MTL - Great Tang Idyll-v4 Chapter 921 Part of the autumn harvest has begun

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Many people were arrested one by one, and twenty-seven people were killed and fifty-four people were captured.

In fact, it was 19 people who were directly killed directly, and eight others were seriously injured.

The medical staff of the team looked at the injury and came to the conclusion that there were opportunities to treat five, and three of them were unable to return to heaven. The first idyllic Datang 921

However, these five people have a chance to treat well. It does not mean that they must be treated. The reason is not worth it. If you change to Datang, you will go all out.

The seriously injured person who was not dead was shot and thrown into the sea. Some of the remaining 54 people were slightly injured. At the beginning, they also shouted and said that they were hurting. They said that they would not be able to do it. When they found eight serious injuries. The people directly became corpses, and they stopped all screaming, fearing that they would be solved the same.

The battle ended very quickly, and the one-sided situation ended. There were two people injured in Datang. One was nervous when shooting. The **** was lost in the process of shaking. He touched his chin and could see the swollen one. The other was the enemy who surrendered. When the boat was crawling, the hand was accidentally padded in the middle of the rope and the ship's side, and the three fingers were swollen.

The two injured people will be punished after returning. Don't look at the time when you are injured. It is also necessary to dispose of you. The injury you have shown is that your combat literacy is low and the basic skills are not solid enough. If you are sent out to rescue, a small mistake will make you dangerous.

The two injured people really showed a worried expression. They sat next to each other, looked at each other, and said nothing about the same illness. No one else comforted them. It was not a big deal.

The fishermen who came over were very satisfied with the fighting process and the results, but they were dissatisfied with the number of people who eat more. Only 50 people were too few, and there were 5,000 people. The Fuzhou Shipyard had to expand, and a small hill behind it. There is no man to level the place with the potholes.

"What about people? A total of this?" Chen Yuhong pulled a gluttony who was **** and changed his boat.

This person is good to understand the Tang dynasty and answer: "The road to death, the storm."

"Defeated things." Chen Yuhong sighed, began to look at the two captive boats, Dongpu, Xiqiao, shaking his head: "Cannot use, go back and change, put on the water next to the dock, when the floating restaurant Let's put two boats together, and lay the boards on them. When used in catamaran, you can play some places in the dining area."

Chen Yuhong thought about the activity, and immediately found a good place for the people's boat. The more I thought about it, the better I felt.

Discussed with other fishermen, everyone agreed to get the hand, let the family help on the boat to cook, but also increase some income, the fish they hit to provide a part of the restaurant, not only a number of sales, but also save the restaurant to buy other fish The intermediate fare increase cost.

For a group of fishermen now, Chen Yuhong is the most learned of them and willing to listen to him.

Chen Yuhong also went to the May 7th and 6th negotiations to buy a boat, which does not account for the cheapness of the guards.

The May 7th was originally intended to give the boat directly to them. The wood on board was not bad. It was easy for them to dismantle and rebuild their own small fishing boats.

Now listening to Chen Yuhong saying that he wants to buy, and still has the meaning of negotiation, the attitude of May 7th and 6th has changed.

"Determined to buy, not to?" The last question was asked on May 7th.

Chen Yuhong nodded, and suddenly felt that the words of the May 7th and the Sixth were like this, but I couldn’t remember it for a while.

"Five hundred, the money is brought, the boat is for you." The price is given on May 7th.

"Right? Create a new ship, two hundred enough, but also include masts and sails. If you look at that one, the mast is gone. If it is not handled in time, the ship will follow, and the other sail It is also broken. When we look back, we have to cut the mast. The wood is not bad. It is more than enough to make the two houses. The first garden is Datang 921.

Now it is a second-hand ship, we have to get back, up to one hundred and two... ah, through, one hundred and one, yes, you have to take it back and play. ”

Chen Yuhong almost opened a hundred and twenty, thanks to the reaction fast enough.

"One hundred to give you, but after we go to your floating restaurant to eat, you must give us a 20% discount, and always do." Five or sixty-six counter-offer, with additional conditions.

