MTL - Great Tang Idyll-Chapter 8 There is even more in the count

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Listening to the lady's question, the second cow didn't even think about it. He directly slammed there. He didn't dare to face the lady in anger. He thought about giving out the little son, but he suddenly thought, if true. If the little son is given out, will the little son be punished? Of course not, the lady will only praise the son, but also praise himself. The question is, after the exaggeration, do you still have a life? The lady does not punish, the little son can find a reason to let himself die without a whole body.

Therefore, the second cow feels that the only thing he can do is not to speak out, waiting for his wife's anger, even if the lady let others beat themselves is good, as for explanation? How to say? Could it be said that the little son deliberately told not to buy baked goods in these two villages? Hold it up, I want to come to the lady will not kill myself.

"Follow me, why don't you tell me that the grilled fish fillet was made by your family? I haven't found it before. I have such a character in this family, and I have earned a lot. What are the plans for the future?" Seeing the appearance of the two cows, I also tried to control my tone and said slowly.

"Madam, I can't say, you just killed me. I can't say it. The only thing I can say is that I haven't done anything to Zhangjiazhuang, and I have you." I will know, my second cow is to die for Zhuangzi, and I will not think about harming Zhuangzi. I am talking about it and talking about buying and selling." The second calf is on the ground, slamming his fist, and has already burst into tears. Did not sell Zhang Xiaobao.

Zhang Xiaobao was lying on the couch at the moment, clearly heard the conversation, and even laughed. Wang Hao also heard it. When he saw Zhang Xiaobao’s expression, he said angrily: "Why don’t you stand up and save him? You laugh, yes. Don't you think that the second bull is stupid, should you be laughed at?"

"Fart, when did I laugh at the second cow? After the second cow is my loved one, I laugh because I have been willing to die for me for a lifetime, Zhang Xiaobao will still die for me, this life can still be, I am worth it, after the second cow is my pro Brother, he is alive, I let him enjoy the prosperity of wealth. When he is dead, I will take care of his family for him. You let me go out. I really went out. Can I afford two cows?" Zhang Xiaobao suddenly spoke swearing, people from the couch. Standing up, the smile did not change, but the little hand was squatting.

"A liar can even buy people's hearts? I don't believe it." Wang Hao is a little embarrassed. Her information provider Zhang Xiaobao wants to know that Zhang Xiaobao's whereabouts are people who want to be exposed before they are exposed. This difference is too big. some.

"Hey! You don't believe? I told you that it was on that day, until the last moment of the explosion, I wanted to run away, I still can't greet them, but my brothers are already in place, as long as I gesture, An action, the six snipers arranged on your side will be destroyed immediately, but my life is not so long, and I don't want to hurt you.

Don't think that you are so powerful, I tell you, some people in your organization are nothing compared to the two cows. The two cows also know their position and know the loyalty. Those of you have long Your soul is sold, not all of you are kings, and not all people can become king flowers. ”

Zhang Xiaobao was finally angry at this time. He also had his own bottom line. He was not allowed to touch anyone. He said to Wang Hao without mercy.

Wang Hao is stupid. She didn't think that someone in the organization was betrayed, but she just didn't want to believe. At this time, the last hope in her heart was shattered. She certainly understood the meaning of Zhang Xiaobao's words. She didn't hate Zhang Xiaobao, nor hate. After selling their own people, after all, they can't ask everyone to be like her. She is just a little embarrassed, Zhang Xiaobao, a liar. Why can he have such a good brother? Why?

Two people thought with their own minds, and the two cows outside and Zhang Wang were also fighting.

"You really don't say?" Zhang Wang asked in a word.

"I won't say if I kill him." The second bull responded reluctantly.

Wang Hao, who was thinking about things in the house, heard the words of the two cows and almost laughed.

"Well, let's talk, how do you want to cooperate?" Zhang Wang thought for a moment, looked back at the room she had just come out and asked.

"Mrs. give me two more money. I use it to buy fish, make fish fillets, and then get them to other busy places for free, especially a high-end restaurant. After five days, I will give my wife 50 yuan. "The second cow is in accordance with the words set by Zhang Xiaobao.

Zhang Wang smiled and nodded. He gently said to the two cows: "Two cows, you have always been a smart person in my family. Almost everyone thinks so, but I know you and I am relieved, so I put it. Xiaobao and Hey gave you care. Since you want this money, then I will give it to you. There are fifty passes in 50, even if you finally lose it, there is nothing. Don’t think too much, your mother has you like this. A son, I should be happy, I think your mother knows that you are a person, just like me."

"Well, my mother knows." Zhang Xiaobao, standing on the couch, said quietly.

"Well, Zhizi Mo Ruomu." Wang Hao, who also heard Zhang Wang’s speech, also agreed.

"My mother said this to me." Zhang Xiaobao smiled.

"So how are you still happy?" asked Wang Hao.

"Why am I not happy, my mother is so smart, of course I have reason to be happy, cheaper, I am stunned by that nerd." Zhang Xiaobao just stood down and fell down, slammed, lying next to Wang Hao, facing dissatisfaction with him. Wang Hao of the action said: "Today is my happiest day. I found a good brother and know how great the maternal love is."

"What level?" Wang Hao really can't understand.

"It is the degree of unconditional support for my children. Listen, my mother will promise, which reminds me of what I wrote in a book. When I am a mother, even if I know that my child will be hot, I will still be unconditionally Support, she will secretly watch, if there is danger, she can directly rush to hold the hot water bottle instead of their own children to burn." Zhang Xiaobao said with emotion.

"What is this? People's nobleness and greatness are because of this." Wang Hao still refuted Zhang Xiaobao, even if she has been moved, still refused to accept.

"Wrong, not just humans, even animals. If you have seen hunters hunting, you will understand that those animals that bite their legs and escape clips must be mothers, because they have to go back and feed themselves. Child." Zhang Xiaobao said.

"Don't tell me something useless, I don't like to listen." Wang Hao twisted his head and didn't want Zhang Xiaobao to see his red eyes. She thought of the loved ones of the previous life.

"Well, don't say it, don't say it, listen." Zhang Xiaobao is grateful to God, and he has parents in his life.

"Cherry, come over, hold the money, and use it for the second cow." Zhang Wang, outside, greeted the house, and the cherry immediately ran out and took over the wooden piece representing the two money.

"Two cows, you can also get up, remember my words, I believe that you can take care of Bao Lang, and then go to the account to support the meat, go home and have a good meal." Zhang Wang took out a piece of wood and threw it at 跪The two cows there, walked slowly.

The two cows seemed to wake up like a dream, trembled and picked up the wood chips, looking at the figure that the lady had gone, and could not speak for a long time.


As Zhang Xiaobao said, when someone sees the fish fillet to make money, it immediately appears imitation, the price is cheaper, but the sales are not so good, one is salty and uneven, the other is the fish fillet. I can't reach the level of the second cow, and the fire is not good at all.

The two cows who got the money immediately began to purchase a large number of raw fish according to Zhang Xiaobao’s instructions, and sent the prepared fish fillets to some restaurants for free tasting.

Five days later, the grilled fish fillets from various restaurants were suddenly gone. This man doesn’t really like to eat. It’s not as good as beef sauce. It’s so important for children and women. These two characters are really important. It is important to the point that any man with a normal sexual orientation has to consider.

Five days of free gift, let the hotel taste the sweetness, have to carefully consider the economic benefits of this thing, that is, how much money to make, the most direct is the brothel, where there are many women, have been grilled fish fillet as a An indispensable snack, followed by a man who is looking for a woman, has to bring some back to please the beautiful people, and the last is the person who has the child. When he eats and drinks, he finds that the child likes it and brings it back. Then throwing his face to the child and saying two harsh words of teaching, this is the deep love of the father.

But now suddenly the supply has stopped. The difference between it and the other is much worse. It is impossible to compare the salty balance. The owner of the restaurant is in a hurry. I have to ask about the place where the fish fillet is made, and I want to figure it out.

The two cows have been listening to the orders of Xiaogongzi, that is, the remote control command. When they saw many people asking, let their big brothers go out to talk, bid for the price, and say that they are selling formulas. In fact, there is only one, that is, pickling. Or the deep processing of the sea fish, such a simple thing, before it is announced, people are infinitely yearning, waiting for someone to spend 120 or two of the silver to get, but can only leave depression in the heart.

"I am not telling you to buy copper money? You have to get back so much money, you tell me, I want to buy something, you will pay with silver? I buy two hundred pounds of soybeans, you take this Big chunks of silver looking for a disease? How do you let me say you? I want to sell a piece of tofu now, do you want to buy it with silver? Do you want to buy silver in the future sale? You feel tired, you Don't take me to death."

Zhang Xiaobao looked at the small pile of silver in front of the two cows, patted the head and said, and looked at the sad expression of the two cows. He knew that this was done by the big cow, so he had to sigh and let the two cows put the money first. Make up for the mother, and slowly replace the rest with copper coins for the next step. 2k novel reading network

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