant boy

  In the eyes of the Tang monarchs and ministers, the Turks were beaten and disabled, and Tubo was beaten and disabled. So far, the Great Tang has no opponents.

   Invincible is really lonely!

  Today, the attitude of the monarchs and ministers towards the artillery is joy, but it is not ecstasy, or it is out of this kind of mentality.

   There are no enemies anymore, so what's the use of the best firearms?

  But Jia Pingan sang the opposite tune.

  Li Yifu was thinking about how to sell his official position faster, and asked, "Where did the enemy come from?"

  Jia Pingan didn't look at him, and said: "Your Majesty, don't forget the big cannibal who is now dominating the Persian Protectorate."

   "The Great Food Messenger came to Chang'an last time, and he was very kind when he left."

  Li Yifu habitually hated Jia Pingan.

  If Empress Wu hadn't been watching, Li Yifu would have dealt cruel blows to Jia Ping'an long ago.

   "The Tubo envoy is also very kind."

   Jia Ping'an's words were like a slap in the face.

  Li Yifu could not refute.

   "Da Shi!"

  Li Zhi said: "Last time you said that Dashi is a threat second only to Tubo, do you still think so?"

   "Now I think that Dashi is the biggest threat to Datang."

  Li Zhi smiled, "You are in the Ministry of War, so it's easy to think about it."

   This is perfunctory.

  Li Yifu smiled kindly.

  When returning to the city, Li Zhi said to Empress Wu: "Datang without an opponent is in danger. Jia Pingan made Dashi out as an opponent. I know his intentions, but Dashi is too far away."

   "Be prepared for danger in times of peace."

  Empress Wu obviously knew better than the courtiers what Datang should do.

   "Datang must find an opponent for himself, so that he can work together, the army will not relax, and the civil servants will not indulge in pleasure."

   "I know."

  Jia Pingan followed behind. After returning to the Ministry of War, he asked Chen Jinfa, "Is it time for the secret agent of the Ministry of War to come back?"

   "Duke, our secret agent said that he received Bellus."

   Jia Ping'an's heart moved, "Which is the guardian?"


  Persia belongs to Datang at the moment, at least in name.

  The Tang Dynasty is coercing all directions at this moment. If these are included, the territory is really unprecedented.

   "I'm waiting for him."


  Wang Bo went to find his father.

   "Sanlang, why are you so thin?"

  Wang Fuchou was startled by his thin son.

   "Aye." Although Wang Bo lost a lot of weight, he was in exceptionally good spirits. "I've thought about it for a long time, and I don't think I'm suitable for an official position."

   "Why?" Wang Fuchou felt that his son was probably ill. "Study is for the purpose of becoming an official. If you don't work... you don't work..."

  He couldn’t say the words ‘what are you doing if you don’t become an official and study’, otherwise the coffin board of his Laozi, Wang Tong, who was later called one of the five sons of the hundred schools of thought by the Three Character Classic, would not be able to hold the coffin.

  —The five sons include Xun Yang, Wen Zhongzi, and Lao Zhuang. Xunzi, Yangzi (Yangxiong), Laozi, and Zhuangzi are all familiar, but Wen Zhongzi refers to Wang Tong.

  The children of the Wang family must study!

  Otherwise humiliate the ancestors!

  Wang Bo said: "I offended the Shangguan and my colleagues after a few days in the household department..."

   "Isn't it a compliment?"

  Wang Fuchou himself is also a person who cannot be mixed, otherwise, as the son of Wang Tong, he can be a high-ranking official anyway.

   "That's not a compliment, but a sarcasm, a stab in the back. They..."

  After Wang Bo finished speaking, Wang Fuchou was stunned.

   "Is that so?"

He smiled wryly and said: "The old man has always felt that your temper is too complacent, that you despise people, despise people, and easily offend others. But you always think that you are talented, and the Shangguan can see some of it... Now it seems that your temper is in the officialdom. ..."

   "Sir, he said that I will cross the catastrophe when I enter the officialdom." Wang Bo said.

   "Crossing robbery?" Wang Fuchou felt that this was too much.

   "Yes." Wang Bo said: "Mr. said that if I enter an official career, I will be unlucky, but the officialdom emphasizes association. If I am unlucky, I will bring my family back."

  As for Jia Ping'an, Wang Bo couldn't tire him out.

  Wang Fuchou felt disappointed, "The old man went to Jia's house to ask."

  He then went to Jia's house.

