MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1178 Jia Pingan is saving you

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  Chapter 1178 Jia Pingan is saving you

  Winter is a season of no money for ordinary people, and the family is bored at home in winter. At the beginning, the family was very fresh, talking a lot and laughing a lot. When the troubles of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea broke out because of Maodong's reduced income, the laughter turned into quarrels.

  For noble people, winter is a poetic season for them.

  In winter, they can invite friends to hold banquets at home, wine banquets, women... talking loudly. If there is snow, they will be so happy that they can continue to hold parties with the theme of snow.

  Under the same sky, the suffering of the poor becomes happiness for the rich. This is class.

  Every year in winter, Gaoyang will ask people to donate money and food to the nursing home.

   "Actually, after donating, I feel extra peaceful in my heart, and those worries are gone."

  Gao Yang feels that charity can bring him peace, but Xincheng sitting opposite her has a different view.

   "Let them find a way to make money, this is once and for all."

  It is always difficult to define poverty relief and emergency relief. The emergency you think can actually ignite a family’s hope for life, and your so-called poverty relief has actually turned into a few glasses of wine.

   "It's good to have a clear heart."

  Gao Yang's open-mindedness... is the envy of Xincheng the most.


  The maid came in, her face was pale, "Xiao Langjun is back."

  Gao Yang wondered, "Why do you look like a dead person?"

   "Xiao Langjun was intercepted outside the city."

   A gust of wind blew by, and Gao Yang disappeared.

  She rushed to the front yard, looking for her son in panic.

   "Da Lang!"

  Li Shuo walked quickly, "Aniang."

  Gao Yang grabbed his arm and looked him up and down, "Have you ever been injured?"


  In an instant, Gao Yang's momentum rose, "Who did it?"

   "I don't know."

   Li Shuo is obviously still in fear.

   "Who saved you?"

  Gao Yang saw the only two remaining guards, and his eyes were filled with gratitude.

   "It's Ayer!"



  Jia Ping'an is torturing the captive.


   "Your Majesty, Princess Gaoyang's eldest son, Li Shuo, was attacked outside the city."

   Shen Qiu came.

  Li Zhi's eyes became more serious, "Who did it?"

  Shen Qiu said: "Being tortured."

   Li Zhi asked, "Is the child all right?"

   "Mr. Zhao arrived in time and rescued Li Shuo."

  Li Zhi narrowed his eyes, "Where did he go?"

   "Yang family, Zhao Guogong said that this matter is inseparable from the Yang family."


  Yang family.

   "Zhao Guogong."

  The face of the Yang family is ugly.

   "I will give the Yang family three hours to find out the person who leaked what happened today."

   "There is no such person in the Yang family."

  Yang Xing's beard was shaking, and he was extremely stubborn.

Jia Pingan looked at him, "Under such weather, who would go out of the city if they have nothing to do? Li Shuo was invited by the Yang family to go out of the city to enjoy the snow, and the princess' mansion learned about it just before he left. But he was intercepted when he was about to leave the city. What do you think?" Tell me those thieves are prophets? Or are they waiting outside the city, waiting for Li Shuo, who never left the city last winter, to leave the city?"

  Yang Xing's mouth twitched, "Those thieves may want to rob money."

Jia Pingan took a step closer, and when Yang Xing backed away subconsciously, he said, "A dozen or so riders intercepted and killed Li Shuo, and a hundred or so riders were watching the fun. When Jia arrives, he will suddenly attack...I'll give you three Time is not because I am weak, but because I don't want my child to see the **** side... I don't want him to be strongly wary of his friends in the future... If you take my weakness as something to be bullied, then I will blame your family, I I will regard every Yang family member starting from you as a murderer, do you understand?"

  Yang Xing shivered.

   "Don't think that I dare not, even if I am the prime minister, I dare to kill him with one knife!"

   Jia Ping'an's eyes were full of murderous intent.

  Yang Xing shivered, "Old man..."

   "One hour."

   Jia Pingan nodded and went out.

   There was applause behind him.

   It didn't take an hour, as the head of the family, Yang Xing knew who did the stupid thing in an instant.

  A young man is dragged out.

  The door closes.

   "This is the big family?"

   Bao Dong was surprised.

   Lei Hong tugged at the beard on his face, "When the disaster strikes, we will fly separately, the Duke will kill someone, who will dare to protect this person?"

