MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1164 Emperor, I adopted a child

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  Chapter 1164 Emperor, I adopted a child

   "Your Majesty, I impeach Shangguan Xianggong for accepting bribes for the benefit of others."

   Yang Deli fired.

   What he hates the most is corrupt officials, which has something to do with his previous experience.

  In the early years, his whole family went there, and then he was taken to Jia's house by his aunt, and he also witnessed the process of Jia's family becoming poor step by step.

  Poor people have a lot of things to do. It doesn’t mean that there are too many things to do. It means that a small thing can make the poor family frown.

  The so-called poor and lowly couples mourn everything.

   But he found a rule, the poorer the family, the more disasters.

  All kinds of things, bullying in the village, bullying by petty officials...all kinds of disasters.

  At first, Yang Deli thought that this was brought by the so-called broom star, but later he discovered that most of the poor families were like this.


  Yang Deli has been thinking about this for many years, and it was not until a few years ago that he suddenly realized it.

  If your family is poor, others will bully you.

It's that simple!

  So he strongly agrees with what his cousin said that human nature is inherently evil.

   But why do those people bully the poor?

  He also thought hard for a long time, only to find out later that there is no complicated reason, just because the poor are easy to bully.

  The poor have no money or power, and they can only endure being bullied.

   Later, all the aunt's family left, leaving only him and his cousin. He and his cousin were often bullied in those years.

  He once reported to the government for this, asking for help from the government.

   But no one responded to him, they just drove him out indifferently.

  When it was time to collect taxes, those petty officials treated the Jia family like wolves and tigers, and Yang Deli was stunned again.

  Our family is poor!

  Why not show mercy, but intensify the exploitation?

   Later he also figured it out.

   There is no reason, but because the poor are easy to bully.

  The petty official exploited the poor, and the poor had no way to fight back, so the petty official was safe.

  In the final analysis, there is one sentence: the weaker you are, the more people will bully you!


   After all, it is bullying!

  He doesn't hate those neighbors, because it's human nature to bully the weak and fear the hard. But he hated those corrupt officials.

  As officials, they should uphold justice, but these corrupt officials have become existences that suppress justice.

  How miserable the Jia family had in those years, Yang Deli hated corrupt officials so much.

   "Your Majesty, I just collected some calligraphy and paintings."

  Shangguanyi was very calm.

   It's just a bribe, can you still care about it?

  Yang Deli was furious, "Calligraphy and painting can be sold for money! Yan Shangshu's calligraphy and painting are hard to find. If this is not money, what is it?"

  Shangguanyi squinted at Yang Deli, "Calligraphy and painting are just for entertainment."

  Who hasn't taken bribes?

  Everyone present except Xu Jingzong probably received it. And Xu Jingzong didn't accept him not because he was incorruptible, but because he had no friends, and those people didn't dare to take bribes if they wanted to, for fear that this fellow would speak out loudly.

  Dou Dexuan felt that Yang Deli was a bit awkward.

  What is the benefit of offending Shangguanyi like this?

  If Xiao Jia was around, he would definitely stop him.

  Thinking of Master Jia, Dou Dexuan couldn't help but think of the recent days of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and couldn't help smiling.

   "Gold and silver are elegant bribes?"

  Yang Deli suddenly came up with a concept.


  The monarch and his subjects were all stunned.


  You said that calligraphy and painting are not money, so they are not considered bribes. But what about gold and silver?

  Datang’s legal currency is copper coins, and gold and silver are literally... worthless.

   But the value of gold and silver is known to all, and to all.

   Transactions between nobles would naturally not use heavy copper coins, but pay bills elegantly with gold and silver. Light weight and small size, this is the advantage of gold and silver.

  You want to say which is more important, gold and silver or copper coins...of course it is gold and silver.

  Shangguanyi found herself speechless.

   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

  The emperor say something.

  The prime ministers straightened up, waiting for the emperor's scolding.

  The emperor looked calm, and so did Empress Wu.

   "As the prime minister, not only the money and food given by the court every year, but also the rewards from the government... The farm has countless money and food, but is it short of money?"

  These words are not in the limelight.

  Shangguanyi lowered her head.

  The emperor said indifferently: "If you don't lack money, you can work for me. I don't mention the calligraphy and painting, so I just ask... After receiving the calligraphy and painting, have you ever done anything for him?"

  Datang Law: Accepting bribes and failing to do things is considered a misdemeanor, and accepting bribes to do things for others is a felony.

  Shangguanyi was sweating coldly, "Your Majesty, minister..."

   This is the default.

   Accepting other people's calligraphy and painting to do business, strictly counting it is a waste of law!

   Minimum two hundred rods, exile three thousand miles.

  Two hundred rods can beat Shangguanyi half to death, and exile for three thousand miles can make him feel sorry for himself in a corner for the rest of his life.

  Shangguanyi felt something was wrong.

  Shouldn’t the emperor wipe away such things with a casual sentence?

  Why care about?

  Why is this?

  The prime ministers are all thinking about it.

  The emperor said: "The bribery is true, but Shangguanyi has served me for many years, loyal and diligent..."

  Shangguanyi only felt struck by lightning.

   Bribery is true... This is qualitative.

   "Go back first and wait for disposal."


  Shangguanyi fell.

  This result surprised countless people.

   "It is said that Yang Deli impeached... Shangguanyi took other people's calligraphy and painting to do things for others."

   "Is this... so harsh?"

  Yang Deli returned to Yushitai and immediately became a hero.

   "The impeachment of the prime minister was successful, and you have been number one in recent years!"

  Huang Ju praised with a smile.

  But turning around, he said: "Shangguanyi has a lot of friends, Yang Deli may not be safe these few days."

  Shangguanyi is friendly and talented in poetry, and likes to go to Chang'an brothel with a group of poets.

   Over the years, his friends can be said to be all over the world.

  These friends and Shangguanyi are using each other. Yang Deli brought Shangguanyi down, and those people lost a big tree. Can he be spared?

  Shangguanyi returned home.


  Shangguan Tingzhi also came back after hearing the news.

   "It's good for the old man to take a break."

  Shangguanyi was completely exhausted.

  Shangguan Tingzhi choked up and said: "Yang Deli is too deceitful, His Majesty is so stupid!"

"shut up!"

  Shangguanyi stopped his son and said, "This matter cannot be criticized. As for Yang Deli..."


  Yang Deli knocked down a prime minister, so he was naturally in a happy mood.

  After leaving the Yamen, he hurried out of the guard room, wanting to buy some good food and go home.

  Out of the imperial city, an old official in front took a step and coughed, then spit out thick phlegm, making the people around frown. Yang Deli was also upset, and just wanted to avoid it, but there were too many people around.


  The old official spit out thick phlegm, patted his chest, "comfortable!"

  Someone shouted in front: "Traitor, watch!"

  There are a lot of people going down to the yamen, which can be called a busy traffic.

   Amid the turbulent crowd, a middle-aged man rushed over with a wooden stick.

   I say!

   A group of people were dumbfounded.

  The sergeant guarding the gate wanted to come to the rescue, but the front was full of people and couldn't run.

  Yang Deli stood there, seemingly dumbfounded.

  The middle-aged man came quickly, seeing him in a daze, he couldn't help but look happy.

  The old official resolutely avoided.

  The middle-aged man was ecstatic, and was about to wave a wooden stick.


  Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the middle-aged man slipped and fell suddenly.

   lay at Yang Deli's feet.

  Yang Deli led the horse, and said calmly: "Let me go."

  He just stepped over the middle-aged man.

  The middle-aged man raised his head, his face covered with blood.

   Someone looked at his soles and said, "Damn, this man stepped on thick phlegm."

   Immediately, the sergeant guarding the gate rushed over.


   "Your Majesty, someone attacked Yang Yushi after the government came down."

  The emperor was angry, "How about Yang Deli?"

   "The man fell of his own accord."

  The emperor nodded, "Severe punishment!"

   Empress Wu was silent on the side.

  The prince was silent in the East Palace.


   "Shangguanyi has fallen."

   Lu Shunzai and others were laughing.

  I can't stop laughing!

   "The emperor drove away the vicious dog Li Yifu, and now he doesn't even keep the loyal dog Shangguanyi, hahahaha!"

  Everyone couldn't help laughing.

   "Break your own arm!"

   In this happy and peaceful atmosphere, a carriage entered Chang'an City.


  When they saw Xincheng get off the carriage, the servants couldn't help but burst into tears.

   "I thought the princess wouldn't come back."

  Zhang Tingxiang choked up.

   It’s been more than a year since I went here!

  Huang Shu came in.

   "Huang Shu!"

  Zhang Tingxiang was about to ask a question, but was stunned.

  Huang Shu was holding a swaddling baby in her hand.


   "This is the orphan the princess met on the road and adopted."

  Zhang Tingxiang was taken aback, "Wouldn't it be better for the princess to give birth at home?"

  He felt that this was inappropriate, and said earnestly: "Go and persuade the princess, this adoption is not considerate after all. The princess is not young anymore, wouldn't it be more beautiful to find a concubine to have a few children?"

  Huang Shu looked calm, "Princess is not in good health, she can't give birth."

  The long-lost Xincheng princess has returned to Beijing, but this princess is low-key. No one paid attention to her when she was traveling, and she is still the same after returning now.

  Xincheng entered the palace on the second day.

  The emperor had a smile on his calm face.

   "Xincheng is back?"

   "How is the emperor's health?"


  The two brothers and sisters sit facing each other.

   "This is a specialty I bought along the way."

   Several sheets of paper are full of gifts.

   "I've been to a lot of places."

  The emperor almost put his eyes on the paper to see the content clearly.

   "Yes! The mountains and rivers are picturesque. Only this time did I realize that I was sitting in a well and watching the sky."

   "It's time to go out more."

   After the two brothers and sisters hadn't seen each other for a long time, it was inevitable that they would talk more until the afternoon.

   "Go back after dinner."

  So Xincheng had a meal with the family of the Empress.

   "Why doesn't the prince like to talk anymore?"

  Xincheng thought the stern-faced prince was a little funny.

   "It was I who told him to talk less."

  The emperor glanced at the prince.

   After dinner, Xincheng mentioned something, "Emperor, I met an orphan in Guanzhong during my trip, and I couldn't bear to see it, so I brought it back."

  The emperor smiled and said: "Alright, I will find a son-in-law later, so I can have a helper."

  Xincheng sighed: "I met a genius doctor in Sichuan this time, and the genius doctor said... It will be difficult for me to give birth in this life."

  The emperor said in astonishment: "Is that so?"

  Xincheng smiled wryly, "I'm happy with this child at first sight, so it's a predestined relationship."

  After talking about this, the emperor naturally nodded.

   "Take a name back..."

   "Li He." Xincheng immediately said the child's name.

  Li Zhi: "..."

  In the evening, the emperor sat alone in the bedroom, with Shen Qiu standing below.

   "Duke Zhao and the princess traveled all the way, and even picked up a group of wealthy families in Shu..."

   "I know about that."

  The emperor's voice was calm, "It is only for my own selfishness to hinder the enrollment of the school. The wealthy family... is the scourge of the world after all!"

  Shen Qiu bowed his head, "Yes. As for the child..."

  The emperor said lightly: "Go."

  Shen Qiu resigned.

  The emperor sat there, sighed suddenly, and then left the palace.

  Wang Zhongliang followed behind, and heard the emperor whisper: "One Gaoyang, one Xincheng. Both of them are inappropriate husbands. Gaoyang is domineering, and Xincheng is silent...children...that's all!"

   "Li He, Xianyun Yehe, are you trying to use this child's name to express your heart to me?"


   Jia Ping'an returned to Chang'an City in early summer.

   "It's all gifts!"

  More than ten carts of gifts arrived at home, and Doudou was the first to cheer.

   "I found a lot of good things for you along the way."

   Jia Pingan is very considerate to the two women.

  Naturally, I dedicated myself that night, going back and forth between the two bedrooms.

   On the second day, Jia Yu came to report the situation.

   "The family has been doing well for more than a year, and no one dares to bully..."

  Jia Yu saw his father's half-smile, so he asked, "Aye, doesn't it feel right?"

  Wang Bo replied instead of Jia Pingan, "Sir, I hope someone will come and bully me."

   And beat up the opponent? Jia Yu shuddered, "Doudou is good at studies, and Erlang is also good at studies, but his temperament is still the same, and Sanlang is the most troublesome."

  The third child is a little bit weird, Jia Pingan knows this.

   "How is your schoolwork?"

  Jia Yu said: "My child's studies are on the top in mathematics."


  Children of this age in future generations will have to be begged and scolded by their parents to study, and all kinds of means will be used. Look at Jia Yu, a thirteen-year-old boy, his self-consciousness in learning can kill countless children in the future.

   Jia Ping'an's eyes turned and fixed on Wang Bo.

   "How is your schoolwork?"

   Jia Yu gloated and winked at Wang Bo.

   It seems that these two have been on good terms for more than a year!

  Wang Bo said indifferently: "My father said... he dare not teach me."

  Wang Fuchou was probably in awe.

   "Your father... I don't know whether to be disappointed or happy."

  Wang Fuchou was able to enter the annals of history thanks to his son Wang Bo. Without Wang Bo’s career as a disaster, he would only appear in the column of Wang Tong’s children...but almost no one reads that column.

  However, it is different in history. Anyone who has read Wang Bo's resume has basically seen Wang Fuchou.

  —Wang Bo went to Jiaozhi to visit his father Wang Fuchou, and passed through Nanchang on the way. It happened that the governor Yan Gong was rebuilding the Tengwang Pavilion, so Wang Bo went to join in the fun. Who knew Yan Gong wanted to make his son-in-law famous, so he proposed a topic and asked everyone to write a preface for this matter. Wang Bo did it in one stroke... The Preface to the Pavilion of the Prince of Teng was born out of nowhere.

  As famous as the Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng, so are Wang Fuchou and Governor Yan Gong.

  After Jia Yu left, Wang Bo talked about the recent affairs in court.

   "After Mr. left, the queen is still overseeing the country, and His Majesty will occasionally go to court... The prince is still watching politics..."

   "A while ago, Yang Yushi impeached Shangguanyi twice. The first time was when he complained after drinking, and the second time was when he accepted bribes. His Majesty ordered Shangguanyi to be dismissed and returned home, but he did not depose him."

   Jia Ping'an was a little puzzled, "Although my cousin is straight-forward and jealous of evil, he doesn't want to keep his eyes on Shangguanyi. Shangguanyi fell...he actually fell?"

  Shangguanyi can be regarded as the emperor's loyal dog. In history, if Li Zhi hadn't thrown him out to deal with the queen, Jia Pingan felt that this person would still be rich for at least 20 years.

  But he fell down just like that.

   fell under the impeachment of his cousin.

   "Fate is tricking people!"

   But Jia Ping'an felt that this was not necessarily a bad thing, at least Shangguanyi's family was saved, and there would not be only one daughter-in-law who brought Shangguan Wan'er into the palace as a maid as in history.

   It's all life!

  Jia Pingan feels that many things are really fate.

  If all is well with Shangguanyi, then Shangguan Wan'er's life will naturally go smoothly...grow up, become a talented woman in Chang'an, marry the descendants of a certain powerful and high-ranking official, have several children, and often go to banquets to recite poems and compose odes.

   This is the life of an ordinary lady.

  In history, however, Shangguan Wan'er successfully counterattacked in the palace and became an all-powerful boss. In the end, the blend was too deep and was chopped with a knife.

  It is hard to say whether this situation is a blessing or a curse, like a fish drinking water.

   Seeing Wang Bo in a daze, Jia Ping'an asked, "Would Zi'an spend half of his life on the scene, or would he like to spend his whole life in peace?"

  Wang Bo blurted out, "Naturally it's vigorous..."

   This is still the pretending boy!

   "I want to edit books!" Wang Bo's eyes are bright, "Since I can't be an official because of my temperament, I will go to edit books. I was able to write "Finger Defects" when I was nine years old, and I have accumulated a few years... Is it only by being an official that you can be vigorous?"

   This baby's IQ can really crush everyone.

   Xueba is not enough to describe this guy.

  What do ordinary people do at the age of nine?

  Most of them are still being reprimanded by their parents, some are still acting like a baby, and they struggle with homework all day long...

  Wang Bo read through Yan Shigu's "Hanshu Notes" when he was nine years old, and found many problems, so he wrote "Zhixia".

   On the way to visit my father in Cochin, I came across an eternally famous "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng". Note that it was a work that was written immediately.

  Ordinary people need to brew poetry and fu, which can be as short as a few days or as long as a year or a half.

  It is rare to write a preface immediately, and it is even more difficult to write a preface make a famous article that has been sung through the ages...the difficulty is unimaginable.

  The sunset clouds and the lone ducks fly together, and the autumn waters are the same color as the sky. This is a famous line that has been sung for many years. Just taking a look, as if seeing the beautiful scenery.

  Wang Bo's statement now is...Even if my brother is no longer an official and changes to teaching, your uncle is still your uncle!

   It is a good thing to have fighting spirit.

   Jia Ping'an was quite pleased.

   "Good reading, when the time comes, I will meet a lady from IKEA and IKEA for you."

  Wang Bo blushed, "Sir, it's still early!"

   "Whether it's early or not is another story."

  After dinner, Jia Ping'an went to Yang's house and talked with his cousin for a long time.

   On the second day, he had to report.

  Go to the Ministry of War first.

  Menzi rubbed his eyes in disbelief, "Duke?"


   "Don't make a fuss!"

   When Wu Kui saw Jia Ping'an, tears filled his eyes.

   "Duke, you are back."

   Miss me so much?

   Jia Ping'an was a little complacent.

  Wu Kui complained, "Since the Duke of the State left, the Ministry of War has often been neglected by others, and the subordinate officials entered the court to participate in the deliberations and were ignored by the important ministers. Duke, the Ministry of War is suffering!"

   Jia Ping'an said lightly: "I'll go and have a look today!"

  He just walked around the Ministry of War, and his morale was boosted!

   "The Duke is back, let's see who dares to bully us!"

  After Jia Pingan appeared in the court, the prime ministers all smiled and cupped their hands.

   When Wu Kui entered the court, the prime ministers just took a look.

   "Your Majesty, Chen Te is here to sell the leave."

   Jia Pingan glanced at the emperor and found that Li Zhi was as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

  The emperor has become a puppet?


Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

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