MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1179 Five brothers, get up and play with me

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  Chapter 1179 Fifth brother, get up and play with me

  The daily task of the emperor is to manage the world, and the rest is to enjoy.

  When the emperor fails to fulfill his duties, it is a puppet.

   No emperor is willing to be a puppet.

  Even the famous puppet Emperor Xiandi of the Han Dynasty is still unwilling to wear an edict, not to mention Li Zhi, the hero.

  He is waiting for the ministers to express their views.

   Nowadays, memorials are piled up like a mountain.

   "Your Majesty, most of them agree with the supervise the country."

  Wang Zhongliang lowered his head, feeling that he would die on his knees.

  Thinking of the emperor's years of hardships, Wang Zhongliang couldn't help but choked up.

   "Slave servant... Slave servant feels that His Majesty is wise."

  The emperor was silent for a long time.

   "I didn't expect it to be so."

  Li Zhi didn't feel any frustration.

   "Is the queen proud?"

  Wang Zhongliang shook his head, "The queen said she was teaching the princess."

  There was a trace of warmth in the emperor's eyes.

   But immediately turned into indifference.

   "Almost almost three years."


   "This woman! She is tougher than a man, more knowledgeable, and decisive... If she was a man, she would be the best emperor."

  Li Zhi smiled, "But she is a woman after all, so she was not reconciled, so she wanted to seize power and fulfill her wish. It's almost..."

  The second day.

  The queen and eight prime ministers are discussing matters.

   "Your Majesty is here."

  Everyone was stunned.

  Didn’t it say that the emperor was in poor health a few days ago?

  How come?

  The prime ministers stood up to greet him.

  The emperor walked into the hall.

   Everyone found that he had no one to support him.

   Instead, he walked in step by step, with steady steps.

  Is this what it looks like to be sick?

  Empress Wu narrowed her eyes.

  The emperor looked at the prime ministers, and said slowly: "Dai Qing looks exhausted, please pay attention to your body."

  Dai Zhide is indeed exhausted, but he must have good eyesight to detect it.

   "Your Majesty..."

  Dou Dexuan said happily: "Has Your Majesty recovered?"

  The emperor did not answer, but went straight up.

  The queen stood up and looked at him.

  The emperor raised his eyes, "Thanks for your hard work."

  He went up and sat down.

"All major events in the world are discussed here. The words and deeds of the monarchs and ministers can affect the world, and the responsibility is heavy. I have read a lot of memorials and listened to a lot of advice from the ministers... The Tang Dynasty is now strong and powerful, and it is far away. In my opinion, this is far from enough. Does Tang Dynasty still have hidden dangers? Have you thought about it?"

   "As a prime minister, you should plan for the rainy day instead of just focusing on the present. This kind of prime incompetent."

  The eight prime ministers were shocked.

  The emperor then presided over the proceedings.

  After the court was dismissed, the emperor and queen returned to the emperor's bedroom together.


  The door is closed.

  The hall is dimly lit.

  Emperor even saw the floating dust.

  The emperor liked to sit on the side on weekdays, where there was plenty of light, allowing him to feel the light.

   But after the door was closed, there was only a faint light here.

  He sat down slowly, picked up a cup of cool tea, and took a sip. He looked up at the queen: "I saw you many years ago, and you didn't look like a weak woman at all. Your eyes were stubborn, which reminded me of a female leopard that I had harvested during that hunting."

   Empress Wu was standing on the other side, with her hands behind her back.

   "That year when I ascended the throne, the powerful ministers of the previous court controlled me like a puppet. Back in the harem, the Wang family and others colluded with the previous court, and I was in danger... At that moment, I thought of those stubborn eyes."

  The emperor put down his teacup, "I have brought you into the palace. You have lived up to my expectations, and you quickly cleaned up the Wang family and the Xiao family."

  Empress Wu said indifferently: "The emperor is ruthless, the so-called love is nothing but interests."

