MTL - Great Tang Idyll-v4 Chapter 931 Not afraid of adults afraid of children

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Zhang Zhong had to speak again.

"There are some people who know that there are people in the family, and they are already determined to be Japanese. They are Fengqiao Zhengji, Watanabe Shiro, Yamamoto, and the mountain temple. They are behind the scenes. They are all Japanese. The family has told Xiaobao and hey, they are not. Replying to the letter, Chen felt that they didn't care. The think tank at home thought Xiao Bao and Yu were hinting that we would bear their last blow.

Therefore, my family did not conduct private interrogation, but let it go, let more lurking Japanese people show their heads, and when the last net was exhausted, Japan no longer had the knowledge of resistance. Wind Bridge and others have been fixed. ”

After Zhang Zhong finished speaking, he paused and added: "As for the colleagues in my dynasty, there is no action, maybe I went with my think tank."

"Hear it, Zhang Zhong said good things to you." Li Longji stunned Zhang Zhong, but he also reduced his sin, and you also help others explain.

After a while, Li Longji said again: "You think Zhang Zhong is honest, people are good, wait for Xiao Bao and he will come back, maybe they don't say anything, Xiaobei nine... Hehe!"

"Your Majesty, you can't scare the minister. The minister really knows about it. But Chen does not want to control it. It is not the minister who has opinions on Zhang and Wang. It is a good thing for the court to feel that a different voice appears occasionally. This shows that there is still turmoil in my dynasty. It may not be as calm as it seems, and there are minor problems from time to time, so I can always remind me to continue to work hard."

The source of the age is not too small, he is not doing it, he is really worried about Xiaobei nine people, because there are children in his family, there are several. The usual benefits are for the baby candy house, if Beckham returns nine. As soon as I heard the matter, the child stopped the welfare during the impulse, so the impact on the children at home was too great.

Source Cognac has understood that the child's mind is very fragile and tenacious. When faced with disaster, it is tenacious, but when the peace is over, the child's soul cannot withstand such an impact. The welfare of the baby candy house stops, and other ministers' homes Not stopping. Children will lose their playmates.

Beckham, they were four people at the beginning, and they found five other people for them. In addition to political purposes, let them have a person to play with, and usually go out with them, always let them contact the local children.

I am worried that Xiaobei will not communicate with their peers. Adults are afraid of being alone, let alone children.

If Xiao Bao and Yu are angry. I can communicate with myself. Everyone can talk about it, and they are angry, how to communicate? Children are sometimes unreasonable.

The source of the heart and the sorrowful voice fell, and immediately Wang Hao followed, and he remembered listening to the welfare of his family. Because the daughter-in-law has children, Beckham and others have specially opened a part of the welfare, nutrition and supporting measures have been kept up.

If you don't say anything, Beckham will come back to know things and report it in a newspaper in the story of the baby candy house. Still let people not live?

Wang Hao can imagine that Beckham first said that he had attacked their father. Then I stopped the welfare and said that my daughter-in-law was pregnant, so they gave them benefits, and then continued to explain that when they were not in Beijing, they gave them a knife behind them.

God! When this report came out, I guess I was really starved to death in the bustling land of Beijing. This is not a political issue, it is a moral issue. What do people think?

Therefore, Wang Hao feels that he must make it clear, otherwise the thousands of people can kill.

"Your Majesty, Yongcheng brother, tell the truth, I didn't know this thing at first. I later learned, I am still happy for a while, I am not afraid of your jokes, I always want to find some trouble for Xiaobao and Hey, accurate. Said to be Yongcheng brother.

Why, because I am embarrassed, if Yongcheng brother is going to fall, I can be happy all day, but I am so sad, I want to say that Yongcheng brother broke his head and broke his head, infected with fever, I really I don't want to, if I say that I will die from Yongcheng brother, I will be very sad. I don't even know what to do. I will regret it. I should not be right with Yongcheng brother.

I and Yongcheng brothers have no enemies of life and death. I just took a little bit of thought. I have been seen by people who have been arrested. I don’t care, it doesn’t matter. If they say that they are killing two kings, I They will be anxious, they just incited, and they don’t understand the details of Zhang and Wang. I always think that people who have dumped the mildew can still understand?

Therefore, I am not looking at the fire across the bank, nor is it sitting on the mountain. I am just a busy one. I have never felt that the Japanese can pick up any storms. How can I see if Yongcheng’s brother can’t handle it? ”

Wang Hao did not keep a word when he spoke, and even his own thoughts were given out, and he did some analysis.

"I believe in Wang Xiong's words." Zhang Zhong gave proof. He knew Wang Hao and said that he was a good man. He was a little embarrassed and thought that he was a bad person. He really didn't want to die. When you walk with him, he wants you to fall over and then snicker, but if you have a pointed stone facing your head in the place where you fall, he would rather stretch his arm and block it for you, I don’t want you. Can't get up again.

It is such a person, it is a bad thing to be friends with such a person. It is a bad time when you are unlucky. He laughs at you. The advantage is that he is willing to risk you when he meets life and death. It is a very contradictory and real life. People.

Li Longji naturally also knows what happened to his family's Shangshu Wang Shuo. He nodded and was recognized.

Wang Hao sighed and got the understanding of His Majesty and Zhang Zhong. If you want to come back to Beckham, they should not target themselves again.

With the source of both Qian Gan and Wang Wei, other ministers also said their reasons. If they say it, the officials of Xinjia as early as the DPRK feel that they are not afraid of Zhang Zhong, not afraid of kneeling, nor worry about Xiao Bao and Yu. On the contrary, it is more afraid of Xiaobei’s nine children.

It’s amazing, why aren’t they afraid of real power owners and worry about a group of little guys?

Think again, some newcomers understand, adults can communicate, big deal can not recognize a mistake, the little guy can't communicate. A child with a lot of power and power is the most fearful.

Li Longji looked coldly at the ministers below, and looked at it and smiled.

Pointing at them and shouting: "A group of timid things. Look at what you are now, not like a minister? A group of cute little babies scared you like this, it looks like you made a mistake, gave Beckham Their great power is still very deterrent to my Datang officials!

Innocent plus five, this is right. No matter how clever the officials who do bad things, how much evidence is destroyed, as long as they are caught by Beckham. Not a good one. ”

"His sacred Ming." The ministers are very tacit.

"That's right, I am really holy. Since the Yongcheng family has plans, you can't let it go. Otherwise, it's not the point at the church. Xiaobao and you will think that you are selling the country. But it’s not that they are doing it. You should try your best.

I really provoke my political stability in Datang, forcing Xiaobao and Yu to personally shoot, you should understand, hey, can't keep you, even the Prince. I made the same mistake, and I couldn’t stand Xiaobao and I couldn’t stand it. ”

Li Longji looked serious when he spoke this time. He was not scaring people. He knew that Xiao Bao and Yu had the bottom line. As a Datang person, don't touch this bottom line. Everything is good to discuss, Xiaobao will stay in the line, touch, no return.

The ministers did not say anything, but they could be seen from the face. They were equally serious, not afraid of Xiaobao and Yi, but as Datang people. They also had their own codes of conduct and morality.

"Continue to the next topic." Li Longji felt that this was basically solved until now. As for the person who is responsible for welcoming the six hexagrams, there is no need to worry about the people in the hall. Before asking, they are deliberately letting the courtiers know that they are The gap between Xiaobao and Yu is always too convinced.

For Li Longji, you can't be convinced, but you have to take it out. It's not that you can't say it if you don't agree with it. If you have some difficulties, you will retreat. If you encounter the benefits, you will go forward. Who will not?

What you need is not the kind of person. When that person can be okay, he will be touting and flattering. When he is critical, he needs someone like Xiao Baozhen.

If you really want someone who makes you feel comfortable, Beckham is more suitable for them. When you are flattering, dare to grab something with yourself? Beckham can, they fight for a piece of meat chopsticks, and finally, no matter who knows the mouth, everyone is happy.

The ability to meet your normal needs can be dealt with immediately in the event of various natural disasters, and the opportunity to use disasters can be rebuilt when people are guaranteed their lives.

In the face of any setbacks is not a problem, the situation is stronger, but the entire Tang Dynasty, the only thing that has this ability is Xiaobao and Yi.

It’s especially easy to be with them. It seems that all the problems are not problems. Two people have time to laugh, and Xiaobao can take time to cook.

When will Datang be able to make a few more people like Xiaobao and You, you don't need to be very powerful, you can reach half the level.

"Your Majesty, Chen intends to build a dam on the river around the capital to generate electricity this year. The newly researched generators of the Ministry of Construction can be used in rivers where the flow is not very large. If electricity can be used, many specialized products will be corresponding. Appeared, for example, a process, electroplating.

There is also the decomposition of oxygen and hydrogen. The airship made by the Ministry of Construction some time ago is much faster than the hot air balloon. The inside is filled with hydrogen, oxygen can be used for welding, and medical treatment, the current production capacity is very low, the welding is basically No oxygen is used on it, and the effect is quite poor. ”

When talking about business, Zhang Zhong first spoke.

"Oh, oxygen has been used, the weather is not good a few days ago, stuffy, sputum is cold, and the stomach is not good. As a result, if you eat something, you can't breathe. Some people use the oxygen bottle for it. It is very comfortable. I really want to use it all the time, but the doctor said that it will not work. After a long time, the body will not be able to adapt to the time when there is no separate oxygen supply."

Li Longji proved it, that is to say, agreed.

"Your Majesty, Chen wants to build a city in the northern part of the land, used to station my Datang personnel, can be cold, can be against foreign enemies." One person looked for a chance to insert a mouth.

Li Longji frowned and looked at the past: "No, what city, the sturdy Jiangshan will not repair the outer city Guo, only repair the house."


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