MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1187 Li Zhi Fanwai: This is my Tang Dynasty

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  Chapter 1187 Li Zhi Fanwai: This is my Tang Dynasty

  The spacious hall was empty.

  Wang Zhongliang stood below, watching his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose.

  The young Li Zhi sat on it, raised his eyes from the memorial, and looked at the void.

   "What is Changsun Wuji doing?"

  Wang Zhongliang trembled all over, "Your Majesty, the eldest grandson is the director in the imperial city."

  Li Zhi lowered his eyes slightly, "Let Shen Qiu come."

  Shen Qiu floated in immediately, staring at Wang Zhongliang slightly coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

  This **** slave!

  Wang Zhongliang shrunk his neck, wanting to yell and curse to release his inner fear, but after taking a look at the old place where he often knelt, he dared not.

   Your Majesty is wrong!

  He has already noticed the freezing of the atmosphere, His Majesty seems to be brewing something.

  Li Zhi said calmly: "The day before yesterday Zhen and Wu Mei went to my uncle's place. During the banquet, he rewarded his sons and grandchildren, and even rewarded the sons of the servant girls, but he was indifferent."

  Shen Qiu and Wang Zhongliang lowered their heads slightly.

  They felt the wrath of the emperor.

  Li Zhi smiled and said: "What is uncle worried about? Worried that after the abolition of the Wang family, the palace will completely become my place? Or worried that Wu Mei will become my helper..."

  Wang Zhongliang's body is sifting chaff.

   "The emperor is a loner, I know that." Li Zhi caressed the table with his hands, his movements were gentle, and his eyes were gentle, "But I have also become a loner in the court, this world..."

  Wang Zhongliang felt that the thunderbolt from the blue sky was right in front of him, and wished he could open a gap in the ground and sneak in.

Li Zhi sighed suddenly, "Aye put his arms around his uncle's neck before he left, and said that the prince and concubine are filial children, you have to watch them... This is what my uncle said to resist my deposed queen. The son is not filial... the son is not filial ..."

  Shen Qiu raised his eyes, "Your Majesty, Changsun Wuji and Chu Suiliang have frequently discussed the matter of abolishing the Empress these two days. Chu Suiliang wanted to expel Wu Zhaoyi from the palace... Changsun Wuji was quite moved."

   This is drastic!

  Li Zhi stared at the void, and said for a long time: "Aye, is this the situation you want to see?"

  Shen Qiu's heart moved slightly.

  Li Zhi said: "Let the prime ministers enter the palace."

  He got up slowly and went to Lingyan Pavilion.

  Those portraits lasted forever, and Li Zhi lingered for a long time.


   "Your Majesty, absolutely not!"

  Chu Suiliang held his head high and said impassionedly: "The empress is not at fault, she was chosen by the late emperor for your majesty..."

   Li Zhi's gaze was a little erratic, and he didn't hear a word of these words.

  Changsun Wuji stood up, staring contemptuously, "There is nothing wrong with Mrs. Wang, Your Majesty is like that... But have you been charmed by that woman? If so..."

  Murderous intent suddenly rose in the hall.

  Li Ji, who didn't come in outside the hall, looked ahead silently, and shook his head imperceptibly.

  The emperor was silent.

  Changsun Wuji and Chu Suiliang came out, both with their heads held high.

  Li Ji was silent.

  The two of them glanced at him, Changsun Wuji looked contemptuous, and Chu Sui was very proud.

   Li Ji remained silent.

  The two move forward.

   A gust of wind blows, and the fallen leaves are flying.

  Inside the hall, the emperor looked through the door.

  Li Ji happened to look back.

   He vaguely saw a sharp sword piercing through the void. Turning his eyes, he saw the backs of Changsun Wuji and his wife.


   "Auxiliary machine, Your Majesty was just bewitched by that woman."

  In the guard room, Chu Suiliang said with a smile: "It's a wonderful stroke for you to push Liu Shi as a prime minister. The queen's uncle stands on the court hall, which is a deterrent to your majesty."

  Changsun Wuji smiled slightly, "This old man is extremely rich..."

  Chu Suiliang stroked his beard and smiled and said, "Auxiliary machine, you often compare yourself with Yang Su, how is today?"

  Changsun Wuji said indifferently: "Yang Su was old when he was rich, but this old man is still in his prime."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   There was a triumphant laugh in the duty room.

   "What can the emperor do?"

   Chu Suiliang asked.

Changsun Wuji said calmly: "Li Ji didn't dare to enter the palace today, that's what he knows. The rest of the people wait... only Xu Jingzong is left. All the people in the court are loyal and righteous, pheasant slaves... you must know Good and evil are."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Chu Suiliang's laughter sounded again.


   "Your Majesty, Changsun Wuji and Chu Suiliang laughed triumphantly, saying that Your Majesty is powerless."

  Shen Qiu said calmly.

   "I see."

  Li Zhi said calmly: "Li Yifu made a mistake and will be demoted soon..."

  Shen Qiu's body trembled, "I will go now, servant girl."

  Li Zhi said with deep eyes: "They want to trap me in this circle, and they can't go beyond one step. But they forgot... If I don't want to, there is no place in this world that can trap me."