"The emperor can only be ruthless." The emperor said: "The emperor's love is the beginning of disaster. I found a person to assist me, and I was very happy. In those years, you joined hands with me to suppress the powerful officials step by step, and finally took control of the court. "

   "I originally wanted to rule the world, but I suffered from a stubborn illness, couldn't see things, and had a splitting headache. At that time, the prince was still young, so I could only let you supervise the country."

   "I'm no worse than you." Empress Wu's phoenix eyes were more cold, and that kind of domineering aura was more masculine than many men.

   "Yes, you are no worse than me." The emperor nodded, "But this world belongs to me after all."

  Empress Wu turned and looked at him, "Without me, there would be no world today!"

  The emperor said indifferently: "After all, the queen supervises the country for a while. If I am not dead, it is not your turn to take charge of the Tang Dynasty. I think it is ridiculous for a woman to be ambitious. Do you still want to learn from the former empress Lu?"

  Wu Mei smiled, "But I don't have Zhu Lu's help."

  The so-called Zhulu are the relatives of Empress Lu. Empress Lu was in charge of the power, and she cited the members of the Lu family as helpers, and she was prominent for a while.

  The emperor paused, "If it weren't for Jia Ping'an, I'm sure you would have found the Wu family to help. There is no family support behind the woman, and nothing can be done."

  Empress Wu sneered, "This world is so harsh on women, no matter how talented they are, they can only be inferior to men."

   "Jia Ping'an is very smart." The emperor smiled.

  Empress Wu's eyes were slightly warm, "He knows that he can't interfere in this matter, otherwise it will be life and death. He has not been dazzled by fame and fortune."

  The emperor suddenly said: "But after all, he was seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and abandoned you."

   Empress Wu was silent.

   "How long do you want to supervise the country?"

  The emperor changed the subject.

  Empress Wu said indifferently: "Ten years. I still have splendor in my chest. The ten-year period will make the Tang Dynasty even stronger."

   "Where's Goro?" The emperor sneered.

Empress Wu calmly said: "There are many difficult things in this world. For example, if the gentry is in charge of the country, this matter will not be possible. The gentry will counterattack in the future, and Goro will not be able to stop it. And those let Goro preside over it." , This is not trustworthy, but harmful. When a crown prince bears an incompetent title, the crown prince is not far from being deposed."

  The emperor smiled faintly, "Back off."

  Empress Wu shook her head slowly.

  The emperor's eyes became more stern, "Do you think I dare not do it?"


   Daming Palace, Shaoyang Temple.

  Li Hong is reading a book.

   "Your Highness."

  Zeng Xianglin hurried in, waved his hands, "Back off!"

  The servants looked at Li Hong.

  Li Hong nodded.

  He put down the book slowly, "What's the matter?"

   Zeng Xianglin leaned forward, lowered his voice, and the sweat on his forehead rolled down drop by drop.

   "Your Highness, His Majesty's side has been sealed, and the queen is inside."

   Li Hong's eyes froze for a moment.

  He got up slowly, "Change."

  Zeng Xianglin asked: "But is the prince dressed?"

   "Casual clothes."

   Li Hong finished changing.

  He picked up the travel book on the desk and took a closer look.

   "After all, I still have to go for a walk."

  Hands loosen, the scroll falls to the ground.

  The prince walked out of the hall.

  The cold wind swept in from the open door, rustling the books on the ground.

   "Meet Your Highness."

  The prince walked in the palace with several servants.

  He nodded slightly, looking ahead.

  On the road, you can see many Kong Wu's powerful servants, even armed with knives.

   "Meet Your Highness."

  These servants had doubts in their eyes.

  In front of the Penglai Hall, more than a hundred servants gather.

  Wang Zhongliang stood at the front with a dazed expression.

   "The prince is here."

  Wang Zhongliang frowned slightly, and stepped forward to greet him.

   "Your Highness, it is inconvenient for Your Majesty at this moment."

  Li Hong shook his head, "The lonely Aye Auntie is inside, I want to go in."

  Wang Zhongliang smiled wryly, "Your Highness, Your Majesty has explained that today this door can only be opened from the inside."

  Li Hong asked: "What if it is opened from the outside?"

  Wang Zhongliang is helpless...


   "Do you think I dare not abolish you?"

The emperor's eyes became colder, "What you rely on is that I can't see things. If you are abolished, and the prince can't control the court, I can only do nothing. What you rely on most are the powerful and nobles. Opponents, if these opponents are here, I will not be able to touch you, otherwise once they counterattack, I will have nothing to do."

  Empress Wu sneered, "Could it be that I have not contributed to this country? You are so shy and shy, what are you worried about? You are worried that if you die one day, this country will be scattered. But if I am not here, how can this country not be scattered!"

   "You overestimate yourself."

  The emperor stood up slowly, with a look of calm in his eyes.

   This is a decision.

   Knock knock knock!

  There is a knock at the door.

   Li Zhi's eyes suddenly became more murderous, "Get lost!"

   Knock knock knock!

  The sound of knocking on the door remained the same.


  The heavy door was slowly opened.

  The empresses all turned sideways, with murderous intent in their eyes.


  It was Li Hong who opened the door.

  He walked in slowly.

   "The court has been fighting all these years. Aye and A Niang have always wanted to weaken the gentry. In fact, it's not just the gentry. Any force that can threaten the implementation of government orders, and any force that can threaten the royal family will be wiped out."

   "The gentry seems to be down, but there are many people in their ranks. Once they are accidentally allowed to join forces with the powerful, this group will become a more harmful disaster than the gentry."

  Emperor and Empress Qi Qi was stunned.

  This son, who usually keeps quiet, has such insight?

Li Hong looked calm, "But officials of commoner origin must have power to check and balance, so the powerful and wealthy families cannot be completely defeated, but can only be weakened. The second is military generals. There are more powerful families in the Tang Dynasty. This is a big hidden danger. It should be opened Martial arts, choose the best from the low-ranking generals in the army..."

  He raised his eyes, "Aye, Aunt."

   Li Zhi smiled.

  Wu Mei smiled.

  Li Hong said: "Actually... I don't want to be a prince. I can't interfere with the dispute between you, and I can't interfere."

  Li Zhiqiang smiled and said: "I and your mother just quarreled, just like a folk couple."

  Empress Wu: "Yes, yes!"

  Li Hong said: "I have always felt that people can only live for a few decades, so I want to make my relatives live a more comfortable life. I have been reading travel notes..."

  Empress Wu said with a dry smile, "I'll travel when I turn back."

  Li Hong shook his head, "Many people say that the royal family has no family affection, but Aye and Auntie are very caring towards me. I think it must be because I prayed to the gods when I was young..."

  The empress was extremely embarrassed.

  Li Hong raised his head, "Aye, Aniang, power is just a corner of life, and nothing will remain after decades... Okay... okay?"

  The Empress nodded stiffly.

  Li Hong looked at them again, turned and went out.

  Empress Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Your Highness!"

   A sharp shout came.

   Li Zhi shook his body, leaned on the wall and walked out.

   Empress Wu rushed out in panic.

   More than a hundred servants turned around.

  Li Hong stood three steps away from the gate of the palace, looked up at the hazy sky, and said slowly: "I'm leaving."

  Blood continuously seeped down from his lower abdomen, flowing slowly...


  The dagger landed.

  Li Hong fell down.

  Under the hazy sky, more than a hundred servants stood there dumbfounded.

  Two most honorable men and women in the world stood outside the hall supporting each other.

  A little girl put her hands on her knees, and climbed up the steps hilariously.

  She stood in front of the pool of blood and shouted: "Fifth brother, get up and play with me!"

  A dead leaf is blown by the wind...


  Jia Pingan is reading the news at the Ministry of War.

   "Dashi is constantly gathering troops, one excuse at a time, but they don't do anything."

  Wu Kui said: "The lower official feels... Could this be to be wary of Datang?"

