MTL - Great Tang Idyll-v4 Chapter 924 Struggling to find a place

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The name of the previous chapter is wrong. It is the ninth and twenty-three chapters. I am contacting the editor and I am sorry.

After an afternoon of rest, there is a rest in the evening, and the next day is another morning's preparation. The tools for the inspection are checked, and the body is scratched and handled.

After a full fish dinner at noon, the people renewed their spirits and marched toward the Brahmaputra River.

It is said that it is not completely correct to advance toward a river. To be precise, it is to go to the local settlements of this area. According to the information on the local people who used to eat too many people, there is a big tribe of more than 3,000 people here.

The tribe was controlled by a squatter. The people who provided it to the eater were helpful, but the people in front of them asked afterwards, the locals did not admit it, and they also gave a little reception to the Datang people.

Because this is not the main strategic goal, and there are many small lakes and mountains, and the local people live in a relatively scattered way, the troops of Datang have no intention to clean up, but throw it here, waiting for the attack on the river to eat more people and then consider .

The result was that after the ambush had regrouped the multi-eaters, the strategic goals changed, and the side was given away. Now the brigade is heading northwest.

Just Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Wei led the team, and the telegram told them about the situation here and they handled it.

"Where is this, it is very familiar." Along the tributary of the Brahmaputra River, it is time for the river to go northwest. Because the river beach is relatively flat, the front does not look big. In the valley, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao sat down on the bus. look at the map.

Zhang Xiaobao looked at the location calculated by the azimuth number in the telegram and drew a circle on the map. I found that there seems to be a little bit familiar here.

Wang Hao glanced at it and smiled. He said: "This is Tispur. It has a small population, but it belongs to an important military city in India. Is there a broken place in this broken place? It seems that it is not too small, three thousand People, in this small country, it is also a big force."

Zhang Xiaobao listened to Wang Yiyi and said that he understood. Why do you feel familiar, strategically, as long as you usually look at the military and historical aspects of the interesting or controversial network of what will naturally understand.

It’s just that other people’s military dignitaries, Zhang Xiaobao, didn’t care about it. It’s not a big place for him to deceive him. The main difficulty is that it’s equally difficult. Since it’s a strategic location, if you’re going to lie, it’s a rhetoric. The first thing people think of is necessarily a spy.

It is the same for everyone, so Zhang Xiaobao has been avoiding the same place when he cheated, and now there is finally a little bit of memories.

"I don't think about how much his population is, but what kind of punishment we have to pay for them. It is not our way of doing things to let them go. It seems that it is not good. It is easy to kill, but it must be Purposeful, in order to kill and kill, human nature will change. Maybe there will be nightmares after killing more."

Zhang Xiaobao’s hand began to knock on his face.

Wang Hao did not believe that Zhang Xiaobao’s words were eloquent, saying that killing would be a nightmare. With the person killed by Zhang Xiaobao, he can't sleep so well now.

Of course, she also does not intend to kill, first look at what kind of good way Zhang Xiaobao can think of.

Also sitting in the back of the car, Xiaobei nine plus Xu Yizhen, like his brother and sister at the moment, know that there is a group of people here, who provided more help to the eater, not only did not attack more eater, but also gave way, and Replenish food and game.

"Why is it wild game? Is it that many people like this mouth? I don't dare to say that eating wild game every day is very expensive." Xiaobei was sitting in the car, holding his legs in his arms and looking at the sky. Cloud, said leisurely.

Xu Yizhen didn’t believe it at Beckham’s words. Are you crying in front of me? Who am I crying with? Every day in any restaurant in your family, there is a supply of wild food. Do you mean to pay for it?

A little belly, Xu Yizhen found that Beckham looked at the cloud and looked at himself, that means letting yourself answer, why do many people like to eat game.

Considering it, Xu Yizhen replied: "I think... it’s the meat of the game, the smell of the mountain, the taste of the sea."

"Is it true that they will also make a delicious bear's paw, and a monkey head? I have never eaten it, my brother won't let it happen. There is no monkey head dish in the restaurant of the family. The monkey head mushroom has, the bear's paw is No shortage, mainly because the monkey head is too cruel, and my brother said that if you get used to the habit of eating and killing, then humanity will change.

