MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-~ Youth like a tiger (2): How confident Jia Hong will be at the moment

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  Youth is like a tiger (2): How confident Jia Hong will be at the moment

  Imperial examination is the way for Datang to acquire talents.

   "The birth of the examination system was destined to make it impossible for ordinary people to become prominent officials. Until the Yang family established the imperial examination system in the previous dynasty. The imperial examination system was naturally prepared for high-ranking officials and dignitaries, as well as the children of noble families."

  The spring breeze blew slightly, rolled in through the open door, and blew on those young faces.

  Mr. paced back and forth on the podium with his hands behind his back, his tone sonorous.

"After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, although state schools were established in various places, the people's lives were not easy. How could they go to study? In the end, the state schools became a paradise for the children of the local rich. This is another manifestation of the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System, shameless!"

Anger appeared on the young man's face, and then he smiled slowly, "Fortunately, Zhao Guogong launched a new study. As soon as the new study came out, Confucianism suddenly faced a formidable enemy, and all parties suppressed it. But you can suppress the knowledge with real skills. It doesn't help. In today's Tang Dynasty, there are schools everywhere, and His Majesty saves food and clothing, and every year the palace allocates the saved money and food to schools everywhere, why?"

  Jia Hong sat upright, listening quietly.

Mr.    waved his hands vigorously to strengthen his tone, "Just because Your Majesty understands that if Confucianism continues to be the only one, the world will still be unable to escape the cycle of chaos. To be strong, only new learning!"

Sir, look at the students, "You are about to leave mathematics, go to the imperial examination, and do things. Now you should be considered an adult. Today I ask you, why do you say that new learning can strengthen Datang? Can new learning be able to avoid chaos? Loop?"

  One by one, the students stood up and answered.

   There are many answers, most of which are praises for new learning.

Mr.    kept nodding his head, and finally stared at Jia Hong.

  This young man is pure and kind, and his studies are not tepid, so the gentlemen have been ignoring him.

   But thinking that he was about to end his student career, Mr. couldn't bear it, so he said softly: "Jia Hong, tell me."

  The students all looked at Jia Hong with smiles on their faces.

  This chubby boy was bullied when he first entered mathematics, but some classmates stopped him. During these years of classmate life, everyone knows enough about Jia Hong's personality...too pure and kind.

   This is a good guy!

   This is everyone's collective evaluation of Jia Hong, but it is also a joke.

  Good people are useless. It’s okay to guard the gate or do some work to check for omissions, but it’s not good to be an official.

   Everyone is about to leave mathematics and step into another level, which can be called high-spirited. So it is inevitable that there will be more sympathy and pity in the eyes looking at Jia Hong.

  Jia Hong got up.

   "Sir, new learning cannot stop the cycle of chaos."

  Everyone was stunned.

  A classmate scolded, "What do you know?"

  They are all beneficiaries of the new learning, so they naturally have to speak from the standpoint of the new learning, so Jia Hong was not angry, and said very seriously: "The cycle of chaos has nothing to do with learning, but only with the people of the world."

  Mr. was stunned and asked: "Then what do you think the new learning is useful in the cycle of chaos?"

   Mathematics allows teachers and students to speak freely without suppressing it. This is Jia Pingan's order back then.

  The students snorted, thinking that Jia Hong was a traitor, but they couldn't do anything about it.

Jia Hong looked at these classmates who hated their teeth, and suddenly found it very interesting, "Sir, the function of the new learning is to make Datang's internal chaos, and still be able to beat the aliens who spy on Datang to their teeth. "

  The eyes of the students moved slightly.

  Mr. put his hand on his forehead, raised his eyes, and looked at Jia Hong with satisfaction, "It makes sense."

  A student was unconvinced and asked: "Jia Hong, you are quite proud of giving advice, so let me ask you, which subject do you think you should focus on in the undergraduate imperial examination?"

  Since half a year ago, their graduating class has started to focus on review. The content of the Xinxue imperial examinations focused on Gewu, but occasionally on arithmetic.

  So guessing which subject this year's imperial examination focuses on has become an important task for teachers and students.

  Jia Hong said: "Mathematics has focused on studying objects and arithmetic for many years, but all kinds of knowledge and morality come first."

  The student looked surprised, "You said this year's subject is morality?" He suddenly slapped the desk and laughed wildly, "Hahahaha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   Everyone was laughing.

  Ethics and Confucianism are combined together, which can be regarded as the main course, but most of the students are not interested in this kind of metaphysical main course. In addition, the content of the imperial examinations in recent years is still mainly based on physics and arithmetic, so Jia Hong's answer is particularly ridiculed.

  Jia Hong didn't laugh.

  Jia Ping’an had a conversation with the children before departure. This conversation was unconstrained and omnipotent. When it comes to new learning, Jia Ping'an is obviously a little dissatisfied, thinking that learning is the most important thing, but it is not as important as morality.

  —Morality is the foundation of human beings!

   Losing the restraint of morality, the more advanced the knowledge, the more serious the disaster!

   This is Jia Hong's understanding.

  So he kindly reminded.

   But obviously these reminders have done nothing.

After school.

  Jia Hong walked out of Mathematics and stood there blankly, looking at the small shop on the left.

   Standing behind the counter, Qian Wuniang frowned slightly when she saw him staring at her in a daze, thinking that this man was a little silly.

  So she turned her head and saw Hua Dingyun, her eyes immediately glowed.