  Wang Zhongliang left quietly.

   Immediately, Cheng Zhijie and others quietly entered the palace.

   "Who are you loyal to?"

  Li Zhi's voice was cold, like a god.

   "The ministers are all loyal to His Majesty!"

   "I remember what you waited for!"

   Li Zhi waved his hand.

   As night fell, Li Zhi sat there for a long time...

  A servant came in in a hurry, "Your Majesty, Li Yi's mansion has submitted a memorial, and after the suggestion is abolished..."

  Li Zhi sat there, calmly said: "This is just the beginning."

   On the second day, the concerts came together, causing a tsunami-like shock in the door and Zhongshu.

   "Xu Jingzong made a speech and abolished the empress!"

   "Yuan Gongyu's proposals are abolished..."


   "Your Majesty has gone to Lingyan Pavilion."

  The time of Chou is at the end, and the news was sent to Queen Wang.

  Empress Wang's eyes became colder, "Does he want to see the late emperor?"


  Li Zhi came to his bedroom from Lingyan Pavilion.

  There are several portraits in the bedroom.

  One is a graceful and luxurious woman.


   Li Zhi looked enviously, "When you were young, you always said that you should protect your family and protect them. I listened to you, and I have been enduring since I became the throne. A Niang..."

  Tears fell from Li Zhi's eyes, "Now I can't retreat."

  Empress Changsun in the portrait seems to be smiling.

   Li Zhi's eyes turned to another portrait.

   That is the first emperor!

"Aye, what are you worried about? You are worried that I am incompetent. Since you are worried, why did you make me the crown prince? You say I am weak, so don't worry. But I have to be weak...Aye, the eldest brother was not weak back then, and confronted you **** for tat , you were afraid of him, so you got rid of the eldest brother. I can only pretend to be weak, otherwise... who will the prince change?"

  He walked up to the third portrait, with gentle eyes, and reached out to gently touch the little girl's cheek.

   "Si, back then we were brothers and sisters who depended on each other for life, and you were always worried that I would be bullied, and you put on a pale face all day long to make me stand up. Si, you have stood up for my brother."

  He withdrew his hand, turned around, his eyes turned cold.

  Like the stars in the night sky!


   "Auxiliary machine, what is your Majesty trying to do?"

  Chu Suiliang said dissatisfiedly: "Is he trying to coerce the court?"

  Changsun Wuji said indifferently: "The pheasant slave has a weak temperament, this is more like losing his temper. When a young man loses his temper, let him be."

  Chu Suiliang smiled, "That's right, just ignore it."

  An official came in outside, "Your Majesty has summoned you, Your Majesty."

  The two of them entered the palace and saw dozens of important ministers there.

   Even Li Yifu and others were there.

   Li Zhi sat on it and smiled slightly.

   This is the weak and shy smile that everyone is familiar with.

   Chu Suiliang glanced at Changsun Wuji, and found that this old friend's eyes were full of confidence.

  The pheasant slave is still the same pheasant slave.

  Li Zhi said, "The Wang family is unbearable, and I want to abolish the empress!"

   Chu Suiliang was startled, "Your Majesty must not!"

   Li Zhi's blushing smile gradually turned cold.

  Chu Suiliang knelt down and kowtowed vigorously.

Puff puff!

  The sound of forehead hitting the ground was a bit dull.

  Chu Suiliang's shout echoed in the hall.

   "Your Majesty, absolutely not!"

   A group of officials knelt down, their voices like a tsunami.

   "Your Majesty, absolutely not!"

   Li Zhi's eyes gradually calmed down.

  He glanced at Li Ji.

  Li Ji stood up, "This is His Majesty's family business. Why do you need to ask outsiders?"

  Li Zhi nodded, "The Wang family conspired to poison, and the Xiao family conspired, and they are all abolished!"

   "Your Majesty!"

  Chu Suiliang lost his composure and looked up.

   Li Zhi looked at him, "Chu Suiliang is domineering, treats me as nothing, demoted to Tanzhou!"

   "Your Majesty!"

  Chu Suiliang subconsciously looked at Changsun Wuji.

   "Pheasant slave..."

  Changsun Wuji lost his composure and stood up. He never thought that his nephew would become like this.

   Pheasant slave, is this dizzy?

  Old man...

  Changsun Wuji's eyes turned cold.

   "This matter..."

   Li Zhi looked at him, "Could it be that the emperor can't handle his courtiers?"

   Changsun Wuji's words were all sealed in his mouth.

   Unless he wants to rebel, he cannot refute.

   But what about the pheasant slave?

  Changsun Wuji looked at him with bleak eyes.

   Li Zhi stood up.

  He glanced at the officials.

   "My decision...who is against it?"

  The officials bowed their heads.

   "Let's go!"

   Li Zhi nodded.

  The officials resigned.

  Behind him, the emperor stretched out his hands and looked up at the void.

  The three portraits flashed in my mind one by one, and then blurred...

  The majestic voice echoed in the hall.

   "This is my Tang Dynasty!"

  (end of this chapter)