"No, expensive, you have been eating, taking advantage of the big, fifty, and I will give you a 5% discount, but you can't order expensive dishes." Chen Yuhong thought about the price.

On the 5th and 6th, he shook his head and smiled and said: "Speaking of doing business, you are too far away. Don't say that you are better than Xiaobao, and they are better than you. They will be promised immediately after switching to Beckham."

“Why?” Chen Yuhong couldn’t figure it out.

"Because of the 20% discount, you also have profits. We go to eat with you. We have a lot of people. If you take more money, you will naturally earn more. At the same time, it will give propaganda. Others will see the soldiers stationed in Fuzhou come to your restaurant to eat. I think the food in your restaurant is good. You also bargained down, and then I sold the boat to others, one hundred and fifty, we went to eat a 20% discount, I believe many people are rushing to buy."

The May 7th was a bit disappointing. Although the fishermen opposite are smarter than other fishermen, they are smart and limited. It is not comprehensive enough to consider the problem.

Chen Yuhong slammed his thighs: "Oh, think of it, no wonder familiar, newspapers reported that between the adults and the children, if the children ask for it, they can give it, can not give reason, if the child negotiates, even if it is a text Money, also have to talk with the children.

Let the children understand that family is a family, the agreement is an agreement, just like when they negotiated with Xiao Baozhen. I learned another hand and went back to my child. I also did this and cultivated them, but there was a problem. ”

Looking at Chen Yuhong at five or six, he signaled him to continue.

"The problem is that we can't get a hundred dollars of cash. We are building a new house. Now the days are better. Unlike before, the money that has been saved by generations can be used to build a house for the children to be married."

It is easy for us to make money. We must completely remove the small houses in the past, build a two-story building, add a large yard, grow vegetables in the front yard, raise pigs in the backyard, and bring the water from the beach to feed the pigs. The money is taken out to invite people and buy materials, not enough to buy a boat, and the cost of opening a restaurant. ”

Chen Yuhong reveals a distressed look. However, there is still a touch of happiness between the eyebrows. It seems that he is very much looking forward to the new house.

"Congratulations." On the 5th and 6th, he held a fist and followed him.

Chen Yuhong smiled and smiled: "Hehehe, thank you, I want to say thank you, Xiaobao and Yan’s long-lasting tablets will never be withdrawn. Who is good and who is bad, we are clear in our hearts, other officials have money in their homes. We will doubt that Xiaobao and Qiang have money, and we feel that it is normal. We do not care what the official is not a viable business rule."

"Thank you." Thanks also on May 7th, the family praised his main family, and then gave the idea: "You can drag the two boats back, and then go to the bank to borrow two boats. Your family is running the restaurant. Women and old age? Many words in their name, the bank will give a very low loan interest.

If you have a physically weak person in your family, the loan interest given by the bank will even be lower than the interest on your deposit, as well as the government tax reduction and exemption policy. ”

"Can the two ships borrow 100 yuan from the bank?" Chen Yuhong does not believe that Qianzhuang usually estimates the price of things very low.

"No." On the 5th and 7th, he shook his head: "But you can lend money to the restaurants of the two ships. You use the restaurant to go to the loan. It belongs to the project. The use of the ship to borrow is a physical mortgage. According to the risk ratio of return on investment, The risk of the former is less than the latter, and the bank will evaluate it."

"Long-sighted people, people often say that the two people of Zhang Wang are very good at taking out one by one. I agree with this statement today. If you use this mentality to deceive people, you two must be invincible." Chen Yuhong said with gratitude.

On May 7th, I still smiled and said: "The highest realm of deception is not how to lie, nor who is cheating, but the place where I went is not deceiving. My little lady said from a very young age that there is no liar in this world. , are good people, huh, huh." The first idyllic Datang 921

"Hey! Hahaha, I have heard it. I have heard it. It is said that I was still laughing at the time. I said that there was a liar on the bridge. I said how it might be. Good people are good people. Go and bring Xiaobao. Hahaha, I can't help but laugh when I think about it. I did it according to what you said. Isn't it dangerous? Does the net money bank think that we are not real?"

Chen Yuhong smiled happily for a while, turned the subject back and became serious.

Wuyi No. 5: No, let's go, this is not a lie, because cheating can't be invincible, the real invincible is benevolence, the court has a policy of fostering, and the benevolence is to the heart of the old people."

Chen Yuhong was happy to continue discussions with other people. After that, he decided to send people to watch it. The other fishing boats took the prisoners back. When they hired a large ship to help pull the two boats back, they dragged themselves too slowly. Everyone agreed.

Chen Yuhong also talked about the good things to the 5th and 6th, and the 5th and 7th proposed to use four new ships to help directly drag the boat back. No charge, just look at the power system of the new ship.

When the fishermen are happy, they are not happy to save money, but can look at the boat that was flying on the water before.

Tongqing County’s Li Qing, like a tour guide, introduced the fishermen: “I don’t know how many new ships the construction department has built. I only know that four ships in Fuzhou, four in Quanzhou, and more in Luzhou, but people don’t tell. I, my county owner's power is not enough to ask.

The information I can learn is that the small diesel engine is placed behind the four ships, the workmanship is more elaborate, and the failure rate is higher. Especially the propeller placed below is the calculation of Xiaobao and Hao, and it is. It is calculation, the importance of knowledge is here.

Then the Ministry of Industry dispatched a skilled craftsman to grind a little on the lathe, and almost had to do it again, not to say no, it was requested by Xiao Bao and Yu, involving noise, thrust, etc. The unqualified products were used on other ships. Quite good, just not meeting their requirements. ”

"The county master Qinger, we know, it is said that Xiaobao and Qiu want to build our own Datang Heavy Industry, the requirements of the craftsman is very high, just take a look, touch it, you can find the error of 0.2 mm.

The easiest training course to complete, you need to use a small handkerchief and an iron rod to make a versatile beautiful hammer, because with this hammer you can make better things with the handcuffs, and then continue to do it.

What we want to know now is, when is this ship, when can we use it, fast? When the ship comes out, the other ships are the same as the climb. Can the same thing be used on the big ship? ”

A fisherman raised his courage and said what he said to the county magistrate Li Qing. His hand was slamming his legs and nervous. He talked to the beautiful county owner for the first time in his life. Thinking, he thinks that he is very good.

Li Qing, the county owner, noticed the tension of the other party, and his heart was a little lost. She thought that she was not doing well enough. If she changed to Xiaobao and squatted here, I believe that the fishermen would not be so nervous, but actually they are better than themselves. A lot higher.

Considering the question asked by the other party, Li Qing felt that it was not revealing the secret, so he replied: "There are some ships in Luzhou that are already in use. They need something called diesel. They have been used in the military. If you want to use it, I guess five years, five years later, more advanced technology has been researched and begun to be put on the military side, while civilian use can lift the blockade."

"Is it afraid that we bought leaking technology?" The man asked again.

"No, you can't fake it. You can use it. You can take it apart. If you don't go back to fashion, you have to spend money. You can't let you use it now. There is not enough diesel. You are willing to spend five thousand driving the same boat. Back and forth? Unless you are a rich person, playing and fishing, you have to catch a fish to earn back the money."

Xu Qing said that she does not know the price of diesel. She knows that the output is not high and she is used in military research.

When the fishermen listened and were discouraged, it was better to buy a steamship ship later.

The multi-eaters who came from afar were caught, and the news quickly went to the newspaper. Many people complained about the storm, not a lot of people to drown a large number of people, otherwise there will be more slaves to do things.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao knew the news earlier. When the fishermen just discovered that they were eating more, the telegraph was sent back, and other telegraph bureaus received the signal and sent it to the west.

"Everything is stable. Now you only need to go to India from here, and then pass through quickly, attacking more cannibals." Zhang Xiaobao put down the information and said to Wang Hao, who was walking next to him.

Wang Hao also had a copy of the content on hand, and she was very happy when she knew that the last thing to be worried about was resolved.

As for the situation of many people eating storms, she did not care at all. She was fortunate that there were many people who survived and went to the places near the sea. Otherwise, they would all die. They must always be afraid and waste a lot of manpower and material resources. patrol.

At this time, their team has passed through the Mongolian tribes. The people of the Mongolian tribe did not show any hostility. Instead, they prepared the sheep, placed on the side of the 'road' of the team, and practical leather. Some are cut into pieces, and some are cut into strips.

Even one person would say simple Tang Tang and want to exchange things with Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao, especially salt.

Zhang Xiaobao thought about not changing the salt with the locals. Instead, he introduced the surnames who were preparing to be translated and asked them to trade between them.

The team only exchanged some silk with the people of Mongolian name, and a little seed of the crops, told them to plant them well, and it would be worthwhile to wait for more.

The translation of the surname is very self-satisfied with the people of the surname and said that they have endless salt, the price is cheap, if you want to exchange, you can bring things in the past, and warn the other party, do not want to use force to grab, because the local There are people in the Tang Dynasty who are stationed and their weapons are very powerful.

The people of Mongolia’s surname could not believe it first, and then they were very pleased to be confirmed by Zhang Xiaobao. The simple Tang dynasty person had not seen the real thing, and did not start to exchange. He could not help but bargain with the surname, he pointed Holding a sheep, said: "One for a skin capsule."

Zhang Xiaobao looked at the sheep. The gross weight is estimated to be more than 40 kilograms. It is not too small. If the skin is filled with water, it is estimated that it can hold about ten pounds, but the salt sinks and can have twenty pounds.

The surnamed person shook his head and smiled.

The man surnamed Meng said: "These." He is half the size.

The surnamed person still smiles and shakes his head.

Considering the surname of Meng, he lowered his hand and fell down. It is about one-tenth of the water sac, and he looks at the surname.

This is still because he thinks that the other side said that there is a lot of salt, otherwise he is willing to lead another sheep, still so much salt.

The surnamed man picked up the half of the sheepskin next to him and said to the man named Meng: "These sheepskins change the salt of the sheep."

The man surnamed Meng began to be angry. He thought that the other party was cheating on him. How could it be that a little sheepskin was filled with salt from the water bladder?

The surnamed people quickly said in the other's language: "Really, there are a lot of salt, just dig, dig out some to eat directly, some have to deal with it, it is worthless, I also want to sell you high price, but I am afraid of Xiaobao I am angry, I promised well before, and it is cheaper to eat salt for you.

You don't believe that you can find a few people to go back with me. I will let you see for yourself how much salt there is, how to eat and how to eat it, but you bring it back to walk, and the back is heavy. ”

"We are not afraid of sinking, and immediately ask people to go with you." The surnamed people still have concerns before they are sure, but choose to look at the past.

The matter was solved. After that, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao also confirmed by the people who left the power generation that the person surnamed Meng was very happy and said that he was willing to consider entering the Datang, provided that he could not be a slave after he entered.

"Now we should speed up, continue westward, cross the six-story site, and then turn to the northwest. There is the Brahmaputra River. There is just one of our fronts, specializing in attacking the multi-cannibals that are coming from India. We will cooperate with them."

Zhang Xiaobao stopped and opened the map to see and said to Wang Hao.

Wang Wei looked at the map and nodded: "Quickly, India and the region where there are more foods have begun to harvest autumn harvested crops such as wheat. It is hoped that the fleet that is going to attack the strait will have time to get them to safely collect the food. ”

"Let's hurry up now, first ask questions to the small countries in India, ask them why they can help more people, and then talk to them about food purchases. If they say no, we can continue to support us. The hostile countries attacked them."

Zhang Xiaobao is attached.

"If they say they are willing to sell?" asked Wang.

"Impossible, one dollar to buy ten pounds of wheat, are you willing to sell?" Zhang Xiaobao means that he wants to push the price down.

"I am willing to exchange foreign exchange," Wang said with a smile.

"Hey! That's a hundred pounds, don't believe this evil." Zhang Xiaobao said in general.

Today's chapter, recommend a book, late Tang, everyone can go and see. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.) 2k novel reading network

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