   Jia Ping'an seemed to have known that he would come, and the tea was ready.

   "Zian's temperament can't be changed." Jia Pingan said: "As his father, you should know."

   "The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change." Wang Fuchou smiled bitterly.

   "If he becomes an official, he will definitely be hated by others. You can be regarded as a veteran of the officialdom. You should know that those officials have countless ways to punish people."

  Wang Fuchou nodded, "The old man was punished a lot in the early years."

   Was it a family heirloom?

   "Your temperament is just not good at exploiting, but Zian will offend everyone. What do you think will happen if such a temperament enters the officialdom?"

  Wang Fuchou said: "Sanlang said that he suddenly realized what his colleagues criticized him. He is arrogant, and he was so criticized that he felt extremely uncomfortable..."

  A person who is obsessed with children is suddenly told that your son will not be able to make a difference in the future. That kind of shock makes Wang Fuchou look a lot older.

   "I arranged it."

  Wang Fuchou looked up in astonishment, "Why is this, Duke?"

   "I asked Mr. Dou to help, and Mr. Dou arranged for a small official to invite Zi'an's superior and colleagues to drink. During the dinner, the small official seduced him, and everyone criticized Zi'an..."

   "I want to give him up."

  By the way, I will save you, otherwise you will have to go to Cochin to be an official.

  Wang Fuchou asked: "Zian is really not suitable for officialdom?"

   Jia Pingan nodded, "He is not suitable for officialdom in his life!"

   This man became an official to cross the robbery, and the later governor Yan Gong and his son-in-law suffered a thunderstorm, which fulfilled Wang Bo's reputation.

  The Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng is famous forever, but the price is that everyone in the world knows that Wang Bo is arrogant and rude... Yan Gong wants to make his son-in-law famous, so even if you are talented, can’t you hold back? You have to pretend to be slapped in the face on the spot!

  Wang Bo just has a temperament that cannot be held back, and he will not hesitate to shoot when he finds an opportunity to pretend.

   "Thank you, Duke."

  Wang Fuchou is not the kind of person who doesn't know good or bad. He knows Jia Pingan's efforts for his son's future.

   "What are your plans for this?" Jia Pingan asked.

  Wang Fuchou was at a loss, "Sanlang said last time that he wanted to teach."

   "Here's my suggestion."

   Jia Ping'an said: "In mathematics, learning is the most important thing. Whoever has the most knowledge is proud of himself. It suits Zi'an's temperament. Wen Zhongzi's grandson inherits his knowledge. I don't think it's a bad thing."

  Wang Fuchou sighed, "Alright."

  He came out of the study, saw Wang Bo outside, and couldn't help saying with mixed feelings: "Your husband has racked his brains and thought hard for you. You should be filial to him in the future."

   This is tradition.

  One day as a teacher, life as a father.

  Wang Bo respectfully agreed.

   "After entering the school, remember not to be too complacent, so as not to offend others..."


   "Also, don't make publicity, your problem is that you like publicity..."


  Wang Fuchou was silent for a long time, Wang Bo looked up in surprise, and saw him crying.


  Wang Bo knelt down, hugged his legs and raised his head, saying: "The child is incompetent, and Aye is in trouble."

Wang Fuchou touched the top of his head, choked with sobs, and said, "At first, my father thought that you would be an official and open eyes for the Wang family. But when this happened, I thought about it for a long time, to open eyes for the Wang family and let you live forever." Anwen... as a father, I still want to make your life stable..."

  Wang Bo couldn't help crying, "Aye..."

  Jia Ping'an went to the backyard.

   "Ask Zian to teach?"

   Wei Wushuang was a little surprised, "He waited until he was a university student to teach, it's a waste."

   "The only way to be an official is not to waste?"

   Jia Pingan felt that this kind of thinking was undesirable, so he argued with Wei Wushuang.

  Suho came and immediately joined the battle group.

   Jia Pingan was defeated with two fists and four hands.

   "Women have long hair but short knowledge!"

   Losing is not losing!

  Jia Ping'an remained stubborn.

  Wei Wushuang said: "Da Lang will be an official."

  Jia Yu's future is basically decided.

  As the eldest son of Xijue, he not only has to inherit the title of Duke Zhao, but also inherits Jia Pingan's contacts and various resources.

  After he has inherited these, it is naturally impossible to think about being mediocre.

  When the people you associate with are either rich or noble, but you have countless wealth, mediocrity is a sin.