   "Unless your family is stronger than the Hua family, unless you can pass the imperial examination and be an outstanding official, Qian Wuniang will not like you."

Standing beside Jia Hong, Zhang Lun hesitated for a while, and finally felt that the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, "You look too kind and kind. For women, they hope that their future husband will be upright. A man who can support them, not a pure... good man."

  Jia Hong tilted his head, "You hold back the profanity."

  Zhang Lun glanced at him, "Yes."

  Jia Hong glanced at Qian Wuniang again, "I know that twisted melons are not sweet..."

   "Then you are still obsessed?" Zhang Lun was puzzled.

  Jia Hong shook his head, "Today is a farewell. She is no different from everything around her in my eyes. I just look at the environment I have been in for many years."

  Zhang Lun sneered, "Keep talking hard."

  Jia Hong walked over slowly, the shop was on the left, and Qian Wuniang was tense all over, as cold as ice.

  She didn't want others to misunderstand that she had entanglements with Jia Hong, and wished she didn't know him.

  Jia Hong walked over slowly, and said softly: "Actually, from the moment she looked at Hua Dingyun, I knew she was not destined for me."

  He just walked slowly, without even looking at Qian Wuniang again.

  Zhang Lun, "..."

  Qian Wuniang: "..."


  The imperial examination is in the spring.

   "A year's plan lies in spring, which is a good omen."

  The examiners are preparing for the exam.

  An examiner said: "However, those candidates have to travel long distances to Chang'an with the local officials. If they encounter rain and snow along the way, it will be quite tormenting."

   "Hehe!" One person laughed and said, "But this is also the first time the students have traveled in their lives, and they have benefited a lot!"

  A person came in from outside the door, clapped his hands, "Get ready."

  The examiners stood up solemnly and went out neatly.


   Mathematics, the officials and gentlemen of the Imperial College are here today.

  Outside the examination room, they are relaxing the students.

   "Don't be nervous, you have learned it on weekdays, just relax and take the exam now."


  Jia Hong stood there, looking at those classmates, and thought of the official relations his father had mentioned.

  Classmates, the same year, what other teachers and students... These relationships are linked together and eventually become a scourge.

   Why can't it be a useful group?

   Jia Hong felt that his father was biased.

   "Jia Hong, hold on!" Zhang Lun came out from the crowd, patted Jia Hong on the shoulder, and said excitedly, "We are about to make our debut."

Jia Hong nodded, Zhang Lun's face turned red, "Actually, I most want to be a rich and idle person." He looked up at the blue sky longingly, "The money at home can't be spent, I sleep until I wake up naturally every day, eat A delicious meal, served by a beautiful maidservant from the Western Regions... Going out for a walk, nothing to worry about..."

  Several students around nodded.

   Jia Hong was worried that his friend would go astray, so he persuaded him: "If a person doesn't do anything, he will lose his mind and find no reason to live. After a long time, this person will be destroyed."

  Zhang Lun glanced at him, "You can say such profound words...but I am willing to abolish it!"

  Jia Hong had no choice but to say, "If you abolish it, your life will be in vain."

  Zhang Lun raised his eyebrows, "But I also thought that I am full of talent, if Datang is without me, it will definitely be eclipsed..."

  Jia Hong rolled his eyes, "The most shameless person in Chang'an is you!"

   After bantering for a while, the two friends relaxed.

   "The door is open."

  The examination room opened, Zhang Lun cupped his hands, and said confidently: "See you in the officialdom!"

   Jia Hong cupped his hands, "It's easy to say."

   At this moment, Jia Hong was extraordinarily calm.

   Zhang Lun rubbed his eyes, feeling dazzled.

   entered the examination room, and immediately distributed the test papers.

  Xinxue is different from Confucianism. Confucianism can be done with one topic, but Xinxue is different. There are too many questions, so you must use test papers.

   After getting the test paper, Zhang Lun took a rough look and looked up in astonishment.

   There are dozens of candidates in this examination room, all of whom are new students.

  At this moment, together with Zhang Lun, the five people looked up with stunned expressions, as if seeing the collapse of the examination room.

   Unexpectedly... Moral topics accounted for as much as 30% of the questions!


  In the previous new academic examinations, the moral questions were at most less than ten percent, so they were ignored by everyone. Some people even leave morality behind and specialize in physics and arithmetic, saying that it doesn't matter if you lose moral points, and at worst you can make up for it with other subjects.

  But how do you make up 30%?

  Zhang Lun lowered his head again and read the moral topic again.

   Most of them are familiar!

   After Jia Hong said something, although everyone was laughing, they couldn't help but pay more attention to morality during the review, and the reward came at this moment.

   Big flood!

   Zhang Lun lost his composure.

  The five candidates are all in the same class as Jia Hong.

  Everyone lost their composure at the moment.

  That good man Jia actually saw through the court's attitude towards the imperial examination?

  Following his father's teachings, Jia Hong has never shown his talents in mathematics, coupled with his pure and kind personality, most teachers and students in mathematics ignored him.

  But once a good man shows a little light, it is particularly shocking.

   There was a gasp in the examination room.

  The examiner stood up and yelled, "Don't whisper, don't make a sound, or you will be expelled from the examination room!"

  Zhang Lun suppressed the shock in his heart and lowered his head to take the exam.

   But a thought lingered in his and the other four's minds...

  How confident is Jia Hong at this moment?

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion