MTL - Great Tang Idyll-v4 Chapter 912 Selling and learning

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Chapter 916

Selling and learning

"Go one step forward, learn from me, I teach you how to say." Xiaobei is very satisfied with the look of the little girl.

The little girl took a step forward.

Beckham took a mirror from the bag and looked at himself. Then he said, "This is the case. I took a bamboo tube of fish bone powder and went to the merchant who came to my tribe to exchange things. Say me, uncle, you can Feed the fish and fish powder? I grab a hand, sprinkle it into the water, fish and fish come to eat it, and my family's chicken, love it more than fish and fish.

Uncle, are there fish and chickens in your house? I am willing to give you a little, you take it home, they like to eat, you come over to buy my powder? I am changing sugar.

did you see? Learn how I look, remember, you must talk to others with your head up, then your eyes are screaming, don't laugh, don't cry, with a bit of dull appearance, stay naturally.

When he gives you a price, you can write it down, wait for other caravans to come to you, and then ask, who is the price, who you sell to, so that you will lose less. ”

The boys in the tribe stared at Beckham, one by one, and they couldn't know if they could make it. They only knew that Beckham was very cute.

"Beckham, you are selling Meng." Xiaoyuan said.

"I am selling powder? Is it good for the children? If you don't use it, can you afford yourself?" Xiaobei retorted.

Samoa’s son looked at Beckham and wanted to invite her to stay in the stockade. But when she remembered her father’s words, she did not dare to say anything. Instead, she asked: “Beckham, do you usually do business?”

"I don't want it, do I need to sell Meng?" Beckham whispered: "If I sell local specialty products, I will directly tell the businessman who came over, you give me a quote, and I have to come up with a detailed sales plan. What do you use to guarantee the volume of sales, how to secure the loyalty of the group, and what is the profit you are pursuing? What percentage of advertising investment are you willing to provide?"

"How is it different?" asked the son of Samoa.

"Because I am Zhang Xiaobei, we have nine people together. The wisdom in marketing is stronger than the businessmen who come here. At the same time, we have more resources to use. Do you understand? Want to let others respect you, you You must first become stronger. The more you know about an industry, the less people in the same industry will dare to bully you.

We don't need to rely on the identity of our brother and sister now. We can only be on an equal footing with ordinary businessmen. If we add the identity of our Datang patrol, we can mobilize many resources.

For example, this time the Datang war against the multi-food, we used the partner of the Baby Candy House chain to facilitate the side to assist the war. Our sentence determines the trend of millions of money.

This is why you let yourself make money. The children in Beijing enjoy the money provided by businessmen. They are not just accepting the charity of others. Instead, they form a kind of charity for the merchants who take the money. Everyone is rushing to give money.

Just because they are in the place, and their knowledge and identity, you need a businessman to invest here, it is pure acceptance of charity, I hope you are a little stronger. Of course, I will also help you, not alms. ”

Beckham explained it a bit, but it is a long-term focus.

Then she took out a stack of money from the bag, counted a hundred, and handed it to the head of the tribal leader.

"Hold, ten thousand, each one is one hundred, purchasing power, oh, how much can you buy? Just take one, the salt you bought from the merchant is enough for your entire tribe to eat for three years, or In the case of a nine-fold difference, the kind that you eat hard.

You want to buy salt all over. Your tribe can eat for three hundred years. This money is for you. The tribe can use it when it has trouble and needs money, but it is not allowed to buy luxury goods. If I let people know who bought a luxury item, I will let him buy something that is not used, and our money is not so good. ”

Beckham first introduced the purchasing power and then threatened.

Saying that you buy something else, the children in the tribe have no concept, and it is much more intuitive to talk about salt. A stack of things in front of me can buy the salt that the tribe has eaten for three hundred years?

The son of Samoa looked nervously at the other eight people, fearing that eight people would return all the money. The salt of three hundred years is really scary.

After waiting for a while, he was embarrassed to take out one and handed the other to Beckham: "One is enough, you give us all the money, you have no money to use."

"Ha!" Beckham smiled. "Do you have all the money for you? Do you know how much we have? We now make more than one extra money in your day, money, for us now. It’s a number. We use some of this number to make others' lives better, and we are happy.

Money, we don't care, just care about how others use it. You said that we have to spend a lot of money to do it? We eat and wear at home, and we have more money at home than we do. What we are now doing is how to spend money, instead of having money to eat interest. ”

Xiaoyuan and others nodded. They really did not spend much money. Whenever they used it for the welfare of Datang, they would make more money, mainly because the brand of the baby candy house chain was too hard. The consumption of rich children, the choice of baby candy house.