  The young man knelt down, "It's the news they want..."

   Jia Ping'an's eyes were slightly cold, "Who?"


   The confessions of both sides are one and there are no mistakes or omissions.

   Jia Ping'an's eyes were full of murderous intent.

   "Zhao Guogong."

  Wang Zhongliang brought people here in a hurry.

"so far so good."

  Wang Zhongliang said: "Your Majesty ordered that the five families be taken away."

   "Who leads the team?"

   "Zhao Guogong."

   Li Zhi was obviously also angry, and letting the person lead the team was the biggest punishment.

  Changan people saw a **** house raid.

   "Break open the gate!"

  Jia Pingan stood outside and said.

   More than a dozen sergeants are retreating holding the wood.

  Someone shouted inside the gate: " kill him, one kill counts as one."

   These people know that there will be no good end, and everyone is brave.

  They held all kinds of weapons and stared at the gate with piercing eyes.

The leading man said: "Jia Ping'an, you have bewitched His Majesty to investigate the hidden households, and you have broken the rules for thousands of years. Today is just the beginning, you just wait, in the long years to come, there will be countless people who will go on to kill you." you…"


  The door was knocked open.


  Amidst the shouts, the whole family came out.

  Outside the door, rows of sergeants lined up.

  The sharp spear points are frightening, and groups of sergeants stepped forward.


   It was just a rush, and the whole family was in chaos.

   "Forgive me!"

   "This matter has nothing to do with me, it's all A Weng's idea!"

   "The Duke forgive me, I am willing to work for the Duke."

   Kneeled on the ground in the yard.

   Jia Ping'an turned around, "Kill!"

  He went out of the gate, and there were endless screams and curses inside.

   "I have to tell those people that if they want to move my family, they must be prepared to die."


   Jia Pingan led people into the five houses, and immediately killed them.

  "Almost all males were beheaded."

   "The charge is treason."

   "It's just to intercept him and Li Shuo, why do you say conspiracy?"

   "If His Majesty goes out of the city, it is His Majesty that these people want to kill. His Majesty is in the palace, and those people can only vent their anger on Jia Pingan. Unexpectedly, they encountered an iron plate."

  In the palace, after receiving the news, Li Zhi actually laughed.

"In the past, he always acted a little strangely, but he was furious at what was normal in the eyes of the world. This man has his own set of rules, which he abided by in the past, but today he put aside all the rules for the sake of his son and stopped killing with killing. "


   "This is a qualified head of the family."

  Li Ji praised at home, "Stop killing with killing."


   This killing shocked Chang'an, and all the cursing against Jia Pingan stopped for a while.

   "They are all a group of people who yell loudly but dare not do anything."

Lu Shungui sneered: "They shouted to kill Jia Ping'an, but in the end it was only the five families who did it. After seeing that the men of the five families were beheaded to death, those people died down. The old man also heard today that someone said to kill Jia Ping'an." Going into business...doing business is better than farming to make money."

   This is Threshold Monkey.

   "Why didn't Jia Ping'an die?"

  Wang Shun said regretfully: "Those people didn't plan carefully enough, so he escaped."

Lu Shungui glanced at him, "What I don't like the most about the gentry is your face. The right or wrong of a matter is not based on common sense, but depends on the pros and cons of the matter to you. If it is beneficial to you, Even if it is harmful and shameless, you will still praise it; if it is not good for you, even if it is beneficial to the country and the people, it will become a disaster in your mouth... If you reverse black and white, you are not afraid of nightmares at night? "

Wang Shun was furious, "Lu Shungui, look at your disgusting old face. Back then, Lu wanted you to marry Cui's daughter, but you said you had a woman, and you even had trouble with your family because of a woman of ordinary background. Being in a group is even more daring, saying that there is no one who is always superior in the world, and the more beautiful the moment is, the more tragic the retribution will be in the future. If you said that at this moment, how many people would guess your relationship with Jia Pingan?"

  He sneered and said, "You have been banned by Mrs. Lu for many years. You started to yell and scold in these years, but then you softened... Do you dare to bark at this old man now that you are released?"

  Cui Chen looked at the two dumbly, without interfering.

  Lu Shungui didn't get angry, but stared blankly at the void, as if he was remembering something.

  "The old man has been enjoying the blessings since he was born, stretching out his hands for clothes, opening his mouth for food, and eating rich clothes. This kind of life is taken for granted. After the old man tied his hair and was taught...what did the old man read in the sage books? He saw cannibalism."

Lu Shungui laughed and said: "But what other people see is fame and wealth. In the eyes of this old man, those so-called benevolence and morality are all tools for whitewashing shameless. If you learn this kind of benevolence, righteousness and morality, you can become an official and become a master. But what are those masters doing? They are herdsmen. Herdsmen... treat the people as livestock. This is benevolence and morality? Bah!"

Lu Shungui slowly touched his cheek, "When the old man said this, Ah Weng slapped the old man on the spot, saying that we and the nobles are naturally masters, and the common people...the common people are just livestock for us to drive. Waiting for farming, weaving for us, building a mansion for us, cooking food for us... making cattle and horses for us, the old man always remembers the appearance of taking it for granted."

  Wang Shun suddenly burst into laughter.

  Cui Chen also had strange eyes.

   Some people actually opposed their own class.

"At that time, the elders in the family always said that they should study hard, especially history. So the old man studied history seriously. From the history books, the old man saw the change of rise and fall. This change of rise and fall is often caused by the greed of the upper class. Then the building will be destroyed. Qing, troubled times are coming, and those ordinary people who are regarded as livestock by the superiors hold long knives and slash and kill those so-called superiors..."

  Lu Shungui smiled, "There is always retribution in this world. The old man read history and saw retribution. They read history and saw the rise and fall of emperors and generals. They thought about how to repeat the path of their predecessors and become emperors and generals..."

   This is the biggest difference.

   "From that moment on, the old man has drifted away from them. The old man has no regrets..."

  Wang Shun sneered, "So you applaud Jia Ping'an for cutting the flesh of the nobles?"

  Lu Shungui said comfortably: "The old man is very pleased. In your eyes, he is cutting flesh, but in the eyes of the old man, he is eliminating disasters for the gentry."

Seeing Wang Shun and Cui Chen looking at madmen, he laughed and said, "Greedy gentry are not scary, what is scary is that greedy gentry will gradually become high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and gradually control the court... They will crazily grab all the benefits. You will see later Ignore the powerful and annex the land, just because the nobles are also annexing. When the landless people are too numerous, you will be sitting on the fire, but the old man will bet that by then, you will still have no idea."

  He is well versed in the urine nature of the gentry, so Wang and Shun have nothing to say.

"Why are you not afraid that the people will overthrow the country? It's just because you think that even if the people raise their flags to rebel, it will only be a moment. You can still learn from your ancestors to build docks to resist. When the weather is calm, no matter whether it is foreign races ruling the Central Plains or Whoever governs the Central Plains can still be the official butcher when they come out, so what are you worried about? Even if the dynasty changes, it is no different to you."

  Lu Shungui said: "But what you didn't see know about this battle with Tubo?"

   The two of them did not answer.

  Lu Shungui said: "Xiao Jia used a firearm, which is said to be invincible. The so-called Wubao is vulnerable. Don't think that Wubao is the last confidence of the gentry. This confidence will eventually become the grave of the gentry."

  He got up and walked out.

   A voice came slowly.

  The voice is desolate.

   "Those who know me say that I am worried. Those who don't know me say what I want. The heavens, who is this!"

  Lu Shungui went to Jia's house.

  Jia Ping'an has already returned, changed his clothes, and can't tell that this person just ransacked his family and exterminated his family.

   "The last time I talked to you, you always said that you shouldn't kill too much... There should be rules, but today you are killing people, why?"

  Lu Shungui asked with a smile.

   Jia Ping'an said: "It's just because I found out that I should follow the rules when I face people who follow the rules. When I face people who don't follow the rules, I should abandon the rules."

   "Good!" Lu Shungui said approvingly: "Repay kindness with kindness, and repay grievances with straightness."

   Jia Ping'an smiled and said, "Bodhisattva has a heart, but thunderbolt means."

  The bodhisattva's heart is only for those who are kind and virtuous, and it is naturally a thunderbolt method to deal with those who do not obey the rules.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Lu Shungui couldn't help laughing.

  Lu Shungui gasped with a smile, "Hey! Do you know... Do you know the future plans of the gentry?"