So you see that I rarely abuse people, generally killing and killing directly, standing in front of Suzaku Street, there is no way, killing can not form a shock. ”

Beckham said, talking about the taste of the mountains and sea, and that she did not want to eat animals by killing.

Xu Yizhen did not think how it was. His ideological realm was not high enough. He thought that he was happy to eat, and nodded and said: "It is a pity."

"Since they are so delicious that they can't do it, why bother to waste their ingredients? The wild game you said is wrong." Xiaobei said to Xu Yizhen.

Xu Yizhen was depressed, and then considering it, he made a stunned look: "I know that they are reluctant to give their animals to eat more."

"Wrong, they are because they don't have any animals at all. You should be like my big Tang, I want to raise them, say that raising chickens and raising chickens, saying that raising pigs and raising pigs requires technology. Si Nong Temple is not a display. Xiaobe gently swayed his head and said to Xu Yizhen.

Xu Yizhen was even more depressed: "Do you know that you still ask me?"

"It is a way to teach you to think about problems. Grandpa Xu sent you over, I want you to learn from us, instead of enjoying a simple life of eating, drinking, and playing. People will always lose their ability to think when they are in a safe place. ""

The appearance of a small adult, Beckham, teaches Xu Yizhen.

"Enron? Enjoy? Just like me now?" Xu Yizhen pointed to himself, then pointed to the broken car assembled under his body, his arms waving, and the whole beautiful surrounding scenery around him.

That means that I followed you all the way, but I didn't enjoy it at all. I have suffered a lot, and I will continue to eat if I see the situation.

Beckham nodded: "Yeah. Look, how good are you now, follow us on the tour, if you don't have us, do you dare to go there to play here? You don't need to think about getting money now, don't worry about playing. It’s not safe enough to get up in front of you personally?”

"Listen to you, it seems to be right." Xu Yizhen found that Beckham's words make sense. Then I wondered which place had a problem, and I was really comfortable.

"Okay, okay, the road ahead is not good, get off, don't give up, poor, if not our number is not enough. Why do you call it, but the horse is too expensive, can't wading with us .

Therefore, tell us, don't ignore the things that look normal and ordinary around you, horses and cows are good. But not necessarily useful at all times.

It is naturally more comfortable to interact with a gentleman, but it is impossible to be a gentleman around me. The person who is flattering to you may not have self-respect, but he has chosen such a means of interpersonal communication, and you have neglected him. Maybe he will let you experience what is painful at a critical moment.

But when you value him, sometimes there are imaginative gains. His flattering does not mean that he does not know who is good or who is bad. How many gentlemen can block bullets for you?

This is what my brother said. Every time you are a dog, you are the most ruthless. You should cherish it. Don’t think that you are the grandson of Xu Jian, a university student of Jixian University. Your soul is higher than others. When you think others are against you. When there is no value, you lose value for him. ”

Beckham jumped off the car, raised his arm and patted his ass, said to Xu Yizhen.

After Xu Yiqi got out of the car, he followed the team in a wooded way. He thought of Beckham in his mind. He felt that it was really like this. He really ignored many people around him. When people looked at their own, they listened to each other’s identity and immediately It was rejected.

Then the other party's heart is very uncomfortable. If one day, there is danger, and there is such a person who can take the hand to save himself. But when people think of the past, they stand there to watch the fun, are they not dead?


"Beckham, what if you meet a villain?" Xu Yizhen thought of this problem, catch up with two steps and ask.

Beckham didn't know where to find a radish, and was there to feed it, and he was very happy to see it from his eyes.

Xiaoyuan helped to answer: "Where is a villain? The selfish performance is obvious. When can humanity distinguish between good and evil? Good for me is a good person, bad for me is a bad person, so simple."

Xu Yizhen listened to Xiao Yuan’s words and thought that this was simply a filthy gentleman of red fruit, but he could not rebut the evidence for a time, because the gentleman is often selfish, but in front of the righteousness is a leader. Identity, but the so-called villain has no righteousness?

Look at the soldiers, when many soldiers used to go to the land of the bar, and also drink and make trouble, but when they need to pay for them, they also have to take the knife and gun to fight people, and die.

Of course, the quality of the soldiers today is much higher. It is not easy to see the situation before, and the welfare is also very high. The more important thing is that the weapons are advanced. As long as they are well trained, the possibility of dying in general is very small.

Therefore, soldiers have free time to train, instead of worrying about going to war tomorrow, they can enjoy it if they can enjoy it, so it is really possible to die.

"A mess, a group of goblins." Xu Yizhen had to admire the nine little guys he followed, but his heart was faintly convinced that he was not convinced. Why are nine children better than themselves?

To say that life is good, Xiaoyuan, Xiaohai, Xiaozhu, and Xiaobei are indeed born to the parents of Xiaobao and You, who can’t come, and the talent is so.

But the other five children should be normal, right? But are they normal? It is clearly taught later.

I am not worse than others, sometimes IQ, for IQ, the word is very interesting, but also test, I have one hundred and twenty-six IQ, who is worse?

Xu Yizhen grinds, and the eyeballs follow, and I want to find a chance to prove myself. I prove in front of the nine little guys that I am not looking for Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao.

If you run into the two of them to show your ability, the estimated result is very tragic, poetry songs, chess and calligraphy, swords and swords, axe hooks, fried and fried, they do not seem to have any advantage, they will be Two confused.

Then you can only choose nine little guys to start, although it feels very shameful, but from another perspective, they are not ordinary children, it is not wrong to treat them as children.

If he thought about it, Xu Yizhen smiled and strode to Xiaoyuan’s side and said to Xiaoyuan: “Listen to people who say that you are unforgettable, and that you are proficient in literature, right?”

"Do you want to check the information?" Xiaoyuan looked up and asked, he has become accustomed to his special identity, and is always used as a tool by another eight brothers and sisters. Sometimes his brother and sister will also give themselves a piece of information to let them back. Come down and ask yourself to ask when you need it.

Xu Yiqi shook his head again and again, he did not want to remember with Xiaoyuan, he did not intend to find it to find abuse.

"I want to see your ability to make poetry. You have to know that it is impossible to write down, you have to learn to use it, right?"

"Yes, I am not a reference book. I am a human. Are you planning to write a poem with me?" Xiaoyuan thinks that Xu is still good, and he does not simply regard himself as a material for investigation.

"Yes, yes, write poetry, write poetry and cultivate sentiment. Yes, I found that there will be a lot of new vocabulary now. It is better for us to choose a beautiful place, and then how to make a poem? Add some color."

Xu Yizhen knows that Xiaoyuan has money and plans to make a small profit. Otherwise, if people have more money, they will not go out. How can they vomit blood?

Xiaoyuan thought about it and promised it: "Well, when we get to the place, we will compare together, the color head is the gamble of gambling, I understand, but I will say first, play big, my brother is against gambling, although my brother gambles. The technique is very powerful, and can not exceed one thousand at a time."

"Small gambling, a thousand slogans? One... One thousand texts can't be done?" When Xu Yiyi spoke, it was obviously lacking in enthusiasm, too bully, and a group of little guys were too bullying.

"Wen, let's go, an entertainment, no money, wait for people, when looking for a lake, is it good? Now if you write poetry right away, I am afraid that you can't hurry, it is troublesome to fall."

Xiaoyuan is very understanding, knowing that Xu Yizhen doesn't have much money, and that literati like Xu Yizhen needs to brew when he writes poems. When he is on the road, he can easily see his feet.

Xu Yizhen knew that Xiaoyuan was not malicious, but his heart was still uncomfortable. He was a little embarrassed, and then he considered his own situation and had to agree.

"Cheng, go to the place to choose a scene, we will learn from each other."

At this time, I fed the sly Beckham and spoke.

"Do you both bet? Can you have a bet on the outside? I am going to win my family's Xiaoyuan win, fifty."

"I am also fifty." Xiaohai immediately said.

Then a few other little guys.

Xu Yiyi promised one by one, the bet was not big, and he took the periphery.

Then he found out that he was wrong. Beckham greeted him, and the people in the team fought for fifty yuan to win.

Xu Yizhen calculated that even if the number of people was removed, 10,000 people would be excused for 500,000 words and five hundred.

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