  He then shook his head, "If Datang wants to attack Dashi, the army will start from Chang'an and other places. The journey will take at least half a year, which is enough for those businessmen to inquire about the news. So they don't need to hoard the army."

  Jia Pingan put down the news and rubbed the center of his brows, "The sooner this battle, the better, destroy their ambition to go east, and then..."

   Then the vast world will do a lot, so go west. Will devoting all our efforts to Western food change the original history?

  If the French army is defeated... oh oh.

   Jia Pingan gloated about this possibility, and then thought of the navy.

   "Datang can travel farther by water."

   "With a large army?" Wu Kui frowned, "The sea is unpredictable, and the court and China may not agree."

   "What is a merchant ship for?"

  Wu Kui was stunned, "The merchant ship... yes, if the merchant ship can return with a full load this time, those people will probably clamor to expand the navy and kill them all the way along the waterway...Duke, Jia has a fleet..."

"The Jia family is not short of money." Jia Pingan said: "There are fewer and fewer opportunities for Datang to attack on a large scale on land, so we can only use immigrants step by step to move forward... But Datang should not be depressed at this point, we should open our eyes and see Overseas, this is another road of Datang. This road is enough for Datang to go for a hundred years or hundreds of years. When this road is followed by Datang, what should Datang be called at that time?"

   "King of the world!"


   Bao Dong rushed in, glanced at Wu Kui, and said almost rudely: "Wu Shilang, please stay away."

  Wu Kui got up and left.

   Jia Ping'an laughed and said, "But who committed the crime?"

   Bao Dong said in a low voice: "Wang Zhongliang rushed out from the palace to look for Mr. Sun. His face... was pale."

   Jia Ping'an's heart skipped a beat.

  It can't be Li Zhi, right?

  This can't be done!

   Li Zhi still has more than ten years of lifespan, how could he be gone at this time?


  It is only the empress who can make Wang Zhongliang look ashamed in the palace.

   Sister fell ill?

   Jia Pingan felt it was even more impossible.

   To be honest, sister's body is probably better than Jia Ping'an's.

  The battle between the emperor and empress...

  Jia Ping'an's complexion turned pale in an instant.

   "I'll go to the palace to have a look."

  Jia Ping'an went outside the palace to seek an audience.

  In the past, he responded quickly to his request for a meeting, but today he waited for a long time.

  The servant who came to pick him up looked normal.

so far so good.

  Jia Pingan followed the servant into the palace.

  He wanted to test it out.

   "It's a bit cold today!"


   "I don't know if an iron stove was fired on the Queen's side."

  The waiter said: "It must have been burned."

   Return in vain!

  Jia Pingan changed the subject, "How is Your Majesty today?"

  The waiter shook his head, "We are far away, but we don't know."

   Turned out to be a servant in a marginal area?

   Jia Ping'an was speechless.

   When they arrived at the Golden Luan Hall, two servants in front were waiting.

   Has there been a substitution?

   Jia Ping'an's heart shuddered.

   What happened?

   In front of it is the Penglai Hall, Jia Pingan no longer tries.

  Thousands of thousands...

  He prayed silently.

  When he saw the Penglai Temple, Jia Pingan also saw a group of people coming in and out.

  Everyone looked solemn.

  Jia Pingan saw the medical officer, and several medical officers were talking in low voices with sullen faces outside the hall.

   "Who is sick?"

  Jia Pingan didn't expect to get an answer after asking, he just used this question to suppress the uneasiness in his heart.

   "Your Majesty, Duke Zhao is here."

   There was a moment of silence inside.

   "Let him in."

   Jia Pingan walked in slowly.

   Once inside he could smell blood.

  In an instant, he tensed up all over.

  The empresses stood together, staring blankly at a temporary bed.

  The prince was lying on the bed.

   His face was pale, his upper body was naked...the lower abdomen was still bleeding.

  Jia Ping'an's body shook, and hissed: "Who assassinated the prince?"

  He has seen countless wounds, and he knew it was a weapon wound just by looking at this appearance.

  The empress did not speak.