  Jia Pingan said: "The gentry can't do much if the hermit is taken away. The only way is to become an official. When the officials of the gentry gather at the court, they can get everything back."

  Lu Shungui looked at him and said for a long time: "The biggest mistake of the gentry is that they never recruited you as their son-in-law."

   Jia Ping’an was quite down and out when he first entered Chang’an, and the following years were just normal.

   "Mister Cui has been dating you for a long time, but at that time, although Mrs. Cui had a good impression of you, she felt that you were not worthy of being Mrs. Cui's son-in-law. Now Mrs. Cui probably regretted it..."

   Jia Pingan said: "But I don't want to!"

  Lu Shungui: "..."


  The so-called gentry women are even flocked to by the emperor, wishing they could **** one back for their son.

  But in Jia Pingan's eyes, a noble woman is a noble woman, not as good as his woman.

  Moreover, most of the marriages of the gentry are utilitarian. They are more accustomed to marrying between the gentry, and through such means, the gentry are firmly connected together, and everyone loses and everyone prospers.

   But now the resource is broken.

   "The Cui family of Boling and the Cui family of Qinghe are unprecedentedly close, but their relationship with other gentry families is estranged."

  Empress Wu's eyes were filled with contempt, "If they lose their hermits, they will lose their foundation, Wubao... A Wubao without manpower is a huge tomb, enough to bury the gentry."

  She looked at Jia Ping'an and asked, "Do you know what the nobles hate you the most?"

  Of course it is because of the safety of the gentry after there is no hidden household.

   Jia Pingan shook his head.

  Give sister a chance to be proud.

  Empress Wu frowned slightly, "You seem to be slack lately."

  Jia Pingan immediately said: "Sister, their Wubao is over."


Empress Wu pointed at him, "The gentry without Wubao can't stop the emperor's army, even the riots of the people. They are flustered... Do you know that the Cui family recently wants to marry a civil and military minister in the court? This is Don’t choose your way in a panic.”

  This type of marriage is taboo.

  In the period of the first emperor, such a marriage was a beautiful thing, but the current emperor of the Tang Dynasty does not like the gentry, and marriage with the gentry will become a negative asset.

   "Those people will definitely not agree, right?" Jia Pingan felt that smart people should stay away from the gentry.

   At least until the emperor showed his first smiling face to the gentry, don't even think about marriage.

  Empress Wu looked strange, "Most of them declined, and some people couldn't resist the temptation and nodded, and then regretted it... It's interesting that the once high-ranking nobles have now turned into street rats."

  Jia Pingan looked at her, "Sister..."

  Empress Wu said indifferently: "Go back if there is nothing to do."

   Jia Pingan, who wanted to persuade a few words, finally said nothing.

  He went to see the prince, who is currently squatting in his place, studying honestly.

"So much the better."

   To be honest, even Jia Pingan didn't know who would win this battle.

  In history, there are certain conditions for the victory of a sister. For example, Li Hong is in poor health, like a sick child, not to mention supervising the country, even managing the East Palace. During the period of supervising the country, Dai Zhide and others were always handling government affairs, while Li Hong was just an empty shelf.

  The further back, the weaker Li Hong's performance became. Such a prince is well known to everyone, it is impossible for him to rule the world.

  So it was inevitable that Sister would win... Later Li Hong left, Li Xian came to power, and there was another turmoil in the palace.

  No one is qualified to meddle in this war.

  Two men and women who can be called invincible in this era are fighting secretly, and whoever gets involved will be unlucky. Li Xian got involved, and it was a tragedy.

  Jia Ping'an walked out of Daming Palace.


  Li Jingye came out.

   "How did you come here?"

   Isn’t this fellow in Yongzhou Prefecture?

  Li Jingye said: "Your Majesty has just summoned you."

   Jia Ping'an fell into an ice cellar instantly.

  Once force is used, sister is almost powerless to fight back.

  Emperor, what does this mean?

  Li Jingye said dissatisfied: "Your Majesty asked me if I wanted to go to Anxi, but I said I didn't want to go."

   Jia Ping'an felt relieved, "Why don't you want to go?"

   "Last time I played with a lot of bearded women in Anxi, and it was like this. Now there are women everywhere in Pingkangfang, and you can shake your **** at the door of your house. Why go to Anxi."

  Jia Pingan turned around and glanced at Daming Palace, "Yes!"


  The wind blew violently.


Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion