MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1167 Xu Jingzong's downfall

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  Chapter 1167 The downfall of Xu Jingzong

   "Lightning Fast!"

  Yang Sanniang praised: "It's a good fight."

  Yang Erniang kept a straight face, "It's just luck."

  The two sides then fought again.

   This time, the Yang team was more cautious and played steadily.

   "The opponent's defensive position is weird, but every time our people hold the ball, the opponent can form a two-on-one situation. Why?"

  Yang Yue is the coach of the team, but at the moment he is confused by the opponent's position and formation changes.

  On the field, the Yang family failed in an attack, and Li Shuo's team held the ball.

   They patiently passed the ball back and forth, dazzled everyone watching.

"What does it mean?"

  As a veteran horse fan, Li Zhi, who has bad eyesight, tried his best to watch the changes on the field.

   "Your Majesty, the ball is constantly being passed over there."

  The ball is constantly being passed, and the positions of the players are constantly changing.

  The players of the Yang family can only be exhausted, following the opponent's players closely.

  The ball holder suddenly made a direct pass, and everyone was puzzled, but saw Yiqi rushing out from behind the defender.

   Gap appears.

   People arrive at the ball, easy to shoot.

   Jia Pingan said flatly: "Destroy the dead!"

  The next game will be one-sided.

  The Yang family players, who were behind in the score, went all out, but the opponent's defense was tight, and the counterattack was as smooth as mercury.

   When entering a stalemate, the opponent's continuous passing made the members of the Yang family tense...


  The game is over.

   "Sixteen to two."

  The Yang family has never lost like this, no, the top teams in Chang'an City have never lost like this.

  The players dismounted in frustration, using the body of the horse to cover their faces.

  Yang Yue walked towards Li Shuo and handed over his hands, "The Duke's team is sharp in attacking, its defense is like a mountain, solid and unbreakable. The offense is like a sharp blade, invincible... Today, the Yang family is convinced of the defeat."

  Yang Erniang sat there blankly.

  Yang Sanniang was overjoyed, "Sister, he is amazing!"

  Li Shuo cupped his hands, then looked at the audience.

   Jia Pingan got up, smiled and gave a thumbs up.

  Gao Yang stood up and shouted: "Da Lang, Auntie is proud of you!"

  Before the start of the match, everyone thought it would be one-sided, but it was Gao Yang's side, even Gao Yang thought so. But as long as the child is happy, then bite the bullet and watch.

   Unexpectedly, the wind turned, and the Yang family's team was defeated and lost.

   "Princess." A lady said with piercing eyes, "What books did the county lord read?"

  Gao Yang said: "I have learned all the new Confucianism, and this is not my concern."

   "It must be the Duke who is in charge. The Duke is a master of learning, and the Duke of the County is definitely good... so, my daughter is eleven years old..."

   "It's big." Gao Yang was triumphant.

   "Just one year older."


   A group of noble ladies surrounded Gao Yang, talking about the benefits of their little lady.

  The Patriarch of the Yang family sat there, and said indifferently: "The princess seems to be ignorant, so this team was trained by the Duke himself..."

  Yang Yue nodded, "He was the one who directed it before, very skillful."

  The Patriarch of the Yang family got up and took a look, "The young man is so calm, which shows that he has an extraordinary heart. His team is sharp in attack, and the old man seems to have seen the army fighting just now... This is the art of war taught by Zhao Guogong."

   Everyone turned around and glanced at Jia Pingan, seeing his calm expression, they confirmed the matter.

   "Wen has obtained the true biography of Zhao Guogong, and Wu has also obtained the true biography. Such a young man...even if he does not become an official in the future, he will still be an outstanding person."

   Yang Erniang and Yang Sanniang are here.

  Yang Sanniang said: "Ah Weng, sister had quarreled with Li Shuo before."

  The head of the Yang family asked, "Why?"

  Yang Erniang didn't dare to lie, "At our party, someone proposed to try an archery competition. Li Shuo's archery skills were unmatched by anyone, and some people booed, saying that Sanniang was his good match... and I reprimanded him."

   "This is someone else's booing, why are you scolding him?"

The Patriarch of the Yang family sighed: "Is archery so good? Just wait and see that young man, even after a big victory, his expression is still calm and he can't see any complacency. This is a city with a heart. Such a young man must Befriend him, not offend him. Second lady..."

  Yang Erniang bowed her head, "Ah Weng."

  The Patriarch of the Yang family said: "Go, there is no need to apologize, just say what you said last time was too much."

  Yang Erniang nodded, tears rolling in her eyes.

After she passed by, the Patriarch of the Yang family said: "Nowadays there is a dispute between the emperor and the empress, how can the Yang family be safe? We need to find a reliable friend. Princess Gaoyang does not interfere with political affairs, is more domineering, but straightforward, and won the favor of the empress. Valuable. Zhao Guogong is the famous Tang Dynasty marshal after the British Duke. He has both civil and military skills, but he does not form a party and stay away from the court. "


   Everyone agreed.

  Li Shuo was accepting congratulations, Yang Erniang rushed over, blessed herself indiscriminately, and said, "I made a mistake last time, I'm sorry."

  Li Shuo was taken aback, "What did you say?"

  Yang Erniang is the proudest, when did she apologize?

  Yang Erniang raised her eyes, eyes dim with tears, "Can't I be wrong?"

  Li Shuo said: "I have forgotten."

  Yang Erniang: "..."

  The emperor got up and took a look at this side, "Young man! It's enviable."

  He thought of his boyhood, and couldn't help feeling sad.

   "This game can be called the most exciting game I have ever seen."

  Xu Jingzong resolutely sang praises for Li Shuo.

  Li Zhi nodded, "I took a general look, Li Shuo's side is like a large army fighting, well-organized, entering the water, everywhere. The defense is like a mountain, strong and indestructible. This is the art of war."

  Li Ji said: "This is Zhao Guogong's art of war."

   Jia Ping'an is flexible in his use of troops. He can form a large army to confront each other, or a small army can make a surprise attack.

  Li Zhi nodded, "That kid is quite calm, but he can use it in the future."

  Gao Yang was bragging about his son with a group of ladies, a man came over, "Princess, good news!"

  Gao Yang couldn't get enough of his bragging, so he asked casually, "What's the matter?"

  The man came here to make friends, and he said with a smile: "Just now I heard His Majesty say that the Duke of the county has obtained the Duke's true instruction on the art of war, and it can be used!"

   Ladies open their mouths...

  This illegitimate child actually fell into the eyes of the emperor?

  This man with both civil and military skills, if he enters the official career, he might become a success.

   "Out and about!"

  Everyone thought of Jia Ping'an.

   "Princess, I have a niece who is only eight years old. She is very good-looking. She has been well-behaved and sensible since she was a child. She has learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and also learned to manage housework...the most is IKEA IKEA."

   "What is your house? My house..."

  After seeing Li Shuo's promising prospects, these women decisively changed their candidates, taking out the most outstanding young lady in the family.

  Gao Yang instantly became the center of the storm.

  Yang Erniang returned to her grandfather and said, "Ah Weng, I apologize."


  The head of the Yang family smiled.

  Someone came over and said in a low voice: "Xu Xiang praised the Duke of the county for commanding the team like a soldier, His Majesty can be used!"

  The Patriarch of the Yang family took a deep breath, "Is this... the clan is going to produce a general? No, he is not a son of the clan."

  Li Shuo's identity cannot be hidden from these old ghosts.

   "It can't be said that it is a civil servant!"

  Yang Erniang couldn't help being at a loss when she watched the elders change color.

   That young man who didn’t get angry or refute when I scolded him, did he actually gain the emperor’s attention?


  Someone was screaming, but everyone saw that it was the man who started the game.

   "Lost it all!"

  Jia Ping'an and Gao Yang lost a million dollars in it alone, so it's a miserable loss.

  Gao Yang returned home with his son, ordered a banquet, and invited several friends to celebrate, including Xincheng.


  Xincheng came early, and after asking about the game, he couldn't help being silent, as if looking forward to it.

   "Who can beat Xiao Jia's art of war?" Gao Yang was very proud, "The Yang family is proud, but today they suffered a crushing defeat, hahahaha!"

  What about my child?

   Xincheng thought of Li He, if he also learns his father's skills, what will happen in the future?


  Yang Deli appeared in a wine shop in Pingkangfang.

  A man came in quietly and said in a low voice: "Xu Jingzong is doing favoritism for his relatives..."


  Yang Deli went to Jia's house.

   "Is it safe?"

  His expression was a little stern.

   "My lord is here."

   "I have something to do with him."

  The two brothers met in the study.

  Yang Deli said straight to the point: "The censors all have ways to collect news. I know a few small officials here, and they will give money according to the size of the news..."

   Isn’t this the police?

   Also play inside!

  Jia Pingan asked: "The news about Shangguanyi was also provided by them... Could it be again today?"

  Yang Deli nodded, "Xu Jingzong protects relatives."

   Jia Pingan's eyes were calm, but his heart was turbulent.

  From the fall of Li Yifu, to the departure of Shangguanyi, and then Xu Jingzong...