  Jia Ping'an's voice was as sharp as scratching the bottom of a pot. He waved his hands and shouted like crazy: "Who killed the prince? Who killed Goro? Who?"

  Tears fell from his eyes.

  Wang Zhongliang came over and said in a low voice, "The prince committed suicide..."

  The great sadness almost knocked down Jia Pingan in an instant. His body shook a few times.

  The empress glanced at him, then turned away.

   Jia Ping'an's sadness turned into fury!


   He looked at the empress and suddenly understood.

  He clenched his fists tightly, "Goro never had any other thoughts in his mind, he just wanted...he just wanted to see his parents get along well, he only thought about this, isn't that enough?"

  The empress lowered her head.

  Jia Pingan opened his mouth, trembled a few times, and the tears in his eyes trembled, and asked, "Who is healing?"

  Five medical officers stood by the bed, all turning their heads.

  Jia Pingan took a deep breath, "Your Majesty, please order the military doctors to come."

  A medical officer said dissatisfied: "This is the palace."

  Jia Pingan continued to ignore him, "Your Majesty, for weapon wounds, the army's healers are unrivaled in the world."

  Once a doctor in the army encounters a big battle, he will deal with countless traumas every day. But if he has been in the army for 20 years, the trauma is basically easy to catch.

  And now there are new standards for dealing with trauma in the military, such as cleaning wounds, disinfection, and even sutures, etc., and casualties have dropped significantly.


  The emperor's voice sounded particularly gloomy.

   Jia Pingan walked over and looked at the wound carefully.

   "How deep?"

  Hope not to hurt the internal organs, otherwise we can only resign ourselves to fate.

   Several medical officers were silent.

   Didn’t check?

   They can’t be blamed either, only military healers would do this kind of thing to check the depth of the wound.

   Time passes.

  The sound of footsteps came hastily, and two army doctors hurried in.

   "Look carefully." Li Zhi said: "No matter what, it's cured... a big reward!"

  The two healers have already lost their legs.

  The queen said sharply: "It can't be cured..."


  Jia Pingan shook his head, he saw that Sister's eyes were full of tears.

  This filial prince!

  Will come to see her every day, ask her seriously, and rush to visit when he hears that she is unwell.

  This child!

  Li Zhi's eyes were filled with tears.

   These are the healers in the army, they treat the wounded without considering their status.

  Two doctors went over and cleaned the applied medicine, and one of them put the medicine in his mouth and tasted it.

   "Precious medicinal materials seem to be good, but for trauma, the most suitable ones are the best."

   These words made the medical officers feel ashamed.

  After disinfection, the doctor began to inspect the wound.

   Jia Ping'an's breathing was short of breath.

  The doctor turned around.

  Jia Pingan asked: "Did you hurt your internal organs?"

  The doctor said: "The peritoneum is broken, where are the weapons?"

   Li Zhi looked at Jia Ping'an.

   "Your Majesty, the doctor needs to determine how deep the wound is based on the size of the weapon, and evaluate whether it will hurt the internal organs."

  A dagger was brought over.

  The two doctors squatted down to look carefully, sniffing from time to time.

  A doctor looked up, "Your Majesty, I dare not say anything."

   Jia Ping'an fell to the bottom of his heart.

   Li Zhi tremblingly said: "Can it be treated?"

  Tears fell from Empress Wu's eyes, "Just cure him, cure him!"

  The doctor glanced at Jia Pingan.

   "Your Majesty, the peritoneum is a layer that protects the organs. Once the peritoneum is broken, if the outside dirty things enter, the organs will have problems, and the organs will have problems..."

   Jia Pingan's eyes were red.

   "So what?" Li Zhi blushed.

   "Let fate."

   In the absence of anti-inflammatory drugs, such wounds can only be seen by God.

   Li Zhi lowered his head.

  Two healers are waiting for orders.

   Empress Wu gritted her teeth and said, "Take it with all your strength."


  Jia Ping'an was standing on the side, feeling light and empty all over...


   "Mr. Zhao!"


  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion