MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1174 i'm afraid to scare them

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  Chapter 1174 I'm afraid to scare them

  There are too few places to go to sea for 50 trades, so that countless people are using relationships.

   "How about the two joining forces?"

   Two companies join forces, or even three companies join forces, all of which are under discussion.

   "Jia's has a lot of shares!"


   "Aye, I'm going out!"

  DouDou went out to meet up with friends today.

   Jia Pingan sat in the study and asked, "What are you playing today?"

  DouDou said: "It's just talking, and then they will say some miscellaneous things, some people will be proud..."

   It is a group of girls showing off.


  The old father was always worried that his daughter would suffer when she went out, so he sent Duan Chuliang and Wang Laoer to follow.

  Today, Wang Qiang's family is the host, and Doudou has a good relationship with her, so she came early to support the scene.

   "Go around!"

  Wang Qiang came out happily.

   "Ah! That killer from your family is here, where is Xu Xiaoyu?"

Doudou turned around and glanced at Duan Chuliang, "Xu Xiaoyu just got married, and Aye said that he would not be assigned any errands for the next month, and asked him to take his wife to play in Chang'an City. Duan Chuliang is also very good! He is reliable in his work." , just don't like to talk."

  Wang Qiang walked in holding her arm, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you afraid to look at those scary eyes?"

Doudou couldn't help laughing, "What am I afraid of? Duan Chuliang came to my house when I was very young. Aye said that we are all one family. Some of the family like to play around, and some like to keep silent. family!"

  She thought of her two younger brothers. The second child was a simple and distressed child, while the third child was a sinister one.

  Outside the gate, Duan Chuliang's eyes were warm.

  Many guests came today, all unmarried girls.


   Wang Shuner, who was abducted by human traffickers and finally rescued by Jia Pingan, came.

  The two were talking in a low voice together. When Wang Shun'er saw a girl coming in, she said in a low voice: "Han Xiang'er broke up with you, so don't talk to her."

   Doudou sneered, "Of course I don't talk to her. Do you care about breaking up with her?"

  She has a lot of friends, just as Jia Pingan said, different ways do not conspire with each other.

  Han Xianger came over, the girls stopped talking, Qi Qi looked at her.

   "Is this a reprimand?"

   "There are quite a few hidden households in the Han family, and they all ran away last time. It is said that Han Xianger's Aye vomited blood in anger.

   "She dare not do it."


   "Duke Zhao is back, and he loves Doudou the most. If he hears that Jia Doudou was beaten, what do you think he will do?"

   "Han Xianger has a lot of family members."

   "What's the use? Zhao Guogong is a famous marshal of the Tang Dynasty, and he can crush the Han family by himself."

  Han Xianger came over, as if she suddenly found DouDou, "Ah! DouDou, are you here too?"

  DouDou ignored her.

  Others claim to break up with you, and then come to make friends with you again, don't pay attention.

  This is Soho's teaching.

  Han Xianger was blessed, "Oh! Last time I drank too much and talked nonsense. I even said something about breaking up with you. You don't know. After waking up, I regretted it to death. Ye Niang at home also scolded me and grounded me for a long time..."

Are you singing?

  Everyone was stunned.

   "It's so good, if you are angry with me, you should. I will treat you at home later, okay? I even bought a gift to make amends..."


   "Han Xiang'er is the most arrogant one. Today, she is arrogant and condescending. She has to make amends and treat guests...Did she drink too much?"

  Wang Qiang got the news when the party was over.

   "Doudou, it is said that Mrs. Jia has prepared a few ships and is going to bring her own goods to sell with the fleet. Others want to do the same, but they don't agree. Dou Dexuan said don't even think about it. Many people want to go with your family..."

   It was only then that Dou Dou understood why Han Xianger was arrogant and respectful.

  Arrived outside the door, Han Xianger still wanted to come over, and said in a circle: "You can say that you have broken up with me, and I can also say... yes!"


  Back home, Doudou excitedly went to find Aye.

   "Aye aye!"

   "What are you doing?"

  Jia Ping'an was exhausted from his trip to Hebei, and he is recuperating.

  Ah Fu crouched at his feet and shrank back when he heard the sound.

Doudou rushed in, "Aye, many people want to do business with our family, that Han Xiang'er who broke up with me has been praising you today, saying that Aye, you are the most outstanding marshal in Datang, what else... Datang is the most handsome men, the most…”

   "What a mess!"

   Jia Ping'an's head is full of black lines.

  DouDou said: "It's our family's overseas business."

   "You don't have to worry about that."

  If such a major event can be decided by relying on the friendship of children, then Master Jia can retire directly.

"I ignored her." Doudou was very angry, "At that time, she said that she broke up with her, so I naturally wanted to help her. In fact... the important thing is that I don't like this kind of people. Aye, if you say that you disagree and don't conspire with each other, then I will Why are you still trying to make friends with her?"


  Jia Ping'an said with a smile: "One will meet many people in one's life. Good teachers and helpful friends can be met but not sought after. On the contrary, ordinary friends are as numerous as a cow's hair."

  DouDou asked: "Aye, why are you looking for so many friends?"

   "Because of loneliness." Jia Pingan didn't want her daughter to be too philistine, but she had to explain some things clearly.

"People are lonely. A confident person can live an interesting life alone. A person who is not confident will keep looking for friends. In fact, he is seeking the recognition and acceptance of the group. He will illusoryly feel that he has found a backer, so The lack of self-confidence dissipated, and I felt very happy...Most people will slowly wake up, knowing that whether people are happy or not depends on others, but on yourself."

Seeing his daughter listening carefully, he was extremely satisfied, "These mistakes come from wrong perceptions. Many people think that having more friends makes them safe and can solve everything, but when they encounter things that they cannot solve , will suddenly discover that most of the so-called friends are useless..."

  The long list of seemingly endless names in the address book, after ten years of searching, you will find that many people just said a few words when they first added friends, and there was no intersection in the long years that followed.

  Some people drift away after a few drinks.

  In the end, it was a few lukewarm people who kept in touch.

"be confident!"

  The old father taught earnestly.

   "But I'm not alone!"

  Doudou said: "I have to take care of Ah Fu and Old Gui at home, and I have to coax A Niang to prevent her from being greedy, and I have to go to Da Niang to learn how to read account books, and I have to accompany Erlang and Sanlang..."

  Old father: "..."

   "What about after that?"

   Doudou's eyes widened, "Let's talk about the future! Aye, don't you always say don't worry about the future? What kind of anxiety disorder will you get?"

   Jia Pingan coughed dryly, "I just test you to see if you remember these things."

   "I have such a good memory, Aye, you must be old."

  The old father held back a mouthful of blood, "Nonsense."

   "You said it yesterday, saying that I am old and so on."

   "That was just a casual remark."

   Wei Wushuang came outside, saw this and said with a smile: "Why is my husband still arguing with Doudou about this?"

  A man is still a boy until he dies!

  DouDou ran away with a smile on his face, "Ah Fu Ah Fu!"

  Ah Fu pretended to be a dog and refused to go out.

Wei Wushuang came in, "A lot of wives came here today. They used to hate our family because of the hidden household, but now they laugh at Yanyan. There are more than 30 families who just want to marry our family... Others It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that there are no suitable children.”

"I had a long talk with His Majesty before. If we want to change the fate of Datang from repeating the mistakes of the previous dynasty, the most important thing is to open the gates and guide those rich people in Datang to find other ways to earn money. Chance.

  Business is a way, and there is a workshop. Looking back, the court will issue an edict to encourage the release of workshops, and the court will shop around for purchases, and will not just focus on the output of the Ministry of Industry..."

   "This is to encourage those rich people to set up workshops?" Wei Wushuang thinks this is a good way, "What about our family?"

   "Our family! Late attack."

"Why?" Wei Wushuang said dissatisfied: "The three sons in the family will each form a family in the future. Let alone share the property. Now there is only a wine shop and a tea house in the family, and there is also a Chang'an canteen. After going around, they will have to give some money when they get married. The property is close by, otherwise if the husband's family is not good, how can she stand up straight?"

   Jia Ping'an laughed and said, "It's not that I don't want to go first, I'm afraid it will scare them."

   "Scare them?"

Jia Pingan said indifferently: "Once the knowledge in the new learning becomes all kinds of treasures, it will be like the treasures sold last time, and it will be worth tens of millions. Husband is the successor of the new learning. What would the baby in your mind look like?"

   Wei Wushuang went back in high spirits.

  The agrarian economy has limitations. The key is that under the agrarian economy, the entire dynasty will enter a self-sufficient mentality of small wealth and peace, and the agrarian economy cannot support the rise of a big country.

  "In order to rise, industry is indispensable, and the development of industry starts with demand."


  Hubu, Dou Dexuan is roaring.

   "Immigrants need big carts, and it is difficult to dig wells there. Is there a way? Do you have tools?"

   "Sister, no."

  Dou Dexuan was furious, and flew down with a concealed weapon, "What would you say without you?"

  A small official said: "Master, I know that there is a workshop in the south of the city, and there is something for drilling wells, which is very cheap and fast."

  An official said: "The job hunting department should build such things."

  Dou Dexuan made the final decision, "Immigration is currently the number one issue in the Tang Dynasty. Whatever the Ministry of Industry and Household Affairs, anyone who can do it can do it. Go and find out. If it is true, buy it!"

  A small workshop in the south of the city never dreamed that one day it would receive an inspection from the household department.

   "Sure enough."

  He took his son to dig a well in the workshop, and the efficiency overwhelmed the officials of the household department.

   "Extremely appropriate."

  After the inspection, the list from the Ministry of Households came.

  The huge amount of orders that had never been seen made the owner of the workshop almost have a cerebral hemorrhage and fell down.

   Then the Ministry of Industry launched an attack.

   "This kind of thing is just a clever idea, and our Ministry of Industry can make it."

  Officials from the Ministry of Industry are beeping.

   Master Jia, who rarely went to court, got up.

   "What other people made is made by others, why should your Ministry of Industry copy it?"

  The Ministry of Industry was dissatisfied, "there are countless imitations."

  "Everyone imitates, who will innovate?"

Master Jia cupped his hands, "Queen, I suggest that the court set a rule, and even write it into the law... Whoever creates something, unless he has the permission of that person, others are not allowed to imitate it for profit... The time limit can be twenty years .”

   This crude patent protection clause was supported by many people, and it was implemented immediately.

  Jia Pingan is paying attention to the movement of Dashi.

   "The news of Dashi should be reported more, so there can be fewer secret spies in the direction of Turks and Tubo."

  Turks and Tubo in recent years only need to wait and see who will gain the upper hand before intervening.

  News about Dashi flooded in like a flood, and Jia Pingan checked it immediately.


  Autumn has passed and winter has come, but the atmosphere in the palace remains the same.

  The queen supervises the country, and the prince observes the government.

   Just this winter, Li Ji entered the palace.

   "The minister is getting old."

  Li Ji's eyes were still moist, but cloudy.

   "I still need to rely on you."

  The emperor's eyes are not very good, but the monarch and his ministers are sympathetic to each other.

   Li Ji sat down, and Wang Zhongliang brought tea.

"Your Majesty, the Tang Dynasty is now in great power, and it is far away. The foreign enemies are now dissipating and the internal strife is dissipating. This is the best time. When I went to Wagang, I was wondering when this troubled world will end. ..."

Li Ji took a sip of tea and sighed: "The troubled times are over. The Tang Dynasty defeated the Turks. Your Majesty even wiped out the Liaodong Three Kingdoms. The Turks were defeated. The 300,000 Tubo army was destroyed once. Now the country is full of internal turmoil and people are dying." ...Your Majesty can be a hero and a wise king..."

  Li Zhi said quietly: "The hero may not be a wise king, how many people hope that I will die violently in the palace today..."

  Li Ji put aside his long-term caution, and said with a smile: "People who compile history books will describe His Majesty as an incompetent emperor, a foolish emperor."

  "They need their own interests to be guaranteed. Whoever hinders them from grabbing benefits is their enemy. And their enemies appear in the history books with ugly faces, even emperors cannot be spared."

  The emperor waved his hand, that kind of dismissiveness made Li Ji laugh.

"Yes! On one side is Guozuo, and on the other side are those people. Your Majesty chose Guozuo. I am very happy, and I am very panic. I am happy because the Tang Dynasty is strong and can last longer, and I am panic because there has never been an emperor like this. Shi Wei, what is the future? There has never been a precedent..."

  The emperor was silent for a moment, "You can't stand still because there is no precedent. That is not a hero, but timidity! Many people say that I am timid and weak, and I never argue."

  He prefers to use facts to tell those people that you are wrong.

  The numerous bones that fell along the way proved his words.

  Li Ji said with a smile: "Jingye came home yesterday and said that His Majesty wanted him to serve in the guards. The minister was overjoyed, but Jingye's temper was too heavy for him. How important are the guards, who are responsible for guarding His Majesty and Chang'an, Jingye..."

  What should he do if he has a bad day and goes to Pingkangfang?

Li Zhi looked strange, "Coincidentally, Jia Ping'an came to see me earlier, and when he talked about this matter, he said that Li Jingye was afraid of making mistakes when he went to the army. It is better for him to be in a place with a rougher temperament and less rules. For example..."

   "Yongzhou Changshi."

  The position of Chang Shi is very strange, you can't say it is high, he is the assistant of the governor. If you want to say that it is high, this position has no authority, it is to assist the governor.

  If Li Ji retires, his successor will naturally not be able to be a doctor in the Ministry of Punishment, shame on him! The position of Yongzhou Changshi is almost tailor-made for Li Jingye.

  No real job, but respected.

   "Chang'an is so lawless, I am going to let Li Jingye take care of Chang'an's law and order."

   Li Ji stood up, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   Li Zhi looked at him, "Go home to recuperate, I have to call from time to time."

   After retiring and returning home, the emperor still summons him from time to time. This is a gesture of enduring favor and reliance.

  Li Ji deserves such a gesture.

  Li Ji returned to the guard room and packed his things by himself.

   "What does Mr. Xiang mean by this?"

   "The old man has retired."


  Li Ji retired.

  The emperor didn't play any tricks of persuasion, but he rewarded a lot of things.

   "Ah Weng, have you retired?"

  Li Jingye realized later, "Why don't you discuss it with me? I'll help you pack your things."

  Li Ji said: "Everything should be done from the beginning to the end, and it is also an opportunity to look back on this life when you clean up by yourself in the end. This life of the old man..."

   Li Jingye sat opposite him, resting his chin with one hand.

   "Later, the old man ambushed the enemy army..."

   Li Jingye listened carefully.

   I don't know when it was dark.

   "Ah Lang, it's time for dinner."

   "Ah! Have you eaten?"

  Li Ji covered his forehead, "Look at what the old man said... By the way, His Majesty asked you to go to Yongzhou to be a long-term historian and take care of the security of Chang'an, so that those county officials and bad people in Chang'an Wannian and Wannian will be under your control."

   "Yongzhou Changshi?"

   Li Jingye was angry, "Why don't you refuse, Ah Weng?"

   Li Ji was puzzled, "Why did you refuse?"

  Li Jingye said: "I would rather go home sitting in the duty room all day."

  Li Ji smiled, "Chang Shi no one cares about you..."

  The long history is similar to the secretary-general. The future British public will be the long history. The governor of Yongzhou saw Li Jingye's body and estimated that he would choose to turn a blind eye immediately.

  You just do what you want, don’t ask the old man, take care of yourself when something goes wrong... No, there are too many people who are doing it for you, just one Zhao Guogong is enough to deter the powerful and powerful in Chang’an.

"That's good."

  Li Jingye turned around and left.

   "Where are you going?"

   "I'll go to Pingkangfang to celebrate."


  Li Ji's retirement is a big event.

  As soon as Li Ji left, the remaining two prime ministers were very embarrassed. Although Liu Rengui felt that this would be a better way to display his talents, but some outsiders were already saying that he was a powerful minister.

  Why does no one say that Dou Dexuan is a powerful minister?

  Because Lao Dou is very busy and has a lot of affairs in the household department, he has no time to be a powerful minister.

  So a strange scene appeared in the daily discussion.

   "Queen, Prime Minister Dou said that the Ministry of Accounting has something to do, so you have to come later."

  So only the queen and Liu Rengui remained on the court, plus a group of servants and guards.

   It's embarrassing!

  Liu Rengui, who dreamed of monopolizing power, only lasted for two days, and then he went to the memorial and said that he was exhausted. Please increase the number of prime ministers.

  The emperor was silent, and the queen was also silent.

   In this silence, Li Jingye took office.

   "Li Jingye is in charge of the security of Chang'an."

  The news was released immediately.

   "Who is Li Jingye?"

   "Fuck your mother! That's an invincible general with a Mo Dao, how dare you call him a fool?"


  The people in the restaurant were kicked away, and the burly Li Jingye stood outside, "Who said Yeye is a big deal?"

   On the day Li Jingye took office, he led people to sweep Pingkangfang and captured more than a hundred criminals, all of which were well-documented. Even the censor who was staring at him said that Li Changshi knew every detail, and His Majesty knew people well.

  The emperor sat in the palace and smiled when he heard these compliments.

   "He is a frequent visitor in Pingkangfang, and there is no crime in it that cannot be hidden from him."


Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

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