  The fall of Li Yifu is inevitable. This Li Mao is too domineering, and his family sells officials and interferes in the criminal justice department.

   But what about Shangguanyi?

   It was not a big deal, but the emperor ordered him to go home and eat old rice without hesitation.

  This matter can be regarded as accidental.

   But Xu Jingzong did not expect to have an accident again.

   "I know it's not uncommon to cover up such things. Any important minister in the court must have done such a thing. But this is Xu Jingzong."

  Yang Deli is not a stick, "The news about Shangguanyi reached me, and the news about Xu Jingzong still reached me. This is intentional!"

   It was a surprise that my cousin was not stupid.

  Jia Pingan, who was having fun while suffering, said: "Let me think about it."

  Yang Deli nodded, "I'm putting this matter on hold for now."

   After he left, Jia Pingan fell into deep thought.

   This is a situation that has never been seen before.

  The emperor retreated behind the scenes due to health reasons, the queen presided over the government, and the prince was studying.

  The prime ministers naturally hope so, this situation is conducive to them grasping more power.

  In this situation, the emperor should keep his confidants and loyal dogs... For example, Shangguanyi and Lao Xu, these two confidants can check and balance Empress Wu by throwing them in the court.

   "But he actually took Shangguanyi away."

   Jia Ping'an was puzzled.

   "Old Xu seems to be in the attack range, why?"

   "Old Xu is the most pure person. He does things when he does things, and he does things when he messes with people. He won't make any twists and turns. Shouldn't such a courtier be the emperor's dream? Why do you want to mess with him?"

   "Could it be that Lao Xu and the others did something... For example, they took refuge with Sister?"

  Jia Pingan shook his head. Although others traveled, news from Chang'an was never missed. Shangguanyi, Xu Jingzong and others are still the emperor's confidantes.

   "Could it be that sister is going to get old Xu away? Hiss..."

  Thinking of this possibility, Jia Pingan couldn't help but gasp.

   But how to deal with this matter?

  Whether the news was given by the emperor or the elder sister, it was to give the cousin ammunition and let him start spraying.

  If you don’t spray it...with me watching, my cousin is not a big problem, but I can still spray it with another person.

  The empress took a fancy to his cousin, because he was so fearless that even the emperor dared to impeach him.

  If it were another person, Jia Ping'an would be blind and ignorant of this matter.


  Jia Ping'an was suddenly startled, "Is this intentional to let me know?"

   Yang Deli will tell Jia Pingan when he gets the news, this is inevitable.

  So the person behind the scenes is clearly telling Jia Pingan...

  —Young man, where do we go?


   Jia Pingan gritted his teeth and wanted to rebel, but then fell down, "Since you can't resist, then close your eyes."

   This is a fight between the emperor and the empress, there is no room for him to interfere.

   "Who am I going to help? Help my sister. In the eyes of those who are interested, this is the empress and important ministers of the prison to suppress the emperor. This is similar to treason. But if I don't help... my sister will suffer, how can I bear it?"

   As for the nephew, he didn't consider it.

   "This matter has nothing to do with the prince, he is just duckweed in the water, just resign himself to fate."

  Jia Ping'an suddenly found that he and his eldest nephew were in the same boat, and they just closed their eyes and enjoyed life in such matters.

  He went to find his cousin.

   "Do as you want, don't change!"

   Yang Deli understood.

   On the second day, Yang Deli entered the palace again.

   "Queen, Yu Shi Yang Deli is asking to see you."

   Li Ji opened his eyes and looked at the group of prime ministers who only had four people left, including himself. He was astonished.

  He is in a detached position, so he doesn't have to worry about being impeached, and no one dares to impeach him, but this is wrong.

   "Let him come."

  Empress Wu looked calm.

  Yang Deli came in, and the prime ministers tacitly stopped the discussion.

bring it on.

  The storm is coming.

  Yang Deli saluted, "Queen, my minister impeached Prime Minister Xu..."

   "Cough cough cough!"

  Xu Jingzong coughed violently.

   What the fuck!

   This old man killed you brat!

  Xu Jingzong rolled up his sleeves, and rushed forward with the wat board in his hand.


  Empress Wu is very calm.

   Two servants stopped Xu Jingzong.

  Xu Jingzong hissed: "You poor dog slave, turn around and Xiao Jia will break your leg!"

  The iron relationship between Xu Jingzong and Jia Ping'an was known to both civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty. So the rest of the people were gloating and confused.

  The two old Jia family brothers broke up?

   Otherwise, how could Yang Deli impeach Xu Jingzong?

  Empress Wu said: "Let's wait for His Majesty to decide on this matter."