  When Jia Yu came back in the afternoon, the father and son had a conversation.

   Wei Wushuang didn't know what their father and son talked about, but Jia Yu looked more stable after he came out.


   "I'm a lazy person."

  Jia Pingan told the prince about his ambitions, "Ten years from now, Datang will definitely be on the right track, and by then, I want to step down."

  Li Hong asked, "What are you doing when you step back?"

  Looking at the people in the officialdom, the important ministers almost always stay until the day they die, and other people are also reluctant to leave, but they will not leave if they can be an official for one more day.

   Not to mention the generals, who are still in their seventies and still calling for battle.

   "Walk around."

  Jia Ping'an was fascinated by the life after retirement, "Go fishing if you have nothing to do, take your grandson for a walk, get him a small backpack, go hiking with grandpa and grandson, and teach him some knowledge..."

   "Isn't this boring?"

   "What's fun?"

Jia Pingan said: "I never think power is interesting. On the contrary, power can deceive a person's heart, make you all kinds of anxiety, make you all kinds of greed and hatred. Just experience it. In my bones... It's still the old Huazhou boy."


  At this moment, a man in his thirties stood outside Chang'an City and said, "Looking at Chang'an City, I was thinking, Dashi dare to attack here?"

  The man and his entourage all looked dusty.

   The entourage said: "Bilus, Dashi is about to move now. They have occupied Persia and are staring at Tocharia. If they attack Tocharia, Datang's Anxi Dufu will be under their horseshoes..."

  The man is the former Prince of Persia, the protector of the Persian Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty, Belus.

Bellus looked up at the city of Chang'an, bowed his head for a long time, "I saw the mighty Tang Dynasty along the way, and when passing by the Anxi Protectorate, the local people were singing about the deeds of the prince of the Tang Dynasty leading 100,000 troops to defeat the 300,000 Tubo army. People are inspiring. This is a powerful Tang Dynasty that I envy. I hope that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty will show mercy to Persia's difficulties and send troops to save the people who are suffering from oppression."

   A group of people then entered the city.

   Some officials arranged a residence for them and asked why.

  The news reached Jia Ping'an.


   Jia Pingan smiled like a proud fox.

  Datang needs an excuse to occupy the commanding heights of public opinion, and Bellus is this excuse.

   "Poor prince, I think what he needs is comfort."

   Jia Ping'an immediately entered the palace.

   "Bilus is here, I guess you will come next."

  The emperor almost guessed Jia Ping'an's thoughts, "You wish Dashi would show his fangs immediately, and Datang would have another powerful opponent..."

   "Your Majesty, I am wronged!"

   Jia Ping'an was really wronged.

"Dashi is still expanding, but the Eastern Route Army has encountered Datang and has come to a standstill. The countries in the Western Regions in front of them are like a big piece of fat. They are within reach, but they can't eat it. It is a kind of humiliation to people. How long can they endure this kind of humiliation? I dare not speculate."

   Dashi has actually been thinking about whether to go east since this moment.

  They are conquering everywhere, invincible, and no one can stop their expansion.

   But in the east they encountered a powerful Datang.

  They attacked Persia, and Persia Yazdegerd III was defeated, so he turned to Datang for help.

  Persia perished, Dashi touched the edge of Datang, could they hold back?

   As a result, Emperor Taizong did not agree to send troops. Under the circumstances at that time, it was impossible for Datang to make an expedition... Otherwise, Tubo, Goryeo, Turkic and other forces would be very happy to stab Datang from behind.

  Persia could not stop the cavalry after all, and was finally destroyed.

   Persia perished, Datang was still paying attention to the surrounding area at that time, the biggest enemies were Goryeo and Turks, and there was Zanpu who looked like Datang’s son-in-law, but was still drooling at Datang.

  Persia, there is a Tochara in front of you. As long as Tochara is defeated, Dashi will be able to face Datang's Anxi Protectorate directly.

  Do you want to go to war?

   The Great Cannibal hesitated for decades.

   But the situation has changed at the moment.

"Your Majesty, now that Tang Dynasty has wiped out the surrounding threats, it will naturally set its sights further afield. The goods of Datang need to be transported to farther places for sale through the cannibal's territory. They call this road the Silk Road. .”

   "Does the big cannibal dare to block this business route?"

  Li Zhi has the momentum to start a war for business.

   "What I am worried about is that the big cannibals will go to war with anxiety."