Even adults like to play in the playground of the baby candy house.

The son of Samoa could not believe it. He said with a voice: "With money, you have power."

"You also know power. Power is not money, it is given by the people. Power itself has no value. Its value is reflected in the benefits that the power can bring to the people who give him power.

Even if we don't have money, we still have power. Because people trust us, power is intangible. Its abuse is whether or not the power owner uses this power.

Forget it, telling you that you don't understand, many people forget the root of power. Whenever he makes a profit for himself, it is a shackle of power. Dirty is not only about trading in power, but also including him. The soul, when he dies, it is absolutely difficult to close his eyes. ”

Beckham said a pass, shaking his head and feeling that he could not communicate with the average child.

The son of Samoa did not understand, but he knew that he now has money, can buy the salt of the tribe to eat for three hundred years, consider whether to buy more, save it and use it slowly.

Xiaohai seems to see the other party's plan, busy saying: "You don't buy salt, there will be salt immediately, don't spend money, just eat it. You can't think of how to spend, keep, devaluation is not afraid, because productivity is improved, The depreciation of money lies in luxury goods and medium-sized products, not low-end goods that are affected by productivity and increase production.

I said more, anyway, you only need to know that the money is easy to use. If you don't make money when you sell something, use it to pay for your learning kits and teachers. ”

The son of Jamaa tightened his money and his eyes were red. He asked, "Why are you so good to us?"

"Because you admit that you are Datang people, we will always treat ourselves well. We will try to replace them with Japanese children and Silla children. I will let them die."

Beckham said, very domineering, think again, said: "In fact, the children of Japan and Silla are also good, and they are invited to come to Beijing, including their families. When we proposed it, Datang’s children chose excellent ones. Going to the capital, very simple purpose, the result is known by my brother and sister, a set of links.

Hey~! We are still too far away, too far away. Whenever we feel that we are powerful, our brothers and sisters will let us know with the actual situation. We are still ignorant, yes, ignorant. ”

The children in the tribe are speechless.

"Beckham, your brother and sister are much more powerful than you?" asked the son of Samoa.

"Generally, you don't understand at all, how difficult it is to negotiate with them. When we try our best to think of something that is cheap, they understate the cheaper ones. This is because they only defend and not The result of the attack.

Or do you think that the merchant who came to trade with you is listening to my hometown? What they are afraid of is not the power of my family, but the means of my brother. The economic problem must be the economic solution. This is called the rivers and lakes. This kind of enthusiasm is the foundation of their fear.

Are you confused? You will understand later, the more you know, the more you find yourself ignorant. ”

Beckham looked very aggrieved, grinned and said.

The children of the tribe are also afraid. They thought that the two people of Beckham were the most powerful. They never thought that they would be bullied.

The son of 爨摩阿 gently rubbed the coin with his hand, still uneasy, asked: "We took your money, what do you need us to do? For example, let the adults say, hurry up to become Datang people."

"No need." Xiaogang said very rudely: "You don't say to the adults, we still give you money, just because you told us that you admit that you are a Datang person. If you want to return, you will have one day." Great power, remember to do things well for the people of Datang, have money, remember to provide a stable learning environment for other children.

It is the root of a nation and a country that is passed down from generation to generation. What we are doing for you today is exactly what you need to do for others tomorrow.

When we go, there will be a contact station sent by the telegraph, and there will be something to send us a report. Now we teach you how to turn a shell into a powder, you need a grind, a fine grain grind, give you one, and let people make it right away. ”

Samoa in the mountains followed Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao to hunt.

He had thought that the two men were very powerful and learned a lot, but they were not familiar with the local situation and would not go very well when hunting.

What he didn't expect was that the two seemed to live in the vicinity of Dianchi Lake from a young age. The range of footsteps and vigilance during the trip was actually just right.

When he saw Zhang Xiaobao's traces of the prey, he immediately solved the two lurking snakes and handed them over to Wang Hao, who was slightly treated by Wang Hao and put into the backpack.

They are now tracking a tiger, just three people. Momo is very nervous. He didn't expect Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao's courage to be so big. Tigers, dare to follow up with three people, and plan to hunt.

Going forward for a while, he couldn’t help but say: "Xiaobao, it’s better to change something, tiger, not good."

"Nothing, Xiaohu, I am going to catch a living. There is one male tiger in the zoo. You have met on this side. I will use other weapons in a while, not one of the trials." Zhang Xiaobao replied.

To be continued... 2k novel reading network

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