  The affairs of the prime minister must be decided by the emperor.

  News came from the palace later.

   "Xu Jingzong is the censor Zhongcheng."

  Xu Jingzong, who was waiting for news in the duty room, and waiting for Jia Pingan's response by the way, was stunned.

   "The old man is the censor Zhongcheng? Isn't that Yang Deli's superior?"

  This thing...

   Could it be that the emperor asked the old man to avenge his grievances and revenge?

   Xu Jingzong knew it was not.

  He calmed down and thought about the matter carefully.

   "The old man's position as prime minister is still there, so it's okay."

  As long as you can participate in politics, Yushitai should be Yushitai.

  He felt relieved.


  The confidant appeared outside the door, his face was pale, "There is an edict, and my husband has gone to participate in political affairs."

  Shenzhizhengshi is the prime minister, no matter what your position is, you are the prime minister if you have the title of Shenzhizhengshi.

  Xu Jingzong clapped the case, "Yang Deli, this old man is going to peel your skin! No, how could His Majesty treat this old man like this?"

  He got up and went to the palace to see the emperor.

  The emperor was sitting under the eaves, and Wang Zhongliang stood behind him, with his head raised, his eyes expressionless... The atmosphere was exceptionally peaceful.

   "Your Majesty, the old minister has served His Majesty for many years, and I asked myself that there was nothing wrong, why... the old minister refused to accept it!"

  Others must have an elegant posture if they argue by themselves, but Xu Jingzong is stubborn and refuses to accept it.

  Li Zhi said indifferently: "I went to Yushitai to make a living."

  Xu Jingzong stiffened his neck, "I refuse to accept!"

  Li Zhi had more smiles in his eyes, "Why are you dissatisfied? What did I ask you to do...don't you?"

  Xu Jingzong subconsciously said: "Of course I am willing, but..."

   "Then go." The emperor waved his hand, his eyes calmed down again.

  Xu Jingzong left the Ming Dynasty resentfully, and then went to look for Jia Ping'an.

   Jia Ping'an is in the Ministry of War.

   "Xu Xiang." Menzi chased after him.

   "The old man is gone."

  Xu Jingzong rushed into the duty room angrily.

  Jia Ping'an is reading the documents.

   "Xu Gong, sit down."

  Xu Jingzong sat down, Jia Pingan said: "I know about this matter."

   "Xiao Jia, you..." Xu Jingzong was angry.

  But he knew that Jia Pingan would not let him face such risks for no reason.

   "This matter was done by His Majesty."

  Xu Jingzong became Yushi Zhongcheng, which directly proved that Shangguanyi's departure was done by the emperor, and Yang Deli just became a knife in the emperor's hand.

  This knife is so ignorant that I don't know how much I have done.

   "The old man knows."

  Xu Jingzong smiled wryly, "This old man is loyal to His Majesty, but once he was demoted..."

   "Mr. Xu, think about Shangguanyi." Jia Ping'an nodded.

   "Shangguanyi has returned home, and the old man is still here." Xu Jingzong found a sense of superiority.

   "My cousin came to ask me when he got the news from Mr. Xu. I said to do it. Mr. Xu should understand, right?"

   "If another official comes to impeach, things will be very troublesome."

  Xu Jingzong fully understood.


   Yushitai, Yang Deli came back after impeaching Xu Jingzong.

   "This person actually impeached two prime ministers in succession, this Xu Jingzong and their brothers have been friends for many years, and they were also murdered by him, hey!"

   "Hey! Zhongcheng doesn't know what to say."

  Huang came out.

   "Meet Zhong Cheng."

  Huang Ju nodded, "Don't get together and talk about it."


  A small official came in, "Zhongcheng, there is an edict in the palace, Xu Jingzong is the censor Zhongcheng."


   The officials at Yushitai were stunned.

   What kind of weird decision is this?

  Shouldn't Xu Jingzong go home and eat old rice like Shangguanyi? Why did you come to Yushitai.

  Huang Ju's expression remained unchanged, "Understood, you wait to prepare to meet Mr. Xu. The old man also has to prepare to meet Mr. Xu."

  Xu Jingzong is here.

  The handover went smoothly, and everyone speculated about Yang Deli's fate.

   "Xu Jingzong was demoted because of him, how can he be spared?"

   "It's refreshing for him to impeach, but in a blink of an eye the person he impeached becomes his superior. What a wonderful life experience!"

   "Hey! Zhongcheng convened a discussion."

  A group of officials assembled.

   Yang Deli is among them.

  Xu Jingzong said: "Yang Deli is the backbone of my Yushitai, and I will continue to work hard in the future..."

  (end of this chapter)

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