  A behemoth is squatting on the east side of the huge territory of Dashi, and this behemoth has just wiped out all its opponents, and the invincible army is lonely...

  The big cannibal will be worried that Datang will take the initiative to take Tochara.

   "Tochara is very disturbed these days."

   This is news from secret agents.

"The Turks are currently in civil strife. The Tubo elite were defeated in one battle. Datang was invincible in Anxi. Tocharo was sandwiched between Datang and Dashi. They were worried that one side would not be able to resist, and the first One thing is to kill the Tochara."

  Tochara is destined to be a tragedy. It has been beaten by big cannibals in history.

   Li Zhi pondered for a long time.

  Jia Pingan gave another bad medicine, "Your Majesty, why don't you let Bellus introduce you to Dashi?"

  Li Zhi looked at him, "As far as Belus is concerned, Dashi has the hatred of destroying the country. If one point is great, it will be said to be ten. Do you think I am confused?"

   "I dare not!"

  Jia Ping'an is embarrassing.

  Wu Mei snorted coldly, "I think you are very brave!"

   Li Zhi gave her a wink.

  Wu Mei stood up, "Follow me safely."

   Jia Ping'an's body shook.

  The two went out one after the other.

   "Tell me your opinion on Dashi, you can make it up."

   "Don't dare."

   "Don't dare?" Wu Mei turned around, "Even His Majesty can't believe your words, have you ever asked yourself why?"

   "Probably because... I'm too honest."


  Shaopeng couldn't help but want to spray him.

  Wu Mei snorted coldly, "Say."

  Auntie is really discerning!

   But the most old fox is Li Zhi, the big boss behind the scenes. He knows Jia Pingan's words are true and false, so he doesn't bother to ask, so he leaves it to the queen.

  If Jia Pingan refuses to accept it, Li Zhi can still afford the money to replace the door beam of the Queen's bedroom.

   "Sister, Dashi is the country with the largest expansion in the world."

   Undoubtedly, no one can keep up with the expansion speed of Dashi in this era. They are found everywhere from Central Asia to Europe to Africa. They even had a battle with the French, and they lost, thus stopping their endless expansion.

"so what?"

  Wu Mei said: "If they dare to show their teeth at Datang, Datang will be able to make them regret their decision."

  Jia Ping'an didn't feel that Gao Xianzhi led the army on an expedition to fight the big cannibal was a hasty decision.

   Dashi hoarded a large army in Central Asia at that time, what did the hoarding army want to do?

  Gao Xianzhi came to strike first, but unfortunately he was defeated in the Battle of Talas. However, the strength of the Tang army suppressed the big cannibals, thus dispelling the year of the eastward advance.

   "Sister, the cannibal can deploy hundreds of thousands of troops in Persia."

   This is not a joke.

   "I think no matter what, Datang shouldn't regard Dashi as an opponent."

  Wu Mei was surprised, "What do you mean?"

  In her opinion, Jia Ping'an should try his best to persuade the monarchs and ministers in the court to be hostile to Dashi, and can't wait to persuade them to send troops for an expedition.

   You all misunderstood me!

Jia Pingan said with a wry smile: "I thought that Dashi was waiting for the opportunity to test Datang. If they could take it lightly, they would rush in without hesitation until they destroyed Datang. If they were strong, they would withdraw their troops wisely. From now on, I will never look east again."

  In history, after the Battle of Talas, Dashi had no plans to advance eastward, because it was suppressed by the Tang army.

  Ge Luolu...that force colluding with Dashi...

  The empress discussed the matter, and Jia Pingan immediately received Belus, the protector of the Persian Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty, cordially.

   "Meet the respected Zhao Guogong."

  Bilos was very excited, and felt that the reception of this famous Tang marshal represented a change in Datang's attitude towards Dashi.

   "How about Dashi?"

  Jia Ping'an needs to understand the strength of Dashi.

"very powerful."

Belus said: "They are so powerful that it is difficult to match them. Persia is not an opponent. Tocharo is deeply afraid of Dashi. If Datang is not behind, I believe Tocharo will fall under the horseshoe of Daqian Down."

   There is no doubt about this.

   "Their army is very brave, IMHO, more brave than the Turks."

   "Compared to the Tubo people?"

   "I don't know about this."

   "How many troops did they have in Persia?"

   "I think there should be hundreds of thousands."

  Bilos is exceptionally honest.

  Finally, he said seriously: "There is a Tochara between the mighty Dashi and Datang. I thought there would be a battle sooner or later."


   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion